LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, per pound . IHc Coton Seed, per bu. _... 40'3 Cloudy And Showers. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday with loeal thunder show ers In the mountains. Not mueh change in temperature. Cleveland Plan Government Is Given Praise nr. Wairnrr In Feature Article Tells How County Manager Flan Works Here. The county manager form of gov ernment and its success in being used as an example for other coun ties In the state was highly praised by Dr. Paul W. Wagner in a fea ture article appearing in the Sun day newspapers of the state. The article follows: "One of the most successful ex periments with the county manager form of government has been m Cleveland county. Following the passage of legislation in 1927 which recognized the manager plan of county government the board of commissioners of Cleveland county elevated their chairman. Austin E. Cline, to the managership. "Mr. Cline had been chairman of the board for six or eight years and had proved himself an able execu tive. Not only that but he had won the confidence of the people. It was therefore only a step from an active chairmanship to the man agership. The Cleveland board is not committed, however, to the policy of selecting a manager from its own membership. It happened that the board had at the time a chairman who was fitted by train ing and experience for the work and was in a position to undertake it. Normally the board would find it preferable, if not necessary, *o seek a manager outside its own membership. Well Fitted tor .iod. “Mr. Cline is not a iiative of Cleve land county but has lived in the county for twenty years or more. Employed first as a bookkeeper and then as superintendent, of the Bon nie Cotton Mills, Kings Mountain, he acquired a knowledge of account ing and administration which fitted him admirably for the county work. He is about P5 years of age. “Like mo6t of the other county managers In North Carolina, Mr. Cline has hesitated to assert'his fud powers under the law. He has pre ferred to consider himself an agent of the board, a sort of magnified clerk, rather than a powerful exe cutive. All important matters have been carried bofore the full board. This is, in the opinion of the writer, the correct position which a man ager should occupy, at least during the early years of the experiment. The board may play politics at times; it may sometimes make un wise appointments: but it will not do to break suddenly and complete ly from old traditions. After the new scheme has won a place in the confidence of the people. th°y themselves will demand that the (Continued on page ten.) Dorsey Sales Head New Realty Company Former Mayor To Have Charge Of Haynes Firm In Ruther ford County. Former Mayor W. N. Dorsey, our of office as executive head of Shel by only two weeks, is going back to his old love—the real estate game. Announcement came out of Ruth erford county today that a new real estate firm, one of the largest in the section, had been organized there under the firm name of the Haynes Real Estate company wifh the former Shelby mayor as sales manager. Messrs. Walter and Charlie Haynes, two of Rutherford's lead ing citizens, are officials of the new' firm, which will have offices in both Forest City and Cliffside with Sales Manager Dorsey alternating between the two offices and commuting to and from his home in Shelby each day. Here last night Mr. Dorsey declared that several thousand acres were already lined up by the new firm and that it would operate on an extensive scale throughout (his section. Wright Brothers At Class Here Sunday The Wright, brother* string quar tet of Falls ton, which has been making Columbia phonograph rec ords. now on sale here, will give a musical program at the Hoey Bible class at the Central Methodist church here Sunday morning, it is announced. The program is a part of a collective program at Central church where a Sunday school drive has the goal of having 800 mem bers present. f I 12 PAGES I TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. n *f SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY. JUNE 14. 1929. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons - - ' -M-L-gssa» By mall, per year (In advance) $2.50 Carrier, per year (In advance) IS.00 Doughton To Decide 18 Routing Highway Chief And Commissioners rian Visit Here. Decide By July 15. The routing of Highway 18 from Shelby south to the South Carolina line will be derided prior to luly 15 at which time bids will be received for the construction of the highway, according to dispatches from ltaleigh, wh'ch also state that Chairman R. A. Houghton, of the state highway commission, and two district commissioners may visit Cleveland county to help settle the controversy about the route. The Raleigh dispatch follows: The biggest highway contract let ting in North Carolina this year will be the next one, following the opening of bids on July 15, when something like $800,000 in high way construction is expected to b” awarded. The projects now in preparation by Engineer John D. Waldrop and his force, include 33 miles of hard surfacing, in addi tion to bridge, grading, top-soiling and other work. Three of the 12 projects may not be ready, but arc expected to be awarded then. One project is in district No. 8. Cleveland county, grading, struc ture and topsoil on route 18 from Shelby to the South Carolina line toward Gaffney. 10 miles. A protest over the location of the road in Cleveland county from Shelby to the South Carolina line, j route 18, which connects with South Carolina's route 111 to Gaffney has developed along the line of the present road Engineers sur veyed the present route, on which is located Patterson Springs and Earl, and also another new’ route, running more direct and one mile shorter, which they recommended. In addition to being one mile shorter, the new route surveyed would result in another mile less of construction, as a Shelby paved street would be used for a mile. On the old route the improvement would have to be carried into the heart of Shelby. May rasa fcari. The road commissioners of Earl township have filed a protest with the commission, objecting to the new route because it leaves Earl a mile or two to the east. Chairman R. A. Doughton and two other com missoners from other districts will probably visit the site and hear the protests, then make recom mendation to the full commission. It is possible that the road can be relocated so as to pass througti Earl, a town of probably 200 or 300 inhabitants, but will doubtless miss Patterson Springs. * This project is included in the list on which bids will be received on July 15, for grading, structures and topsoil, and the contest will be decided before that time so the contract can be let.. Wreck Injured Not To Return To City Before Week End Mr. Claud Webb, Shrlby theatre proprietor and Mrs. Reid Misenhei mer, who were Injured in an auto wreck west of Wilmington early Monday morning will not likely leave the hospital in Wilmington be fore Sunday, if then, it was learn ed today. Mr. Misemheimer and Mrs. Alice Boland, who were part of the party spending the last week-end in Wilmington, returned to Shelby yesterday, others returning earlier in the week. Mr. Webb, it is satd, may come home Sunday, but it is not known definitely as yet if Mrs. Mlsenheimer will be able to return by that time. Dentists Return From State Meet Dr. A. Pitt Beam, Dr. H. C. Dix on, and Dr. C. H. Harrill, of Shelby, and Dr. Lackey, of Fallston, return ed yesterday and Wednesday night from Wilmington where they at tended the state meeting of den tists. Dr. Charles B Brewer, president of Meredith college, will deliver an address, it was announced today, m Shelby, on Monday, June 24, under the auspices of the Junior Order. The meeting will be held at the high school auditorium. A called meeting of the Junior Ordei will be held in Shelby to morrow (Saturday) evening. Thirty new members will be added to the roll, that could not be taken in at last Tuesday's meeting, it is said. Flying From His Bride NOW HE'S GONE—Jean Assolant, above, was married just a day or two ago to Pauline Parker, New York chorus girl, while Assolant, the pilot, and his companions of the Yellow Bird, French monoplane were await ing favorable weather to fly across the Atlantic to Paris. Yesterday the weather rame and the big plane hopped off at Old Orchard, Maine, with the three daring young Frenchmen aboard at 10:08 a. m. .East reports at 0:45 yesterday had the plane 800 miles out at sea. an avrrage of 100 miles per hour. Morrison Tired Of Leadership Ot Raskob, Simmons, And Cannon I TOPICS About TOWN Twenty-five boys and girls me enrolled in the summer school which began Monday at Shelby high to permit high school students to make up work they failed on or to advance themselves for next year. Tire teachers are Prof. J. Y. Irvin and V. C. Mason. The Workers' Council of Central Methodist church will hold a meet ing Monday night at 7 o'clock at the church. Dinner will be served the council in the church basement. With approximately half of the month Register A F Newton has issued marriage license for only two June brides. Shelby's court square fans arc tossing bouquets this week at A. E. Cline, county business manager, who employed Mr. W. D. Babing ton to repair all the benches on the shady square which had be come somewhat dilapidated. A num ber of local residents ate of the opinion that a dozen or so more benches should be placed upon the square as nearly every visitor to Shelby during the summer months finds time to take a seat there, and many mothers bring their ‘childr°:) there for afternoon romps during the hot weather. A number of Shelby people were in Gastonia for the preliminary hearing cf strikers Wednesday In connection with the killing of Chief Aderholt by strike guards, while several are in Charlotte to day to listen in on the habeas cor pus hearing there for the others. Thinks Democratic Parly Better Off \ With Present Leaders En tirely Out. — Staunchily advocating Owen D. Young as the Democratic nominee for president in 1932, former Gover nor Cameron Morrison in an inter view with newspapermen at Chapel Hill this week declared himself as being entirely in favor of a new campaign head but added also that he would be no party to a movement to oust Raskob The apostle of party amity, him self regarded by many as a future United States senator, thought an other leader might bring a moie thorough knowledge of political con ditions and more harmony, so essen tial to carrying the next election. He was optimistic over prospects for 1932, and non-equivocal in express ing his desire to rid the party “of political leadership cf Raskob, Sen ator Simmons. Tom Heflin and Bishop Cannon." niaics Aiiiiuaf. His complete statement follows “I'm not against anybody. My natural attitude in politics is to be for somebody. I shall support the Honorable Owen D. Young for the Demoertic nomination for president in 1332, if he will permit the use of his name, because I believe he has more elements of strength as a candidate and more fitness for the discharge of the great duties of the office than any available man. "I think the day of McAdoo a id I Governor Smith as candidates f >r ! president is definitely behind us. "I have nothing whatever to say | against Mr. Haskob. the present Jcharman of the national Democratic ' committee. He was duly elected to | the position without opposition from !the national committeeman from : North Carolina, who was then the Honorable F. M. Simmons. “I do think Mr. Raskob would be 'a wise sclecticn to manage the can. <Continued on page ten > Expect 700 Spanish-American War Vets For Shelby Gathering C'apt. Edmonds May B<- El or ted State Commander At July En campment Herr, Charlotte.—In all likelihood Capt, Henry W Edmonds. United States army officer located in Charlotte, will be chosen commander of the department of North Carolina of the United Spanish War veterans at the state encampment at Shelby June 8 and 9. members here said. Captain Edmonds has been very active in the work of the organiza tion. He recently organized five camps, located at Shelby, Wilkes- j boro, Waynesville, Spruce Pine and Concord. He is at present junior > • - partment commander and has been carrying on much of the work ,f the commander since the death of Capt, John C. Bcaijamtn of Raleigh, former state commander It was learned from members of the Chase Adams camp here tha1 in all probability there will be no opposition to Captain Edmonds’ election. Captain Edmonds is stationed in Charlotte as a National guard in structor for the infantry units in this section. He will be located here for at least another 18 months. The officials of the organization are expecting 700 veterans at the fifth annual encampment at Shelby next month. Afternoon Closing Is In The Air Mrrrhanls Of Shclb? At ninnrr Merlin* l.wt Nl*ht Kail To Ocrldr Issue. Twenty-seven members of the Merchant* association of Shelby assembled at a dinner at the Hotel L’harles last night, to fare the prob lem of further consolidation of the association, and to thresh out the moot question of Thursday after- I noon closing for the summer. i It was a representative body of he city's business men. and they discussed several pertinent Issues, out a hrn it came to disposing of the closing question, to quote one Omar, the tent maker, they cant" [>ut the same door In which they went in. Which is to say, the issue is still in the air. Henry Mills, president of the as sociation, who presided, for a time ivas in considerable of a quandary lo know what to do about it. fie was advised by a number of speak ers, including Mai Spangler, who discussed the subject at som" length, to drop the matter alto- ] Set her. Spangler said that Inasmuch as a majority could apparently not be got to pass on the question, ne i thought the association was on dangerous ground to try lo force the issue. Fred Morton voiced the same | sentiments. But Mills held firm to hts con-1 fiction that the issue should be' kppt alive, and finally appointed a 1 committee of two, William McCord and Jack Palmer, to visit the busi ness men next week with a petition to see how many signatures could be secured favoring the closing idea. This was an official action, and will be carried out. but unofficially and openly expressed, the closing plan is thought to be Impracticable. Members of the association stated freely that the Thursday half holi day closing has always been un popular here. As evidence of this the fact was cited that the plan has al ways heretofore resulted in friction And President Mills himself stated that of the seventy-three members of the association, who were asked to vote one way or the other on the issue, only thirty-three responded. Of these thirty-three twenty-two voted for the closing, and eleven against it. Mills said that inasmuch as a member of those voting for expressed sentiment favorable to closing, he thought it would be the belter idea to carry the plan to its ultimate conclusion. D. Z. Newton open'd the fire works with a speech on the virtue of co-operation. and recited the necessity for Shelby to extend its trading territory. W. E Koon, manager of the Wright-Baker company was ano'h cr speaker, who discussed "One-ness of purpose amongst the merchants (Continued on page ten) Shelby Boys Play In Greensboro For Junior Golf Crown Pete Webb Paired With Sedgefield Pro. Four Loral Boys In Tourney. Tour young Shelby boys are ill Greensboro this afternoon playing in the qualifying round of the Junior Carolinas golf tournament. They are Pete Webb, who now holds the title for the two states winning at Greensboro last year; his broth er, Fred; "Dub” Wall and Jim Heed. A wire from The Dally Record to The Star at 1?:S0 today stated that Pete Webb, the champion, was paired with Ray mond Atkins, Sedgefield pro fessional, for the pro-amateur contest this afternoon, which also serves as the qualifying round for the amateurs. Since the tournament is being played on the Sedgefield course the young Champion and the Greensboro pro are favorites to win the pro-amateur cup. When the message was sent the other pairings had not been com pleted and It is not known with what pros the other Shelby youths are playing this after noon. The Webb brothers are ex pected to get in the first flight this afternoon while the two others should at least land in the second flight. Match play will begin Saturday morning with the final round Saturday afternoon deciding the new champion. Postmasters Assemble Here In First Session This Morn I Facts About Shelby Poetmasters, postmistresses and other guest* of Shelby, dhl you know that Shelby today ha* a imputa tion of lO.fifi? or 7,022 more peo ple than when the ID20 census count of 3,040 wm made? Shelby la the county seat and trading center of North Caro lina'.* largest cotton producing county—a county that lead* all other countir* in the South in number of bale* produced per acre. Shelby Is the home of the fa mous Gilt Kdgr creamery, and from this place thousands of dollars worth of cream, butter, dairy products, poultry and egg* are shipped monthly. Shelby has an annual pav roll from right large textile plants in or near the city and 17 others In the county running into hundreds of thousands annually. Shelby has a ehurrh and Sun day school enrollment not ex reeded In proportion to slse hv any town in the South with an average ehurrh and Sunday school attendance rarh Sunday near 3,000. Shelby was named for Col. Isaac Shelby, one of the heroes of the Battlr of Kings Moun tain. Shelby and Cleveland county were the birthplaces of Tom Dixon, playwright and author; of Hatcher Hughrs, playwright winner of the pulitlxer prise; of Dr. Plato Durham, prominent Southern educator and author: of O. Max Gardner, governor of North Carolina. Shelby Is located amid a scries of mineral water springs, the moot famous of which is Cleve land Springs. Shelby is lorated on both the Southern and Seaboard rail roads, and upon three state highways—20, 1*, and 206— and Is easily accessible by rail or motor from any section of the country. Shelby and Cleveland county have never known a bank fail ure. Shelby'* post of lire moved In to the first class ranking last year due to a steady Increase In postal receipts. Shelby is known to the sec tion roundabout as "The Friend ly Vlty” and every citizen here is ready at all times to do his or her best to make your stay a pleasant one be it for a day or for a year. King’s Lawyers On Trip To Sharon To Inspect Death Site Hoey And Falls Do Not Accompany Other Attorneys. Trial Starts In July. York, June 14.—In preparation for the trial of Rafe King, of Sharon and Shelby, charged in con nection with the death of his wife, scheduled to start in Chester the first week In July, a conference of his South Carolina attorneys was held here Wednesday. Preceding the conference, the King home at Sha ron was inspected. Those present at the conference were Thomas F McDow and Rob ert W. Shand of York, and James H. Glenn, John M. Hemphill and Paul Hemphill of Chester. King's North Carolina attorneys. Clyde R Hoey and B. T. Falls of Shelby, were not present. Here’s Fred Beal Ired Erwin Beal, communistic labor organizer at Gastonia, will be the renter of a habeas corpus hearing in Charlotte today to deride If hr and 11 of his comrades may be re leased on bond or must rrmain in Jail until given a hearing on thr chargr of murdering Police Chief Addcrholt at Gastonia. Free Two Dozen Strikers, Others Held For Trial I ' llahra* Corpus Hearings In Char lotte Today. Thlrtern Have Murdrr Charge*. Gastonia, June 14.—Twenty-four Loray mill strikers anti strike sym pathisers are free for the first time since the shooting Friday night of , Police Chief O. F. Aderholdt and i three of his patrolmen by strike guards Of the 47 who remaining m jail 13 are charged with murder and the rest with assault. Tom P. Jim ison. of Charlotte. attorney has brought habeas corpus proceedings in Mecklenburg superior court for the release of 19 of those still held, and has said he will seek freedom for them all through habeas cor pus proceedings. Judge W. F. Hard ing is to hear arguments in the habeas corpus action today. The habeas corpus hearing was set after Tom P. Jimison. attorney for the strikers, had waived pre liminary hearing for them in re corder's court where mill workers gathered Wednesday to hear details of the fight in which Chief Ader hold: was killed aired for the first time Shortly afterward prosecution at torneys began a private investi gation and the 24 were released aft er questioning. James Dombrosky. ministerial stu dent held at Elizabethton, Term., purportedly for Gastonia police in connection with the shooting, also was released when informed by au thorities that he was not wanted here Wright-Baker Feed. Managers and employees of the Wright-Baker chain, from the four stores of the organization, Chester, Union and Spartanburg in South Carolina, and Shelby in North Car olina. enjoyed a company banquet at Chester Wednesday night. Twen ty-four members of the organiza tion sat at the board Those from the Shelby store included W. E. Koon, manager. S O Baker, Mrs. J. I Rushin and Miss Elizabeth McWhirter. Convention Program Postmaster* Friday afternoon. 1:30—Complimentary trip over beautiful highway 20, in the hill and mountain country, to Lake Lure and Chimney Rock one of the best known arJ most, charming scenic spots -n Eastern Amer ica. Tendered by Shelby clubs and organizations Friday evening, a o'clock -Banquet at Cleveland Springs hotel. W B. Duncan. Raleigh, toastmaster. Speakers: Congressman Char. A Jonas, Lincolnton: Hon. Jake F. Newell, Charlotte. Saturday morning. 9 o'clock, Hotel Charles—Invocation. Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor Shelby's First Baptist church. Address, E. A. Meeks. Presi dent, National League District Postmasters, Nichols, Ga. Music. Round table discussion led by Inspector R. W. Hodgin, Music Committee re ports. Election of officers and delegates to Niagara Falls convention. Adjournment. Convention Headquarters at Hotel Charles. West Warren street, op posite court square. Complimentary golf at Cleveland Springs course just cast of Cleve land Springs hotel on Highway 20. Visitors Taken On Motor Tour To Chimney Rock This After noon. Banquet Tonight. Shelby Is playing the role of host today to the elty'a first convention in some time—the postmasters and postmistresses of North Carolina. Shortly before noon today with the first business session of the convention of approximately 150 North Carolina postal officials and members of their families were reg istered at Shelby hotels, while 75 to 100 more were expected to arrive during the afternoon and evening for the annual banquet tonight at Cleveland Springs hotel and fits Important business sessions tomor row. At Central School. For the purpose of handling larg er crowds the convention program is being held In the Central high school auditorium with convention headquarters at the Hotel Charles and the night banquet at Cleveland Springs. This afternoon the visitors were rarried by Shelby civic organiza tions on a motor tour over highway 20 to Chimney Hock and Lake Lure. The first business session opened shortly after nine this1 morning with Mr W B Knowles. of Wallace, president of the association presid ing invocation was by Rev. H, N. McDtarmid, of the Presbyterian church. The welcome address was made by Hon. Clyde R. Hoey. rep resenting Mayor S. A. McMurry. and in his brief speech Mr. Hoey in formed the visitors that they would find all Shelby ready to entertain them during their stay in the dty The speaker also found occasion to refer to the fact that the postal business was one of the largest sep arate business organizations in America and one of the two enter prises the followers of state rights had never asked to be turned over to the state governments, the other being the coinage of currency. The response to Mr. Hoey's welcome was made by one of the visiting post mistresses, Miss Leah J. Franck, of Jacksonville. Following the appolntmeart uf committees Miss Sallie K. Wilkin.-, convention secretary of Magnolia, gave her report, as did Postmaster J. H. Quinn, of Shelby, who was the association's delegate to the last national convention at Omaha, Nco raska Talks were made by Mr. W. P. Neal, of Greensboro, and Hon. Lord N Morgan, superintendent of postal appointments at Washington. The musical program for today s session and the other sessions dur ing the two days were arranged by Mr. Horace Easom, musical director of the First Baptist church. Other officers of the postmasters league in the state In addition to Mr. Knowles and Miss Wilkins are the two vice-presidents, D. W. Alex ander, of Connelly Springs, and J. E. Wallace, of Stanley. City Decorated. A number of the delegates arriv ed ir. Shelby last night, and early yesterday the uptown business sec tion was decorated with welcome signs for the postmasters, including a large sign on the local postof fice. one at the Hotel Charles, con venient headquarters, and a large banner strung across the Warren LaPayette corner of the court square by the Shelby Merchants association. The local entertainment commit tee for the visiting delegates Is headed by Mr. Paul Webb, of the Kiwanis club, and composed of members of the several civic clubs and organiaztions of the city, and by the time the motor tour started to Lake Lure this afternoon prac tically all delegates were praising the hospitality accorded with many expressing the opinion "that th&,e Shelby people seem to know you when they meet you on the street even when they've never seen us before." Another delegate declared (Continued on page ten.) Shelby Police Head Questions Prisoner In Gastonia Strike Police Chief McBride Poston end other Shelby officers were In Gas* tonia yesterday to question one of the men held in jail there over the assault in which Chief Adderholt was killed to see If he was not a man wanted by local authorities. One of the prisoners was listed as Earl Thompson and local officers are seeking a man by that name iu connection with an automobile sold here alleged to have been stolen. The Gastonia prisoner by the same name, however, proved not to he the one sought

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