OU The Root Of All Troubles. From The Pathfinder. A quarrel has grown up between France and 8pain over the Spanish Oil monopoly. When the Spanish government took over all the oil business in the state it proceeded to •ettle with the various foreign oil firms doing business there. The French firms insisted on an allow ance for good will which the gov ernment refused to allow. Finally the French government intervened and suggested arbitration. This Spain refused, and thereupon Fiance resorted to reprisals by levy ing full fees for identity cards on all Spanish citizens in France. This was a breach of a convention of 1882 and caused a strong protest from Spain. Blankety-Blank ! ! (Oreensboro News.) Shelby Star: “The New York World of last week referring to the gathering of union leaders to be held in connection with the south ern textile strikes stated that the meeting would be held in •Oreens bero, S. C.' Perhaps the Oreens boro Dally News paragrapher has a remark to offer." As follows, Thanks for making It for us. Far Mayor. X hereby announce my candidacy ft)r Mayer of the City of Shelby, and pledfe the citixens of the com* rmmlty that If I am elected I will an dearer to perform my duties im partially and tire the people the vary best sendees of which I am eapable. ENOS L. BEAM. For 9 Years Gas Ruined Her Sleep *1>aa to stomach gas I was rest less and nervous for 0 years. Ad lertta has helped me so that now 1 aat and sleep good."—Mrs. E. Touch stone. Just ONE spoonful Adlerika re Berea gas and that bloated feeling no that you can eat and sleep well. Acta on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removge old waste mat ter you never thought was there. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels. Adlerika will surprise you. Paul Webb Pharmacy. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF LAND. Under the power of sale contain ed In a certain deed of trust, ex ecuted by Alma Webber and wife, Kettle Webber, to Chlekamauga Trust company, trustee, for Pru dential Insurance company of America, on November 14, 1934, to secure a note of 91000.00 of same date, said deed of trust being on record In the office of the regis try of Cleveland county. North Carolina, in book 131, page 47, and said note and deed or trust not hailng been paid as therein pro vided. and the holder of said note having requested the undersigned to foreclose said deed of trust, the undersigned, as trustee as afore said. will offer for sal# at public auction to the highest bidder at the court house door in Shelby, N C. at 13 m. April 27. 1929, for cash, the following described tract of land: Lying In No. 4 township, Cleve land county. North Carolina. Be ginning at a poplar, D. J. William's comer and comer of lot No. 3. and running thence with William's line north 46 degree west 53 poles crow ing two branches to a post oak. down, his comer; thence with his line south 70 degrees west 31 poles to a large pine, his corner; thence north 36H degrees wool 3514 poles to a small gum. P. H. Watterson's comer; thence with his Une north 7i degrees east 60 poles to where the small branch runs Into the big wancn; thence up the small branch as It meanders 60 poles to where an oW line cresses near a large pine; thence S. 3®!i degrees east is D?1*8 * **** to an old road on tn* old line: thence with said line and road north 66 degrees east 98H polaa, crossing public road, to a black oak, now down, P. H. Wat *!iPa Collins corner; thence wltti Collins line south 71 degrees 3? P®Ja® to Gamble's comer on «iheBie *1th 0‘mble6 degrees west 18 poles to a stake at the road. Oam. n«a owner and comer of lot No ii.,line of lot No. 3 aouth 5314 degrees west 7314 poles to a stake, comer of lots Nos. 3 and *•*£*”?• . line of lot No. 3 WMt *° Poles to *ne beginning, containing 63 acres, more or less. ThcmrA3M?T?«y °I”arch 1,39 CHICAMACOA TRUST COM rAin, Trustee. 5SKJ. * Ncwton* Attorneys for r Dr, C. M. Peelf" —DENTIST— Of flea Over Woolworth Residence Phone 460- W Office Phone 99-W OR. H. C. DIXON DENTIST Office Over Woolworth's TELEPHONE 195 BILLIARDS Cleveland Cigar Store Mtl Charles Bide.. Corner Trade and ff. Warren Sts. Red Birds of 1929 Cl© rervce The cum ueft HANDG.D SPITBALL MfiRSuisuL PVTCHBP. LEPT JN TH' \WSDK LEASES. 'TH* ^av_U Looks uks \t VHAS 3UST STAK4D»Ki' STILL* ha. whje to oc> > ’'SETTER THAN THAT I'M <S6tN‘ TO yOO^V^. ^MYSELF^ 6 YK Mitch*^, a /vaster. CP StCW EAtU PITCHY-*, **S ‘RMTEJZS'MfCE ufO\&0*V TO THE OV=TCJ&\Mc5 $ 192ft. Kim r«altitit Nj-ndictti, In , Cmi Britain tiahti rnimd. O^VU Ar Avm twis spring bilu. HAD “OF UNIQUE. EXPERIENCE. OF MWK1 a nt> Foe a 3cs on ta- ball £uy& hell manage tws 'tear— . ^y,s Must Drink To Be Popular, Chicago School Girls State Jury Investigating Dnlh Of Youth On Liquor Party Is Anuurd At Evidence. Chicago—Liquor drinking among the grade and high school pupils has aroused Chicago again. Two years ago all saloons near schools were closed, but the drinking con tinued. The death of George Lux, twenty-four, member of a school drinking party, induced Coroner Bundesen to summon a Jury of educators, which has been astonish ed at evidence given by girls Collctta Liston, fifteen, an eighth grade pupil in the Libby school, and Gladys Hankes, seventeen, a junior at Lindblom high school, were with Lux when the car tn which they were riding overturned, smothering hitn. They teattfled concerning th' liquor party at a road house, danc ing until 2:30 a. m. and then the fatal ride. "When you go visiting nowa days you have to take a bottle, and if we don't drink we're not wanted," declared Virginia Graf, nineteen, one of the members of the party. Prof. Samuel Stevens of the jury asked: "But these parties, must you girls go to them? Can't you en tertain in your own homes? ’ "Oh, yes," Virginia replied with a toss of her bobbed head, "but if he can t bring Ills bottle with him he's off you and won't come again." The members ol the jury are Ed ward J. Tobin county superinten dent of schools; Paul T. Busin, superintendent of Lutheran Para chll schools; Benjamin F Buck, as sistant superintendent of schools of Chicago; Prof. E. F. Burgess, head of the sociology department, pro fessor of law at Loyola university, and Prof. Stevens, who holds the chair of psychology at Northwest ern. “The situation is accute.” said Prof. Steele, “and it can't get much worse without serious trouble. "Pro hibition is undoubtedly a factor in I this desperate situation.” j The jury put the blame on par ents, Mr. Buzin said: “These wayward children throughout Chicago und the nation are merely following the trend set by their parents, in the measure that If parents riolate the laws and the moral code the children will. ! |Likewise, they will be as law-abid |ing as their parents. Of course, j there are exceptions, but that is the , rule some guy says it should be un- 1 derstood by all that there is no re- j lation between this “Whoopee” stuff and whooping rough, as some per sons imagine. The cough associ ated with whoopee is hiccough. London has a new kind of umbrel jla made of adder skin. It looks! like an umbrella Robinson Crusoe might have had. but it Is more ctvilized. It is claimed it will last for generations. ... ... j It Doesn’t Pay To Lie To Your Dog Story Of Dog 1'ulllng Youngster From Death In Hater Ex plains Why. Christian World. Early one morning Mark Lewis heard a low whining under his win dow. He quickly got out ol bed and ran to the open window. The big, flat door-stone was Just beneath him. and on the stone sat a puppy. (Edward W. Frentz tells this dog story In High and Ear.) The dog was brown end white with a coat of long, thick hair that would have been pretty if it had not been wet and muddy, full of snarls and tangled with burrs. The dog. heaving the slight noise that Mark made when he went to the window, looked tip at him with a pair of soft brown eyes that seemed to say, •‘Please give me something to cat. I am a poor dog that has no home and Is out of work!" Mark hurried down and opened the door. The little dog came in, whimpering and wiggling all over. In a minute his pink tongue was lapping a dish of milk Mark and ills cousins Fred and Charlie named the dog Bob and krpt him for their own. One day, when they had him for about a week, they were playing with him In front of t ire house. Mark had an apple that he would throw for Bob to chase. They thought tt was better fun some times not to throw the apple, but only to make the motion Poor Bob would sec Mark s arm mot e, and away he would dash, without waiting to see whether the apple went or not; and then lie would look so puzzled that you could not help laughing at him. The doctor who was driving dong [called to them, ‘Boy;-, 1 am sorry to see that you arc lying to your dog." "Why sir what do you mean?', asked Fred. "Well" sai dthe doctor, "when you ! make a motion as if to threw the j apple, your dog trusts you; he 1 think} you mean to throw it, and 1 when you hold the apple back you really tell him a he. By and by he will learn that he cannot trust you. and he will not do what you tell him' to. You ought never to lie to a dog." That seemed funny to the boys at first, but they all liked the doctor, so they stopped fooling Bob. In lime he became so well trained that he would do anything his young mas ters told him to do. Best of all he liked to bring things out of the water; and he learned that he i could trust his young friends sure ly. so if one of them made a mo tion toward the water, in Bob would go, certain that he would find there something which must be brought to land. Cue altemoon the boys went I | down to the shore of the pond to j play. While Mark and Fred were j watching a turf'e. little Charlie went over to a bis rock that ^each j ed out into the water. All at once there a as a splash and a scream, and Charlie was gone. He had slip ped from the rock. The other boys ran toward him, and Mark lay down on his stomach, to reach out as far as he could: but Charlie was nowhere to be seen. In their fear both the boys screamed at the top of their voices. A second later Bob came tearing out of the bushes a.v If he knew something was wrong. Both boys had the same thought at the same time. Bob could do what they could not. Each made a motion of throwing something into the water, each cried, “In Bob, in! Go fetch it!” With a great, splash Bob leaped clear of the rock and began to swim in a circle. He had not made even one turn when Charlie's head came up close at hand. The clog did not have to be told what to do. He knew that he was there to get something, so he fastened his teeth in Charlie's coat collar, and in half a minute had him in shallow wa ter, where the boys could drag him out. That evening, when the doctor had come down from Charlie's room and had said that he would be all right in the morning, and the boys had told him how well Bob had acted, the doctor patted the dog's curly head tenderly, and. turning to Mark said. "Now do you see. my boy. why I told you never to lie to a dog?" Earl Whitten. 11, of Chicago re ceived a reward of J2.500 tor find ing and returning a lost pearl neck lace valued at $2S.OO0 Administrator's Notice. Notice l.- hereby given that; I have this day qualified ns adminis trator of the estate of Leona Gid nry. late of Cleveland county, N, C . end all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. All per sons hating: claims against said es tate will present them to me prop erly proven for payment on or be fore April 11, 1930. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the recov ery. This April 11. 1029, n M. OIDNEY. Administrator of Leona Gid ney. deceased. Byburn & Hoev, Attorneys. Dr. D. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST. Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted And Repaired. Located In Webb Builtlin*. Down SUIrs Next To Hanes Shoe Store. Telephone 585. Sbtlbv, N. C. I \ngel Of Broadway Plans A Temple In Los Ancles, Calif - The "Angel of Broadway has come to Los Angeles and she has come to stay. In other words, Rheba Crawford, vho as a Salvation Army lass did undid good in New York city for a mnber rf years, has chosen Los ngeles as the place lor the great* , work of her career. And she has done that despite he fact that, this- city already has me great Woman evangelist , Aimee :einplc McPherson. "Because, ’ declares Miss Craw brd, “I do not consider Mrs. Mc Pherson ns competition. There is no doubt that she doc3 some great work. But she does not appeal to the same class of people I do. We teach along entirely different lines." Plans A Huge Temple. Miss Crawford has completed plans for the erection of a $2,000, 000 12-story cathedral in which to carry on her work here. Right of! the bat she will have the jump on Aimee, whose Angelas Temple is \ allied at only $1,000,000. The build ing Itself will be unique, resembling a Y. W. C. A more than a church. The portion of the building which faces the street will be suit able for stores on the ground floor The remainder of the first floor will be given over to the church proper. The second floor will be in the nature of a hospital ward to j care for convalescing girls who j have been discharged from hos pitals but who still need care and ; have no money. The third floor will be given over to the care ol strand ed girls until jobs can be found for them. The next three floors will have rooms which will be open to poor working girls at a minimum charge ! |of six dollars a week. The scale of j 1 prices, including two meals a day. ; will graduate upward, depending TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ES TATE. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained In that certain deed of trust executed by V. A. Costner and wife. Willie Costner, to the undersigned trustee, satd deed ! of trust being dated June 3. 193' ; and recorded in the ofiicc of the register of deeds fbr Cleveland county, N. C. in book 145, page 144. ' securing an indebtedness to the i Shelby r.nd Cleveland County 1 Building and Loan association and | default having been made in the | payment ot said indebtedness and • being requested to sell said prop ; ci ty I will on Wednesday, May 8. 1929 1 at 12 o'clock noon, or vrithin legal j hours at. the court house door in I Shelby. N. C. sell to the highest < bider for cash at public auction that | certain tract of land lying and bc J lug in No. 4 township. Cleveland county, N. C. and described as fol 1 lows: An undivided one-hair Interest hi the following described tract, of land. Beginning at a black gum j stump, Ellison s corner and runs with their line S. 3\ W. 44,33 : chains to a stone. Shepherd's cor 1 ner; thence with his and Little's line N. 83'4 W. 34.90 chains to a stone. Little, Mullinax and Purvis' corner: thence with Purvis’ line N. 4'1i E. 27.25 chains to a stone; Stew — | art's corner; thence with his line ;N. 311" E. 13.34 chains to a white oak; thence with another line of ivls-N. 3 E 5.44 chains to a black i gum, Jane McMurry's corner: | thence with her line S. 86 E. 27.16 | chains to the beginning, contain* ; ing 142.4 acres, more or less and : lying on the waters of Long Branch and adjoining the lands of Ellison. Keeter, Little, Purvis. Stewart and j others and being that same undi vided one-half interest conveyed to V. A. Costner by J. M. Grigg and wife by deed dated August 8. 1919, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county. N. C. in deed book HHH at page 620. This April 8. 1929, JNO. P. MULL, Trustee. SICK STOMACH Fir*t Trial of Black-Draught Convincing, Says Lady, Who Escaped Suffering By Taking (t. Jackson. Miss.—"My first expert - ; ence with Black-Draught convinced me that it was a good medicine,” says Mrs. Ida Kersh. 311 South Con gress Street, this city, who says she has taken Black-Draught for years. "My trouble.” writes Mrs. Kereh, "was tick headache which seemed to be caused by constipation. I used to have a thick, slimy taste in my mouth, and such a tired, bad 1 feeling. This would bo followed by ' headache and sick stomach. I would have to stop my work and go to bed. “I read about Black-Draught and derided to try it, I found that by taking the Black-Draught In time, I could ward off these sick spells. "And so for the-last twenty years,, when I feel the least bit bad. I take Black-Draught and feel that It has saved me much pain and sickness.” Constipation dams up poisons in the bowels, where they are absorbed Into the general system, cawing many serious symptoms. Thousands of letters of praise from users of Thedfords Black Draught. on file at the laboratories where Black-Draught is made, tes tify to the high esteem in which it is held for the relief of coustl patlon and attendant Ills. nc-ioj i upon a juris salary. The top six \ doors will contain exceptionally' nice apartments, which will be rented at standard price Will Br Self-Suportins. "Our idea is to make the build ing absolutely pay for Us own up keep." declares the evangelist. "In addition eve want to make enough to carry on our welfare work. There is plenty of that, to be done, too— particularly among the yctnger folk. I have never seen a city with as many young people as there are here. And since they arc “the ones in whom I am most interested, I am going to stay in Los Angeles. “Officially, I will have no connec tion with our welfare work but naturally I will help as much as possible. My work will be with the church. I always have dreamed of having my own church where I could conduct services as I please and my dream is just about to be realized. My plan is to have speak ers of all different religious faiths In my pulpit from time to time. “I will cater to the younger gen eration because I like them, prob ably far better than I would have their grandparents. I don’t think that the young people of today are a bit worse than young people ever were. They are merely more honest with the world and with themselves. They do as they want to and make no bones about it. And I r.m heart ily in accord with the modern style of dress. I think it was a crime the way women used to pile clothes on themselves.” Miss Craw ford herself is a very f ..— 1 ^ WEBB & WEBB — REAL ESTATE — Farms and City Property See CEO. P. or E. L. WEBB UNION TRUST BLDG. SriELBV — Telephone 454-J — \-FLOWERS-1 \ Corsages, Bouquets and { ; Funeral Designs a Special- j, 3 tv. Complete line of Cut j ? Flowers. < ! SHELBY FLOWER ; ! SHOP > — PHONE 580 — 3 “Say It >Vith Flowers"— j j The Gift Supreme. | Announcement ^ Dr. P. Bobo Scrubs Wish i os to announce that he has | located in Shelby for gener* t al practice of medicine. I Offices on Marion St. . Office Hours 9:30 a. m. to 112 Noon, 2 to t :30 p. m. Office Telephone 545 — Residence, Hotel Charles. DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - *--* REAL ESTATE Farms And Towjv Property. W. A. Broadway Royster Bldg., Shelby, N. C. Office Phone 77”>. Residence Phone 471. Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store. T. W. Ebcltoft Grocer and Book Phone — 82 Seller mcdern young Ionian and a very good target for the eyes. Site has up-to-date ideas on all subjects and is not the least interested in chang ing anyone's ideas to conform with her ow n. Seeks Individual Freedom. "I think that every person has a right to live his own life as he sees fit,” she says. "What someone else may do is none of our business un less it is something which directly concerns us. "That will be the general theme oi my sermons. I am not going to attempt to tell people what they should or should not do. t will point out how life may be made more beautiful by following the teach ings of Christ. But 1 am not going to ask any pledges from my con gregations. “Neither am I going to teach any thing about the hereaiter. I be lieve wc are mostly concerned with this life we are now living and if v,e live right we will be taken care of in the next world, whatever it may be'.' Since Inauguration Day, bootleg liquor prices in Alabama have been boosted more than 400 per cent, ac cording to George Lewis Bailes, Jcl Icrson county solicitor. TORTURING PAINS Ceredo Lady Tells How She Wat Unable To Find Any* thing to Relieve Them Until She Took Cardui. Ceredo, W. Va.—In telling how.she was benefited by taking Cardui, Mrs. Perlle Yelkey, of this pla.ce, says: “At one time, I had a very serious spell which left me weak. At time:;, I would suffer such Intense pains across my back and In my side that I could hardly stand it. “I endured this over and over again. Every time the pains were worse than before. “I was in despair because nothing helped me. I tried several reme dies. but I continued to suffer. "One day, I read about Cardui. Other women told how they had gotten strong and well after taking it. X have often been thankful tor that day, for after I hod taken Car dui for awhile, X felt like a different human being. “It did not seem possible, but I did not suffer the old, torturing pains, and I really felt well. X can heartily recommend Cardui. for I know how much I Improved after I took it. Since then, I have taken It several times when I have needed a tonic, and I have always been benefited. It is a wonderful help.” Ail good druggists sell Cardui. — l)r. Charlie H. Uarrill — | — Dentist — Office in Judge Webb Bldg. Over Stephenson Drug Co. Office I’ll one 030, Residence 630 SHELBY, N. C. THE PERSON WHO HAS NOTHING Is Usually The One Who Does All The Damage. Your Only Safe guard is Insurance With CHAS. A. HOEY SPECIAL EXCLUSION FARES To WASHINGTON, 1). C. Via SOITHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM IMF US DAY. APRIL 23, 1 Round-Trip Fares From: Gastonia. N. C. SI2.50 Kings .Mountain, - SI2.50 Shelby. N. C_SI3.00 jf Rutherfordton — $13.00 Round-trip fares from all points on Southern Rail way System in North Car olina. Tickets on sale all regu lar trains (Except Cres cent Limited) April 25, and good returning to reach I original starting point prior to midnight April 30th. Tickets good in pullman sleeping cars upon pay ment of puliman charges. For detail information and reservations call on Southern Railway Agents. R. H. GRAHAM. Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte. N. C. ('-SN QUEEN CITY COACH LINES FOR. ASHEVILLE, C HARLOTTE. WILMINGTON FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:1') a. ni : 11:45 a. n\; 1:43 p. m.; 3:45 p. in.: 5:4o p. rii'.f 8:45 p. m FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SIIELBY:—7:50 a. m.: 10:50 a. m.; 12:50 p. m.: 2:50 p. m.: 4 :30 p. rn.; 0:50 p. m.; 8:50 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY':—10:50 a. in.: 2:50 p. in. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SIIELBY':—7:5o a. in.: 10:50 a. m.; 2:50 p m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY ji SATISFACTION! There is more to a “Caterpillar"’ than its great POWER and TRACTION. It produces VALUE RECEIVED by enabling you to realize profits from its Tcork. “CATERPILLAR” TRACTORS Implements And Equipment LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE MR. A. E. FINLEY, HOTEL CHARLES — SHELBY, N. C. Anderson Tractor & Equipment Co. BILTMOBE, N. C.

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