12 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 41 THE CLEVELAND ST A11 SHELLY, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 1'2, 192D. Published Monday, Wednesday, ami Friday Al'U-rnootid Uu tnni 1 nor vaqp (In nrtvanri*) 42 Sfl LA TE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, spot .... 20e Cotton Seed, per bu._55'ic Fair And Colder. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight, light frost in the Interior. Slightly cooler in ex treme west portion and on the coast tonight. Saturday fair with rising temperature in east portion. REGISTRATION BOOKS OPEN HERE ON MONDAY The registration books for the biennial Shelby city election win open on Monday at the court house here with Mr. Mike II. Austell as registrar. Local Soldiers'. Back Yesterday From Gastonia Company K Returns From Strike Patrol Duty. Served Nine Days. The Shelby unit of the national guard, company K of the 120th in fantry, returned yesterday from Gastonia where the militia boys have been on strike patrol duty for nine days at the Loray textile mill. The order for the dismissal of company K came late Wednesday, the guardsmen returning home by motor trucks yesterday morning. The Llncolnton cavalry troop de parted Gastonia Wednesday night, and since the departure of the Shelby company, three companies, two from Charlotte and the Gas tonia outfit, are on patrol duty. Two Enlist. Fifty-five men and three officers —Capt. McSwatn and Lieuts. M. H. Austell and H. C. Lang—were on duty for the major portion of the nine days, but Just a day or so be fore the company returned home two local youths journey to Gas tonia and enlisted. The local outfit received consid erable praise for their appearance and training, and except for the first day when the strikers were forced out of street about the mill the soldier boys say that they ex perienced very little trouble while on patrol duty. Jenkins Funeral Attended By Many Prominent Man Of Lattimore Sec tion Burled Wednesday At Rehobeth. A large crowd of people attended the funeral services of Mr. John A. Jenkins Wednesday afternoon at Kehobeth church. The services at Rehobeth, where he had been a member, were con ducted by Rev. Mr. Williams, the pastor, assisted by Rev. E. L. Mc Daniel and Rev. W. S. Jones. Surviving are six children and his widow, who was Miss Laura Walker prior to her marriage 43 years ago. The surviving children arence, Martin, Lee, Micha, War ren and Wesely, Two brother, Wil liam and Miller, also survive, along with one sister, Mrs. P. J. Kendrick. — Coolidge Is Given An Insurance Job Former President And Former Candidate Both Named For Different Directorates. New York, April 10.—A former president of the United States and ci former candidate for that office today partly solved the problem of what their work shall be in private life. Calvin Coolidge was nominated for the post of director of the New York Life Insurance company and will be elected at the May meeting of the board. Darwin P. Kingsley, president of the company, made public a letter in which the former president accepted the nomination, •‘believing that life insurance is the most effective instrumentality for the promotion of industry, saving, and character ever devised.” An announcement from the Con solidated Indemnity and Insurance company said Alfred E. Smith, for mer governor of New York and Democratic nominee for president last November, had been elected a director. The former governor re cently was made a director of the Metropolitan Life Insurance com pany. Planning For Meeting Of Postmasters Here At the request of Postmaster ,J. H, Quinn last night at the Kiwanis club, the public relations commit tee of the club and representatives of the Rotary club will meet Satur day afternoon in the office of the postmaster, to make plans for the entertainment of the postmasters of North Carolina who will meet here in convention June 13 and 14. It Is expected that 500 postmasters wili attend the summer convention in Shelby. Auto For Every Six People In Cleveland Now County Has 6.725 Autos, Not In cluding Trucks. Near Four Million Investment. Every citizen of Cleveland county may ride in an automo bile these days with only six people to the car. according to automobile ownership figures for the county Just Issued by the state motor vehicle bureau. The county has 6,725 automo biles, not including trucks, and ties with Pitt county for tenth place in the state. The nine counties having more autos than Cleveland are: Guilford, 20,725; Mecklenburg 19,250; For syth, 15.500; Wake. 13,625; Buncombe, 13,125; Gaston, 8, 935; Rowan, 7,750; Durham, 7, 600; Davidson, 6,950. A Big Investment. Cleveland county's population is estimated as around 40,000 people, and if there are 40,250 people In the county they all could go riding in county autos with six per car. Estimating the autos of the county at the conservative fig ure of $500 each Cleveland county's automobile investment would be *3,362,500. At 5750 per car the investment would be $5,043,750. Clay county with 750 has the least number of autos of any county In the state. Gardiner Believes In Law Stopping “Red” Agitation Thinks North Carolina Should Have Criminal Syndicalism As Does Oklahoma. Attorney P. Cleveland Gardner, Cleveland county solicitor and a close observer of recent labor trou bles in the textile mills of the Caro linas, is of the opinion that this and other Southern states should have laws covering socialistic pro paganda, criminal syndicalism, and I. W. W. movements. In view of the fact that the South has never been troubled with labor unrest or I. W. movements Solici tor Gardner finds that none of the southeastern states have laws cov ering socialistic agitators. In Okla homa, Oregon, Minnesota and oth er Western and Mid-Western states, where there was considerable I. W. W. trouble a few years back there are laws covering "criminal syndi calism and sabotage," and similar laws here he believes would re strain some of the communistic, “red” propaganda and teachings of such as Beal, Pershing and Weis bord at Gastonia. Report Missing Papers To Star Subscribers to The Star will please make any complaint to Star telephone No. 11 about missing copies or paper being thrown in the yard by carrier boys for the wind to blow away. We serve the bulk of our sub scribers tn Shelby and suburbs through 14 carrier boys. They are boys, like ail other boys, and are apt to overlook a sub scriber or a service which we wish to render, so make any complaint to as and we will endeavor to get your paper to you promptly and in good con dition. Unless you report any fault in your carrier service, the office will not know it. We will ap preciate your cooperation In making our subscription service perfect. Mrs. Forrest Ellis and Mrs. Gates, were Charlotte shoppers on Thursday. Recognized Labor Union To Aid Textile Strikers Soon New York —The executive coun cil of the United Textile Workers of America Wednesday pledged the organization's support to striking textile workers in the south. They notified union textile work ers in the south that a defense would be raised for their assistance. The couneii outlined a policy in cluding a 48-hour week, standard ization ot wages, and abolition of night work for women and chil dren. The council adopted a resolution stating: ‘‘We are not opposed to the in troduction of the modern method of reducing costs that are proven io be unnecessarily high, as a result of j waste or inefficiency on the part of' management or labor, but we are I opposed to the imposition of any i plan applying only to labor and without consultation with the work ers or their representatives and be lieve (hat any plan tending to re duce easts should also be applied j to the management end of indus try.’ The council announced that the U. T. W. of A. president. Thomas F. MacMahon, next Sunday will meet officials of the state federa tion of labor in Greensboro, N. C.. to stimulate further a campaign oi organisation OH Magnate Must Serve Jail Sentence Harry F. Sinclair, right, millionaire oil man, will start a three-month “vacation” at the expense of Uncle Sam in the nice quiet jail of the District of Columbia, shown above. Major Peake, left, will play the role of host whether the guest likes it or no, since the Supreme Court upheld the ninety-day sen tence for contempt imposed on the magnate for refusing to answer the Senate'* Teapot Dome Committee's questions, ^ Meeting Approves Hoey Plan Keeping Shelby Schools Open Attempt Is Made To Blow Up Plant At Gaston Strike Guardsmen Gets Man AVith Two Sticks Of Dynamite. Gets Away By Trick. Gastonia, April 11.—An evid ently wrll planned attempt to blast the Loray mill to bits with a quantity of dynamite failed tonight by a shaky mar gin, and the desperadoes behind the project escaped as the re sult of a clever ruse. About 7:30 o’clock this evening a man, presumed by guards and dep uties to be a mill worker, presented his mill pass to one of the guards at the Franklin avenue entrance to the Loray grounds He was admit ted, but a military guard, station ed about half-way between Frank lin avenue and the mill, stopped the fellow a second time and asked for his credentials. The man showed his mill pass, but noticing a bulge in his pocket of the supposed worker the soldier asked him what It was. “Nothing." said the stranger, [Seeking admittance. But it was dynamite—two sticks of it—the soldier found upon inves tigation. Just at this juncture another strange man stepped up and said. "I'll take him to the police sta tion. I'm one of the new deputies stationed here yesterday after the two national guard companies were ordered away.” The military guard questioned the authority of the in truder, but the latter showed a shiny badge and a pistol, upon which the soldier consented to turn the would-bc-dynamiter over to him. The deputy took charge of the prisoner, placed him in a Fcrd car, and said that he would take him directly to the city hall to be locked up. That was about 7:30. A: 8:15 the pair had not reported to police headquarters, which is only about eight blocks from the point where the arrest was made, nor could (Continued on page ten.) Citizens At Meeting Endorse $58,000 Bond Issue To Pay Debts And Also $4,000 Loan To Keep School Open Nine Months This Year. Hoey Praises School Officials. In a clear, comprehensible man ner, Attorney Clyde R. Hoey pre sented the school situation last night at a mass meeting of the patrons In the school hpuse and suggested a way to meet the situa tion, said plan being approved un animously by the lawyers of the city who took a hand in the mat ter purely through thetr Interest in the school children and the school's high standing. Attorney B. T. Falls, presiding, declared the present crisis to be the most critical that j has confronted Shelby since the j city’ school building was destroyed by fire 20 years ago.” Mr. Griffin Witt Quit. Before proceeding with the dis cussion. Mr. Hoey react a com munication by Supt. I. C. Griffin addressed to the citizens in mass; meeting, announcing that he would not be a candidate to succeed him self as superintendent. Mr. Griffin ; has served in this capacity for 13 years and was spoken of in high praise for his faithful services. He j assured the board of his continued i efforts to cooperate in every way for the success of the schools. SjS.OOO Bond Issue Proposed. The plan to meet the present situation proposed by Mr. Hoey and approved by all of the attor neys of Shelby is that the voters pledge themselves to support a bond isue of $58,000 which will be submitted at an election to be call ed as soon as possible and when a i majority of the voters sign their | names to a petition pledging their support, the city and srhool offi | cials would borrow not exceeding $4,000 necessary to carry the school | nine months as planned. Cause Of Deficit. I In substance, the city schools I owe approximately $48,000 for ! money borrowed. This is an honest ! obligation to the bank and was brought about by a series of unex pected things such as the cost of adding fire escapes to the school building, repair to the high school auditorium floor; replacing the roof to the Marion street building blown off in a storm Furthermore, the school tax rate was forced down from 33c to 30c when the city limits ! were extended three years ago and the south Shelby district with a 30c 1 rate was absorbed. In the building of ward buildings a few years ago. some of the above deficit was con tracted in finishing up the build ing program. Today there are about 3.000 children enrolled in the pub lic schools, a gain of 1,000 since city extension and this has added to the expense, while last year w ith a view of economy, the county com missioners reduced the school bud get, causing the city schools disap pointment. These things account for the indebtedness of $48,000 hanging against the district. $10,000 From Bonds. The last legislature provided for an election on a bond issue of $58, 000 to meet this deficit. At that time it was not known Just what the deficit was. but it has since been calculated at $*8,000, so to vote the maximum amount of *58, 000 wottld meet the deficit of *48, ooe- atid leave *10,000 to be applied to schools this year. It costs approxlamtely *14,000 a month to operate the city's schools so with the *10,000 left from the bond issue, *4,000 more would be necessary. Mr. Hoey suggested that *1.200 might be due and avail able from the county school fund and that the remaining *2.800 could be given by the city out of the city treasury and the same handled as a city liability. Education A Public Duty. Thus the money to extend the term would be available and no burden placed on any individual for Mr. Hoey says "Shelby is not a pauper town and it is too much to pass the liat around and ask the patrons to run a subscription school. The purpose of government is to educate the children of the land and certainly Shelby will not let It be said that its schools are not standard and that its citizens won’t fill their contracts with the teachers.” leacliers Contracts Binding. Speaking of the contracts, it is the unanimous opinion of the at torneys of Shelby that the con tracts signed between the teachers and school officiais for a nine months term are legal and binding and that the teachers. If they are so minded, can sue the district and recover. Mr. Hoey feels, however, that the district does not wish to evade its solemn contract. This year the senior class Is the largest in the history of the school and to k^ep them from graduating after years of hard work and to handicap the children in the lower grades because a month shorter term would be a great injustice to them and a reflection on the fair name of Shelby. Officials Praised. In the course of his remarks. Mr Hoey had words of praise for B. H. Kendall, R. T. LeGrand. D. W. Royster. John McKnight and John McClurd who constitute the school board, for their business-like and economical management. Hand dapping showed that the audience endorsed the board's excellent nanagement and again applause ■ante when Mr Hoey had a tri bute to Mr. Griffin who had “ren dered the finest type and charac ter of service during these 13 years is school head, a service that is not equalled in local school annals. Signing Petitions. Before closing Mr. Hoey went over statistics furnished by the state board of education, showing that Blielby's tax rate is lower than the 20 other towns of similar size in the state except one: that the cost per pupil is $5 below the state average. that the average pay of these 20 city superintendents is tContinued on paq~ ten Griffin Not To Ask For School Job Next Year Veteran Superintendent Makes An nouneement At Mass Meeting. Will Cooperate. Siipt, l C. Grtffm. who became head of the Shelby school system more than 13 years ago when there were only a few hundred students In the city schools ns compared with the more than 3.000 now, an nounced at the mass meeting here last night In interest of the schools that he would not be a candidate for the position of superintendent for the coming year The action, he declared was tak en so that the meeting, which be fore It closed determined to run the city schools for the full year, would not be hampered by any personal references in advancing the welfare of the schools His formal state ment. however, continued to say that he pledged his heartiest sup port to the city school system until the end of his term and beyond If necessary. During Ins many years of service here Supt. Griffin has built up the local schools from a small town system into one of the best known city school units in the state, his reputation as an educational lead er so spreading that for several years he has been supervisor of the summer school at the University of North Carolina in addition to his winter duties here. His Statement. Mr. Griffin's statement to the mass meeting follows: | "To the Citizens of Shelby in Mass meeting Assembled: | “Blnce the present board of edu cation has publicly stated that the several members will not be candi dates for membership in the board of education in the coming munici pal campaign. I deem it wise to In form this meeting as I have alrendy informed the present board of edu cation that I shall not be a candi date for the position of superin tendent of the Shelby schools for the coming year. This statement is made in order that any action taken by this group may be free from any personal references. Un til the expiration of my term of of fice (and beyond, if necessary* I pledge you my heartiest support and cooperation in carrying out any plan you may adopt for the wel fare of the schools. With due appreciation of your support and cooperation in the past, and with unlimited confidence in your willingness and ability to support, the schools in future. I am “Very sincerely yours, “I. C. GRIFFIN. Supt College Team To Play Highs Here In Game Saturday j One of the most interesting base- | ball games of the season is billed . for the city park here Saturday aft ernoon when Casey Morris' Shelby high club stacks up against the heavy hitting Boiling Springs col legians. Several former Shelby stars are in the college line-up and will at tract Interest as well as the fact that local fans will be anxious to see how local lads perform against the college brand of baseball Addi tional color, of course, will be In the air about the city park dun to the attendance of a large part of the Bolling Springs college student body, boys and girls. The highs arc today playing Kings Mountain in Kings Moun tain. Public Meeting In I . W. O. W. Hall There will be a public meeting m the W. O. W. hall next Monday night at 7:30 o'clock for the pur pose of reorganizing the local grove of Woodmen circle, this bc j ing the ladies auxiliary of the ! W. O. W. All ladies interested in this are cordially Invited to attend Woodmen come and bring their wives and daughters. Griffin Resigns As School Head Sl'PT. I. t\ GRIFFIN Best Farmers To Get Reward In j Cotton Contest ( Irveland Farmer Making Best Production On F'ivr Acres To Receive 530. Cleveland county cotton farmers, who last year produced more cot ton than any county in the state and established a pcr-acre produc tion record for the south, are going to vie with each other this year In raising cotton, according to an an nouncement made to The Star to day by County Farm Agent Alvin Hardin. I By plans worked out l>y tne Cleve land county board of agriculture every cotton farmer is urged to en ter a live-acre contest thl* year, and the farmer who makes the best five-acre record will receive *300 cash and a silver loving: cup as the champion cotton farmer of North Carolina's champion cotton county. The farmer with the second best record will get *200 cash, and the third man will receive $100, with numerous smaller prizes for others ranking high. All of which should mean that Cleveland county farmers will bo strutting themselves this year, Regulation*. According to the agricultural board farmers entering the contest may prepare their soil any way they wish and may use any type or amount of fertilizer and seed, pro vided that the seed will produce staple of fifteen-sixteenths of an I inch as shorter staple will be automatically eliminate-! m the contest The live acres must be in one body, or tract of land. The prizes to be awarded at the end of the sea son are being contributed In the in j tercst of better farming by the bankers, merchants and mill own ers of Shelby and the county, a list of donors to be published later tn The Star. Notify Agent. Any county farmer may enter without cost, but all those who de sire to enter should notify the county agent as early as possible, so that he may get their names and instruct them as to how they Shall keep a record of the five-acre contests plots, listing the cost of production and other it Tins. The contest will be judged on the basis of 10 percent as to yield and 30 per cent as to record, which will in clude the cost, grade, etc. Mull Resigs His Place On Hospital Board Morganton Governor Gardner has appointed Dr J. T. Burrus. of High Point, as a member of the Morganton state hospital board to succeed Mr. O M. Mull, of Shelby, who has resigned. Other members of the board are: J. H Beall, Lenoir: R. R. Clark, Statesville: J. R Boyd. Waynesville and John M Scott. Charlotte. Cow Kneels At Nashville After Hearing Negro Girl Singers \ Nashville.—A large number of colored girls from all parts of Nash county gathered In the office of Superlntenednt L. S. Inscoe here this week for the purpose of stand ing the seventh grade examination. Before beginning on the examina tion they joined in singing "Swing Low. Sweet Chariot." As they were singing. Gray Whitley, an old col ored man of this city, was leading his cow a Ion? beside the budding j Just as the singing ceased, the cow. stopped suddenly, knelt down its I knees for almost, a minute, seem- [ ingly praying. Evidently the cow thought Judgment day w as at j hand. P. W. Batchelor, E. L. Man ning and L. F. Barbee ol this city were witnesses to this unusual oc currence. and will vouch for the truthluln"ss of this story. Attorneys For King Silent As To Trial Plans Three Shrewd! Defense Lawyer* Apparently flare Some Sur prise* I'p Their Sleeves. Just what will Rafe King's lawyer have to say, or what kind of defense more will they open np with nest week when King is scheduled to go on trial at York, S. C_ In connection with the mysterious death last January of his wife, Faye Wil son King, former Shelby school teacher And a teacher at Sha ron. S. C., at the time of her death? That question has the people of three counties In .the two Caro lina® guessing, and due to the mysterious elements in the case, which has attracted national atten tion, and to the unusual silence be ing maintained by King's lawyers the hearing Is expected to draw one of the largest court crowds in sev eral years In the two states. Confer Often. The three defense attorneys, Clyde R. Hoey and B. T. Falla, of Shelby, and Thos. F. McDow, of York -are considered three of the shrewdest criminal barristers in the two states. McDow Is famed as an orator in South Carolina just like Hoey is in North Carolina, and Falls, a fellow townsman of Hoey. ranks with him among the leading lawyers of this state. But so far, and with the court term to open Monday, the three at torneys have kept their plans en tirely to themselves. All this week they have been meeting In frequent conferences, but following their ses sions together the statements made public by them are confined to something like this: "Yes, we’ve been in conference about the case. Getting ready, you know.” And no more. To those inclined to pro pnesy me iaea is mat mcdow. Falls and Hoey have several sur prises up their legal sleeve to spring at the opportune moment next week, or tveek after next In the court room at York, or whatever South Carolina town the trial may be held in. And the silence maintained is a real sphinx-like silence, They're not even saying whether they will In sist on Hie hearing being moved to a county other than York due to the evident antagonism there against the Shelby man. Neither do they intimate what line of defense will be followed if a true bill is rendered against King. Their silence might be explained by their desire to keep their plans secret so that the prosecution may not be pre pared for counter attacks, but there is a composed calmness evident as the attorneys confer that would in dicate that may have a surprise to spring at the proper time, and when they do refer to the approach ing court term it Is always in terms of "If the grand Jury returns a true bill,” and Indication that they be lieve that the grand Jury might not do so. Anyway, the King case, myster ious all the way through, seems a bit’ more perplexing in the final week before the showdown in the court room. Crossings Here To Be Improved Soon Three stret crossings over the Southern railway tracks in Shel by—the Marion street, Warrer. street, and Graham street crossings —are to be Unproved at an early date, it was announced today by Mayor W. N. Dorsey after a con ference with Southern officials. Heavier rails are now being in stalled at the three street crossings and just as soon as the material arrives the crossing will be Unprov ed similar to the South Shelby Shelby crossing, which is practically as rrnooth as the paved street through a build-up of gravel and tar. Several citizens have asked that steel rail crossings be made, but the Southern, as a preventive measure against wrecks, docs not use steel rails, and the gravel-tar. crossing bed is considered Just as smooth for street traffic. Boy In Lincolnton Gets Electrocuted Lincolnton. April 11.—When Wil liam Thompson, 1*. known to his schoolmates as “Bill.” failed to re turn from feeding the chickens this morning, his parents investigated. His body was found under the house beside an electric brooder. He had been electrocuted by con* tact with the device. Thompson was a son of Hous ton Thompson, and in addition to his parents is survived by several brothers and sisters. No funeral arrangements had been made this morning.

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