WEST SHELBY Methodist Protestant Ministers To Meet. Two Births. Personal Mention. (Special to The Star.-' The ministers of the 9th district of the M. P. conference will meet at the M. F. church on Blanton St., Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Monday evening at 7:*5 Rev. N. O. Bethea of Lexington who has recently made a tour of the Holy Land will give a lecture on the holy land. A treat ts in store for those who hear him. Sunday evening at 7:45 Rev. C. E. Ridge of Cleveland charge will preach .Every one is welcome. Mrs. J. V. McKinney and children of Hickory spent last week with her parehts. Mr. and Mrs. M. Taub. Mrs. M. Franklin has returned from a visit to her daughter at East side. Mr. Amos Hasting of Newton spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. A. c. Canipc. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lipscomb and children spent Sunday in Galfney. Miss OzelJ Bradley of Lattimore cent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bradley. Little Miss Rut.i Canipe is spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Crawford of Forest City. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Glenn and i nilriren and Miss Mildred Ramsey \ .sitod Mrs. S. L. Gantt of Belwood Sunday afternoon. Mesdames B. F. Spake and .1. Mc Crary and Mira Maude Canipe spent Sunday with Mrs. W. T. Arledgc ot Gastonia. Miss Jennie Mae Callahan is at tending summer school at Cullowhee state normal. Misses Mildred Ramsey and Es her Berm visited Miss Evlyn Mos ellcr of Lincolnton Thursday. Little Miss Iris Buchanan of Eaof ■ide is spending a few- days with little Miss Mary Glenn. Mrs. W. T. Arledge of Gastonia spent Wednesday with her parent . Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Spake en Blan ton street. Mrs, Ben Gantt rnd children ot Behvood are spending a few dijs with her son, Mr. John Gantt .u: Gardner street. • Little Miss Jean Ellis spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Bradley. Mrs. W. McC. Newton and child ren and Miss Ethel McMurry of Spartanburg. S. C.. visited Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cenipe Friday. Mrs. Lee Devinney and children, who have been visiting relatives near Casar returned home Satur day. Little Miss Mildred Cook is spend ins some time with her grand par ents near Granite Falls. Mrs. Mary Houser is spending a fews days with her daughter, Mrs i Atwood McDaniel cf Kings Moun tain. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Buchanan and Mrs. L. N., Buchanan and children of Eastside visited Mr and Mrs. Everett Lee Saturday evening. Born on Sunday. June 16. to Mr. and Mrs. John Gantt, on Gardner street, an eight pound boy. Motuer and babe are doing fine. Born Friday. June 14, to Mr. and Mrs. John Canipe on Blanton street a dainty baby girl. Mother and babv are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Silver moved into their new home on Clegg street Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Crawford and little daughter, Fiances, of Forest City, were callers in West Shelby Monday. Little Miss Bonnie Lou Smith spent last week with relatives at Fallston. Mrs. M. Walker Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Hicks oi South Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bradley and Mildred Canipe spent 8unday even ing with Mr. John Pruett of Union community. LATTIMORE BATCH COMMUNITY NEWS (Special to The Star.) Lattimore, June 20—We were glad to have Miss Mamie Haggart and several of the children from South Mountain with us in Sunday school last Sunday. Miss Haggart gave a splendid talk cn "Faith and Prayer.” The children then gave a short program which was greatly enjoyed. Mr, T. C. Siockton and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. U Rollins of Mooresboro Sunday. Mrs. Abram Daves of Film boro Is spending this week with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ramsey. Quite a number ol people from here attended the Sperling-Lee wedding Wednesday afternoon. Miss Iris Hollins of Mooresboro was the W eek end guest of Miss Margaret Stockton. Miss Vertie Eridgos and Nora Walker left last week for Asheville where they will attend summer school at the normal. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moorehead, Mrs. Lawton Blanton rnd children h spent Tuesday afternoon witb Mr. DOVER AND ORA NEWS OF WEEK Brfsrball Tram Wins Orrr Cleveland Cloth Mill. Mr. Dover Speaks On Fathers’ Day. iSpecial to The Star.' The Ora and Dover ball team won over Cleveland Cloth team by 7 and 6. Both teams played an excellent came, but our team scored most in the last innings. Ths home team plays Ella Mill team Saturday. Everybody come. At the Dover Baptist church cn last Sunday Fathers Day was ob served. The program was rendeicd very beautifuly and was enjoyed by all. The program follows: Opening song, America, congregation: wel come. Nathan Hardin: song,, “Prod igal Son," choir; recitation, 'Chums’ Clyde Chapman; quartet. 'Faith of Our Fathers,” Dover male quartet; offering, announcements by pastor; song, “Living For Jesus,” choir; re citation. “Daddy”, Nellie Webb; duet. "Don't. You Love Your Daddy Too,' Estelle Connor. Mrs. E. T. Bailey: address. J. R. Dover. The address by Mr. J. R. Dover was thoroughly enjoyed as his speaking is always looked forward to with great pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson visited his mother near Gaffney Sunday. Mr. Pat McBrayer. Mrs. J. R. Dover. Miss Katherine Dover and Mr. Charles Dover, Mr. and M:s. Glenn Blanton were Sunday visitors at our church. Mr. and Miw. W. H. Skinner ar.d children, Yates, Frank and Earl, and Mr. Julius Bracket of Boiling; Springs were guests of Mr. and Mrs. j E. T. Bailey Sunday. Despite the rain Saturday night the ice cream and box supper v. as j a success. Miss Vivian Buice re-; ceived the cake for being the pret-j ticst girl. The profits go for the ball \ club. Mr. J. C. McCraw and Miss Alice Jones motored to Gaffney Sunday j and were married. The honeymoon I is being spent in Asheville this i week. Their many friends wish them j happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lynn and! children visited her father. Mi.; Huffstetler of Kings Mountain over ■ the week-end. Miss Inez Grigg of Lawndale is spending some time with her cou-; sins Misses Faye and Polly Pril- j chard. Miss Kathryn Buice is visiting her aunt in Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Southard ar.d children motored to Cramerton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dagin Putnam and children and Mr. Floyd Dover were visitors In Greer. 3. C. Sunday Mrs. Putnam and children remain ed for a two weeks visit with rela tives. Mrs. Ivey of Woodruff, S. C. who , has been here with her son Mr. Horace Tuly for several vVeeks re turned to her home Sunday. Misses Viola and Lois Moss were week-end visitors with relatives and friends at Greer, S. C. Mr. Bob Padgett and sister, Ida of Bostic, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raynion Johnson Sunday. Miss Conic Lemons entertained a number of her friends Saturday night with a party. Those present reported a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Whitener and children visited relatives near Lawndale Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Waldrop ar.d children motored to Hendersonville and Asheville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wright ar.d children and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Chapman motored to Concord Sun day. Litle Missc, Emily and Hargie Buice returned Sunday from a week's visit from their aunt in Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Canipe and son, Blane. visited relatives at Lawndale Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Morrow who lias been very sick is able to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pritchard had as their Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Devinney. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Devinney and lti and Mrs. C. I. Putnam of Boiling Springs. Miss Janie Baldwin of Elkton was the guest of Mrs. Lillie B. Wil son during the Postal convention at Shelby. Miss Baldwin is Postmistress at Elkton in eastern Carolina while Mrs. Wilson is the efficient post mistress of Lattimore. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Harris of the j Trinity community were guests ol j Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Greene Sunday. Misses Alice and Clara Poteet have returned home from Greens boro where they have been visiting relatives for two weeks. They were acccmprnied home by Missc Adele and Mildred Lippcr who will visit here for some time. Mrs. Graham Dellinger and child ren of Shelby spent Wednesday af ternoon with Mr. end Mrs. K. It. Hewitt. Miss Minnie Bell Butler of Mor ganton is visiting Miss Grace Walk- , er. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Blanton spent Sunday with Mr. Blanton’s father, Mr. H. R Blanton of the Beaver Dam community. Mrs. M. B. Smith and Miss Mada Wilson spent Thursday with Miss Lyda Poston of the Zion commun ity. I Ellis Baby Dies, Beaver Dam News Jenkins Attends Sunday Sellout. Visitors In And Out Of That Section. (Special to 1'hc Star.) June 20.—’We were glad to have Mr. Ben Jeaikins of Sandy Plains in closing service of Sunday school last Sunday morning. Mr. Jenkins is our group superintendent. He Is planning for all Sunday school *,n groupe 1 to meet at Boiling Springs Sunday week «fifth Sunday.) We hope every one who possible can will plan to go from Beaver Dam The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ellis sympathize with them in the death of their little baby boy, Herman Clifford, iast Saturday. The baby had been .sick for some time and all that loving hands of parents and friends were done to restore it but God saw best to take it to be with Him. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. D. F. Putnam at Beaver Dam Sunday afternoon at two o'clock and the little body was laid to rest under a mound of beautiful flowers in the cemetery nearby. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis have the sym pathy of their many friends. Mrs. Fletcher McMurry spent last Saturday night with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Mc Currv in the Ora mill village. Miss Zola McCuryr was dinner guest of her cousin Miss Louise Blanton last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Larkin McSwain’s baby has been real sick for some. We hope for it a speedy recovery. Mrs. Alonzo Hamrick and daugh ter Miss Elmire of the Poplar Springs community visited Mrs Cleaton Humphries Tuesday after noon. Prof, and Mrs. O. P. Hamrick and Mrs. Hamrick's mother, Mis. Pangle, of Boiling Springs visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blanton last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Glasco and children visited Mrs. Glasco's par tie daughter, Doris, and Miss Inez Origg. The Dover male quartet, compos ed of Messrs. C. S. White. Worth Newton, Robert Mews and Bill Stockton sang at the South Shelby Methodist church Sunday right. Miss Polly Pritchard played the piano accompaniments. tents, Mr. and Mrs. E A. Street near ' Shelby Sunday afternoon. Misses Hannah and Nancy Me | Curry were guests of Misses Faye and Ola Lee Glasco last Sunday. Mr and Mrs. K W McCurry and children visited Mr. and Mrs. G. 1\ Jarrett and Mr. and Mrs. C E; Mc Curry and family in Cherryvtlle last Sunday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Newton and children of Spartanburg. S. C. vis ited Mrs. Nr’vgton’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher McMurrv last Friday. Mr. Me Murry returned home with them for a visit. Miss Frances Doggett spent las', week-end with Miss Cecelia Padgett. Misses Mary Lou and Will Ellen McCurry spent last Sunday wlln Miss Lena Bridges. Miss Nannie Jones was the week end guest of her cousins Mls.se; Louise and Thelma Blanton Miss Rosa Lee Moore visited Miss Cecelia Padgett last Sunday. Misses Buna and Beatrice Blan ton spent last week-end in Shelby with their cousins Misses Ruby anJ Made McSwain. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McCurry and children visited Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McDaniel near Kings Mountain Thursday night. Little Denis -Mc Daniel returned home with his grandparents for a visit. Mrs. J. L. Blanton and nieces Misses Mary Lou and Will Ellen McCurry accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Yates Blanton and children to their home in Carthage Thursday an.l spent Thursday night. Mr. Blanton returned home with them Friday. They made the trip by motor. Miss Lallagc Walker and Mr. Flav McSwain from near Bolling Springs visited Miss Zola McCurry last ouuuay aitmiumi Mr. and Mrs. Yates Blanton 'Uid children, Mrs. J.' h. Blanton and mother, Mrs. J. L. McCurry spent Tuesday near Kings Mountain with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Short and fam ily. Mrs. McCurry remained over with her daughter Mrs. Short for a visit of several weeks. Mrs. I Aura Price who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McCurry and other relatives accompanied Mr. and Mrs. McCurry to Cherry ville Sunday afternoon and is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McCurry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Blanton and children from 8tate*ville spent last Sunady with Mrs. Blanton's parents Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Bridges. Mr. Blanton returned home Sunday aft ernoon but Mrs. Blanton and chil TO EMPLOYERS OF LABOR The North Carolina Workman's Compensation Act goes into effect July first. If you employ five or more men you MUST carry insurance. Prepare NOW for the going into effect of this law. Let me explain its details to you. CHAS. A. HOEY / Eskridge News VOL. 1. JUNE 21, 1929 NO. 22 You can now get your New i Ford with a half year license tag, I the State has granted ten days grace as tags are not supposed to be sold until July 1st. Joe Turner says: “The stork is the funniest bird alive. It kids the world.” The Whiteway Pressing Club has added to their fleet a New Model “A” Panel Delivery. Louis Hamrick knows what kind of service the public wants. Let him dry clean and press the suits and dresses. Doctor Gold: “Brown knowi exactly when, where anti how he will die.” DeWitt Quinn: “How does he know all that?’’ Dr. Gold: "The Judge told him.’’ The Lawndale Ice Company, managed by Mr. Hal Gclienck. is now delivering their ice on a Ne v Model “AA” Truck. Hal knows his business in both ice md cot ton. Heard in the Stephenson Drug Store: "I want some pedwrr. ' Mennens?” “No. Vimens." 'Scented?” “No. I'll take it with me ' The Postmaster? Convention was a big advertisement /or Shelby, the Spanish war veterans will be with us soon. Everyone give them te glad hand and a good time. It will pay well. Real towns are not made by men afraid. Lest somebody else get ahead. If everyone works and nobody shirks, You can raise a town from the dead. Charlie Washburn of The Shel by Milk Plant has just put into service a New Model ‘A" Ford Milk delivery with a special body painted in white with Metal Floor. Both Charlie’s Milk and the Ford is Sanitary. Give Char lie a trial. You will like his milk and service. Tomorrow is too late to do your best. Mayor McMurry says: "Some fellows run for political office just to find out how' mean they have been Don't think he is in flic motor car business just because you have learned that he operates a truck farm. We have some real bar Jains in used cars and trucks. Look over our goods and get our prices. I bought my girl some garters. At Woolworth’s five and ten, Che gave them to h*r mother. That's the last I'll tee of them. Cee our Chevrolet Used Sedan if you want a real bargain. Come down to our garage and let us tell you something that you didn't know about the New Ford Cars and Trucks. CHAS. L. ESKRIDGE Icircn remained o\ er lor a week’s ; visit. Mr and Mrs.' Heywood Po en' | spent last week-end with Mrs. Po i teat's parents, Mr. arid Mrs. bob Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Gleim Blant. ti. ! Misses Elmirc Hamrick and K . \ I Hamrick of Shelby visited Mr and Mrs. G. T. Jariett in Cherryvdie last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W W. Jones of the | Poplar Springs community visited , Mrs. Zcb Blanton Sunday after noon. Lawyers Make Just 27 Runs To Capture Game From Doctors (Continued From Page One' thr first frame.'Then the barrister* i turned in right more in the second, five mpre in. the third and two in I the fourth. Again in the fourth the | doctors pushed over another. Neilh- ! er team scored in the fifth. Ttie doc- j tors mnde one in tlie sixth and the ! lawyers made five. The medico* j made two more in the seventh rr.d the lawyers were held seorele \ In the eighth and ninth the law 'r ■ scored three for each frame, end the. physicians perked up and pu. li ed over eight in each inning. Apparently every doctor and dm-! tist as well as every lawyer prop- j erly licensed took part in the gam;' I so it is impossible to give all iti ■ j ltne-up change- However, tin ’ opening line-up follows: Lawyers: M. Weathers, lb; O bis ! Mull, cf; B. E. Williams, ss; H»r- | ace Kennedy, c; A1 Bennett, p: I McBrayer. 3b: Clint Newton. ?b: Bynum Weathers, rf; Peyton Me Swain, If. Doctors: Tom Gold, ss: Austin Lackey, 3b; D. F. Moore, rf; Hugh Plaster, c; Ben Gold, lb; R C. HIrks. If; Hoyt Dixon. 2b; Sam Schenck, cf; Tommy Mitchell, p From the gate receipts after tl • expenses of the hilarious contest were pRtd the evening division cf the Woman's club received around $90 cash profits. AN' ORDINANCE TO APTIIORI/.K TIIE CltV OF SIIFI.BY, NORTH < AROIJNA, TO ISSFE $15,00(1 OF WATER St’PPEY ANI) PIS TRIBITION SYSTEM EXTEN SION BONDS. Be It Ordained By the Board Of Aldermen of the City Of Shelby, North Carolina: Section 1. That the city of Shel by. North Carolina do issue its bonds pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Finance Art to an amount not exceeding $15,000.00 for the pur pose of extension of the present water supply and distribution sys tem Seoton 2. That a tax sufficient to ] pay the principal and interest of tno bonds shall be annually levied and eollected. Section 3. That a statement of the debt, of the municipality iviis been filed with the clerk and is open to public Inspection Section 4. That this ordinance hall take <vffect thirty days afmr Its first publication, unless in the meantime a petition for its subrhis bon to tile voters is filed under ;iid| Municipal Finance Art, and that in such event it shall take elfert whm approved by the \oters of the mun ielpality at an election as provided for In said Municipal Finance Act. The forpgoing ordinance >> as j passed on the 18th day of June, 1929, and was first pub'*died on the 21st day of June, 192ft. Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of said ordin ance must be commenced wit Inn 29 days after it* first publication. 2t. F. P CULBRETH Clerk. Division No. 5 Meets With Waco Baptists Division No 5 of the Kings Moun tain W. M. U. will meet with the Waco Baptist church Sunday June 23, at 3 p tn. A program is being prepared. The following churches arc urged to attend Pleasant Drove, Waco, New Pro. Penny Column FOR SALE — 62 ACRES, located in McCormick count?, S. C., ‘5 1 -2 miles from towO* u o n d healthy community* small dwelling, small barn, 25 acres in cultivation, lac# lies well in j;ood state of cultiva tion, cnouyh cord wood on place to pay for it, rented this year for one bale of cotton. Price $.‘150.00. Guaranteed ti tle. Will pay any sane man’s expenses who looks it over and says not worth the mon ey. See Anthony & Harris or Write G. Allen Hanks, Green wood, S. C. 2t-lp pcct, North Brook. Buffalo, Wallace drove and Fall*ton. Mrs. K G. Spurling, Dlv. Sunt, r. SHELBY, N. C. CLEVELAND DRUG CO. PHONE 65 SATURDAY ONLY—FACTORY ADVERTISING , BLACK NARCISSUS PRODUCTS Present this advertisement and 08c to Cleveland Drujj Co. Saturday and receive One 1-Oz. bottle Black Narcissus Perfume, value .$3.00 One Full Size Box Black Narcissus Face Powder, value . $2.00 98c This two-piece set of famous black Narcissus Specialties for small advertising price of only 98c. Get yours now. Limit two sets t^ a cus tomer. Never before sold at this price. Don’t confuse this with previous perfume sales. Sup ply limited. Come early. Q1 Power Detection and the lVlUdCL y J. new -45 tubes plus four timed stages of radio frequency enables Majestic to produce the most powerful and selective radio set ever built. Absolutely no hum and no oscillation at any wave length. Automatic sensitivity control gives uni form sensitivity and amplification in both high and low wave lengths. Improved Majestic Super-Dynamic Speaker. Extra heavy, sturdy Majestic Power-Pack, with positive voltage-ballast, insures long life and safety. Early English design cabinet of American Walnut. Instrument panel overlaid with genuine imported Australian Lacewcod. Escutch eon plate and knobs finished in genuine silver . • . . . produce the most powerful and selective radio setever bililt. Absolutely no hum and no oscillation^anany wave length. Automatic sensitivity control gives uni* form sensitivity and amplification in both high and low wave lengths. Improved Majestic Super-Dynamic Speaker. Extra heavy, sturdy Majestic Power-Pack, with positive voltage-ballast, insures long life and safety. Jacobean period cabinet of American Walnut. Doors of matched butt walnut with overlays on doors and interior panel of genuine imported Australian Lace wood. Escutcheon plate, knobs ^ ^ ^ g a* and door pulls finished in sen uine silver ...... These Two Models Now On Display SEE THEM AND HEAR THEM AND YOU, TOO, WILL AGREE THAT MA JESTIC IS STILL LEADING AS USUAL. PENDLETON’S MUSIC STORE

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