Wife Held In Death of Rich Eccentric -star,,; 1 ! **4 tt ' in > < I ••Change! To telephone. I want an ambulance. My husband has been •hot-!” And Mrs. Oliver Deardslee thrust bill to policeman, who— Davbinq into the Beardslee home, the officer found. indeed,- that the woman had spoken the truth. There, in the bathroom, lay Beardslee, dying. I "Did this woman shoot you?’" Beardsleo i» said to have nodded, j Ho then died. Mrs. Beardalee da- | I med she shot him. She was held. Hn the vast Colonial house at S‘rath>nl, ( min., in which lie, descendant of a distinguished Colonial family, had lived alone until lus mar riage three years ago to a waiire twenty-four years younger, Oliver Beard lee, wealthy ec centric, was fatally shot under mysterious cir ctimstattccs. 11 is wife, Mrs. Gladys Foster, twenty-seven, said I>y police to have been so intoxicated when she reported the shooting she could not give a coherent story, was be- ! mg held on a technical charge, Law Requires Run-Off Race In City (Continued from pah ■ one.) candidates to reach an agreement between themselves prior to the election that the high man should be the winner in contests where there were more Ilian two can didates. However, in the city elec tion two years ago there were sis candidates for mayor and the vote j was so split up that there was no : commanding majority Thereafter a movement was started upon I hr part of citizens to so change the' law that a candidate no required ] to have a majority of the votes cast before he could be elected. Then at the last legislature the! election law was so changed. The change made at that time reads as follows:” ... in the event no can-: didate receives a majority of the votes cast at such an election tlun a second election SHALL bo held one week from the first at which only the two highest shall be voted on." On the part of some ii. is pre sumed that the change was made with the intention of applying the majority regulation to the mayor's race only, but the section of law (Section 12 in Chapter 194 of the city election law) covering that portion of the elections does not designate any special office merely saying “in the event no candidate receives n majority of the votes cast.” So it seems that another election Is on the boards for Shelby voters Monday—and that whether or not it Is desired by the voters or by the two candidates involved. It was also stated by Attorney Palls that he did not think it nec essary for the city to officially call the second election as in such a case the second election is nn au tomatic follow-up of the other in carrying out the law as set' down. Morris Kellam. 300-pound self styled “human cork” failed by one hour of equalling the world endur ance swimming record of 72 hours and 22 minutes when he collapsed in a pool at Jacksonville. If This Fish Tale Doesn’t Take Prize, You Tell One York, S; C. rr tins fish story doesn't take the prize, then .suppose you tell one that does. Anyway Dick Norman, farmer of York No. 5 and others out that way who tak-e considerable interest in fishing the creeks around have iiit upon a successful scheme to attract cats and carp and other species of tish that, abound Votind-about. to their | fish baskets. It is simple Just get Yin electric flash light and turn tier on. Put the tight in a 1 half gallon fruit far. screw on the ' top to make it water tight and then put the .tar in I tie fish basket. That j light, say some of the fishermen, at - ! tracts fish to the basket like the month of June attracts brides. Recently a group of fishermen arc reported to have taken thirty-five pounds of fish out of a basket, which was cintipped with a flash- : light decoy. To Open Swimming Pool This Friday F. K. Petway and H. K. Xjnlhhig | house.who have leased the Cleve land Springs swimming pool for the summer, announce today that the pool will be opened on Friday of I this week. May ft). On Saturday night they will give a big square dance at, the dance pavilion ad joining the swimming pool. Two County Couples Married In Gaffney Cleveland county couples mar ried last, week at Gaffney, S. Cl. by Probate Judge l ake W. Stroupe were: Howard MeAbee and Ethel i Wpisonaht, of Mooresboro; Rex Hippy and Creasy Wood, of Grover Try Star Wants Ads. Grover Man Is Shot, Details Not Known liocs To Gaffney Hospital But Of ficers There And Here Know No Details. Gaffney. .Jesse Westmoreland, about, 25 or 30. of Grover, was brought to the City hospital here Saturday night with a bullet wound that entered his thigh and pene trated hi-, abdomen. After an ex amination by hospital surgeons that disclosed thh location of the missile, he was taken away from the institution- by relatives. Local officers here had no defi nite information concerning the shooting, other than that a man named Westmoreland had been wounded. No report has been made to the sheriff's offiee, and in the absence of information to the con trary it was assumed that the shoot ing probably took place on the Cleveland county side of the North Carolina line. At the sheriff's office In Shelby today it was stated that no reports concerning the shooting had reach ed officers here. Three New Homes Under Construction Tom Nolan is having erected a two story eight room dwelling on N LnPayelte street, on the property formerly known as the Babington lot. W. B. Nix has let the contract for a bungalow to bo erected on a part of th ■ A. V. Wray property on N. Morgan street. Carl Thompson is placing material on a lot at the entrance of Belvedere Park for a dwelling to be built for sale or rent. ‘Reliable Goods at Low Prices m vu-v. STORES COMPANY 1-3 W. WARREN ST. S1IELRV. N. yjw and $ 1.48 Don’t Judge Thom by the Prfee ‘Til You’ve Kxaiiiinod (lie dfualiiT You’ll like the new Charles Straws. They’re coo!, comfortable and ever so tight on the head. Showing scd*. •s.r.." stiff straws in the most approved styles — for men aai young men. King Get Bond; Now In Shelby, (Continued From Page Olio by some acid placed in tier mouth | after death. That the conclusion leached by deponent that death had been caused by choking was as a , result of the second autopsy per formed after the inquest and after! Rale King had born released on i bond.' In his affidavit Dr. Sayr, who j helped perform the first autopsy and was present at the second, said 1 ‘That the marks or burns in the! mouth were more under the tongue I than on top of the tongue, and that] irritation or burns were very slight i in the back of the mouth. That j this indicated, in deponent’s opin- | ion. that poison .such as carbolic' acid or lyscl could not have been ' swallowed or taken by Mrs. King j while she was alive, for the reason that such burns would have ex tended down her throat." Not Poisoned. Dr. Saye also stated in the affi davit. that in his opinion the slight Irritation found in the stomach at the first autopsy eould have been caused by the embalming fluid in fected there Dr. C. O. Burrusx of Sharon, who was at both autopsies and helped perform the first, stated in Ills affi- ! davit “that as the result of the sec- ; ond autopsy it was definitely dr- ) tcrmined that death had been cans- j ed by choking. The throat and tongue of Mrs. King were spongy i irritated and bruised, in such con ditions as it would have been had she been choked or strangled.’’ The affidavit of J. F. Faulkner. ; chief of police of York, described the finding by him of a suit of ( bloody clothing hidden in a spoi : difficult of access above the ceiling | of a piazza at the King home. On \ the inside of the coat, he stated, ; were t lie initials H. F. K. W. A. Fairies of Sharon said in j an affidavit that he was in the! King house when the bloody cloth- i iiig was found, that he recognized ! the suit as one belonging to King j and that he had seen it'worn by King frequently, the last time being a few days before the death of Mrs. King. Sheriff F. E. Quinn said in his affidavit that King told him after the inquest lie did not believe his wife had committed suicide. It was brought out in several of the affidavits that after the death of his wife, King had repeatedly said she was in a delicate state of health and that at the second au topsy it was found she was not in such a condition. Garter Fad Late Rage About Paris Individualism Of l ady Now Known By Her Garters. Pcekabo Style. Paris.—If a smartly dressed woman wants to express indi viduality these days, she may follow the example of those who do it with garters, The latest tad and fancy in Paris is to decorate garters in original fashion and let them peep from un der the high hem of short skirts. Fashion lias brought garters back from obscurity in ail their gay col ors. One of the smartest designs calls for Jewels or silver trinkets on a small band. I saw another really j nu>n ynu uic uuier aay—a uny gold padlock on one garter and a golden key on the other. Another pair had two hearts entwined. Still others have little golden ducks parading around the rubber band or little silver bells which ttnkle as the wearer walks along the boulevard. But there are many other lads of fashion these days besides knee wear. There is. for example, noth ing smarter than straw necklaces. Judging by the value of the finish ed product, a wheatfleld these days' must be worth millions of dollars.j | The straw is dyed into brilliant col-I ors and woven into fine strands which form the necklace. Straw also is used in making the most select, handbags, which arc i i woven with the same plait as Pan ama hats. They are woven under j water and reach Paris from the, West Indies. Reptile skins have about disap peared after four years. They are still used, however, in upholstering i modern furniture or automobile! seats. It is ejuite the thing to have scarf i and handbag to match in bright col or silks. Handbags are fitted out as completely as automobiles and, w hile it used to be enough to have a purse I and powder puff in a handbag, it is now necessary to have compart- ] ments for cigarettes, automatic j 5 lighter, lip-stick and perhaps a ' ■ small flask There is a combination of urn- ; > brella and handbag which is both practical and beautiful. The um brella fold, into four parts and fits into the handbag—which is rather bulky. Bags must be small and every thing carried in them is folded even the combs. Shoestrings have come back and have tassel ends in contrasting colors. The newest thing in underwear is Oriental. While linen undies, en broidered with colored thread in the Oriental stitch, are replacing the ■ silks of past years. i Defends Torch Slayer Ketaincd as attorney to plead the case of Earle Peacox, con fessed slayer of his wife, Sid ney A. Syme, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., lawyer, succeeds Janies Dempsey, who withdrew be cause his brother, Robert Dempsey, is assistant district attorney of Westchester Coun ty and the possibility of ap pearing against his brother cre ates a pretty technicality which he wants to avoid. (International Nairn reel) Tlie human adding machine is dead. William Strong, the man who could compute figures taster than an adding machine, but who never knew how he did it, is dead at his home in Peoria. 111. He was 50 years old. Star Advertising Pays Scout Leaders Hold Meeting (Continued from page one.) with good response. One hundred scouts will be asked to volunteer for service during the Confederate Reunion in Charlotte. Many troops have registered for camp near Tryon this summer and Executive Schiele is ambitious for improvements in the phvslcial equipment there. The next meeting of the council will be held at the scout camp in July. Five Will Cross Atlantic In Home ; Made Motor Boat Bronson, Mich.—Five young men • here have Just completed tests for ! the 26-foot gasoline launch in which i they expect to leave Toledo, O., on June 1 for a voyage to Hamburg. Germany. They will begin their 1700-mile voyage across the Atlan tic from St. Johns, N. F„ with the Irish coast as their goal. The quintet who will defy Nep tune's terrors in the tiny craft are Joe Leppich, 31 years old. a veteran of the kaiser's armies; Conrad Ka patko, 21, nephew of Leppich; Henry Schnittzcr, 23; Allow Sow ers, 20, and Rudolph Ban tie. The five have been hard at work all winter building the two-ton launch in a bam. It has a six-cy linder gasoline engine and carries an auxiliary sail. The sailors will drive it across Lake Michigan from St. Joseph to exhibit it at the motorboat show in Milwaukee. The boys expect to be the first to cross the Atlantic in a home made boat. They will start with 380 gal lons of gasoline, 20 gallons of water and a four-weeks' supply of food. Except for the engine, the craft is all hand-made. It was named the Karf after Leppich's home town in Germany. After the war, in which Leppich Two-Car Families Numerous In State Raleigh.—There is a growing tendency everywhere, especially among business men and others hr the cities, to own two automobiles, one for the family and one for their own use, and in North Carolina alone there are approximately 67, 000 families using two cars. This was the declaration made here recently by Coleman W. Rob erts, vice president of the Carolina Motor club, while discussing the growth in the number of cars in the state with Sprague Silver chief of the automobile license division of the state department. The figures are based on statistics compiled by the American Automobile associa tion. Popularity of golf and other out door sports and the trend towards homes in.suburban realty develop ments is largely responsible for the two-car vogue, in the opinion of Mr, Roberts, although he points out that the low price of iipw models of cars and the naturally reduced value of used machines is a factor that, has furthered the two-car ideas by leaps and bounds. "This growing ‘two-car’ tendency has also served to create additional traffic congestion and too much stress cannot be laid on the fact that all members of the family who drive, including mother, father, son and daughter should know the practice of standard hand signals and observe common sense traffic laws. Traffic accidents in North Carolina last year claimed 675 lives, injured many thousands and caused hundreds of thousands of dollars property damage." fought against the Russians around Warsaw and the French at Verdun, he came to America and took a job as die-maker here. He has invested all his $3000 savings in the mater ials that went into the launch. The motor is to become his prop erty in the event the voyage to Germany Is successful. If it is he and his four companions plan to make a return voyage in it to the United States, probably late this summer. Brevard Man, 100, Ordered Hi* Coffir^ Brevard.—Tile screws with which to fasten down the lid of the cof fin, made under his direction from wood he personally selected several years ago, arrived in Brevard Sat urday night, and Sunday morning at 12:15 o'clock E. B. ("Uncle Dock' > Clayton shook off the burden of his 100 years. For years Mr. Clayton had watched over a certain wild cher ry tree on his property, and about three years ago had it cut and sawed into lumber for his coffin. The lumber was stacked to season, and meanwhile the old man grimly determined to live at least to the century mark. On last Christmas day people from all over western North Caro lina helped him celebrate his 100th birthday, and shortly afterward he grew ill. He began to worry about the unfinished coffin, and urged his sons to complete it. They proceded to build it. and then or dered the trimmings. The order failed to contain the screws for the top, but these arrived Sat urday night, just a few hour* be fore the aged man died. Mr. Clayton, who was highly re spected and had taken an active part in the affairs of his county, posed last spring with Governor Alfred E. Smith, when the latter was in Asheville and his picture was published in newspapers all over the country. . He had distinction of having lived in three counties without ever having moved more than 100 yards from the place where he was born. When he was bom in 1828, the place was in Buncombe county, and finally it became a part of Transylvania. , Forging his mother’s name on a $13 pension check and spending the money in pool halls cost Sigurd Hagen, 20, of Superior, Wis., a year's time, which he must spend j in the reformatory. Star Advertising Pays MASONIC BLDG. SHELBY, N. C. Presenting the Foremost Fashion in Summer Frocks ... in colors and styles typical of the warmer weather Bright colors, lively prints, cool shades . . . alone and in combination . .. lovely silk frocks that have a hint of warmer weather about them . . . delightful to wear __ _ right now... and all summer, too. Short jackets ♦.. one and two-piece frocks . ♦ * with sleeves or without Irresistible frocks ... the kind that no woman can ever have enough of. Every prominent . . . and new . . . fashion ia among them . . . sleeveless styles are ap proved and the jacket fashion is shown for a variety of occasions. 1 The prices are as attractive as the styles! Style-interest and value-interest are so high that we urge you to see these charming dresses for yourself . . . con vincing examples of the advantages of buying for a mil lion women.