Cleveland Cloth Mill News Of Personal Items (Special to The Star.) It seems that the Hoppers' coun try home near Boiling Springs was the center of attraction for quite a number of people during the week end. Mrs. Nealy Addy and Miss Eva Mae Hopper spent the week end there—it being the letters home while Mr. and Mrs. Orady Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Summic Hendricks spent Saturday af'er noon. There Is a delightful place for swimming and boat riding end ether friends of the Hoppers were there besides those of our own vil lage mentioned. The old home was of special interest to Mrs. Addy since it was there that her mother died and where she had spent man/ a happy hour during her childhood. She had not been back since hei mother’s death sixteen years ago. Messrs. J. C. Wilson. R. A. Wil aon. O. E. Cobb and Dave Taylor carried Mr. Wilson's Sunday school class composed of twenty-two young boys to Blowing Rock on a picnic. They all reported a delightful time. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Henderson •pent the week-end wtth Mrs. Hen derson’s parents at Chimney Rock Miss Getaner Gladden spent last week with relatives at Boiling •Springs. Misses Bessie Dillingham and Nelli# Lavendar of Rock Hill spent the week-end with Miss Maggie Gladden. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dockery spent the week-end at Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gladden and family were visitors at Newton lor a little while Sunday. Mrs. Hester McSwain and daugh ter were visitors of the former's sis ter at Statesville Sunday. Mrs. Grace Arras and little daugh ter called on Mrs. Mattie Rlppy for a little while Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Wilson mo tored to Chesnee Sunday and were visitors of Mr. Tom Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morgan and family spent the day with friends at Newton Sunday. Mias Kate Allen of Bolling Springs was the week-end guest of Miss Christens Panther. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richard and Mrs. Richard's mother were the week-end guests of Mrs. Bob Wil son. They attended an loe-craam supper at the home of Mrs. Wilson's sister at Btice Shoals Saturday night. Mrs. Richard’s mother is spending this week here. Two of Mr. J. A. Montelth's brothers, both of Charlotte spent the week-end with him. Mr. Darrell Hood, a mechanic of our machine shop had two of his fingers, seriously hurt in some ma chinery Monday Afternoon. We hope they will soon be better and that he will be able to resume his work before long. Mrs. Lqna Bright’s son who nas been a patient of a hospital in Co lumbia, & C„ has been transfered to the Aberdeen Sanitarium. At this writing Be has not shown any im provement but we are all hoping how soon he will. Mias Mattie Mae Hopper with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Walker and family motored to Spartanburg Sunday _______________________ afternoon and called on Mr. Walk er's mother for a little while an/1 returned by way of Chesnee and Cllffslde, stopping for a little while at the home of Mrs. Walker’s par ents at Ftngerville. Mr. Jess Arms had a slight auto mobile accident Sunday afternoon but we are glad to report that he received no injuries and was at his work Monday morning. Mrs. Bob Cook's mother of Kings Mountain spent Sunday with her. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Oardo were the dinner guests of Mrs. Ligon of East Side. Miss Loree Walker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Teele. Mrs. Terle was sick for a few days last week but is much better now. Mr. and Mrs. Beattie spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Mon tleth. Mrs. Fred B. Blanton’s brother Of Marlon spent Sunday with her. Messrs. John and Charlie Lee and Misses Fronnie and Evelyn Jett of Pacolett, S. C„ spent Sunday with the latters’ aunt Mrs. W. J. Little john. Miss Mary Jones and nurse mate of Rock Hill hospital spent Sunday with the former’s mother. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. W. W. West and Harry Walker motored them back through the country. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sides and chil dren spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Side's uncle Mr. D. F. Ham mett of Gastonia. Mrs. W. J. Hoy spent Sunday afternoon in Rutherfordton visiting her son-in-law who Is In the hos pital there. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hoy and little five months old daughter Betty mo tored to Cherryvllle for a little while Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Braggs have been called away on account of the death of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ensley and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ross and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Craig and little daughter and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ensley were campers over the week-end at Chimney Rock. They reported such a nice time they almost make us wish we had gone. Mrs. Beddingfield who was mar ried last Saturday was given a linen shower by the younger set on Fri day night. For some unknown reason the dance that was to be given at the hotel was postponed. As soon as a date is decided upon It will be an nounced In this oolumn. A party of young girls and boys chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Rone Christopher enjoyed a nice swim in Plneview Lake late Saturday eve ning. - HARKINS REFUSES WILLEHRANDT JOB Asheville.—Thomas J. Harkins, V. S. district attorney for the western district of North Carolina, has de clined to accept appointment as special assistant to the United State* attorney-general, it was learned. The appointment as suc cessor to Mrs. Mable Willebrandt, was offered him several weeks ago. Poplar Springs Community News (Special to The star.) Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Blanton and children were the dinner guests or Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Patrick Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stamey and little daughter, of Polkville, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elliott during the week-end. Miss Selma Lemmons spent Sun day with Miss Lillie Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wilson and little daughter and Master Everettc visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dover Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hamrick and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Haw kins and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Debrew and family and Mr. George Rhoues attended a birthday dinner at Mr. Bill Hawkins near Gllkey Sunday. Mr. J. T. Martin was the dinner guest of Mr. Dewey Rhodes Sunday. Miss Lorene Morehead of Earl was a visitor in the community Sunday. Misses Martha Hamrick, Katie Jones. Mary Sue Holland and Mol lie Wallace were the dinner guests of Misses Janie and Mozell Wilson Sunday. Messrs. Carl and Floyd Dover of the Dover mill visited their par ents Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dover during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Allen and fam ily of the £oar community vished their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rhodes Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dover vis ited his sister at Kings Mountain Saturday night. Miss Ella Propst and Mrs. Jans Turner vis ted Mrs. Eure Smith Thursday afternoon. Mr. Lawrence Morehead had the misfortune of getting mule kicked last week. Mr. Virgil Brooks visited Mr. George Rhodes Sunday night. Masters Jane and Hugh Smith visited Master Hugh Dover Sunday afternoon. Miss Gladys Lemmons spent Sun day with Miss Pearl Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Plato Bridges and children vjsited Mr. and Mrs. Sid Jones Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Spangler and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wilson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Patrick visit ed Mrs. B. C. Queens Sunday night. The W. M. U. of the church gave an interesting program just after Sunday school Sunday. Why Re-Apportionment? (Prom The Newberry Observer.) Why all this spasm over re-appor tioning the house of representatives, and arguments as to the fine points of this or that mathematical for mula for attaining the most exact relative assignment of odd frac tions of population? After it is over the senate will continue to sit su preme, as it sat before, with its equal rrpresentatitno for eighty or ninety thousand people in a west ern semi-desert and for the eight or ten million people from states crowded with every aspect of civil ization. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR OUR OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT ' ' i Crawford Chevrolet Co. SHELBY N. C. Dry Agent Exonerate* mSUSit»> Jonah Cox, above, border pa trol agent, was absolved from blame in connection with the shooting of Archibald Euster, aged 21, at Detroit, Mich., by investigators when one of Euster’s companions, Frank Cooper, admitted that he, Euster and others were run ning liquor across the border into the United States. Clntamationai Nawareal) BRYAN'S DAUGHTER MAKING GOOD AS CONGRESSWOMAN In Office Only Three Months, Mrs. Ruth Owen Is Doing Good Job Of It. ___ Washington.—Between her fifth and her ninth year, little Ruth Bryan used to come onto the floor of the House with her famous father. There are congressmen and capltol employes who remember it. Just the other day, eight-year-rid Helen Rudd Owen, the granddaugh ter of William Jennings Bryan and daughter of Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, made her own first visit to the floor beside her mother who is now for , mally referred to by other members as “the gentlewoman from Flor ida." Bryan stepped’ from the floor of the house into the Democratic nom ination for the presidency in 1896. When he came to conress from Neb-, raslca no one expected that he was going to do that?, But Mrs. Owen has only been IWre three months and there are a great many per sons, especially in Florida where it counts, who expect that she will at least some day step from the house to the senate. Making Good Record. Mrs. Owen is ‘ giving a perfectly swell demonstration of how to be a good congressman. Instead of mak ing the mistake of plunging into na tional issues and grabbing limelight, she has been plugging away to get everything the constituents in he: district, which covers Miami and the rest of the Florida east coast, wane and ought to have. She introduced two innovations, to wit: . 1. She maintains an office at Vero Beach, midway between the district’s north and south extremi ties, where Walter Buckingham serves as resident secretary and liaison officer between Mrs. Owen and the constituents. When con stituents want to talk things over and can t get to Washington they go to Walter. 2. She is about tc keep her campaign promise to make reports in each' county of her stewardship. Its going to warm this sum mer, but Mrs. Owen plans nearly a hundred speeches in fulfillment of the promise. She can talk lengthily, one tinds, of what she already has been able to do for Florida's agri sultural interests Within three weeks after the Mediterranean fruit fly was dis Bovered back heme. Mrs. Owen ind Congressman Drane had tar ranged for an appropriation of >4,500,000 to fight it. Aided Florida Farmers. Farmers stricken in the Flor da storm area, facing seed and fertilizer costs of $25 and more ler acre, were only to be loaned ip to $3 an acre from govern nent funds until Mrs. Owen got >usy. Now they're going td£ get 125 an acre. Until now there hasn’t been any cal census showing Florida’s ac ual productivity, because agri cultural census forms have ap plied to temperate zone products md not sub-tropical products. 8ut Mrs. Owen has helped that, oo. There will be separate forms if ter this. At the next session Mrs. Owen :as a campaign mapped out for flood control around Lake Okee chobee. where storms have caused tremendous life and property Jamage. The water in this hv%t Anti-Smiths Picks Man For Governor Convention Stirred To Rousing Pitch Of Enthusiasm. Hoover Commended. Roanoke, Va.—Dr. William Mose ley Brown, 35-year-old Washington and Lee university professor, was selected by Virginia anti-Smith Democrats to lead them in their ef fort to wrest control of state offices from the Democratic party and re pudiate Democratic leaders who supported Alfred E. Smith for the presidency. Nominated for governor by ac clamation at the close of the anti Smith convention, Dr. Brown came through the crowded auditorium to the platform and in a short address pledged himself to a vigorous cam paign under the anti-Smith banner. “I have never been one of those who feared to champion a righteous cause, whatever the consequences to my personal fortunes or future career,” Dr. Brown said. “For right is bound to triumph and those who are condemned as ignominious and fanatical disturb ers of the established order of things will tomorrow, I believe, be hailed as the pioneers of a new era in the history of humanity.” Capt. C. C. Burkeley, of,Newport News, was named anti-Smith nomi nee for attorney general. No one was nominated for the third state office to be filled, that of lieutenant governor, but the anti-Smith execu tive committee of 10 was authorized by resolution to select a candidate later if deemed advisable. After a day in which Democratic leaders, both state and national, were denounced by word of mouth and in the platform, the conven tion, on motion of J. F. Byers, of Alexandria, provided for the ap pointment of a committee with headquarters in Washington to co operate with anti-Smith groups in other states seeking the furtherance of the principles of the anti-Smith Democrats. The platform itself demanded the resignation of John J. Raskoo. chairman of the Democratic na tional committee, denounced the state Democratic leadership as a "most dangerous depotism; advocat ed repeal of the “short ballot" amendments to the state constitu tion, sponsored by the Byrd admin istration and called for a sweeping revision of the state’s taxation pol icy to bring about reduction long many lines. CHECK PUT IN BOX FOILS PLAN OF ROBBER Atlanta.—Postoffice records here show how to fool the holdup man. “It was late,” said the worker whose faith in Uncle Sam saved him a week’s wages. “T was walking towards home down a quiet street. I saw a man approaching down the other side of the street. He crossed to meet me and I knew something was up. My weekly pay envelope and my expensive watch were in my pockets. “As we came closer together I glimpsed a mail box out of the tall of my eye. It looked good to me, so I snatched pay envelope and watch out of my pocket and dropped them in the box. He thought I was mail ing a letter, and went away curs ing his luck after the stick up.” Congratulations were in order at the postofftce when Postmatesr Ed mund K. Large turned the property over to its owner. Dry New York? New York.—Rev. Dr. Christian F. Reisner, Methodist, believes New York is one of the "cleanest, fines; and dryest cities in America and a million times better than before pro hibition.” lake has been kept at a high level by tributary streams and. says Mrs. Owen, something must be done. Your correspondent asked Mrs. Owen whether anything in partic ular had occurred to her about congress in the last three months. "Sometimes during the cam paign,” she answered, "people wondered whether a woman might not strike difficulties here. They had the idea that an atmosphere existed in congressional committees which might cause a woman not to want to appear before them; that committees, in fact, were accustom ed to drinking, smoking and play ing cards. Very Well-Behaved. "But as far as dignity and con duct are concerned, one can com pare congressional committees with the Christian Endeavor or the su preme court. I have spoken before several committees and I have yet to find anything in Washington which tends to handicap a woman member of Congress.” So much has been written about the personality of the gentlewom an from Florida that further re marks are unnecessary. She lias more or that than she will ever need. She lives in an apartment at the Methodist Building with little Helen Rudd, which is about as near as any member can get to his cr her office. Her spexe time, suen as it is, has been devoted to com pletion of a school textbook on pub lic speaking. She taught that subject with great success at the University of Miami and her theory is that most textbooks lay too m\jch stress t* the thorax and ,the diaphragm and not enough on things more imporc Wtj •-'* ■*" Here9s all you need, to nay want to see and hear this new set at home ELECTRO* DYNAMIC mf course! Atmigr ki;\T Screen-Grid RADIO Phone fbr a fWr demonstration f Tp1 you can't come today, phone ns. and well bring A the new Atwater Kent Screen-Gnd »et to yoS home for you to judge. We want you to see and hear this new marvd df radio. We want you to try the needle-point saectfo ity, the wide range that makes it easy to get far-away stations. We want you to listen to tone without i noises—true to every note—at any vol living music. We want you to look inside—to see what a Ana mechanical job it Is, and how well every part is made and shielded. , Thrill to the new Atwater Kent Screen-Grid magic. Come in—or go to the phone and call us—NOWI $175.00 In cabinet with Atwater Kent Electro-Dynamic Speaker MODEL RECEIVER Thu is the table set, Model 58. lies tubes, $88. , Model F-4 Electro-Dynamic tab!* U eadqnarterti speaker, $S4. SHELBY HARDWARE CO. PHONE 330. “WE SERVE TO SATISFY.” MACARONI SPAGHETTI NOODLES ft ^R. PACKAGES L Full lb! Fostiodsties or j&uo2«'s CORN FLAKES <** WMW^fe.lSt P Q%7~25* LAVA5S4H94 orSfifRisfo* FLOUR .1M* ■ 4&ML73 RfidCfrcJc ^ Cofiee Hb 41^ Nectar Tea, J/4 Bound feckdge 1 Whole Millc Cheese OUR MEAT MARKET SPECIALS Loin Steaks from choice 4 western steers, pound _ _ TfO C PORK CHOPS. Nice and lean, lb. _. 25c Kingan’s Sliced Break fast Bacon, lb._ 32c COUNTRY HAMS. WHOLE OR SLICED. «^T Atlantic & Pach fic m Star Job Printing At Cost