BELWOOD DEWS OF CURRENT WEEK (Special to The Start Mr. and Mrs. Clifton King and j Children ol Vale visited Mr. and Mrs. Willis Monday afternoon. Mr. John Price of Chase City. Va. •pent last Thursday night with Mr and Mrs. Quincy Hartman. Miss Madeline Porter spent Sun day afternoon with Miss Flora Ives ter. Miss Louise Pritchard of Lawndale I spent the week-end with Misses Oeorgie and Pansy Queen. Mr. and Mrs. John Queen and Children spent Sunday afternoon in Shelby with Mr. Queen's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Hartman i and children spent tSiinday after noon with Mr. aurdMrs. C. T. Good man. „ S Mr. atjft Mrs. Frank Sain and children'visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W Richard Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Glenn and Children and Miss Mildred Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ramsey and Children of Shelby visited Mrs. 8. L. pantt Sunday afternoon. Mia* Male Edwards spent Sunday Urtth Miss Johnnie Fortenberry. Mrs. Mary Proctor spent Satur day afternoon with Mrs. Mack Bmlth. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Guess and fchildren of Vale spent Sunday with Mrs. Guess' parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dixon of Hendersonville visited Mr. and Mrs. C. K. McMurry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carme Elam and Children visited Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Richard Sunday afternoon. Miss Annie Richard spent Sun day afternoon with Misses George fend Pansy Queen. Mr. Dover Norman spent Sunday Afternoon with Mr. Austin Richard Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jeffries and Children of Llncolnton were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rorman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Chapman Of Llncolnton were visitors in vhej community Sunday. Misses Mildred Peeler and Archie ray Gantt visited Miss Elolse Deal Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ledford bnd children of Casar spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nor man. Misses Macle White and sister, of Casar, spent the week-end with Misses Veda and Florence Dayberrv. Mr. 8olon Price of Virginia vis ited Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Deal Thurs day. Miss Ella Richard spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Pearl Gantr. Mr. Roy Davis was a pleasant (sailer in the community Sunday afternoon. Cuts 75 Shocks Wheat At The Age Of 69 Mr. Sidney McMurry of the Lawn dale community 1* 69 years of age but Is etUl undaunted when It comes to work. A few days ago he cut and shocked 75 shocks of oats In five and a half hours, while his wife, age 55 bound them. RELIEF FROM GAS STOMACH PAINS |r DIZZINESS The doctors tell us that 90 per bent of all sickness is due to som • wch and bowel troubles. You can't be well if your digestion is bad; ^ou are likely to get sick unless you telish food and digest it properly. Lee's Laxative Compound and Cathartic has a wonderful record lbs a relief from digestive troubles Bven those of many years standing. Mr. W. H. Anglin. 278 St. Johns Bt., Spartanburg. 8. C., says; "I had been troubled with a Ur fed. worn out feeling and a heavy beating heart resulting from gas on the stomach. It made me feel de pressed and constantly fearing ser ious trouble. I took three bottles of Lee’s Compound and it entirely re lieved me of this condition. I rec ommend it for any one who is in a run down condition." If you suffer from gas pains in the stomach or bowels, dizziness, nausea, constipation or torpid liver; If you have no appetite, can't sleep | and are nervous and all run down.j for the sake of your family, go to your druggist and get a bottle of Lee's Laxative Compound. It is good, pur? medicifle made from roots, herbs, barks and berries combined with mineral alteratives. Get a bottle today. oMney Back it It does not help you. PAUL WEBB & SON SELL LOTS OP LEE'S COMPOUND AND SAYS MONEY BACK IP YOU ARE NOT PLEASED, FOR THE NEXT PEW DAYS THEY WILL GIVE PREE, A PULL SIZE $1.00 BOTTLE OP LEE'S LINIMENT WITH LEE’S COM POUND. (adv.) Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM A negro man, nearing the half century mark, sitting over in the court room here yesterday listening to evidence in his preliminary hear ing on a charge of muder, various expressions flitting across his furrow ed and ginger-colored brow, proved to us a theory we have held for years —that the people of the negro race have vivid imaginations despite the general belief that they do not. I-—— The negro's name was Cliff Ful lenwider niuJTie killed hit young .rother-Ml-law Sunday afternoon in Uo^rtfd of a colored church not far distant from Shelby. But names ind details matter little in our ar gument, w hich is to show that col ored people do have minds which, fortunately or unfortunately, can 'oncelve more imaginary things han can the minds of their white irettiren. Perhaps the average nentality of the race is low, but, nevertheless, the imagination is here and it does not restrict itself ,o union hours in working. To recall all the superstitious ghost stories related by and told tn connection with members of the Slack race It Is hard to understand how anyone has ever delivered the opinion that "a colored man has no Imagination.” Ofet, right often you hear some one say, in referring to thr happy-go-lucky life colored peo ple appear to live, “they have no Imagination; they never think about tomorrow and they do not know what worry is.” That's all bologney. If you ask us, or if you do a bit of observing O'l your own part. Any mind that can picture ghorts, apparatlons and specters can vision other things. In our memory not a single col ored slayer has been placed in the county Jail, down where East War ren atreet runs Into Jones Place, who has not- during his first night in a cell visioned the face or voice of hts victim. Pew of them sleep more than an hour at a stretch for tho first few nights. It was that W'ay with Cliff Ful lenwtder. His brow filled with troubled furrows, and his half frightened brown eyes darting about the court room Tuesday morning were ample proof. Yet he told offi cers at the Jail what might be termed further proof of the ima gination of the negTo mind. "All night long I heard him (the man he shot) walking about in the sand." he said. The churchyard where the killing took place was sandy, but there Is no sand on the floors down In the county jail. Such was the cruel working of Fullen wlder's Imagination Sunday and Monday nights in jail that he not only could hear the footsteps in tihe sand but his mental worries so un strung his three colored cellmates that they. too. were unable to sleep and began to picture apparitions of their own Still some people will tell you that a colored mnn has no Imagina tion. It's pure bunk. They may be able to brush away money worries and other such troubles of life as the white man brushes the cobwebs out of his eyes on the morning rft er, but wherein dead people and spooks are concerned the negro has an Imagination from which great novels might come had they the proper education and atmosphere for the work. Not being versed in psychology we cannot explain what appears vo be the Irrefutable declaration that the reason the negro race is satis fied under existing conditions is be cause they have no imagination and cannot vision to themselves what they might be or might have been Despite that we contend that they do have mentalities capable of vi sioning things In their mind—and they may be satisfied with life as it is. We do not know, for no one can tell what is going on behind those faces laughing in care-f ee style one moment, and closing up into a frosen stoical expression the next which cannot be read. AFTER MRS. HOOVER ENTKR tained the wife of the negro con gressman at a White House tec. Jonathan Daniels published the following in his News and Observer column: none ro Three Prophets. Mr. Simmons said the negroes All were voting for A1 Smith: "I stand for white supremacy; It’s still my shibboleth." rut AH Oh All Mr. Hoover's gone and got the col ored gal. Tom Heflin said the White House. If Smith should make the grade, Woud opear to society Of every race and shade; But All Oh All Mr. Hoover’s gone and got the col ored gal. If there is a negro issue. Pulpitated Bishop junior. It’s with the rum and Romanist; My friends, A1 Smith will ruin yuh. But Alt Oh Al! Mr. Hoover’s gone and got the col ored gal. SHELBY SHAVINGS: Trunks of travelling men piled in front of the bus terminal, corner LaFayette aind Marion streets, waiting for the next outgoing bus. Remember the boyhood days when you hung about the trains hoping to pick up a quar ter from some drummer who want ed a husky lad to help his tote his sample cases about the stores of the town? And the buggy-whip salesman, who Is no more, and the long, mummy-like sample case lie carried i" .... me mast popular Bumbling game among the colored chance-takers is the same one it used to be, if you hang about the courtrooms and listen—"skin." . . . Johnny Hudson is coming home from Maryland soon on his vaca tion. Wonder where Johnny's old gang, which once hung out at Bill Riviere’s drug store, has scattered to? Some of 'em are here, others are everywhere. Ikey Oriffin, one of the bunch, is over In Constanti nople, and most of the others, like Johnny, have married.The ambitions of the barefodt hoy> change with their heroes. Once was nearly every youth just breaking into his teens wanted to be a fire man. or a policeman, or a railroad engineer. Now they want to be aviators, golfers who can win the junior Carolbias crown, or ball players like Babe Ruth and Cline Cline Lee In another year or so the next generation of youngsters will have other ambitions. Shelby is growing up and before long it may become a man-sized city. Just yesterday we heard one of the old line citizens complain ing about the noise “Guess I’ll htive to move out where it's quirt. Can’t hear anything In town any more except buzzing traffic bells, squeak ing auto brakes, big motor trucks with tho exhausts open, hammering and banging". Isn't there some law about closed mufflers on trucks and motor cars? FOR FEAR YOU HAVEN’T EN joyed yourself, try reading this one about the $5,000 dodge (not Dodge, Mr. Litton): A young Indian. suddenly oil rich, bought a $5,000 automobile and drove away. The next day he wi s back at the sales agency, footsore, walking with a ltmp. and his head bandaged This was his explanation: * "Drive out big car; buy gallon moonshine; take big drink, step on gas. Trees and fences heap fast. See big bridge coming down road. Turn out to let bridge go by. Bang! Car gone. Gimme 'nother one." Barking Dogs Beats Fire. Glendale. Cal.—Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Morrow recently were being urged to put in a claim to the Lea gue lor Recognition ol Dumb He roes—if there is such an institution —in behalf of Napoleon Bonapaite, their Boston bull terrier. The community has not yet ceas ed sounding the praises of the little canine for the "horse sense" he dis played in barking a fire alarm that saved the Morrow home on East Bennett avenue from more serious damage. As it was the kitchen was destroyed, but only, perhaps, be cause it took Napoleon several minutes to make the Morrows un derstand what he meant when he set up a commotion after discover ing the blaze. When Mr. Morrow finally arose and followed Napoleon, he extingu ished the fire with a garden hase. A SERIOUS CHANGE Kentucky Lady Was Seriously III for Months Bnt Was Finally Relieved By Cardui. Lawrenceburg, Ky—“At a time In my life, when my health was under going a serious change,” says Mrs. J. C. Ray. who lives near here. “I found Cardul to be of the greatest benefit to me. I was seriously 111 for about two months, and for sev eral months I was not well. My nerves were all unstrung. I could not bear the least noise around me. I could not sleep. “My head ached until it seemed as If It would burst My f0et and limbs swelled dreadfully. I felt tired all the time. When I was up. I dragged around the house, but most of the time X spent on the bed. "I got Cardul and began taking it regularly. Very soon I could see that it was helping me. I began to sleep better and eat more. The awful nervousness got better. “When I had finished the first bottle, I was much better than I had been for many weeks. X was so encouraged that X kept right on. Before very long I was doing all my housework and was feeling quite well.” Thousands of other women have been helped by Cardul after long suffering from weakness and ner vousness. NC-198 Men From Cabin Doors. i By S. Frontis.) Wc boast about our modern schools And methods up to date, And all these new tangled ways About which teachers prate; And point with pride to buildings Where they teach all sorts of love, But they don’t turn out the schol ars That came from cabin doors. The fundamentals are not taught As they used to be. They’re out of dale as much today As the "Rule of Three.” There's too much haste to cover ground. The fact wc all deplore, To ever turn such scholars out As came from cabin doors. Pupils pass from book to book With a hop, skip, and a jump And the books that are discarded Are cast uside as junk. They didn’t have the time to get The contents therein stored, Like those who studied fewer books Behind the cabin doors. It takes deep plowing to conserve The moist ure for the crop. It takes time and study to absorb Text books now days taught. This skimming of the surface. And neglecting of the core. Cannot produce such learned men As came from cabin doors. I grant the course is broader, More subjects now are taught. But they skim o’er them so quickly They're very soon forgot. And the graduates are counted, Not by dozens but by scores, But they haven’t had the training Of the men from cabin doors. "A little learning's dangerous,” The poet truly said. While Festus said to 'postle Paul ‘‘Much learning makes thee mad. ’ However much or little Our teachers now may know. They don’t turn out the scholars That came from cabin doors. Yet their salaries quadruple Those of thirty years ago. And the school books of a ten years old Will number half a score. Taxes loo are higher than They ever were before. But does the produce equal that Turned out from cabin doors? Sonic teachers now attempt to teach That God evolved a man. From monkeys he'd created 'Fore the human race began; They may preach their monkev doctrine / From the mountains to the shores But they'll never change the minds of those Who came from cabin doors. INVENTS ACTO JACK TO WORK BY Bt'TTON Blowing Rock —A pneumatic jack attached to the axles of an auto mobile, by means of which the driver of the car can lift any wheel or all four at once without leaving his seat is the invention of G. E. Coffey, mechanic of Blowing Rock In actual tests in a Blowing Rock garage, the Jack lifted more than 1,100 pounds, and one me chanic said* that under proper con ditions with an air pressure of 150 pounds the Jack should easily lift 2.000 pounds. Mr. Coffey has applied for a patent on the device and has re ceived his serial number from the patent office. Try Star Wants Ads COMMUNITY IBIS OF BEAM'S MILL Heavy Itain Falls. Fersonals Of People Coining And Going. • Special to The Star.) Beams Mill, June 18— One of the heaviest rains fell in the community Saturday night that has fell for sev eral years. The attendance in Sunday school is increasing. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Pressley Costner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hoyle. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Wright, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Warliek, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs J. P. Ded mond, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Peeler. Mrs. Plato Peeler, Mrs. Hamrick, and Mrs Wright and daughter visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Hoyle Sunday. Miss Eula Williams spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Lucy and A. P. Costner: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Royster, Misses Verta Francis, and Vert.a Hendrick visited Mr. and Mrs. Bon nie Elliott Sunday. Misses Vergie and Louetta Hoyle spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Verda and Connie Wright. Mr. Carl McSwain spent Satur day night with Mr. Ed Bridges. Miss Irene Costner spent Satur day night with Miss Elizabein Bridges. • Misses Ophelia and Beatrice Hen drick spent Saturday night with Miss Evelyn Hendrick. Miss Gladys Hamrick is spend ing several days with friends in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Green, cf Shelby visited Mrs. J. Y. Elliott Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Beam, of Fallston spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Gardner Sun day. Miss Donie Barnette spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Ivey Wellmon of Shelby. Miss Thera Costner spent Satur day night with her sister, Mrs. Grady Hoyle. Miss Elizabeth Bridges spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Irene Costner. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McSwain. Club Is Organized At Collowhee Normal (Special to The Star.> A Rutherford-Cleveland county club has been organized by students from those two counties who are at tending summer school at Western Carolina Teachers college at Cullow hee The following officers were elected: President, Blanche Willis: secre tary and treasurer, Jennie Mae Cal lahan. The following committees were appointed: program commit tee: Pauline Dedmon, Mary Lewis, and Dovle Beam: social committee: Nan Ellis, Eva Borders and Vivian Kennedy. Many social activities are antici pated by this club including a hik ing party at an early date. Little Elfi Schubert, great-great great-grandniece of Franz Schubert, the famous composer, is now ap pearing on the Vienna stage. It keeps jour food sale —die temperature uwefll)fW5dLilinpl For family krtlth'" for appealing menu »»♦ ibii i» vital la the General Glee trie Refrigerator the temperature is kept several drama below fifty ... aUeayJ Fifty degrees is accepted by scientists as the "danger point’* in tbe preservation of food. When the tempera ture rises even a de gre« or two above that, bac teria multiply, foods become unsafe to eaL Perhaps yon think your own refrigerator is always *Vold esoagh. tow ran not be—muuli ss yon actually take your refrigerator'* temperature. It is constant eoM which is needed. Countless superiorities give the General Electric IMrigenior its outran ding position... an harmed cally scaled, dnst-proof mechanism, mounted on top—an accessible tem perature control... a new standard of quiet operation.—no troublesome machinery. _ simplified installation. no radio interfere nee unqualified two-year service guarantee. The hcrmeCicSliy eeeled ] is the finest refrigerator < Morm thorn a quarter of a mUUom koMMraflV'oyhfllheontmMMe, dniiwejr aiid hrnlth guarding mt> ncM o/ the Conoral Electric Refrig erator. And not one of there otmere hat oner paid a dollar far repair* or service! This it a record in the industry. The new aU-steet General Eleefrie Rrfriy mtorw are priced aa low aa $215 at the factory. A email pay* ment down place* one in your home. Visit our display rooms—see the 4ew models— you'll agree that they offer the greatest values of aU. GENERAL # ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR HORD & RANSON PHONE 720 LaEAYETTE ST Copeland’s HEALTH TALK 0 Skin Cleanliness By ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. t>. (United States Senator and former Health Commissioner of New York) (Inquiries may be addresed to Dr. Copeland, care The Star, Shelby, N. C. If you desire a personal reply, enclose a stamped envolepo.e ad dressed back to you.) DR COPELAND—Inside Everybody wants a clear skin and envies one. It is natural to survey the face and hands of a new acquaintance. We learn a lot by the ap pearance of the skin and the care given the finger nails and knuckles. . w. curuAtu x couia numoer several persons 01 iny ac quaintance who seem never to clean the finger nails and yet they would be mortified to death to have a breaking out an the chin. Others have ,;mny knuckles, but would stay home to avoid showing a pimple ofl the nose. It Is a far more common thing to neglect .he hands than the face. This is really too bad because much depends on the care of the hands. Soiled nands, dirty nails, fissured fingers—all these car ry germs of disease. Not long ago we read about a girl who was «id to be the victim of a fatal blood poisoning from the use of a lipstick. I have no inclination to defend too vigorously the use of cosmetics, but I take no stock in the suggestion that the lipstick was to blame. Undoubtedly the infection came Hum tiic 1lingers. Think of all the things you touch with your hands every day. You cannot avoid contact with contaminated objects. Somebody coughs or sneezes into his hand and while it is still wet he turns a door knob, leav mg germ iaaen moisture tor the next visitor to capture. Neglect of the hands and finger nails result in tears of the cuticle, hangnails, raw fissures and other broken surfaces which may be the gateway for the entrance of bad germs. It Is a mistake to neglect the hands. A woman shows her age by her hands long before her face tells the story. For cosmetic reasons then, as well as for health’s sake, the hands should be carefully attended. A common blemish of the hands is the presence of a wart or a clus ter of warts. Boys are lucky if they escape having them. At certain ages particularly between ten or eleven and seventeen, they are frequency observed^ They are not serious in youth, but in advanced life they are liable to break down into malig nancy. It does not pay to neglect !ht hands. They should be kept to per fect condition and can be with little care. Answers To Health Questions. Mrs. P. M. Q —Is there any vi: tue in the serum treatment lor colas or influenza? 2.—Is it wise to force children tc eat? A.—Yes, this treatment has prov - en to be very effective in many in stances. Have your doctor advise you. 2—No. A healthy child will eat without coaxing or forcing. If a child lacks appetite there is usually some underlying cause and this should be definitely located and cleared up. B. R. F. R. Q —What will cure a drooping eyelid? A.—Consult an eye specialist about this condition. A. A. Q.—What will cure both stammering and stuttering? Where can I go for proper treatment? A.—These disturbances are fre quently due to nervousness. An elo cution teacher can often improve the trouble to a great extent. Make inquiry at the board of education for information concerning theii classes for speech defects. Union And Lowell Play Twelve Innings