f— — " ~ --■■■ ■ —— Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM In his talk before the Shelby Rotary club recently Prof. W. E. White used a descriptive term often heard in the old days and still heard quite a bit in the rural sections. In telling of a certain pioneer in the early days of Cleveland county. Prof. White said "he lived at home and board •a ai me same place. Most of those who have lived three decades have heard the ex presslon. while the majority of the older {oiks have heard it so often and interpret the meaning so read- j ily that they seldom think of its origin or original meaning. Our idea of the meaning of the , iterm is that it coincides with the ambitious slogan of nearly every 1 {arm agent in America, that of hav- 1 ing the farmer first of all produce j his own foodstuff and the feedstuff | for his livestock. Originally the e.\- I pression likely conveyed the knowl- i edge that the person spoken of pro duced the food at home with which to "set his table.'’ Nowadays, and 1 | how much it is that way most of j I us do not realize, a big percentage < of every meal, on the farm as well j as In the city, comes from the store “or the delicatessen. The farm boy of two or three decades back never knew what it was to carry any thing home to eat from the store, but it is different non-. . The expression, "live at home and board at the same place," may be applicable to a great numbe ■ of people today in that these referred To are prosperous enough to go out and purchase what they may need, but very few of them produce the board as they did in the old days, ,a,nd for that reason we arc of the Opinion that the expression, hi its Original interpretation, is .useless these days. Perhaps wc nc «■' 'vhich v. ill make a charmiai; remembrance. SMART HANDBAGS 98c ,0 $6,s Hand-laccd ‘iteerlildc end fancy leathers, daintily outfitted GLORIA UMBRELLAS $3.,s$g.,s Smal l Katin bard* • rtich col ors. Pretty hnnd'c Durable ' Gloria -s 11;. DAINTY KERCHIEFS 10c Modern in color, citci sheer. PERFUMES $ 1 Dainty containers. Delightful odcurs, WASHABLE GLOVES 49c Suede-like fabrics with fancy stitching and turned back cuffs. fine silk hosiery $l’s Sheer chiffon silk in all the new shade.,. Beige. Suntan, Misty Morn, Gloaming. CREPE SILK GOWNS $3" • $4'98 Tailored and lace-trimmed mod els in pastel shades and white. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 3. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 139-1II S. U1WYETTE ST. SHELBY, N. < ■ that hi the south the word i,s ordi narily used as "I reckon so," in the sense of 'I suppose so" in giving , reluctant assent to some statement or view, when really the word means to calculate or to make an estimate. Therein he is correct, but our idea Is that the misuse »ns a natural development of the proper usage In that the misuse originated in giving assent to the calculation or estimation of another. For ex ample: Two native citizens arc standing on a street corner when they are approached by a stranger who asks: ‘How far is it. please, to High Hampton?" "I suppose it is about 70 miles, answers one of the natives, and turning to the other, "isn't that right. Bill?" "I reckon so." or I reckon you re right. Bob.' ;s the reply of the other native In that sense "suppose and "reckon," although misused are in reality used indirectly in connection with the reasoning or calculating of the distance. In fiction and magazine articles centering about the New England people we have frequently read a similar conversation in which the ! natives use the expression "I cu’. | culate so." or "I calculate so. i Whether or not the expression is | typical of the colloquialism of the (New England sector we dare not 'say, for written interpretation o; such usually err, but we do know that no Southerner lias ever an swered "I calculate so" even though | in stage plays we hav e heard mimic j Caroliniaais and Georgians enswer ! ing in such a manner. ' IN GETTING AROUND TO I Shelby's most recent battle of bal , lots we would remind, cheer up and ■ congratulate the several candidates. '■ both in and out. that the political game is much like the life of the | elevator boy—its has its ups and downs. , AN ODDITY ABOUT THE election, had the votes gone that | way, is that Shelby could have had ; a grocerymans board for city fath ers. In three wards there was a can I didate for the board who is a groc leryman. but as it happened, and i things do happen that wav in elec tions. only one of the three groc ;crs was elected. It may be best that only one of the three grocers was elected, and that with all good | wishes to the defeated grocers, for in case all three had been elected there might have been a howl from those fearing dire and calamitous things that the grocers were trying to get a monopoly on Shelby so as ; to run up the price of sugar and eggs. Too, us newspaper guys might have been, before many r ecks pass* ,ed. referring to the aldermen as Shelby's "big butter and egg men" instead of 'pur city fathers." And, then, think what a hard life three groce-s on the board would live with the news voters, the housewives, on their trail. Amid some important meeting of the board at the city hall the telephone would likely ring and the irate voice of a housewife inquire for one , of the aldermen. And over the wire 1 the voice might say: "Lookahee. Mr. Alderman, if the next dozen of eggs you send out to my house are no fresher than the last dozen. I'll tell you here and now that you'll ; never get my vote again." It just wouldn't have done for three members of the board to have been grccers, but as it is the one grocer elected may weather the storm with the aid of his three as sociates, cne of whom is a textile manufacturer, another a casket j maker, and the third a miller, i But that should be enough whoo ! pee about a thing that is already ! history—what Shelby people will , be wanting to know is the lineup i Mayor-to-be McMurry will take i into office with him just as the month of brides is getting under - w av. I Dr. D. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST. Ejex Examined, Glasses Filled And Repaired. Located In Webb Building. Down Stairs Next To Hanes Shoe Store. Telephone 583. Shelby, \. C. .1 " ' ' " LANDIS SHOE I SHOP For Up-To-Date Shoe lie ! pairing. Abo Rebuilt And New Shoes For Sale At Bargain Prices. Call tn ! And Look Them Over. West Marion Street, Third Door From Western Union, SHELBY, N. C. iv —— — — — Demands Prison According to Air.r* Vanvolkert burgh, top, of Kansas City, i Mo., this poisoning of hus bands by their wives has got to stop. He is now preferring charges against his v ife, below, whom he claim* tried to do away with him via the poison route. He was pretty sick for some time, but has recovered now and demands prison for his v\ ife. »■. ho is alleged to Slave confessed her part in the deed “rotter's field'’ Burying Plat r Of Tefer Straford." An Un usual Life. Oakland. Cal.—A grave in potter s field yawned for “Peter Straford." a woman who for years masquerad . cd as a man, married another wom an and worked at jobs varying all the way from heavy manual labor to writing critical essays with a su fistic tint. No one claimed the body. “Peter Straford” rrvmled "his" j secret to a physician before "his'' death Thursday. ! Dozens of letters found among her effects at Niles. Cal., showed glimpses of a personality deeply j immersed in the lore of sufism, a cult which centuries ago arose as the fundamentalist faction of Mo hammedanism These were studied ! in an attempt to learn her life i history. “Peter Straford." it was believed was born in New Zealand. the 'daughter of a member of the Brit ish royal guards. Several years ago I she appeared in New York as ' Dcrcslcy Morton, writer and liter jary critic. And then “Peter Strat j ford'* appeared, wooing Mrs. Eliza beth Rowland as "Stratford" lay ill jin a Kansas City hospital. "He" and Mrs. Rowland were married j there in 1925. j Some of the letters were love ; messages to women. somtj w ere ex positions of the sufistic cult and |.somc were personal and business j missives. Some of them indicated I literary achicvetaeni and some were incoherent but the thick sheaf of j letters found in a trunk in her hotel I room cast an insight into the in credible life of a woman who for 'years worked .and lived with men : without exciting suspicion concern*-! 1 ins her nes. Her masculine characteristics; in-! eluding a baritone \oicc. set her (apart until, assuming more and (more the habits of a man, she fi nally abandoned her feminine char acter completely and took a man's place in the world. An Oakland employer said she was the best mail he ever hired, iMrs. Rowland was located in Hotly wood. She declared she had left ("Stratford'’ a tew months aeo upon 'learning the truth a both ‘his’’ sex. !Mrs. Rowland said .she was writing for the screen at presen' A Rood City. From The Twin City Sentinel. The City of Winstcn-Solcm \oted 5-.500.C00 in school bends about a 'ear ago. Only eleven votes were cast against the issue, and local people felt pretty good ovrr that fact. Then—the plans for several new buildings and additirais were ap proved and contracts awarded. So It became necessary to get some money to pay the bills and the city offered $1,800,000 of the bonds. Ten bids were received, coming from about lorty bonds buyers. That 'showed the interest that Is mani fested when Winston-Salem goes a bond selling But of still further (gratification is the price that was offered, a premium of $1.81 per | M00. It .was the best sale that any | city or county in North Carolina I has held in a Jena lime, according to men in position to know TARIFF BILL ll!ll! PREDICTS ARCTIC : I BRIGHT FUTURE Washington in such a gossipy town ns Washington. the impene- , trablp blanket of eerrry which w;V' ( thrown around the tariff bill is a phenomenal almost as Interesting to the casual onlooker ns the pro- | visions of the bill itself are to mem bers of Congres and interested In- ■ dtistries The rates ol the various sched- • ulcs,-pending actual 'introduction of the bill on the floor, have been exclusively the property ol the Re publican members of the House j formulated them The bill ha ■ not been introduced ( as this is written, and the Demo cratic members of the committee j can only guess wlmt may be in U. ] Other Republican members of the ' house have no information at all. and neither have the Interests ; affected, 10 whom Increased tariffs | mean increased profits Producing interests bark home naturally, have been writing their! congressman for confidential in* formation about what would be in j the bill with regard to rates on I their schedules. Some of these con- j gressmen have complained that they were turned down rather bru tally, if not angrily, by ways and means members approached for the information "I though lie was a friend or mine!" more tha none such con gressman has exclaimed. Old-timers car Capitol>Hi’.l say there was never a time before when there weren't more leaks from the way; and means boys, al though the party in power has al [ ways tried to preserve secrecy in [framing its tariff bill. Some little flurry was caused by a supposed leak to the effect, that | the sugar tariff was being raised. Apparently the sugar leak really was a leak. It was the only break, at any rate, in a situation which ■ found nearly everyone on the Hill i asking nearly everyone else what I they'd heard about the duty (changes. Nearly everyone was , commissioning nearly everyone else to find out whatever he could and report back promptly—-without re ■ suit. There have been all kinds of | trouble over the sugar rates ever (since the leak. Naturally the big sugar interests, principally Ameri can producers operating in Cuba. ■ came rushing in on the Republican ; ways members and if the leak was j correct then and the new duties i had been fixed as reported the du 'l ties provided by the bill may be (altogether different. The incident indicates why so i much secrecy is maintauied. If it ! were all threshed out in the open ■ there probably never would be any tariff bills. For instance, if word (went out one day that the Repub lican members of the committee were considering rates on pottery and glass there would be 50 or 60 people taking a Washington-bound tram that night, determined to ; exert pressure. Life for ways and i means committeemen would simply i become unbearable. J A tariff bill is always a purely party proposition. Minority mem bers can only get in their digs, gen erally futile, at the hearings or on i the floor after the bill is presented. 1 The bulk of the Republican mem ■ bers are lrom industrial districts : and each one, naturally, has a per ifectly beautiful chance to take care I of his ow n home interests. Seven (state—New York. Pennsylvania, I'Massachusetts. New' Jersey, Ohio. Illinois and Michigan—produce 60 (per cent of American manufac tured products, and each has at ■ least one Republican congressman Ion ways and means INDIGESTION Taxi Driver Goe* Back T© Medicine He Had Taken When a Boy to Find Relief. Nteholasrllle, Ky.—,rRurmlng a taxi is my business, and I am called out at all times, sometimes just be fore meal time, and this makes my eating as well as my sleeping very irregular,” says Mr. Jesse Dickerson, of 502 Central Avenue, this city. “I had indigestion, on account of this irregularity. I would feel very uncomfortable after meals. I would be constipated and have dizziness. “I knew I had to take something. 1 remembered how. when at home before I was married, my mother would give us Black-Draught, and how she believed in it. ‘‘So I decided to take it again. It sure did me good. I am glad to-let others know what a good laxative Black-Draught is. It clean up a dull headache, and makes me feel like a new person.’* Thousands of other men and women find Black-Draught a gnat help in relieving common ailments, due to indigestion, constipation and biliousness. In thousands of families, Thed ford's Black-Draught has a corner all its own on the medicine shelf. In use nearly 100 years. Safe, efficient, reliable. Sold everywhere. Try it tm-W sawwass . indigeittort. Biliouindtt J -- • ._LA.- iA- ■ List Of Patients At Shelby Hospital The following patients were in the Shelby hospital this morning: Mr. I,. C Camp. Shelby, R-l; Mrs. U W. Crowder. Lawndale. R-l; Mrs. C. L. Gold. Shelby. R-4 and baby Gold, boy; Mrs Fred Jack son, Latttmore; Mrs V. L, Trout man. Shelby; Mr. G. R. Wylie. Blacksburg, B. C ; Mrs S. C. Par ker. Karl; Mrs. T. A White. Cliff side; Mr. Frank Cornwell. Shelby, R-5; Mrs. Ernest Jennings. Shelby, R-6: Mas Frances McArthur, Shelby; Mrs. Frank Devenny. Lawn dale, Devertny baby. daughter; Mrs. W. H. Champion. Shelby. Champion baby, daughter; Mrs Nan Turner. Kings Mountain; Mrs. Will Ijeigli, Patterson Springs; Mr. II C. Allen, Shelby; Mrs W F Wilson. Shelby; Lltile Edna Cartco, Shelby: Mr. J. L Parker, Shelby. R-4: Miss Amanda Purdy, Shelby. R-4: Edna Huskey 'col.'. Blacksburg. S. C ; Mary Birched ecol.L Shelby; Fannie Jones tcol.», Shelby, U-J. New Machinery At Textile College! Recent, additions to the equip- \ men: at the State colleRe textile j school, Raleigh, include th" lastal- ' lation of a Cooper Hewitt lighting i system which has been placed in the v.eave room Another recent addition lia* been the equipping of one of the card* with Platt's Metallic Card Clothing This cloth ing was developed in Fiance and i extensively used in Lancashire and other textile centers of the world. It Is claimed that this clothing will eliminate the grinding and stripping of cards, reduce the per centage of strips and produce a card silver of greater regularity Tests with tliis clothing will be made by students in the textile school as part of their regular work in carding. Singing Convention. The Union Singers convention, also the South Mountain Singers convention will meet with Double Shoals church the third Sunday, i the 19th day of May for all day singing. Dinner on grounds. Come on bring your full chorus or quar tet duet, or any way you want to sing. Let me see you as early as you can get there. So that I can get you on the program. We are looking for a number of 3ingers from both Carolinas. Every body in vited . J. C. BRIDGES, Director. Rum Drive On In Rutherford County Ilnur Still Taken—Many Arrests (l\rr Week-End lor liquor. R-ulherfordton.- Deputies Curtis Hardin. Hoy Weeks. Rov Dalton and two citizens captured a 100 gullon capacity copper still on Rock Crock in Chimney Rock Township It was in lull blast and war. one ot the best outfits ever captured iti Ruthertord county. ‘ Two white men were at work a' the plant which would turn out a gallon of whisky about every thir ty minute•■. The operators made their escape. Ounrds were stationed near the plan and when the officers were discovered the guards fired n warning and the men fled. Officers captured 1 1-2 gallons of whisky and about 30 gallons of brer, A total of 30 people. Including one negro woman, ten white men and eleven colored men were placed in jail here over the week-end j charged with being drunk, gambling | or transporting r.h,k’\ Officers believe since the Jones law wertt into effect that biockadevn are using greater precaution abou‘ being captured as guards have been discovered at several still* recently Group 1 B. Y. P. U. At Sandy Plain* Oioup Ho. I of the B V. P. U 'aHI mf’i Friday night May 10th with the Sandy Plains Baptist church. Th'.s group embraces the Sunday schools of Sandy Plains. Beaver Dam Baltimore, Pleasant Bidge, Flint Hill. Poplar Springs, Mount Sinai and Union. Miss Ruth Walker delivers the address of wel ! come. Miss Nellie Weathers the re sponse. Devotional will be conduct ed by Miss Sue Davis which will be iollowed by an address by Rev. J L, Jenkins of Boiling Springs. Strawberries Again. From The Columbia Record South Carolina can generally go North Carolina one better. Wednes day there was published an ac count of strawberry No. 659 which was being produced on the North Carolina state test farm at Willard not far from Wilmington. Yesterday an excited reporter asked. "Have you seen the apples on your desk?" To this longing eyes the strawberries there looked like small apples. They were not only very large but very luscious They were raised by G. A. Shlllettc at his farm on the Two Notch road W. M. U. Division To Meet At Casar Division No. 6 of the W. M. tl of the King’s Mountain association wilt meet wltli the Casar Baptist church Sunday May 12 at 2:30, The churches or this division are, Oa sar, Carpenter's Grove, Lawndale, Double Shoal, New Bethel and Norman's Grove, All young people especially are*urged to attend this meeting. Interesting programs by the young people of their organi tlons will be rendered. Casar Bap tist church extends a cordial invita tion to all The world’s best sleeper is R.tlph Srhlutternhofer, o? Lansing. While sleeping recently someone tied him with a rope, and plastered his mouth with adhesive tape, and lie didn't know it until his wife awakened him on her return home 666 Is a Prescription for l oldh. Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Hilious Fever and Materia. It is tlie me-' speedy remedy knewt Mother’s I comes on May 12 Mark it down on your dak calendar Paste it in your bat Tell year secretary to remem you—but don't forget! Send or bring her CANDY Always welcome— the most appropriate remembrance of the day We have Lovely Mother’s Dm Packages for You SUBTLE DRUG STORE Hollingswoirth Candies A Specially. With The Present Low Prices MAJESTIC hat ttartled the radio world and many of then* claim that it it impottible to produce a Radio of Majettic qualities at the very low price. Be ture to hear the MAJESTIC—the finett Radio reffardlett of Name, Make or Price. TWO MODELS IN STRAIGHT RADIO:— $147.50 AND $162.50 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION $335.00 Pricet include Tubet and Inttallation. Guaranteed fully and ter*' viced free for 90 dayt. Pendleton’s Music Store