DOCTOR HUNTS RABBITS WITH PRIMITIVE WEAPONS Wichita, Kas —Dr. Milton O Nyberg hunts jack rabbits with a bow and arrow. He claims an arrow will shoot 30 yards almost as accurately as a gun. His distance record is 370 yards. Frequently he has bagged Jack rabbits on the run. In a contest with a group of Cheyenne Indians, Dr. Nyberg found he could outshoot them. I 29x4.40 Speedway .. $1.75 30x3 Goodyear__ 4.50 30x314 Goodyear . 4.95 30x34 Goodyear, O. S.5.35 29x4.40 Goodyear .. 5.95 30x43t Goodyear . 6.60 All other aiaes carried In ntork at comparatively LOW PRICES. SMITH’S GARAGE FAI.1.STON. N. C. I RIGHT IN PRICE (?) We heard of a man the other day having ten stitches taken in his scalp after being in an automo bile accident: when the doctor charged him $20.00 for the job, he remarked: "Gee Doctor, I didn’t want hem stitching, I wanted just plain sewing." Overcharging is one thing that will not be tol erated here.* Our prices for SINCLAIR gas and OPAL INE are fixed below stand ard. Although SINCLAIR gas and OPALINE oil qual ities are never wanting, their prices are always others. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors Around Our iOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By UENN I)Kl M I Just ns a mutter of record it is recalled that tilts time two years ago there were six candidates for mayor of Shelby, and six candidates for the four nldermanlc berths, a.s compared with three announced can didates and a likely candidate for mayor this year, and five candidates for tin- city board. : - ■ —-—— It is also recalled that It became necessary, in a last-minute move, two years ago to draft several can didates lor the school board, and In our opinion Woodrow Wilson draft methods may be necessary lor tire school board portion tilts, year. Incidentally the six candidates for mayor lit 19-7 were: T. j. Babing ton. It. E, Carpe.nter, W. N Dor sey. Orlando 101am, T. W. Hamrick and A II Webb That's not how the count of votes ranked them; it's just a list in alphabetical order. Boyd Holloway, the John Bar rymore of the road shows in these parts, and often referred to on the street as Milt Tol bert because he owns, manages, and serves as leading man, handy man, and whut-nnt of the popular Milt Tolbert show, gave us a new word In one of his lines at the Tolbert tent the other night. The word was “nowatlmes.” It sounded so use ful as an expression replacing the overworked “nowadays" that we expected lo find it in t the dictionary, but did not, al through Webster’s latest Inter national dors list "now.inlghls” along with "nowadays." OH. FOR ANOTHER MAYOR nlty campaign such n-s Shelby ex perienced two years ngo with Col. Hatcher Webb and T. W. Hamrick issuing hot-from-the press circulars and W. N. Dorsey taking his stand on a broom platform in The Star. The Dorsey broom, since we think about it, was almost as elfectlve as was the Hoover sweeper of more recent date, but so original and peppy were those circulars of Col. Hatcher’s that Buck Hardin r.ttll has a number of them pasted on the wall in The Star press-room. Great old days! ANENT A RECENT SPELLING contest conducted by this colyum. The Greensboro News paragrapher, who Is more of a stickler for the King's English as It should be than the Queen herself, or even our first grammar teacher back in Alexan der county says: “If, propose^ Renn Drum, of the Shelby Star, ^ou have a friend who thinks himself a good speller, rend him this sentence and tell him to spell his head off: 'It is agrceabele to the unparalleled embarrassment of an harassed saddler or peddler serenely sitting upon a cemetery wall guagling the symmetry of perfectly peeled potato.' We sup pose the 'an' before 'harassed' is put Into make It more lntrlck-it.” Listen, buddy, we were conducting a. spelling contest and not a gram matical contest. When, and If. the mistake occurs in the spelling our defense will be that we follow the modern style ns set down by Will Rogers. Ring Larder, Odd McIntyre, the tabloids and those who know THE PERSON WHO HAS NOTHING Is Usually The One Who Does All The Damage. Your Only Safe guard is Insurance With CHAS. A. HOEY 1 Mother’s Day Program For May I Mil—Headers And De claimed Contest. (Special to The Star.) April 17.- We had ft large crowd present for Sunday school and preaching Sunday Rev. D F. Putnam preached ode of the most inspiring and helpful sermons the writer has ever heard him preach. Taking ns his subject, "The Ap pointments of Jesus." It was a ! wonderful message and carried home to the hearts of those pres ent a wonderful meaning. A irry interesting program was rrndered in both junior and senior B. Y P. U. Sunday night. There was a good many juniors absent and these were greatly ml ed Juniors let's be there on hundred per cent strong Sunday night. A large crowd of parents and friends were present for the read ers and declaimed contest given by the boys and girls at Braver Dam last Thursday night. Much credit is due Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Walker I for this fine program rendered Really every one of the fifteen de served the prize mid it was indeed a decision among the judges us to whom should receive if. Little Miss Vernell Padgett daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Padgett was award ed the prize for the best reader. The prize, a beautiful Waterman's | fountain ptn v as presented by Rev. and Mrs. Walker. Mrs. John Mint? of Boiling Springs and Misses Essie Harrill and Shehan, teachers at Shanghi were the judges. Mr. Fletcher McGinnis and Miss Vera Whitaker attended the ban quet at Boiling Springs junior col lege Friday night. Misses Mortice Bridges and Faye Olasco were guests of Miss Ethel Humphries Sunday. Misses Magdalene and Ethel Yar boro spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Verdie Lee Green of the Ora Mill village The junior B. Y. P. U.’s decided Sunday night to give a special program ‘'Mothers Day" May 12 at which time every parent both lath ers and mothers will be especially no better. As to the grammatical errors herein, even the patient Ebeitoft has given up hope of tendering constructive correction of lasting worth. TELL US NOT THAT THERE is nothing new under the sun. There is. Just the other day we saw a Chinaman walking the streets or Shelby, and a Chinaman in Shel by is a sight almost as unusual as an automobile with all the install ments paid. Fast is, not over six or seven for eign boms, of all nationalities, have ever lived in Shelby at the same time, and the oldest citizen does not recall a Chinaman remaining here for a full week Which doesn't mean, it should be added for the enllglitment of those always on the watch for something to harangue about, that the Kit Klux operates with such efficiency hereabouts; it's just that way. The Baltimore Sun explains what "Just that way" J means In a recent article concern- ! ing the textile strikes In this sec- ; tion by sa' ing. "there has not been , a foreigner in North Carolina since I the arrival of Sir Walter Raleigh." \ The Sunpaper is darn near right. : but seems to us as if there was some talk a year or two ago about "the wops" on some of our college foot- ! ball elevens SOME MORE SHELBY MID j die names you likely did not know: John Franklin Srhenck, both sen ior and Junior; Bayard Thurman Falls, and Alonzo Martin Ham-! rick 7. MARE COTTON By applying 3Vj times as much potash to cotton as formerly. 296 farmerB in 11 states averaged 1 5 more cotton. They obtained an average return of $5.50 in extra seed cotton for each $1 invested in extra potash on both clay and sandy soils. Your name-and address will bring you a free copy of detailed results: NAME.. ADDRESS ... Agricultural ami Scientific Bureau N. V. POTASH EXPORT MY. of Ani', Holland 740 HURT BUILDING ATLANTA, CA. invited to be present to enjoy the program and see just what fine work their junior boys and girls can do A sppclal program will be published later and invitations sent. We hope the parents will plan now to be there. Mr. and Mrs, C'leaton Humphries and sou visited Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hamrick Sunday. Mrs. Hamrick has been real sick, here friends will be sorry to learn. Mr. and Mrs. Ft. L. Short and daughter. Mi s Pearl Short from near Kings Mountain spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Me Curry and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blanton. Mr. and Mrs Mack Connor of Kings Mountain spent a while Sun day afternoon with Mrs. and Mrs. W. A. Humphries. Ilcv. and Mrs. R. L. Forbes and children and Rev. Mr. Forbes' fath er was dinner guests of Mrs. Zeb Blanton and children Sunday. Miss Bnte Cilasco spent Sunday with Miss Lena Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. IFcywood Pol eat, Misses Vera Whitaker, Hannah, Nancy and Libby McCurry, Mes srs. Allen Jones and Fletcher Mc Ginnis and possibly others were among those present at Lattiinore high school auditorium lor the glee club concert by the glee club from State college last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Morris and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E'. C, Brooks. Mrs. Junto Vaughn, Mis., Alda Willis and brother, James, ot Shel by, visited their aunt, Mrs. D. L last Wednesday afternoon awhile. 'The work oi the busy tanners has. been checked by this cold spell. It is found by many • tlm the young beans and other vege tation m the gardens will be killed. Miss Gucndolyn IJoggett of Boil ing Spring Junior college was at home for the week-end. Mr. G. T. Jarrett and little boys of Chcrryville, visited Ins mother at Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McCurry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. B Cabiness were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Cabiness Sunday evening. Mrs Zeb Blanton, and children spent Wednesday right and Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. G. F'. Jar rett in Cherryville. After the heath of Miss Eleanor Bnltori. ID, cf London more than (70 000 pencils of all hinds, used land unused, were found in her 1 home. A horse bit off the thumb of 8 : year-old Emma Morsfn, of Adrian, ] N. D,, while she was leechng it. COLDS, INDIGESTION Tennessee Lady Tells About The Long Use of Thed ford’s Black-Draught In Her Family. Rutledge. Tenn.—"For thirty years or longer vre have been using Black Draught In our home as a family medicine, and have found it to be very hardy,” says Mrs. John Mc Ginnis, of near here. "Since I have been married and had children of my own, I have found it to be a fine medicine to give them for colds and indigestion. I have three little girls, and when I see one of them fretful and 'droopy’ In (he morning, I begin treating her with a course of Black-Draught. It Is not long until she is lively and well again. I make a tea of It and Rive It to the children, as they take It best that way. "I take Black-Draught for con stipation and indigestion. If I wake up with a bad taste hr my mouth and feel sluggish and dull. I know it is time for a dose of Black Draught. "We try to keep a box of Black Draught always in the house and are seldom without It. My health Is generally good, but I think It la a good thing to keep a mild, de pendable remedy on hand for spells of constipation.” In use nearly a Hundred years. Twenty-five doses 2bt. NC-205 emmss. Indtgcitiorv fSiliou\rt**%« Callus to-day Protect your loved ones vith an adequate amount f life insurance. 2t it now--while vou car C. R. WEBB General Agent, Shelby, N. C. WHERE A WOMAN KEEPS THE 1 LOWERS From The Spartanburg Journal. The tulip beds at Cleveland Park, in the park .surrounding the Con federate monument on South church street and in the plot in the center of Morgan Square are in full bloom and glory. Tlveir beauty Is a source of pride, satis faction and comfort to all behold ers. Particularly at Cleveland Park arc (lie tulips in full flower and [greater abundance than elsewhere The painstaking care. Intelligent di rection and efficient supervision of j Miss Witherspoon, superintendent j of parks, is reflected in these beau- j ty spots, as well as in the varied other plants, ornamental shrubs, ‘ and flowers to be found in abun-1 dance, set forth with an eye to j fitness and proportion, in the city j parks and other spots where some- j thing growing adorns and; invites, j SATISFACTION! There is more to a ‘'Caterpillar'- than its great POWER and TRACTION. It produces VALUE RECEIVED by enabling you to realize profits from its work. “CATERPILLAR” TRACTORS Implements And Equipment LOCAL REl’RESENTATIVE MR. A. E. FINLEY, HOTEL CHARLES — SHELBY, N. C. Anderson Tractor & Equipment Co. BILTMORE, N. C. BIRD’S ROOFS ART-BLENDE Hexagonal Twin Shingles The color beauty of this roof is secured by the scientific blending of natural, unfading slate into warm russet tints. Additional beauty is secured from the shade lines cast by the butts. These asphalt slate surfaced shingles are proof year in and year out against the snows of winter, the heavy rain of spring and summer and resist the menace of fire from flying sparks and embers. These shingles are for new work or right over the old shingles. Art-Blende Hexagonal Twin Shingle* are made by Bird & Son, inc. E*t. 1795), manufacturers of Twin Shingles, Shingle Design Roofing, Art-Craft Roofing, Paroid Roofing, Bird’s In sulating Blanket, Neponset Black Building Paper and Nepon set Board. There's a Bird product for every sort of building! fT'e are headquarter! for Bird's roofings, building paper* and wall board. . Z. J. THOMPSON Phone 107 N. Washington SI. (Near Seaboard Depot) GENERAL MOTORS NEW CHEVROLET SIX —a Six in the price range of the four! You arc cordially invited to visit our special display of the new Chevrolet Six—arranged in conjunction with the great nationwide Spring Showing of General Motors cars. Here, in a price class that has hitherto been occupied exclusively by four cylinder automobiles, you will see displayed a line of beautiful models that bring you every advantage of six cylinder performance. Yet, due to its great array of mechanical advance ments, the Chevrolet Six delivers better than twenty miles tv the gallon oj gasoline with extremely low oii consumption. And this amazing, six-cylindcr per formance is matched in impressive ness by the beautiful new Fisher bodies. Come in any time this week. See for yourself that no other car in the world can give you so much at prices within the reach of all. The Roadster. Tie Phscton. The Coupe... The sedan.... The Sheri Cabriolet *525 *525 *593 *675 *695 The Convertible Hit landau. . t The Sedan Delieerjr . light Delivery Chassis . i ’-4 Ton Chassis. ■ »> Ton Chassis With Cab. *595 *400 *545 *650 All Prices f. «. P. factory Flint, Michigan C OMPARE the delivered price a* uellasthclistprice i a considering automobile value*. Chevrolet’s deliv. cred prices include only reasonable charges for vle lf very and bnaocin*. 1 ou Are Cordially Invited to See Our Special Exhibit of the i\ew Chevrolet Six quality \ AT LOW C\OS Crawford Chevrolet Co., Inc. SUCCESSORS TO JORDAN CHEVROLET CO. SHELBY, N. C SHELBY, N. C. ggMMpv