VOL. XXXV, No. 56 THL CLEVELAND STAR SHE LBV, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 10, RIL’D. 12 PAGES TODAY I’ul)lislunl Monday, Wednesday, ami Friday Afternoons . Hy mail, per yenr (In advance) $2.50 Currier, per jear On advance) $3.00 LATE NEWS 'Ihe Markets. Cotton, pc rpound . 18c Cotton Seed, per bu. _ 48c Showers Saturday. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy tonight and Satur day. Probably showers Saturday in extreme southwest portion. Not quite so cold tonight. Rising tem perature Saturday in cast and cen tral portions. 11agen Wins Crown. A bulletin over the Out* and Slack cotton wires here at noon to day stated that Walter Hagen, American golf professional, today won the British Open golf title in the tournament at Gullane, Scot land. Highs Playing In Title Game If Shelby Wins Next Game Of Championship Series Will Also Be Here. The Shelby highs are this after noon playing the strong Blackburn team here in the second round of the series for the state high school baseball crown. Due to the drawings in Salisbury last Tuesday night it is learned that the next game of the series will be played here provided Shelby wins today from Blackburn. There were t'vO groups left in the west after the first round and they are divided as follows: Group One: Winston-Salem vs Greensboro, today; Spencer vs. Siler City, today. Group Two: Shelby vs. Black burn, today; Charlotte vs. Norwood, today. Next Tuesday in Group One the winner of the Winstom-Greensboro clash will play the victor in the Spencer-Siler City game, while the winner of the Shelby-Btackburn contest today in Group One will play the winner of the Charldtte Norwood game. In case Shelby defeats Blackburn, as was stated above, the victor on the Charlotte Norwood game will play Shelby in Shelby Tuesday. Should Blackburn win the game may be played in Charlotte. The final game in the west will be played between the two winning of next Tuesday and will be staged at Concord on Saturday, May 18, unless Blackburn is one of the two winners as the game will then be played on Friday May 17 in Con cord. Coach Morris will likely send Hamrick, big righthander, against Blackburn here this afternoon in his fight to remain in the state race with ‘'Lefty" Moore held in reserve. Prof. And Mrs. Gary Hosts At Fallston To Teachers There (Special to The Star i Prof, and Mrs. W. R. Gary de lightfully entertained the teachers and senior class of Fallsten high school at their home here Monday evening May 6. Many interesting games and contests were played after which delicious sherbet and calces were served. Dr. Andrews, president of High Point college, visited Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Morris here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gettys Hoyle of Charlotte spent the week-end here with relatives. Mrs. B. J. Hoyle of Rutherfordton ily of Gastonia visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bumgardner and family here Tuesday. Miss Thelma Stroup who has been teaching at Southport, this state, has returned to her home here for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ed Hoyle and daughter, Marjjorie, of Charlotte visited relatives at Fallston Sunday. Mr. Alva Brown who has been staying with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cline and at tending school here has returned to his home at Bennettsvillc, S. C. Mrs. Hugh Beam of Lexington is spending this week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stroup. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamrick of Rutherfordotn were Fallston visit ors Sunday. The following Fallston school teachers have returned to their homes for the summer months: Miss Helen Scott to Converse S. C„ and Miss Eugenia Rollins to Earl. Mr. A. P. Bumgardner and fam ts spending this week in Fallston with relatives and friends. Mrs. R. M. Brackett and children of Shelby spent. Tuesday night here with her sister, Mrs. T. A. Lee. Mrs. Brackett came up to attend the graduating exercises of Fallston high school. Mr. C. T. Stamey and family mov ed to Polkville Thursday where he has charge of the Stamey company store No. 2 Mr. .Toe Stamey left Thursday for TTot. Springs. Ark,, where hr will loin his parents. Spanish-American War Vets To Gather Here In July; 2 Other Conventions In City This Year State Baptist Convention And Norlli Carolina Postmasters To Meet Here. Shelhv, known in convention eireles as the “City of Springs,” will this year revive its wide reputation as a eonvention eity. To date it is positively known that at least three state con ventions will be held in the eity during the year. The first scheduled to be held here is the convention of North Carolina postmasters, which will be held on June 14 and 15 by invita tion of Postmaster Quinn. The next convention in order will be the North Carolina veterans of the Spanish-American war on July 8-9. Then cn November 12-15 Shelby will for the second time play host to the North Carolina Baptist con vention. All three are expected to be notable events for the city Capt. J. Frank Jenkins, Capt J. Frank Roberts, and Capt. Hugh Logan, all veterans of thecSpanish Amcrican conflict, arc already making arrangements for entertain ing the encampment of war veter ans here in July. They have been informed by Commander Thurman, | cf Wilmington, that, between 500 J and 600 veterans may be here for the occasion and the local veterans are planning to accommodate and entertain at least 500. The two day program of the veterans will be held in the county court house and the business men of Shelby, through the Merchants association, have al ready assured local officials that they will aid in the entertainment of the visitors. Honor Roll In Shelby Schools The lior,or roll for the eighth! month of the Shelby city schools follows: Graham School. Fourth grade—N. C. Blanton, Dwight Wilson, Sarah Dorsey, Helen Corrick. Fifth grade—William Carson. Elizabeth Dodd. Anna Lutz, Sallie Mullinax. Sarah Reid Thompson. Sixth grade—Dwight Hoyle, Chas Philbeck, Edna Earl Grigg, Eliza beth Lipscomb, Virginia Mtntz, Margaret Thompson, Mary Lewis Wilson. Seventh grade—Isabel Lackey. Jean .Moore Thompson. Washington School. Fourth grade—Earle Hamrick, jr., Richard Jones, Annabeth Jones, Marjorie Lutz, Edith Mull, Jean ette Post, Catherine Wellmon. Fifth grade—James Hull, James Hamrick. Mary Hamrick, Alphon sinc Harris, Louise Ramsaur. Mary Wells. Sixth grade—Veva Armour, Hel en Jean Jordan, Millicent Brackett, Jack Hulick, Majorie Spangler. Seventh Grade—Colbert Mc Knight, Ed Post, Margaret Ford. Dorothy Leonard, Cornellia Sparks, Lucille Whisnant. LaFayettc School. Fifth grade—Dorothy Roberts, Donald Roberts, Pearl McKee, Floyd Truelove. ^Jefferson School. Seventh grade—Bernice Miller, Geneva Ross, Toula Belle Huskey, J. W. Smith, John Fair. Griffin Holland, Harry Walker. Marion School. Fourth grade—Carolyn Ballen tine. Louise L.vbrand. Inez Roop, Margaret Tedder, Jane W'ashburn, John Dorsey. Fifth grade—Marie King—Agnes Borders. Gladys May hue, Constance Dellinger. Sixth grade—Esther Ann Quinn, Sarah White. Seventh grade—Hazel Putnam Dick LeGrande. South Shelby School. Fourth grade—Bernice Brooks. iContinued on page ten.) MOTHERS’ DAY Sunday is Mother's Day—Whether mother is far or near, do not for-1 get her on this important occasion. A few kind words, a little, inexpen sive gif', mean more to mother titan the grandest eloquence and the most elaborate entertainments mean to anyone else. Many a mother, separated by distance from her children, pining for them, is made clad on this day by effectionatc messages and thoughtful gifts, Others, fortunate enough to have their children about them, beam with delight at their manifestations of love on this day. Of course every day should be Mother’s Day—never for a moment should her kindness and self-sacrifice be forgotten. Too often, however, mothers are taken for granted, though experience has shown to mankind that the love of a mother is the only really unselfish love that one is liable to meet in a lifetime. Those whose mothers have gone realize what a precious boon has passed from their lives. They. too. may observe Mother's Day. If your lnot’-er has 'pa - "di en, put a flower at her resting place .... surely she will know i Gray Vets Are Few In Annual Meeting Staged Here Today ( apt. Dickson Is Oldest. "Uncle Billy" Putnam Is Nrvl. Only A Score Here. The Riay-haired veterans of Cleveland county who formed a part of the famous pray col umns that followed lee and Jackson into battle for the Con federacy fathered here today for their annual reunion and dinner, and only a few more than a score answered the roll call. Around 70 Confederate veterans are still living in the county, but by 10 o'clock this morning only 22 were physically able to Journey to the court house front which point they were motored to the Central school auditorium for the reunion exercises and the playing of their favorite tune, the stirring "Dixie." by the Shelby high band. Follow ing the short program there the vet erans were carried to the Woman's club room where their annual din ner was served by the Daughters of the Confederacy. Capt. Ed Dickson, of Fullston valiant warrior of the Lost Cause, was the oldest veteran tn attend ance, his age being 96. ‘‘Uncle Billy" Putnam, of Shelby, aged 94, was the second oldest, while "Uncle Jimmy" Hord, who will be 90 in July, was the third. Both Capt. Dickson and Mr, Hord plan to at tend the general reunion in Char lotte next month, while Mr. Putnam isn't sure as yet whether he will go. Two Confederates In Cleveland, Officers In Two Big Battles Capt. Dickson And Lieut. Parker Served At Gettysburg And Chickamauga Battles. (By Prof. W. E White. Cleveland County Historian'. As the tenth of May arrives the minds of Southern people naturally turn to deeds of valor and heroism. This is Memorial day in the South, and our minds revert to the gallant ry of the Confederate heroes who bravely championed the “Lost Cause." Cleveland county perhaps has a distinction in Southern history to day that does not belong to any oth er county in the South. Within our borders is found two living ex-Con federate officers who participated in the two greatest battles of the Civil war. One of these officers was wounded at Gettysburg, while the other lost an arm at Chicka mauga. When Gen. Robert E. Lee in vaded Pennsylvania in the summer of 1863, there was within the ranks of the army Capt. E. Dixon, of Fallston. Capt. Dickson was a brave and efficient officer, and was in the heroic charge led by General Pickett and Pettigrew on the third day of the battle at Gettysburg. In this gory battle Capt. Dixon was wounded in the heroic effort to drive the Pederals from their stronghold. After the Confederate misfortune at Gettysburg, General Lee sent General Longstreet to the assistance of General Braxton Bragg, the Confederate commander in the west at the time. Being reenforced by General Longstreet's corps, Gen eral Bragg joined battle with his ad versary. General Rosencrans. at Chickamauga. One of the officers who took part in this, the greatest battle of the west, was Lieut. Dc vaney Parker. Lieut. Parker, though a native of Cleveland county, en tered the service from Jackson county, of this state. Like Capt. Ed Dixon, Lieut. Parker was a brave (Continued on page ten.' Meet Hizzoner, Mayor McMurry Above, ladies and gentlemen, is the first newspaper photograph ever published of Shelby's next mayor, Sim A. Mc.Murry, elected last Mon day by a majority over two opposing candidates. Mayor-elect McMurry will take office on Saturday, June 1. I Star Photo). McMurry Making No Slate Until After He Takes The Oath Will Walt Until He Is Mayor. Siren Signal At Noon May Be Stopped. Mayor-elect S. A. McMurry let it be known today that he is not giving out advance information as to the employes of his administra tion until he and his new board arc ready to take office, and the mat ter of selecting the working force of the city will not be taken up I until after Monday's run-off elect i lion when the mayor-elect may hold I a conference with his board. “I do not think there is any necessity of outlining what we hope to do before wc get ready to do it,” he declared. His statement leaves unanswered the growing question as to whether or not there will be changes at the City Hall, and if so, how many. Mr. McMurry and the new board may inform employes that they will be retained or replaced prior to the first of June but it was definitely indicated today that the announce ments would not be made public until the new administration takes the oath of ofiice. or just before. What Of Siren? A rumor of considerable interest about the city is that the mayor elect and possibly several members of the newly elected board are not overly anxious about continuing the custom of blowing the fire siren at the noon hour, and this may be the last month Shelby citizens will hear what has come to be known as "the city dinner horn.'’ Joint Postal Meeting At Hollis May 30th There will be a joint postal meet ing of the Cleveland and Ruther ford county postal councils at Hollis on Thursday May 30. Postmaster J. H. Quinn says the councils of these two counties have been holding these joint meetings for several years, alternating between the two counties and for the Hollis meeting an all day program is being ar ranged with speeches, music and a picnic dinner. The program will be announced later. Mrs. Riens Buried At Patterson Spgs. M s W A Riens died Friday, May 3rd at the home of her son. Daniel, at the nee of 63 years. She had been sick lor a long time. The body was buried at Patterson Springs cemetery May 4Mi. Mrs. Riens leaves her husband, two sons and two daughters. She was a fine Ch-istian woman, joining the church at the age of 18 years. Her many friends and neighbors will greatly miss her. Band Concert Here Sunday Afternoon The Shelby high school band, winners of first prize in the recent state-wide contests at Greenboro, will give a concert on the court square here Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tlie program will be di rected by Prof. W. T. Sinclair, v ho has trained the young musicisr The "rrr;'! public of Shcl'-iv. and the county is invited to attend. Election Monday Is Very Quiet Runoff Race Between Wuhburn And Ledford lias I’oliliral DopesteiA tiursslng. J.iist. v. hat '.vill happen In Shelby s runoff election Monday has even tin Most (ontlclmt. of the pollttail pro pin !s i-t the t nvn guessing, for it. is the first runofl rare of the type in hr history of the (own. Due to a change in the city: elee ; tion law by the 'list legislature it will be recalled that a second city I election was made necessary by the fact that neither 1’. M Washburn or J. F. Icdford, candidates for alderman from Ward One. received a majority vote last Monday and the new election law says a candidate in Shelby nowadays must receive a majority vote. Just how many Shelby voters will be interested enough in the runoff to vote is the big puzzle. Some are of the opinion that four to six hun dred votes will be cast to decide the fourth member of the city board, but most of the observeis are in clined to believe that not more than 250 or 330 votes will be cast. As a matter of precaution, however. The Star print shop today is printing 1,000 tickets, and only those unus ually optimistic are of the opinion that there will not be enough tick ets. May Change I.aw. Since a runoff race for one aider men bobbed up in the first election after the change in the city elec tion law there is a probability that the law may be changed again, ac cording to talk on the streets. The change proposed is that a runoff race not be made mandatory ex cept for the office of the mayor, with the provision that in the race lor the board berths that the sec ond high candidate may withdraw in favor of the high candidate if he so desires. Errors In Votes As Given By Star In Wednesday's issue of The Star giving the official vote of the city election of Monday several mistakes were inadvertently made in the proof-reading. In Ward One the figures of Wednesday's paper had P. M. Washburn as the low candi date when in reality he was the high candidate for alderman In that ward. The same mistake occurred in Ward Four where Z. J, Thomp son was given the least number of votes when he really received the majority. The official vote in the two wards should have been as follows: Ward one. alderman—P. M. Washburn. 787; J F. Ledford. 609; Boyce Dellinger, 25C. Ward Four, Alderman—Z. J, Thompson. 893; T. P. Eskridge, 752. Plonk Bros. Store Robbed. Kings Mountain.—The general merchandise store of Plonk Broth ers was broken into some time Tues day night for the third time since last November. Twelve silk dresses, five men's suits, several pairs of men’s shoes and perhaps other ar ticles were taken. The robbers gain ed entrance by breaking out a pnltc glass window. Officers have no clue to the identity of the thieves. Shelbyltes Married. Ruthcricrdton—Mr. Richard Wil liams and Miss Louvina Head, both of Shelby were married here Tues day by ’Squire M. D. Justice in the court house, Saturday in Forest City, Mr. J. B. Long married J. E. Kimbrell to Miss Verta Edwards, both of Shel by. Interesting Bits On The “Inside” Think of a pot rat gnawing a hole in thr head of an infant? Such happened recently in Rutherford county. An Item on an inside page of The Star to day tells about it. In fact there are nunirrous Interesting: items on Ihe In side pages. Don't miss reading about the town election at Eat timore. Conductor Albergotti’s suggestion about an overhead bridge to save Cleveland coun ty lives, the Shelby high victory over Gaffney, the social item. Gee McGee on “Nobody’s Busi ness,” community items from all sections of the county, and the “want ads." Every page a newsy page in The Star—read them all. Mountain Pastor Gets $5 Per Year Serves \ Charge Of Mountain IVo ldr .Vs Minister l or Just $3 Salar>, -_■ '■ ' Albert Hudson is a natural born orator and ielt a enll to preach to the South Mountain people. H couldn’t nad and write when lie felt the call to preach, but he began studying and .soon overcame tht handicap Today he is serving it number of mountain churches and preaches a very creditable sermon He is rather emotional in preaching among the mountain people with whom he lias lived all his life, but because of his lack of an educa tion, lie is too timid to go beyond his circuit to fill appointments Often he has been asked to preach at other churches, but he lin.s con sistently declined, preferring to do his work among his home people There he is highly, respected and preaches very earnest and sincere sermons. Farming is his vocation and he is a prosperous one, too. He is married and has five or six chil dren One of his churches is up m Rich Mountain, situated at the corner of Burke, Cleveland and Ruther ford counties. When asked what the Rich Mountain people paid him lie replied "Five dollars a year’’" and never complained of his salary. Recently a bad man . the teacher has two years experience, $120 for teachers having three years ex perience, and $133 per month for teachers having four or more years experience. The teachers having Class B certificates will receive $90 per month with an additional $5 per month for each year of ex perience after the first year. Class C teachers will receive $85 per month with an additional $5 per month for each year of experience, with Provision C teachers getting $75 per month and an additional $5 per month for each year of experi ence. There are now, by the new salary ruling, 30 A-4 teachers, $133 per month, in the Shelby schools; five A-3 teachers at $120, six A-2 teach ers at $110, 13 B-4 teachers at $110. one B-3 teacher at $105, 11 C-4 teachers at $105. one C-3 teacher at $100, and two elementary A teach ers at $95 per month. Members of the twm school boards which met this week are: Old Board —R. T. LeGrand, Wyeth Royster, B. H. Kendall. John McClurd and J. S. McKnight; New Board—Roger Laughridge, Dr. Tom Gold. H. Clay Cox, L. P. Holland and Thad Ford. Shelby Golfers May Play In Tournament Several Shelby golfers, members of the Cleveland Springs golf club, may participate In the first invita tion tournament of the Charlotte Country club on May 23, 24, and 23. The invitation tournament is open to all golf club members in the two Carolina*. Registration will be on May 22, and the 18 qualifying holes will be played cm the afternoon of May 23. Trophies will be awarded winners and ninner ups of all nights and the low mprtalist.