12 PAGES TODAY SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, I02'.i Published Monday, W«dncsday, and Friday Afternoons By mall, per year (In advance) $2JMI Carrier, per year (In advance) $3.00 VOL. XXXV, No. 76 LATE NEWS The Markets. Colton, per pound___ I Hr Coton Seed, per bu._40 'j Cloudy And Rain. Today's North Carolina Wcathrr Report: Mostly cloudy tonight and Thursday. Trobably showers in east and centraJ portions. Somewhat warmer in west Thursday after noon. Governor Here. Governor O. Max Gardner arriv ed in Shelby last night from the. ex ecutive offices at Raleigh, spending the night at his home here. This afternoon he plans to leave for Asheville, where Thursday he ad dresses the North Carolina bankers convention. Burglaries On As Doors And Windows Open Houses Opened Oue To Warm Weather Make Entrances Easy. Window,'; and doors left open oy night of recent weeks due to the summer weather may bring back another wave of petty burglaries in Shelby homes this summer. In fact, several have already been reported. Last summer Shelby experienced a startling series of house burglaries but just as the burglary wave readi ed its crest cool weather set in and windows that had been open with only the screens as protection were closed as were doors left open dui ing the warm weather, and the bur glary wave subsided as quickly as it, began. A Hungry Robber. One of the robberies reported re cently was a bit peculiar. Saturday night the home of Mr. Craig Run yans on North LaFayctte street was entered while the family was away and seemingly the intruder first of all wanted to eat, and then wanted to eat again. Practically everything missed by the Runyans when they returneJ home was something to rat. Nearly all of the eatables remaining from the last meal were devoured and the burglar demonstrated a fond ness for lean meat by stripping a rooked ham of all the lean and leaving the fat. Irish potatoes and other food were carried away to gether with shoprjjind other wear ing apparel /t5efon? to Elijah Pal mer. Vs_ High School Ace* Oppose Each Other On Mound Saturday StaerriD Hamrick To Buck Homer Smith In Eastside-Cleveland Cloth Game. When the Eastside and Cleveland Cloth mill teams meet each other at the city park here Saturday after noon at 3:46, Sherrill Hamrick, hurling ace of the Shelby high championship team this spring, will be on the mound for Eastside ar.d Homer Smith, the southpaw who pitched Cherryville to a victory over Shelby in the title race two years ago at Gastonia, will be his oppon ent. Other high school stars who will appear in the cloth mill lineup include Rooster Bridges, Milky Gold and Frank Harreison. together with Tommy Kerr, State colleg? player. Kadesh League To Give Belwood Play f Special to The Star > The Epworth league of Kadesh church will present a play in the pel wood school auditorium Satur day night. June 29. The title is “Two Days to Marry." The charac ters in order of apearance are as follows: j Simon P. Chase, as black as his race—Stacy Gantt: James J. Dae. a. wifeless heir—Ralph Bracket:. Buford B. Sawyer, a timid lawyer— Robert Porter: Sadie L. Boise, a widow by choice—Maie Edwards: Imogene McShane. the sweet young thing—Ola Mae Brackett: Walter M. Blair, a millonaire—Hugh Hoyle Emily Jane Pink, blacker than ink —Mary Brackett. This is a play that everyone wih en.ioy. It begins with a laugh and ends with a roar. The public is in vited. Admission 15 and 25 cent?. The proceeds will go tor the beneht of sending delegates to the league assembly at Lake Junaluska. Juu 1-5. Dr. Brewer Speaks On Junior Order A large and appreciative audience beard Dr. Charles E. Brewer, presi dent of Meredith college, speak at the Central school auditorium Mon day evening at 8 o’clock. Prior to the address, ‘ America" war, sung lead by Mr Horace Easom after which Mr. Easom sang. ‘On Tne Road to Mandalay," accompanied by Mrs. H. S. Plaster at piano. Tne Junior Order string band played a r-imber of selections. Many Liquor Cases Here For Superior Court Docket For July Term Composed For Most Part Of Rum Cases. One Killing. The docket of the July term of superior court, which convenes her.’ the last week in the month, will come near har ing more liquor ca-ses for trial than any docket in several years, according to officials about the court house. The majority of these cases, of course, are appeals from the coun ty court wherein dozens of defend ants were tried when Police Chief Poston and his officers staged a clean-up of the booze traffic some weeks back Some of the defendants appealing to the higher court from the sentences of Judge Horace Ken nedy are out on bond awaiting their second trial late next month, while others are passing the sultry sum mer days in the county jail. One Major Case. So far as the court records show the-e is only one major case to be heard, this being the recent slav ing of Forrest Wilson, colored youth, by his brother-in-law. Cliff Fullen wider in the Hopewell churchyard The defendant is out on a $5,000 bail working his crop until the court term arrives. Eight June Brides Made For Cleveland At Gaffney Bureau C'levrl.Yd County Couples Married Ijist Week At Gretna Green. Cleveland county has eight more June brides this week than at the beginning of last week, thanks to the marriage mart at Gaffney South Carolina. Cleveland county couples married there last week are listed as fol lows. Melton Garmon and Ruby Roberson, of Shelby; Drury How ard Lee, of Boiling Springs, and Lila Beason. of Cliffside;; Grady Ross, of Grover, and Elsie Putnam, of Blacksburg; Clarence Allen, of Shelby, and Inez Smith, of Vale; George Walker and Birdie Beern garner. of Shelby; Darwin Francis Clary and Mattie Bailey, of Shelby; Duard Walker and Lizzie Mae Rob bins, of Shelby. Kiwanians To Play Rotary On July 4 In Morning Contest Unless something develops before that date to cause a change in the contest the big baseball game *v tween the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs of Shelby will be played on the morning of July Fourth. Ti e two clubs have appointed commit tees to arrange details for the sport event and It has been agreed that the proceeds of the game will turned over to the entertainment committee preparing for the Span ish-American war veterans conven tion to be used in defraying a por tion of the expenses for the barbecue for the visiting veterans. Since the business houses of the town will be closed for the day and since the gate receipts are to be used for a community boost a large crowd vs anticipated. Members of both clubs are now practising regularly in trie afternoons. Cotton Market (By John F. Clark and Co.) Cotton was quoted at noon on New- York exchange: July 18.18, October 18 65. Yester day's close: July 18.12. October 1869. Eight p m. weather map clear west cloudy, east raining at Atlan ta. Macon and Savannah, rain fj 1 recorded Abilene .10, Amarillo .08 Atlanta .53, Little Rock .94. Macon .36. Montgomery 93. Raleigh .16. Shreveport .16. Vicksburg .12. Fore cast, Eastern belt shower western fair. Memphis Review in Journal of Commerce says crop conditions again show improvement in most states, showers hurt prospects in eastern belt. Boll weevil is the sub ject of major interest in nearly all sections. Better demand in Wor.h street for wide gray goods, other lines quiet prices steady. Weekly weather report today like ly to be favorable except what it may have tn sav about the weevil Prefer purchase: soft cpoi-.. CLEVENBURO At Sharon Sunday. Rev. D. F. Carvcy of McAdenvil.e will preach at Sharon Methodist church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. r Will Discuss Big Navy Cu* This excellent poi.rait is me rtce.ii n i\»tnsa\ Mac Donald. Prime Minister of Great I’ritain, and shows him 1 a meditative post. MacDonald and Ambassador C. G. Dawes will soon meec 1a lengthy discussion ol naval reductions along the lines ut U»< recent Kellogg pa..t. (International Night-Prowling Spook Gets Nerve Of Blacks In Shelby Superstition, rxcept that mart/ 'colored people say that it is mo.' real than superstition. is helping the Shelby police department main tain order and law observance ln Shelby after midnight of recent weeks. To be right frank about It. It is a spook. For more than a week eerie tales have been related in the early ingot hours around at Truelove's “Little Harlem," and along the rows of colored residences in Freedman, the Quarry section, and along about Red Row. Tales of a silent, cloaked thing that, slips in and about the back streets and alleys of Shelby along about midnight and for some time thereafter. One or two daring colored youths, so the story go^s. have determined on a couple of oc casions they Paddocked home after trailing the cloaked figure, looking a bit like a man and a bit like a woman, to the colored cemetery in east Shelby where without warning it disappeared with a ••poof” Ln a small cloud of smoke. Be the mysterious figure what it may. police officers sas that the hilarity in "Little Harlem" and at other gathering places in Shelby for the colored race, ends earlier a* night than ever before and thn hilarious ones lose no time about getting home, and the route home is usually selected by as many street lights as is possible. Even hard boiled black boys keyed up to a razor-fighting pitch by canned heat, denatured, or what-have-you. are not a bit fond of stopping about the alleyways, be it human or a visi tor from the spirit world, they're satisfied to go along and learn no more about it, by close acquaintance And the cops are saying nary a word. Tbey'v* seen, and they're not superstitious, some mysterious carrying-on. but as long as thp un known. intentionally or uninten tionally. helps them patrol their beats and maintain order. what, have they to kick about even if Hi a new member of the force is garbed in grave-yard garments? However, some of the people about | town, who would talk cold. hard : facts even in a sociable game amid .inert. CUSiQffiera-m. au. undertaking parlor, have a solution for the mys ! tery which is sending the colored romeos home from their dales ot an early hour, and their solution is that the figure slipping in and out I alleys, dodging contact with other ! humans, peering in windows and seeing what it may see. is nothing !other than a colored woman who=? I husband .is fond of high life, and the inviting smile of flashing white teeth of other dusky damsels And when she finds this husband of hers, who keeps late hours, recl.n ing in the arms of one of his girls, these folks say that she'll be any thing else but a spook when she starts making ghosts in her own family with a razor bearing an un canny edge. So. digest or construe the yam as you may. but. without doubt tlie eerie story is the weird topic of tor cooks, the brick-layers, the labo - ers, and the colored south about town Warlick Home Hit By Lightning Bolt The home of Mr. W. H. Warlick in the Belwood section was struck by lightning last Sunday afternoon, the bolt tearing up several planks in the kitchen and shocking sever? 1 members of the family. Mr. Wilson Wellmon and his two seated cn a swing and the two ch’.l I dren were knocked out of the swing I by the shock. Epworth League To Meet At Lawndale j The Cleveland county Epworth league union will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Lawndaie Methodist church at Lawndale Fri day right, June 28 at 8 o'clock. All chapters are urged to send deio eates. This is a very important I meeting because of the election of officers for anothrr year. How’s This? Can’t Hunt In Airplanes In North Carolina Raleigh.—North Carolina lawmak ers keep strictly abreast of ihe times and often set the pace lor legislators from other states. An instance of this is seen In the act regulating aircraft pilots, and airports passed by the general assembly of 19^3 in which the hunt ing of birds and animals from en plane is made a in-sdemeanor. Although no instance of hunt ing in this manner has been re corded in the state, the genera! as sembly. as shown in the law. rea - lised the possibilities • of gr^at j slaughter of wild life in case sucn J a method might be pursued, and in interest of conservation has pre cluded its adoption ir. any future date. Section 10, Chapter 130. reads as follow:-: ' Any aeronaut or pa v enger who, while in flight within : this state, shall intentionally k'l! or attempt to kill any birds or ani mals shall be guilty of a misde meanor and punishable by a flue of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not more Utah thirty days, or both.” Big Show To Play Cleveland Fair This Fall Rubin And Cherry Shows. Best Known In Country, Booked By Port on. A tented show better known then any other in America is to plav the Cleveland county fair this fall, ae cording to Secretary J Siblev Do: ton. who announces that he has booked the Rubin and Cherry sin v for the big fair week | The date of the annual even! j which draws thousands of people to Shelby and Cleveland county will I fall on the usual week, the las*1 week in September, the 24th through the 28th. In addition to booking the main 1 show for the midway Secretary Dor- j ton is busy lining up the free at- ; tractions, sideline amusements ant: . other details o( the big (arm week i Chicago Paper On Tea Party Tribune Airs It* View* On En- l (crtalnment of Nerrn Con gressman's Wife. (By .T A. Livingston? in News and Observer.' Washington. June 24—“The worst thing that could happen to the Re publican party would be to carry the Southern states again in the con ditions attending its Southern suc cesses ot last November." says th" Chicago Tribune, which has long been noted for its hatred of fl c South, in commenting editorially on the White House. ‘If Mrs. Hoover's tea party ha. ! driven Southern fanatics away tr im j union and association with northern fanatics it has been the best use of tea since the night it was thrown into Boston harbor.” the editorial concludes after a bitter attack on Bishop Cannon and other Hoover ites in the South. "It has in the North all of tha* stripe of citizenship that a pa-'v can contain and live.” caustically complains The Tribune. “When the shotgun which terrorizes the blai k is combined with the shotgun which kills a white, a party of homicide has been formed., ‘‘The Southern Democrats who voted for A1 Smith, who stood by their loyalties, their traditions and their principles could be taken l«:o the Republican party without de stroying it, but the Southern rene gades w-ho damned themselves and the party they adopted by bolting their own. merely added Southern intolerance to northern bigotry. Southern illiteracy to northern ig norance and southern cruelty t> nortnern barbarity.” The Tribune does not blame Mrs Hoover for entertaining the wife of Congressman De Priest, as it says U was the natural thing for a negro district in Chicago to elect a negro ; congressman and the White Hous" j either had to do the natural thing j or make an incident which wouii | disclose the Inequality of citizens i before the government. “The conditions of while supre macy in the South are not so pre carious that, they are threatened by a White House invitation,” the editorial states. “The negroes are subdued. They do not. look for so cial equality and they do not have political equality." It concedes that the North does not grant the negro social equality, but adds that It does not do so much talking about it as the South does. It. thinks that De Priest made the worst of the White House affair and showed himself lacking in taste, judgment and discretion, hut says this would astound no one familial with Chicago politics. | ! RAIN STOPS CLINE LEE WHEN PITCHERS CANNOT Cline Owens Lee's hitting streak in the Southeastern league with the Columbus club has been stopped but by old Jupiter Pluvjus and not the pitchers of the league who have already learned that the Shelby high school boy is not particular about what type of pitching he lias to face. The Columbus club was scheduled to play Montgomery, the league leaders, in Columbus Monday and Tuesday with a double header today. But it rained Monday and a double bill was on for both Tues day and Wednesday Then it rain ed there again y'e£t«rd.ay. Per ha vs the w-eai her will permit the double bill on for today Hill Hudson Jr . and Mae Wilkins jr.. have returned from a visit to friends in Wadesboro. this state. Mac jr.. is visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wilkins here. Will Teach Aviation At N. C. State Collefte u JJ I.. L. V,« OH.AN i. M. FOSTER Theta expert* In mechanical en gineering will teach aeronautical en gineering at N. C. State College at Raleigh, beginning In September. They will offer fundamental course* to student* dealring to enter avia tion. Several students have already enrolled. * .. Forest City Man Dies From Wreck Tommy Harrlll, Fores! City Mer chant, Struek By Car; Ne groes Arrested. Forest. City. June 24.—'Tommy Harrill of this city ciietl at the Rutherford hospital this morning: about 9 o'clock of Injuries received Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock while standing at the rear of a true a which was run into bv a touring car occupied by two negroes, jam-* mtng Mr. Harrill against the back] of the truck. Mr. Harrill did not think he was j hurt seriously and when Chief o' Police Price visited him Saturday i afternoon about arresting the n«-1 groes he told him to wait until h* ! was able to get up that he wasn't hurt badly. He was carried to the hospital Sunday afternoon for an operation It was found that his intestines had been tern in several places. He died this morning. He is survived by his widow and nine children Funeral services will be held Tuesday at Pleasant Grove Metho dist church The two negroes were arrested on a charge of murder immediately aft er Mr. Harrill died. Diras Logan was the owner of the car while other negro, Johnnie Humphries was drivivng. A preliminary hearing will prob ably be held next week before the county recorder. Mrs. Marion Putnam and Marion Ross, Jr.. of Charlotte, arc visiting Mrs. G P. Hamrick. Doughton Is Coming With Others To City For Highway Hearing Star Will Give A Prize For First Cotton Bloom I n Whal ('Irvrland county cot ton farmer will have the fii»t cotton bloom of the season In Ills field*? This year, since blooms will he reported soon. The Star will jive a three months subscription to the farmer re porting the first bloom at the newspaper office. What Of Bridge Over River On New Route 18 South Carolina Not Prepared Now To Meet New Highway With Bridge. M.ljf Cse Bravo? If the three highway commission ers who meet here Tuesday morn ing to decide the routing of the new highway 1R south front Shelby really do roach a definite decision after hearing various appeals, and the new highway is eventually con structed, how will traffic passing over the highway get across Broad river? That phase of the county's out standing road controversy is being discussed considerably in recent days tn view of the fact that the routing will likely be settled soon Over Both Routes. The recent survey of the highway by state engineers mapped out two prospective routes between Shelby and the South Carolina line, on by the Ert] section and the other more to the right, bu' both the routes come back together some distance below Earl and to the right Which is to say that by ei ther route decided upon the new highway apparently will reach Broad river and the South Caro lina line at the same place. The route made by the survey reaches the South Carolina line before It does the river, and that means that the bridge construction is up to the Sou'll Carolina end, but there is no bridge there. Futhermore reports from Soutn Carolina for several weeks past have had It that South Carolina highway officials have no Idea of building a bridge at that point soon, nor have the officials of Cherokee county. So. when the highway is built. If such conditions prevail. how wifi the motorists travelling south over No. 18 cross the river and continue their journey? The query may be only a bugaboo in all the controversy about the highway routing but it crops up in nearly every argument. How are you going to get across when you get there? liravo Bridge. Among officials here it is unof ficially stated—none of them arc talking for publication since there is a division of opinion—that South Carolina authorities, state or Chero kee county, have urged that when the new highway is constructed that a road be run up to the pres ent Dravo bridge for the crossing until the state can see its way clear to build a bridge and meet the road from the South Carolina side. The bridge problem may even tually prove no problem at all but every likelihood is that it will bob up during the highway confab here Tuesday. Lawn Party. There will be a lawn party at the Palm Tree church tomorrow even ing. and those sponsoring the en tertainment are planning a gala event. The Epworth league is stag ing the affair for the benefit of the church Everybody is invited. Shelby Masons Install New Officers Here Friday Night th» elected officers oJ Cleveland lodge 20? A F A- A M rill b» ms'aUed a' a bt- Masonic meeting in the Blue room of the Masonic temple here Friday night, it is announced by Russel Laugh ridge. secretary of the lodge The regular mouthly business meeting will b* held m addition o the installation ceremonies. and a new feature for the local lodge Is tj be given. This featuri of the pro gram. never staged here, is expected to draw a large proportion of the lodge membership U> the meeting 1 — — Will Prlvr Over PrnaprrUvr High way 1R Routes. Hear Appeal* In Afternoon. Hon n A. Doughten. chairman of the N. C. highway com mission, will accompany the. two district commissioners to Shelby next Tues day. July 2. to decide the routing of highway 13 from Shelby to the Sou'h Carolina line, according to information reaching The Star to day. The commissioner named ty the highway board to accompany him are Mr. Stlkeleather. of tho ninth district, and Mr. McGirt, of the third district. The party will reach Shelby about 10 30 in the morning and will driic over the two prospective routes before hearing arguments and appeals in the court hou>* Tuesday afternoon. Plan Outlined. Mr. Houghton's letter to The St*”* dated June 25. follows: ' Acknowledge receipt of your let ter of the 24th Inst.. I beg to advice ihat a committee selected by the state highway commission, consirl ii•* of myself as chairman, and Messrs. Stlkeleather of the ninth district and McGirt of the third district, expect to proceed to Shelby and reach there on Tuesday, Jui7 2 by 10 30 a m. "We will then probably drive over, and view the suggested rou es for the state highway from Shelby to the South Carolina line. In the afternoon at the courthouse we will hear from those advocating tne route located by the state highway engineers, and those advocating * different route by. or near, Earl, cr anything that may throw light upon the interest of Cleveland coun ty in the location of this highway." Patrolmen Take Shelby By Toot* Screaming Sirrns Of New Highway Patrol Rous? Local Citleans Tuesday. The latest pride of Tarheelia, North Carolina's newly created highway patrol, screamed and toot ed its way through Shelby yester day evening shortly after six o'clock. The motorcade traversing the state to impress would-be speeders and violators of highways laws, was composed of Capt. Parmer leading the parade in his car. followed by his nine lieutenants In their cara and the 26 uniformed patrolmen on their motorcycles. The motorcade did not even pause in the governor’s home town hut the screaming sirens on the 2* motorcycles and the tooting horns on the 10 cars of the officials caus ed many citizens not living on highway 20 to think that the city a big fire siren had discovered a lit ter of little sirens and the wholw group had started tc howl and shriek at the same time. County Gardener* Take Early Start New Corn And Tomatoes Being Re ported. Mrs. Gantt Sells Many Beans. The enterprising &ardne-s of Cleveland county are in for a big year seemingly. Mrs. E. G. Gantt, of Lawndale, who was the first to report straw berries this season, gathered a half bushel of ripe tomatoes from her garden yesterday. She has already gathered and sold 450 gallons of beans in two weeks. Mrs. F. M. Newton, of Casar. an other early gardener, reports that she had new corn and tomatoes from her garden Sunday and Mon day. SHELBY WILL HAVE A NEW FEED STOKE An entirely different kind of feed store, known as the Staf-O-Lif® Feed store, Is to be opened in Shel by this week. This store is located at the corner of Marion and Mor gan streets and a fresh stock cf Staf-O-Life stock and poultry feed and Milk-Flo dairy feed has just been unloaded from the Roya'. Staf-O-Life mills, the south’* larg est manufacturer of mixed feeds. This store will be operated on a strictly cash and carry basis, get ting feeds to the consumer by the most, direct possible route, tharab? giving consumers the benefit of ten low prices on quality products, it it announced. A special opening day feature is announced for Friday an! Saturday.

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