Years Of Wandering Winns Up Right Here In Shelby ToinpUr Who Has Wandered Over Globe Wonts To Re main Here. (By TED LEAGUE.) Well, since these girls were so entertaining and apparently pleas ed with my style of dancing. I tried to make myself as gracious as pos sible. But at eleven thirty when the time for good night came, 1 told one of them that it would be good night and good bye also, and t lie fellows that came over were good enough to Invite me to spend the night with them, which I did. They carried me to their home, gave me a bed and breakfast and carried me to the next town the next morning. In this town I saw an ad for a “short order cook" and applied for the Job and got it. That afternoon. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. trlx of the estate of E. W. Wilson, late of Cleveland county, N. C., this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pres ent them to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C. on or before April 8 1930 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 8th day of April. 1929. MRS. MINNIE LEWIS WILSON, Admix., Shelby, N. C. pd lay SHINGLES Right Over the Old Roof SATE labor and ox mom of removing tha old shinglm, elimin ate unsightly litter, poe alblc damage to shrubs and plants* and provide protection In the event of sodden atoms dar> lug IDG WOOD ShlnglM are eat edge-grain and positively will not warp, wop or rail—they force Mia old ahinglM tight ip the sheathing and die tight and flat for ■f ty years and more. Applying EDGWOOD ShlnglM in this manner Is not new, as It has long (been practised in cold Climates to apply Red Cedar Shingles over tight sheathing and building paper. It is a fallacy to assume that EDGWOOD Shingles will decay If laid over old shingles — rot-pro moting fungi can find no weakness in British .Columbia Red Cedar, ■a Nature has endowed this wood with preserva tive oils. EDGWOOD Shingles are cut edge-grain and permit a 577 exposure to the weather for 16" shingles, and 5)" for 18"ehingles. They have greater covering cap acity, consequently cost no more than the ordi nary flat grain shingle. In fact, they cost a whole lot less, when you realize that you have a fifty-year roof free from trouble. •wxnrooo BDUBTI* u Intm*. feu wwi l»lo/m»tlT* illustrated booklet, WrU ^dly^irand^it {rm on rtoolp* i rat c 5Ha CONSOLIDATED SHINGLE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIMITED 90T4 Metropolitan Building Vancouver, B.C. • _ 3*A These Dealers lecommend and Sell Edgwoods L. U. ARROWOOD, Z. J. THOMPSON, Shelby, N. C. I started out on the road again, ted and found once more. I looked again for Jerry but without a sign of him and thought of going to the post officp Found a .otter lnun him e.:pU ining lhat his grandmother had been sen <usly hurt in an auto accident and that he must go to Omnho. Nebr. Im mediately. He also told me (hut he would come to South - Carolina as scon as he could do so T lilt the highway t gain and got a ride with a tourist headed lor Chicago with a full load. He car ried me to the outskirts of Mem phis, Tenn. just at sundown one Sunday afternoon. It began to rain and I bad no place to go, no place to eat or sleep I asked several farmers If 1 might occupy their barn but to no avail and decided the best thing I could do would be to go to the saw mill and gel, un der the shed. The saw mill happen ed to be just off the highway and about three o'clock In the morn ing I heard voices. Negroes were coming down the highway and X didn't want them to disturb me or think I was hurting anything by being there so I took a white shirt out of my suit case, put it over my head and when they were abreast the saw mill I raised up and hol lered just as loud as I could One of the negroes said "What's dat?" NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Tills Is to notify all parties that T. E. L. Beam, undersigned, have this day .sold the Chocolate Shop locat ed in Shelby, N. C. to J. A. Dycus and J. Hoyt Dycus and after this date will not be responsible In any way lor any debts or contracts made In the name of the Choco late Shop or by the owners there of. All persons Indebted to the said Chocolate Shop prior to this date will please make immediate settlement to the undersigned. Tills the lltli day of April, 1929 E. L. BEAM. Henry B. Edwards, Atty. Administrator's Notice. Notire Is hereby given that T have this, day quaiifled as adminis trator of the estate of Leona Gid liey, late of Cleveland county, N. C., and all persons Indebted to said estate will make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned. All per sons having claims against said es tate will present them to me prop erly proven for payment on or be fore April 11. 1930. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the recov ery. This April 11, 1929, R. M. GIDNEY, Administrator of Leona Gid ney, decensed. Ryburn & Hoey, Attorneys. hildrens Colds Checked without “dosing.” Rub on VICKS 0»ih 2 Million Jars UsedYearlv DR. H. C. DIXON DENTIST Office Over Woolworth’s. TELEPHONE 195 -BILLIARDS Cleveland Cigar Store Hotel Charles Bldg., Corner Trade and W. Warren Sts. [ Peyton McSwain Attorney-at-Law Civil and Criminal Practice In All Courts Office: Cnion Trust Co Building N Dr. C. M. Peele —DENTIST— Office Over Woolworth Residence Phone 460-W Office Phone 99-W f" —»iiiii ———^ — Dr. Charlie H. Harrill — — Dentist — Office in Judge Webb Bldg. Over Stephenson Drug Co. Office Phone 530, Residence 63‘i SHEl.BY. N. C. I r——-, DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys. Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - - and I have never heard the answer tie got. Got a good ride next, morning into Memphis, fixed a Ford car for a man in trouble, made two dollars on the deal, fed my face and start ed to Nashville, knowing that It couldn't be very far to Shelby and and a fair was being held and I got a job there ns a bally hound, I was one of those fierce South Sea Islanders with a ring in each ear and one in my nose. I was painted up all black with a white skin tight, suit on and carried a long wicked looking knife. My job was to attract and held a crowd while the "barker” told them about the won derful attractions on the Inside. Made $2 50 per day and board on (he job. It lasted a week and the carnival went south. I went on to Knoxville, encoun tered a friend of mine from Green ville, S. C. and rode all the way home with him. I learned that he was connected with the federal prohibition department and he of fered me some very interesting work. That of going into the moun tains, getting acquainted with the moonshiners, getting their confid ence, making liquor with them if necessary, and letting him knew whore they worked. The remunera tion was very good. For the sake of a Job I took it, lived with my folks for two months and then the fun began. At the present time, there is not a single moonshiner in those mountains and they don't know that their friend and co-worker was re sponsible for the deluge of officers and raiding parties. That was a lot of fun though. Working at n distillery and making believe that I was a real moonshin er. It certainly took some clever acting on my part to be a moun taineer with them remem ber that I haven't said which mountain I was in.) Jerry arrived on the scene a few weeks after I did. and I didn't even let him in on the secret. He inform ed me that his grandmother had died, leaving him ten thousand in (Slid cash, to be his when he be came thirty-one years of age. If he had received it then we would have probably gone places, seen things and done those tilings you read about in fairy tales but. poor Jerry, his mania for booze got the best of him and he drank Just too much of it, got in Jail had to pay a heavy fine. After that he returned to Cali fornla. After leaving the mountains, I came directly to other small places in North Carolina continuing the work I had started in South Caro lina. That was completed several weeks ago and I resigned from my • position" ns a spotter. Too many people have the im pression that the famous 18th amendment was made only to be broken and is not. a friend of those engaged in the legitimate practice of helping to enforce that law. How ever that is all passed but 1 cer tainly had a lot of fun while it lasted Shelby is a fine place, growing every day, Inhabited by people that believe In progress and have mod ern ideas. I have made numerous friends in Shelby and hope to re main here for some time, but I can not remain here merely as a waiter In a leading cafe. I have hcpes of making a connection with a grow ing concern where I will have a chance for advancement. To ramble is all right; to see the places you have dreamed about in your childhood is also o. k.; but when one comes to the realization that he is nothing but a wanderer, a floater, a ne'er do well, etc., it is high time to consider settling down to something worthwhile. The urge to wander on to other places comes to me often. The longing for the open road or for the salt tinged air of the sea is so strong at times until I can hardly repress the desire to drop every thing and go to sea again, but aft er fighting that urge for so long it now seems like one long, pleasant dream to think of those places I I have been to. j Hire's hoping that Shelby will i offer some opportunity, whereby 1 | can remain with all of you and grew with you. prosper with you and be one of you. Adios. The beginning—(of a settled down life.) Girl Of Mountains Cares For Brothers, Defies Welfare Folks Asheville —What to do with a 14 year-old girl who insists on keeping her brood of six younger brothers and sisters together in spite of grinding poverty and want. Is a problem causing the county welfare department much concern. The family of the mountain strain, are living in a tiny cabin perched on a mountain slope on the far edge of Buncombe county. The j mother is dead, and the father is not able to work. The 14-year-old girl has constituted herself mother of the family. She washes, cooks, sews, cleans, and does all the work School is a long way off. and send ing barefooted boys and girls to school tn winter Is an Impossible task, but she keeps her youngsters in school when weather permits. The whole problem Is how to trim the war debts without trimming the war creditors.—Dallas News. Dr. Wall To Prraeh Sermon. Ball Team Wins Two Games From l.attimore. Entertainment. • Special to The Star.) Lawndale, April 27.—The pro cram lor commencement is as fol lows: Sunday May 5, 3 p. in—ser mon by Rev. J. W. Fitzgerald, Fall ston. Tuesday May 7, 8 p. m— Ex ercises by grammar grades. Wed nesday May 8. 8 p. ni.—Annual de bate Thursday May 9, 8 p. m.—Ad dress by Dr. Zeno Wall. Shelby. Friday May 10, 10 a. m.—Reading contest, 11 a m Contest in de clamation. 2:30 p. m—Class day and graduating exercises, 8 p. m.— Operetta. On Thursday night, May 2, at 8 p. in —Miss Tolar, teacher, ol home economies, will present her classes In a "fashion show”, the program follows: Pajama chorus. Kong, "School Days." Guitar solo Reading. “How to Preserve Husbands and Chil dren.” Pianologue. "The Milk maids.” Blonde or Brunette. Reading. "An If for Girls. Song, “Always Rip ping.'’ Poem. "How to Make a Pret ty Child." Reading. “How to Cook a Husband." Kitchen Kabinet band Guitar solo. Children's song. Sketch "A Bachelor's Dilemma." Jokes. Graduation song. Linen dress march. Class song. The public Is cordially invited. Our ball team has recently won two games from Lattimore. Professor Burns, accompanied by Messrs. Robert Forney, Jack Den ton and Robert Burton has gone to Wake Forest where Robert Forney represents our school in the state wide declaimers contest. Robert re cently won the medal in the Lenoir Rhyne contest. Messrs. Tom Dixon and William Burns entertained the senior class with a wiener-marshmallow roast down near the power house on Tues day night. Mr and Mrs. C. D. Forney and family and Miss Tolar enjoyed a delightful mountain trip last Sun day. Earls Finals Begin This Wednesday Continue Through Friday Of This Week With Exercises Each Day. CSpccial to The Star.) The commencement exercises of Earl school will begin Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock on May 1 At 8 o'clock Wednesday evening the readers and declaimers contest will be held. After which all medals end prizes for the year’s work will be awarded. On Thursday at 8 p. m. the grades will give their exercises consisting of playlets, songs and drills. Friday evening at 8 o'clock the high school play, "Finger Prints.” will be given by the high school boys and girls. On all nights during commence ment the class rooms will be open and patrons are invited to visit them and see some examples of work done by children during the school term. No charges are to be made for any of the exercises. Everybody is invited. TRUSTEE S SALE OF REAL ES TATE. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by V A. Costner and wife, Willie Costner, to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated June 3, 192" and recorded in the ofiice of the register of deeds lor Cleveland county, N. C. in book 145. page 144. securing an indebtedness to the Shelby and Cleveland County Building and Loan association and default having been made in the payment ol said indebtedness and being requested to sell said prop erty I will on Wednesday, May 8, 1929 at 12 o'clock noon, or within legal hours at the court house door in Shelby, N. C. sell to the highest bider for cash at public auction that certain tract of land lying and be ing in No. 4 township. Cleveland county, N. C. and described as fol lows : An undivided one-half Interest in the following described tract of land. Beginning at a black gum stump, Ellison's corner and runs with their line S. 31* W. 44.33 chains to a stone, Shepherd's cor ner; thence with his and Little's line N. 85’* W. 34.90 chains to a stone, Little. Mulllnax and Purvis’ corner; thence with Purvis' line N 4\ E 27 25 chains to a stone; Stew art’s corner; thence with his line N. 31 'j E. 13 34 chains to a white oak; thence with another line of his N. 3 E 5.44 chains to a black gum. Jane McMurry's comer; thence with her line S. 86 E. 27.46 chains to the beginning, contain ing 142.4 acres, more or less and lying on the waters of Long Branch and adjoining the lands of Ellison, Keeter, Little, Purvis. Stewart and others and being that same undi vided one-half interest conveyed to V A Costner by J. M. Grigg and wife by deed dated August 8, 1919, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county. N. C. in deed book HHH at page 620 This April 8. 1929. JNO. P. MULL, Trustee. Coi bett Family To Shelby From Graham (Special to The Star.) Graham. N. C., April 27.—To the regret of their many friends the family of Mr. J. O. Corbett have moved to Shelby where they will make their home. Mr. Corbett since the first of the year hits held the position of auditor with thf Cleve land Cloth mills, a place he is emi nently fitted by reason of long training. For twenty-five years Mr. Corbett was. bookkeeper and head of the office at Saxaphaw Cotton mill When that business failed he be came county accountant until the change of administration due to the returns lrom the election last Nov ember. The Presbyterian church sustains a great loss in the removal of the Corbett family. Every branch of the church had some member of the family among its workers and the Sunday school was ably superintended and managed by Mr. Corbett for eight years , and lor five years he was an elder in the church. We wish them happiness in their new home. L. D. Corn Rushed To Hospital. Mr. Chapman Celebrates 63rd Birthday. Personals^ (Special to The Star! April 27—At the baseball game last Saturday evening our team was defeated by Caroleen by 11 to 5. Both teams played excellent. Mrs. Fletcher Green surprised her husband with a birthday dinner Sunday. Many friends and relatives attended. A delicious feast was spread in picnic style. The closing exercises of the pri mary grades were given Wednesday night. Music was furnished by Messrs. C. G. White. Roscoe Mo loney. Will Bridges and Horn. The exercise was very much enjoyed. Mr. L. D. Com is seriously ill and was rushed to the Shelby hospital Wednesday. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. All the children and grandchil dren of Mr. J. D. Chapman gather ed at his home Sunday to celebrate his sixty-third birthday. A grand feast was spread in his honor. Mrs. Vertic Green and Mr. Frank Ellis visited Miss Blanton of the Dover Mill Sunday. Mrs. John Southard. Misses Vernie. Lucille and Mrs. George Southard were in Gastonia Satur day shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Buice have as their guests this week Mr. Buice’s sisters, Mrs. Keefer and Mrs. M. W. Harvey of Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Roberson and daughter,.Rose Ella and Mr. B. F. Jolley, pf, Boiling Springs were : the spend-tfie-clay guests of Mr. ITT f YOU’LL FIND NOTHING unusual in this, incident; An employer asked an ap plicant where she was last employed, and was told that it was in_ a_ doll, factory MAKING- EYES;. “Very well—you’re, hired,, but don't demonstrate your abilities when my wife is around.” There’s nothing unusual in SINCLAIR gas and OPALINE oil popularity other than its invincibility. Public faith in SINCLAIR products has been formu lated through years o f faithful performance. If you seek fidelity and ser vice, ask for SINCLAIR gas and oil. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors and Mrs. Thurlo Bailey Saturday. Among Jhe number on the sick list are: Mrs. George Southard who I is very ill; Robert Jenkins, Jr, who has been real sick but is better and Martha Sisk. Mr. Garland Sisk who is in the army is home lor a furlough. Mrs. Ernest Phillips of near Clilfside spent the latter part of last week here ' with her mother, Mrs. C. D. Hicks. Mrs. Clyde Hamrick and Mrs. E. T. Bailey visited in the Trinity community Monday afternoon. Miss Eula Blanton had dinner with Miss Thelma Lynn Sunday. Is There No Darrozo? Indianapolis News. No Chicago gunman would mix in a Mexican revolution where the loser gets no chance to Send for Clarence Darrow. For Mayor. I hereby announce my candidacy for Mayor of the City ol Shelby, and pledge the citizens of the com munity that if I am elected I will endeavor to perform my duties im partially and give the people the very lies' services of which I am capable. ENOS L. BEAM. BILIOUSNESS \rkan*an Convinced Since Hit Childhood That “Black Draught Can’t Be Beaten” For It. West Helena, Ark.—“I am flfty vo years ol age, and I have taken Hack-Draught, when needed, all my life,” writes Mr. G. L. Smith, of 253 North Third Street, this city. ‘‘When I was just a child, my mother made Black-Draught tea, and gave it to me for colds and biliousness. It was a family medi cine with us. ‘‘After I was grown and went out on the farm, working hard, I would ?et a dull, tired feeling and a bad taste in my mouth. I would know then, that I was bilious. I would take a few doses of Black-Draught, and soon feel good as new. “In later years, I have taken Black-Draught and it has helped me for constipation and biliousness, and I am still of the same belief, as when a child, that Black-Draught can’t be beaten." Thousands of men and women rind Black-Draught of gTeat help in relieving the common ailments, due to constipation, biliousness and in digestion. Black-Draught is prepared from selected medicinal herbs and roots. A natural remedy for unnatural conditions of the system. Costs only 1 cent a dose. SC-201 The Shelby Dry Cleaning Company ANNOUNCES A SPECIAL MOTH PROOFING PROCESS Which will he introduced at the plant in about a week. Not only will your garments sent to us be thoroughly moth proofed, but in addition we are planning to sup ply you ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE a special MOTH-I’ROOF CEDARIZED BAG in which your cloth ing may be absolutely protected from these destructive pests. This is important, because the time is at hand to store your winter garments. By this special secret pro cess which we are introducing, not only will they be pro ected in the ordinary summer storage, but we are giv ng you further absolute protection bv giving to you, vith our compliments, this specially constructed CE )AR1ZEI) MOTH-PROOF BAG in which further to reserve them. In other words, by sending your winter garments o us for cleansing, you are getting a TWO-FOLD JUARantee of their protection from the worst clothes nemy known. il'ARANTEE of their protection from the worst othes enemy known. Shelby Dry Cleaning Company North Washington Street Phones 112 and 113 For Greater Results In Selling-Try Star Adv Plenty of room in {he NEIV S UPERI OR r I 'HE larger bodies of the new Superior Whippet Four and Six afford more spacious interiors, with extra head room, leg room and elbow room. The beautiful and ultra-modern design of the new Superior Whippet makes it the style authority in both the h our and light Six classes. Many tasteful refinements include longer lines, higher radiator and hood, chromium plate, and sweeping one-piece full-crown fenders. The faster speed and pick-up of the new Superior Whip pet result from a higher compression engine, giving more than 0.0% added horsepower. Low consumption of gasoline and oil, and dependable performance insure ex ceptional operating economy and minimum service costs. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., TOLEDO, OHIO WHIPPET SIX COAv. 1 WITH 7-BEARIWG CRAKXmATT >695 Cimm p*>*t Cmf, (mUi rmmU. mat tTtS; tUam S7bJt Th hum $*i.jn SSJCf Dt Lmx* foadmr fSSD UmelrniBmg rmmhU mat omd mana) WHIPPET FOUR' COACH *550 Cm*.SIX* 4*am»tm> Cmf. S$»t +dm $bJ5t Dm Ltum Smdam $t>Q5i Mrnadmr $300* 4-fammgm kmdaar $S3B; CdUgimt Smdmt SJ9S? Tmm tog SSQSr Cmumardal Ch*nu£80> AH WVTmOrnm-iomi fmitm/. «. L r»W\ Ohm, amd i* wtfndhm Stewart Motor Comp?jiy SHELBY, N. C. A

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