The Cleveland Star QUri UV hi P MONDAY — WEDNESDAY* — FRIDAY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE By Mall, per year______H M By Carrier, per year_____—--13 00 THE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY. INC. B. WEATHERS ___President and Editor a ERNEST HOEY__Secretary and Foreman RENN DRUM__ News Editor A. D. JAMES_____Advertising Manager Entered as second class matter January 1, 1903. at the postoffice At Shelby, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress. March 3, 1879. We wish to call your attention to the fact that It la. nnd has been our custom to change five cents per lino for resolutions of respect, cards of thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice has been published. This will be strictly adherred to. FRIDAY, JUNirYlT To29~ TWINKLES Another week or so now dad will lie receiving the bills for the gifts he received on Father’s day.. Fact is, the first day of every month is Father’s day, if you watch the stream of bill collectors. There is as much burning of the midnight oil nowadays as ever in the past, and it is getting the youngsters there, too, just as it did their elders in the old kerosene days—but to the dances and the frolic beaches as it, is burned in the motor car. A New Jersey boy, a headline in The New York World informs, has been picked to fill Thomas Edison’s shoes. Now, we’ll hang around and see how well he fills them—being picked to fill them and filling them arc two things removed from each other just as much as the Smith Democrats and the anti-Smith Democrats in Virginia. Governor Gardner has something else to make $ bow for. Charity and Children referring to the photo recently published* of'The state's three governors, McLean, Morrison and Gardner, says “but Gardner is rather the hnndsomest of the three.” Heretofore the publicity accorded the Gard ners has confined the remarks concerning pulchritude to the First Lady. Shelby people had to hustle a bit to provide suitable hospitality for the postmasterc, and now all indications are that there will be at least four times as many people in the city for the encampment of Spanish-American war veterans as were here for the postmasters convention. That means more hustling and Shelby will be put to the test of enter taining the several hundred visitors unable to find hotel rooms in private homes of the city. We must measure up. HOOVER COLOR BLIND? -THE ENTERTAINMENT of the negro woman, wife of a congressman, at the White House, has furnished material for a eoitsfderable- number of editorial puns, particularly down South. The Greensboro News picks up the cue from The Raleigh Times and pops this one: “Raleigh Times insists that the South might have known the Hoovers were color blind. It also probably knew that the pope when he moved into his Washington home would never give a ladies’ afternoon tea: but i probably never gave the matter a thought.” WAS A WET MAY |_|EREABOUTS among the cotton farmer Ol ( leveland county it has been general knowledge that the month of May was unusually wet, and now comes a report from the meteorologist at Raleigh stating that the month was the wettest May on record since 1905, nearly a quarter of a cen tury. Thus the farmers are borne out in their talk about the unusually wet planting season. Very little farm work was done in this county during the month and the wet and coqj spell so handicapped the farmers that considerable fear waj) felt about the cotton crop. However, warm weather sinfce that time has meant much to the cotton which was planted when the weather permitted and crop prospects in the section are glowing now with the exception of the feed crops, there being a dangerous decrease in the corn and hay crops of the county, according to observers. Just bow many days it rained during May was not stated by the state weath er man, but the average rainfall for the month was over 6 , inches. I-4? THE ‘‘MIDDLE CLASS” NEW YORK clergyman in the course of a sermon recent ly on prohibition declared: “The middle class is not drinking. Not having heard the sermon we are curious to know just what the clergyman meant by the middle class, and what type of intoxicant, if he so depicted it, the upper and lower crusts are consuming. Taking a guess we would say that the lower class violates the prohibition law by guzzl iniC textraets, canned heat and other dangerous substitutes, while reports are that the social elite still find it possible to locate their bottled-in-bond despite the aridity of America, fhen it may be that the middle class referred to is so busy supplying the w’ants of the lower and upper classes that it does not have time for playing with intoxicants for pleas ure's sake. On the other hand, a goodly portion of us, often being placed in that ranking, will perhaps hold the exalted opinion that with all things said and done the middle class is or dinarily the best-behaved and the best-mannered after all. PRAYING FOR RAIN JT HAS BEEN some time since the farmers of this section 1 have been in need of rain to the extent that prayers were offered for showers, but it will be recalled that some years back there was such a dry summer that the colored folks told of the angel lighting atop Chimney Rock and singing “It Aint Gona Rain No Mo’.” The angel, it is recalled, was undoubtedly not one of the good and truthful angels for a few days later general prayer was held at an evangelistic service in South Shelby for rain and almost immediately thereafter there came a downpour. Editor Beasley, of The Monroe Journal, always manages to get a bit of humor and homegrown philosophy in one edi torial an issue, and the above merely leads up to the follow ing thoughts by him about praying for rain—and the type of rain: “It is related that once when a congregation of Union ■county people met to pray for rain the dear old brother who was called upon to lead in prayer described 'very carefully what kind of rain was needed, admonishing the Lord not to send no toad strangler. For people will have a choice about the kind of rain they want. For instance there is young Rich ard Hudson who runs a cotton farm up at Weddington and has a good many colored hands on Jiis place. The kind of rain he likes at this time of the year he describes as a Saturday rain. A Saturday rain is one that comes on Sturday after noon, after the hands have worked till twelve and knocked off for the day anyway. And then if must not be too hard a rain to prevent work starting up Monday morning.” Nobody’s Business GEE McGEE— (Exclusive In The Star In this section.) Uncle Joe could not wait anv longer on Farm Belief, so he sent Ills mule and wagon to the bank, had the Instalment collector take up his radio, piano, and Ford, wrote the lightning rod agent that he could not meet his note, and hired a neighbor to move him to town on credit; and he is now open for any kind of Job that won’, produce sweat ansoforth. His ad dress Is Park Bench No. 14. Cotton Letter. New York, June 19—Liverpool came In as due. but New Orleans reflected Chicago's decline which was brought about by a weakness in Bombay which was influenced by Shanghais straddling, conse quently July sold off to 18.99. The government reported yesterday that the boll weevil emergence was 10 lightning bugs and 14 red ants, ahead of last year, and predicted the caterpillar for August, the red spider for September, Wall street for October, and the Feder al Reserve for November and De cember. Most of the strikes have berg settled, and the grocery stores that didn't bust during the “situa tion'’ will not now bust till aft er curtailment by the mills is over and work resumed. We ad vise shorter (cotton) dresses for China, Japan and Egypt. The point of automobile satura tion will not have been reached un til the manufacturers of the satd gay-makers get the last cent that all of the poor folks have made since they were born, plus a mortgage on all they ever ex pect to make as long as they live, therefore the climax will not be reached for at least 8, or 10 months. Riding and breathing are now in the same category, and woe unto the family that hath n> car and can't get one. All it takes in a town to make bare legs a possibility is for some fairly well-to-do flapper to break the ice by strolling down the street some lovely afternoon minus a pair of hose. As soon as she "gets by" with the operation, all the other flappers in town (front knee high to a duck to 5-feet-9) will “go and do likewise,” unless, of course, they have strong-mlno ed mothers and daddies who otfll believe in decency at home and abroad and ran control their off spring. I do not say that the stocking-less fad is indecent cr unwise, but I think such a habit or practice is unbecoming to a lady (for the present) just like cigarette smoking is. Neither one of these innovations will ever serve to life our civilization one jot or tittle higher, and you can lay to that. The Republican party will prob ably appoint an entirely new set of prohibition enforcement officers, due to the fact that the present crowd is financially able to retire, and it is perfectly natural for the sugar-tit to be passed around among the loyal voters. Mine. Nobody is perfect, not even linotype operators. A few days ago, one of my paragraphs should have ended like this: “Nor docs it matter how many tears trickle down your cheeks while the preacher is exhorting the congre gation to repent, if you don't pay your honest debts, you don't amount to any more in the mat ter of citizenship in your commun ity than a fly-speck on the church steeple." But here’s how it appeared in the papers: “Nor does tt matter how many years trick!* down your chicks while the preacher is ex hausting the congregation to re pent, if you don't pay your honest debts shrdlu etaoinin when you can shrdlu, you ain't no more entitled to the citizenship of your company then a speck on the church.” The fellow that doesn't have to pay the electric light, bills is not generally interested ui turning off the switch. And where it takes S gallon* of hot water to suffice for a bath for the landlord, the cake-eater that is boarding with him requires at least 35 gallons (if the tub will hold that much) to un-besmirch himself. Cotton Letter. New York, June 28.—Spots were easier after the weather report came out this morning, but fu tures rallied in sympathy with the government's forecast of in tense weevil Infestation in the In terior which will possibly keep some of the farmers off their pos terior if they can buy any poise;! mediocre in Texas and Alabama, but no complaints have been reg istered in the delta region, ns Mr. Hoover has promised to han dle the troubles of Miss Siss Sip pi. The bears believe that July is now a good straddle, but the bulls anticipate quite a spread between the nearby and far-off months, and are fixing to hedge. The discount rate ha3 not chang ed since last night, therefore—wc expect more breaks, so hold if you can. The only thing wrong with ihe Dawes plan is—it won't wo;-':. The war has been over about 11 years, and Germany is still dic tating to the Allies, and if France and Russia have ever paid anv thlng on their obligations, wed like to know the name of the grafter that receipted for it. I have often wondered whether the modem mustache which looks very much like a pigs track was designed for beauty and attrac tivlty, or was the first one just left there because the guy broke his razor before he got through shaving. No. I Township News Of The Current Week rreaehlng At Camp Creek Church Next Sunday. Attend High Shoal Singing. (Special to The sftar.l There will be preaching at Camp Creek next Saturday at 2 p. m. and Sunday at 11 a. m. by the pas tor, the Rev. D. C. Wesson of Tol uca. Misses Eloise Hamrick and Exie Humphries spent the week-end with Miss Lucille Buchanan of Boilin'; Springs. Miss Clara May Ruppe of La \onia spent last Sunday with MtS3 Edlsto Bailey. Born last week to Mr. and Mis. Oscar Mintz, a daintv daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bridges and son spent the week-end in New berry, S. C. with Mr. Bridges' fath er. Mr. and Mrs. Dorrie Martin and son, Paul, of Shelby, were visitors at Mr. John Martins during the week-end. Mr. Horace Hamrick spent the week-end at Mr. Tom Price of Cliff side. Messrs. Quay Byars and Kinj Davis of Cliffside spent the week end at Mr. Willie Byars. Miss Lowell Ellis of Lavonla spent Sunday with Misses OretU and Eula Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey and children spent Sunday at Mr. Rec* Bailey. Rev. Pelmet of Clifton preached at Camp Creek last Sunday. Mr. Bate Blanton had a wreck last Sunday near Spartanburg. Hi* family and Mrs. Sum Bridges were with him. Mrs. Bridges was injured to some extent but no one was ser iously hurt. Mr. Blanton s car was badly damaged. They were en route home from Greenville. 5. c. after visiting Mrs. Bridges brother, Mr. Coleman Humphries. Mr. Amos Branch was taken to the hospital at Gaffney, S. C., last Monday as a result of an automo bile wTeck with Mr. Wilkie Hum phries of Grassy Pond. Mr. Branch was not seriously hurt. Both cars were badly damaged. Mr. Guy Humphries and family visited Mr. Broker Self last Sunday A number of people of this com munity attended the singing a. i High Shoals last Sunday night. Saturday Bargains AT THE PARAGON TRULY BIG VALUES ARE THESE ITEMS QUOTED IN THIS AD FOR SAT URDAY’S SELLING. A VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL BE PROOF ENOUGH. Men's Linen And Mohair Suits CLOSING ’EM OUT FELLOWS Your unrestricted choice of any Linen, Mohair or Tropical suit in stock now at 1-3 less than regular price. It starts Saturday—a Clear away of all summer suits. With warm days just beginning it’s a lucky buy for you if you are able to get fitted. $10.00 . . . SUITS NOW . $6.67 $11.50 .. SUITS NOW .$7.67 $15.00.SUITS NOW.. $10.00 (Small Charge for Alterations.) EXTRA! For Saturday MEN'S $1.50 BROAD CLOTH SHIRTS $1.00 White and Colors. PRICES REDUCED On All STRAW HATS FOR SATURDAY Our first mark down takes place Saturday on the entire stock of high grade straws. The reduction is ^ worthy of your visit to our hat de | partment. SPECIAL SATURDAY SALE OF ILL BLONDE FOOTWEAR It’* rather early to cut prices on this season’* high grade footwear but frankly we have entirely too many blondes and it is not our intention to carry over a sin gle pair. They are good shoes too-our best—Every pair goes on special sale Saturday morning. $10.00.. BLONDES $8.75 . BLONDES ..!... . .. $7.85 .... $5.85 $6.50 BLONDES .... $4.95 $5.00 . . BLONDES .... $3.95 BARGAIN TABLE FOOTWEAR 49c to $1.95 SYou can always pick up a bargain n footwear from our bargain counters. Silk Dresses SPECIALLY PRICED $5.00 TO $10.00 FOR SATURDAY’S SELLING Frankly business has not been “so hot’' this week ant we have only Saturday left to bring up our quota in our Ready-To-Wear Department. We have grouped a large assortment of Prints, Geor gettes, Crepes, in long and short sleeves and offering them at very attractive prices for Saturday. The Paragon Dept. Store OFFERING BIG VALUES FOR SATURDAY SHOPPERS

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