==== f The Blameless Bishop | ^__jj iW. Tom Bosl in Greensboro News* A bishop then must be blame less, the husband of one wife, viligant, sober, of good beha vior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a braw ler, not covcteous; One that ruleth well his own house, hav ing his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) First Tim othy, III: 2. 3, 4. 5. The first clerical impulse was of course a sermon on the impend ing heresy trial in Gastonia when the candidates for the electric, 'hair in Ualeigh arc to be examined j on their theology. Meanwhile the pagan press ha j WEAK AND THIN Virginia Lady Wa* Just Drag ging Around. Health Im proved Steadily After She Took Cardui. Bristol, Va.—“I was just about down in bed and so weak I was past going,” writes Mrs. Jennie Goodman, ol 718 Portsmouth Avenue, tills city. Mrs. Goodmen says her family was very uneasy about her condition, as she seemed so weak and thin. “I ached all over,” she explains, “and my back and sides hurt most of the time. “I dragged around, and did not see a day of good health. “I went to cal1, on one of my i neighbors, and she remarked about my looking so bad. She told me to get a bottle of Cardui and take it. Next Saturday night, my husband brought It home to me. “Before I had taken Cardui a week. I was feeling much better. I continued taking it for awhile, as my health kept on improving. “I gained in weight, and soon was feeling like a new person. Since then I have taken Cardui several times, and it has always done mo good. I can recommend it to others.” Cardui has been in use so long that Its merit has been proved by the experience of several genera tions of women. A purely vegetable, medicinal tonic. For sale by all druggists. NC-204 assailed Bishop James Cannon, .fr aud delrn.se of this diocesan is im perative It is a sad day in the Daily News congregation when the Gospel*must be shunted and de scent. into worldly atfairs becomes a momentary necessity. When such a crisis as •factional conroi in the Democratic party arises, it is the duty of every clergyman to regard his Church “as sheep going astray. ’ and as a true bishop and shepherd ot souls to sec that none of thorn turn up m the camp of Smith, Ratbiskit and Company! Let there be, therefore, no cx egetical circitmlottutions. What do the Scriptures say about bishops and what are the oliiccrs which they are expected to perform? Al ways somebody is talking about Bishop Cannon and intimating that he is misusing his church for political purposes. But what of bishops? What kind of men m ist they be? St. Paul must have been a rather successful bishop; indeed he was the ablest of them all Nothing that he said about bishops is lacking in the ecclesiastical equipment of Bishop James Can non. jr.. “A bishop must be blame less.'" Paul declares. Well, doesn't Bishop Cannon admit that he is uuuih 11 ss, a nu wihj riiuws ut lit : than he? He is the only man in all the world who knows whether he is blameless or not and he says lie is In all the long and illus trious career of Bishop Cannon ir. politics there is no record that lie ever blamed himself. In the second place, the bishop must be the husband of one wife. It is understood that this is not obligatory. He is not required to have any wite at all. Saint Paul hah been suspected of bachelor hood; but if a bishop be luxuriously inclined, he must have only one wife. Anybody would know that Bishop Cannon hasn't more than one wife: he never hud more than one. All the evidence tends to show that no two or more mother.' in-law ever cramped his style. In the third place 1 lie bishop must be vigilant. Is there an enemy of God and country who will deny that Bishop Cannon is vigi lant? Does anybody for a mo ment think that CarUr Glass and Governor Harry Byrd are putting anything over on him? And fourthly, the bishop must be “sober." Get your latest cut of Bishop Cannon and see for your Stave* Off Stomach Trouble*. Avoids Annoyance. Regulate* Digestion, At All Drug Stores. Adults 75o, Children 60e. You ll Appreciate Its Worth TO EMPLOYERS OF LABOR The North Carolina Workman’s Compensation Act goes into effect July first. If you employ five or more men you MUST carry insurance. Prepare NOW for the going into effect of this law. Let me explain its details to you. CHAS. A. HOEY i LOW ROUND TRIP FARES Norfolk - Portsmouth, Richmond, and Washington, D. C. VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY WEDNESDAY, JULY 3RD, 1929. Tickets will be sold for all trains July 3rd, with final return limit of July 8th. ROUND TRIP FARES:— Shelby to Portsmouth---$10.75 Shelby to Richmond ____$0.75 Shelby to Washington, D. C. ___— $13.00 A money saving opportunity to spend July 4th at the Seashore or National Capital. For further information or pplmlan reserva tions call on any Seaboard ticket agent, or H. A. Harris, Agt. John T. West DPA SHELBY, N. C. RALEIGH, N. C. self that he Is ‘'sober.” It is a habit With him, looking sober. His sobriety actually seems to pain him. it is so intense. Fifthly, he must be of good be haviour. Here again there is a controversy which he alone can settle. Other bishops have cen sured him, eminent laymen hair denounced his conduct But Bishop Cannon has not. He is pleased with his past and will fashion his future on it. He must be given to! hospitality. Well, there are many kinds of it and the Scriptures arc silent on the sort that a bishop I must show. If we are going to! stop with his treatment of Al. Smith and Tammany then we can not in truth contend that Bishop Cannon is very long on hospital ity. But Smith and Tammany have neighbors on the New- York stock exchange. All the evidence is that . Bishop Cannon was quite hospi-. table to them. In the seventh place he must be “apt to teach ” Well, in the name of prohibition has he not been call ing Mr. Raskob the "chamberlain of the Pope?” Who has been moi ■ j “apt to teach” religious rancor j than Bishop Cannon? Eighth place. "not given to wine.” No, and wine is not given to him. Ninthly, 'no striker. and lie never has been a striker if he were in Gastonia lie would not strike. Tenth, not greedy of filthy lucre. First place, any lucre that he touches, whether plucked from 'he "margins," or picked up from the sanctified anti-Smith campaign fund, will be clean. Eleventh requirement that he be patient Is so easily met that ref erence to tt is unnecessary. The twelfth, that he be "not. a brawler" is Important. How peace does brood about him! Bishop Janies Thomas Helflin isn't less so. Thirteenth, that he be "not covetous," is purely relative. All that he covets is control of Demo cratic politics in Virginia and throughout the United States. Surely that is an honorable desire. Fourteenth requirement that a bishop "ruleth well his own house” unfortunately is too personal lor comment. But it may be guaran teed that any bishop who can run the Democratic party as he docs should be able to handle his own household and have ‘ his children in subjection with all gravity.” "For,’ 'asks the Apostle parenthet ically, "if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?” Or putting It differently, how can a bishop better take care of the church than by taking care first of the Democratic organization? Therefore, search the Scriptures and you will find not a word that condemns Bishop Cannon’s stock speculations. There are 14 points not including the interrogation, in a bishop's qualifications, but not one stands in the way of stock gambling. If it be contended that it is wrong to buy on margins, it is in order to remark that many a Christian expects to get eternal life on far less than Bishop Can non put into his stock operations. "Bishop and shepherd of souls?” Of course he is; .but if he elects to become one of the fleeced lambs of Wall street, or, better luck attend ing him, to travel with the lean wolves of high finance, St. Paul interposes no objection. And neither should the New York World nor the Herald Trib une of that same unholy city. Crops Look Good At Double Shoals Regular Monthly Services. Rain Over Week-End Sends Cotton Up. (Special to The Star.l Double Shoals, June 24.—Regular monthly services were held at the Baptist church on Saturday j\n1 Sunday. The pastor brought a great message on Sunday from Luke, sec ond chapter, to the delight of the listeners. The rain that fell on Sunday night was accepted heartily, the crops look very favorably. A class in Sunday school training was taught last week by the pastor with good attendance each night. The “Pupils Life” was the lxm used. . Also a class in junior B. Y. P. U. work was taught by L. B. Seism with a large group of juniors pani cipatimg. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spangler of Shelby spent Sunday in the com munity. Mrs. A. V. Hasting and children are spending a few days with Mrs. Hasting s sister, Mrs. J. W. Costner. Mr. K. W. Costner returned home Friday from the U. S. army after being discharged. Mr. William Spangler of Greens boro spent a few days in the com munity last week, bringing with him his new bride. Mr. Spangler has been away from this community for several years. He is now located at Greensboro in the real estate business. 666 Is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It Is the most speedy remedy known Try Star Wants Ads Why Not Organize City League Here With Four Teams? Four Textile Clubs Having Double header Each Saturday Would Stir Interest. • By Renn Drum) Why shouldn't Shelby have a tour-club textile league? The town now has four fairly 11 - textile mill clubs all looking to* games and taking the chance ot picking up Saturday contests wit!: other independent clubs over the section not booked for the day. Would it not be considerably more convenient and could not more baseball fever be stirred up in Shelby if the four clubs were o: - ganized into a league with a propr.r schedule so that they might play each other each Saturday at the city park Would Draw Crowds. Tile idea, or plan of the writer is that only one game be played each week by each club, as the members of all four teams are employed the week, but the schedule should be arranged for a double-header each Saturday, thus permitting ail four teams to play. The four clubs referred to are the Cleveland Cloth mill team. the Dover-Ora team managed by Casey Morris, the Eastyide mill club, and the Soutli Shelby team. Suppose that on the first Saturday the Eastside team would play the South Shelby team in the first game of a double-header, beginning at 3 o’clock, with the Cleveland Cloth team meeting the Dover-Ora ag gregation in the second game. A double-header of that type each Saturday would without doubt draw big crowds to the city park. And therein, we believe, enters another important factor of an organized league. At present only one of th" four clubs may use the city park each Saturday, This means that the other clubs must play cn grounds where there are no fences and admission is hard to collect, or must play away from home. With the four clubs playing in a double header each Saturday at the city park with good crowds attending at 50 cents per admission—and any baseball ian in town will pay that to see a good double-header—the four teams could split the gate re ceipts each Saturday after the games and thus realize enougn money to defray their expenses. Why Not Try It? From every angle it appears as il more baseball interest could be worked up throughout the city with the league plan than at. pres ent and likewise the league plan would give the city amusement for the summer without the expense that goes with keeping up an up town team. About One Hold-Rack. One draw-back that may keep some of the mills from endorsing the league idea as suggested her« will likely be the matter of expense. In the past, we are informed, such a league held sway for a time in Shelby and the interest in the race became so heated that the teams began to employ professional and semi-professional players to come to town and play with their team,-. Avoiding such an occurrence Should a league be formed this year would be no hard matter. Strict rules and regulations should be set down ao the beginning of the season and adhered to. If formed there should be a board of directors, made up of a representative from each mill and one uptown man not interested in either team as head. The day the league is formed the manager of each club should be forced to sub mit a list of his players. Then the league ruling should be that no other players should be employed or used during the season. In cr.se players, now employes of some of the mills, should become sick or leave town the matter of replacing the absent players should be taken up before the directors to be sure that no “ringers” are run in to TRUSTEE’S SA$LE. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed oi trust recorded in book 153 ol deeds on page 20 in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. North Carolina, the under signed trustee will sell on July 10, 1029 at 2 o'clock to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Shelby the fol lowing described real estate: Being a part of the H. Clay Cox land lying in the western part of the town of Shelby, N. C., on an alley on the northern side of high way 20, and more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake. Rush Pad gett’s present northeast corner; thence north 2 east 50 feet to a stake, a new division line; thence south 87.75 west 165.8 feet to a new corner in the Wilson and Cox line: thence south 1 1-3 west 50 feet to a Stake, Padgetts old corner in Wil son's line: thence north 87.75 east 165.8 feet to the place of beginning, Seme being that lot of land con veyed to Rush Padgett and wife. Carrie Padgett by deed recorded in book 3-W at page 517 in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county, North Carolina, reference to which Is hereby had. This June 5, 1929. HORACE KENNEDY, Trustee Sunday Nigh! Singing Drawing Many. People Coming And fining There. • Special to The Star.' The Sunday night singing is pro gressing nicely and we are glad to see such a lArge crowd attending. Mr. and Mrs L A Smith spent j Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B B Blanton. Mrs. liartha Whisnant. teacher of the junior Sunday school class en tertained all her pupils at her home last Saturday afternoon . Mr and Mrs J. L Hopper and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hopper spent last Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs Gardie Hopper at Patterson Springs Mr and Mrs. W A Barnett, of Salisbury spent Iasi Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Barnett Mr and Mrs Lee Lovelace of For est City spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. John Harrill. Mrs. Carter Blanton spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Daisy Micham who is leaving this week for Red Springs to visit her daughter, Mrs. S A. Jarrett. A large crowd from Sharon at tended a party given by Miss Mabel Ledford of the Dover Mill Saturday night Miss Nellie Sue Barnett spen, Saturday night with Miss Beulah Simmons. Messrs. Floyd Queen. Horae? Barnett and Robert. Dover, jr. mo' ored to Salisbury Saturday to take Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barnett who spent last week with them. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kinkatd and little daughter of Bessemer City spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Dodd Mr Leonard Patterson spent Sat urday night with Mr. Ed McCarthy. Miss Ozell Barnett spent Satur day night with Miss Hattie Mae and Susie Green Messrs. Kern Green and Ralph Smith spent Sunday with Mr. Law rence Morehead. Mr and Mrs. J. F. Dodd spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. D. chase up the expenses and spoil the amateur idea of the league. Should the plan appeal t.o the several clubs and mill officials the writer will gladly assist in what ever manner possible in organizing the circuit and in giving it publicity, for it Is undisputed that a cltv the size of Shelby needs baseball of some type, and we believe the above plan would give the fans of th“ town some very interesting diamond sport for the year. If officials of the mills and the managers of the clubs are interested a meeting may be held at. any time desired in the offices of The Star to organize the league and formulate a schedule. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of S. J. Bingham, deceased, this Is to hereby notify all persons indebted to said estate to make payment of such indebted ness immediately to me; and this is to notify all, persons holding claims against said esetate to file same with me on or before the 17th day of April. 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. GETTYS BINGHAM, Admr. es tate of S. J. Bingham, deed. Newton & Newton, Attys. A Testing Machine To test your Starters, Coils, Generators. We have installed this ma chine to serve you. Come, and take ad vantage of it. TURNER AND WILLIAMS ~GARAGE Telephone 737 Trade St. Behind .The Paragon. Dodd. Mr. Cecil Simmons spent Satur day night with Gaither Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Ouss Phillips of Cltffside spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Harnett. Mr. and Mrs. W G Hopper and children visited Mr. and. Mrs. Gar die Hopper Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. T Blanton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mart Ponder. We are glad to know that Mr, Grover Hamrick who got hurt last week is getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie and Mr. and Mrs Rob Dover and children at tended the funeral of their sister Sunday at Kings Mountain Mr. and Mrs. Seth Morehead vis ited Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Morehead 1 Sunday. Misses Agnoha and Virginia ; Green spent Sunday niter noon with Mtss Lily Hollifleld Mr. and Mrs J. I Hopper, Mtss Reulaii Simmons and 'Nellie Sue Barnett spent Simday afternoon with Miss Johnsy Blanton. Mr. and Mrs Eric Blanton spent Sunday with Mr. Monroe Blanton. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Lemons visited her father Sunday, Mr. J s Blanion visited his brother Mr. B. B. Blanton Friday afternoon. Mrs Dora Lovelare and daughter Miss Julia Mae, of Splndala visited her sister over the week-end, Mrs. B. B. Blanton. Mr. and Mrs. E W T. Ledbetter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs G V Hawkins, ot Shelby, spent awhile Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Blan ton. Miss Nellie Sue Barnett visited her sister, Mrs. J. B. Jones latt Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cole Blanton vis ited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. B B. Blanton Sunday. Try Star Wants Ads. "Amen!" Would Say The Farmer. The Marshville Home. The bean beetle is destroying the beans, the boll weevil the cotton, bud worms and other Insects work ing various kinds of crops, but what we've always wanted to see is some pest that will put wild onions out of business. TRUSTEE’S SALE. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed of trust recorded in book 145 of deeds, page 142. In the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland coun ty. North Carolina, the undersign ed trustee will sell on July 10, 1929 at 2 o’clock p. m. at the court house dcor in the town of Shelby to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: Beginning at. an iron slake, Flor ence Morrison's corner in Maggie cniith old line: thence with said line N. 2 cast 50 feet to a stake in said line; thetiee a new divi sion line south 87 v west. 105 8 feet to a stake in J. S. Wilson's line; thence with said line south 11 1-3 west 138'“a feet to a stake in said line; thence a new line north 86'i east 102 feet to a stake in Florence Morrison's line, now Roscoe Lutz' line; thence with sa'd line north tO in* east 63 feet to a stake, their cor ner; thence with Florence Morri son s line, now Roscoe Lute's line north 84'j east 65 feet to the be ginning, and being all that lot con veyed to Rush Padgett and wife, Carrie Padgett by H Clay Cox and wt'e by deed dated April 8, 1027 and recorded in book MMM at page 644 tn the ottice of the regie ter of dn rts of Cleveland county, to Which d ed and record thereof reference is hereby made for further Identi fication and description of said lot. This June 5, 1929, HORACE KENNEDY, Trustee. BOILING SPRINGS COLLEGE A Baptist co-educational junior college in the Pied mont. midway between Charlotte and Asheville. Offers four years of high school and two years of college work, with junior college diplomas leading toward B. A. and B. S. Degrees. Special courses in Music, Domestic Science, Express ion, and Art. Healthful location, strong faculty, modem conven iences, reasonable rates. Session begins September 3, 1929. For catalog and information apply to J. B. DAVIS, President, Boiling Springs, N. C. A Summer Trip To HAVANA, CUBA Ancient, Historic, Exotic and Gay—Capital City of the Republic of Cuba. A MOST INTERESTING PLACE TO VISIT. Contrary to the general impression, the climate fit Cuba is pleasant during the summer. The hotel rates are unusually low, and a trip can be made there at small, cost. Average summer temperatures, as famished by, Belen College Observatory are as follows: , i . Minimum June « 76.14 July ^V-V- * 7S.8 August ** 75.7 Maximum 88.68 88.55 89.45 89.02 ' September ' ' *" 75.07 The nights are always cool, and pleasant, due to the ever present Trade Winds which sweep in from the ocean. All Year Tourists Fares to Havana are in effect via all railroads, going either to Port Tampa or Key West thence P. & O. Steamship Co. Popular excursions at half fare or less are also offered by the rail lines at intervale during the summer season. Stop overs permitted at' ajl’ points in Florida. Consult your local ticket agent or pas senger agent for detailed information. Steamer reservations made, descriptive literature, ho tel rates and any further information desired will be cheerfully furnished upon application to: THE P. & O. STEAMSHIP COMPANY “Shortest Sea Route To Cuba” Florida Natl. Bank Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. MM With more than, a million Frigidaires»» me we announce a second National "Cold Control” Demonstration See the “Cold Control” in actual operation. See how delicious frozen desserts are made. Taste them. Get the free souvenir book containing recipes. See the “Million Model” rngidaire now on special display for the first time in this city. Will you be our guest? Starting Tuesday for 8 days only ! The "Million ModeT Frigid I aireAP-4. Finiihod in porco I lain enamel inaido ana oat. I Only $205* puta itiny our home. fH|l