LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, jvc rpound . 18c Cotton Seed, per bu._..... 48c Showers Likely. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Mostly cloudy with show ers tonight or Tuesday, except fair In southeast portion tonight. Slight ly cooler Tuesday and In northeast and north central portions tonight. Mr. Hamrick Dies At Home Of Son Lattimore Citizen Died Saturday Night In Sharon Section. Funeral Sunday. Mr. Avery Hamrick, well known 79-year-old citizen of the Lattimore section, died Saturday night about 9 o’clock at the home of his son, Joe Hamrick, in the Sharon section. Mr, Hamrick had been in ill health for a year as a result of influenza and pneumonia but was confined to the bed only one week prior to his death, Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon at 3:30 at Bethel church at Ellenboro, Rev. I. D. Harrill and Rev. Z. Harrill con ducting the services with a large crowd in attendance. Mrs. Hamrick, who was married to Mr, Hamrick 2 years ago, preceded her husband to the grave by five months. Six children were bom to them of which the following four are living: Mrs. Miles Bridges, Mrs. J. M. Gardner. Mrs. J. C. Hamrick, and Mr. Joe Hamrick. A stepson, Mr. J C. Martin, also survives along with 19 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. The pallbearers and flower bear ers were: Ambrose Hamrick Ralph Oardner, Milan Bridges, Horace Bridges, Wyatt Martin and Myman Martin. Misses Lola Martin Mattie Lee Gardner, Elaine Byers, Lucy Byers, Mrs. Nash Fite, Mrs. Ambrose Hamrick, Mrs. Milan Bridges and Mrs. Horace Bridges. Mrs. A. A. Connelly Dies In Morganton Mother Of Mr. Will Alexander. In surance Man Of Shelby Dies At 7# Years. Morganton, May 11.—Mrs. A. A. Connelly, wife of a well known and highly esteemed Morganton citizen, died at her home here this after noon shortly after five o’clock. 6he had been 1U for less than a week of pneumonia. Last Sunday she cele brated her 70th birthday with all her children and grandchildren at a family dinner party, and at that time seemed perfectly well. She be came ill that night. The funeral will be held at the First Methodist church here Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Mrs. Con nelly was a member of the board of stewards of the church and very active in church work. Interment will be made at the cemetery here. Mrs. Connelly’s maiden name was Mildred Winters, a daughter of the late Mark Winters of this county. She was twice married. Her first husband was Vance Alexander. Two sons by that marriage, E. D. Alexander, a leading business man of Morganton, and Will Alexander, survive. Besides her husband and their son, O. S. Connelly, Morgan ton merchant, and a daughter. Miss Mildred Connelly, she is survived also by a sister, Mrs. J. D. Alexan der, of Morganton, two brothers and several grandchildren. Mrs. McArthur Is Buried In Shelby Former Shelby Lady Died At Rutherfordton. Has Daughter Living Here. Mrs. W. E. McArthur died Fri day at her home in Rutherfordton and was buried here Saturday aft ernoon In Sunset cemetery. She had been sick for seven years and her death was expected. Mrs. McAr thur before marriage was Miss Minnie Lee Smith, a sister of the late Mrs. E. A. Rudasill of Shelby. She was 57 years of age and is sur vived by her husband and four children, Mrs. D. Stephenson and Mrs. Louise Cox of Rutherfordton, Sara McArthur of Shelby and Hugh McArthur who is living in Virginia. The funeral service was con ducted from the residence Saturday by Rev. W. R. Ware. Mrs. McAr thur had many relatives and friends in Shelby where she formerly lived. New Prospect Holds Memorial On Sunday Memorial day will be observed at New Prospect church next Sunday, May 19. The program will open with a song service at 10 o'clock follow ed by a sermon by the pastor, Rev. W. E. Lowe, at 10:30, and an ad dress by Attoreny J. Clint Newton at 11:30. Dinner will be served on the grounds. All members of the church are asked to meet there Thursday morning to clean off the She 8 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 57 THE CLEVELAND STAli SIIELBY, N. C. MONDAY. MAY 13, 1929. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons SwE'pwSr (totdvS &00 Shelby Hii Norwood 1 Big Semi-1 Should Be Fastest Scholastic Game Ever Staged Here. Blackburn Licked. Athletics in Shelby have aroused interest to the highest pitch in four years with Casey Morris’ Shelby High bid team only three games away from the town's third state baseball championship. The Highs moved to the semi-finals of the western race Friday by trampling the heavy-hitting Blackburn team here 14 to 3. Tuesday, tomorrow, comes the big semi-final game with Norwood, con sidered the strongest team in the state, coming to Shelby with two masterful pitchers who have turned In no-hit performances this year. Norwood won the privilege of play ing Shelby by defeating Charlotte Friday 3 to 1, Wentz holding the Charlotte team to one scratch hit. The winner of the game here Tuesday will play the winner of the Spencer-Winston game on the same day for the western title in Concord Saturday afternoon of this week. Then on May 25 the western win ner takes on the eastern winner at Chapel Hill. Some Game Seen. The game here tomorrow will like ly draw baseball fans from all sec tions round about Shelby as to two teams clashing with each other are considered among the smartest high school baseball teams ever produc ed In the state. In the opinion of the dopesters it will be a great bunch of young sluggers, base steal ers and bunters pitted against two high school pitchers with records unexcelled. In four title games Morris’ heavy-hitting lads have scored 54 runs, better than 13 per game, and have stolen 29 bases. On the other hand scores are seldom made against the Norwood pitchers. Last week Boss, big Norwood hurl er, pitched his sedond no-hit, no run game of the year against Albe marle. Then when Norwood met (Continued on page three.) Shelby Citizens Testify For King In Bail Hearing — Nine Cleveland County Residents Give Alleged Slayer Good Character. York, S. C—At the hearing be fore Chief Justice R. C. Watts in the sum of 5,000 was granted Rafe King, indicted for the murder of his wife, Faye Wilson King, affi davits were read by the defense from nine well known residents of Cleveland county. North Carolina, in which the affiants expressed a good opinion of the character and reputation of King. Those making affidavits were Charles C. Blanton, president of the First National bank of Shelby; Ervin Allen, sheriff of Cleveland county; H. A. Logan, former sher iff of Cleveland county; A. W. McMurry, secretary and treas urer of the Belmont cotton mills and the Double Shoals Manufactur ing company; John N. Dellinger, merchant; W. N. Dorsey, mayor of Shelby; R. E. Campbell, S. A. Ellis and C. B. Putnam. The affiants declared that King* was of good character and reputa tion; that they had never heard of his being in any difficulty or be ing indicted for any violation of the law; that he is a man of good be havior and sober and industrious. One of the affiants. John N. Del linger, who operates a grocery store, stated that he had once em ployed King and that King was a man of good moral character. Superlatives At Boiling Springs The members of the senior class of Boiling Springs junior college have voted the following members: Best all around boy—A. V. Wash burn, jr. Most popular girl—Mary Frances. Prettiest—Ruth Irvin. Most attractive girl—Hele»i Coble. Most athletic boy—Buck Coble. Most athletic girl—Carrie De priest. Most handsome boy—Buck Coble. Most literary—Janie Wilson. Most dependable—A. V. Wash burn, Jr. Wittiest—George Dedmon. Cutest—Carrie Depriest. Best natured—Janie Irvin. Daintiest—Alice Crayton. Most sincere—Patsy McDowell. Neatest boy—A. V. Washburn, jr. *hs Play uesday In 7inal Game Stores To Close Tuesday For Game Of Baseball Here Shelby Merchants To Permit Em ployees To See Championship Game. The business houses of Shel by, or at least the majority of them, will be closed Tuesday, tomorrow, afternoon from 3:30 until 6 o'clock so that employes, store managers and owners may take in the championship base ball game at the city park here between Coach Casey Morris’ Shelby Highs and Norwood. The winner will go Into the finals Saturday for the championship of western Carolina, The decision to close came to day and is for several reasons. First of all the merchants and business men want to give their employes an outing, knowing that most of them will be anx ious to see the big game. Then it Ls felt that the majority of the people in town during the hours of the game would be at the city park, and the third reason is that Coach Morris brought the game here so that It might be seen by the home town fans at a financial loss as Norwood offered an extra guar antee for the game to be played there. The executive committee of the Merchants Association met this morning and endorsed the closing idea but due to the late ness of the hour it was impos sible to take a vote from all merchants of the city, although a majority of them were seen and voted in favor of the clos ing. Training School Is On This Week B. Y. P. U. School At First Baptist With Rev. James A. Ivy And Miss Ricket Here. The regular annual B. Y. P. U. training school will begin at the first Baptist church, Tuesday even ing at 6:30 o'clock. All will meet in the assembly room of the young peoples department for a devotion al service tomorrow evening and for announcements and assignments. Rev. James A. Ivey, state B. Y. P. U. secretary, and Miss Winnie Rickett, state junior-intermediate leader, will be present to lead the school. An able faculty has been se lected to teach the subjects. Seven classes and subjects will be offered. The membership of the church is invited as well as every member of the B. Y. P. U. s which are urged to be present. The enlargement campaign and training school will open each even ing at 6:30 o’clock with classes. At 7:15 o'clock supper will be served followed by a recreational period Then another class followed by a practical demoncstration of B. Y. P. U. work. , The leaders are expecting a large attendance Tuesday evening in the opening meeting. Dr. Wall's Mother Is Seriously 111 Dr. Zeno Wall’s mother living at their country home near Henrietta In Rutherford county is seriously ill and has been unconscious since Sunday morning. She has been in declining health for some time and little hope is held out for her re covery. Mrs. Wall is about seventy years old. To Ask New Bids On School Houses At a called meeting of the coun ty board of education held last week at Kings Mountain bids were rejected by the board for the erec tion of two new school buildings in the county, one at East Kings Mountain. A notice in The Star today states that new bids will be received Friday afternoon, May 24. in Kings Mountain. The East Kings Mountain building is to be a 10-room affair and the Parkgrace building will consist of eight rooms. Mr. Horace Easom returned Fri day from Memphis, Tenn., where he attended a meeting of the Southern Baptist convention. Not Over Ten Gray. Vets Will Visit Reunion Very Few Of The 20 Here Friday Han To Attend Big Char lotte Reunion. The staging of the united Con federate reunion this year in Char-. lotte brought the gathering the' closest to Shelby and Cleveland county it has ever been and it was hoped that the majority of the followers of Lee In this county would be able to attend what may be the last general reunion. But the passing years have taken their toll in lives and strength and it is now doubtful if as many as 10 Cleveland veterans will be able to gather once more with all their Civil War comrades. Of the 70 odd Confederate veterans still living in the county only 20 were able to attend the dinner and program given by the Daughters of the Confederacy, and of the 20 only three or four, according to Mrs. W. B. Nix. were definitely planning to attend the big reunion in Charlotte early in June. Others talked as if they might should their health permit, while still others expressed the desire to go but were reluctant about deciding for fear they could not make the trip. All who will go will not like ly remain for but one day of the program. Those who do attend will be given a free trip down and back by the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, the Daughters of the Confederacy and divisions of the Woman’s club upon suggestion made by The Star. Enjoyed Day. The 20 veterans and the 17 wives and widows here for the exercises last Friday thoroughly enjoyed the day. A different type of pro gram was given them In the morn ing, there being no speeches and formal talks, but music by high school musicians, recitations and other entertainment by the high school group and the U. D. C. At noon the vets, wives and widows were given a home-cooked meal at the Woman's club rooms and in the afternoon they chatted in the shade of the court square trees, talked of old times, and visited the movie houses, hearing the ‘•talkies" for the first time, as guests of the atre owners and the business men of the city. Capt. Ed Dixon, of Fallston, was again the oldest veteran in at tendance and will, due to hts 96 years, receive The Cleveland Star for one year free. Snake Which Bit A Man Is Dead, Almost A Good News Story This came very near being a good news story. In fact, it came near being almost as good as the news story about the South Carolina dog which bit a man and then died. In this case—and it happened in Shelby—a water moccasin bit a man and died, but a check-up on the unusual atory revealed that the snake did not die of infection but a violent death, death at the hands of friends of the man who wanted to have a joke on him. The incident happened last W'eek at the Shelby mill when Claude McKnight felt the fangs of a moc casin while swimming in the mill's swimming pool. Later some of his friends came to him and told him that the snake died. And it did die, but wherein it failed to be a good story is that it was killed. Grigg Planning For County School Budget Consulting Committeemen In Prep aration For Outlining Year’s School Costs. Prof. J. H. Grigg, county super intendent of education, is this week and was last week in conference with school committeemen and of ficials of the various districts of the county in preparing to work out the county school budget which must be completed this month. His preliminary work so far gives no idea as to the budget total as the interviews and conferences with committeemen have been for the purpose of going over with them repairs and construction work that will be needed by another year on the many school structures in the county. Riding Club Picnic Will Be Held Tuesday _ The Shelby riding club will give a picnic for its members and former members of the old club on Tues day evening, beginning at 6 o’clock, at the new community bam. All horsemen will meet at the barn in Belvedere park at 6 and after the j ride the picnic program will be held at the barn club house. Governor Will Make Address To Postmasters Around 300 North Carolina I’osl mi$trr> Exported Hero lor June Convention. Approximately 300 North Caro lina postmasters, all of whom arc prominent in their home towns nrui cities and some of state-wide fame, are expected to attend the two day session of postmasters in Shel by on June 14-15. it is announced by Postmaster J. H Quinn, who was last year president, of the associa tion. Mr. Quinn further stated that Governor Max Gardner had ten tatively accepted an imitation to come back to the home town and make the principal address to the postmasters at their banquet Fri day night, June 14, at the Cleve land Springs hotel. At Hotel t narios. Headquarters of the convention will be maintained at Hotel Charles and the program carried on there with the exception of the annual banquet at Cleveland Springs. On Friday afternoon the visiting postmasters will be taken on a mo tor tour by Shelby citizens and the county postal organization to the beautiful Lake Lure section in Rutherford county. Those who prefer to play golf instead of mak ing the trip to the mountains and lake will spend the afternoon on the Cleveland Springs golf course The remainder of the two days will be spent in business sessions, the visiting delegates leaving Sat urday afternoon and Sunday. Due to the location of Shelby it is expected that more postmasters will attend the convention than have attended any held in several years. High officials in the post office department at Washington are expected here for the conven tion. Kiser Brothers Farm In Clover One Of The Kisers, Anderson. Mar ried Miss Novella Cline Of Cleveland, Kiser Brothers, one of whom, An derson by name, recently married Miss Novella Cline, youngest daugh ter of the late John F. Cline of Cleveland county, arc truly ‘•living in clover” in Gaston county. These four brothers farm the farm of their father, Joe Kiser, four miles east of Crouse. Mr. Kiser, the elder, lives at his father's old home place, mak ing three generations to remain at the same place. He is the father ot eight boys and one daughter, Miss Ella Kiser. Four of the boys live with him and operate the farm, while the other sons live in the community and operate farms of their own. The Kiser Brothers wno live ai the old homestead operate an 800 acre farm. A Shelby citizen visit ing Mrs. Kiser who was formerly Miss Novella Cline, says these boys have 100 acres of clover that will cut two tons to the acre. They do not run a dairy farm but sell the clover to dairymen in that section for $25 to $30 per ton. They have 100 acres of the fine wheat that will make easily 30 bushels to the acre. They have 150 acres in cotton that is up and plowed for the first time, some of the cotton stalks growing their fourth leaf. Then there are 50 acres of pretty com nearly knee high. They have one of the best equipped farms in this whole sec tion. Modern farming implements such as riding cultivators are used. The eight boys pool their purchases and buy everything from fertilizer to automobiles at the quantity cash price. They are truly “living in clover,” but they make their own clover by their thrift and industry. Eastern Star Meet. There will .be a regular meeting of the Eastern Star Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. All members are urged to be present. Picnic Season —And Graduates This Is the picnic season of the year—the season when the employees of the textile plants in and about Shelby and of in dustrial firms are holding (heir annual outdoor outings. The Star would like to pub lish the Highlights of all these events. Telephone them in. This paper also hopes to pub lish the names of all high school graduates in Cleveland county this spring. If the graduating class of your school has not been published, see that it gets to The Star, Her Lover Takes to Orange Blossoms Here’s John Gilbert, the screen’s perfect lover, and Ina Claire prominent stage star, signing their marriage license in the courthouse at Las Vegas, Nevada, terminating a romance of a m0,nt'1- ^carly every moviegoer expected to see La Garbo and Gilbert marry in view of the perfect love scenes portrayed by them. They did start one or two times, but never went through with it. his surprise marriage to Ina Claire has the whole movie world ageg. “Next Governor” Is Already Political Topic In Tarheelia Brummitt, Fountain And Co* Seem Now To Be The Feuding Contenders. Raleigh—Attention is being fo cu.'.cd already upern the possibilities and prospects in the contest ior governor m 1932, and especially upon the prospective contestants for the Democratic nomination in the primary, as a result of the full page advertisement that ran in the Ra leigh News and Observer proposing P. W. McMullen of Elizabeth City, as a Democratic candidate for gov ernor in 1932. With the injection of McMullen into the contest for the governor ship in 1932, there are now five men already more or less actively in the contest, with one or two others hovering about who cannot as yet make up their minds. These five are as follows: Denrus G. Brummitt, present at torney general, Oxford. Richard T. Fountain. present lieutenant governor. Rocky Mount. General Albert. L. Cox, Raleigh. J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Elizabeth City. P. w. McMullen. Elizabeth City. Many Things Can Happen. It is admitted by everyone, of course, that anything; can happen in three-and-a-half years, and that the expectations of all of these pos sible candidates depend very great ly upon the outcome of the 1930 .senatorial enmpa gn and the de liberation of the general assembly in 1931. But for the time being, indications are that the two candidates out of these five that have the best out look now are Fountain and Brum mitt, with Cox in third place, ac cording to seasoned political ob servers who have recently been out over the state talking to the voters. One reason for this is that. Foun tain has been and is now more ac tive than the rest of the possibili ties. “Fountain has already done more work than all the rest of the pos sible candidates put together," said an experienced observer here, who, of course, declined to permit his name to be used. "It is more or les.-, common knowledge that he has tin majority of the members of the last ! three legislatures working for him." Jim Irvin Made Cotton Director Delivers 95 Bales Of Cotton To The Association This Year. Off To Raleigh. Jim W. Irvin of the Zion com munity was elected a director of the North Carolina Cotton Grow ers Association last- Friday and left this morning for Raleigh to attend a meeting of the directors oi the state. This is the 14th district and is composed oi the counties oi Cleveland,’ Rutherford, Lincoln, Gaston and Polk Mr. Irvin will deliver this year 95 bales of cotton to the association which is the second largest number of bales any member in this district will deliver He is excelled in the number oi bales by Governor O. Max Gardner. Writer Of County Sells Article On Simmons To Mercury W. J. Cash To Have lronieal Pen Picture Of Senator In Men cken’s Magazine. Now comes forward W. J. Cash, of Boiling Springs, well known In Shelby, to add to the literary pres tige of Cleveland county, on the big time literary circuit, Mr. Cash wrote an article on Senator Sim mons—one of his satirical, ironic productions, making out the old man to be a Republican. Cash sent it to the Mercury, and Saturday re ceived a letter from H. L. Mencken, the editor, not only accepting and commending the article, but asking for more. The article will probably produce a furore in North Carolina politics when it is published, which probably will be in July. Injured Teachers Are Improving Now Miss Frances McArthur and Rose Budd Chamberlin, teachers in the Shelby schools, who were injured recently in an auto accident at the Intersection of highways 20 and 206, are improving. Miss McArthur left the hospital here last week and is at her home in Gaffney, but due to laceration of the knee she will not be able to return here for some time. Miss Chamberlin is at her home but is expected to be able to return here next week. Spray Tank Explodes Tom Webb Is Hurt A small pressure tank on a tree spraying machine exploded Satur day on the Buffalo Mountain farm of Mr. Tom Webb above Toluca and inflicted severe cuts on his body. Mr, Webb was carrying the tank on his shoulder in the orchard when the tank exploded from some chemical re-action. The report was like a cannon firing and Mr. Webb was knocked unconscious for awhile. He was cut and bruised but is re covering nicely at his home on the Fallston road Shelby Soldiers To Aid Veteran Reunion A detail of 25 men from Company K. local militia unit, and likely commanded by First Lieut. Mike H. Austell, will assist in handling the crowds at the united Confederate reunion in Charlotte the first week of June, it was announced today by Capt. Peyton McSwain. Details from others militia units over the state will also assist, AGED AND RESPECTED NEGRO OF COUNTV DIES Many people in Shelby and the county know' John Dial, colored, who lived for twenty-nine years on the farm of C. C. Roberts on Buf falo. He died Saturday at his own farm near All Healing Springs and was eighty-one years of age. He was buried today at 1 o'clock at the church near his home. . Many Vote In Run Off Election Eight Hundred May Vote For On« Alderman By Sundown Thla Evening. Almost as many Shelby peopli will have voted today to decide oni aldrrmanic seat as voted In th< regular city election only a fev years back. At 2 o'clock this afternoon taor« than 450 people had voted In th« runoff election for alderman in ward one between J. F. Ledford, In cumbent, and P. M. Washburn, high candidate in the regular elec tion a week ago today. Just how many more will vote between this hour and sundown is problematical but estimates about the polling booth at the court house where Registrar Mike Austell and Charlie Woodson, judge, are presiding, have it that between 750 and 800 votes will likely be cast. The trend of the voting of course is only guess work upon the part of observers about the booth, but many there seem to think the win ner will go in office as the fourth member of the new city board by a decisive majority. Doth candidates, Ledford and Washburn were about the polls oc casionally today but no noticeable amount of campaigning was done. Candidates Active. Just how the voting may swing today and Just how many votes may be cast In the election for an aider man from Ward One is the left over ‘ x” of last Monday’s first elec tion, but along towards the fag end of last week the two candidates. J. P. Ledford, and P. M. Washburn got active and a fairly good vote may be cast. On Friday various voters of the town began to receive letters from Mr. Ledford, the present alderman, reminding them of the run-off race today and explaining that he was still in the race because the law required a majority vote. His en trance into the first race to seek rcclection, he explained, was brought about by the urging of friends who wanted him back upon the board because of the knowledge he had of city affairs due to his experience in office two years. Economy Plea Made. Then on postal cards came along through the city malls from the other candidate, Mr. Washburn, also reminding citizens of the run off race today. On his card Mr Washburn announced himself on the economy platform and for re duced light rates. His lines In re gard to economy read: “I am In favor of strict economy in city gov ernment and promise if elected to do what I can for a general scale downward in light rates. The citi zens asked the present officials for this two months ago but their rt quest has been ignored so far.” Fallston Boys Off On Motor Trip Wes C. M. King, R. L, Hunt, Dixo; Stroup, Griffin Murray and Johi Bumgardner, of Fallston, left yes terday on a motor trip to Texas ant the Pacfic coast. They rigged up f car with cooking and sleeping ar rangements in which they will live while away. The route chosen take them through the southwesten states and back through the north west. They expect to be gone tw< or three months and will work sorn while away. May Dull Month At Marriage Mar Perhaps it is because the mom of brides is in the offing and per chance it is because it is, but busi ness is unusually dull this month at the marriage bureau in the of fice of Register Andy Newton. With near half of May gone only two couples have secured marriage li cense in this county, and boih cou ples were colored. Memorial Services At Sandy Plains 18 Memorial services at Sandy Plains will be an Saturday, May 18. De votional service at 10:30 a. ra., con ducted by the pastor, Rev. G. P. Abernethy. Special music furnish ed by Boiling Springs students. Ser mon at 11 o’clock by Dr. Zeno Wait Decoration of graves at 12:30. Mem orial address at 1:45. Meet at 7 o’clock Wednesday morning to clean off cemetery.