r NOW — Get Set FOR THE SUPREME IN ENTERTAINMENT— I WEBB THEATRE ANNOUNCES Vitaphone OPENING MONDAY “ON TRIAL" Will Be The PICTURE A HUNDRED PER CENT TALKING PICTURE, ONE OF THE VERY BEST. A WARNER BROS. SPECIAL— PAULINE FREDERICK, BERT LYTELL, LOIS WILSON, STAR RING. You have heard, or heard about, THE VITAPHONE. It is the LAST WORD in theatre entertainment. As always the Webb is prepared to give you THE BEST. REMEMBER: OPENING MONDAY. Come prepared to enjoy REAL enter tainment. WEBB THEATRE LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Miss Lamar Tinner irom Stony j Point spent Tuesday and Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. Sumtney ; Grayson. j Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wright and < j family spent the week-end in Ra- ' leigh with Mrs. Wright's 'mother, j | Mrs. Lee H. Perry They were ac- • Icompanied home by Mrs. Wright's ! ! sister, Miss Ellen Perry. While in 1 j Raleigh, Mrs. Wright had tea with Mrs. O. M. Gardmr at the mansion, j X_. Mesdnmes George and Durham ! Moore and George Thompson at tended the tea in Forest City Pat- j i urday, given by Mrs. Terry Mcore J ! and Miss Ruth Moore. honoring j j Miss Margaret. Bostic, who will be ! married in June. j Mrs Chas. Shull and Mrs H K. ! Boyer are delegates to the mission- j ary conference of western North ; Carolina, meeting in Winston* I Salem this week. Others attending the meeting there yesterday were ; Mr. and Mrs. Robby Robertson, Mesdamrs Tbad Ford, J. T. Season and George Hoyle Misses Maud Rucker. Christine : Newman end Homer Perdue and i Harry DeWitt of Roanoke, Va.. vis ited Mr and Mrs. M. P. Coley last Friday and Saturday. John Kendall Wells of Charlotte J spent last week-end with Mr and (Mrs. Chas. Wells. j Boyce Wakefield Is a business vis | (tor in Charlotte today Mrs. Henry Overton and baby ot | Canton visited her mother. Mrs. T. . IT Lutz last week. Mr and Mrs. Guy Brown of Cherryville are the proud parents |of a fine son, born in the Shelby , hospital April J6. Mother and babe j are getting along nicely. Mrs. ] Brown before marriage was Miss Inez Lutz of Belwood. ! Mr. Pay Wilson and Miss America Hendrick ol Fallston visited Miss j Hendricks uncle and aunt; Mr. und ; Mrs. J. Riley Poston ol Cleveland j : Springs Wednesday evening. Mesdame* Zeno Wall, M A. Span- ' gler, Tom Gold and Horace Easom were Spartanburg visitors yester day. ; - -- Mr. Amos Sain, father of Mrs. W. A. Pendleton is slowly improv ing at the Shelby hospital. ! - Mr. B. F. Spangler, who under \ went an operation at the hospital ' ten days ago will be able to go home this week. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Harbison, Drs. S. M. Schenck. Tom and Ben Gold attended the state medical society which met in Greensboro this week. Mesdames C. R. Hoey, W. K Du Pre, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Robertson, i Jr, and Mr. T. A. Robertson will i return tomorrow from Raleigh, ; where they have been guests oi ' Governor and Mrs. O. M. Gardner. —-— Mrs. Marshall Ramsey of Harts* vllle, S. C. is visiting her parents, , Mr- and Mrs. F. L. Hoyle. Ed Harris. Ed Washburn. Carl (Oardner, Albert Kerr, Charles Mc Brayer, Lloyd Lutz leave today tor j the Pan-Hellenic dances at River 'side Military academy, Gainesville, | Ga. They will stop in Atlanta for i one day and njotor back by C'har ] leston to leave Ed Harris nr the ! Citadel. j Governor ancj Mrs. O. M. Gard ner Jeavp Raleigh Tuesday for Richmond, Va., where they will be ! guests of Governor and iNLrs. Byrd. Mesdames S. E. Uocy and Flay Hoey and Miss Virginia Hoey spent yesterday in Charlotte. Mrs. W. H. Jennings returned Wednesday from seve-al days visit i to Mr. Wiley C. Hamrick and fain* | ily in Gaffney. Dr. H. K. Boyer is attending the ; missionary conference in Winston ; Salem this week. The library drive scheduled for ; this week has been postponed un ; til September on account c>^ so many other things on. Those who : have contributed will not be called j on again. i Mrs. A. C. Lane of Chester. S. C. j who has been spending ten days at , Cleveland Springs hotel left last | plght for Charlotte where she will visit a few days before returning to her home. Ralph Gardner ts spending this week-end to Raleigh with his par. ents Charity has increased something ' like 200 per cent tn the last five 11 years, according to one of the dem on statisticians, but if- you'll look over the first page of almost any . newspaper these days you’ll dis cover that it hasn’t covered all sins ’J vet —New York Evening Post. At The Theatres The Webb theatre announces its Vitaphone opening Monday. This, much boosted instrument, that hu manizes the screen as not hint; else has done, unifying pictures and tlic drama, has been installed and was j given a highly successful try-out Thursday. Some brict pieces were presented to the audience Thurs day night, and were pronounced a perfect rendition. Monday's openlnc picture will be "On Trial,” one of; the latest one hundred per cetv talkies. The picture will be a su preme Vltaphone test Today the Webb ts running a pic ture starring Bessie Love, entitled "Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly.' a very fine production. The Princess is advertising the latest of the celebrated Zane Qrey aciion pictures today, entitled "Sunset Pass.” The story should be the more appealing tn that it ran as a serial, and had wide circula tion. Jack Holt, who plays the lead in most ot Grey's thrillers, is also the head'.i er In this one “The Vanishing West,” a popular serial, and "Turn 'Em Loose, ’ a comedy are also op the bill. And the ever popular Paramount News. The Princes;, is featuring more and* more talking and sound pictures, finding this class of entertainment is gouig over big with the public. (Special to The Star 1 Beam's Mill, April 17,-The B. Y. j P. U. officers for the next quarter j are as follows: • President, Marvin WhltealdesJ vice president, Edgar Bridges; sec retary, Annte McSwain; treasurer. Ruby Wright; corresponding sec retary, Beatrice Hendrick; chorister, Carl McSwain: bible quiz, Eleanor Elliott; group captains, Ray Wilson, Elizabeth Bridges, Marzona Hoyle, and Ruby Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith, and Miso Addie Gardner spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamrick. Mrs. Lawrcnqg.Wright, spent Sat urday afterooon’wtth Mrs. Ed Ham rick. Mr. Author Starnes spent Satur day night with Mr. C. S. Hendrick. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Willis and Miss Aletha Hoyle, spent the week end at home. Mr. Allen Gardner spent Satur day night with Mr. Keslar Hamrick, Little Miss Keron Willis of Char lotte, is spending awhile with Mr and Mrs. Gaston Hoyle. Miss Mattie Williams, spent sev eral days of last week with friends of Kings mouaitain. Miss Ophelia Hendrick spent Tuesday idght with Miss Vangte Wright. , Misses Marzona Hoyle, and Bryle Costner were the supper guests of Miss Jane Kendrick oi Fallston, on Tuesday night. Misses Vira Crowder and Ethel Norman of Polkvi!lc were the sup per guests of Mr. Edgar Bridges Saturday night. Misses Novella. Gertie, and Mag gie Wright and Addie McSwain and Messrs. Furman Bingham, and Ed gar Bridges, spent Sunday niter noon with Misse, verda and Con nie Wright. --— ; Suggests Members For School Board j Editor Star: Novv that the school question seems to be settled satisfactory and with honor to all concerned, it's time «e were beginning to think of, and select a school board, as the election is only a short time away. We cannot select any better men than what we had, however as they j have resigned, it's up to the citi- 1 zens to prevail upon some other good men to accept. It *s a thank less job of course and means lots of worry and criticism, but as some one has to do it. I am taking the liberty of suggesting a few men for the place: Ward 1—Thad C. Ford: ward 2— Oliver Anthony; ward 3—H. Clay | Cox: ward 4—J. B Nolan and Marvin Blanton as a member at large. None of these men are seeking ♦ he place and probably none of them care to accept. hut they might be induced to do so If the people insist on them to accept. I wish to say also hi tliis connection, ♦hat we should fleet our school board with the distinct understand ing that they receive the same rate of pay as the city council, which is $10.00 each per month. That is not much of course, but they deserve something for giving their time and brains to the proper expendi tures of $150,000 each >ear. Let’s hear from other interested voters. A VOTER i the PRINCESS theatre Home of the Best and Latest In Pictures, Sound and Talking. — Special Ventilating System — — SATURDAY — Zane Grey’s Latest and Best Story “SUNSET PASS Starring Grey’s favorite hero-actor JACK HOLT. Also “The Vanishing West” - Chapter 9. Good Comedy — “Turn ’Em Loose.” Paramount News. Webb Theatre — TODAY - An extraordinarily fine picture, featuring the star of “Broadway Melody”— BESSIE LOVE In “ANYBODY HERE SEEN KELLY” With Two VITAPHONE FEATURES. Newt Reel and Comedy. An Extra Good Program. — SATURDAY — TED WELLS in a SPIRITED WESTERN COMEDY — FABLES. DON'T FAIL TO GET ONE OF THESE BARGAINS THIS WEEK. 1927 Model Chevrolet Coupe—good mechanical condition, good paint, good tire*. 1926 Chevrolet Touring Car. New tires, first class mechanical condition. 1926 Ford Touring. New paint, good tires, good mechanical condition. 1927 Ford Roadster. Fully equipped and in ex cellent mechanical condition. 1925 Ford Roadster—a real buy at $85.00. 1925 Model Ford Coupe. 1925 Ford Touring Car. 1924 Model Chevrolet Touring car and the price is only $65.00. Ford One-Ton Truck with starter, body and cab. The above cars have 1929 license tags. Terms if desired. CRAWFORD-CHEVROLET COMPANY INC., REMOVAL NOTICE THE SHELBY BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION AND INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF UNION TRUST CO. HAVE MOVED TO ROOM NEXT DOOR WEST OF ENTRANCE TO HOTEL CHARLES. What docs your SAVINGS ACCOUNT do for YOU? GIVES YOU CASH IN THE BANK INSTANTLY AVAILABLE YOUR Savings Account, while eaming interest as tin extra safe investment, is always available as instant cash for sudden opportun ity or chance adversity. Build your savings account with regu lar deposits for there is comfort and satisfaction in a cash reserve, that is steadily growing, eaming and always available. FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHELBY, N. C. RESOURCES FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. —A SAFE BANK FOR SAVINGS-— The ACORN Stores ' Inc. SHELBY, N. C. Special Friday & Sat. BIG SHIPMENT OF WASH DRESS ES. ALL SHADES AND SIZES JUST ARRIVED. iH PRICED: 95c $|.25 $J.75