1 Radio Listeners Tune In On Oversea Talks By Telephone Shwl-Uavr SrK Lavr-sdrop On Americans Talking To I'aris And London. Nr* York Times Willi transatlantic telephone ser vne bring freely availed ol, more j especially iti New, York, it is a rela tively simple matter for radio lis teners equipped with short-wave re ceivers to lune the 33-meter hand and to hear .men and women talk ing to London and Paris or other European centres where the facili ties arc available. The complete pri vrey of thpsr conversations is main tained by reason of the fact that the voice;.heard is that of the New A or!; party and the return conver sation which conics in on a differ ent channel is not heard. Hie last year has seen a steady : increase in iritercst by radio listen- ! ers in the short band: Until com pi ratively recently this was a field h’fi large'-/ *o the amateurs who j vork in Morse code With the dis covery that several domestic sta tion;. were broadcasting entertain ment on the short wave channels! and that they can be heard by da quite as well as by night, receivers! adapted to this field have been put on the market, while many ‘-home made’ sets have been brought in to use. Usuaiiy they arc the ’adap-, ted ’ type, or small instruments which can be plugged into tlic de leter socket, thus utilizing the high-wave circuit for the short wave channels. This development ’us been marked in regions that have been deprived of daylight reception because of their distance from the more powerful broadcast *rs. To tune the transatlantic tele phone band anywhere between 5 and 6 o'clock Eastern Standard Time is to cut in on one-sided con versations which cannot fail to in trigue the listeners. The guilty feel ing provoked by failure to mind one's business is pacified in part by inability to follow these talks with complete intelligibility. Types Of Conversation. Men with evident large financial interests arc heard talking about the New York stock market's oper ations and the prospects of its fu ture course. Deals are heard in the making, and the conversations are usually quite leisurely, with- ten minute contacts quite frequent. Men may be heard greeting their wives three thousand miles away, and women telling member* of their iamily in London when they ex pect to sail for home. Women, it has been found over a period of listening, almost invariably give vent to Mime expression ns to tire scientific marvels of tfie age. "Isn't this wonderful" is a frequent exclamation. Some of the conversa tions indicate loneliness over per iods of separation and a looking forward to coming reunions with expressions of endearment The identity of the person called is learned by the listener-in, pro vided he or she happens to tune the band at the time the New York op erator is listing a call. "Hello, London,” comes the voice of the New York exchange oper ator, “I have a ticket,,*’ and she then proceeds to give the call with meticulous care. If it is Mr. Smith the operator mi vs "S for Saturday, M for Monday," rounding out the spelling with careful emphasis. Then the operator gives the tele phone number at which he will be leu rid Usuallj it takes but a few min utes and the operator's voice is heard in New York saying "All right I'm ready." There is a pro nounced clicking and the two par ties arc in communication. It is apparent, also that the New York operator constantly listens to the conversations in order to see that service is maintained "All right London I ni through," comes the carefully enunciated phrase of the weaver of speech in New York on completion ot a call. At times there are atmospheric troubles and fading, if not static in terference. A conversation may be readily detected as being interrup ted by the lrequent Hello's'’ of the New York spokesman and complaint "I can't hear you." Generally the New York operators calls in a test board operator and a male voice is heard calling London to "come in on 32 meters.” During the evening there are oc casional lapses in traffic and at such times operators on both sides of the Atlantic engage in small talk and topics of the day. There are what appear to be mild flirtations. Only recently the New York opera tor was heard discussing with some person "on the other side" the prudence of exchanging photo graphs, and it is apparent that these daily ethereal contacts arc building up friendships betw.een men and women who may never see each other in the flesh. It is reported by a representative of the telephone company that a device is being developed that will scramble the spoken words at the transmitter while another machine at the receiver makes them intel ltgiblp to the receiver. Into this, ma chine. he said, a man can talk In a special sound language that will mean nothing until it passes through the translating device For ex ample, when the word "Schenecta dy" is spoken into the scrambling machine it. is reproduced as an animal-like sound. But when pick ed up by the decoding instrument it is made to sound like the origi nal "Schenectady.'' Report of the Condtlon of the UNION TRUST COMPANY, of Shelby at Shelby, North Carolina to the Corporation Commission At the Close of Business on the 27th day of March, 1029. Resources. Loans and discounts ... $904,587.17 Overdrafts. . 482.88 United States bonds - 51,921 88 County and municipal bonds . .....-- . 7.900.00 All other blocks and bonds . 7,200.00 Banking house .. 4.000.00 Furniture and fixture , 8 449 95 Cash in vault and amounts due from approved depos itory banks - ------ 117,596 42 Checks lor clearing and transit items. 2,668.05 Due from banks (Not ap proved depositories > - 087.40 Otlier real estate.3,200.00 TOTAL $1,197,792.93 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In 100,000.00 Surplus fund . - 85,000.00 Undivided profits 'net amount .... 18,596.61 Reserved for interest . 32.195.07 Reserved tor taxes -- - 1.500.00 Other deposits subject to check - _- - 316.813.70 Cashiers checks outsUid ing . - - — 418 83 Time, certifirates of deposit, (due on or after 30 days) ... -. 513,706.42 Savings deposits 'Due on or alter 30 days) - $15.044 94 Uninvested trust deposits 62.517.38 Bills payable - . - 52,000.00 TOTAL . ... $1,197,792.95 State of North Carolina, County of Cleveland, ss Forrest Eskridge, cashier, Chas. C. Blanton, director, and J. T. Bowman, director of the Union Trust Co. each personally appear ed before me this day,, and, being duly sworn, carh for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and be lief FORREST ESKRIDGE. Cashier CHAS. C. BLANTON, Director J. T. BOWMAN, Director. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 4th day of April. 1929. FRANK L. HOYLE. JR Notary Public. My commission expires 6-8-30. Copeland’s HEALTH TALK 0 “Slouchy” Health Bv ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. 1). (f'nited Stales Senator and former Health Commissioner of New Y’ork) Is there any scientific foundation lor the brlici certain persons have ■that they can •feel’' the onset ol bad weather? It is a common thin? lor rheumatic persons to say they can feel in their bones" that the wrnthrr is to change I am asked frequently;if there Is any sense in t his. OK. CU t.LA.ND. it is probably that barometric pressure Mas its cfled upon ttie body. If it really Mas, a rising or tailing barometer would have its effect Before a storm tire barometer . falls, This release of pressure lessens the escape of water from 1110 body. It interferes with the free miton ot the skin. Perspiration Is lessened. Just how this ts accomplished may tie crudely likened to the effect, of pressure on a sponge If you squeeze it, the wutei runs out. II you release the pressure the water stays In the sponge. In a sense, this ts what happens to the body by lessening the atmospheric pressure upon Its surfaces. With the derreased barometne pres sure the fluid does not escape in the u ual quan tities. In consequence unat may can me normal ••water balance" Is disturbed. This causes (ertaln efforts upon the] sensory nerve endings in the skin. As a result there is a disturbance of the nerve centers. Restlessness is the observed response A few weeks ago a Chicago phy siologist. Dr. C. S. Smith, con tributed an article to the American I Journal of Physiology. In this he points out that. ‘•The restlessness of various ani mals that Is often noted before a storm might be accounted for by the low barometric pressure and the consequent water retention With an animal that is particularly sensi tive to this condition there is thus given a foreknowledge of approach ing bad weather, so that migratory birds are away before there Is any sign in the skv of a weather change. ! Hogs usually bed themselves down and cattle on the range become rest less and seek shelter, hours before there is any evidence of impending change in reaction that will impress the senses of man." This scientist explains on the same grounds the claims of par sons who suffer with rheumatism or any one of several other disorder that make the nerves particularly sensitive, that they can tell the ap proach of bad weather. They suf fer increased pain or have other symptoms that cause them to "feel it in their bones.” Perhaps weather and thr water ; apply of thr body are related m . uch a way that the atmospheric changes are actually felt. It may well be that the baromet ric conditions arc more important than we .suspect. One of my doctor friends lias preached this doctrine ! :a long time It is a iact ttiat a physician's ‘ rounds on a bright, sunshiny day, | may find every patient restless and ; uncomfortable. There may be no ! obvious physical reasons for these ' unpleasant symptom: It may well be that the state ba rometer Is responsible. That is what my doctor friend has believed for | years. This most rceent theory con | firms his conclusions. Answers To Health Queries i "Yours truly." Q —What causes a pain in the left brpast, would you advise me to see a physician? A. —Consult your doctor for a j careful examination. B. L. W. Q.—Why is it every time I cat radishes I get n sore throat? A. You probably have an idio Order Girls Home For More Clothes "Suitbacked" Presses Arouse Ire Of Dean Girls In School At Jacksonville. Jacksonvlle, Fla—"llareback” dresses locally called “sunback ed" on the theory that the more skin exposed to the sunshine the healthier were ordered banned from the Itobert E. Lee high school here over the In dignant protests of six lassies who wore them. "Such clothes are immodest and demoralize the classes." said Mrs. Marguerite Gulp, dean of girls, in telling the flappers to go home and put on more clothes. Seme did. Others didn't. "My mama approves and I don't think it's any teacher's business what I wear." declared one. Superintendents in other schools said they saw nothing immodest In the latest fad but Mrs. Culp said she Intended to have a "show down" on the matter if her edirt was not obeyed. FEWER UOl.l. Hl EYII S SI KVIVED THE WINTER Washington.- The department of agriculture's annual Investigation of boll weevil survival Indicates that fewer boll weevils survived the winter just passed than lived through the winter of 1927-28. With the exception of South Carolina, the percentage of survival showed an appreciable decrease in all sections In North Louisiana it dropped from 5.5 per rent to 1.8; Southern Louisiana. IPO to 39 per cent; Oeorgi.i. 40 3 to 17 7 per cent, and Alabama. 30 3 lo 19.6 per cent The South Carolina percentage increased from 1.3 to 9.2 percent. The percentage of survival was not Indicated lor Texas; syncraey for them. Avoid eating them. W A P. Q.—What do you advise for indigestion and constipation. A —First of all correct your diet Eat simple well-rooked food. Avoid foods unduly rich in fats and starches. S e n d self-addressed,; stamped envelope for further par ticulars and repeat your question. If. A. S. Q— I drink six quarts of water dally during the hot weather. Is this too much? A—1 sec no reason why you should drink more than ten glasses dolly. A —May require surgical proce dure. See your doctor. The ne'V creamery recently es tablished tn Clay county produced an excellent quality of butter at its first churning. SAVING TIME We. hoard a grocer in Squodunk who asked his clerk what Mrs. So and So was complaining about and was told: "The long wait, Sir.” The grocer thought a moment and said “Why it was only yesterday that she was complaining about the short weight.” There’ll be no complaint if you use SINCLAIR gas and OPALINE oil exclus ively. Their universal pop ularity is admitted and cer tainly such popularity hs the verdict of a majority. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors WHEN -YOU CARRY B. AND E. SHARES You not only help your self but you help the other fellow—You receive a fine rate of interest on your money—and you help the other fellow to own his own home. Invest your money here in Building and Loan shar es so others may borrow it and build homes. Your in vestment pays you well, la Tax Free, and secured by First Mortgage on Real Es tate, Three Fourths Value and fully protected by in surance. NEW SERIES NOW OPEN Come in today and start as many running shares as you can carry, or buy our Prepaid shares if you haye a lump sum to invest. CLEVELAND BUILDING & LOAN ASSO. J. L. SUTTLE, Sec.-Treas. OFFICE WITH Cleveland Bank & Trust Co. ■ I !■■■■■ ——■—■■— Star Advertising Pay TO THE MERCHANTS OF SHELBY AND CLEVELAND COUNTY To ALL OF THEM L arge and Small Heads of Department Stores, Chain Stores, Hardware Stores, Privately Owned Stores, Grocerymen, Druggists, Dry Cleaners, Automobile and Accessories Deal ers, Florists, Tailors, Shoe Makers, Paint Shops— ALL ARE INVITED TO MEET AT THE STAR OFFICE TOMORROW (TUESDAY) MORNING AT TEN O’CLOCK To consider and discuss the question of the organization of a MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION, with p articular relation at this time to the immediate organi zation of an extensive DOLLAR DAY. THE STAR believes that a MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION is a real need in Shelby. And the paper is advised that the merchants feel very favorably inclined toward the inauguration of a DOLLAR DAY here in the very near future. So that this invitation is extended to the Shelby and Cleveland County merchants with this two-fold idea in view—first, to discuss immediate arrangements fora DOLLAR DAY, and to make the meeting for this purpose the nucleus for the organization of a permanent MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION. Please remember the Hour: At THE STAR OFFICE, TOMORROW (TUESDAY) MORNING AT TEN O’CLOCK. And it is to be hoped that as many will attend as can possibly arrange to do so. THE CLEVELAND STAR

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