Has Had Cucumbers Nearly Two Week* Mrs. W. D. Hardin. of Shelby route two, Informs The Star that the had new cucumbers, squash and plenty of green beans from her garden nearly two weeks ago and Is ahead of the new encumber grower reported early this week in The Star. Holds Her Clothing. New York.—Customs officials are holding six trunks of wearing ap parel. valued at $5,200, which Mrs Ector Orr Munn, daughter of tlie late Rodman Wsnamaker. can re cover by payment of $10,400 Mrs. Munn's explanation of her failure to declare the clothing was that she had been accustomed to bring ing her belonging in duty free be cause her first, husband. Arturo Juan A. Heeran. was in the Spanish diplo matic service. Customs officials nl.-o retained $450 000 worth of Jewel which Mrs. Munn brought ' with her, but will return them to her since she took them from this coun try. Lay-decs and Gentlemen: In accordance with our policy of selling only the best building materials, we are glad to announce that we can now offer you Lone Star Cement. This super-grade cement has established new records for quality and uniformity. Yet it costs no more than ordinary cement. r -1 O. E. FORD & CO. Cement. Lime. Plaster SHELBY. N. C. WE RE NOT THROWING THE BULL When we say that there arc millions of people who NEVER MAKE A MIS TAKE—hut they’re all in the cemetery the only liv ing person that never mak es a mistake is the one who doesn’t do anything. As we’re live ones, and doing things we make mis takes but there’s no mis take in our claim of super ior Sinclair gas and Opal ine oil quality. Our long list of steady and satisfied patrons attest to the popu larity with which these pro ducts*^ hailed. Distributors GOVERNORSHIP III SOUTH OWIII SOUGHT BV MY I nofficial Entry Of Dr. Olin Sawyer Into Race Further Muddies Hectic Waters. Columbia, s. C. Announcement of the po ;,iblc candidacy of Pi' Olin 'Sawyer-, surgeon and physician, of Georgetown, to succeed Governor I John G Richards, adds a new angle I to South Carolina politics and brings | the potential lb t of candidates to j ten, one more than made the race in lore. He is a former mayor of hik town and at intervals durin;; ihc last twenty years a representative m the county. Reports uiat nr. rawjcr rmra make t lif* rare have been prevalent for several weeks and Saturday while visiting in Columbia. Dr Sawyer admitted that lie would like to be ftevernor, said his friends are trying to Ret, him to make a formal announcement, and refused to deny that he will make the rare. That Dr Sawyer's entrance in tin race will change the entire complex of the situation in 1930 Is appar ent. The Balance of power, which heretofore has been in the Piedmont section, will shift to the coastal re gion for the first primary and pos sibly vull remain there for the sec ond primary b>' reason of the fact that two f 'vortte. :nns from that I section will rally to their support a treater percent nr of ballots than will be divid’d aiming at least l.r* favontc con.', tn toe P.edmont, • oast l.rft Out. Since the election of Duncan C> Heyward, coastal South Carolina e ninth's have furnished only one chief executive. Wilson G. Harvev.1 who Mireerdrd Robert A. Cooper when the latter resigned to take a place on lire federal Farm Loan board. While ho has not yet made for mal announcement of his candidacy, it is practically assured that State Senator R M Jefferies, ot Waiter boro. will also seek eloction to the governor's chair. Senator Jeff eries Is a native of Gaffney, end through family connections and other contacts, will probably reel., trr it pood vote In the county, which will furnish another candi date for governor in tlie person of 1Lieut.-Governor Thonm IV But jler. An adjo'ning county, Spartan Iburg. Is also represented In potential candidates. Solicitor Ira C. Black jwood having already announced his I candidacy. In Greenw ood. runu,r has It that R K. MeCaslan. chnlr Iman of the house ways and means jcommittee, will make the race it is alto rumored that Mr. McCaslan may offer for lieutenant governor. In Laurens county. Carroll 1> Nance is a possible candidate, al though he has announced that lie is “through" with politics. Over in Lancaster county it Is, regarded cs a certainty that Roacn f> Stewart, chairman ct the state Democratic executive committee, will seek the gubernatorial toga. C’. F. Jones chairman of toe state highway commission, a rUtren of Lexington *"unty he.- men tioned for governor . ct h••s re peatedly denied that he will make the race. From present indications Colum bia will furnish two candidates. A F Lever, former congressman, and Clin' T. Grrydcn, close friends of Senator Cole L. Blrase and Gover nor Richards. Reports which drifted into Co lumbia during the last week are to the fctfert that Mr. Blackwood might j make the race for congress again-,; the incumbent. John J. McSwaui. If the report is true, there will be a three-cornered race in the fourth district, as Olin D. Johnson, mem ber of the Spartanbuic delegation in the general assembly, is re ported to be in the miming. Governor Richards has made no official statement in regard to hu political ambitions. He has been mentioned as a candidate to op pose Congressman W. F. Stevenson in the fifth district, but citizens j in that section are of the opin ion that the governor will seek, in stead, to displace Senator Blease. i It is considered by some of the ] political-wise in South Carolina the governor's break with Senator lease, occasioned by a difference of opinion in the matter of the $65,000,000 road bond bill, is more serious than it has appeared on j the surface. STATE college sti dents OO TO PAVING JOBS Sttl'f College, Raleigh. June 8.— * More graduates of North Carolina j State college this year secured pos- i itions with engineering, agricultural and business firms than ever before! in the institution; 40 years of in struction. Nearly all of the 220 men who re ceived degrees, either in the. under graduate or graduate departments, have left the campur with their diplomas for money-making Jobs, secured for them by thru- knowl edge gained here. Reece Barton, of Childress. Texas, may be 100 years old. but lie still engages in the strenuous duties of I r cowboy He says i\e will ' die :n i the saddle." 1 Leaves for France A* a result of a personal guar antee of his $25,000 bail by a prominent banker in New York, Count Maxence De f’ofigtiae sailed on the S. h>. Paris for Prance in spite of bis arrest with 32 others by the Federal authorities in connec tion with an international rum smuggling ring. His'.word of honor as a nobleman that he would return in time to face trial was enough for the bank er and his bondsman. (lntcrnatiooftJ MARITAL TINGLE SEEN IN BELGIUM "8 Woman Reverses The Usual Order Reveals She Has Reen Living WHh Two Husbands. Usually it Is the man who runs 'two homes, like Jim Bledsoe, the eaptain of the Steamer Robert .1. I.ee. which went down on the Mis 1 . ippi river, “who had a vvlf-> ; In New Orleans and another one In Pike'' but In an amazing case that, has just come to light at, Ant werp. Belgium, the usual order tf things has been reversed, and it was the woman who did her be,t to keep two home fires burning The woman in the case is Mad ame Heernaerts. who married a Flemish business tnan nearly 20 years ago. and shortly afterward developed a love nffam with an Englishman named Bradley, whom the "married" while he was serv ing with the army in the Ypres re gion. Bradley has Just died in Brus sels, end it was by the merest chance that the double life of th" r oman was discovered She had two comfortable homes arid had reared two families, her frequent absences from one home or the other being explained by the fact that she war supposed to be buyer for a famous lingerie home in Brussels., It is admitted that she was an ideal housewife and mother and that both houses wer' well looked alter. Her explanation of her behavi >r is that site found that one home was not enough to occupy her mind and she felt that if she could make Iwo men happy and rear two fami lies he would be doing useful won; Her legal husband, who now knows the truth, has expressed his readiness to forgive and forget, but the law may not be so accommo dating. She has had four children by her legal husband and five as the result of the bigamous marriage with Bradley. Before his death she confessed to Bradley and lie forgave her. She now has- revealed Iter secret to both sets of children and says that when the courts have finished with her she is goitv. to unite the two families under the same roof with the approval of her legal hus- j band. It might be Imagined that in Hie J case of a woman living in this way : with two different husbands thei-j would be com plications over the paternitv of the two sets of chil dren. but Madame declares that there Is no doubt in the mind r,f her husband or hers*lf about which children are entitled to the name of Bradley and which to Heem aerts. Junior Order Notice. Junior Order council No. 84 will meet in regular communication Saturday night, June 15. Business of the evening will be electing of offi cers. All members be present and receive your cigars from the candi dates C. A LEDFORD. Councilor j Depicts Cave Man In “Family Life” With Mother, Wife, Baby And I.ad, Shown In Habitation At The Field Museum. Chicago—The dim past of man was visualized at the Field Museum of National History, where a Hie? size reconstruction of a cave man, | his family and his habitation was put on public exhibition. Tne reconstruction represents one of the earliest types of man, the ape like Nrandertlinl of Mousterian man, who lived In Western Europe do - ing the last Glacial period. 50.000 years ago and more. The group Is one of the results of the recent Captain Marshal Field archaeological expedition to Europe, under the leadership of Henry Ford, a member of the museum's anthro pological staff. In the work of the expedition and the preparation of the group the museum has had the cooperation of leading anthropologists of England and France. Including Prof. Sir Ar thur Keith, president of the Royal College of Surgeons, and Prof. G Elliott-Smlth of Unhcrslty College. London; Abbe Henri Breule and Prof. Marcelhn Boule of Paris. New York The Sculptor. The designer and sculptor of the group is Frederick Blaschke of Cold Spring. N, Y., who accompanied the expedition to Europe and has spent more than two years on the wor!;. With a painted background, the sec nee represents ;n three di mensions a .Neanderthal man's cave at L.c Moustter, in the Dordogne region of Southwest France. The figures consist of a man about 35 yenrs old, a boy about id, a woman about 30. with a baby in her arms, and an older woman They have all been carefully re constructed from measurements, casts and models made of Neander thal skulls and skeletons found Ir, various localities of Europe. The figure, are represented as eiir gaged in occupations typical of their tini" and stage of development. The man, outside the entraaice of the cave, lias just returned from hunting. With one hand he grasps the antlers of a reindeer, killed wi ll a stone implement, red with blood, in his other hand me woman with the baby is on her way out from the inner recesses of tire cave. Near by the bov Is gnawing hungrily on a bone. The older woman is squatting beside a fire cleaning fat from a skin. Racial Lineaments Shown. Special Neanderthal characteris tics depicted include prominent and continuous brow ridges extending from temple to temple; short, thick necks with heads thrown forward ; because of a peculiar construction (of the spinal column which made | erect standing impossible; broad, j flat noses and bent knees, like a 1 gorilla's. The bodies were short and stout. The hands were extremely large, the arms relatively shorter than the legs and the shin bones shorter than the thigh bones. f lie heads of these people rvere proportionately large, and the sire of their brains was not much below that of modern man's, according to Dr. Oliver C. Farrington, curator <T geology. Flint implements obtained from one of the caves at Le Moustier are scattered about on the floor of the reproduced cave. The background depicts the cold, rocky landscape on the bank of th? Vezere Five., where this rock shelter ttacds. The exhibit has been installed in the Finest R. Graham Hall of Historical Geology of the museum, which contains also the skeletons o' prehistoric animals, some of which Are believed to have been contemp orary with the Neanderthal race, and a series of large paintings de pleting the development of life from its earliest epochs down to the age of man. A SERIOUS CHANGE Kentucky Lady Wat Seriously 111 for Months Bat Was Finally Relieved By Cardoi. Lawreneeburg, Ky—"At a time In my life, when my health was under going a serious change," says Mrs. J. O. Ray, who Uvea near here, "I found Cardul to be of the greatwt benefit to me. I was seriously ill for about two months, and for sev eral months I was not well. My nerves were all unstrung. I could not bear the least noise around me. I could not sleep. "My head ached until it seemed as If it would burst. My feet and limbs swelled dreadfully. I felt tired all the time. When I was up, I dragged around the house, but most of the time I spent on the bed. “1 got Cardui and began taking it regularly. Very soon I could see that it was helping me. 1 began to sleep better and eat more. The awful nervousness got better. "When I had finished the first bottle. I was much better than I had been for many weeks I wsa so encouraged that I kept right cm. Before very long I was doing all my housework and was feeling quite well/' Thousands of other women have been helped by Cardui after long suffering from weakness and ner Zog Rules Singled-Han ded, Works 18 Hours Each Day Self Made Kin* of Albania Already lias Title of World’s Hardest Working Monarch I -- Tirana, Albania. King Zog, the first, Albania self-made sover ! elgn, although on the throne less I than a year has won the title of j ; the hardest working monarch in the world. T Eighteen hours of unremitting toll daily with ten minutes of exercise every two hours in the sc j elusion of his white stucco palace here is what he considers an or [ dinary day's work. The king gets up 1 with the mountain eagles at six, sips a cup of Turkish coffee, puffs a I cigarette and plunges immediately j into work With the exception of a | few minutes visit to his mother io I whom he is deeply attached he j never leaves his desk until mid night. His only diversion is occasional I play in the closely guarded' palace grounds with his favorite dogs. Ln the evening the long labors are broken only when the king plays his favorite American melodies on nls American phonograph prociirred for him by Minister Hart The Alabaman monarch's friends say he lacks the faculty of delegat ing tasks to others, even to his min isters Therefore he insists on doing ! everything personally and running the country virtually single handed. But if he governs Albania on a one-man basis he has anything but the appearance of a dictator. His soft features, aquiline nose, delicate mouth, blonde hair, tiny chestnut moustache, striking dignity and re served aristocratic air suggest rather a French or Austrian nobleman who never had to sear a hand or furrow a brow by daily toil. Europe's new est sovereign, however, is no dil letante or parlor king He rules nr, million subjects with a firm and inflexible but just hand and sets .he kingdom a shining example by his, ceaseless toil. Aitnougn <sog was converted vir-1 tually over night by his adherents | from an ordinary tribal chieftan to the power and glory of a monarch, those who are privileged to meet him are struck by his regal man ner. pervading charm, graciousness ; and geniality. When the Associated I Press correspondent visited the j NOTICE This is to hereby notify all persons in the City of Shelby, North Carolina, who are behind in the payment of the assess* ments for street and sidewalk pavements that said delinquent payments must be made within the next fifteen (15) days. Unless same is done, the City will be forc ed to take legal action to collect said as sessments. By order of the Board of Aldermen. This June the 11th, 1929. S. A. McMURRY, Mayor. F. P. Culbreth, Clerk-Trcas. palace today he found the king petting and playing with a group of huge mountain eagles which ue tamed himself. “As Albania is a country of high crags and peaks," the king said smil ingly in excellent German, "we have almost as many eagles here as j you lia\e sparrows m America. | Like eagles the world over, the Al , banian eagle vs proud, defiant, ! courageous and independent. There ! fore we made it the symbol of our [national liberty just as the United States. My people bring them to nie in such numbers as gifts that I now have enough to export some to America. Then laughingly the king added,” but I know the American people already have enough eagles and enough liberty." Church Meeting At Double Shoals (Special to The StarV Double Shoals.—The associations! Sunday school meeting met with the Double Shoals church on Sun day with Supt. a. a. Page m charge. Interest.ng subjects on Sunday school was discussed, a good crowd was present. Mrs. ft. L. Eskridge and Muss Florence Seism have gone to Thomasville to attend a meeting In W. M. U. work. There will be a B. Y. P. U. social on the church grounds on Saturday night for the Juniors. A large crowd of juniors are expected to enjoy the evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Page and Misses Vangie Peeler and Muriel Eskridge were the dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cost ner. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Spangler and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. S. B. Eskridge. A class in Sunday school train ing will be taught the week follow and L. B. Seism will teach a class and L. B. Seism wil teach a class in junior B. Y. P. U. work. Star Advertising Pays CLEVELAND COUNTY PEOPLE HERE IS RELIEF FOR YOU - THOSE WHO SUFFER GAS ON STOMACH, INDIGESTION, CON STIPATION OR ACID STOMACHS. LEE'S LAXATIVE COMPOUND MUST GIVE YOU RELIEF OS WE REFUND YOUR MONEY. You can be so distressed with gas and fullness that you think your heart is going to stop beating. Your stomach may be so distended that your breathing le short and gaspy. You are dizzy and pray for quick relief—what's to be.done! Just one dessert spoonful of Lee's Laxative Compound and Cathartic and in ten minutes the gas disappears, the pressing on the heart ceases and you can breathe deeply and naturally. Oh! What blessed relief; but why not get rid of such attacks alto gether? Why have chronic indigestion at all? With this wonderful medicine you ran banish Indigestion or dyspep sia or any abnormal condition that keeps the stomach in constant rebel lion and one bottle will prove it. And how happy you will be when your stomach is as good as new. for then dizziness, nervousness, sleeplessness, headache and other ail ments caused by a disordered stomach will disappear and you Will be your old. happy, contented self again. PAUL WEBB <Se SON Drug Store and every regular pharmacist guarantees one bottle of Lee'* Laxa tive Compound Cathartic to show the way to stomach comfort. — COUPON — PAUL WEBB & SON' In exchange for this Conpon and $1.25 You are hereby anther* izcd to deliver to the bearer, one $1.25 Bottle of Lee'* Compound and one $1.00 Bottle of Lee’s Antiseptic Liniment. DOVER & WALKER, Spartanburg, S. C., and Lynchburg, Va. Saturday is Southern Goodyear Day The lUttitrotiom it from <w> arlitt’t tketch of the completed Caitdem Plant As Goodyear Dealers in Shelby we want to mark the early opening of the new Southern Goodyear Plant at Gadsden, Alabama, with a little celebration of our own. We arc naming Saturday, June 15, Southern Goodyear Day and we’ll offer special values in Goodyear tires in a great one day sale. We want to show oar appreciation for the establishment of this great plant in the Sonth and we Intend to make Saturday a record day. Come in and see ns Saturday. You can’t af ford to overlook sueh outstanding values as Goodyears at the prices we will offer. rOJ\ iHlb DAY UiNLi WE WILL HAVE SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL SIZES IN GOODYEAR ALL WEATHER AND PATHFINDER TREADS. IDEAL SERVICE STATION PHONE 194 SHELBY. N. C.

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