Babe Goes On Spending Orgy With Mother's Purse And Cash Washington.—Helen Marie Guck «r-, five-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert C. Gucker decided to "step out." Helen became fed up with things about the house {Spying her mother's purse, she coyly extracted $35 and started on a spending spree. The mother missed her tiny daughter, and notified the nearest police station. Meanwhile, Helen had fared forth in all her glory, patronized the candy shops and gorged herself on hot dogs and other edibles, without a care in the world. Finally, she wound up in a bar ber shop, where she usually went for a bob. The barber was a bit suspicious, when he saw her roll and found no adult with her. He too, called the police. Helen was taken for a bit of a ride, which she seemed to enjoy. ♦—NOTI CE—* I, Hugh K. McSwain. a painter, contractor, offer for sale high grade Paint and Varnish and Ka.vser & Allman (Wall Paper.) All work guaranteed to be first class. Phone 127-R. Hugh K. McSwain, 314 Blanton St., Shelby, N. C. Dr. D. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST. Eyes Examined. Glasses Filled And Repaired. Located In Webb Building. Down Stairs Next To llanes Shoe Store. Telephone 585. Shelby, N. C. Slip queened over all hands at the station house for an hour, when "Dad" and “Mom" arrived and es corted her home, apparently none the worse for wear. She still had $32.86 left out of the $35 borrowed from “Mom's" purse. Financial Note. Now Uncle Sam is said to make ten-thousand dollar bills I’d like to know how I can make ten thousand dollars. Bill. One of the strangest things in nils world is how unpopular pro hibition is and how hard it,is for an anti to get elected.—Dalis News. A eanatorium is a plRce where you pay $75 a week for the privi ledge of living as you would have :o me if .you had only $75 a month. Port Arthur News. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS Cleveland Bank «t Trust Company, executor of the will and trustee of James Franklin Ware, deceas ed, petitioner, vs. James Eastham Ware. Rev. W It. Ware, Mrs. Laura Wells, Dr. A. 11. Ware and Mrs A. E. Al.spaugh, defendants. To Mrs. A. E. Al.spaugh, non-resi dent defendant: You are hereby notified that a special proceeding has been insti tuted, as above entitled. In the su perior court of Cleveland county. N. C„ for the sale of certain real estate belonging to the estate of James Franklin Ware, deceased, for the purpose of creating assets to settle Indebtedness existing against said estate and a petition has been duly filed in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Cleveland county, In which you are named as one of the defendants; you are further notified to ap|>eur at the of fice of the clerk of the supertor court of Cleveland county, N. C- in Shelby, N. C, on or before Monday, June 10, 19119 at 10 a m. and answer the petition filed therein, or the re lief prayed for by the petitioner will be granted. This May 6, 1929. A. M. HAMRICK. Clerk Su perior Court, Cleveland Coun ty. Rybum a year clear profit on the vehi cles of those compelled to resume the status ol pedestrians. TRY STAR WANT ADS THE PERSON WHO HAS NOTHING Is Usually The One Who Does All The Damage. Your Only Safe guard is Insurance With CHAS. A. HOEY FREE FREE 400 Pounds ICE COUPONS And We Allow $5 to $10 For Your Old Refrigerator Start The Spring And Summer Season with A GOOD ICE Refrigerator At Factory Prices. Pure Cork, All Metal Refrigerators atid Ice Boxes. Payments Weekly. On display at Rutherfordton, Forest City, Spindale, Shelby and Chimney Rock. BLUE RIDGE PRODUCTS Co. aristocrat C H R Y S LE R "75” ROYAL SEDAN *1535 f.o.b. factory The Chrysler "75” Royal Sedan is a well'groomed car. The moment you look at it you get the impression of personality, refinement and capability. The very first mile you drive it or ride in it confirms the impression that its appearance gives. You find its performance all that the name Chrysler im* plies in flexible power, eager speed and easy control. You find its riding qualities well beyond any previous ex* perience or expectation. And, probably you will find the low price — $1535 f. o. b. factory— the climax of all the surprises that this remarkable car has in store for you. A demonstration will con' vince you that Chrysler per form an ce cannot be had in any other car at any price. 2 8 4 SOME DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OP THE ROYAL SEDAN Interior appointments in formal good taste +> Broadcloth or fine mohair upholstery, in har mony with exterior color combinations, optional without extra cost Interior fittings of artistic pattern, richly finished -<••>- Padded armrests and a broad, carpeted footrail, both ornamental and comfortable Deep, soft cushion springs, insuring complete relaxation. Chrysler '•65”—$1040 Chrysler “75”— $1535 to $1145 Six Body Styles to $1795 Eight Body Stylet All prices f. o. b. factory CHRYSLEIV75' (%£)} CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT George Thompson Motor Co. SHELBY, - - N. C.