Nobody’s Business GEE McGEE— (Exclusive in The Star in this section.) Madame Bidamski of Moscow has invented a lip-stiek-paint that can't be kissed off, nor does it leave an imprint on the lucky guy's jaws. This stuff is selling like hot-cakes in co-ed colleges and dance halls. Mr. Sinclair is planning to be away from home for about 60 days. Mr. Dohenny and Mr. Fall will not. accompany him as was expected about a year ago. Mr. Fall’s health gets so bad when he approaches a court house, the doctors think best for him to stay around home and look after his oil-farm. The cost of food at retail de clined one-tenth of one per cent during March. That means that out of every dollar a man made during that month, the instalment agent got one cent more than dur ing the previous month. The treasury department reports that there are $4,567,995,000 on deposit in savings accounts In the United States. Nearly all of that of course is being laid aside to make the "down payment.'’ Uncle Joe went to see the doc tor the other day about Aunt Minervy. The doctor asked him what her symptoms were, and Un cle Joe said: “Well, she got up this morning at her regular time, about 4 o’clock. She woke me up crawling over me, but I soon went back to sleep. She cooked breakfast, milked the cows, cut enough stove wood to cook din ner with, done the week’s washing and hung out the clothes, got the younguns off to school, worked a little in the garden, and when she come in the house to put on the turnip gTeens, she commenced to complain about being tired and worn out. She ain't never done that before, and I want some med icine for her. I am kinder cn easy.’’ What Aunt Minery need ed was a dose of strychnine for Uncle Joe, but the doctor sent her calomel. Farm Relief is practically upon us at last, Gloy-Be! We are sure to get 30 cents for cotton in the south and pay the west 3 dollars a bushel for wheat, and our sweet potatoes will fetch us around 4 dollars for 4 pedes, and we will get all the oats we want from Mis souri at 2 dollars a bushel, and just as soon as we sell our cotton seed for 75 dollars a ton, we can have Iowa ship us some corn at 2 dollars and 96 cents per bushel. Hurrah for that- Farm Board Hoover is fixing to •appoint. notis: the miss creant who stole my britches of fen the clothes line STOP A MINUTE And consider whether this fel low was wise or otherwise. When i friend of ours told us that he had just burned a hundred dol lar bill, we remarked that he must be a millir.naire. 'Well, it 1 is easier to burn them than it is | to pay them,'’ he said with a grin. It doesn't take a hundred dol lar bill to enable you to realize the advantages of SINCLAIR GAS and OPALINE OIL super iority. That’s one feature of Sinclair products; nominal cost for quality that is always great er. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors last night while they was hanging out to get the beef odor often them is hereby notifide that he will be shot on first sight and i don't mean mebbe so, nuther. 1 think i know who done it, and he will be give till tomorrow to hang them back ansoforth. the pub lick will plese rite or foam me if annybody is ketchcd with the aforesaid britches on i had to stay in bed till 11 a. m. waiting on a pr, overalls. mike Clark, rid. The Mexican rebels carry then wives along with them when they go to war. That assures them of plenty lighting experience both before and after the battles. In a recent skirmish which lasted 10 hours, 2 men got slightly injured, and the frying pan was shot out of a woman's hand. Some war! I am not an old man, but I can remember when over 99 per cent of the stockings bought, by wom en cost 10 cents, or 3 pairs for a quarter, and 100 per cent of them were black. The only time a man ever saw a pair of those stock ings after they left the store was when they were hanging on the clothes line. Gosh, them long dresses were a sin and a shame, and now. after I am at the foot of the dotage ladder, beauty is found from the knees down in stead of from the chin up. A crack passenger train out in Alabama jumped the track the oth er day, and both of its passengers were badly shaken up. Folks are in too big a hurry during this pe riod of instalment buying to be riding on a fast mail when they can ride with a faster male for nothing. we took 2 old hens off yester day. (Don't that sound country though?) Well, that’s what we did. One of the Buff-Orphington brutes stepped on 2 of her off-spring be fore she got limbered up for scratching, and now she has only 1 to fetch up. The other fowl of pedigree fame seems to be taking better care of her 2 biddies. At the rate I am “raising my own,” the liver of a half-grown pullet will cost me between 5 and 4 dol lars. Cotton Letter. New York, May 8.—Liverpool was weak about 12 o'clock, and Chicago was in the same boat. The bulls Were trying to hedge their goat. The discount rate jumped to a new high, and it smelt like rain in the south. The strad dlers were mopping their face on the sly. and looked powerful down in the mouth. The longs and the shorts were running around, and bellowing for the ticker to stop. But the boll weevils were roosting all over the ground, getting ready to eat up the"crop. Prices may go lower for a day or two, but a long hold is the thing that will pay. But there ain't no telling what the market will do. so plow on, dear brother, and pray. The size of a man’s head doesn't spell anything. I have seen small men with the big head, and they were the only folks in the neigh borhood that didn't know that a vacuum within kept alive the imagination without. Gtve me a little head and a big bank ac count. and I'll “fly high.” It doesn’t take brains to get into so ciety. Hiding a viper among the flowers | of a bouquet, a divorced wife in | Genoa, Switzerland, attempted to, kill her rival. She sent the bouquet | anonymously. When the second wife opened the package the snake fell out dead, having perished of cold during transit. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS Cleveland Bank . 3t 8p j ONE BETTER Guaranteed Flour $3.35; Fat Back Meat 12£c lb.; Breakfast Bacon 22c lb.; Irish Potatoes 90c. bushel. C. H. Reinhardt, S. Shelby. 2t-8c FOR SALE: ONE ip 12 INCH 4 head Fay and Egan Moulder used about seven 17> years, In fair con dition. Cooker Machine and Foun dry Co., Gastonia. N. C. 3t 8e FOR RENT: HOUSE OF J. H Beam in S. Shelby, see Dr. D. M. Morriscn. tf 8c FOR SALE: 1927 GMC 1-2 TON truck with screen body. 1927 Pon tiac with cab and pick up body. A. B. C. Motor Co , Arey Bldg. 2t8c WE PAY 33c I N trade for eggs. C. H. Reinhardt, South Shelby. 2t-8c FOR SALE FRESH COW, Holstein and Jersey. W A Wil liams, Lattimore R-l. 3t 8p WANTED TO BUY A GROCERY business or rent a store building in Shelby or nearby town. Write A-4, care Cleveland Star. 4t 8p HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE: On Cleveland Springs road near Mike L. Borders. Clyde Champion, Address Box 794. 2t 8p SEASON TICKETS TO CLEVE land Swimming Pool now on sale at the Smoke House and Cleveland Drug Co. 2t 8c FOR RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE. Close in. See W. A. Broadway. It8p FOR SALE: AT A BARGAIN, one 1925 model Ford roadster in good condition. See R. O. Justice at Campbell Dept. Store. 2t 8p FOR SALE: 78 ACRES 1-4 mile Lawndale. 50 acres in cultiva tion, 3 houses, pasture, orchard, the Frank W. McMurry farm. $75.00 per acre. J. B. Nolan Co. Shelby. 2t 8c FOR SALE: USED DELAVAL cream separater No. 5 at bargain. G. F. Wolfe, R-l, Shelby. 2t 8p THOUSANDS OF treated, government inspected Potato plants arriving daily. Place your orders at; once. Campbell De partment Stores Shel by and Lawndale, tf MEMORIAL AT BEAVER DAM CHURCH ON SUNDAY Memorial services will be held at Beaver Dam church on next Sun day. Song service and dinner In picnic style with sermon by the pastor in the morning and address in the afternoon by Dr. J. B. Davis of Boiling Springs. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having this day qualified as ex ecutrix of the last will and testa ment of Ida L Humphries, late of Cleveland comity, N. C.. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same properly proven to the undersign ed on or before the 8th day of May, 1930 or this notice will bo plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 8th day of May, 1929. VERN1E MAY POTTE REY NOLDS. Executrix. Gaffney, S. C., Route 1. B. E. Williams, Atty. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1929. FROM SHELBY, N. C. TO Atlanta, Ga. __$6.50 Birmingham, Ala. __ $8.50 Chattanooga, Tenn. _ $8.50 Limit Atlanta four days Birmingham and Chatta nooga six days. Tickets good on all regu lar trains except Crescent Limited. Round-trip fares from other Southern Railways Stations. For detail information and reservations call on Southern Railwav Agents. R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Broad River School Closes A Good Year Personal Mention Of People Com ing And Going In Broad River Section. (Special to The Star ' Shelby, R-2 — Broad River school closed Friday, May 3, alter a most successful term. A number of orte act plays were presented Friday evening to a large and appreciative audience. Mrs. Olive Moore and son. Har old, of Shelby, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W L. Harrill. Mr. aaid Mrs. L. E. Weaver, of Gaffney were visitors in the com munity Sunday. They, with Mrs G. H. Rollins. Miss Ural Rollins and Mr. John Rollins spent Sunday aft ernoon with Mrs. Rollins' daughter. Mis Eugenia Rollins in Fallston Miss Edna Putnam was at home from Bolling Springs school during the week-end. Mr. Clive Harrill who teaches at Polkville spent the week-end at the home of Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs W. L. Harrill. Miss Etha Putnam who has been teaching school in the eastern pgrt of the state arrived home Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hamrick were visitors in this community Sunday. A number of people from this community attended memorial services at Rehobeth church Sun day. Miss Dorcas Walker who taught in the Broad River school for the past term returned to her home near Lattimore Saturday. Misses Essie and Ruth Hunt and Mr. Andrew Hunt attended mem orial services at First Broad church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Putnam and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben McSwain and families were visitors in the Latti more community Sunday. Miss Ural Rollins spent Friday night with Mrs. Zulia Walker and family of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs, Will Camp and daughters. Misses Pearl and Ar thurine Camp were visitors at the Mt. Sinai Sunday schooi Sunday morning. Spring is that season of the year when the country boys sow their oats In the fields and their city cousins along the highways. THIEVES GET HIS I — Kaid Community Smoko Unuor*. ! Memorial At Laurel IIill. Mr. Sain Krturn* Home. iSiH'clal to The Star.) May 8 We sure are having a lot of rain in this community now. | The farmers are getting tire blues i about planting. j Thieves visited this and otlter communities last Sunday night. j-Thcy took six big hams from the ; smoke house of Claude Dixon also [five from another one. one from ! Walter Sain and two from Horace j Sain They also took several bushels i of corn from A. C. Costner's crib. | 'also twisted tlie lock from the ! chicken house of Carme Boyles but I were driven away by a bulldog wlth jout any chickens; also some time ; back some one took an old setting I hen. eggs and all from Mrs. S. T. | Carpenter. Memorial services will be held at Taurel Hill on next Sunday May 12. Preaching at eleven by Rev. J. M. Morgan the pastor. A lot of people from this com munity are attending the com mencement at Belwood now in progress. Mr. A. A. Sain who has been In the Shelbv hospital for the past several weeks wit hstomach trou ble returned to his home last Fri day. He has a nurse to stay with him. He is getting along very well. Mrs. Mintie Boyles and Mrs. Seism and children of Cherryvllle spent last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Texie Boyles. Mrs. Odus Norman and children of Belwood spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Sain. Mr. L. M. Williams of Catawba county spent a few days the past week in this community visiting. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Sain and son. Herbert, of Hickory, were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Sain's! sister Mr. and Mrs. A. D Willis. Miss Zennie Sain spent last Sat- ! urday night with Miss Corene Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. Carr Mull and chil dren of Shelby were visitors in this | community last Sunday. Miss Leona Mull of Fallston was a dinner guest of Miss Corene Hoyle TAX NOTICE This? is to notify all persons, firms and corporations to meet the Township Tax Listers at the following places on the dates mentioned and list their taxes for the year 1929. The law requires all polls, personal and real property to be listed during the month of May. All farmers will go prepared to make a crop report. This report is for statistical purposes and has no relation to your taxes whatever. No. 1 Township J. A. McCraw, List Taker. No. 2 Township Flint II;'1. Morning, May 6th. Trinity School House, May 6th, Afternoon. Sharon School House, May 7th, All Day. C. J. Hamrick’s and Sons Store, May 8th, All Day. Jolley’s Store, Thursday, May 9th, All Day. Boiling Springs School House. Saturday, May II, all day. M. D. Moore, List Taker. No. 3 Township Val Thomason’s Store, Tuesday, May 7th. Earl, Wednesday, May 8th and 18th. Patterson Springs, May 6th and 25th. Austell Bettis, List Taker No. 4 Township E. L. Campbell, List Take No. 5 Township Champion’s Store, May 7th. Goforth’s Store, May 8th. W. I. Wolfe’s. May 9th. Waco, May 10th and 11th. M. P. Hal , • Taker No. 6 Township Stubbs, May 6th, P. M. Q. H. Metcalf’s, May 7th, P. M. Queen’s Precinct, May 9th, P. M. Court House, May 8th to 30th. W. R. Newton, List Taker No. 7 Township Turner Cabaniss’ Residence, Monday A. M. May 6th. Pink Lovelace Store, Monday P. M. May 6th. Lattinvre, Thursday, All Day, Mav 9th. Mooresboro, Saturday, All Day, May 11th. C. C. Walker Store, Tuesday, A. M., May 14th. Louis McSwain’s Store, Tuesday P. M., May 14th. R. W. McBrayer, List Take) . No. 8 Township. Polkville, Monday, May 6th. Delight, Tuesday afternoon, May 7th. Camp Call Tuesday, May 14th. New House, Wednesday, May 15th. Palm Tree, All day, Wednesday May 8th, B. P. Jenkins, List Taker No. 9 Township. Wright’s Store, May 7th, A. M. Double Shoals, May 7th, J. M. Porte^’* Store, May 9th. Lawndale, May 14th. Fallston, May 15th and 16th. W. A. Gantt, List Taker. No. 10 Township. Philbeck School House, May 6th, A. M. J. T. Warlick’s Store, May 6th, P. M. J. M. Ledford’s, May 7th, A. M. Joe Costner’s May 7th, P. M. Boyle’s Store, May 8th, A. M. S. L. Wellmon’s, Mav 8th. P. M. P. L. Peeler’s Store, May 11th, P. M, M. N. Gantt, List Taker. No. 11 Township. Warlick’s Store, Monday, May 6th, afternoon. Julius Pruett’s, Friday, May 17th, afternoon. Moriah School, Friday, May 24th, All Day. Warlick’s Store, Friday, May Cist, All Day. A. A. Horton, List Taker W. R. NEWTON, County Tax Supervisor. j last Sunday Mr. A Suui of Morganton was I up to see his brother Mr. A. A. Sain j last. Sunday. Miss Hath Boyles spent last Wed nesday night with Miss Mabel Warllck. Mr. and Mrs Dan Davis spent, last Thursday night at. the home of l heir daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. S Boyles. SCHENCK THANKS PEOPLE FOR THEIR CONFIDENCE I wish to thank the people of Shelby for their confidence they have shown in me In electing me as alderman from ward three. I as sure them that 1 will at all times realize the responsibility of this position, and to handle my end of the affairs in such manner that my friends will hot be disappointed in me. JOHN F. SCHENCK. JR. GARDNER 1'RGES STI RENTS TO REMAIN WITH STATE j Raleigh —-In a brief address at a luncheon given in his honor State college by the Reserve Of ficers Training Corps officers. Gov ernor O. Max Gardner urged the Institution’s graduates to remain within the state rather than seek positions in other commonwealths. The governor, the budget, advisory rommisslon. Josephus Daniels and Colonel J. W. Harrelson, w ere guests of Major C. C. Early, regimental commander. MEMORIAL AT SIIARON t 111 HI II NEXT SUNDAY Memorial services will be held al Sharon Methodist church Sunday. May 12. Preaching at the II o'chx'k hour by the pastor, Rev. It. I,. Forbts. Dinner wll lx; served in picnic style at the noon hour, fol lowed by a song service in the aft ernoon. Thomas Edison says he would like to live another 25 years just to see what the Inventions would be. Yes, most, of us want to live that long lo see what, the styles will lx?. W. M. S. OF ZION TO MEET SATURDAY MAY II The W. M. S. of the Zion Bap tist church will meet Saturday aft ernoon. May It, at the church. The hour being 3 o'clock. All the ladies ■are invited to be present. Sonic college professor says that a young mans greatest difficulty is in choosing the right girl to mar ry." Well, since when did the young man have anything to do with It? Try Star Wants Ads. OPENING OF SWIMMING POOL FRIDAY, MAY 10TH. BIG SQUARE DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 11TH AT CLEVELAND SPRINGS Swimming Pool and Dance Pavilion. SAVE AT WARD’S Ward’s Offer You These Timely Values At Money-Saving Prices. Every Article Of Dependable Quality. Lakeside DeLuxe Lawn Mower I Note These LAKESIDE FEATURES Hyatt Roller Bearings self oiling, self clean ing . . four self-sharp ening 14-inch blades . . . 9-inch cast iron wheels .. . hardwood roller, handle and pat ented grip. $8.69 Lakeside De Luxe brings you more easy mow ing efficiency and longer life than many mow ers costing twice its price. Small wonder Lakeside sales far surpass any other lawn mower in America. Larger sizes Of The LAKESIDE do faster work. With 16-inch blade $9.38 With 18-incl. blade $10.16 50-FT. GARDEN HOSE $4'19 Complete with Nozzle And Coupling Full 5-8-inch inside diameter. The seamless inner tube, stout cord and live red rubber outer layer are vulcanized into one strong flexible nose that will serve you for years. You can adjust the improved noz zle from a fine spray to a heavy stream. A wonderful value at this low price. 50-lb. White .Porcelain REFRIGERATORS P'or electric refrigeration or ice. Best insulation. Other sizes. $31 1929 MODEL WINDSOR REFRIGERATOR $44*75 50-Pound Capacity This chest has all of the high priced features for the lowest possible cost to you! Includes the one inch corkboard insulation for assured ice savings; white enamel steel interior; three doors; smooth white enamel exterior, easily cleaned, and always sanitary. A RuAL BARGAIN 75 and 100-lb. Sizes $3065 $5020 You can save money by buying this refrigerator! Six walls of insulation have layers of felt waterproof sheathings, air-space and wood , . . Sanitary food compartment, white enameled over steel. Case is fin ished in golden oak: nickel plated locks. Galvanized metal lee chamber, lee' rack and drain. Removable Shelves. (SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 9.) MONTGOMERY WARD& Cft 189-141 S. LaFAYETTE ST. SHELBY, N. C. PHONE NO. 107. STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. SATURDAY.