Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25e. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c. will be charged 25c for ursi insertion. IF YOU ARE PLANNING l'O build, let us make an estimate. Plans and sketches cheerlully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Fhone 727-J. tt lHc OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR Bale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-26x I HAVE SEVERAL thousand dollars to lend on improved farms in Cleveland county. See or write Marvin Blanton, Led better building, Shel by. W-F-tf FOR SALE: 5 ROOM BUNGA low. Modern Improvements. Jefter •on street. See C. A. Morrison, t ,'29 • BUILDING CONTRACTOR: Work will be appreciated, H. J. Costner, Phone 67-J. tf 8c FOR RENT: THREE ROOM apartment. Close in. Griffin P. Smith. tf 5c FOR SALE: TWO HORSEPOW er motor, one shaft 15 feet long 1 7-16 diameter. One 20 inch pul ley, three 10 inch pullers, four hangers. R. H. Wilscn,iPhone 770. I ,7c FOR RENT-ONE 5 room house, apply C. S. Young. tf-c FOR RENT: HALF OF THE Durant Motor building on West Graham street. R. H. Wilson, Phon 170. 6t 7c PROMPT SER VICE on monthly or semi-annual loans on good residential and business property. Marvin Blanton, Led better building. Phone 634. 6t-10c WANTED: PEELED PINE POLES for creosoting. For specification and prices write Taylor-Colqmtt Co.. Spartanburg, S. C.. or our local representative H F. Killian, Gtlkey N. C. 12 7^> WANTED — SEC OND hand kitchen Sink. Rex Cigar Co. It • ROOM FOR RENT: IN PRIVATE home. Phone 345-R. 3t 14c ROOMS FOR RENT: LIVING room, dining room, bed room, kitch enette. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone 239. 416 N. Morgan St. 3tl4C FOR SALE: 120 ACRES AT Grover, the Dr. Oats farm, 2 houses, timber; adjoins O. Max Gardner and main line Southern R. R Will make bale cotton per acre; also house and lot in Grover. Price to sell. J. B Nolan Co. It 14p HELLO BOYS! DO YOU LIKE Texaco gas and oil? And good cold drinks. If you do stop at the first Station from Shelby just outside of the city limits on highway 20 and get the best of services and ice cold drinks. Nickel Bill. 4t Mp LOST ONE RED MALE PIG, IF found notify Fenn°l Patter en Shelby. N. C , Lily Mill. It-lip FOR RENT- Three room apartment. H. McConnell, Fallston Road. 3t-14c CARS WASHED and Greased; also storage. Texaco pro ducts. Temple Service Station rear Masonic Building, Phones 774 796. tf-lOc LUMBER: SIX THOUSAND feet, one inch by 4 inch for sale. Iyey Willis, jjgttiiaqfg. g. C. 3t iic i MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, 'anal-izba 55 per cent protein. Excel lent for liog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall. tf 7c SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, spccialiizng in rebuild ing wrecked ears, building commer cial bodies, duco painting, top up holstering and glass work. Black smithing. Phone 753-J. South Mor gan Street. ti lac BLACKSMITH WORK DONE right at Beams Mill, at old stand. 3t Hu BABY ( HI\—ONLY TWO more hatches (his season. A fine Its', of Itocks, Leghorns and Beds off Wednesday, June 10th. Another Wednes day June 2<>lh. These are our Iasi ten cent chix. Book your order as only have a limited amount. Suttle Hatchery. 21-17c CASH FOR POUL TRY every day in the year. We will buy one head or a car load. We give the poultry men a market that they have never had before as we pay top of market based on New York market each and every day. We appreciate you bringing your poultry to us. Shelby Feed Co. at Suttle Hatchery. 2t-17c FOR RENT: SIX-ROM BUNGAt low on West Marion street. Ralph Mauney. Phone 518. ,3t 17a Tho^r Who Become “Booties Queen" Reach That Estate Often By Circumstance. Washington.—Prohibition officials have decided that the bootleg queen” is a myth. Only 35 women have been sen tenced to federal institutions for bootlegging since January 1, a check up by them showed today, indicat ing they said, that as bootleggers women were good stool pigeons. “Women are the bootleg helpers.” officials said. “They play their min or part answering telephones, keep ing accounts, and occasionally as blinds in transportation. But none has been convicted for taking car goes to sea, leading bootleg rings; or engaging in big time rum-run tang on their own.” One high official explained the situation by suggesting that in this as in other activities women are too new to the practice to lead tt. Only since the organization of bootleg ging as a business, he said, has there been opportunity for the leaders to engage in it without braving physi cal hazard. This development has made it conceivable that women should become leaders; but they have not done so. Tollow Rather Than Lead. Extenuating circumstances recite in women’s applications for clem ency reveal their practice of follow j lug rather than leading, it was said. One 18-year-old girl sentenced to two years for possession, for In stance, has brought evidence to show she merelv took the blame for an aunt, who had been boot legging regularly but on a small scale. Another woman recently con victed for selling liquor, went into the line after her husband died So little success have "bootleg queens" had. officials said. that they are not classified as are othrr types of prohibition violators. No necessity for devising special -tactics to apprehend and punish feminine bootleggers has been seen and the only occasions on which women are employed in secret work are when masculine agents need a woman companion to gain entrance to a scene of violation. Even this use of women, it was said, is discouraged. TryStes .Wants Ad?* “GUS AND GUSSIE” The Eye* Tell HAS TRACED aUSS'B -TO 1HE MANOAH. INK], HAS SBMT ViORO TO HER, AMD MOW AWAITS THE •MOMBHTOUS STEP V/lLL SHE of*. WON’T SHE * what SHALL ItO, QOS — see him amd START \T ALL OVER AOAIM, OR. — SURE < you KNOW >bu'RE ‘Dizxy OVER. HIM — WHAT t>0 you KNOW ABOUT WHO I'M TaZZY ABOUT ? N. I CAM SHE IT im vt>uR eves BEING oazzy ABOUT SOME BOO V IS SOMETHING) 1 ABOUT KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT — A SAY_you WERE "THE ONE “TWAT USED TO BEAT »T INTO MV BRAIN TO STAY AWAV PROM H(M A Request For Big Service lynx <5us and HOT CHA BOTH 0BARING down ON HER TO SEE WRIGHT ROOXJR, ©OSSIE CONSENTS Tb <30 TO HIS TABLE IN THE A'AlOA~ INN i'm SO glad to see y^T VbO - I WAS AFRAID / IM AFRAID VDD WOUWDMT f QECAUSE COME 1 "DID I CANT HAVE YOU HERE, 3000 MILES Away, tjancinq in A STUFFY CABARET, EXPOSED TO Temptations and W6HTUPE, AND — L MUST LIVE PROM THIS, AMD INDUCE HBft TO \MARRVME* > C'MON, 0 OSS IB “TTMB POR. >bo TO 50 ON AGAIN • gus,camt >bu> DISSUADE GUSSIK "WATS A LOT CP SERVICE rbu'RE AS*\W9r MR. ROOT— fcVBN FROM A HEAD vwr*R* SHOWS HIS SPITE IN ODD MANNER Angier,—John Kippett, of Vir ginia, about 21 years cf age. is charged in a warrant Issued at the direction of Jim Wilkins, a tobagco farmer on the lands of W. H. Stephenson, president of the Angler v Bank and Trust Co., with destroying about two acres of tobacco. The story dates back some three months. In early spring Mr. Wilkirts was needful of a tobacco hand, and employed Kippett. Kippett, it is alleged, was responsible for a four acre growth, and likewise he was to share on halves ;that is, if he completed his job two acre of the finished product would be his crop. Bad weather intervened. To make matters worse, Kippett, whose real name is said to be Moore, was taken slightly ill. But all the time Mr. Kippett found it necessary to eat, and Mr. Wilkins was boarding him at a specified price, it is said. W’il kins also reports that he advanced the young man something like one hundred dollars or more in cash. But Kippett did not like the at mosphere, so he left for other parts. Messrs. Stephenson and Wilkins were left holding the proverbial bag. A few days ago. after the tobacco crop was set and well on its way to maturity, Kippett returned. It was explained to him that his services were not needed, but he insisted that his employers were indebted to him. It is further stated that he told Mr. Wilkins that unless some re compense was forthcoming he would “pull up" his two acres of tobacco. Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Stephenson felt that they were not further in debted to the young man, and con sequently refused to pay him. Tuesday night, tt is alleged. Kippett carried out his threat—and the to bacco—two acres of it—has been plucked and is withering in south ern sunshine. Officers are still searching the 'V'ilds of Black river and adjacent territory for Kippett. Soon after he learned that the warrant had been issued for his arrest, he fled SOUVENIR SEEKERS CUT ROSES AT HOOVER’S PALO ALTO HOME Washington.—Souvenir hunters have become so active at the-home of Herbert Hoover, off the campus of Stanford university at Palo Abo. that two guards have been assigned to protect it Many tourists have cut rose hushes to obtain slips which can be transplantsd. It is also reported that names have b^en written on the walls and *hat some stones have been chipped. f ■' ■- ■ GEO. P. WEBB — REAL ESTATE — Farms and City Property UNION TRUST BLDG. SHELBY — Telephone 454-J — 11 1 i.,-* Protect Against Dipthena Now Many local health officers are now busily engaged ift vaccinating large groups of people against diph theria and smallpox. The old idea, which never did gain credence among reputable health officers, that summer is not a good season to be vaccinated against smallpox, has been forgotten. Any day in in the year is a good time to be vaccinated. And the only two class es of people who ought not to bo vaccinated are dead people and those who have experienced a re cent successful vaccination The people who are fortunate enough to live in counties where special campaigns are being conducted against diphtheria this summer should cooperate with the public health officials and the family phy sicians in an effort to make all such efforts fully successful. Get your children out to the clinics ar ranged by the health authorities or carry them to your family physi cian and have every one of them protected against diphtheria. The disease is prevalent every year and now is the time to secure maximum protection. NOTICE. North Carolina. Cleveland County. In the Superior Court, before the Clerk. Nora Leister and W. B Martin, ex ecutors. of the last will and testa ment of W. A. Martin in their of ficial capacity, and Nora Leister and husband, W, P. Leister and TORTURING PAINS Ceredo Lady Tell* How She i Was Unable To Find Any thin* to Relieve Them Until She Took Cardni. Ceredo, W. Va.—In telling how.ahe was benefited by taking Cardui, Mrs. Perlie Yelkey, of this place, says: “At one time, Z had a very serious spell which left me weak. At times, I would suffer such intense pains across my back and In my side that I could hardly stand It. “I endured this over and over again. Every time the pains were worse than before. “I was In despair because nothing helped me. I tried several reme dies. but I continued to suffer. “One day, I read about CarduL Other women told how they had gotten strong and well after taklifg it. I have often been thankful for that day. for after I had taken Car dui for awhile, 1 felt like a different human being. “It did not seem possible, but I did not suffer the old. torturing pains, and I really felt well. I can heartily recommend Cardui, for X know how much I improved after I took it. Since then, I have taken It several times when I have needed a tonic, and I have always been benefited. It Is a wonderful help.’* All good druggists sell CarduL Try It for your troubles. NC-196 Try Star Wants Ads W. B. Leister and W. B. Martin and wife, V. M. Martin, indivi dually, Petitioners, vs. Gazzie Martin, widow of W. A. Mar tin, John Martin. Nelson Stroud Martin, Dan M. Leister, William Leister. Agnes Leistei and Edith Leister, minors defendants To Dan M Leister. William Lei ster, Agnes Leister, anti Edith Lei ster. minors; you and each of you will take notice that a special pro ceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court ol Cleveland county and before the clerk to obtain an order to sell real estate belonging to the estate oi W. A Martin, deceased, in which you have an interest as set lorth In the petition, said sale to be made for the purpose of creating assets for the payment of debts, and you will further take notice that you are required to appear at the office of the clerk of superior court in Shelby, N. C , on July 17, 1929. at 10 o’clock a. m. and answer or demur to the petition In said proceeding, or petitioners will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in said petition. This the 7th day of June, 1929. A. N. HAMRICK. Clerk Superior Court Ryburn & Hoey, Attyi. at l\IO extra cost the Challenge* r VISIT our showrooms and see a remarkable display in motor car color design—a variety so wide as to give almost individual distinction, at no extra cost- It i* a new industrial achievement! More than 225 different color combinations on various models were delivered last month by the Hudson Motor Car Co. I hat is why, although nearly 200,000 Essex the Challengers are in service; there is a sparkling vari ety and individuality about each car, instead of the monotonous sameness expected in big production. The tremendous buying swing to Essex the Challenger—with nearly 200,000 in service in five months—is the popular answer to 695 how it ttpholds its sweeping challenge to motoraoro. Hydraulic shock absorbers and new type doable-action 4 wheel brakes are standard—they do not cost one cent extra. The same with radiator shutters, air cleaner, windshield wiper, safety lock, chromium-plated bright parts. All valu able features—all features you want. Add up for yourself tne extras &ssex otters at no added cost ana you will see above <100 in extra value in those items alone. Your present car will probably cover the entire first paynient. The H. M. C. Purchase Plan offers the lowest terms available on the balance. D. H. CLINE, Dealer ’ -st. TELEPHONE 687. SHELBY. N. C.

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