--1 8 PAGrS TODAY *- ■ # VOL. XXXV, No. 66 TIIE CLEVELAND STAR SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1920. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By mall, per year Carrier, per year (In advance) (In advance) $2.50 $3.00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, pe rpound ....__ 18c Cotton Seed, per bu._.’-- 48c Warmer Tuesday. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy, cooler In ex treme west portion, and showers and cooler on coast tonight. Tues day fair and warmer. Gray Veterans Here Going To Charlotte Meet Local Civic Clubs To Furnish Bus Transportation Tuesday And Wednesday. Something like a score of Con federate veterans, their wives and widows are expected to leave Cleve land county by way of Shelby Tuesday and Wednesday to attend the reunion of veterans in Char lotte this week. Veterans who are able to make * the trip together with their wives and widows Will have their round trip fares paid by bus to Charlotte by the Daughters of the Confeder acy, the Woman's club, the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs and other civic organizations of Shelby. A repre sentative committee from these clubs stated today that veterans, wives, and widows who apply at the bus depot here will be given tickets for the round trip and In cases where veterans are so feeble that they will need attendants the lares of the attendants will be paid. ' However, the civic clubs do not ex pect to defray the transportation of other members of the families cf veterans. It Is suggested by the committee that those who plan to attend catch the early morning bus shortly aft er 7 o'clock here Tuesday morning or Wednesday morning. Hoey Speaker For Reunion Memorial Address Honoring Jefferson Davis. Highlights Of Reunion Program. Hon. Clyde R. Hoey will be the chief speaker at the exercises open ing event being the program honor ing Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, on the 121*t an n.versary of his birth. Other highlights of convention week in Charlotte follow: Tuesday night, 8 o'clock, in Ar mory auditorium, formal opening of it uni on, with Governor Max Gard ner and Senator Pat Harrison among the speakers. Wednesday night, in Armory aud itorium, Sons of Confederate Vet erans will meet in afternoon, veter ans will hold brief session. Wednesday night at 8 o’clock the historical pageant, the Rise and Fall of the Confederacy will be pre stnted, after which there will be a joint session of all organizations for tha observance of memorial hour. Thursday luncheon for delegates to Confederate memorial associa tion. Friday morning, 11 o’clock, par ade of veterans and associated or ganizations. Mercury Drops 30 Degrees Here From Friday Until Today Mid-Snmmer Heat Replaced By Cold Drizzle Today. Mertury Flops To 58. An unusual change in the weather took place in Shelby in the two-day period from Friday until this morn ing, and early today topcoats and winter wraps had replaced electric fan* and the coatless attires of Fri day and Saturday. Friday saw the mercury in the Ebeltoft thermometer climb to the highest peak of the year, 88 degrees, but early this morning it had flop ped down 30 points and was regis tering a cool 58. The August heat of Saturday afternoon first began to ease off with a heavy shower of rain late in the afternoon, and a cold drizzle which set in early to day completely transformed the weather. Gold Reunion To Be Held June 9th There will be a reunion and family dinner of the Gold families and their friends and relatives at the W. F. Gold spring near Double fjhoaJs at the home where Jno. M. Gold now lives, on Sunday June 9 It will be an all day gathering and everybody is invited to be pres ent with baskets of dinner. Legion Meeting. A meeting of the Warren Hoyle post of the American legion will be % held in tho court house here Tues day night at 8 o’clock. All ex-serv ice men in the section are urged to attend. School Finals End With Gardner Talk, His Son Is Honored — Ralph Gardner Gets Washburn Cup And Mae Ellen McBrayer Coveted Eskridge Cup. The largest commencement crowd ever to attend school finals In Shelby packed the Central school auditorium and swarmed about the campus here Friday night for the graduating exercises, the awardin'; ol diplomas and honors, and the address to the graduates by Gover nor O. Max Gardner. The addres sof the governor was naturally the highlight of thy evening in that he personally pre sented the 67 young graduates witn their diplomas, but ranking close to the outstanding event of the evening was the awarding of the two high honors of the school, the Washburn cup for the best all rround boy to Governor and Mrs. Gardner's second son, Ralph, presi dent of the graduating class; the Eskridge cup for the best all around girl to Miss Mae Ellen Mc Brayer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs V/. G. McBrayer; and the tokens of appreciation and gifts tendered to the retiring superintendent, I. C. (Continued on page eight.) 578 Graduates In Shelby High Under Tutelage Of Griffin Largest Class In 1926, Smallest In 19:6. Eleventh Grade In 1917. Five hundred and seventy-eight boys and girls have graduated at the Sheiby high school since Supt. I. C. Gritfin took charge of the local schools, the class graduating last wsek, the last one under Mr. Criffin, being the third largest. The largest graduating class wa in 1926 when 80 boys and girls fin ished and the smallest was in 1916. 10 years before, when 17 finished. 2 here were no graduates in 1917, that being the year when the elev enth grade was added. The graduates by years during the 13 years the schools have been headed by Supt. Griffin follow, a . oteworthy feature being that near ly two-thirds of all the students enrolling in high school graduated, follow: Year Enrolled 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 18 36 23 23 28 25 42 52 77 88 97 86 103 105 Graduates 17 19 25 24 22 34 36 55 66 80 64 66 67 Totals 808 578 Governor’s Pride Ralph Gardner, above, second son of Governor and Mrs. O. Max Gardner, was Friday night awarded the Washburn cup for being the outstanding boy in scholarship, con duct and athletics in the Shelby High graduating class. The young ster’s father was on the stage when the surprised youngster received his award amid the cheers of his schoolmates and his mother was one of the touched spectators. (Star Photo by Ellis Studio, Shelby.) Three Plowing Days During Three Months The main reason that Cleveland county cotton farmers have been and are behind in their planting is that there was far too much rainy weather during the early spring when ground breaking was in order. One farmer who keeps close t.ab or. the weather says that during the first three months of the year there were only three perfect plowing days, or one per month. • More City News On Page Eight.) Gold Heads School Board; Andrews Principal Again, Teacher Vacancies Filled New School Board Organizes At Saturday Meeting. Name Cox Secretary. The first official announcements of the new Shelby school board, made Saturday, stated that Dr. Tom B. Gold had been elected chairman of the board, and that Prof. Columbus Andrews had been reelected principal of Central high school. It had been anticipated for some t