Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost !____■___ Hates for Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimu/r Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 25c for first insertion. IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estimate Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J. tf 18c MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, analizes 55 per cent protein. Excel lent lor hog and chicken ieed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall. tf 7c I HAVE SEVERAL thousand dollars to lend on improved farms in Cleveland county. See or write Marvin Blanton, Led better building, Shel by. W-F-tf SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, speciaiiizng in rebuild ing wrecked cars, building commer cial bodies, dueo painting, top up holstering and glass work. Black smithing. Phone 753-J. South Mor gan Street, tf 15c HARMON & MOSS Electrical Contracting and Repairing. Locat ed under Chocolate Shop. Phones: Office 230. Res. 203. Jtf-25 „H'E ARE HAVING WONDER FUL hatches and livability with our chicks this year and can fur nish each Wednesday fine Rocks. Reds and Leghorns if order placed in advance. Poultry bringing top prices now and outlook for over a year for high prices. This is tire year to go in for poultry. Try Sut tle chicks and be pleased. Suttle Hatchery. tf-3c FOR RENT: 5 ROOM HOUSE ! unfurnished.,. Modern conveniences. | Near hospital. See J. M. Green or I A. M. Hamrick. if 10c | FOR RENT: TWO FIVE ROOM I houses in South Shelby, Water and lights. C. A. Morrison. tf 15c WE SPECIALIZE O N Generators, Starters, Horns and Magnetos Turner And Williams Garage. tf-3c FOR SALE: BANJO-UKELELE. genuine Wurlitzer, practically new. $10.00. Room No. 5. Courtview Hotel. 3t 9p FOR SALE - Dodge Sedan. In good condi tion. Apply at Star Office. 5-tf FOR RENT: TWO NICELY furnished bedrooms with all mod ern conveniences in private home on S. Washington St. Call Phono 692. 3t 6p ”~FOR SALE:'TWO REG ISTEREO Jersey cows, fresh. J. C. Campbell. R-5. Shelbj. 3t 8p ONE BETTER Guaranteed Flour $3.35; Fat Back Meat 121c lb.; Breakfast Bacon 22c lb.; Irish Potatoes 90c bushel. C. H. Reinhardt, S. Shelby. 2t-8c FOR SALE: ONE <1) 12 INCH 4 head Fay and Egan Moulder used about seven i7t years, in fair con dition. Cocker Machine and Foun dry Co,, Gastonia, N. C. 3t 8c FOR RENT: HOUSE OF J. H Beam in S. Shelby, see Dr. D. M, Morriscn. ’ tf 8c FOR SALE: 1927 GMC 1-2 TON truck with screen body 1927 I’on tiac with cab and pick up body. A B. C. Motor Co., Arcy Bids. 2t8e WE PAY 33c flv trade for eggs. C. H. Reinhardt, S o \i t h Shelby. 2t-8c HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE: On Cleveland Springs road near Mike L. Border? Clyde Champion, I Address Box 794. 21 8p j O. E FORD CO WILL SAVE you money on a mowing machine 21 8c OLD FLOORS MADF NEW— and new floors neatly sanded. Have most up-to-date machine in town. For estimate of cost phone 39. Frank M. Newton. 318 W. Marlon street. tf 18c COTTON SEED COKERS NO. 3 selected and recleaned and ready for shipment. C. S. Young, Shelby, N. C. tf 15c WANTED—JOB AS STENOG rapher and typist. Experienced. Ref erences furnished. Myrtle Gilbert telephone 140-R, 3t 8p BUILDING LOTS—GOOD Lo cation. C. S. Young. tt-12e FOR SALE: FOUR BURNER New Perfection oil stove with. oven. Good condition. C. C. McMurry. Suttle street. 3t 6c LOST ONE BROWN COAL BE TWEEN Southern depot and River side Service Station Finder please call 714 ' 2t-8p SEE O. E. FORD CO. FOR AS phalt; shingles mail styles, grades and colors 2t 8c FOR LIME. CEMENT. BRICK, plaster pati:> and Keene cement see O. E. Ford Co. 2i 8e THREE IN ONE, THREE MILES out. GaraRC. Idling station and grocery store. Make us a visit. Three miles west of Rutherlordton On highway No. 20. Blue Ridge Service Station, Z. T Brackett, proprietor. 3t 6p WANTED: A CAFABLE YOUNG man to train for chain store man ager. Box 207, Shelby. 3t 6p LOST: BROWN CLUB BAG ON right hand side of road between Bessemer City and Kings Mountain. Finder please return to this office E. L. G Liberal reward. 3t 3p O. E. FORD.CO. IS IIEADQUAR ters for grain binders, mowing ma chines and in fact all kinds of farm machinery. 2t 8c THOUSANDS O F treated, government inspected Potato plans arriving daily. Place your orders at once. Campbell De partment Stores, Shel by and Lawndale, tf FACE AND COMMON BRICK on hand at al! times at O. E Ford Co's. 2t 8c FOR SALE—ONE SPLEN DID eleven room home; one nice seven room bungalow; one eleven room brick veneer ed home, large lol: one five room bungalow with extra lot one 10 room residence with 28 extra lots adjoining. Phones 200 and 030. Shelby, N. C. 3tc FOR SALE: TWO REGISTERED Jersey cows, fresh. J. C. Campbell, Cherryville R-o. 3t 6p IF YOU WANT A ROOF THAT will last and not leak get in touch with O. E Ford Co. 21 8c MEAT MARKET NEAR CLEVE land Cloth Mill I will sell cheap foe cash. W. A. Newton. 2t 8p BUILDING CONTRACTOR: Work will be appreciated. II. J. Costner, Phone 67-J. tf 8c WANTED TO BUY A GROCERY business or rent a store building in Shelby or nearby town. Write A-4. care Cleveland Star. 4t 8p FOR SALE: FRESH COW. Holstein and Jersey. W. A Wil liams, Lattimore R-l. 3t 8p SEASON TICKETS*TO CLEVE land Swimming Pool now on sale at the Smoke House and Cleveland Drug Co 2t 8c FOR SALE: AT A BARGAIN, one IP23 model Ford roadster in eocd condition, see R O Justice at Campbell Dept. Store 2, gp FOR SALE: 78 ACRES 1.1 mile Lawndale. 50 acres in cultiva tion. 3 houses, pasture, orchard, the Frank W. McMurry farm. S75.00 per' sere. J. B Nolan Co. Shelby. 2t 8e “GUS AND GUSS1E” A Wireless Test. F , LOOK. / sue FROM HIM , FROM V WRIGHT' V" ifeN'T 6C.IEMCE WOMD&WFUU THESE OA.VS, WHEN THEY CAM TELE6RAPM «UCH KINO O' PUOWESS7 NOTHING IS IMPCoSteL* AN^ MOWE. NO? / / Ttv AN' <bEKO THEVl PLOWE9S SACK. SV RADIO' A Co-Incidence. f U3uSStE kS // CALLED HKlPE BACKSTA^ lPKOM£ '1W "THE LOV^<3&LE9, 6V THE ; • ©OMAMTtC, RfeStLE^JS W£I6HT .RCOT, JR J I CAsM N ! hear yc3o \ J USX A,<5 I \ PLAIN- j CAN VOO \ IMAGINE? V A TELE65?AM, them he VMlRES "N( TWAT oLi'1' FLOWERS. NOW ) '^> JUST HE LONG OVSTANCES J ^VH/\R<3EC 1—x ' y—'( VM\TH UOVE TV-5 AT 60V IS OUST CHARGED NEX’ TH\NCa YOU KNOW, HE'U- JUMP ON HIMSELF VOUR IMAGINATION \s PRETTV HOT. THAT'S WHAT HE JUST SA\D"- HE'S COM\NG TO <5 AN ERANOSCO NEXT WEEK ON BUSINESS-— WE'LU BE THERE THEN--- VJHAT a COINCIDENCE CALIFORNIA AH' I BET 1 cam guebs WHAT BUSINESS HE'S COM\K' HI OF Bill is pec m ; Italian Count To Krpresrnt Nation At Political D/cus Vin llerr. nomt —A man of war. whose submarine mines scattered death-, has become an ambassador of peace. Count Giovanni Emmanuele Elia'-, inventor and manufacturer of the submarine mines of Dog: rr Banks. English coasts and the Mediterran ean in the World war. is going to the United States to represent' Italy in the International Institute of Politics which sits in August at WiUiamstbwn. Mass.. under the auspices of William college. The master of destruction at sea will bo a- spokesmen on the blaek shirted facsisrs. He wilt discuss the | influence of fascism on industrial and rural life. The count, who was one of the first to apply the fascist labor char ter in his torpedo plan' say.-: Merer Ilad Strike. “I have never had a stiake. Wily should we have strikes, wa n tiie rights and interests of both em ployed and employers are so well safeguarded by the state? "Up in Florence I have 1.000 men employed, with 1.000 families de pendent upon them. They are hap py and contented, and if they have anything to complain about, th-re are the government tribunal to hear them Both masters and men j pledge themselves in advance to ! accept the tribunals decision.'' The count will be tb first of j Italy's representatives it the Wil liamstown Institute to :pcak di rectly of the formation oi the fas j cist state and its significance. i___ FOR SALE: FIRST CLASS j business property on tins' square, | now rented, 16 percent' on .inv.m 1 ment. Easy finance. J. B. Nolan ! company. 2t 10c ' TOR SALE ’ USED DEI AVAL | cream separator No. 5 at bargain. jO. F. Wolfe. R-l, Shelby. 2t 8p THOUSANDS O F treated, government inspected Potato plants arriving daily. Place your orders at once. Campbell De partment Stores Shel by and Lawndale, tf WANTED: FOOT OR HAND power rip saw', jig saw and turning lathe combined. I.ce Wray tf 10c FOR SALE LOT WITH R frontage riofc in .T. B Nolan i* pany. aP -—--—--I'fop FOR SALF FO* houses on good st> o.-iticn. Oocd Nolan Co. J B ! 2t J Or ‘ Lure Of Aviation Appeals To Youth Licenses l or Student fliers Mount To 11.083—Trained rilots Tripled In Number. Waahiii; ton. — The dramatic <*ov ■ s of the adventure., of our •World war aviators ami tire thril ling exploits of our air mail pilot', are hv.r.v; their of.cot on the youth of America. A goodly percentage of them cro learning to fly, prr : haps m the hopes of recking the adventures of which they have read Nearly 15.030. youthful civilians nov. hold student ikientes issued by the department oi commerce, which ran them as pupils m aviation. Army and navy tinning schools now have enrolled several hundred more, most of them yoiithful offi cers who have passed t;p the in- j fantry. cavalry or a life i.t sea to] east their lot with thenewest whig, of the two services* ' Thus far the result of this youth ful enthusiasm for the new tlirill ol aviation has resulted in . almost tripp’.lng the number of trained aviators upon Whom the Unit'd States may call in care; or war anti who now are slated to form the flying personnel of the air trans port lines of the two American ; continents. Swamped By Young Knf 1mslasts. Totals computed today by the Commerce depart men: show that 5. P35. civil aviators of all classes are now liccji. cd. Once the majority .of the licensed pilots were in the transport class, the highest rating. That was because when the licens ing practice was established, prac tically every pilot had sufficient ability. “Then Colonel Charles A Lind bergh made his spectacular flight to Paris and our office was swamped by youthful enthusiasts who wanted Mo learn to fly,” explained Jesse W 1 Lankford, chief of the licensing scc I lion of the aeronautics branch. “Colonel Lindbergh's flight, I am certain, did more to stir up interest : among young men—and women—in , aviation. “Today there are 14.032 student pilots licensed to learn to Hy. A i year ago the total was insignificant Then there were 2.233 pilots of all classes from private pilots up through the highest ranks of trans port pilots. The percentage of stu dents. private pilots and limited commercial pilots is steadily rising "It is not strange that this is the case. A young man who by strict attention to his instructors learns lo fly, qualifies as a transport pile and gains the necessary expert*11 can command a better saj'~llcss aviation than in any othe I can think of. 1118,1 “Where else can e* ^1 ullv Sood command the salary. a Any pilot can have!, ‘ “la*v expen skillfu! p1.otmlY-r without ence can if s a lar treater 1 , X2** °<«>■«»»« half tfg talajhts prawn Fron, A 8 And men; he kTllfM86 a, UmP '4hen of ' . killfui pilots were officers in the air branches of tlie armv Hnvy. That is not true tociavV' army now lists.910 pile; : in ' r>Ia off,CPr •s>reh:ttth of 1,117, (lie1 latter figure including student pilots, eighty-si's . airship' pilots, live ob servers and seven balloon observers: The army' training schools at Brooks and Kelly Fields. Texas, and at March Field. Cal., are constantly adding scores of young officer pilots who receive what is probably the best fly .ns training possible to be obtained today. During the last fiscal year Brooks Field graduated 137 and March Field thirty-nine, while 116 of these passed success fully through the advanced flying school at Kelly Field. Unfortunately for the Army Air Corps, the graduates of these schools are eagerly sought by com mercial air transport companies and the loss of aviators to the army, cs penally among the reserve officers," Is great. The Navy Hiving School at Pen sacola and the preliminary • ;rhool at Hampton Hoads. Va., and North , j Island, San Diego. during the same ! period trained forty-seven naval | | aviators in the commissioned class land seventy-two in the aviation 'pilot non-commissioned class, bring - ling the navy's strength of trained I pilots to 607. of whom 46G are naval I aviators and 141 naval aviation pilots. | The development of flying boat routes along the Great Lakes and along the coast is expected to take even more men. for the navy ha., the only skilled flying boat pilots in the country. TAX NOTICE This is to not if. Ml persons, firms and corporations to meet the Township Tax Listers at the following places on the j dates mentioned and list their taxes for the year 1929. The law requires all polls, personal and real property to lie listed during the month of May. . j All farmers wilt go prepared to make a crop report, This, report is for -i'e.al purposes and has no relation to ; - w ■ tax"s v. h'P No. 1 Township .1. A. McCrav. List Taker. No. 2 Township Flint I I 'll. Morning, May 6th. Trinity School House, May 6th, Afternoon. Sharon School House. May 7th, All Day. C. ,1. Hamrick’s and Sons Store, May 8th. All Day. Jolley’s Store. Thursday, May 9th, All Day Boiling Springs School House. Saturday, May 11, all d: M. D. Moore, List Taker. No. 3 Township Val Thomason’s Store, Tuesday, May 7th. Earl, Wednesday, May 8th and 18th. Patio*--oh Springs, May 6th and 23th. Austell Bettis, List Taker. No. 1 Township E. L. Campbell, List T \t r No. 5 Township Champion’s Store, May 7th. Goforth’s Store, May 8th. W. I. Wolfe’s, May 9th. Waco, May 10th and 11th. M. P. IK nelson. No. 6 Tow^'P Stubbs. Mav 6th, P. M. n .. Q. H. Metcalfs, May 7^’,,^. Queen’s Precinct, M& to k0L C»u,1 House, Me- w Lik, Taker No. 7 Township Turner ^ Resi'ienc,e- Monday A. M May 6th. PhvklnTh >So,r°' Monday i*. M. May ith. I ink,He. Thursday. All Day, Mav 9th La»OS horn Saf A II D. « . . * , t L 7 ■ uay. iMav 9th La.esboro, Saturday. All Day, May lj'ch. i oni'.UM i<0rSt'0r^’ r"eS(Ja-v- A- M., Mar 14th. Louis McSuains Store. Tuesday P M Mav ' P \tr tit ’r-> ' ’ . • ... 1th. ake .. W- MeBrayer, List Polkvilie, Monday, May G(°hwnship Delight, Tuesday afternoon, Mav 7th (amp Call luesdav. May 14th. p.e,U Rousc- Wednesday,' May 15th. ami Iree, All day, Wednesday May 8th B. P. Jenkins, list Takei Wright's Store, May 7(!i°TmP' Doublp Shoals, May 7th, *? M, I ul*tr’* — An #,ii • •'#'» Store, Mav 9th. Lawndale, May 14th. FoUston, May 15th and lfith IV. A. Gantt, List Taker. Di ,1 , No. TO Township. Philbeek School House, Mav 6th A M. • ■ • u arbtk’s St, ;-v. Mav Oih. P. M. M. l.odiord’s. Alp<• .!h, a M. Joe Costner's Maj 7th, I’. M. I lovle’s Store, Mav 8th, A, M. S. L. WcilmonV. ?.1m 8th, P. M. P. L. Peeler’.' Store. May 11th. P. M. M. N. Gantt, List Taker. No. 11 Township. Warlick’s Stor»< Monday, May 6th, afternoon. .litHus Pruett’ Friday, Mav 17th, afternoon. Moriah School Friday, May 24th, All Day. Warliek’s Stuff, Frida;., May 31st. All Day. A. A. Horton, List Taker W R. NJWTON. County Tax Supervisor. fr READY TO SERVE YOU Announcing The Opening OF OUR CAR WASHING SERVICE MODERN - THOROUGH - QUICK INEXPENSIVE - II ....With the installation of our new car washing system, we have made avail able to you the most modern, efficient washing service yet offered the motor ing public in Shelby. One thing you’ll especially note— our thoroughness; Top, Body, Fenders, Wheels—Your car is completely wash ed! We specialize in engine washing and all kinds of auto greasing. Drive in to day and see how much quicker, better service you get here and how little it costs. ELLIS SERVICE STATION - TEXACO GAS & OILS — — PHONE 9118 — East Warren St. Rear Masonic Temple SHELBY, N. C. =1 -==. .

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