NEWS HAPPENINGS jGf Kings Mountain MRS. W. K. CROOK, Reorter. Items Of Krws Will Be Appreciated—Phone 177— (Special to The Star.V The Commercial Bank and Trust Co., along with five other Commer cial banks being located In Llncoln ton. Mount Holly and Chcrryville with the home office bank in Gas tonia, Was closed Friday. The closing of the banks were caused hy rumors that the Gastonia bank was weak, which resulted In heavy withdrawals on the local bank. - However it is expected that, the bank will be opened again within a lew davs. [' VA, womanless wedding" will be Iffvcn In the general school auditor [lum next Thursday evening at 8.00 (o'clock by fllteeen men of the cen r tral Methodist church. The play is (being directed by Miss Jones of the (eebtral School faculty and Mrs. it. . R. Church. i . Clyde Mortis will act the part of the blushing bride, while Mr. Prank Love Is to be the lucky groom. The senior class is planning io present three one-act plays within ;the nex.t ten days. The plays selected arc: ‘Neigh bors,’' by Zona Gale; "The Florist. Shop,” by Wtnnifred Hawkins and • The Boor” by Tchekor. The vest ibul singers, a local col lored choir with Rev. B. P. Falls as lender will broadcast again over WBT next Wednesday afternoon ‘from 4:30 until 5;00 o'clock. The iiflrst program broadcast was on ■March 18. ! J. D. Benton who has been con 'itiected with Griffin Drtig co., and who recently accepted work with the Southern BeH Telephone co., in Joreer, S. C.. has resigned his po sition and Is now employed at No. 'One "M” system store on Moun tain st. Messrs Raymond Cline and Harry Falls are the proprietors of the local “M” system stores. The Woman's college of Due West |8. jQ.. presented Miss Ruth Eltza Ifoe'th Hord, pupil of Elizabeth Ntch ies, in an expression recital on Tues day evening, April 2, in the memor ial hall of the college. Miss Hord is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Hord of this place. Miss Hord was [assisted by Miss Rebecca McElroy iKerr of Spartanburg, S. C„ soprano, with Leslie Lee Lacey, accompanist. Miss Kerr is well known here, hav ing lived here several years during the pastorate of her father, Rev. G. L. Kerr, at Boyce Memorial A. R. Presbyterian church. Among those attending the recital were Dr. and Mrs. J, G. Hord. James Edwin Hord Miss Mary Frances Hord, Dr. and Mrs, J. M. Garrison and John Mc Gill of this place. Mrs. S. E. Spen cer, Mrs L. L. Anthony jr„ Miss Rachel Spencer and Dr McGill of Gastonia and Miss Lena Ware who Is teaching at Tucapau. 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith most delightfully entertained their bridge club last Thursday evening at eight o'clock at their home, E. Knight St. Tfye home was attractively arrang ed with numerous lovely bowls and ^vases of spring flowers. After the games the hostess served a tempt ing salad course. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Dtlllng. Mr. and Mrs. Hayne Blackmer, Mr and Mrs. Percy Dilling. Mr and Mf». Paul Manget. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Booth Gil lespie, Mr. and Mrs. McLary. Mr. anfi Mrs. M. A. Ware. Mr. and Mrs. T.l F. Boozer, Mrs. Annie Dilling, Messrs. Kenneth Kirby, Bus Lentz and E. S. Christenbury. The local chapter of the U. D. C. piet at the home of Mrs. J. G. Hord an last Friday afternoon with the following ladies ns hostesses, Mrs. I>. F. Ormond, Mrs. j'. C. Patrick gnd Mrs. Hord. The home was ar tistically decorated with potted {flints and spring flowers. The meeting was opened by the Chaplain, Mrs. J. R. Davis. Mrs. Harry Falls presided over the busi ness session. Mrs. B. F. Ormond Jjad charge of the following pro gram, Reading “Fort Fisher, scene Of the world's greatest bombard ment.” Mrs. L. F. Neal: song “Caro lina." Reading, “The Minuet,” by Sara Hambrlght. Reading by Mrs. Lester Hoke The program was con cluded with a talk by Mrs. A. H. Patterson. A delicious congealed salad with accessories was served. Compliments Star And Baptists Here Mdrganton News Herald. Congratulations are in order to Shelby Baptists for the completion and dedication of one of the hand somest church plants in this sec tion of the state. The opening and dedication servioes were very ap propriately held on Easter Sunday. In recognition of the event the Shelby Star issued last Friday a splendid special edition giving pic tures and sketches of the church and those connected with its pres ent and past. The Star is always "on the Job” for Shelby and Cleve land county. Ella GriaUn. 17, of Chicago ms fiped (50 for locking out her ein Ste srpctern- i&Jte *>use. Pe.»ny Column l»AY Y O l' It COUNTY Taxes during April. IPs the last month. Irvin M. Allen, Sheriff. 2t-8c LOST: ON SATURDAY, APRIL (3. in Shelby or between town and river, one bag of cane seed. Finder please notify W. If. Humphries, Shelby, N. C\, U-4. It 8p WE GUARANTEE each; Flour $3.40; Breakfast Bacon 22c lb.; Fat Back 12|c lb. C. H. Reinhardt South Shelby. 2t-8c DAHLIAS AND GLADIOLUS bulbs and chrysanthemum plants for sale. Mrs. W. A. Pendleton. 2t 8c FOR SALE-REG ISTERED Jersey cow —Cash or on time. A. C. Miller. lt-8c REINHARDT’S — 7 O’Clock Breakfast Coffee, fresh ground 35c lb. lt-8c FOR RENT: THREE-ROOM UN furnlshed apartment. Desirable lo cation. Close In. Phone 275. Mrs. W. L. Packard. tf 8c FOR SALE. FRESH MILK COW. H. C. Allen, Shelby, R-6. 6t 8p WK SPECIALIZE O N Magneto Work. Turner & Williams Garage. lt-8c LOST SATURDAY LEFT AUTO at Ideal Service Station, German police dog, female. Wearing collar with owner’s name. Reward. Ray McKee. R-l, Lattlmore. 3t lip FOR SALE—GOOD ESSEX Four. A Bargain. Turner & Williams Garage. lt-8c WANTED TO DO Floor Sanding. Satis factory work guaran teed. C. A. Morrison & Son. 12t-8c FORRENT^FIVE room house on S. De Kalb. See Coy Morri son or call 124-Jj at once. lt-8p FOR RENT-FIVE room house on S. De Kalb. See Coy Morri son or call 124-J, at once. lt-8p THIS IS THE LAST month in which to pay coun ty taxes. Please attend to this at once. Irving M. Allen, Cleveland County Sheriff. 2t8 FIVE ROOM HOUSE WITH water, sewerage, lights and garden for rent on W. Warren St. See W. A. Broadway, or call 13-R, It 8c NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by H. C. Ponder and wife, Kath leen Ponder, to the First National Bank of Durham, N. C„ Trustee, dated April 1st, 1928, and recorded in Book No. 150, page 181, Cleve land county registry, the First Na tional Bank of Durham, North Carolina, will on April 20th, 1929. At 12:00 O'clock M. at the Court House in Cleveland county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the fol lowing described property: Beginning on a stake on the East side of Second street. Northwest corner of Lot No. 84, and runs North 84 1-2 East 150 feet to a stake in Beam's line; thence with his line North 5 1-2 West 100 feet to a stake; thence South 84 1-2 West 150 feet to a stake on East side of Second street; thence South 5 1-2 East 100 feet to the beginning. Being Lots Nos. 90, 91. 92 and 93. shown by plat recorded in Book of Pltfts No. 1 at page 62 in the of fice of Register of Deeds of Cleve land county, North Carolina, ref erence to which plats is hereby made for further identification and description of said lots. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said deed of trust. This 6th day of March, 1929. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM. North Caro j lina, Trustee. W. S. Lockhart, Attornev. LUUlOWPv -N. C* - Representative William M. Morgan of Ohio, who voted for the Jones law, is accused by customs officers of bringing four bottles of liquor into this country when he landed in New York Monday from the steamship Cristobal. (4) Representative M. A. Michael son of Illinois, who also voted for the Jones law, is revealed as under indictment for trying to bring li quor into the country and a United States deputy marshal is sitting on his doorstep in Chicago trying to serve a warrant that will take him to Florida for trial. Now the important aspect of these things is that they are not acciden tal results of prohibition, but typi cal results; each one of them, in its way, represent a chicken that the drys have insisted In loosing and that now comes home to roost. The sinking of the I'm Alone. If it can be defended at all, must be defend ed under a treaty which was advo cated by drys and bitterly assailed by wets as impairing a maritime principle that the United States had fought for since its founding. The killing of Mrs. De King was the result of such enforcement methods as drys have defended for ten years in spite of the pleadings of wets that such brutal tactics be abandoned. .The case of the two representatives is squarely up to the Anti-Saloon League. For years that organization, in selecting the legis lators whom it would support, has asked one question, -and one ques tion only, and that Is whether they would vote dry. When two of them are now accused it can have no complaint that It has been betray ed. This is the kind of thing It has deliberately countenanced in the past, so it merely reaps what it has sown. The situation, then, Is cracking in many different places at once. It is not surprising that in three Mid dle Western states—Illinois, Wis consin and Michigan—there is a scramble on the part of legislators to do something about the enforce ment laws. For legislators are respon sive to public opinion, and that public opinion has been aroused by these recent occurrences must be manifest to anybody who has ears to hear what people are saying. An aroused public opinion can well force the coming congress to come to grips with the problem in earn est and extend the scope of its ac tivities much further than the en forcement investigation contemplat ed by Mr. Hoover. Lawsuit Over Title To 97 Wreck Ballad Danville Man Sues Victor Company For Royalties On Famous Sons. Danville, Va.—The spectre of Danville’s greatest railway tragedy, the wreck of No. 97, was raised here when two New York attorneys, R. L. Nase and L. B. Ledue, began taking depositions in a copyright suit which has been filed in the federal courts of New Jersey against the Victor Talking Machine com pany by D. O. George. Georve claims to have written the words of the frequently heard bal lard depicting the Southern mail train’s ride to death on September 27, 1903, and insists that no re producing company had the right to make wax records of the song without the payment of royalties. The recording company is under stood to claim that the original song was not copyrighted and that there was no infringement of rights in so doing. Depositions are being takea at a local hotel because it is claimed that there are many men in the employ of the Southern here who may be Western Carolina’s Late Farm Problems Asheville Citizen. The paragraph from The Clay County News quoted by George W. McCoy in his Monday morning col umn in The Citizen of yesterday is indicative of the keen interest which Western North Carolina county newspapers are taking in the prob lem of building a prosperous farm population in the mountain country. That this can be accomplished is now evident but the fact that some of the mountain counties have made very much greater progress than others is proof that sound, aggressive, persistent leadership is still the prime need in this situa tion. In Clay county The News puts the poultry industry first, Just as the Farmers’ Federation is doing when ever its activities have reached; and the results which have been achiev ed in the past year or two would seem to indicate clearly that eggs and poultry offer the quickest and most profitable return to the small mountain farmer who is willing to s;ivc Intelligent attention to their production. But along with poultry there are other opportunities hard ly less inviting. If this section can oe made one of the poultry centers of the country, and the effors of the past two years give assurance in this direction, it should be only a matter of a short time until the Income of the average small farm er throughout the mountains is at least doubled. The farm problem in Western North Carolina is very different from the farm problem generally. Here we have the opportunity to do something which in many sections now seems almost hopeless in spite of the fact that Its desirability is beyond question—that is to say, there is a better chance in the mountains to bring prosperity to the individual small farmer than there is almost anywhere else. This is because of the extraordinary va riety of agricultural products which can be produced profitably in this region under the right kind of pro gram. At the very time when the small land owner in many parts of the country has seen his chances of making a living lessened year by year the very opposite has been happening in the mountain country. The most notable change that has been effected by the coming of good roads to the mountains *S the opportunity which these roads have brought to the mountain farmer, and what has been accomplished already is only an index of what we may expect. Five years from now when the small farmers of West ern North Carolina have really got ten on their feet and have escaped the poverty which has been the lot of so many of them in the past this is going to be a finer region for all of us. Ten years from now the mountain cabins will probably be extinct but where these cabins stood there will be attractive farm homes, thousands of them, as good to look at as they will be comfort able to live in. Already this prospect is captur ing the imagination of many. It should not be long now before the program has behind it the united endeavor which is all that is needed to bring it to speedy success. April Events. Charlotte Observer. Historically April is a month of war and tragedy. A forgetful peo ple might be reminded that it was on April 6. 1917, that the United States declared war with German, and that it was on the 26th of April, the same year that “ the first shot" was fired in the war between our country and Germany. It was on April 25, 1898 that the United States declared war against Spain. April 8, 1865, developed fateful Ap pomattox, and April 9 the surren der of Gen. Lee, and event follow ed five days later with assasina tion of President Lincoln. Verily, April is a month of tragic memories. able to shed light on the author ship. George claimed to have seen the runaway train on its last ride ap proaching a wayside station between Danville and Catham, and that its speed was so great that it was ac companied by a cloud of dust. Real izing that a dlstaster Was impending George says he came to Danville, saw the wreckage below the curving trestle and was moved to reduce it to poetry. He fitted the words, he said to “Sh1|k that Never Come Back.” Seeks Sister Stolen As Baby Fifty Years Ago By Avenger Atlantic City.—Newsapers and po lice of South New Jersey have been asked by Mrs. Louise Ackley, of Bridgeton to help her in the search for her younger sister, Barbara, who was kidnapped fifty years ago in Mergentheim, Germany. At first glace the tasks seems hopeless, bttt Mrs. Ackley thinks otherwise. Twenty years ago she received information that her miss ing sister had been married to an Atlantic City man, and it is her be lief that she may still be found. Barbara was kidnapped under strange circumstances when she was seven months old. According to Mr. Ackley, an enemy of her father's threw the Mlant into a trance so deep that the child's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schnauf ter, were convinced she was dead and prepared to bury her. Before' that could take place the “enemy ’ exchanged a dead child for the Schnauffer baby. Years later, Mrs. Ackley declares, the enemy admitted his hoax and taunted the parents. They believe Barbara had been brought to America and consequently came to this country. The trail led to Philadelphia and ultimately to this part of New Jer sey. Mrs, Ackley has been a resid ent of Bridgeton for forty years and lives at No. 71 Magnolia Ave nue. . „ iYanks Coming, of Course Mark KOENIG \ '©tuu. rk* BVFEUSWe SOOKTSTOP LOOKS SU5ZE OF A ‘STEACV C5SB, MAZY. Vs AUStAOy esrABUSBlMG ;UlMSfeUF A-S A EAST v‘HOT CGRNEf^ G CARO AM DCWJN IN 0KIAUC*AA IHAT'D -&E A snsuce'- > 3W4E EWPpEKV is, SUU- MO EASING UVS \ T^iCK F£OOR\-^ 1 Afeuems. ok ho MBurarps cr has. ^EEN POUND THAT TONi LAZZBRl GAN CTJU- MANAGE TO TOSS A BASEBALL HaofA SECOND TO PUSST Of VMICV ftoOEE IS. BACK. AS GOOD AS EUEE VWtTH THAT FUNNY fDSE HE ASSUMES ATTEST RJMGJH’ liP A 3AZZLEK- AEp fcO, King Syndicate, tne.. Great Britain rurfats ^ABE RUTHS LEGS WU, CAJ3?/ HIM TD RIGHT 1ELD VJJrrHOliT GALUW* a rm -w i So TH‘ YANKEES '1 SW—fs By QUIN HALL Miller uuggins, mite manager of the New York Yankees, is going to the wars this year with just about the same gang that won him the pen itent and the world series last year. Like Connie Mack of the A’s, Miller is almost standing pat—but not quite. During the workouts and the ex hibition games at St Petersburg, Lyn I Ary, expensive shortstop from the Pacific Coast, has shown enough to cinch him a place on what has come to be known as “the third league” or the best club 'in baseball — statistics seem to grove it. And to fill the hole left y the passing of Joe Dugan, Hug gins has shoved Mark Koenig over from short to the hot comer. While Lary’s fielding in some of the early exhibition tussles has not been so hot, he is sure to steady up plenty before the sea son opens. Between two seasoned performers like Tony Lazzeri and Koenig, he’s a safe bet to strike his stride once the season gets under way. Huggins has brought his gang along slowly so far. Instead of circusing his performers, which was the rule rather than the ex ception down in Florida, the vest pocket sized pilot was content to do most of the team’s exercising Shoots Girl, Then Self Mary Yates, 18-year-old school girl, was shot dead by Edwin J. Melhuish, 49, father of her school chum, following crash of automobile in which they were driviftg. It is alleged that Mary was fighting off ad vances of Melhuish, when he lost control of wheel and car plunged off road, following which he shot Mary, then self, UattraaUoiuU SkuhI) 'in St Petersburg. While others clubs were doing much of their Spring training in busses which carried them from camp to camp, Huggins let the other fellows bring 1 their coal to Newcastle. The Braves also did their con ditioning in the Sunshine (and Windy) City. The two clubs put on quite a series right at home. | Most of the other clubs who de ' sired to cross bats with the Yanks came to St. Pete to do their cross ing. As a result the World Champs should be much fresher when the barrier lifts than some of the other Florida-trained athletes who were worn out even two or three weeks ago with incessant bus I travel. I There were other reasons why i Huggins brought his tribe along , slowly. He wasn’t so sure of some jof his stars. Herb Pennock, his ace southpaw, was out at the close of last season with neuritis, but ; now the fox raiser looks as good I as ever and is sure to be just as ! efficient on the mound, i Tony Lazzeri was also suffering from the same ailment when the Yanks folded up last Fall and it was feared for a time that the pitcher might be called on to rush over between first and second and relay Tony’s toss to Gehrig this year if Push-’Em-Up remained in the line-up! However, it has been discovered that Tony can still rifle ’em around the infield as of old and that’s another weight off Mil ler’s shoulders. Then there was the question about Ruth’s legs. After a few weeks in St Pete it was discov ered that the Babe’s underpinning was still sufficiently strong to get him out to right field and up to the plate without the aid of crutches. In some of the exhibi tion games the Babe’s heaves to the plate were as wild as the waves out on the Gulf, but the fans need have no fear that thi3 will be per manent. Wiley Moore, who proved such a great bet as a relief pitcher in 1927 only to go bad in 1928, looks ready to again take his place as a finisher this year, and Hug has a few new pitchers, the best seeming to be a fellow named “Dusty” Rhodes, from Hollywood. “Dusty” is a handsome youngster, and the camp mystery at St. Pete was cen tered about how he ever kept out of the pictures. He used to pitch for the University of Utah. In addition to all of these cheery items Jake Ruppert was still sport ing that trick fedora of his at the Waterfront Park and around the lobbies of St Pete’s leading hostel ries, which indicates that he thinks the Babe is going to have another great season and is saving up for the added money Ruth will want in 1930!!! And, with all these thing*, Hug gins is very happy. ~Don’t Want To Live~ He walked into the of lice swing ing a slender cane and whistling a \ tune, writes John Sorrels, editor! The Forth Worth (Texas) Press, i "I am out working my territory,” I he said, ‘‘and thought I’d drop in to see you.” ‘‘I don’t want to buy anything,” I replied shortly. "And I’m not selling anything,” he returned pleasantly. “What is your business, then?” I asked. “My business is living,” he re plied. I started to say something, but he interrupted quickly. "I’m not nutty,” he said. “I’m the most sensible man in this part of the country.” Every now and then, he said, he shuts up shop, puts on his hat and coat and walks away. He may be gone a day or a week or longer. He goes wherever it suits his fancy . . . stops when he gets tired of moving. He goes by bus, by train, by inter urban and occasionally does a little hitch-hiking. He is a substantial man of af fairs in his home town. At heart he is a tramp and a poet . . . which is one and the same. He will swing onto a bus and ride unti he comes to a town that strikes him as interesting. Then he will swing off .... walk around. If he sees something—or some one— that strikes his fancy he may spend the night there, or a week. He will sit on a box in the general store and loaf through the long after noon, talking and whittling. He will find out what the people are doing, what they are thinking, what their problems are, what their dreams and hopes and aims are. He'll get a line on the best fish ing places . . . and more than like ly promote an invitation to stick around and do a little fishing. “How are you able to get away from your business and play the vagabond?” I asked. “It’s the simplest thing in the world,’ he laughed. “I simply lock the door and walk off.” “You'll lose out that way," I said. “What of it?” he asked. “I'm 58 years old. I’ve managed to keep well fed and well clothed and well housed all those years honestly..” He picked up his cane and start ed away. Then he came back. "Don’t ever let your job or your business make a slave out of you,” he advised confidentially. "My job is my ser vant. I use it—It doesn't use me.” Then, whistling the same tune that was on his lips -'hen he came in, he wheeled and ma rched, swing ing his cane. He was gone . . . and with him some of the sunlight seemed to go, too. * • * You can write your own moral to all that, but mine is this: I'm go ing to make my job my servant, not my master. I'm going to get into the business of living. That is, I’m going to do that when my affairs have reached such a point that I can turn loose. Which, of course, will be too late. ADVERTISE IN THE STAR — IT PAYS.