10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 55 THE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. C. WKDNKSDT. MAY 8. 1920. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By moll, per year (In advance) |2.W Carrier, per year (in advance) *3.00 LATE NEWS 'I he Markets. Cotton, pe rpound 18c Cotton Seed, per bu. ....48e Rain Thursday. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Increasing cloudiness to night followed by showers in east portion Thursday and in west por tion Ute tonight or Thursday. Con tinued cool except slightly warmer in west tonight. Bobby Is Lawyer. Robert Tyre Jones. ,ir., better known to golf fans as Bobby Jones, | was admitted to the bar in the ] United States district court at At lanta yesterday. Bobby will lay aside his practice to compete in tournaments this ummer. 1 - King Gets Bond; Now In Shelby $5,000 Bond Permits Him To Re turn To Parents Home Here Until July Trial. Raft King is back at the home of his parents in Shelby today after being given bond in the sum oi $5,000 by Chief Justice R. C. Watts in a hearing yesterday at Laurens, S. C. Following the hearing yesterday afternoon he was released from the Chester, South Carolina, jail where he has been for three weeks since being arraigned at the York county court in connection with the death of his wife, Faye Wilson King, at Sharon last January. A dispatch from York tells of the hearing at Laurens: Aa soon as King’s attorneys could reach Chester after the hearing in Laurens, a cashier's check for the bond on a bank in Shelby was post ed by Thomas F. McDow, with the Chester county clerk of court, and with this act and the signing of the bond by the defendant himself, King once more became free. The order granting bond stipulates that he shall not leave the state except to go and live with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pink King, in Shelby. The hearing began before chief Justice Watts at 11:30 o’clock, and bail was asked on the testimony given at the coroner's inquest. This testimony was not read, as the chief justice said he was familiar with It. The petition of the defend ant was read and several affidavits introduced in which citizens of Shelby testified to the good char acter of King. oppows Rond. Tho state vigorously opposed the granting of bond to King in any amount, contending that the status of the case has been materially changed as the result of evidence that has come to light since the coroner's Inquest. Affidavits giving testimony were read by J. A. Mar ion, of the state's counsel, from eight persons. These were Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Saye, Sheriff F E. Quinn. J. F. Faulkner. W. A. Faries.R. L. Plexico, Dr. C. O. Burruss, and Dr. R. E. Abell. At the conclusion of the argu ments, Chief Justice Watts said he would grant bail and fix the amount of the bond at $6,000 Counsel for the defense stated they did not think King could raise bond in this sum, and the chief justice then re duced It to $5,000. Among the mo6t significant tes timony given in the affidavits in troduced by the state was the opin ion of Dr. R. E. Abell of Chester that Mrs. Faye Wilson King was choked to death. Dr. Abell, who is chief surgeon at a hospital in Ches ter, did the dissecting at the second autopsy. This part of his affidavit Is as follows: “That in his,opinion Mrs. Faye; Wilson King came to her death1 fi;om being choked. That the con- j tuslon of the skin and the subcu- I taneous fat gave evidence of pres sure sufficient to cause strangula tion. That in fact the bruises and contusion around the throat were much greater than was necessary to cause death by strangulation. “That the deceased also had bruises on her elbows and knees, such bruises as would have been made by the deceased had she been struggling while on her back and on her knees on the floor. That the wound in her head was very serious and enough to render deceased par tially unconscious. but was not enough in his opinion to cause death.” Another affidavit regarded by the state as highly important was that of Dr. J. H. Sayre of Sharon, in which it was said “that the con clusion of tlie deponent, after the second autopsy and from all the circumstances surrounding the mat ter, was that the death of Mrs. King had been caused by choking and that the bums in her mouth v and under her tongue were caused tContinued on page ten..' Second Election Here Monday For One Alderman Duke Fund Will Give $,25,000 To Hospital Here Upon Condition If Focal Citizens Raise Equal Amount Money Will Come . From Duke Foundation. A gift of $25,000 by the Duke foundation to the Shelby Pub lic hospital was announced last night by Clyde R. Hoey, chair man of the board of trustees, on condition that the sum is matched by a like amount. The announcement was made at the high school auditorium at the close of the commencement finals of the School of Nurs ing of the Shelby hospital when six graduates received their diplomas and pins. The gift from the Duke Foun dation must be used for building purposes and for no other cause and must be matched by a like sum, making $50,000 available to enlarge the hospital plant. Mr. Hoey has been working for a year or two with the Duke Foundation to get this contribution and was success ful in having the Duke Founda tion make $15,000 of the amount available at once and the remaining $10,000 available when the addi tional unit is completed. Just how the $25,000 will be rais ed locally, Mr. Hoey was unable to say this morning. He stated that he and the trustees and friends of the institution had not had a confer ence to discuss what plans will be adopted. Officials will get together right away, however, to work out some means of raising this money as it must be available before July 1, otherwise the Duke Foundation will divert the appropriation to some other institution. The hospital is over-run at times and is inadequate in many ways. A maternity ward is badly needed, also a department where contagious cases can be isolated and sufficient quarters where medical and oper ative cases may be separated. The equipment is adequate in every way to take care of more patients, but more room is needed and it is thought that $50,000 would double the bed capacity of the institution. The Duke offer was received with much favorable comment today by the friends of the hospital. Advertise County Taxes This Week, By Order Of Board Amount Less Than That Last Year. First Publication To Come On Friday. All property in Cleveland county on which 19T8 taxes are unpaid as yet will be advertised in The Star Friday of this week and after four weeks of adver tising: will be sold at public auc tion for the unpaid taxes at the court house on Monday, June 3. This order was griven Sheriff Irvin M. Allen Monday by the county commissioners in regu lar monthly session, the order authorizing him to complete the list and see that first publica tion is made this week. Late taxpayers are still com ing; in and a total of the unpaid taxes has not been made, but estimate at the sheriff's office is that the amount of unpaid taxes will be slightly less than the total last year. At the same meeting the board authorized the sheriff to use what legal means he might and expend every effort to collect delinquent poll and personal property taxes during the month of May. Nurse In Schools Urged By Newton In Talk To Nurses Shelby Attorney Speaker At Finals For Hospital Graduates Here. Good Crowd. In Iils address at the final exer cises for the six graduates of the Shelby hospital at the school audi torium here last night. Attorney D. Z. Newton expressed the belief, in view of the importance of good health in the development of the mind, that the public schools facul ty should include a graduate nurse for the purpose of giving lectures to the pupils on hygiene and care of the body. A large crowd filled the school auditorium for the exercises. the address, and the presentation of diplomas and pins to the graduates. Tlie list of graduates follows: Alice Marie England. Leah Janette Rust. Charlotte Josephine Beverly. Ruth Lee. Ophelia Hames, and Edna Muriel Wright In other remarks in his talk Mr. Newton paid tribute to the medical and nursing professions, and ex pressed some very interesting legal common-sense views of the science of medicine by saying “In my opin ion there can be no progress in mentality or spirit which is not as sociated with physical advance ment or improvement.” Another ob servation was that “insanity Is brought about by physical condi tions,” while another statement was that “an idiot may have a mind just as good as yours or mine, but his mind is not properly adjusted and connected with its own ele ments and that of the physical.” These views detailed and explained were used by the speaker for the purpose of conveying his belief that the advancement of the human race hinges to a very great extent upon the physical and, therefore, upon the learning and progress of the medical and nursing profes sions. iSeoul Leaders ' Hold Meeting Regional And National Headquar ters Have Representatives Here. Good Reports. Mr. Miller of the national head quarters of the Boy Scouts of America declared the meeting last I night of the Piedmont council of j ficials held at the Hotel Charles ' to be one of the most representative : gathering of men interested in scout j work that he had attended. All work ! seems to be in fine condition and j glowing reports were made of the ! progress of the work by officials | from the five counties of Polk, | Rutherford, Cleveland, Lincoln and j Gaston comprising the council. The | work of the executive, Mr. Schiele of Gastonia is most satisfactory j with 63 healthy troops and 1200 I members in the council. The meeting last night was pre | sided over by Editor J. W. Atkins of Gastonia and 25 men were here, j representing practically every town I where there is a scout troop. Also j addressing the meeting was Mr. i Sharpe, of the regional office, who ! discussed extension of scouting in to Catawba, Caldwell and Iredell counties. Scout work has been started among the negro boys in Gastonia (Continued on page ten.i Hoover May Visit In Lincoln Where His Ancestors Resided A Washington dispatch to Char lotte Observer Sunday states that President Hoover wants to visit North Carolina and he may do so July 4. and speak to the publishers at Asheville. But he has a great desire to visit Randolph and Lin coln counties, where some of* his ancestors settled, and resided. When he visits the state he will go to Charlotte, them Lincolnton and on his way back. Randolph. Representative Jonas and Pritch 4rd accompanied by Dan Hill. post-. master of Asheville; F. Roger Miller of Grove Park Inn. F. C. Green, and Fred Weed, of the Asheville chamber of commerce, called on George Akerson, secretary to the president today, and asked him to say to Mr, Hoover that he would be given a warm welcome at the Asheville meeting of the Southern Newspaper Publishers’ association. Mr. Akerson declared that the president expects to attend that meeting if congress does not inter fere. Will Lindy Lose Love Wager? Col. Lindbergh will probably write a check for $1,500 to Phil Love, a friend and fellow airman, immediately after his mar riage to Anne Morrow. When the friends were flying the mail together a long time ago they made a wager that the first to marry would pay the other $1,500. It looks as it Love will ! collect on this love '\ager, unless he goes and falls himself. * 'nttrnttional X*irar««!> Highs Meet Blackburn In Big Game Here This Friday Second Round Of State Title Series ' Gets Going:. Charlotte Playing Norwood. The next championship game for the Shelby highs will be played here Friday afternoon with Black burn furnishing the opposition. This game was arranged at a meeting of western coaches held last night at Salisbury and attend-, ed by Coach Casey Morns. Expect Crowd. As this will likely be the last: home game of the year even I though Shelby wins a large crowd of fans nre expected to see the pros pective champions in action Friday afternoon. Today the locals are playing Gaffney a practice game in Gaff ney. With a week's rest it Is likely . that Coach Morris will send "Waco" Hamrick to the mound against . Blackburn for his fourth start of I the title series. If Shelby wins Friday the highs ■ will play the winner of the Char lotte-Norwood game next Tuesday or Wednesday. The western champs will meet the eastern champs in Chapel Hill on May 25. The western schedule lor the re maining games follows: Winston Sales vs. Greensboro at Winston Salem. May 10. Spencer vs. Siler City, at Spencer, May 10 Charlotte vs. Norwood at Norwood, May 10. Shelby vs. Blackburn at Shelby. May 10. The semi-finals of the west will be played on May 14 or 15 accord ing to a series of possibilities map ped out at the meeting. Three groups decided to play the final game of the west at Concord on Saturday, May 18, unless Black burn wins Us way to the finals when the game will be played at Concord Friday, May 17. Will Add 300 New Boxes At Postoffiee Three hundred new boxes are to be adedd to the equipment of the ■ Shelby postoffice, according to an announcement today by Postmaster J. H. Quinn, in which he states that he has been authorized to acc tpt! bids for remodelling the lobby of the office so that the 300 new boxes may be installed. Shelby Boys Hit Heavy In Series Lee Has Banned Out Six Doubles, Triple And Two Homers In Fifteen Games. The Shelby high school baseball team, this year making a spirited fight for the state champion. Is one of the heaviest hitting high school teams in the state, Cline Owens Lee, brilliant short stop and captain of Morris' fast outfit, still leads the team in hit ting for the entire season, although Frank Harrclson, fustsacker. and “Milky ’ Gold, third sacker, are slightly ahead of him in the hit ting percentage for the three title games played so far. In 15 games Lee has gone to bat 56 times, hit safely 25 times and has scored 24 runs for a season's batting average of 445. The 24 runs scored by the Shelby captain is more than half of all the runs scor ed by opposing teams In his twen ty-five hits Lee drove out six two beggers, a three-bagger and two home runs and has stolen eight bases, CK ld in the 15 games has been at bat 57 times, hit safely 21 times and has scored 14 runs. His 21 hits includes four two-base swats while he has swiped seven bases off opposing teams. The total number of bases. 15. stolen by Lee and Gold during the season is double the number of bases stolen by opposing teams. In the three series games Harrel son with six hits out of 13 trips up leads with an average of .460 al though his season average is below Lee and Gold. In the series Gold has banged the ball at a .454 clip and Lee has averaged .416. The remarkable hurling of Sher rill Hamrick, who has pitched ali three of Shelby’s victories in the series, is depicted by the figures for 15 games. The tall right-hander has pitcher] six and one half games in a Shelby uniform this year and those games he has struck out 46 opposing hitters, better than seven per game, while a total oi only 33 hits and 12 runs have been made off his delivery, less than two runs and two hits per game—an aver age that should win ball games as long as his teammates are driving over night to 15 runs per game. In the three title games Hamrick has struck out 20 batters, given up only 16 icattercd hits and has been scor ed upon only five times j Law Requires Run-Off Race; Can’t Withdraw ■ _ I Ratr Will Be Betwrrn Washburn And Ledford. Board Not I real With Withdrawal. Shelby voters must of neocs- j sity (o to the polls again next Monday to elect an alderman for Ward Onr due to the change in the city election law in the ‘ last legislature. This was the legal opinion rendered by Attorney B. T. Falls today in regard to the contest for alderman in Ward One between I*. M. Washburn and J. F. Ledford, present aider man. the two high candidates in the election day before yes terday. o Is Not Optional. “As the law reads it is not op tional for either of the high can didates to withdraw and concede the office to the other, but it is mandatory for city election offi cials to hold another election on Monday between Messrs. Washburn and Ledford,” Mr. Falls Informed The Star Should Mr. Ledford, second high man, withdraw and leave the of fice to Mr. Washburn, the opinion continued, the new city board would not be recognized as a legal body by law and bonds and other offi cial papers signed by the board made up in that manner would not be valid. "If one of the candidates wants to withdraw, he cannot, and all there is to do. and the reading ol the law is plain, is for another elec tion to be held,” Judge Falls con cluded. Not By Ledford. In a statement to The Star Mr. Ledford asked that it be made plain that he u not asking for a run off race because of dissatisfaction with the first election, and did not know the new election law required him to enter a second race until he was so informed after Monday's election. “Neither one of us, Mr. Wash bum and myself, I don’t think would care personally to go to the trouble, expense and loss of time to have a second election, but ac cording to the iawr there appears to be nothing else to do,” Mr. Led ford said. How It Reads. Prior to the last legislature the law governing city elections of Shelby stated that the high man in each election should be the win ner. and it was a custom also fre quently followed for the various \Continued on page tent Dorsey Has Not I Made Plans For ■ Work After 1st' __ j “Taking The Wishes Of The Pee- j pie Good-Naturedly,’’ Says. Sought No Votes. "I’m somewhat like the little boy j who was run over by the calf—I haven’t much to say,” was the state- , ment of Mayor W. N. Dorsey to day when asked if he cared to make ’ any announcement about Monday's ! voting in which Mr. S. A. McMurry j emerged the victor in a three-cor nered mayor's race. The statement was a good-na tured one and the mayor apparent- , ly is unruffled and unangered by! his defeat. ”1 stated in my platform, just as X did two years ago, that I would seek no votes and would spend no money, leaving it entirely to the people, and since the people have expressed themselves, it suits me and I am taking it good-natured ly.” he declared. ”As for my part I lived up to that j announcement. I did not ask for J a single vote, I did not spend a . dime, neither did I ask a single city employee to vote for me or how he was going to vote. X did not. have | a single car out hauling voters and j if any cars were used to carry in ; votes for me. it was the work of my friends without being requested by me to do so, I appreciate the votes I did receive, and intend to show that I am a good loser for those I did not receive.'’ As yet Mayor Dorsey says he lias not planned just what work he will take up after June 1. Prior to his election two years ago he was in the real cslate business. 1 Silent Candidate Goes In As Mayor In Voting Monday McMurry Has Not Lined Up \ His City Force "Itairn't tven Thought It Over," | II* Says. Much Speculation On Change*. Mayor-elect Sim A McMUrry, on j Monday elected to tits tirst public office that of guiding the destiny of a loan of 11.000 souls for the next two years, has not as yet decided upon the workers and employes of his administration, and may not have his linc-up definitely slated until he takes office on Saturday, June 1 "I haient given Hint a thought as yet," he said Tuesday morning when asked bv The Star as to the likelihood of changes or new faces in the City Hall or in the several city administrative departments. "I'll get around to that later," he concluded without even passing out a hint as to whether or not there would be changes, and if so. how many or how sweeping. Thanks Friends. Congratulations tendered him on the morning following his victory met with the consistent response that his friends did the work for him. And his reply just about ex pressed the winning factor behind i the quietest city election Shelby re calls since Jimmy Love set aside a plot of ground and made It so that there would be a Shelby In which to hold elections. The mayor-elect nev er announced a platform, nor did lie outline a single aim or ambition in announcing for the office, and on the two days following the elec tion he is talking no more. However, there is much talk and speculation cn the part of the 1. 000 citizens who voted for him, the 712 who voted for his rivals, and the eight hundred or more registered citizens who did not vote. "Will the broom be used at the City Hall ax it was two years ago?" "Will Mae Poston remain as police chief and Ted Gordon as fire chief, and Fred Culbreth as city clerk?”, “Will there be a change in the per sonnel of the police, fire, and street departments? ’, "Will any of the old officials of the city, officials who served prior to the Dorsey admin istration. go back iij?’’ Those and many more arc the questions being tossed about upon the Shelby streets j today. Fact is. the big interest in I Shelby elections of recent years centers about the likelihood of changes at the City Hall, and that feature of the election is on "the mum" as yet. However, "I'll give you the list alien I do think it over," the mayor elect told The Star today. Mr. Weast Victim Of Heart Trouble Was Manager Of Blanton Bros. Farm For 14 Years. Funeral At Beaver Dam Thursday. Mr. C. D. Weast who was mana ger of the Blanton Bros, farm for 14 years and for a number of years was connected with the Shelby Milk plan', died at 4:30 this morn ing at the home of his son. Summie Weast on the Peeler farm, south west of Shelby. Mr. Weast had been suffering with a heart trouble and for the past three weeks had been in serious condition. He was well known and the news of his death is learned with deep sorrow by his host of friends. Deceased was 32 year6 of age. Mr. Weast was married to Ma linda Newton who survives with the following children: Summie Weast. Mrs. Mary Jones. Mrs. Lio nel Crawford. Mrs. J. T. Bradley, and Carl Weast. One brother. Ed gar Weast of Hickory, one sister. Mrs. Summey Bridges of Lawndale and a half brother also survive. The funerftl will be conducted Thursday afternoon and interment will be at Beaver Dam church where he held his membership. (ADDITIONAL CITY NEWS WILL BE FOUND ON PAGE 10.) McMurry Poll-i Thousand Vote? To Defeat Two Opponents In In First Race. With 1.719 votes being cast our of a registration of over 2,600 in the city election here Monday. Mr S A McMurry was elected mayor of Shelby, with no necessity of a run-off. having a lead over both opponents of 288 votes. The voting of the day put new men into every office hi the city except one aldermanic post in which John F Schenck, Jr., veteran alder man. was returned to office. Although the election was pre ceded by an unusually quiet cam paign. in which the winning can didate of Monday, made no state ments or promises, and despite the fact that no exceptional interest was shown election day. a heaviei vote was cast than had been an ticipated. Of the 1.719 who Jour neyed to the polls some did not vote full tickets is is evidenced by the fact that only 1,712 votes were cast in the mayor's race and this was the highest vote in either race. The highest individual vote of the day was that of Dr. Tom Gold, who as unopposed candidate for the city school board from Ward Two re ceived 1.505 votes. In the mayor's race McMurry re ceived an even 1,000 votes, as com ! pared with 438 received by the high candidate two years ago when 1. 456 votes were cast for mayor, while Mayor W. N. Dogsey, McMurry s nearest rival received 459 votes, and Enos L. Beam, who ran third, re cetved 253 votes. In Ward One P. M. Washburn was the liigh candidate for alder man over his two opponents J. F. Ledford and Boyce Dellinger. In Ward Two Ab Jackson was th< winner over J. F. Jenkins, in Ware j Three J. F. Schenck. Jr., preseni I member of the board, won from W. A. Broadway, while in Ware Four Z. J. Thompson won from T. P. Eskridge. The School Board. The new member of the District 33 school board are Roger Laugh ridge. Ward One: Dr. Tom Gold. Ward Two: H. Clay Cox, Ward Three: L. P. Holland. Ward Four; Thad C. Ford, member-at-large There was only one contest for the school board, that being in Ward Four where J. B. Nolan opposed Holland, the winner. , Official Vote. The official vote as given out to day by Mike H. Austell, registrar and Oliver S. Antony end Robert D. Crowder, judges, follows: For Mayor—8. A. McMurry, L 000: W. N. Dorsey, 459; Enos * L Beam. 253. For Alderman, Ward One—P. M. Washburn. 187; J. F. Ledford, 609 Boyce Dellinger, 256. For Alderman. Ward Three—J F. Schenck, Jr., 937; W. A. Broad way, 741. For Alderman. Ward Four—Z. J Thompson. 293; T. P. Eskridge. 752 For School Board—Roger Laugh ridge, Ward One, 1.414; Dr. Tom Gold, Ward Two, 1,505; H. Clay Cox, Ward Three. 1.379; L. P. Hol land. Ward Fbur, 895: (J. B. Nolan Ward Four. 716); Thad C Ford, at large, 1,400. Program For Vets Here On Friday Proceeding the dinner which the Daughters of the Confederacy will serve to the Confederate veterans, their wives and widows in the Wom an's club room here Friday, May j 10th. there will be a program of music and readings in the high i school auditorium. The program ! opens with a selection by the band, followed by scripture reading bv Dr. Hugh K. Boyer. The Old North State” will be sung by the school children. Miss Elisabeth Brown will render a reading. Mrs. Louise Lat limore will sing a solo, Miss Caro bel Lever will read and the pro gram closes with a selection by the band. Immediately after this program the dinner will be served in the w oman’s club room. Masenio Notice. Cleveland lodge NO. 802 A. F. A Ji a. M. will meet in called commun ication Friday night # p. m. lor v.-ork in third derree. V idling brethren cordially invited »