10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 53 THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELLY. N. C. IK I DAY. MAY 192!) I’ulilndied Monday, Wednesday, and Finlay Afternoons iVv mail, per year (In advance) $2.50 Carrie r, prr year (Inadvance) $3.00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, pc rpouml .... . . 18c Cotton Seed, per bu. __ 48c Frost Likely. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Fair and continued cold, probably light frost in west portion tonight. Saturday fair with slowly rising temperature. Ticket For Monday Vote The following arc the candidates to be voted upon in the Shelby city election Monday, with the voting booth at the court house. The list as published below will go on the tickets to be printed Saturday by The Star unless candidates listed notify otherwise by 9 o'clock Satur day morning, or other candidates announce and so notify the print er prior to Saturday morning: FOR MAYOR W. N. Dorsey E. L. Beam S. A. MeMurry BOARD OF ALDERMEN (Vote for one in each ward 1 Ward One J. F. Ledford P. M. Washburn Boyce Dellinger Ward Tw o Ab Jackson J. F. Jenkins Ward Three J. F. Schenck, j.' W. A. Broadway Ward Four Z. J. Thompson T. P. Eskridge DIST. 33 SCHOOL BOARD (Vote for cne in eacli ward.) Ward One Roger Laughridge Ward Two Dr. Tom Gold Ward Three H. Clay Cox Ward Four J. B. Nolan L. P. Holland At-Large Thad C. Ford Highs Are Playing Lincolnton Today For Group Honors Locals May Be Group Champions This Eve, And May Not. Heavy Hitters. The Shelby highs are this after noon playing Lincolnton here for the group seven title in the state baseball championship series. Lincolnton defeated Fallston 16 to 10 to remain in the race and re ports have it that the Lincoln out fit is composed of the heaviest hit ters yet faced by Casey Morris’ boys this year. In the Fallston ga#ne the Lincolnton players banged out two homers and a number of other ex tra base blows. ‘•Lefty’’ Moore or Sherrill Ham rick may be on the mound for Shelby with "Red'’ Dayberry, anoth er young southpaw, held in reserve. Hamrick has hurled every game for Shelby in the state series so far and appears to be after the record of Dutch Whismant who pitched Shelby all the way to the western semi-finals a couple of years back. Kiwanis Club Fed By Woman’s Club The Kiwanis club was fed last night to a delicious home cooked meal by the first division of the Woman’s club in the Masonic club building with Kiwanian Holly Led ford and Mrs. T. W. Hamrick of the first division responsible for the splendid program. Miss Virginia Hamrick gave several humorous readings to the delight of her audi ence, while the “Banjo Boys,” a trio composed of Messrs. Wilson, War lick and Whisnant rendered a num ber of popular instrumental selec tions. At a meeting of the directors of the club, it was decided to give a banquet to the 80 seniors and the 40 members of the High school band. Bill McCord will stage this program at an early date. O. C. Sarratt, Age 89, J. J. McMurry Age 80 Two of Shelby's oldest and most beloved citizens, both of whom are still active and make their appear ance on the streets each day. cele brated their birthdays on Wednes day. O. C. Sarratt is the o'der of the two. being 89. J. J. McMurry reach ed 80 Wednesday. Masonic Work. First degrre work will be put on by the Cleveland Lodge 202 A. F. & A. M. at a called communication to be held tonight in the Masonic temple. Mrs. C. H. Hardin and two chil dren were Kings Mountain visitor's yesterday. Shelby Students Give Mothers Credit For Best Influence Woodrow Wilson Most Popular Hero Of Shelby High Seniors, Lindbergh Second, While Florence Nightingale Is Outstand ing Heroine. Nearly All Want To Attend College. Thirteen Girls Put Career Ahead. Of the 88 students in the gradu ating class at the Shelby high school this year 18 declare unre servedly that their mothers have been the most beneficial influence tn their lives. The others credited various persons arid things, father receiving five votes, while school received 13. The declaration was in response to a questionnaire placed before the graduating class by The Star. The first question. "What has been the most beneficial Influence in your life?" was answered as fol lows: Mother. 18: school. 13; father, five; teachers, four; friends, six; parents, five; books, three; church, high school band, women, lectures. Favorite Colleges. In the question as to the favorite colleges it was found that Duke and N. C. C. W. were the favorites of the girls with Carolina and State ranking as tile favorites of the boys. Fifty-three plan to attend college, while 15 are not planning a college career. Of the 15 who will not at tend college only five will not be cause they do not want to. Professions. Teaching was found to be the favorite colleges it was found that Duke and N. C. C W. were the favorites of the girls with Carolina and State ranking as the favorites of the boys. Fifty-three plan to at tend college, while 15 are not plan ning a college career. Of the 15 who will not attend college only five will not because they do not want to. Heroes And Heroines. Woodrow Wilson is the greatest of all heroes to the graduating class with Lindbergh ranking second, while Florence Nightingale was named as the outstanding heroine with Joan d'Arc ranking second. Robert E. Lee ranked third among the heroes, while Samson and Lin coln tied for fourth place. Tom Mix and Chari is Keel (The Star's comedian) received two votes each and Babe Ruth cornered one of the liero-worshippers. Twenty-eight of the 41 girls in the class consider matrimony as the ideal of life, but 13 placed a career ahead of a home. Now As To Lindy. Another question was: “What do you think of Lindbergh—is he a hero, or rs he overrated?’’ Twenty-six girls classed him as a hero while 10 consider him over rated. Among the boys the pen dulum of fame swung the other way. Five- boys classed him as a hero while 13 bespoke their minds that he was overrated. All The Answers. The queries with complete an swers follow: What is your favorite college (girls)? Duke (6), N. C. C. W. <6). (Continued on page nine.) Holland Will Run Fcr School Board Mr. L. P. Holland, well known Shelby citizen and business man. an nounces in The Star today that he will be a candidate for the school board from Ward Four. Mr. Hol land’s definite announcement makes a candidate from each ward. One Teacher Has Brain Concussion F rom Car Accident Not Considered Serious However. Miss McArthur Improving In Hospital. Miss Rose Budd Chamberlin, one of the three Shelby teachers in the auto which crashed into the Upton service station here Tuesday night when the party was returning from a dinner at Miss Chamberlin's home in Lincoln! on, suffered a slight con cussion of the brain according to reports reaching Shelby yesterday from LinColnton. The party W'v: made up of Miss Chamberlin Miss Francos McAr thur, another teacher; Prof W. T. Sinclair, musi al instructor; and Frank Hoyle, p . ar.d at the time it was thought that Miss McArthur, w ho suf . red a laceration of the knee and ,s m the hospital here, was the worst injured, Miss Cham berlin, l.owevcr. was considerably shaken up and left fo he: home In Uincolntcn vYe .nesday her head, according to the report, continued to pain her and being removed to the Lineolnton hospital it was found that she had suffered the slight concussion. After a few days rest from the shock it is expected, though, that she will be able to re turn to Shelby, Reports from the hospital today stated that Miss McArthur was im proving. hut was still sore from bruises and the leg laceration and would likely be in the hospital for several days vet Messrs Sinclair rnd Hoyle received only slight bruises and cuts. Jnjured In Wrecks Show Improvement Forrest Barret, 20-year-old Kings Mountain boy, severely injured last Sunday when his car turned over between Shelby and Kings Moun tain, was so improved that he was able to leave the Shelby hospital yesterday for his home. Charlie Morrison, Waco man. in jured last Tuesday morning when the truck he was riding in collided with another truck at Waco, was reported to be improving this morn ing at the Shelby hospital. Dellinger, Gold Get In Race Today Two new candidates entered the city eleetion list just be fore The Star went to press to day. They were Mr. Bovre Del linger, who announces for Al derman for Ward One, making a three-cornered race there, and Dr, Tom B. Gold for school committeeman in Ward Two. Library Not Open. The Shelby Public Libary will be closed tomorrow, Saturday. Move Slot Machines To N. C. To Evade Enforced Ruling Quick Action Follows Receipt Of Instructions Of S. C. Governor To Confiscate Devices. Gaffney, May 2—As the result of Governor John G. Richards’ order issued Tuesday to rid the state of slot machines, 14 cluttered the state of iloor of Sheriff J. G. Wright's office at the court house here yesterday. They had been taken from stores and shops in all parts of the county. The majority were the kind that gave mints a? well as checks and money. A few were of other types. Sheriff Wright was not in the of fice and Deputy Sheriff J E. Wat kins, in charge, could give little in formation when questioned about the so-called gambling devices. He said he could not furnish the names of the firms they were taken front, and when asked what would be done with the machines, he replied he thought that was a private mat ter and that, "people had no busi-, ness asking." It is reported that some of the j machines were taken to North Caro-1 lina before officers began their col ! lection The exact number in op eration in Cherokee county could not be learned. Sheriff Wright was called on the phone yesterday after noon and asked to estimate the number, but he declared he had no idea how- many there were in op eration here. He added that he did not yet know how they would be disposed of, and that he was waiting further instructions from the gov- j ernor. S. L. Courtney, local representa tive of Keeney Sons, Chicago, re puted owners of the slot machines, when asked yesterday for informa tion as to probable action with ref erence to future operation of slot machines in South Carolina, showed the fallowing which had the ap pearance of being an authorized telegram from Chicago: "Notify all constables or officers seizing our machines that they will be held per sonally responsible, as our case has not been decided by United States supreme court and that we arc no way connected with Wilson case. Remove all machines and hold for instructions per telegram this morn ing Call H. Hart.' Seek Bail For King Tuesday Will Try To Get Bond For Shelby Man Before < hlrf .lustier Watts At I.aurens. York. S. C . May 2 -Application for bail for Rate King. 1 elef in the Chester county Jail since his in dictment here for the murder of his wile, Faye Wilson King, will tie made before Chief Justice R. C Watts at Laurens Tuesday, it was announced tiere tonight bv Thomas F. McDow, leading counsel for King. Notice of the application for bail has been served on Solicitor J. Lyles Glenn of Chester It is definite!*, known that the state will strenu ously oppose the granting of ball The state's position. It is under stood, will be that having been in dicted and arraigned. King is no, eligible for bail because in a sense his case :s in process of trial King has been in the Chester Jail since April 15. He was taken from the York jail to Chester not as a precautionary measure against violence but because the sheriff and deputies here are witnesses in the case, it was stated in the court order committing him to the Chester pri son. He was granted a change of venue April 17 and the case wa: transferred to Chester county for trial. King was arrested February 4 on the charge of murdering his wife immediately after the jury at the coroner's inquest had rendered a verdict staling that she came to hr’ death by poison administered by hands unknown to the jury. 1! obtained his freedom February 8 on $3,000 bond granted by Chief Jus tice Watts. After the finding rf a suit of bloody clothing in the King home at Sharon the state sought to have Chief Justice Watts rescind the order granting King bail, but this request was refused. While King was arrested on a warrant charging him with mur dering his wife by administering poison and beating her on the head the indictment on which a true bill was found charges him with chok ing her to death. Piedmont Finals On May 5 th11 Oth Twenty-Five Youngsters On Senior Class Roll There. Dr. Wall To Make Address. especial to The Star.) Lawndale, May 3.—The Piedmont high school commencement gets un derway Sunday, May 5, and ex tends through Friday May 10. The commencement sermon will I be preached by Rev. J. W Fitzger ald Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock On Tuesday evening, beginning at ( 8 o'clock, the grammar grade exer- j ciscs will be held, while on Wednes day evening, May 8. will come the nainual debate. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. Zeno Wall, oi Shelby, will deliver the literary ad dress. On Friday, May in, the read ing contest will be held at 10 in the morning, the declamation contest at 11, the graduating and class day exercises at 2:30, and an operetta at 8 in the evening. Tlie roll of the graduating class follows: Edith Beam, Shannon Hurman Blanton, Mary Mildred Boyles, Wil liam Jacob Burns. Ruby May Car penter, Franklin Glenn Cornwell. Wayland Beecher Denton, Thomas Jefferson Dixon. William Franklin Eaker, Daniel Cline Falls, Robert Forney, Minnie Gold. Eloise Grtgg, Lawrence Gilbert Hord. Vera Inez Kiser. Mary Elizabeth Lee, Geral dine Elaine Moore, Pearl Rackard, Vashti Richards, Piccola Rudasill, Theodore Tilman Smawlcy. Eubort Bynum Spangler, Grace Elizabeth Toney. White Tells Club Of Cleveland’s History j Prof. W. E. White, of Lattimore. son of Mr. M. L. White, well known newspaper contributor. was the guest speaker at the Shelby Rotary club today and gave a brief but very interesting resume of the history of Cleveland county. Mr. White is official historian for the county and is secretary of the County Histori cal commission recently organized with Prof Lawton Blanton as pres ident. He appeared before the club, on a program arranged by Solici tor P.'•Cleveland Gardner. Outstanding historical informa tion given by Prof. White in his talk together with historical arti cles by him upon the county wit! a j.jear in later issues of The Star. Blind Hatred Caused Murder Impulse Breaking down under the prilling by the polirr, Far! Peace*, lower left, told all of his brutal murder and subsequent attempt to incinerate the body of his bride of a year, Dorothy Peacox, upper left. How he killed her with a book end in the apart ment in Mount Vernon, N. Y., where they formerly lived. How he brought the body to the lonely spot near Scarsdale and tried to burn it. llbw he attempted to establish an alibi through the aid of his sweetheart, Frances New mar right, bv carrying her back into the house from which lie n*d carried tire dead body of his wife. Miss Newman is being held as a material witness. The case will go to. the Grand Juiy next j week. Writer For Star, Is Unusual One LifeStory Of Gee McGee, Feature I-Ost Hand. rye. And Hearing When Only Eleven. Succeeds Despite Ills Handicaps. i By DAVID E. CAMAK.t Forty-nine years ago \V. Frank McGee, whose pen name is Ger McGee, was horn on the bank of the Savannah river near Anderson, S. C„ his present home. When Frank was eleven year, old he suffered the lass of his right hand, his left eye, the tearing of the right ear. and half the effi ciency of the left ear. Frank's father operated a cotton gin. and it was the boy's job to carry the fluffy white lint from the condenser to the press. One day he was being assisted by a boy chum. Charlie Wandslow and they were having the time of their lives, div ing into the soft pile of lint and coming up with great armfulls of the fibre, looking like huge walk ing snow-balls as they scampered away to the press room. Just as the two boys wore about to dive into the cotton for another load the pile burst into flame with a soft muffled sound like explosion of loose powder. Frank had the presence ot mind to jump beyond tire further reach of the blaze, springing out of the fire like a blaz ing torch. Charlie sank down in his tracks, and was burned to death in a few minutes. Tough Beginning. Many seeing Frank in the agonies of the months that followed, thought it was a pity he had not gone with Charlie; he would be so horribly handicapped for life. However, Frank hot only refused to die, but learned to laugh at his handicaps. He had one good hand left, one bright, beaming eye, and half the hearing of one ear. What it his face were covered with scars? Tvvasn't looks that made the man So Frank taught his left, hand | Mrs. R. L. Ryburn. of the Shelby Presbyterian church. was elected historian of the King Mountain Presbytericn auxiliary held early | thus week at the First Presbyterian church in Rutherfordton i _ ’ * * Tommy Harrtll. Cleveland county boy and former State college cap tain. alternating between first base and the outfield for the Greensboro Patriots in the Piedmont league, is hitting the horsehide hard To date he Is among the leading hitters of the league and on Wednesday bang ed a long home run over the right eenterfield fence to help Ins team win. Shelby is growing Tins front Col. Wad" Harris editorial page of The Charlotte Observer: "Folk entering Shelby from the Charlotte end, the past few months can not have failed to make remark on the number of new homes that line the highway and rise on the slopes, but a better notion of just how Shelby has been growing is obtained from 'statement in The Star this wee!; that in nine month', is many as 127 new homes have been built in that town, which seems to be .some thing akin to the Charlotte pace/’ the cunning of the right, fastened a leather strap to the charred stub of | the right, hooked it over the plow | handle and proceeded to make a | regular hand in the field In this : position Prof. J. F H.vper who (Continued on page eight < This Minister Will Be Particular When He Outlines His Promise Washington. N. c.—The next time Rev. Stephen Gardner, rector of St. Peters Episcopal chwcli, makes any kind of a proposition to the boys and girls of his Sunday school, he Is going to give the mat ter serious and careful attention before submitting it to them. Six months ago Mr. Gardner an nounced that lie would give a prize of ten dcitars in gold to the boy or girl who attended Sunday school and church services for six months without nitssiiig a single Sunday. The period came to a close last Sunday, and when officers of the Sunday school checked up car the attendance record today, it was found that 29 girls and 2? boys had maintained perfect attendance for the six months and had not missed a service. Mr. Gardner almost fainted when he was informed of the facts. The 51 prize winners are expect ing to receive tin. ir ten Dollar gold pieces next Sunday. Hundreds New Voters Register For Election In Shelby Next Monday City Tickets Will Be Printed Saturday; Tickets to ho used In tho city election here Monday will he printed at The Star job shop Saturday morning, and all candidates who wish their names to he placed on the ticket, and who have not officially an-' nounced. should do so by !• o’clock Saturday morning. In some rases where it is thought that a certain man is seeking a nofflce his name might not go on the ticket when he does not desire, and on the other hand, unless the names are officially filed, some citizen who desires Ills name to be on the ticket may not have it there. Definite Information from the candidates should hr given early Saturday, l ive thousand tickets of each race—mayoralty, city hoard and school hoard—will be printed. Candidates desiring tickets additional to this num ber should Inform The Star. Six Nurses To Graduate On Tuesday 1). /,. Neulon To Deliver Address. Krv. H. N. MeDiiirmid To Preach Sermon' Sunday. Commencement exercises for the I School of Nursing of the Shelby i hospital will begin Sunday with a i sermon to the six graduates by Rev. i H. N. McDiarmid, pastor of the i Presbyterian church. This service ! will bo preaching at. the church and will be followed Tuesday eve 'nlng'in the high sehbol auditorium ) by the graduation exercises at which j Attorney D Z. Newton will deliver ! an address and Dr. E. A. Houser, a I member of the faculty and a trus tee of the hospital will present the I diplomas. The public is invited to | a square dance at Cleveland Springs hotel after these exercises. Miss Ella McNlchols. head of the School of Nursing says that the public is invited to attend these ex ercises. This year there are six graduates and it is the sixth an niversary of the existence of the school. The roll of graduates is as fol lows : Alice Marie England. Ruth Lee, Charlotte Josephine Beverly, Leah Janette Rust. Rena Ophelia Hames. Edna Muriel Wright. Motto: "Tis Noble To Serve.’’ Flower- Snapdragon. Color—Pink and white Valedictorian. Alice Marie England. Indian Preacher Draws Big Crowds Eight hundred were present last night at the evangelistic service conducted at the Second Baptist church by Rev. A S. Lockee. a Cherokee Indian, The meeting started April 28 and runs through May 12. Interest has been keen and attendance large at each service Tlie preacher has a magnetic per sonality and a force and power that appeals. He made his first propo sition to t lie unsaved Wednesday night and 12 or 15 people went forward. Interest grows as the meeting continues and many peo ! pie are coming from a distance to 1 hear him. Rev. Rush Padgett, the pastor, j ays Mr. Lockee's daughters, Misses | Evelyn myl Margaret who are in | college in Greenville, S. C.. will be here for the services Saturday and Sundav. Both have good voices and will sing at each service. For Sun day it is expected to have a red S letter day for the Sunday school. Preaching at 11 o'clock and a spe cial service for men only at 3:30 o’clock, followed by the usual eve i ning service at 7:30 o'clock. Wants Officials Who Will Pay Own Lights To Editor Oi The Star: “One thing the tax payers of '.Shelby would like to know.” Is the next administration going | to give themselves and their help, water and lights free, and put the price up on their patrons’ ' . J. L. SMITH. Names Of Dead And Those Moved Away Culled From Book, 2,674 Registered. A cheek-up on the city registra tion hooks by Registrar Mike H. Austell shows that up until today 2,674 voters were eligible to par ticipate in the biennial city election Monday. This number includes 467 new voters registered this year. The total of eligible voters for the approaching election is almost dou ble the actual votes east In 1987. In fact it is double the total vote cast for the aldermen, but is not quite double the total vote cast In the mayoralty contest In which there were six candidates. Weed Dead 'Uns Out. Registrar Austell is pretty sure of one tiling, fthere frill not be any great number of dead votes cast, which is to say that for three or four days the registrar has been go ing through the registration books culling out nnmes recorded there of Shelby citizens who are dead, or have moved away from town. This procedure, he estimates, eliminated something like 300 names from the books With registration or new voters continuing through this "'weeck, however, it is likely that at least 500 new voters will be upon the books by Monday morning, and this will run the total registration over 2.700 Dopesters Dubious. Regardless of the heavy registra tion of the new voters the political prophets of the town are not anti cipating ar.y large vote. Many of them are of the opinion, in view of the lack of interest shown by citi zens, that no more votes will be cast Monday than was two years ago when the six candidates for mayor polled a total vote of 1.456, General estimate howbeit is that close to 1,600 votes will be cast, and this means that if the mayoralty race is decided in the first contest that, the winning candidate must receive something like 800 votes. No issue of Importance has de veloped in the closing days of the final campaign week and unless something shows up between this time and Monday morning the v oters going to the box at the court house will do so Just because they are interested in town government and want to vote, and not because they have been stirred up by cam paign issues or personalities. Dinner Is Planned For Confederates In Shelby May 10th Will Be Served In Woman's Club Room. Exercises To Be Held At School Auditorium. Confederate veterans, their wives and widows will be served the usual dinner by the Daughters of the Confederacy chapter here on Memorial Day. May 10th. according to an announcement made today by Mrs, W. B, Nix, president. Last year the Daughters fed about 100 people but the veterans themselves are rapidly passing and only 38 of these guests last year were men who fol lowed under the flag of General Lee. xhe attendance this year will probably fall short of that a year ago. All veterans, their wives and widows are asked to meet in front of the Confederate monument at 10:30 o'clock where they will be met with cars to take them to the high school auditorium for a short program. There will be no speech making, but entertainment in the nature of songs and readings will be rendered. After the program, the dinner will be served in the woman's club room j and at that time, the guests will | | be told of the free trip which the 1 Daughters and other local clubs will | give the veterans, their wives and I widows to the Southern Reunion to j be held in Charlotte early in June. | Sister Of Mr. Post Dies In Pennsylvania Ed Post, died at her home In Bev erly Hills. Philadelphia, last night i at 10 o’clock after an illness of sev eral years. Many friends will remember Mr?, Smith hc e. as she accompanied her husband. Rev. C. O. Smith two summers here, while he preached for Dr Murray at the P_esbyterlan church. Mrs Smith is survived by, her husband two little daughters The funeral services will be held in Baltimore Md , Monday. Mrs. C. O Smith, sister of Mr.

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