10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. l: THE CLEVELAND STAli SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY. Al'K. 10. li»20 Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons n.v mail, per year (In advance) $2.50 Carrier...per year (in advance) $3.00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, spot ... 20c Cotton Seed, per bu.__ 5S'-e Showers Likely. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Occasional showers prob able tonight and Thursday. Not much change In temperature. Baptists Plan $50,000 Drive This Amount Needed To Clear Up Building Debt. Spent $143,674 On Plant. At a meeting of the "committee of 100’’ from the First Baptist church congregation which was charged with the enlargement of the plant here, it was found that the total cost of the building, equip ment and debt on the pastor's home was 5143,674.52 arid a cam paign will soon be launched to raise another $50,000 to cover the deficit. About 48 members of this committee met last night at the church and were unanimous in the praise of the building and equip ment, and expressing satisfaction that the church had gotten good value for every dollar spent. The committee "feeling that this is a proper time to finish the work which the Lord has so signally blessed, we make the following recommendation. “First. that we make another canvas in the near future for the $50,000 needed to complete the payment for the work and that we add fifty per cent to our former suhsertptions, if at all possible. “Second, that we endeavor to get a pledge from every member of our church. “Third, that we urge all who have made pledges to meet them as promptly as possible,’’ Financial Statement. Cost of educational bldg. $84,167.74 Cost of equipping same ... 6,043.00 Cost of remodelling and enlarging auditorium .. 42,801.33 Cost of repairing and enlarging organ - ...._ 3,450.00 Paid debt on pastor's home . _......... 7,212.50 Total cost of bldg equip ment and parsonage debt . ...__ $413,674 57 Total amount of first sub scriptions . .. 103,000.00 Total amount paid to date. 52,000.00 Total amount pledged and to be paid when due 51,000.00 Estimate of new subscrip tions needed to finance 50.000.00 School Musicians To Give Concert On Friday Night Youngsters To Perform For Ex penses To State-Wide Contest, The people of Shelby are in for a big musical treat Friday night when the Shelby high musicians, big winners in the recent district contest at Gas tonia, give a concert at the Central school auditorium. Prof. W. T. Sinclair, head of the orchestra and glee club, states that the concert will cover the complete program of the various musical or ganizations of the school and should be one of the best musical programs ever rendered here. To Aid Students. Citizens of Shelby are urged to attend not only for the entertain ment but also because the young musicians of the school are giving the concert so as to defray a por tion of their own expenses to the big state contest in Greensboro on April 19. The program Friday night will in clude numbers by the high school band, one of the best in the state; the orchestra; the glee clubs, boys and girls: and solo numbers on the violin, clarinet, flute, trumpet, and other instruments. Last year the Shelby musicians brought home several high honors from Greensboro and they hope to repeat this year, if not do better. Among the new? instruments of the musical organization is a new flute donated to the school by William Webb, a graduate of last year who Is now in college. Young Webb, home for the Easter holidays, was very much interested in the band of which he had been a member, and he purchased the new instru ment from his allowance at college. Many To Attend Mass Meeting On School Movement A large number of Shelby people are expected to attend the mass meeting to be held at the court bouse here Thursday night at 8 o’clock for the pur pose of discusisng and for mulating a plan to keep the Shelby schools open for nine months this year. The meeting is called by the lawyers of Shelby and every Shelby citizen is urged to at tend. Shelby Merchants Plan Dollar Days April 25-26 Gov. Gardner Flayed \ By Strike Leaders; j ! Slave-Driver’ Term _! Charlotte, April 10.—Two units of national guard troops now on duty at Gastonia, where more than 1,000 employes of the Loray textile plant are on strike, will be withdrawn at onee, it is announced. The move followed the visit to Gastonia of Judge Nat Townsend, execu tive counsellor to Governor Gardner, who desired that all troops be removed, but Adjutant General Meets considered suth as "suicidal.” uasioma April e—liuusea wiui a new burst of extremist spirit with the arrival here of one of the na tion’s most famous radicals to com mand the Loray mill union organ ization, strikers today opened the floodgates of defamatory propa ganda against Governor Gardner, the late James B Duke, the Can nons. the federal government and cotton manufacturers generally in redoubling their efforts to spread their disturbance throughout the south. Spurred to bitter resentment against the Manvllle-Jenckes or Loray mill company and “the tex tile bosses" by organizers of the National Textile Workers' union since the walkout was ordered last Monday, the strikers entered the second week with a grim deter mination to remain out until their "more pay, less work" demands are granted. Radical Leader. Albert Weisbord, of New York, national secretary of the union and leader of the famous Passaic, N. J.. strike, in skyrocketing the spirit #f the strikers to a new high pitch at the customary afternoon mass meeting at his first act, influenced the immediate distribution of scores of printed leaflets addressed, [ "fellow workers in the national [guard,’ which evidenced the revolu tionary trend of sentiment being developed among the strikers. The leaflet follows in full: “Max Gardner the mill-owning, ' slave-driving capitalist governor of North Carolina, has called out the national guard in order to get them to break the strike, keep the stretch-over system and prevent the workers from getting an increase in wages. Charges Slavery. "The mill owners and the gover nor want you to smash the strike, shoot down innocent men and women so that the Manville-Jcnckes company can continue to wring profits from the sweat of enslaved workers who labor from dawn to dark on machines that will smash a finger or an arm at a single slip; so that Manville-Jcnckes, Max Gardner and other texule barons can drive children of 10 and 12 years for the miserable wage of 10 cents an hour, 60 hours a week. “Inhuman conditions kill work ers. The present conditions in the mills drive men, women and chil (Continued on page ten.) Loray Strike Puts A Halt To Boxing Program In Shelby Baxter Roper Who Was To Fight Roberts Is With National Guard Company. The strike at the Loray mill in Gastonia has resulted in the post ponement of the boxing program sponsored by the American Legion here Saturday night. Baxter Roper, young lightweight, who was to have faced Terry Rob erts in the headline bout, is a mem ber of one of the national guard units on patrol duty at the big mill and naturally cannot train for the bout. The bout, however, will be stag- j ed on the following Saturday. April! 20. it is announced by Arthur Sides,' matchmaker for the Legion post. Gardner Dresses On Sale In Shelby Perhaps for the first time in the i city's history, dresses are now on : sale in Shelby, produced in Shelby. McNeely is today advertising gar ments made by the recently or- j ganized Gardner company, from materials woven at the Cleveland ' Cloth mill. This is the beginning of' what is expected to be in time a j giant Shelby enterprise Mill Workers Of Forest City In A Walk-Out I Two-Third* Of Force Of 500 Work ers Walk Out To Demand More Pay. Forest City, April 8 —After being visited by a man and two women from Gastonia who are believed to be organizers of the National Tex tile Workers’ union, two-thirds of the employes of the Florence cot ton mill walked out today in a strike for 20 per cent increase in salary. This mill employs about 550 people. I,eave Job*. The strike began at 11 o'clock this morning when the cloth group left their jobs. They were followed at 1 oclock by workers from the card and spinning rooms. The weavers were at work tonight but will have to quit before morning as there will be nothing to keep them busy. The visit of organizers was pre ceded by that of five men in a Gastonia car who came to Forest City at 4 o'clock Saturday morning and distributed hand bills for the textile workers' union. While they workers walked out, they were not organized and it was only through talking with indivi duals that it was learned that the strike is for an Increase in salary. No Violence. It is not believed that any vio lence will take place as mill em ployes and townspeople held a mass meeting and heard Dr. A. C. Dun can. physician of Forest City who owns no interest in the mill, urge the strikers to be reasonable in their demands. He explained the strike at Loray mills and warned the Florence workmen against get ting mixed up with organizations. When he asked for a show of hands, mill workers voted unani mously that it would be unreason able to make such demands as a $20 minimum wage and a 40-hour working week. Forest City. April 10.—Striking employes of the Florence cotton mill here presented a list of de mands yesterday presented a list of demands to mill officials and offer ed to return to work if the demands were granted. The demands includ ed a 20 percent increase in pay. dismissal of J. W. McGaraham, an efficiency expert; and restoration of working conditions to the basis existing before McGaraham was employed. Officials granted all de mands except the Increase in pay and the strike is considered at an end. The strikers here denied any connection with the Loray strike, and some of the mill employes said they "would ride such fellows as Beal and Pershing out of town on a rail if they come here." Highway 206 Now In State Control Lincolnton.—Highway No. 206 was turned over to the state highway department last Friday, work on the road was stopped some weeks ago when the original contractors fail ed. The great American Investment Co., bondsmen for the contractor stepped in and had the road com pleted, the contractors on the fin ishing job being the Virginia Gen eral Contracting Co., of Richmond. Mr. Roy G. Foster, general super intendent of the contracting com pany, Friday turned over the road complete to the state. Mr. C. A. Hayworth of the Raleigh office of the state highway, was here Fri day and accepted 206 in behalf of the state. The new state road is now open from Lincolnton to Shelby, and will become no doubt one of the mast generally used roads that en ters Lincolnton, The oil and grav eling of this road is already under way from the Shelby end. Honorable Mention. i Miss Alice Sanders, Shelby high student, was one of the North Car- i olina high school students to re- 1 ceive honorable mention in the re- i cent state-wide French contest 1 conducted by the university. Miss i Hazel Beard, of Lenoir was the I winner i Mill Here To Drop New Plan; Stop Petition Ella Plant Abandon# Efficiency System Monday. Petition Never Presented. The Only known indication of any trouble or dissatisfaction in local cotton mills came to an end early this week when Supt. Wm. Ervin, superintend ent of the Ella mill here, a branch of the Consolidated Textile corporation, announced that the efficiency system, which has been in operation at the plant since Christmas, would be abandoned Monday morning. Pass Petition. Sometime last week, it is learn ed that some of the employees be gan circulating a petition among themselves in which the officials of the mill were to be asked that the efficiency system in the weave room be abandoned and that the old system prevail again. The petition, however. never reached Supt. Ervin or other offi cials and no demands were made, Supt. Ervin announcing Monday, upon his return from Lynchburg, that beginning next Monday the weave room would go back to the system used before the efficiency plan was put into operation. The announcement presumably stopped the petition automatically as it was never presented to the mill office. “No demands were made by our employes,” Supt. Ervin told The Star today, “and I never did see the petition which was being sign ed. The decision of officials of the plant to abandon the efficiency system was made known to me be fore I heard of the petition. And I suppose since the mill voluntarily changed back to the old plan that the employes naturally decided that presentation of the petition would be useless in view of the fact that the change had already been de cided upon.” Mrs. Francis With Booze Car Caught Gforjf Bivens, I.oeal Taxi Man, Nabbed By Chief Poston Today. Mrs. Jessie May Francis, once the center of interest in several sensational Cleveland county court bearings, was back in the court room here today, but not as a de fendant. Early this morning Police Chief McBridge Poston and Policeman! Putnam searched the taxi car of j George Bivens, local taxi driver, i while it was parked at a Shelby j mill residence, and fine pints of | whiskey, the officers testified, were ! found in the car. Bivens, according to the officers had just driven Mrs Francis to the home and neither was in the car at the time. Bivens was arrested and brought before Recorder Horace Kennedy an hour or so later, Mrs, Francis being brought along to be used as a wit ness if necessary. Bivens was fined $50 and the costs. Heart Beats Double This exclusive photo shows Dorothy Collins whom slam Hairy Adams is said to have considered himself married ac cording to the Buddhist faith. Dorothy wrote him that her heart heat double thinking of her “husband in Buddha.” Her letters form part of the evi dence which the defense says drove Olive Adams to chlorotY>n her htuhand, the Hartford meteorologist. What? Just One Shelby Person Wed In Gaffney In Week It may be some day that, an en tire week will go by without any Shelby people being married in Gaffney, South Carolina. Fact Is, it almost happened last week with only one Shelby girl marrying there. She was Lillian Cabanisa who was married to William Walter Hum phrey of Lenoir, Due, it is presumed to the tex tile strike, the Gaffney marrying judge united only eight couples in all during the month. To Organize Here History Association W. E. White who has been ap pointed county historian by the state historical association, an nounces that an historical associa tion will be organized for Cleveland county in the court house here on April 20th when the teachers of the county will hold their last meeting for the school year. Those interested in preserving the his tory of the country are urged to attend. .fust Airing Along. Nothing succeeds like success W. A. Pendleton reports that Grigsby Grunow, maker of Majestic radios, had a sales record of $6,111,910 for the month of March, with forty three millions in sales for the ten months of operation. That's what is designated, in Bostonian English to be going some. Strike Circulars Are Left About Shelby Mills But No Unrest Noted Among Workers Circulars Calculated To Agitate Textile Em ployees Scattered Here Last Week. No Wage Cuts In Any Shelby Mills. Circulars apparently intended to roster a spirit of unrest among •extile employees of Shelby plants lave been scattered about one or nore mills in Shelby, it is learned iy The Star, but since it has been nany months, or, in fact, several •ears, since there has been a changp n the wage scale here, and since here is little, if any, unrest among ocal textile workers, no walk-out >r trouble is anticipated locally. Friday of last week a few of the ■irculars, supposedly coming from he strike headquarters at Gas onia, were seen about the Lily and SIJa Mill section, but whether or, lot the circulars were generally, iroadcast here cannot be learned; leithcr is the text of the circulars' known. Young Pershing, the communist agitator behind the strike in Gas tonia, has said, according to dis patches that the strike at the Loray plant there will spread over the section, but in that several textile workers here have stated that they would not affiliate with a union not recognized by the American Federation of labor it is a matter of speculation as to what effect an attempted organization of Persh ing's and Beal's National Textile Union here would have. Only one of the Shelby plants, the Ella, is controlled by eastern or northern interests, the plant being operated by the Consolidated Tex tile corporation King Case Not Likely Before Next Thursday Defendant Given Three Day* After Arraignment. Court Opens M onday. «nr nan- i\ms trial m nrutnrii in come up during thr rnurt term at York. S. ('„ next week. will not llkrly open before Thursday, if that early, according to Attorneys B. T. Kails and Clyde It. Iloey, of Shelby, who will represent King In the hearing with Attorney Thus. K. Mellow of York. The York county court term con venes Monday, but Messrs. Falls and Hoey say that according to the South Carolina law a true bill must first lie brought by the grand Jury, as is done In North Carolina, then after a true bill the arraign ment proceedings follow and a de fendant ts allowed three days time after the arraignment until trial, unless, of course, the defense at torneys waive that privilege and seek immediate trial This would mean, naturally, that, even If the grnnd jury finds a true bill, the case could not open before Thursday, while supposition is that it may not be reached before Fri day. However there is a possibility that, the attorneys, if they fall to secure a change of venue may nsk for an Immediate trial once, and if. their client is arraigned. The bill of indictment which will go before the grand jury is that of murder charged against the well known Shelby nvan in connection with the mysterious death of his wife at Sharon, S. C , in January, and it is passible, of course that the grand jury may not return a true bill. Kawyers Confer. Numerous conferences have been | held this week between the two I Shelby attorneys representing King, but the attorneys have fol lowed their previous plan of keep ing their case and procedure to themselves. Much Interest Here. In and about Shelby there is practically as much interest in the case as about Sharon and York for in addition to King being a na tive of Shelby his wife, Faye Wil son King, taught school here be fore and after her marriage. The likelihood is that many Shelby people will attend the hearing if it ts held at Y’ork. especially after the exact date for the trial be comes public knowledge. Shelby Women To Speak At Meeting _ Mrs. Clyde R. Iloey To Deliver Re sponse To Welcome And Mrs. Nix Chapter Report. At. the annual meeting of the third district of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy to be held with the Southern Stars Chapter at Memorial Hall. Lincoln ton, Fri day April 12, Mrs. Clyde K. Hoey of Shelby is to deliver the response to the address of welcome and Mrs. W. B. Nix is to make the report of the Cleveland Guards Chapter. The program wfiich begins at 10:30 o'clock is as follows: Meeting called to order. Mrs. S. A. Robinson, district director. In vocation, Dr. It. s. Truesdale; Hymn, "How Firm a Fountain";; address of welcome. Miss Kate Shipp; response, Mrs. Clyde Hoey; reading of minutes, Mrs. Eugene Brittain, secretary; The Conquered Banner, Rev. V. C. Ridcnhour; ad dress, Mrs. E. L. McKee, division president; roll call and chapter re ports, by presidents: Cleveland Guards, Mrs. W. B. Nix; Davis Dickerson Mills, Mrs. Mai Jones; Gastonia Chapter. Mrs. G. W. Ra gan; General James H. Lane. Mrs Chas. R. Collins; Kings Mountain, Mrs. Harry Falls; Southern Stars. Mrs. L. A Crowell; Stonewall Jackson, Miss Julia Alexander: Children of Confereracy. by leaders; Augustus Burton. Miss Thelma Young; Bessie Sim&nton, Mrs. J. L Aderholdt; Isabelle Morrison Hill, Mrs W. G. Hall; J. D. Moore, Mrs. Thomas Lee Craig; Fort Fish er. Mrs. 1,. B. Newell; U. D. C Perpetuation, Mrs. L. E. Fisher; general discussion: Confederate Reunior, Confederate Veteran. Prizes, Memorial Highways, etc. Luncheon at 1:30 Is Notary Public. Mr. Clyde Mauney, bookkeeper W'ith the Litton Motor company, has been commissioned a notary pub lic by the secretary of state, ac cording to a Raleigh dispatch. Merchants Organize Association Tuesday; First Event Planned Ill .IDS MUM HANTS HKNHY A. Mil.I S Shelby Highs Win 4th Game In Four Starts Hitting Of Bridges Ariel Last .Min ute Single In Ninth By Gold Brings Victory. The Shelby high athletic teams have a habit of snatching games away from Forest City in the fi nal minutes of play. Yesterday the baseball team scored two runs in I the eighth to tie a game that was [already lost and then came back in the ninth with a marker which won the game 4 to 3 Last fall in football the strong Forest City eleven had the .local gridders biting the dust. 6-0 be hind. with just two minutes to go when "Milky" Gold heaved a 50 yard pass to Rooster Bridges for a touchdown, and then snatched a pass out of the air a second later for the extra point and a 7-6 win. It was much the same here yes terday on the diamond, and Brid ges and Gold again played the out standing roles along with the Shelby captain. Cline Owens Lee. In the first inning Bridges slash ed out a double and scored Shelby's only run until the eighth. Then for frame after frame Grose, the visit ing hurler sent the Shelby hitters back to the bench as fast as they came up. In the fifth inning the Rutherford boys combined three consecutive doubles with two errors to score three runs and go into the lead. From that point on until the eighth Shelby seemed to have very little hope. Then Bridges, the For est City hoodoo, came to the plate with Rippy and Queen on base and slapped out his second long hit. a triple, to tie the score. Forest City failed to score in their half of the ninth. Then Shelby came up in the final stanza with the count tied and Lee, the leading hitter of the team up. Lee singled. Harrelson sacrific ed him to second. Bumgardner flew out, and then Milky Gold came along to add his hoodoo to that of Bridges by punching a short single over first which scored Lee and won the game. Although defeated by Kings Mountain a week ago. the Forest City outfit seems to be the fastest 'Continued on page ten.) Newton Is Named Tax Supervisor For County Again lax listers For Various Townships Also Selected By County Board. At a called meeting of the Cleve land county commissioners held this week Mr. W. R. Newton was reelected tax supervisor and tax auditor for Cleveland county, an office he has efficiently operated for a number of years. At the same meeting the com missioners formed list of tax listers for the various townships of the county, and when complete, which "111 be in the next few days, the list is to be published in The Star. j Henry Mills Is President Of As sociation. Consider Paid Sec retary Now. Al last thr (treat thine has been uehieved—Hie move on the part of Shelby business men that Is boost ed as brine the greatest asset for Ihr town—that Is to say the or ganization of a Merchants associa tion. Such an organization was perfected in Shelby Tuesday morn ing. when twenty-five of the lead ing merchants and citizens of the rlty met at the Star office and put the new association over. Another meeting is planned to be held tomorrow t Thursday > morning nt nine-thirty o’clock, when it is not only hoped but defi nitely planned to enlist every busi ness man in Shelby in the new civic enterprise. Dollar Days Coming. So enthusiastic were the mer chants at Tuesday's meeting over the idea of co-operative enterprise. Mint at once the plan of a general big-time dollar day was set going, the details to be worked out at successive meetings of the associa tion, which will be held between this time and the date set for the big bargain days. Mills President. Permanent officers elected for the Merchants association included: Henry Mills, president; Paul Woot t°n. secretary; Joe E. Nash, treas ; urer. And the following directors were named: E. E. Scott. Dr. Ste Iphenson and T. W. Hamrick. A committee appointed by the j chair, composing Ogbura Lutz, i George Alexander and Henry Mas rey named the official slate. When the meeting was called to j order at ten o'clock. a motion was made that Mr. Scott, ex-Rotary president be made temporary chair man. The Penny Company head let it be known at once that lie was an enthusiastic booster for a Mer chants association, and proceeded to point out the many advantages to be derived from such an organi zation. Inasmuch as both ideas, namely, the perfecting of an association plan, and the organization of a dollar day, the question was raised which should take precedence. The chairman suggested, and it was agreed, that the better plan would be to organize the association first, and then proceed to plan the de tails for dollar day". April 35-26. Dates for dollar days were set for April 35 and 26. It was agreed that such would insure ample time to arrange for what wUl be planned as Shelby’s hugest trading event Every town within a radius of fifty miles, or thereabouts, will come within the scope of the advertising for the banner sale. A committee will circularize the many towns in the territory, which will be accompanied by a Shelbv band. Many brier speeches were made by the visiting merchants lauding the idea of a Merchants association showing the benefits of co-operation on the part of the business men. It was planned to employ a paid secretary, amongst whose duties it, "ill be to keep the members posted on credit data, and especially with relation to bad checks. The opinion was expressed that the very ex istence of such an organization will tend to put a check on the growing bad check evil. Every one of the twenty-five or more present at Tuesday’s meeting pledged themselves to bring a member on Thursday. This meet ing tomorrow will be held in the [Star oifice, at nine-thirty o'clock. Mrs. Cora Jenkins Dies At Morganton | Mrs. Cora Jenkins who died last i week at Morganton where she was j a patient lor two years in the state i hospital was buried Saturday aft . crnoon at Beaver Dam Baptist I church, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. John W. Suttle. Mrs. Jenkins was the daughter of Matt Brooks and is survived by her husband and two children. County Boy To Preach. Frank Edwards, of Grover, will be one of the four young ministerial students to preach before the First Presbytery of the A. R. P. church meeting this week at Elk Shoals in Iredell county. He Is a student at the Erskinc theological seminary.

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