Junior Order Here Wins National Banner Notice has just been received by the officers of the Shelby Junior Order council No. 430, that Shelby has won both the national and state banners for the largest .n crease in membership for the year t ending in June of this year. This is quite an honor, and is the first time a North Carolina council has ever won the national banner for the largest increase in member ship. The local council has secured almost 500 new applications since January last of this year. When 1he final report is made July 1 it Is thought that the number of new members added to Shelby counc.l will be in excess of 5C0. « NORTII C AROLINA IIEIFER SETS PRODUCTION RECORD Starting on test at the early nee of one year and three months, tUp purebred Jersey cow. Mermaid's Oxford Evelyn, won the yearling 303-day Jersey championship of North Carolina with her record of 436 92 pounds of butterfat and 7. 227 pounds of milk produced ill 10 months. This splendid young producer is owned and was tested by Ray Mayne of Terra Ceia. Her milk averaged 6 05 per cent butter fat for the 10 months and her yield of butterfat was above the 53 pound mark per month for four successive months of the test. To win this championship Evelyn . superseded N. C. State Fern, which has a 305-day record of 264 87 pounds of butterfat and 4,966 pounds of milk. The new cham pion is one of the 16 Register of Merit daughter of Gussies Oxford Gold, and her dam is Mermaid? Evelyn. A German gardner dug up a gold coin minted in 1444 Only one speci man of this coin was known before, r.nd it was valued highly. He re reived for his find the equivalent of a year's wages. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of S. J. Bingham, deceased, this is to hereby notify all persons indebted to said estate to make payment of such indebted ness immediately to me; and this is to notify all persons holding claims against said esetate to file same with me on or before the 17th day of April, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. GETTYS BINGHAM. Admr. es tate of S. J. Bingham, deed. Newton & Newton. Attys. TRUSTEE’S SALE. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed of trust recorded in book 145 of deeds, page 142, in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland coun ty, North Carolina, the undersign ed trustee, will sell on July 10, 1929 ?t 2 o'clock p. m. at the court house dcor in the town of Shelby to the highest bidder for rash the follow ing described real estate; Beginning at an iron stake. Flor ence Mornscn.s corner in Maggie Smith old line: thence with said line N. 2 cast 50 feet to a stake in said line: th'cnce a new divi :<on line south 87west 163.8 feet to a stake in J. S. Wilson's line; thence with said line south 11 1-3 vest 138'c feet to a stake in said line; thence a new line north 86'.■ fast 102 feet to a stake in Ilorence Morrison's line, now Roscoe Lutz’s line; thence with sa'd line north 2 fast 63 feet to a stake, their cor nel ; thence with Florence Morri r'on-'s line, now Ro..coe Lutz's line north 841-_- east 65 feet to the be ginning. and being all that lot con veyed to Rush Padgett and wife. Carrie Padgett by H Clay Cox and wife by deed dated April 8, 1927 and i prodded in book MMM at page 644 in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county, to which d-ed and record thereof reference is hereby made for further identi fication and description of said lot. This June 5. 1929. HORACE KENNEDY. Trustee. A Testing Machine To test your Starters, Coils, Generators. We have installed this ma chine to serve you. Come, and take ad vantage of it. TURNER AND WILLIAMS GARAGE Telephone 737 Trade St. Behind The Paragon. Shelby High Star Shows ’Em He Can Play League Ball j4s Easily As High School Ball I _ Georgia Sporlwrilers Rave About Hitting Young Fool From Carolina School. (By RENN DRUM.) Back in May when Cline Owens j Lee was leading the Shelby high j school team to a state champion j ship by his heavy hitting and spec 1 tacular fielding the report got out I that league scouts were on his trail. Somebody suggested to the j Shelby high captain, a semi-bash ful, grinning youngster, that his , fielding might go in league circles but that perhaps league pitching would be a bit fast for him. “Shucks! They're just pitchers, j too.” he answered. "I believe I ! can hit some of 'em if they put em over, don't care who's pitching.” And down in Georgia, the state of beautiful girls, Tv Cobb, and Bobby ! Jones, the youngster is showing the fans that he can do just that. Batting .75b. | He was in his first game last ' Saturday at second base for Co i lumbus in the Southeastern league and all he did was slap out three hits in four times at bat and field i eleven chances perfectly. Even out I in league circles they'll tell you that's playing baseball at top speed i—in fact, that is just what the i spoftwriters on the Columbus pa pers are saying of the school boy | who jumped to Class B ball and set the league on its ears his first game. ! One of the Columbus sport writers |in giving an advance notice about (Lee signing up said: “He has a batting average back in the Nort i ^Carolina high schools of .530. That's hitting, and any player who can hit that well for just one game down here will be going some." i And what did young Mr. Lee do for them? He hit a mere .750 his (first game, just 200 points better than the sportwritcr called “hitting some.'' What They Said. j When Sunday's Columbus En quirer-Sun came off the press the big headline across the sport page read “LEE STARS IN DEBUT AS FOXES BEAT FLIERS.'' A big head over another story read "Millsaps Released. Lee Signed.” Down in the 1 article was the information that | Millsaps had been playing for Co ] lumbus three seasons tut was given :t he gate when the young Shelby slugger got into action. I The story of the first game Lee .played in and especially the parts telling of his performances, as writ ten by Henry Averill, Enquirer sportwriter and official scorer of the league, goes as follows: "With Cline Owens Lee, North Carolina high school boy, hogging a large share of the limelight the Reynards romped off with the fi Noticc Of Sale, 'North Carolina, j Cleveland county, i In Superior court i J. G. Dudley, sr.. J. G. Dudley, jr.. and A. D. Dudley, trading as !j. G. Dudley and Sons, plantiffs, vs. R. H. Ponder, defendant. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Su perior court of Cleveland county, N. C., in the above entitled action. I will, on Monday the 24th day of June 1929. at 12 o'clock M„ at the court house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash | to satisfy said execution all the .right title and interest which the * said R. H. Ponder, the defendant, j has in the following described real estate, to wit: ! A house and lot in the Town of Shelby, No. 6 township, Cleveland ! county, North Carolina and located I on East Warren street thereof, and adjoining lands of J. Weaver on [ the West; the lands of John Rob 1 erts on the East; facing E. Warren street, on the South and an alley on the North. The lot lies on E. Warren street and has a frontage of 60 feet and a depth of 175 feet. For a further description see deed I book 3-S page 473. Register of deed's office. This 20th day of May. 1929. I. M. ALLEN, Sheriff. TRUSTEE S SASLE. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed o! trust recorded in book 153 of deeds on page 20 in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county, North Carolina, the under signed trustee will sell on July 10, 1029 at 2 o’clock to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Shelby the fol lowing described real estate: Being a part of the H. Clay Cox land lying in the western part oi the town of Shelby, N. C., on an alley on thr northern side of high way 20, and more particularly de scribed as follow's: Beginning at a stake, Rush Pad gett’s present northeast corner; thence north 2 east 50 feet to a stake, a new division line; thence south 87.75 west 165.8 feet to a new corner in the Wilson and Cox line; thence south 1 1-3 west 50 feet to a stake, Padgett’s old corner in Wil son's line; thence north 87.75 east 165.8 feet to the place of beginning. Same being that lot of land con veyed to Rush Padgett and wife, Carrie Padgett by deed recorded In bock 3-W at page 517 in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. North Carolina, reference to which is hereby had. This June 5, 1929. HORACE KENNEDY, Trustee. nal game of the Pensacol scries, 7 to “With manager Ko’nlbccker on third and Littlejohn on second the aforementioned Cline Owen Leo made his first hit in professional baseball, scoring his manager... The Mr. Lee, referred to in paragraph one, did doughty deeds for the Kohlbeckers, deeds, which if con tinued, will enable the young fel low to make enough money to pay off the mortgage, if any, on the dear old homestead up in Shelby, N. C. Cline Owens played second base and batted second in the Fox lineup, but he was second to nobodv either at bat or afield. In his first trip to the plate he hit a hard fly into center which Tangeman potk eted. In the second he came up with Kohlbecker on third and Lit tlejohn on second. In this situa tion he produced a hard-boundin'; grounder through the box which bounded cheerily into center lor a clean hit . . . In the fifth he hit a slow hopper to short and hastened to first so fast that Viau's hurried throw pulled Abrams off the sack. Herman almost immediately tried to pick him off first and did get ball to Abrams in time, but Cline Owens slid neatly around the first baseman to safety. The slide was unnecessary as the umpire declared a balk against the pitcher and Lee walked down to second and trot ted home on Stuart's smack to left In the eighth th.e Carolinian hit another teaser toward Viau, and I beat it out with great ease The Flier shortstopper, a sweet, ball player by the way, wasn't able to scoop up the ball as dashed in on it, but if he had his throw would have been much too tardy to head off the flying lee . . . In the field the newcomer handled eleven chances, four putouts and seven as sists, without the remotest sembl ance of an error. Three of the put outs were on fly balls, none of them exceptionally difficult, though he was forced to go back for a couple of them and did it well. He cover ed first nicely on Herman's sacri fice bunt and took Littlejohn's toss. The assists were for the most part chances which a good second base man will always handle, but one of them was about as fine a piece of fielding as has been turned in hero for some time. Case smacked a hard grounder directly at Lee for what at first appeared to be only another chance. But when the tall hit for Its last bounce, it shot high into the air with the craziest sort of hop. bounding for the outfield. Mr. Lee, as nonchalantly as you please, straightened up, leaped high and speared the sphere with his gloved hand. The play showed a quick eye and real baseball in stinct, for there wasn’t time to think what to do. Is A Comer. “Much space has been devoted to the doings of young Lee. but the aforesaid doings along with Little john's pitching were the highlights of the afternoon. . . Then, too. It may be the last chance to rave over the deeds of our new player, for one ball game doesn't mak* a star by any means. But whatever happens in the future, Saturday was Mr. Lee's day and he made the most of it.'’ Good Naval News. The Nation. Remarkably good news comes from London in regard to the new inter national safety code just signed by the delegates of 18 maritime h?, tions who have been attending the Conference on the Safety of Lite at Sea. Unlike other international conferences this one has been har monious from the beginning, de spite great technical difficulties, and the result is a remarkable advance along various lines. Thus, every ship above 2,000 tons must hereafter carry a wireless outfit and a com petent operator, and it is to be in the hands of each separate govern ment to extend this rule to ships of 1,600 tons. All the direct dangtis of navigation will hereafter have to be communicated by each ship to all concerned, notably weather re ports, and the signing nations agree to cooperate in collecting meteoro logical information systematically. The ice patrol is to be canoed on as heretofore under the direction of the United States. Important rules have been made as to ships' lights and signals, especially new fog sig nals. Direction-finding apparatus is made compulsory on all passengerr ships of 5,000 tons or more, and there is a new status for cargo boats which also carry from 12 to tO passengers. The lessons of the Ves tris disaster have been heeded in the regulations in regard to doo's and bulkheads, piping arrangements, etc. Finally every ship hereafter carry life-boat space for every pass enger on board—something tha^ should have been ordered im mediately after the sinking of the Titanic. 0 6 0 is a Prescription for ( olds. Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known (Special to The Star.) The Woman's Missionary society is progressing nicely. They gave a very interesting program Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stamey and little daughter of Fallston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elliot. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Pruett visa ed her parents Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of the Double Springs community Sunday. Mr. L. D. Corn and Mr. Floyd Tate of the Dover Mill visited Mr. R. B. Patrick Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Lawrence Morehead had the misfortune of getting kicked by a mule but is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Morehead visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gladden Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Caver Blanton visit ed his father Sunday afternoon. Mr. Monroe Blanton of Shelby. Mr. and Mrsr. Billie Blanton and Mr. end Mrs. Thurman Blanton and children visited Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Patrick Sunday. Little Clara Mull Blanton has been visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Billie Blanton for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ocie Barnett of Salsbury visited his sister. Mrs. B. C. Queen over the week-end. Rev. Forbls visited Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Blanton Thursday after noon. Mr. Hershel Conley visited Mr. Laurence Morehead Sunday. Mr. P. A. Gladden spent Sunday night with his brother, Mr. Jim Gladden. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rogers of the Mount Sinai section visited her parents Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bil iie Ledbetter. Mr, John Wallace and Children, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Martin and chil dren attended the funeral of Mrs Farris of South Carolina last week. Mrs. Ross Smith spent, Sunday night with her son. Mr. Eura Smi'h. Mr. Floyd and Archie Queen, Mr. Robert Dover, Jr., motored tv Salisbury Saturday to spend the night, and were accompanied heme by Mr. and Mrs. Ocie Barnett Sun day morning We are glad to note that Mrs. Alonzo Hamrick is recovering nice ly Mr. Lenard Strickland who has been ronfined to his room for for quite awhile is able to be out, again. Motor Boat Fatal. Juan Les Pins. Prance.—George Graham Bullen, who flew in the la fayette Escadrille during the war and during the recent French Moroccan campaign, has found a motor speed boat trip fatal. It made a sharp turn, flinging him over board. He was a passenger. Dave Killian of Lincoln county reports that wheat top-dressed this spring with nitrate of soda will make three times the yield of that not top-dressed. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as the executor of the lest will and testament ol E. A. Hamrick, deceased, this is to hereby notify all persons indebted to the estate of E. A. Hamrick, de ceased. to make immediate payment of such indebtedness to the under signed; and this is to further notify all persons holding claims against said estate to file same itemized and verified with the undersigned on nr before the 21st day of May 1930 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. This the 21st dav of May. 1929. UNION TRUST COMPANY, Shelby, N. C. Lattimore Branch, Executor. Newton <fe Newton, Attys. INDIGESTION Tan Driver Goes Back To Medicine He Had Taken When a Boy to Find Relief. Nlcholasville. Ky.—"Running a taxi is my business, and I am called out at all times, sometimes just be fore meal time, and this makes my eating as well as my sleeping very irregular," says Mr. Jesse Dickerson, of 502 Central Avenue, this city. "I had indigestion, on account of this irregularity. I would feel very uncomfortable after meals. I would be constipated and have dizziness. "I knew I had to take something. I remembered how, when at home before I was married, my mother would give us Black-Draught, and how she believed in it. "So I decided to take it again. It sure did me good. X am glad to let others know what a good laxative Black-Draught is. It clears up a dull headache, and makes me feel like a new person." Thousands of other men and women find Black-Draught a great help in relieving common ailments, due to indigestion, constipation and biliousness. In thousands of families, Thed ford’s Black-Draught has a comer all its own on the medicine shelf. In use nearly 100 years. Safe, efficient, reliable. Bold everywhere. Try ML NC-197 ALLOW (HII.DREN TO WEAR SI N SUITS FOR THEIR PLAY Give the child play clothes which allow the health-giving rays of the sun to reach his skin, suggest home demonstration workers. Sun suits are easily made, and may be of different types to suit the needs of their small wearers If the child is not accustomed to playing in the direct sun, begin with short periods of time and the suit worn should expose only a small part of the body at first. Take care to avoid blistering as it may lead to serious illness. Gradually, both the time and the amount ex posed may be increased until a coat of tan has been acquired. Almost any well-fitting romper pattern can be modified for use in cutting sun suits. The first sun suits may simply be sleeveless low necked rompers made of a flowered cotton print or some other attrac tive wash material of last color. When the child becomes used to the sun a more transparent and abbreviated type of suit, may be worn. Many such suits have net waists and short trousers of heavier material which button on. All the common textile fibers stop most of tlie ultra-violet rays. Loosely woven fabrics like marquisette or net allow these days to reach the body through the large spaces between the yarns. The barley harvest of Davidson county was held during the first week in June with excellent yields recorded. LANDIS SHOE SHOP For The Best Shoe Rebuilding. Rebuilt And New Shoes For Sale. Also Headquarters For Singer Sewing Machines & Parts. West Marion St. 3rd Door From Western Union. Shelby, N. C. I j First Bair. Roosevelt Field, N. V., June H —t'tlllxlng speedy air transpor tation, the first bale of this sea son's cotton crop arrived here today on its way to the New York Cotton Exchange. Meanwhile, anothei bale of cotton was still far from New York aboard a freight train. Tlir two bales had been started Thursday from Corpus Christ!, Texas, on the uneven race. They were the first ginned at Corpus Christl this season. The 500-pound bale was ac companied on the flight by Miss Fern Felscher, newspaper re porter and personal representa tive of Corpus Christl Chamber of Commerce, The cotton was taken to the Rayside, N. Y'., home of Dudley B. Canafax, member of the cotton brokerage firm of Anderson, Clayton Co., of Houston, Texas. Tomorrow, the cotton will be auctioned off on the floor of the cotton exchange—a cere mony of greeting to the new crop. North Cftroltna will have four club members to represent, the state at the National club camp In Wash Ington. June 19 to 25. r . .^ THE PERSON WHO HAS NOTHING Is Usually The One Who Does All Tire Damage. Your Only Safe guard is Insurance With CHAS. A. HOEY You'll Appreciate Its Wortti A Summer Trip To HAVANA, CUBA Ancient, Historic, Exotic and Gay—Capital City of the Republic of Cuba. A MOST INTERESTING PLACE TO VISIT. Contrary to the general impression, the climate in Cuba is pleasant during the summer. The hotel rates are unusually low, and a trip can be made there at small cost. Average summer temperatures, as furnished by Belen College Observatory are as follows: Minimum Maximum June 76.14 88.63 July 73.8 88.65 August 75.7 89.46 September 75.07 89.02 The nights are always cool and pleasant, due to the ever present Trade Winds which sweep in from the ocean. All Year Tourist Fares to Havana are in effect via all railroads, going either to Port Tampa or Key West thence P. & O. Steamship Co. Popular excursions at half fare or less are also offered by the rail lines at intervals during the summer season. Stop overs permitted at all points in Florida. Consult your local ticket agent or pas senger agent for detailed information. Steamer reservations made, descriptive literature, ho tel rates and any further information desired will be cheerfully furnished upon application to: THE P. & O. STEAMSHIP COMPANY “Shortest Sea Route To Cuba” Florida Natl. Bank Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. Vis For Greater Results In Selling-Try Star Adv. NOW-AS THEN-YOU HEAR "CHRYSLER" EVERYWHERE!, "Not merely a new note in motoring — a new school in engineering and performance, is the Chrysler. + + Height, weight, balance, acceleration, power, appearance — these are some things Chrysler has revolutionized. + + Make no mistake—you are witnessing the rise of new principles in motor manufacture which are profoundly affecting all motor car design. No car is immune to the irresistible attractions of the Chrysler/ —Advertaement Motor Life January, 19£> WHAT CHRYSLER ENGINEERING? »i is a matter of opinion as to who did most in creating the automobile, but it is a matter of fact that Chrysler has done most in modernizing it. Some of the most vital and thrilling chapters in the history of the motor car have been written by Chrysler engineers. Chrysler engineering, analyzed in simple terms, is a combination of far-sighted vision and re sourceful genius that succeed in accomplish ing inspired improvements. In one word, Chrysler engineering is : s; Progress. This is not a vainglorious gesture—it is a state ment of plain, hard-shell fact fully borne out by the following partial list of advancements which Chrysler has pioneered or developed: Hydraulic Four-Wheel Brakes Rubber Shock Insulators "Silver-Dome" and "Red Head" High-compression Engines High Turbulence Offset Combustion Chamber Fully Counter-weighted 7-Bearing Crankshaft Iso-therm Invar Strut Pistons with Tungtlte Rings Non-wearing Chilled Cast-Iron Face Tappets Rubber Engine Mountings Modern Plain Tube Carburetion—with Positive Pres sure Pump Acceleration and Semi-Automatic Choke Valve Indirect Lighting of Instrument Panel Light Controls on Steering Wheel Body Impulse Neutralizer Small Diameter Road Wheels Modern Roadster Body Type Beaded Belt Moulding and Modern Color Treatment The Chrysler you buy today is the direct bene ficiary of all die progress that Chrysler engi neering has made in the five years of its brilliant history. Let us give you a demonstration. Chrysler “75"—$1535 to $1795—Eight Body Styles Chrysler “65” —$1040 to $1145 —Six Body Styles All prictt /. *. b. factory. Chrysler dealers extend convenient time payments. son CHRYSLER 1^1 CHimil MOTORS MODUCf Geo. Thompson Motor Company Shelby. N. C.

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