Babe Goes On Spending Orgy With Mother's Purse And Cash Washington.—Helen Marie Guck «r-, five-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert C. Gucker decided to "step out." Helen became fed up with things about the house {Spying her mother's purse, she coyly extracted $35 and started on a spending spree. The mother missed her tiny daughter, and notified the nearest police station. Meanwhile, Helen had fared forth in all her glory, patronized the candy shops and gorged herself on hot dogs and other edibles, without a care in the world. Finally, she wound up in a bar ber shop, where she usually went for a bob. The barber was a bit suspicious, when he saw her roll and found no adult with her. He too, called the police. Helen was taken for a bit of a ride, which she seemed to enjoy. ♦—NOTI CE—* I, Hugh K. McSwain. a painter, contractor, offer for sale high grade Paint and Varnish and Ka.vser & Allman (Wall Paper.) All work guaranteed to be first class. Phone 127-R. Hugh K. McSwain, 314 Blanton St., Shelby, N. C. Dr. D. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST. Eyes Examined. Glasses Filled And Repaired. Located In Webb Building. Down Stairs Next To llanes Shoe Store. Telephone 585. Shelby, N. C. Slip queened over all hands at the station house for an hour, when "Dad" and “Mom" arrived and es corted her home, apparently none the worse for wear. She still had $32.86 left out of the $35 borrowed from “Mom's" purse. Financial Note. Now Uncle Sam is said to make ten-thousand dollar bills I’d like to know how I can make ten thousand dollars. Bill. One of the strangest things in nils world is how unpopular pro hibition is and how hard it,is for an anti to get elected.—Dalis News. A eanatorium is a plRce where you pay $75 a week for the privi ledge of living as you would have :o me if .you had only $75 a month. Port Arthur News. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS Cleveland Bank «t Trust Company, executor of the will and trustee of James Franklin Ware, deceas ed, petitioner, vs. James Eastham Ware. Rev. W It. Ware, Mrs. Laura Wells, Dr. A. 11. Ware and Mrs A. E. Al.spaugh, defendants. To Mrs. A. E. Al.spaugh, non-resi dent defendant: You are hereby notified that a special proceeding has been insti tuted, as above entitled. In the su perior court of Cleveland county. N. C„ for the sale of certain real estate belonging to the estate of James Franklin Ware, deceased, for the purpose of creating assets to settle Indebtedness existing against said estate and a petition has been duly filed in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Cleveland county, In which you are named as one of the defendants; you are further notified to ap|>eur at the of fice of the clerk of the supertor court of Cleveland county, N. C- in Shelby, N. C, on or before Monday, June 10, 19119 at 10 a m. and answer the petition filed therein, or the re lief prayed for by the petitioner will be granted. This May 6, 1929. A. M. HAMRICK. Clerk Su perior Court, Cleveland Coun ty. Rybum <fc Hoey, Attys. for Peti tioner. At All Dru( atom. Adult* 73*. Children (Os. You'll Appreciate lis Worth OLD FIDDLERS CONVENTION AND BAND CONTEST. PIEDMONT HIGH SCHOOL, Lawndale, June 1st, 7:45 O’Clock Various Forms of Music, Including Orchestras, Fid dles, Banjo Pickers and Guitar Pickers. Several Bands Will Also Compete. $30 in CASH Prizes. Let Everybody Come For Big Time. Attention To Tax Payers I wish to call your attention to the making of your tax return for the vear 1929. The law requires every tax payer to make return during the month of May. All who have not yet made their return for this year, are requested to do so at once without further delay. The law makes you subject to a pen alty of $50.00 for failure to list. W. R. NEWTON, County Tax Supervisor. Books Received At Library Here Books ordered by the Shelby public library and received May 17 are: The Ordeal of Richard Ferrel, 2 copies—George Meredith; Wash ington's Farewell Address; Webster’s Bunker Hill Oration; Burke’s Speech on Conciliation; The Lyric South— Addison Hibbard, two copies; Henry Esmond—Wm. M. Thackeray; Van ity Fair—Wm. M. Thackeray, two copies; The Prince and the Pauper —Mark Twain, two copies; Othello —Shakespeare; The Main Without a Country—Edward E, Hale. Books For Boys and Girls Emmeline—Elsie Llngmaster; Out of the Storm—Marcia MacDonald, The Haunted Ship—Kate Tucker; Betty Leicester—Sarah Orne Jew ett. New Fiction. Dark Hester—Anne Douglas Sedg wick; The Father—Katharine H Brown; Green Thursday—Julia Peterkin; Scarlet Sister Mary—Julia Peterkin; Tile Pathway—Henry Williamson; Son of the Gods—Rex Beach; Mamba's Daughters—Du Bose Heyward; The Storm House— Kathleen Norris; My Best Girl— Kathleen Norris; The Buffer—Alice Hegun Rice; Rhinestones—Margaret Wildcnner; The Village Doctor— Sheila Kaye Smith; Glorious Betsy —Arline DeHaas; The Jade Neck lace—Ffmberton Glnther; Lllic Time—Guy Fowler; At the South Gate—Grace Richmond; The Secret Stair—Pemberton Glnther; Joshuas Vision—William L. Lockle; First Love—E. M. Delaficld. ■ ■ Bury Mrs. Lookado At Mount Moriah (Special to The Star.) Mrs. W W Lookadoo died at her home on May 9 near Beaver Dam and was buried at Old Mount Mor iah Methodist church, May 10, where she joined at the age of 14. She lived a faithful Christian life. She was the daughter of Mr. G. W. Ledford of the ML Moriah community. She was married to Mr. W. W. Lookadoo hr the year 1904 and to this union were born ten children. Three of them died In in fancy and she leaves her father, husband and seven children to mourn her passing. She died a few days after the birth of her last son from high blood pressure and heart trouble. She was 41 years. 11 months and 26 days of age at her death. She had five sisters and four brothers and three sister; preceded her to the grave some years ago. Two sisters and two brothers still survive. She was a noble Christian and a great blessing in the community In which she lived. Just before her death she called her father, hus band and children to her bedside and exorted them to live a Christ ian life and meet her in heaven. She assured them that she was ready and anxious to go to her heavenly reward. Her remains was buried at old Mt. Moriah where she belongs. Her pastor, Rev. Mr. Ridge conducted tho funeral services, to gether with a large throng of peo ple and friends gathered to pay their last respect. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having: this day qualified as ex ecutrix of the last will and testa ment of Ida L. Humphries, late of Cleveland county, N. C.. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same properly proven to the undersign ed on or before the 8th day of May, 1930 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 8th day of May. 1929. VERNIE MAY POTTE REY NOLDS, Executrix, Gaffney, S. C„ Route 1. B. E. Williams, Atty. INDIGESTION Taxi Driver Goes Back To Medicine He Had Taken When a Boy to Find Relief. Ntcholasville, Ky—"Running a taxi is my business, and I am called out at all times, sometimes Just be fore meal time, and this makes my eating as well as my sleeping very irregular,” says Mr. Jesse Dickerson, of 502 Central Avenue, this city. “I had indigestion, on account of this irregularity. I would feel very uncomfortable after meals. I would be constipated and have dizziness. “I knew I had to take something. I remembered how, when at home before I was married, my mother would give us Black-Draught, and how she believed in it. “So I decided to take it again. It sure did me good. I am glad to let others know what a good laxative Black-Draught is. It clears up a dull headache, and makes me feel like a new person.” Thousands of other men and women find Black-Draught a great help in relieving common ailments, due to indigestion, constipation and biliousness. In thousands of families, Thed ford’s Black-Draught has a comer all its own on the medicine shelf. In use nearly 100 years. Safe, efficient, reliable. Bold everywhere. Try ttL NC-liJ DRAUGHT tor Comtipstioo igdtpettion Bilioutnctt Thedford i BLACK CAMP CREEK Will HAVE MEMORIAL AT tun him Dr. Davis Will Speak. Other News Of No. One Town ship. (Special to The Star.) Memorial services will be held at Camp Creek Baptist church next Saturday. The memorial sermon will be preached by the Rev. Will Tate of Pacolet, S. C. at 11 o'clock. At 12 we will decorate the graves, then have dinner. After dinner Dr Davis of Boiling Springs Junior college will speak also the Hon. Clyde R. Hoey is expected to speak There will be a number of noted singers present, among them Profs. Leroy Jolley, Hustler Ruppe, J. B Ruppo, Carl Jordan and possibly others. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Byars visit ed their son, Sewell, at the Chester, S. C. hospital last Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert McCraw of daffney. S. C. visited relatives here during the week-end. Mr. Robert Jolley and family spent last Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Jolley of Trinity. Mr. Thurman Byars and Mr. Tom Barnes visited friends in the mountains of Western N. C. last week. Mr. Rester Bailey and family vis ited Mrs. Poole near Gastonia Sun day. Those going up to High Shoal for the singing Sunday night were Messrs. Gould Hamrick, Dillard Bridges, Howard Bailey, Collis Jones. Thurman and Emmitt Brid ges, Broadus and Richard Earls, Clay Hawkins, Freeman Bailey, Misses Virginia Byars and Inez Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. Blain Davis, Mr. Ralph Ruppe. Misses Lois, Vemie and Frances Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Darric Martin and son, Paul, of Shelby, visited Mr. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Sunday. Mrs. David Bailey returned home last Tuesday from the hospital at Shelby. She is getting along nicely. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Pink Bailey of Whitmire, S. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. Rome Davis Sunday. A number of peopel of this com5 munity attended the memorial at Lavonia church last Saturday. A large crowd was present. The mem orial sermon was preached by the Rev. I. D. Harrill of Lattimore. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Davis spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Dee Byars. Miss Myrl Bridges spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sum Bridges. A number of people of this com munity attended the memorial at Grassy Pond church Sunday. Poplar Springs To Have Memorial Day Flint Hill Organizes B. Y. F. U. Personal Items Of Section. (Special to The Star.l Memorial services will be held at Poplar Springs church May 26. Everybody Is cordially invited to attend. We are glad to know that Flint Hill has organized a B Y. P. U. Al though we regret that it will take a number of members from our union. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wallace and children visited Mrs. Wallace's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Led ford of near Dover Sunday. Miss Kate Allen was the dinner guest of Miss Lillie Martin Sun day. Prof. Lawton Blanton of Lattl more was a visitor in the commun ity Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Brooks and little son, Jennings of the Double Springs community visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Pruitt Wednesday. Friends of little Miss Annie Mae Jones will regret to know that she is sick at this writing. We hope she will soon be out again. Mr. Alvie Jones delightfully en tertained the young people with a party at his home Saturday even ing. A number of interesting games Were played and the evening was much enjoyed by all. Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Patrick and family attended memorial services at Grassy Pond Sunday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold JCincade and little daughter Ivagene spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Dodd. We are sorry to note that Mrs. P. P. Hawkins is sick at this writing. The only ambition in life a pa per napkin has is to get down off a diner's lap and play on the floor. —Kay Features. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of S. J. Bingham, deceased, this is to hereby notify all persons Indebted to said estate to make payment of such indebted ness immediately to me; and this Is to notify all persons holding claims against said esetate to file same with me on or before the 17th day of April, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery thereon. GETTYS BINGHAM, Admr. es tate of S. J. Bingham, deed. ■Newton & Newton, Attys. Visitors Attend Exercises. Many Are Attending Boiling Spring Finals. (Special to The Star' Shelby, R-2.—A large crowd at tended the memorial services at Mt. Sinai church Sunday. Among the visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Grady Putnam of Durham, Mrs. Baxter Putnam of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. L E Weaver, and Mrs. Josle Gram lin of Gaffney and Mr. and Mrs. Brainard Westmoreland of Char lotte. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Turner and children, Misses Kathleen and Grace and Master Richard Turner, and Miss Lucy Wright of Ellenboro visited Mrs. J. H. Rollins and family Sunday. Miss Davie Putnam of Ruther fordton was a visitor in this com munity Sunday. A number of people from this sec tion attended the singing at Dou ble Shoals Sunday. Miss Oneda Putnam is at home from Borne where she has been attending school. Misses Eugenia and Buna Rollins and Mr. Coran Rollins were visitors in Gaffney Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hamrick and daughter, Miss Selma Hamrick, visited Mr and Mrs. W. L. Harrlll Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ellis attend ed memorial services at Fallston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Putnam and little daughter of Lattimore visited relatives in this community Sunday. A number of people from this sec tion are attending the commence ment at Boiling Springs school this week. Mr. and Mrs. Glee Bridges of Kings Mountain spent Sunday in this community. Ninety thousand New Yorkers are living through the bootlegging busi ness, we are told. And this does not say anything of the undertakers. $20,000.00 COUNTY OF CLEVE LAND, NORTH CAROLINA NOTE BOND ANTICIPATION Sealed bids addressed to the un dersigned will be received by the board of commissioners of Cleve land county at the office of the county commissioners at the court house in Shelby. N. C„ until 2 p. m., Friday, May 24, 1929, for the purchase of a $20,000.00 note or notes aggregating said sum, dat ed June 1. 1929. and falling due June 1, 1930, interest payable semi annually, said note or notes to be issued for borrowed money in anti cipation of the receipts of the pro ceeds sale of $20,000.00 bridge bonds authorized by an order of govern ing body of said county finally passed on January 21, 1929. Bidders are invited to name the rate of interest not exceeding 6 per cent, which said note or notes shall bear and whether the issue is de sired in one or more notes. The right is reserved to reject all bids. A certified check payable to the' board of commissioners of Cleve land county for two per cent of the note must accompany the bid. Dated May 8. 1929. A. F. NEWTON, Clerk Board Commissioners, Shelby, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE^ Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Martha Canipe, deceased, late of Cleveland county, N. C„ this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me prop erly proven on or before the 16th day of April, 1930 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery there-, of. All persons owing the said es tate will make immediate settle ment to the undersigned. This April 16, 1929 HOSE BEAVER, Administra tor of Martha Canipe, deceas ed. pd. Sweeten tht day with candy Give them candy to go with lunch-it's good for them We sell the best SUTTLE DRUG STORE Hollingsworth Candies A Specialty. ^ PURLOINED HANDKERCHIEFS USED BY CO-EDS AS TAJAMAS Kansac City, Mo.—The fate of lost handkerchiefs is rarely known, but those that disappear from the poc kets of University of Missouri stu dents may be destined to become a part of a pair of “'souvenir paja mas.” Since only sixteen hand kerchiefs are needed, discrimination is used and only those belonging to “‘good dates,” campus leaders, such as “ M” men, are taken. The idea of making the pa jamas first suggested itself to a university girl when she noticed she unintentionally had acquired several men's handkerchiefs. They were rather nice ones and it seem ed a shame not to use them for something, and then came the big idea. Man so Nervous Gets Sore When Spoken To “It actually irritated me to have anyone talk to me, I was so nerv ous. Vinol ended this and I feel wonderful now.”—Wm. Fahy. Vinol is a compound of iron, phosphates, cod liver peptone, etc. The very FIRST bottle makes you sleep better and have a BIG appe tite. Nervous, easily tired people are surprised how QUICK the iron, phosphates, etc., give new life and pep. Vinol tastes delicious. Quinn’s Drug Store. adv. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO FLORIDA, CUBA AND SAVANNAH, GA., VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM SATURDAY, MAY 25TH 1929. ROUND-TRIP FARES FROM: SHELBY, N. C., TO Jacksonville, Fla. __ $15.50 Tampa, Fla._$23.00 Miami, Fla._$25.50 Savannah, Ga_ $7.50 Brunswick, Ga._$12.50 Havana, Cuba_$50.25 Round trip fares on sale to other important points in Florida. Tickets on sale May 25th, good on all regular trains returning tickets to Savan nah limit 7 days, Bruns wick, Jacksonville 8 days, Tampa and Miami 12 days and Havana 19 days in ad dition to date of sale. Excellent service — through sleeping cars. For detail information call on any Southern Rail way Agent. R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. AUTOS FILL PARIS PAWN SHOPS; City Calls A Halt Paris.—So many Frenchmen have been pawning their automobiles that the city pawnshop has had to call a halt. ‘ My Aunt,” as the Paris pawnshop is called, has no more room in her garage. The city has decided to build a garage to hold 600 cars. It will be a good investment, for the muni + . LANDIS SHOE SHOP For Up-To-Date Shoe Re pairing. Also Rebuilt And New Shoes For Sale At Bargain 1’rices. Call In And Look Them Over. West Marion Street, Third Door From Western Union, SHELBY, N. C. L cipality makes more than $60.00i> a year clear profit on the vehi cles of those compelled to resume the status ol pedestrians. TRY STAR WANT ADS THE PERSON WHO HAS NOTHING Is Usually The One Who Does All The Damage. Your Only Safe guard is Insurance With CHAS. A. HOEY FREE FREE 400 Pounds ICE COUPONS And We Allow $5 to $10 For Your Old Refrigerator Start The Spring And Summer Season with A GOOD ICE Refrigerator At Factory Prices. Pure Cork, All Metal Refrigerators atid Ice Boxes. Payments Weekly. On display at Rutherfordton, Forest City, Spindale, Shelby and Chimney Rock. BLUE RIDGE PRODUCTS Co. aristocrat C H R Y S LE R "75” ROYAL SEDAN *1535 f.o.b. factory The Chrysler "75” Royal Sedan is a well'groomed car. The moment you look at it you get the impression of personality, refinement and capability. The very first mile you drive it or ride in it confirms the impression that its appearance gives. You find its performance all that the name Chrysler im* plies in flexible power, eager speed and easy control. You find its riding qualities well beyond any previous ex* perience or expectation. And, probably you will find the low price — $1535 f. o. b. factory— the climax of all the surprises that this remarkable car has in store for you. A demonstration will con' vince you that Chrysler per form an ce cannot be had in any other car at any price. 2 8 4 SOME DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OP THE ROYAL SEDAN Interior appointments in formal good taste +> Broadcloth or fine mohair upholstery, in har mony with exterior color combinations, optional without extra cost Interior fittings of artistic pattern, richly finished -<••>- Padded armrests and a broad, carpeted footrail, both ornamental and comfortable Deep, soft cushion springs, insuring complete relaxation. Chrysler '•65”—$1040 Chrysler “75”— $1535 to $1145 Six Body Styles to $1795 Eight Body Stylet All prices f. o. b. factory CHRYSLEIV75' (%£)} CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT George Thompson Motor Co. SHELBY, - - N. C.

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