Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost __ i___ lutes l or Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. Tills size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This sive type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less thau 25c, will be charged 25c for first insertion. if YOU ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estimate Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con ' tractors, Phone4i!7-J tf 18c MEAL SCRAP FOR SALE, analyzes 55 per cent protein. Excel lent for hog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at I HAVE SEVERAL thousand dollars to lend on improved , farms in Cleveland county. See or write Marvin Blanton, Led better building, Shel by. W-F-tf SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, speelaliizng in rebuild ing wrecked cars, building commer cial bodies, duco painting, top up holstering and glass work. Black smithing. Phone 753-J. South Mor gan Street. ti 15c City Hall. HARMON & MOSS Electrical Contracting and Repairing. Locat ed under Chocolate Shop. Phones: Office 230. Res. 203. tf-25 FOR RENT: 5 ROOM HOUSE unfurnished. Modern conveniences. Near hospital. See J. M. Green or A. M. Hamrick. tf 10c FOR RENT: TWO FIVE ROOM houses in South Shelby. Water and lights. C. A. Morrison. tl 15c WE SPECIALIZE O N Generators, Starters, Horns and Magnetos Turner And Williams Garage. tf-3c FOR SALE: BANJO-UKELELE, genuine Wurlltzcr, practically new. $10 00. Room No. 5. Courtview Hotel. 3t 9p FOR SALE - Dodge Sedan. In good condi tion. Apply at Star Office. 5-tf FOR SALE: TWO REGISTERED Jersey cows, fresh. J. C. Campbell. R.-5, Shelby. 3t 13p FOR SALE: ONE il) 12 INCH 4 head Fay and Egan Moulder used about seven <7> years, in fair con dition. Cocker Machine and Foun dry Co., Gastonia, N. C. 3t 8c FOR RENT: HOUSE OF J. H. Beam in S. Shelby, see Dr. D. M. Morrison. tf 8c HOTEL VICTOR HAS several clean, cool rooms to ’ rent at reasonable rates, with or without meals. Call 7S0 for rates. 4t-10c STRAYED WEDNESDAY NIGHT small blue Jersey cow. Notify W. C. Willis at Willis Barber shop. 2t lOp THOUSANDS O F treated, government inspected Potato plants arriving daily. Place your orders at once. Campbell De . partment Stores Shel by and Lawndale, tf WANTED: FOOT OR HAND pqwer rip saw, jig saw and turning lathe combined. Lee Wray, tf 10c FOR SALE: LOT WITH R. R. frontage, close in. J. B. Nolan com pany. 2t 10c i FOR SALE: FOUR CHEAP houses on good street, rental prop osition. Good investment. J. B. Nolan Co. 2t 10c WANTED: 25 TO 50 GOOD fat hogs every week. Write for prices and dates deliveries wanted. Catawba Creamery Company. Hick ory, N. C.” 2t 13p FOR SALE: FIRST CLASS .'business property on the square, now rented, 10 percent on invest ment. Easy finance. J. B Nolan company. 2t 10c OLD FLOORS MADE NEW— and now floors neatly sanded. Have most up-to-date machine In town. For estimate of cost phone 39. Frank M. Newton, 318 W. Marion street. tf 18c COTTON SEED COKERS NO. 5 selected and recleaned and ready for shipment. C. S. Young, Shelby, N. C. tf 15c WANTED -JOB AS STENOG rapher and typist. Experienced. Ref erences furnished. Myrtle Gilbert, telephone MO-R, 3t 8p BUILDING LOTS—GOOD Lo cation. C. S. Young. tf-13c LOST: BROWN CLUB BAG ON right hand side of road between Bessemer City and Kings Mountain. Finder please return to this office. E. L. G. Liberal reward. 3t 8p FLOUR $3.25. Irish potatoes 75 cents bushel. Breakfast ba con 22 cents. Fatback 11 cents. Master Loav es three for 25 cents. Seven O’Ciock coffee three pounds fresh ground $1. 24 pounds flour, plain or self rising, 85 cents. C. H. Reinhardt, South Shelby. It-13c THOUSANDS OF treated, government inspected Potato plans arriving daily. Place your orders at once. Campbell De partment Stores, Shel by and Lawndale, tf IRISH POTATOES 75 cents bushel. We pay 35 cents in trade for eggs. C. H. Rein hardt, South Shelby. lt-13c FOR SALE—ONE SPLEN DID eleven room borne; one nice seven room bungalow; one eleven room brick veneer ed home, large lot; one five room bungalow with extra lot one 10 room residence with 28 extra lots adjoining. Phones 200 and 630. Shelby, N. C. 3tc BUILDING CONTRACTOR: Work will be appreciated. H. J. Costner, Phone 67-J. tf 8c WANTED TO BUY A GROCERY business or rent a store building in Shelby or nearby town. Write A-4, care Cleveland Star. 4t 8p FOR SALE: FRESH COW, Holstein and Jersey. W. A. Wil liams, Lattimore R-l. 3t 8p BEST GRADE OF plain flour for $3.30 a bag. Every sack guar anteed to please or money refunded. In stock at all time: hay, oats, mill feed, cotton seed meal, poultry feeds of all kinds, dairy feeds of any grade you want. We buy poultry in any amount every day at top New York market. We pay cash. Come to see us. Shelby Feed Co., at Suttle Hatch ery. 3t-13c FOR SURE CURE FOR CORNS, bunions, ingrowing nails, etc., see me at Fallston Saturday. Certain results. J. M. Harnes. 2t FOR RENT: NICELY FURNISH ed rooms in my house, 411 N. Mor gan street, phone 275, Mrs. W. L. Packard. tf 13c “GUS AND GUSSIE” — But Gut Will Learn. SAW FRANCISCO i <3us And g ossie are Booked There NEXT WEEK well. \ Al_\_ I GOT TO GAY 'G TW\G WA.3 A GvJEEU engagement here in EOS-. FRISCO WON'T BE BAD, B\G BOV— NOT BAD THEV «=>AV \T B A WONDERFOU TOWN, AN' IT*® GOT A OCEAN WITH GOL-DEN GATES that mug* be SOME. OCEAN ' AM* TUEV •&AV THERE' Pv.EM-ry O' LIFE UP THERE - HorCHA jxi r LIFE? >T'6 TV«E GACVEST METROPOLIS ON .THE CONTINENT— -rwe-v cav-u SAN FRANCISCO TNE. PARIS OF AMERICA-- y - lUTlfr (jOUUES f AM' X CAM'T SPEAK A WORD o'FRENCH*-, <£) 1929, K rf IVaiur. 1m- . <irp«t Britain right# On With The Dance STAMO OP eos amo (3USSI6 Wl-'-AT COULD ^ <3S SWEETER. • gjjrX WELL, HERE ) V/E /RE IM / SAM FRISCO \ “IRE cnV 1 O’ THE GILDED ■ Gate — x jn0C3. Kinjf Features Syndicate, ir.c. /* Great Britain tight* resenrd.* A let's BEAT it Tb THE Theatre for rehearsal .\ SOME OTHER ACT MAV BE USING THE NEW "HOT CHA' CANCC/AND THE ONE THAT CLAIMS IT FIRST WITH THE ORCHESTRA WINS »T V FOR THE WEEK-- A 1 VJK DO "HOT CHA"-~ j / XJ HOT CHA' »S COLO - FOUR ACTS IM AHEAD O' VoUSE HAD THE SAME \ IDEE on,iuev DH?,T>rc> Twey * 1 SUPPOSED I WIRE WRIOWT ROOT, UR HaA — AFTER.' \A ALU, FOUR ACTS \ aim't ALU the ACTS JM TUE WORLD • C'MOM, Doys / "MOT CHA" M FOR. QUS AMD / J'' •-A QUSSiE-JJ ' Wor^ CHAly A HORD, COLORED, FORBIDS anyone harboring, employing, or helping in any way his boy Man uel in this state. If they do I will legally collect for his time. lt-lOc MEAT SCRAP tankage at reasonable prices with guaran teed analysis on every bag. Do not risk your hogs and poultry on so called meat scrap that does not carry guar anteed analysis o n bag. Shelby Feed Company. 3t-13c REDUCED PRICES on .Baby Chix for May and June. Leghorns 12c, Reds and Rocks 13c. Prices on poultry look good for at least a year and right now a big scarcity in Clev eland county. Now is the time to raise chicks when little or no heat is required. A hatch each Wednesday. Sut tle Hatchery. tf-13c OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR sale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-26x FIFTY BUSHELS recleaned Wanamak er Cotton seed for sale. M. W. Wright, Fallston. lt-13c W ANTED— 1-2, 3-4 or one horsepow er motor. Standard make in good condi tion. Shelby Roller Covering Co. 2t-13c BODY OF YOUTH FOUND IN CAB UNIDENTIFIED Charlottesville, Va., May 9.—Po lice tody had not been able to identify the body of a young mar. found in a Southern railway freight car at North Garden yesterday. Trainmen found the skull crushed body lying face downward, with a heavy iron bolt close by. A physi cian estimated that death had oc curred six hous earlier. The theory is held by police that the killing was done betwen Dan ville, Va., and Monroe, Va. Four Course Dinner Given By Mr. And Mrs. Cash—Honor Roll For Fubllc School. (Special to The Star.! Mrs. H. B. Greene delightfully en tertained the members of the Ton gues and Needles club Saturday aft ernoon at 3:30 o'clock. The home was artistically arranged with a profusion of spring flowers. The regular business meeting was held which was presided over by Mrs. Pruett, president. It was decided that this club have a picnic Satur day afternoon for the members ol the club and the mfmbers of their families. After the business meet ing an interesting “Bride” contest was engaged in. Mrs. F. B. Ham rick won the prize. It was a lovely bud vase. The hostess assisted by her sis ter, Miss Clara Crabtree served delicious refreshments. tour Course Dinner. . Mr. and Mis. John Cash were hosts at a delicious lour course din ner Saturday evening at eight o’clock in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cash, who recently announc ed their marriage which occurred in September. Miss Patsy McDowell, a visitor in the community shared honors with the bride and groom The dining hall was beautifully decorated with cream roses. The dining tables were centered with baskets of spring flowers. The hon orees were presented wdth lovely corsages of roses. Twenty-four guests were present. Miss Velma Goode, who Is at tending college at Chapel Hill spent the past week-end at her home here. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Tingen of Burlington. Rev. and Mis. Everette Goode ar rived at the home of their father, Rev. J. M. Goode Tuesday. Rev. Goode left Thursday for Memphis Tenn., to attend the Southern Bap tist convention. He will return here next week en route home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cash, who just recently announced their mar riage arrived here Saturday from Charlotte. They are making their home with Mr., and Mrs. L. H. Biggerstaff. Mr. Asoury webb has been quite ill for the past few days. His friends wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Sarah Lee Hamrick, accom panied by Miss Crystal Littlejohn a classmate at Limestone college, spent the past week at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mintz of Blacks burg, S. C„ are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Mintz. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Buchanan of Gaffney, S. C„ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Avery Buchanan. The honor roll for the past month at the public school is as follows: First grade—Dorothy Sue Ham rick. Margaret Hamrick, Vernia Irene McSfoain, J. B. Davis, jr„ James Oliver Hamrick, Hoyt How lngton, Ladde Joe Winn. Lois Ham rick, Neil Hamrick. Thelma Jen kins, A. B. Davidsoq, Margie Lee Fortune, Dan Watson Jones. Second grade section B— Cathe rine Jenkins, Waylon Bridges, Ger aldine McCraw, Hazel Wortman, Thomas McSwain. Second grade section A—A. G. Melton. Jr., Nancy Carroll Moore. Third grade—J. R. Greene, Max well Hamrick. Sadie Hamrick, An nie Mae McSwain, Laura Mac Wilson. Fourth grade section B—Annie Brooks, O. Z. Greene. Carl Blan ton, Broughton Hamrick, Joe Jones, Athan Jolley. Fourth grade section A—Rose El la Roberson. Mary Sue Bridges, Vir ginia Bridges, Laura Dixon Greene, Louise McCraw, Edith Hamrick, Rachel Huggins, Annie Vie Holland, Addle Greene, Ruth Winn, Mary Biddie Whisnant, Clement Bridges, Clarence Bridges, Paul Hamrick, jr, Jack Holland. James Jenkins, Wil liam Lipscomb. Fifth grade—BaTah Hamrick, Katherine Hamrick, D. W. Moore, Nolan Houington. Sixth grade—Annie Catherine Greene, Helen Blalock, Troy David son, Joe Kendrick. Seventh grade—Helen Hamrick and Ava Hamrick. Eighth grade—Elva Rae Hopper, Ina Greene, Esther Bridges. Give Old A1 A Hand. Lexington Dispatch. President Hoover gave expression to his opinion of Alfred E. Smith, his opponent in the campaign last year, when he sent a letter to the president of Notre Dame university to be read when the Laetare medal was conferred on the former New York governor in New York city last Sunday night. President Hoover said: “I am glad you have given me the opportunity to join in congrat ulations to Governor Smith for the honor which you confer upon so distinguished an American and to the university for its public spirit in honoring so great a public ser vant.” A1 Smith Is not likely again to be nominated for president, nor likely to seek the honor. It were perhaps best for him, for his party and for the country that he should not again seek that high office. But we have enough respect for Presi dent Hoover's judgment of men to believe that Governor Smith would have made a noble and honorable president. In the phrase made fa mous by Tex Guinan, let’s give old A1 a big hand and wish him a full measure of life's happiness as he passes over the hill into honorable retirement from public service and the enjoyment of the fruits of un remitting labor. Star Advertising Pays Bethlehem News Of Personal Mention (Special to The Star.'* Mrs. J. McDaniel spent last week in Shelby with friends. Mrs. Rush Dixon and children of Dales spent last Friday with Mrs. J. P. Blalock. Mr. Andrew Watterson spent the week-end with his brother Mr. A. V. Watterson of Shelby. Miss Bertie Stewart spent Sun day with Miss Julie McDaniel. Miss Averts McDaniel spent Sun day with Miss Ruby Watterson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Herndon and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Herndon. Mrs. J. A. Lail and children spent Sunday in Shelby with friends Mrs. Homer Harmon and little son, Junior and Mrs. J. D. Watter son spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Grigg of Shelby. The many friends of Mrs. J. A. Plummer will be glad to know that she is slowly improving. Born April 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lail a son Daniel Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dixon and daughters. Delia and Emma, spent Wednesday at Cherryville. TWINS WED TWINS; NOW BOTH ARE ASKING DIVORCE Los Angeles.—Mesdames Louise and Lucy Young, twins, achieved their twin spouses, Byrl and Earl, at a double wedding two months ago. Both ha\e applied for divorces The petitions read like carbon copies except that Louise accused Byrl of comparing her to a "Fiji isl ander because of the way she wore her hair.” He also did not like the j way she fried eggs. The two brides said the duplex honeymoon was lovely until the twin husbands took them to live with their parents. They want di vorces tried on the same day. Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store. s SUMMER SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS Full credit for High School, two years College, Elementary A, Primary C, and Grammar Grade C certificates offered in Boiling Springs Junior Col lege June 4th to July 12th. For further information apply to Dr. J. B. Davis, President. ^BILLIARDS Cleveland Cigar Store Hotel Charles Bldg., Corner Trade and W. Warren Sts. TRY STAR WANT ADS. Peyton McSwain Attorney-at-Law Civil and Criminal Practice In All Courts Office: Union Trust Co. Building QUEEN CITY COACH LINES FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.; 1:45 p. m.; 3:45 p, m.; 8:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a. m.; 12:50 p. m.; 2:50 p. m.; 4:60 p. m.; 6:50 p. m.; 9:50 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—10:50 a. m.; 2:50 p. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a.m.; 2:50 p m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY YOUR FELT HAT MADE RESPECTABLE ENOUGH FOR ANY COMPANY .... Cleaned through and through—stains removed— the felt revived—then cleverly reblocked—the shape restored—the old firmness brought back— . . A REALLY SMART JOB FOR ONLY 75c Shelby Dry Cleaning Company — PHONES 112-113 —

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