Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM SO FAR AS WE know Senator Fumifold M. Simmons (how gome row* Democrats adore that name1' may not be opposed for the Democratic nomination next. year. But if lie should he, bv a real political leader and not some two-by-four goober politician merely seeking publicity and not hoping to win. W J. (Sleepy Cash, who a few months ago edited The Star's rival journal, The Cleveland Press, Just across the square corner cn tlie same Marion street as The Star, has already compiled, in the foim of an American Mereurv 'the Mencken magazine) article, enough cam paign thunder for the Simmons’ opponent to riddle the elderly senator provided it can be plac’d in the hands of enough thinking people m the And right here il might hr <oiri that the colyum this issue is to he devoted to that article. Sure, this department does not pretend, to t" a book or a magazine review, but it Is very seldom that a sure-enough Tar Heel iapologies to Gerald Johnson and perhaps one or two others) attains the heights of hav ing Dr. Mancken accept a typed treatise on anything. Then it adds a bit. more to the home-town pride to know that a Cleveland county and Shelby p o duct has reached t he se lect class s*t lip by Ameilea's best known and most widely cussed critic. Possibly there are two or three people about Shelby who have enough absorbing information in their cranium to for material fui an American Mercury, Plain Talk, or Nation article; and there may be one or two, no more, with the wilt ing ability to put tho Information LANDIS SHOE SHOP For The Best Shoe Rebuilding* Rebuilt And New Shoes For Sale. Also Headquarters For Singer Sewing Machines & Parts. West Marion St. 3rd Door From Western Union. Shelby, N. C. ■ nrross in the proper form; tit we're willing to wager that your.? Cash, who, according to Mencken himself, has a future head of him in the literary world. Is the only person with even a local connection who has both the requisites named above together with a third requis ite of real value in that connection —the innarch, known on the fnot hin held be i word not quhr so re fined, to write the plain truth about things, raring not a whit hoy much the Babbits may babul; and whim P r. So. whether you be at; admirer or an fneiry of Dr. Menn n we be lieve you will enjoy the article. First of all, it Is about‘North Caro lina and North Carolina politics, termed a "sordid" mess by ttv writ er. and the political topic Is always an interesting one in this state, par tial trlv since events of the 1.001 year 1928. Then it. is remarkably well wiltten. Ebeltoft. Gary Smart, the F.vburns, Jack Houser, and any number of others about town who seek real literary talent for their reading hours will enjoy it Tor its style and the flashing javelin dart sentences dripping nnd oozing with convenient .and not forced, satire and sarcasm. And there is a third Class which will reap many chuckles in the luring paragraphs—those who do not. love the senior senator and Hs polities! machinations, even tf the hate has been life-long, or sprung up only during the desertion by him of the Democratic ranks last year. Editor Mencken entitled Mr. Cashs effort as "Jehovah of The Tar Heels " A fitting title. The open ing or prelude, for it. doesn't get down into the real gnawing at the cold printed records for a page or so, is devoted to a description of YOU WILL NEED A NEW PAIR OF OXFORDS FOR YOUR VACATION Our stocks are complete with all the new things for summer wear. Newr blacks and tans. Last to fit any foot. Some with built in arch to brace the foot. Come in and let us fit you up in a new pair. PRICED AT:— $5.00 t0 $10.00 Blanton - Wright Clothing Company "SHELBY’S BEST MEN’S STORE.” I he senat or, or rather a description of what the .senator is not. Ol course, that, takes quite a bit M I wordage. He is depicted in appear ance Mid ability as anything else bu' if you'll pardon the expressiin, what a Southern sector should be or is pictured by the folks back home to be. Right here it might be added that the series of Indictments against Senator Simmons and his political maneuvers, which after all, is an Indictment against, the people tvuu are so duped that they keep send ing a Republican back to Washing ton in the guise of a Democrat, are linked in a chain leading up to J tha final prophesy of the closing i paragraph: "The dread handwrit ing Is on the wall: North Carolina is going Republican." But Simmons Is not construed as the only factor bringing such aboul Big Business land Cash almost takes it for granted that any sensi ble Tar Heel knows just what Is Big Business In North Carolina • Is hearing a portion of the political revolt. Aft or thr prelude. a pons of satire, pretty well entrenched in facts, 'he writer ritAps back 16 years to '912 when the .shaggy Kitcnin. the St-n mons opponent, one of the flr.t who ever dared the political masters scorn. was not, the only one who chafed the supposedly Democratic senator with being a Republican and of haying been a Republican. 1-c quotes from Colliers, and other na tional magazines, votes cast by the North Carolina senator which were favorable to Republican Interests and the interests of Big Business, and along with the figures he gives the comment of editorial writers In the big time, considered as neutrals in politics, who placed such charges at the door of the man from Ne Bern, who lives down by the slec v water which starts its run to the sea from Sandy Creek and tdtM’ Buffalo chill billy streams starting their flow in Cleveland county cr more to the westward.' And on down. In 1928, or Just before, "the figure of A! Smi‘h loomed over the skyline," and r ’ this juncture the writer hurls the darts that have berm hurled before Charges that were tossed at the senator during the last campaign - the senator who once considered, o so said, it a religion to vote th» Democratic- ticket from "president to constable," and after 30 years of preachment along those lines turn ed liis heels and back upon the top candidate. That Indictment speaks of a busi ness organization of distinctive magnitude In North Carolina which peddles electricity on the open <?> market: of tne Honorable Frank McNtnch, who once called Simmons anything but a Southern gentleman, and his rfilly behind the Simmons desertion in 1928 with the “holier than-thou" cry: "To your tents, O Israel!"; of the Webb-Hoey political dynasty in this congressional dis trict which remained true to the faith of the text abandoned by the senator after 30 years: of the so called "sacred ballot" in North Car olina: of the Tar Heels who would like to but dare not follow their true and honest belief In marching on to battle against the political, twist-you-around—my-finger politi cal domination of the man who has made his state grunt when he want ed grunts for three decades: and of the dare O, Max Gardner flung in his surprised face by opposing, and darn near licking. Cameron Morri son and "the ring" In 1920. and c-f the subsequent truce between the two Titanic organizations which re sulted in the Oardner gubernatorial victory, and in a Une-up of two political mechanisms much like two angry school boys, both being egged on to start a scrap and both scal ed to take the first swat at the others beezer. Its a gTeat article, even if you disagree with the thought and sen timent. And. by the way. the three classes mentioned above are not th» only ones who will enjoy it. The fourth class, those who consider it sacrilege to sneer at the senator will gobble it up Just as does the pecunious. old-maid school teacher when she snatches a vile Whizz Bang, or a likeness, from some saucy boy student, and peers eag erly at It between classes. It has taken us almost as long to tell you about it as it did ror Mr. Cashi and this time he sh^ri changes no one' to tell his entire story—and If this doesn't bore yo i. we’il guarantee a big evening for you when you read the article Itself. MEDIUM HOGS ABE BEST ACCORDING TO EXPERTS There was a time ever so many years ago when the packing houses and the farmers, too. wanted big hogs and extremely fat hogs. Those were the days when lard was need ed for everything that was fried. Today the packer has more lard than he needs because the women use other fats for frying. The farmer has, also. learned that lighter hogs killed and cured at home give him better hams and a finer flavored bacon. Here's what The Southern Agriculturist has to say on this subject: Packers pay more for hogs weigh ing 180 to 228 poundr. for animals of this weight, when well-finished, i make the best meat, either in the j packing house or on the farm. It I is hard to get the best quality of ! bacon from any other kind. Far | mers. who raise the hogs, are In ] for slaughter. When this is done I they can enjoy a product of bacon ; and other cuts inferior to none. Home-Run King Storing up Health I l ;.. ■■■ -mi ... . Here's the big Bam with his wife near Annapolis, Md., ban -g his line to catch an umpire—beg pardon, crab. Herman Babe Ruth suffered a temporary break down of the old machinery just a short time ago, but he’s fast returning to his own normal self in this secluded »ummer camp of his good friend Harry WolnA* Cleveland Cloth People Visit At Fort Bragg; Personal News (Special to The Star ' Miss Mary Nicholson with sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Allen returned Monday from Fotr BragR, where they were railed sud denly to the bedside of their little niece Mary Colleen Mackey, daugh ter of Sergt. and Mrs. L L. Macke. She Is dangerously ill. suffering from culture typhoid and peri ty phoid. Quite a roinridrncr occurred on iheir return. A brother of Mi a Nicholson and Mrs. Allen was mar ried in South Carolina over the week-end although they did nor know it. and while they had stopped for lunch the brother and his bricip stopped at the same place for lunch also They all hail lunch together. Mrs. C. E Gardo's mother spent the week-end with her. Mrs. Mattie Rlpp.v motored over to Lyman. S C. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Littlejohn and Mr. Littlejohns sister. Beulah, spent Saturday in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs Earl Dorn spent the week-end in Greenville, S. C. unit ing thretr parents. Mr and Mrs. J. A Montieths young son, Sherman, returned Sun day from a week's visit in Char lotte. Messrs J. A. Arms. Vance Mor gan and F A Bryman spent th*> week-end fishing at, Bridgewater. Mr. Arms told his friends when questioned about the trip that he was about to catch a big "tirtle" bid he lost It so he was asked what did he catch and he replied. ‘'Plenty of Yhiggers' ” Miss Christens Panther and some friends motored to Forest City for awhile Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fagon and family spent Sunday with relatives in Asheville. We are sorry to report the death ! of Mr. W. M. Htott's mother who has been sick for the past iwo weeks He and Mrs Hiott have re turned to their home here. Miss Tessie Lail was the week- i end guest of Miss Ruth Walker. Messrs. T. P. and T. J. Morgan and Misses Mattie and Marge, el Morgan and Ruth Welker spent Saturday morning at Buffalo Creei; fishing. They say they caught some but they didn't bring them home so “believe it or not." Mr. ana Mrs. jonn Jones ana in - ; tie daughter were the supper guests of Miss Isoltne Wilson Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. A H. Sides and family and Mr. Sides' mother went sightseeing through the mountains Sunday afternoon. Thev went to Tryon. Saluda, Hendersonville and Chimney Rock. Mr. and Mrs. H E Bettie were visitors in Kingstree, S. C. over the week-end. Miss Myrtle Fagon was the week end guest of Miss Esther Tyner. Miss Isoline Wilson and Mr. and Mrs Sam Hufflne were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Jones Sunday. Later in the afternoon they called on Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simp son. Miss Helen Ballard was the week end guest of relatives in Kings Mountin. Her sister returned with her and will be here for some time Mr. and Mrs. Horace Littlejohn. Mr. Archie Littlejohn and Misses Edit a and Mildred Littlejohn visit ed aunts Sunday at both Pacolet and Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. A. J Wilson and daughter, Catherine spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson cf Lincolnton. Miss Della Lail spent the week end with Miss Eliiabrt'n Short. Our ball team played Charlotte fire depatment Saturday afternoon and lost but the score was only two , runs in their favor so they are not coins to givr up. Mr. and Mrs. J C Wilson and family spent an enjoyable week-end at Florence. S. C. Mr. Toy Dalton attended the - neral of his aunt Mrs. Tom Smith of Rutherfordton. The many friends of Grandmoth er Hunter" as we know her will be clad to know that -lie is improving .some. She has been in bed for al most two years Mr. and Mrs. Rome Christopher acted as chaperons for-a croup U boys, and girls Saturday night. They went out. to Cleveland Springs and enjoyed swimming, skating and dancing Mr. and Mrs. Burns : pent IHf week-end with Mr. Burn's parents in Greenville. S C Mr. E. T. Switzer and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Weathers attended a reception given at Duke university during the week-end. Shelby Boy And His “Flaming Lizzie” At Scout Camp At Lake The Gastonia Gazette in a dr-- j patch telling abom the Bov Scouts of this section at the Lake Lanier camp at Tryon has the following about a Shelby boy who is one of the instructors "One day the last of last week the people in camp were the re cipients of much p'easurc when j "Flaming Lizzy" came snorting; into camp and announced in no uncertain tones that she expected J to spend the summer (here. She got the habit last summer anil does not seem disposed to lose it. Sh" has had a new dress; she disappeared from camp ia<d j summer at the close of the ■<’a- i son. but she's the same old Lizzy! seems to be quite content just to I stay in and about camp, to stop out in tire* driveways or under the trees or anywhere else. just as long as her avowed lover and j protector. John Lineberger. is there. John is one of the camp counselors this year and will be remembered bv all the Scouts who were in camp last year as • their friend. John has charge of swimming and life saving. He with Mack Holland, jr., and Roo ert Padgett, jr. of Gastonia, con stitute the life guards at the water front. This corps of workers is very efficient and is working to help the boys who come to camp to be brf ter and more careful swimmers.; "Lizzy" is John Lineberger's Ford, and her home is the same place a his. Shelby. N. C." Women Sdrep. London—Women have an unfair; advantage which they overlook when crying out for sex equality. They sleep longer and more peace fully than men. Dr. Bernard Hollander, the alien ist. in a lecture on "Sleep and: Dreams.'’ said that women not only slept longer and more lightly and peacefully than men. but they were less troubled by disturbing dreams, probably because the overage wom an had less work and worry than men. Dealing with dreams, Dr. Hol lander said: "While perfectly nor mal sleep is dreamless, that is to say, without memory of dreams, yet. a moderate amount of dreaming, i especially if the. Image evoked are j of a pleasing or Indifferent, char,sc- \ ter. is quite compatible with good,' and refreshing slumber. Persistent or frequent bad dreams are. like in- j somnia, a sign of bad health and | should be regarded and treated as such. Drowning Shocks Boiling Springs, Other Items News Greene Youth Was Popular There. 'ronsucs And Needles Club In Meet. • Special to The Star.' Tim entire community was sad dened by the death of Ezcllc Greene. 20 year old son of Mr. raid Mrs. Les ter Greene. He was drowned in Sun shine lake, on Sunday afternoon .fit 2:20 o'clock. He was in a boat alone which capsized. His several compan ions tried to rescue him and a pul nictot was applied when a dive brought his body to shore. The funeral was conducted by Dv J B Davis. assisted by Rev. J. M Goode The iiodv was laid to rest in B. S. cemetery benenfn a blanket of beautiful flowers. Ezeile was a boy of sweet disposition. The mane friends deeply sympathize with tin bereaved parents, brothers- and sis ters. Mrs. .1 L. Jrnkitr was the ho:-tvs . to th' Tongues and Needles cIuj last Friday afternoon. The livng room was very attrac tively arranged with many garden flowers. After tire business meeting the club enjoyed a county routes: Mrs. John Mints and Miss Mildrec. Goode tied for the prize but it. drawing Mrs. Mintz won a beaut if u, compact. The hostess assisted by be little daughters. Katherine end Ella McNeil served a delicious sweet course. The Sewing club members enjoy ed an old time tacky and pound party at the home of Mrs. .Join Mintz last Saturday night. rue j veranda, living and dining room were very prettily arranged in da’n j lias, nasturtiums, daisies and rut-, nias. Many old fashioned game, writ played. The prize for being the tackiest was awarded Co Mrs. Louis MeSwPin. The refreshments were served picnic style. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Jones spent the past week-end in Wagram vis-1 iting relatives. Mrs C. H. Broward, ot Atlanta, j Ga., is visiting Mrs. L. VV. Hamrick j Those coming home from Lenoir Rhyne college. Hickory. for -he week-end were Mrs. John Mintz, Mrs. J. M. Walker, Mrs. Ros'.r.a Grigg. Miss Lucille Hamrick and Mr, Hutton Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jolley, of Raleigh, spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs. M. A. Jolley. Master Donald Waiker who has been spending gu few weeks visiting his aunt Mrs. Ernest White m Fayetteville returned home Monday. He was accompanied home by Mrs, White who is spending a few days here. Mis. O. Max Gardner was the dinner guest Monday of Mrs. Ladd Hamrick. Glasgow.—The sultan of Zanzibar is delighted to have had a home like touch. Coming out of a steel mill after a visit. he remarked; "The weather in there is very good; almost as warm as Zanzibar," «»* One half of the world's radio sets are said to be in use m he United States and it to our opinio, that we have about three-fourtns of the static. POPULAR EXCURSIONS^ via SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM WEDNESDAY. JULY 3RD ROUND TRIP FARES FROM SHELBY, N. C. Tj* Washington, D. C. . SI-LOO Norfolk, Va. --- Richmond, Va.-$9.7o Old Point Comfort, St0.7o Virginia Beach, Va. $11.25 Tickets on sale July 3rd, regular trains except Cres cent Limited. Good return ing to reach original start ing point prior to midnight July 8th. Ask ticket agents: DOVER AND WALKER SPARTANBl'RG, S. C. STUBBORN PERSISTENT INDIGESTION If vou are one of the unfortunate men or women who suffer torm'u i from terrible—sometime almost suffocating indigestion—that nothin? •cems to relieve, here’s a lair and square offer you ought, to accept. Thousand, just as badly in need of the right kind of medicine hat* blessed the day they accepted it. Go today to PAUL WEBB <fc SON Drug Store or any druggist in America- cue who keeps abreast of the times—and get one bottle ; Lee s Laxative Compound Cathartic. Take it as directed and if It doesr, ! do you more good than anything you ever tried—get your money back — i without comment. One bottle will show sufferers from stubborn indigestion that he ! is a pleasant to take elixir that will put rebellious, distressed stomachs in j splendid shape and make them so strong and sturdy that you can enjoy 1 your meals without Irritation or distress. — COUPON — PAUL WEBB A SON. i In exchange for this Coupon and $1,25 you arc hereby author ised to delivrr to the bearer, one SI.25 bottle oT lee’s Compound } and one $1.00 bottle of’s Antiseptic Liniment. j DOVER A WALKER. Spartanburg, S. C., and Lynchburg, Ya. '< li althful. outdoor play is natural when the right means are provided. Ward’s equip ment furnishes every incentive . . . arrd costs less money. “It Pays to Play” SWEAT SHIRTS Heavy Fleece Lined 95c Rest finality heavy cotton—fleece lined Deep ribbed lull sleeves, band around bottom. In silver gray. A necessary garment lor all sports. MARATHON OFFICIAL LEAGUE BASEBALLS .20 each Guaranteed for 9 inning,'! Official sire ard weighi— meets all big league require ments. Regular SI.23 ball AUTOGRAPHED Louisville Sluggers 19 each Exact model of bat used by "Babe" Ruth and autograph ed by him. Made of best se lected second growth ash. AUTOGRAPHED GLOVES HUGH CRITZ MODEL $3'"" F-sart duplicate of pimp used hy Hiiea Critr. Requires no •"preak irve in" Regular S7 value. For Right-Handers" only. JOJ!>:NY MOSUL MODEL Our finest slovp Exrvt raodrl ol1 plove used by Johnny MostU, White Sox player. Finest quality genuine oiled horschide, soft and pliable. BOYS' BASEBALL OUTFITS A real o>i'fit for small boys. Junior size,p with padded palm and rinsers—28-inch bat-and full size baseball. Any bey will appreciate this fine outfit. the 1020 HAWTHORNE FLYER MOTOBIKE Unsurpassed performance and unequalled beauty makes (his bike the greatest of bi cycle values! $30"’ Also Sold on Easy Payments The Flyer leads in popularity and price. Embodying all the features of bikes that sell up to $50—com plete equipment, new color combinations, chromium ^plated—you will find that the Hawthorne Flyer meets your requirements better than any other bike sold to day. Ask about the famous Hawthorne Guarantee. STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. SATURDAY. 139-141 S. LaFAYETTE ST. SHELBY, N. C. PHONE NO. 167.

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