DON’T MISS TODAY’S NEWS REEL, FEATURING GOVERNOR AND MRS. O. MAX GARDNER WEBB THEATRE Today & Saturday BLOT UP ALL YOUR TROUBLES— SEE BUSTER KEATON IN “SPITE MARRIAGE” WITH SOUND Bouquets and brick-bats! The wildest, funniest honeymoon the screen has ever shown! You won’t know whether to laugh or gasp—and you’ll end by doing both to gether! Brand new gags, gurgles and gig gles! The Laugh-Buster at his best! Also Two Vitaphone Acts, Comedy and Fables. Don’t miss this big special. — COMING MONDAY — “CHILDREN OF THE RrTZ” Shows: 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 - 9:00. Admission: Children ..15c Adults .. 40c Webb Theatre THE HOUSE OF REEL HITS. SUMMER APPAREL Our Men’*, Womens’ and Children’* Ready-to-Wear Department* are crowd ed with new summer apparel of every de scription. Women’* and Misses’ Hats and Dresses for every occasion and undergar ments of every description. Men’s and Boys’ Suits, Straw Hats, Caps, Shirts and Ties, Bathing Suits and Footwear for the entire family. We invite you to visit our stores and see for yourself the wonderful values we are offering. We are always pleased to show you without obligating yourself to buy. T Campbell Dept. Stores SHELBY and LAWNDALE. LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Putnam I and family and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Spake and family spent Sunday: afternoon at Lake Lure and Chim ney Rock Prof, and Mrs. M. G. Latham of j Patterson Springs are on a motor trip, visiting the historic spots in and around Charleston, S C. Hon. and Mrs. Spurgeon Sperl ing of Lenoir attended the Spoil ing wedding Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs Ab Eskridge and daughter, Mls> Linda Lee will leave Saturday for their home in LaFav ette, Ind., after a two weeks visit to their parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C Eskridge Mr* Russell Poole of Union, S. C. arrived yesterday to visit her cous in, Mrs, Will Lineberger. Miss Margaret Hamrick of Grover is attending the summer school at Mars Hill college. Miss Helen Campbell of Colum bus, Ga. and Miss Corinne Parker of McCrca, Ga., arrived last night for a visit to Miss Kaihcrin Dover. Mr. Joe Suttle and daughter, M’ss Mary Suttle motored to Atlan'a, yesterday for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bailey. Marvin Hamrick of Grover, was a Shelby visitor yesterday. Some Shelby people who attend ed the funeral of Miss Frances Mc Arthur in Gaffney Wednesday aft ernoon, Mr, and Mrs. Cepli Blan ton, Misses Margaret Blanton, Myr tle Harris, Agnes McBrayer, Kath leen Nolan, Mesdames Hugh Plas ter, R. M. Laughridge, Rush Thomp son, A1 Bennett Shem Blackley, W. H. Blanton, Beuna Bostic, Frank Hoyle, Bush Eskridge, Bob Hord, Forest Brackett, Forest Hamrick. Dr. Tom Mitchell, Clyde Nolan and a number of the children who were in her grade at school. Mrs. Jack Dover and children returned Wednesday from a weed’s visit to Mrs. Robert Larey of Mon roe. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hinton of Cor pus. Texas, and Mrs. LeMoyne Cat field of Montgomery, Ala,, stopped over Wednesday for several days visiting their sister. Mrs. Jesse Washburn at her home on Cleveland Springs road. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gee and fam ily left today for Keysville. Va . to visit Mr. Gee's parents, Mr. ond Mrs. E. N. Gee. They will also visit at Virginia Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Beam are on a trip this week to Oklahoma :o visit relatives. They will return in a week. Mrs. J. D. Lineberger visited in Asheville this week where her hus band is having a S. & W. cafeteria building erected. Mrs. Thomas Allen of Charlo'te spending today with Mrs. W. C. Lutz in celebration of both their birh day anniversaries which came to day. Mrs. Hugh Walker who has been spending some time with relatives here left this week for Mt. Clemens, Mich., to join her husband who has charge of the broadcasting station WGHP. Mr. J. Q. Boyer, eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Boyer, returned this week to his home in Texas, after a ten days visit to his parents, rela tives in Charlotte and Wilmington. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson will return today after a ten days visit. Mrs. Wilson hating visited Miss Margarite Leverett at Sanford snd Dr. Wilson attending a school of optometry in Philadelphia. Mrs. Hugh Graves Boyer and son Billy, of Charlotte will arrive today for a few days visit to Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Boyer. They will be joined here by Mr. Hugh Boyer tomorrow for the week-end. Mrs. Sam Johnston of Rock Hl l and brother, Mr. Givens Mitchel and daughters, Misses Glenn and Martha Mitchell, of Corsicana, Texas, visited Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mitchell Monday of this week. Miss Ora Upshaw, of Covington, Ga., came up for the funeral of Miss Prances McArthur in Gaff ney Wednesday and also spent a few days with friends here. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morrison at their home on a La Fayette street this morning. an eight pound son. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webb and son Bill are on a trip to Atlantic City, N. J. Misses Vernie and Gillette Morri son, Aileen and Abbie Ray Jones are spending a few days with friends in the Mount Sinai section. Mr. George Dover mid family! spent Wednesday at Blowing Rock ! and other points in the mountain? j Mrs. Mollie Homesley who is well ! known in Shelby as a sprttely and gifted pianist despite her advanced; years, is visiting friends hereabouts for a few days Troy and Mildred McKinney and ! Lillian Crow returned today from! Raleigh where they attended the; B. Y. P. U. convention. Mrs. Pat tic Blanton and Miss Maud Hightower arc spending sour | time at Chick Springs, S C. Mr. nnd Mrs Wiseman Kendall | and Mr. Henry Kendall will arrive! Saturday to attend the Thomas-; Kendall wedding Tuesday evening at Ridgeway, S. C. Mrs Anderson Hord. of Lawndale, j had new corn from her garden for j dinner on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Shull, of Passaic, N. J. are here spending their honeymoon visiting his fath er Mr. C. H. Shull on N, LaFayePe street. Mr. Shull was married cn June 12 to Miss Marion Stonebrnk, a pretty young lady, of Hawthorne, N. J. Little Vernon Frances, child of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Francis of the Cleveland Cloth mill who recently underwent an operation for tonsil removal, is getting along nicely. Misses Margaret and Mildred Jordan, of Hartsville, S. C. are here visiting their sister, Mrs. Jesse Washburn. Mr. Ralph Hoey left today for Blowing Rock, where he will spend a few weeks at the mountain re sort there. Mr and Mrs. Joe Nash returned Monday from a weeks vacation and visit to relatives over the state. Mr. and Mrs. John Pender, jr. of Charlotte, spent Tuesday with Judge and Mrs. E. V. Webb. Miss Mildred Thompson of Char lotte visited in the city the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Stephenson at- 1 tended the druggists convention ir Asheville this week. Mrs. Ralph Royster and son left Wednesday for Greenwood. S. C for a visit to her parents there. Dr. J S. Dorton. Louie Lattimore and Durham Moore were in Rale1 n this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts Sams of Kinston are viaiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nash at their home in Cleveland Springs Estates. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Jones and children returned Saturday front a weeks visit to relatives at Lynch burg, Va. Mrs. Chas. Hoey is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoey, jr. at Canton. Dr. L. V. Lee of Lattimore under went an operation yesterday at the Rutherford hospital foi tensilitis. Mr. and Mrs. George Blanton and Miss Mlllicent Blanton returned yesterday from Northampton. Muss, where they attended the graduation of Miss Caroline Blanton at Smith college. Miss Millicent also has re turned from several months stay in New York city where she completed a course in interior decorating. Mesdames B. B. Morgan and R. S. Lipscomb of Gaffney attended the party given by Mrs. F. R. Morgan yesterday. Dr. H. K. Boyer left this morn ing for Wilmington, where he s'ill perform the wedding ceremony of his grandson, Dr. George Boyer Clendenin to Miss Marie Morrhon, of Wilmington, tomorrow at high noon. Miss Sara McNeelv of Charlotte is visiting Misses Elizabeth and Augusta Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. R S. Mathews of Chapel Hill arc spending this work with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hoyle Lloyd Lutz and J9I111 Lineher rel ief t this morning for a weefc-c id visit in Rocky Mount, going espec ially for the June German there to night Misses Myrtle and Margaret Bar ron, of York, S. C. are visiting friends in the city tills week. College girls and state societies organize red head clubs, but so far no one has Ventured a sliiny nose club. WANTED TO GET INTO TOUCH with someone with bass Violin or cello. R. J. Hamrick, phone 117 Ai SicJ “THE PERFECT CRIME” ALSO TWO HEEL ALL-TALK IK COMEDY TODAY SATURDAY non steki.e in “LAUGHING AT DEATH” WITH TWO-REEL ALL-TALKIE COMEDY. Clive Brook, Irene Rich. Edmund Breese and Tully Mar shall star in “The Perfect Crime.” A stirring melodrama of love and mysler>. Princess Theatre Home of the Best in Sound and Talking Pictures, and the Coolest Place in Shelby. You Are Invited To Hear DR. CHAS. E. a BREWER President Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C. High School Auditorium Shelby Monday Night, June 24th, 8 O’Clock Subject “The Junior Order and Citizen* ship.” Music by Good String Band Double Quartette. PUBLIC INVITED. MEN’S SHIRT SPECIALS These shirts are made of fine grade broadcloth. Plain white and fancy pat terns. Cut full size, and seven button front. All guaranteed fast colors: SPECIAL $1.50 01 3 rw $4.00 Interwoven Sox Big stock just received. Plain and fan cy patterns— 35c to $1.00 Blanton - Wright Clothing Company SHELBY’S BEST MEN’S STORE. FOR GREATER RESULTS LN SELLING—TRY STAR ADV. YOU’RE GETTING THRIFTY WHEN YOU KNOW YOUR MONEY BY THE CENT. Save and Grow With Us On the strength of the friendly* helpful and personal interest that we feel for each of our customers* you will be benefited by a BANKING CON NECTION WITH US. First National Bank SHELBY, N. C. RESOURCES OVER FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. USED CAR BARGAINS AT LITTON’S BRAND NEW ’29 MODEL NASH COACH AT BIG REDUCTION ] 1 1— ’28 VICTORY COUPE | 1 — ’28 CHEVROLET COACH | EE ’28 FORD TUDOR SEDAN ] 1 — ’29 TON AND A QUARTER GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCK. (Run less than 2,000 miles.) 1 — ’28 TON AND A HALF GRA HAM BROTHERS TRUCK. GOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION. NEW TIRES. | AND OTHER BARGAINS. | Buy a good USED CAR, and enjoy the summer. A good used car, such ns we sell, has worlds of service for the second o wner. LITTON MOTOR CO.