WEBB THEATRE ONE DAY ONLY — MONDAY Dorothy MacKaill & Jack Mulhall. Two peppy lover*, all dressed up with olenty of places to go — In nSink notional ^ Children SiiRiTZ) Hear those Jazzy Tunes Played by a Famous Orchestra on the Vitaphone. CHILDREN .... 10c ADULTS ... 40c — TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY — Billie Dove, Twice as Beautiful, Twice as Appealing, When She Talks In “CAREERS” With Antonio Moreno and Noah Beery. Romance under the tropical moon. A wife who risked her honor for her husband’s career. A husband who is forced to prose cute his own wife for a crime she commit ted for his sake. 100% TALKING — 100% PERFECT. CHILDREN .15c ADULTS . ... 40c COMING THURSDAY & FRIDAY AL JOLSON in “THE JAZZ SINGER.” WEBB THEATRE — HOUSE OF REEL HITS — ^-V THE WHITEWAY “QUALITY” CLEANERS - DYERS :!07 N. LaFAYETTE ST. N. B. PHONES: 105 - 106 “Send your things to the Whiteway”—its a habit that makes the proper cleaning and pressing your clothes a certainty. LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Ctn ipe an fight pound daughter. Pa*, ue Adeline. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Miss Rebecca Kearns returned Friday to her heme at, High Point after a visit to her cousin, Miss Edwina Gidney. Master Lloyd Gardner underwent an operation for tonsilitis at the Shelby hospital Thursday. Miss Addie Mae Koone returned to her home in Spartanburg Sunday after a few days visit to her brother Mr. W. E. Koone and Mrs. Koone on N. Morgan street. Mrs. L. R Cornevin was a patient at the Shelby hospital last week for a few days treatment Mrs, R, Lee Weathers chaperoned a number of the neighborhood chil dren on a picnic to Pineview lake last Thursday. Mrs. George Moore and her sis ter's children are spending a month at Yellow Top, in the mountains near Chimney Rock. Miss Hope Whisnant of Charlotte is visiting her cousin Miss Dorothy King. Bob Trott of Clearwater, Fla , is visiting Mr. Cade Green at Boiling Springs. Little Nancy Coble visited rela tives in Bessemer City last week. Mesdames J A. Suttle. Lewis J Forney, Mary Niel Connor, Misses Gussie Sisk and Betty Suttle spent Friday In Charlotte. Miss Virginia Beaubtan returned the last week to her home in New port News, Va after several weeks visit to her sister, Mrs. L. R. Come vin. Mi. I. B. Froneberger. of Ashe ville, visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs, Henry Edwards, who has been visiting at Lewiston, and Mrs. Brevard Hennessa, who has been visiting at her home at Scotland Neck return to Shelby today. Born Saturday to Dr. and Mrs Sam Schenck. a son. Dr. Schenck is surgeon at the Shelby hospital. Mother and babe are getting along nicely. Dr. and Mrs. John W, Harblson left Friday for Milwaukee, Wis., where Dr. Harbison is a delegate from the Shelby Klwanis club to the Kiwanis International. While away they will stop in Chicago, where Dr. Harblson will attend a clinic. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Weathers spent the week-end at Burnsville, stopping at Mr. BUI Wray's hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wray of Bums, ville arrived yesterday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wells, They went today to Catawba county to divide the property be longing to the Wray estate. Mr. and Mrs. Lorin E. Hoyle of Lattimore spent the week end at Raleigh and Goldsboro where Mr. Hoyle went on business. Dr. Robert L. Wilson has return ed from Philadelphia where he at tended the American optical insti tution. taking a special course in binocular vision and strengthening cross eye. Mrs. George Johnson and sister. Miss Annie Snell, visited in Char lotte Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ingram spent Saturday and Sunday at Morven. Miss Agnes Herndon of Lincoln ton visited Misses Laura and Nora Cornwell over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. George Shuford and children of Cliffside spent several days last wreek with Mrs. W. L. Packard, who with Miss Jenny Lee Packard accompanied them on a motor trip to Wrightsville and Caro lina Beach. \ Miss Margaret Crowder Is visit ing her sisters in Charlotte. Mrs J. T. Snell and grand-da ugh ter, Miss Glover of Tarboro, spent last, week with her daughter, Mrs. Geo Johnson, at the Isaac Shelby hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ratliff of Morven spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Liles. They were accompanied home today by Misses Margaret Lee and Cleon Liles, who will spend several weeks with them. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Lattimore, J. P. Jenkins and Louis Lattimore are attending the golf tournament and Kiwanis banquet at Hendersonville today and tonight Mrs. Margaret Gardner ot Green - \illr, S. C, is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. C R. Doggett Miss Flossie Marlin of MoekavUle Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chris. Burrus. Misses Clayton Cline, Evelyn and Mildred Hord, Edwin and Lamar Cline, spent yesterday with Miss Joan Rothrock at Rockwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Blanton, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. C. R Webb to Atlantic City, to attend the insurance company convention and to New York. Mrs. Cohn Hull. Misses Olhc and Kate Moore of Boiling Springs. Miss Bleeka Blanton and Lawton Blan ton, will return about the first ot August from a teacher's tour of the North and west. They left about two weeks ago. Miss Marie Thorn of Kingstree. 3. C . is visiting her sister. Mrs Harry Hudson. Col. William Harrelson. of Ra leigh. visited his mother here Friday and Saturday of last week Mrs. Jean Schcnck and mother, Mrs. L. A Crowell, of Lincolnton, left this morning for Blowing Rock, where they will spend ten days at the Crowell cottage there. Miss Jarfle Secrest, of Monroe, Is spending this week with Miss Mary Brandt Switacr. Mr. Cline Hendrick motored to Asheville yesterday to meet Mis. Hendrick, who returned Irom a two weeks visit to her parents in Boon ville, Ky. They will visit in Ashe ville for several days before return ing home the middle of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb and Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Mull visited in Statesville and Taylorsville yester day. Miss Caroline Blanton returned Sunday morning from a visit to New York after having graduated at Smith college ten days ago. Mr. C. C. Blanton. Mrs. George Blanton. Misses Millicent and Caro line Blanton, visited Col. A. N. Wood in Gaffney. S. C„ yesterday. Mr. Earl Larkin, of Chicago, ar rived last week and Joined Mrs. Lar. kin for a visit to her mother, Mrs. Walter Ramsaur. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Thorp of Monroe moved to Shelby Friday and are accupying the Jordan house on Grover street. Mrs. Byron Williams Is a. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thorp. Russell Laughridge. Claude Webb and Miss Austine Brackett spent yesterday with friends in Charlotte Messrs. Otis and EsJe.v Pendleton and A. L. Sain, of the Pendleton establishment, returned the lat er part of the week from a trip to Chi cago. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Hendrick are ; taking their vacation this week i with Mrs, Hendrick's parents, at j Forest City. Miss Isabel Hoey left this morn ing for New York where she, will visit her cousin, Mrs. W. K. DuPre for a few’ days and Friday she sails on the Leviathan for a trip abroad Miss Sara Burton Jenkins left Saturday for Atlanta to join a par ty of friends for a two month's western tour. , Miss Kathleen Hold and her guest. Miss Josephine Clayton. Messrs. Bill Doggett and Jim Grice motored to Charlotte Friday nigh: to take in the show at the Caro lina. Mr. C. C. Blanton. George, Jr . Misses Millicent Blanton and Linda Lee Eskridge spent. Friday in Ashe ville. Mr E T Switer spent the week end at Blowing Rock Mesdames J, L. Webb, o M. Gardner, Mr. »nd Mrs. Eugene Burgess spent Sunday with relativ es In Gaffney Mr and Mrs William Andrew.. Bill Andrews. Jr . Dr and Mrs Ben Gold and children, spent yesterday in Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs Thompson Daniel left Saturday for th*ir home in Tampa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morgan vis ited Mr. and Mrs. E. A Morgan in Gaffney yesterday Mesdames Flacks Andrews Law rence and Madge Wilkins and Miss Mary Osborne Wilkins of Brevard were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Osborne. Rooster Cares For Motherless Brood Hon. Best To Imitate Maternal ( lurk A* Hr Scratches Tor 22 Biddies. Elkin.—"Cix'k-a-ilixxllc-doo no lonfrrr is the early morning signal piped forth by the kina of a cer tain Elkin poultry yard that a new day is about to dawn. "Cluck! cluck!" is now the-hourly sons: of the once lordlv Chantecleer since he has voluntarily opened Ills Mrs. T. R. Yarbrough of Colum bia, S C , spent the week-end witn her brother, Mr. L, Ft l.igon, Mrs. Luico M Hull and Mrs II N McDiannid left bv motor this morn ing: In visit relatives and friends in eastern North Carolina Mrs. Hull will go to Mount Olive and other points, while Mrs MeDlnrmtd will visit at Kenansville. Rose Hill and other places. They expect to Ire gone about a week or len days before re turning home Evprett Houser relumed home Saturday from a business trip to New York heart and imposed upon himself tlv responsibility of hovering and scratching for an ohphaned brood of ! 22 tender biddies. The mother hen, hungered from a faithful three weeks selge on a big nest of eggs, rhoked to death in an effort to swallow a huge morsel, the very day that she made her de but with her unusually large family of biddies. Mrs. John Ipotk. of North Bridge street, owner of the fowls, was dis mayed by the helpless shrieks and pitiful wails of "peep peep” as 'hi: baby chirks darted wildly about- I he problem of finding a foster parent was swiftly solved when the bi* roo-'er coaxed the motherless brood under his broad wings and tried r.& best to imitate the maternal cluck 1 of the deceased mother. By constant practice. Chanticleer s j cluck lias softened to the tenderness of a mother hen and constantly ne j struts about the poultry incloau." j always on the search of an insect or j * worm to calm the shrill chorus I of a growing and always hungty| family of biddies. How to poison the cotton boll Yeovil Is told briefly In leaflet 37; Issued by the United States depart-, mem. of sericulture at Wasington. i THIS DECADE’S BEST-LOVED * PATTERN 'WA IN SOLID SILVER1 Minuets simplicity, its stately grace, its1 true American spirit have won it the ad miration of famous artists, decorators,' hostesses. Minuet is easily the best-loved pattern of the decade, though it is not half a decade old! ~ r'^r i . £ Observe Minuets decided!’^'" modest nricesy T. W. Hamrick Co. — JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS — AT THE PRINCESS (COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN) TODAY THE KITTLE WILDCAT Which Do Men Lore? The Wildcat Type of Girl or the Sweet Cinderella? A WARNER BROS Production Two Sitters! In Love with the Same Man! Alto a Lively Two Reel All-Talkie Comedy “DANCING AROUND” — ADMISSION 10 AND 30 CENTS — Princess Theatre YOU’RE GETTING THRIFTY WHEN YOU KNOW YOUR MONEY BY THE CENT. Save and Grow With Us On the strength of the friendly» helpful and personal interest that we feel for each of our customers, you will be benefited by a BANKING CON NECTION WITH US. *¥ First National Bank SHELBY, N. C. RESOURCES OVER FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. Critical Eye* Everywhere arc Judging your Appearance. A SMART Appearance Draws Comment and smartness was never more desirable than in tha modern sports dress—a fact proven by the large number of sports dresses coming into our plant each day for cleaning. Our process gives the fabric •■feel" and life—and skilful finishing restores the chic lines and sets the pleats to stay. Shelby Dry Cleaning Company 112 -PHONES -113