RUTHERFORD WELFARE HEAD WILL SrEAK Rutherfordton.—Mrs. F. B. Moss, superintendent ol public welfare of Rutherford county has been honor ed by being placed on the program at the tenth annual public welfare Institute at Chapel Hill, July 8-12. Mrs. Moss will discuss, "A County Program for Better School Attend ance* on Friday morning. July 13. She has made a most excellent rec ord as welfare officer since assum ing her duties last October 1. How It Will Work. Baltimore Sun Explaining the operation of the farm relief bill as it will affeit wheat, Senator Capper, of Kansar. who ought to be an authority in the matter, says that, after the organ lzation of a stabilization corpora tion, composed of farm cooperative;,, as g central sales agency for hand ling wheat, this agency will borrow ! 8100,000,000, perhaps, through thr farm board. If the price of wheat, in the opinion of the managers of tr.c corporation, is unduly depressed, they will announce their Intention rf buying wheat. If the announcement has no effect, the wheat will be ac tually bought and so'd at home or abroad, loss being borne by the ic volving fund. With this promise held oiu, wheat market, it miftht have bom anticipated, would have shown in clination to respond. But, admitting It will take time to create the ma chinery of the stabilization corpora tion. it Is not without significance that the same factors that were ri lled upttrt prior to enactment of die farm relief bill to fix quotations for wheat are still controlling Its price —economic conditions, crop pro. pccts and supply and demand. With nvery desire lo see the experiment successful, now that It lias been embarked upon, there remains skep ticism. as to how the government*, participation In the business will eliminate the operation of these laws; how It can prevent overpro duction in case the price Is raised to a height that ts satisfactory to the fanner, and how the govern ment's purchase of a hundred or two hundred million bushels of wheat will permanently maintain prices In the face of world capacity to produce the grain In far greater supply than can be consumed. The price of wheat is determined by visible supply, and the govern ment's store of it will hang over tbs market. It must sell the surplus i t thq world market price, taking ha loss, or It must hold wheat and sur render this market to foreign pro ducers and face the prospect of an other abnormal yield. Three Milwaukee veterans, repre aenting respectively the civil, Span isM-Amerlcan and World Wars, fought with knives to settle the question as to which war accom plished most for the country. All three are In the hospital at the Sol diers' Heme and liquor Is bleated for the outbreak of hostilities^ >VE FEEL TRETTY SAFE Emphasizing with all the force at our command that we believe that the sting iest man that eVer lived was one we heard of yes terday who gave his son a good whipping because he bought an ALL DAY suck er at three o’clock in the afternoon instead of in the morning, that’s going some. When it comes to Sinclair gas we’re going some Miroelves. SINCLAIR gas la certainly a go getter in quality and pep. It places you first in the getaway and first on the highway. It’ll be a pleasure to hear the even purr of your motor when you use SINCLAIR gas. For better and. surer lubrication always use OPALINE oil. Its quality protects you. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors The game of baseball, according to a recent feature article published in this paper, has added many slang words to the American vocabulary. However, expressions heard in Shelby oi recent weeks indicate that there are numerous modern people not yet versed in the proper sport phrases. Right after the baseball game between the lawyers and doc tors one lawyer was heard telling a friend that lie hit a hard one r> outfield and "got to the front base on it.” On the next day a caller at The Star office inquired lor onr of the employes and was informed by a citizen standing by that the person he sought was out at ‘'Hie poll yarn •Ebcltoft's biggest amusement these days Is reading jokes,".'in forms one reader, "but in the old days, before you struck the bos', loan on Die map, Ebletoft staged many a practical joke. That was vn the day when he sold most any thing you were looking for in his store,” (columnist's note: Guess his store must have been a forerunner of the modern drugstore). The reader goes on to say that 10 or 12 years ago Kbletoft walk'd out on the street, called in Kemp Kendall arid John Black, trill.;g them that "I am going to raise a racket in my place and I want, some witnesses.” The 'wo friends, a bit Uabbergasted. followed him, sev eral steps behind, into liis store. They were perplexed end couldn t take tn the situation They wanted to please their friend, the booksto.<* sage, but they didn't want to got tangled up in trouble Finally they reached the rear of the store, peering to the right and left, behind counters and in shelves, to see .lust who Fbeltoft was gom? to "raise a racket” with About that lime Kbrltolt reached ove-, picked up something and lu.ld It. above Ills head "Here it is. boy.-,” he announced gleefully. It was a tennis racket he had raised above his head Thereafter Ills friends were somewhat, wary of his calls for the;: assistance SHELBY SHAVINGS: A SMALL boy walking along Lafayette street, his aim In a sling. Just a few years back the first. thought would have been that some flivver had be';!! kicking, but modern flivvers and cars carrying self-starters, as did nothing but the big cars In the rid days, seldom kick anymore. . . A fav orite loitering place for elderly col ored men. who cannot keep up with the rapid-fire conversation of the younger blacks on the east side ef the court square, IS the slde»daor, entrance to the Eskridge grocery, coi ter of WRrren Rnd Washington streets. There with their feet dangling on the sidewalk they sit in the shade of one of the big South Washington street trees and chat the afternoons away. . . You could start a pretty good residence with material represented by the names of Shelby dentists—there’s Beam and Plaster, and maybe more, Shelby’s city directory lists Ed Post, the travelling man, as Ed Poston while Police Chief McBride Poston isn’t listed as Post or anything else. John Campbell, cotton buyer, >>e Ueves the rotten crop this year wi'l equal that of last year In Cleveland county, provided the boll weevil rioesn t drop in. That's a cheerln; prophecy since cotton buyers are usually pessimistic. . . Since the Ro tarians and the Khvanians are go ing to play baseball and since the game is to be played in the city park, next door to Sunset cemetery, some of the fellows up in years may feel like they have one foot in the grave when they start to run out a two-bagger. ■’NOTICED THAT PIECE IN the colyum." says a reader, "about the man who left his wife in an other city to come here or some where else with a big blonde, and also the connection made in the colyum about Anita Loos’ book ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’. Seems to me that your article might have been entitled: ’Gentlemen Marry Brunettes. Then Prefer Blondes'.” And so it might., but our guess is that tho person to whom it seemed so Is more than likely a brunet,5 bride. And, too, if we ever decide to write a sequel to Anita's book we’ll entitle it: "Brunettes, Why Not Henna?" Literary Note: True Stories still outsell the American Mercury, Fo - unt, and the Literary Digest com bined at Shelby newsstands. No doubt you've wasted enough time now, so let’s stop. Dr. D. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST. Eye* Examined, Pitted And Repaired. Located In Webb Building. Down Stairs Next To Hanes Shoe Store. Telephone 585. Shelby, N. C. Wilson Is Cleared Of Armistice Onus Charge That It Was Imported By His Influence Refuted. Foch Opinion Prevailed. New Haven, Conn.—Provost Chav. Seymour, of Yale university, who is chief of the Austro-Hungarian di vision to negotiate peace, has chosen the coming tenth anniversary of the signing of the peace treaty to reveal facts which led the Allies and the United States to grant Germany’s request for the armistice. Writing in the Yale Review, to be published, he says that of all the generals W‘*J took part in the discussion of the request, "Pershing was the only one who did mot wish to grant an armis tice, and urged the continuation of the offensive against Germany.” When Col. Edward M. House laid Pershing's mrmorandus advising the continuance of the war before Clem emccau and Lloyd George. Prof. Seymour says "they brushed It aside with some contempt.” Prof Seymour also quotes * let er written to Col. House which •.hows that it was the opinion of Marshal Foch that prevailed upon ihe Allies to accept the request, for the. armistice. He says the charge that except ror President Wilson's influence. Foch "would have led his trium phant armies across the Rhine nnri dictated peace in Berlin" is "based upon a complete misconception ” and uses the official records of the armistice discussions, which are uf cluded in the House papers, now at Yale, to prove his assertion. One Controversy Settled. “At least one controversy, which arose immediately alter the conclu sion of the war and which has cropped up on various occasions since, can now be definitely settled,’’ he says. "The question at issue Is whether the armistice wits conclud ed with the full approval of the Ai led military and political leaders, or whether it was unduly urged by President Wilson and Imposed through American influence Stories current at. the time and since then have laid upon the president the re sponsibllty for a premature pea. a Except for his influence Allied lead ers, it has been asserted. Foch would have led his triumphant armies across the Rhine and distai ert peace in Berlin. The diary of Sir Henry Wilson bears evident trac s of the feeling prevalent in Allied military r.ircles that as the Ger mans were retreatin' President Wilson was intervening to prevent a complete victory. "Publication of the House pape s has now made plain that such charges are based upon a complete misconception. What the president offered Germany in his October notes was not peace, or even an *i mistlce. but merely the privilege of applying to the Allied and associat ed powers at Versailles for an arm istice. Wilson gave no instructions to Col. House nor did he himself exercise any direct influence upon Allied leaders. He merely made peace practicable by putting Ger many's request before them. Thev were free to accept or refuse it. In the end, it was the opinion of Mar shal Foch himself that prevailed. Foch Is Quoted. “That Foch himself approved the granting of the armistice is plain from the following conversation. It is recorded in a letter to Col. House written by Paul Mantoux, Interpret er for the supreme war council. Ac cording to his notes the conversa tion was as follows: “House asks Foch. “Will you tell us. M. 1c Marechal, solely from ths military point of view, apart from any other consideration. whether you would prefer the Germans to reject or to sign the armistice as outlined here?' “Foch replies. 'Fighting means struggling for certain results. COn ne fait la querre que pour ses r»tton»l K«w«r*el> Card Of Thanhs. We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and sym pathy shown us during the death of our dear son and brother, Ezell, also for the many beautiful floral tributes. May God s richest bless ings rest and remain with every one of you MR and MRS J LESTER GREEN and FAMILY. How's That, Now? New York.—R. Cantarrana Zzvzz holds a moat coveted place of hon or. He is last in the new Man hattan telephone directory, having beaten out fellow* name Zzyk and Zzyx. aside with some contempt No rressure From United States "The decision to grant, an armis tice was thus made by the supreme war council and the Allies—and without any pressure whatever from the United States. The terms of ^he armistice were also left to the su preme war council. At the first dis cussion of the Allied politeal chiefs regarding the armistice. Hour.* staged clearly to Clemenceu and Lloyd George: 'The president Is willing to leave the terms of the armistice to Marshal Foch. General Pershing. Field Marshal Haig. Gen eral Diaz and General Petain.’ "No one has thrown higher lights and deeper shades Into his pictur? of the peace conference than Mr Ray Standard Balter. "Mr. Baker's admiration for Wil sons ability is unbouiyled; yet he is constrained to confess that Wilson did not succeed in imposing his principles upon Europe. In search ing for an explanation he is forced to the thesis that Wilson was de feated by the intrigues of the Eu ropeans and the weakness or treach ery of his colleagues." Keep Good Crops Good/ Concrete nukes ideal stor age buildings for fruits and vegetable* and for com and grain. Proper storage facil ities enable the farmer to market hiserops when prices are right. A concrete silo means larger profits from your dairy herd. Come in and talk it over. O. E. FORD & CO. Cement, Lime. Plister SHELBY, N. C. ■ * For rush jobs ask about ”tncor” Cfirm A sequel to the late former Vi'-e President Marshall's former remark a’K>ut the country needing a five cent cigar is being told. After mak ing the statement so often quoted. Mr. Marshall was deluged with cigars from numerous manufactur ers, but instead ofsmoking them he gave them to Tom Neil, negro at tache of his office, who smoked them all. And died. An Oklahoma newspaper express es just indignation over the brutal ity of a young wanton w ho deliber ately ran down and killed a valuable dog an the street with his automo bile. Yet, if he ever reaches the prison cell to wditch he seems to he headed, the sob-sisters will prob ably regale him with flowers and delicacies. Ohio State Journal: 'One of lie somewhat disillusioned brides cf this neighborhood wonders if LinUy snores.” Another assignment for the reporters.—Toledo Blade. They used to tell the aspirins young magazine writer that r c ought to do newspaper work, Out that is no longer necessary. All he needs now Is a term in (he White House—New Yorker. Sale Of Valuable Farm Properly. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by Lithia Miller Limerick (unmarried! on the 24th day of November. 1926, and record ed in book 141, page 238, we will on Saturday the • 3rd day of August, 1929 at 12 o’clock noon at the courthouse door in Shelby, N. C.. Cleveland county, sell fit public auction for cash to the high est bidder the following land to-wit All that piece, parcel or tract cf land lying and being in number 5 township, Cleveland county, N. C . containing 33 1-16 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described and defined as follow.': Beginning at an iron stake, J. A. » —-* LOW ROUND TRIP FARES Norfolk - Portsmouth, Richmond, and Washington, D. C. VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY WEDNESDAY, JULY 3RD, 1923. Tickets will be sold for all trains July 3rd, with final return limit of July 8th. ROUND TRIP FARES Shelby to Portsmouth - - $1°.75 Shelby to Richmond- --$9.75 Shelby to Washington. D. C._----- $13.00 A money saving opportunity to spend July 4th at the Seashore or National Capital. For further information or pulmlan reserva tions call on any Seaboard ticket agent, or H. A. Harris, Agt. John T. West DPA SHELBY, N. C. RALEIGH, N. C. 7J Whitworth's corner, thence fc>. GO 1-2 W. 29 poles to an iron stake; thence N. 32 W. 7 poles to a stake; thence S. 52 1-2 W. 49 1-2 poles to a pile; thence N. 11 W. 64 1-2 poles to an iron stake in old Rag road; thence N. 55 E. 55 1-4 poles to at: iron stake. C. C. Beam's cornet; thence N. 62 E. 30 poles to an iron stake on edge ot old road; thence S. 15 E. 9 1-2 poles to an iron stake; thence S. 75 1-2 W. 12 poles to an iron stake: thence 3. 14 3-4 E. 21 poles to an iron stake; thence N. 75 1-4 E 12 poles to an iron stake; | thence S. 13 1-2 E. 18 2-3 poles to | a stake; thence N. 77 E. 13 poles to 'a stake on public road: thence with I the road 3. 3 1-2 E. 18 poles to an iron stake; thence S. 67 1-2 W. 13 pole, to an iron stake; thence S. 3 1-2 E. 2 2-3 poles to the place o! beginning, containing 35 1*16 more or less. Reference Is n®jF made to the will of Emma recorded in the office of the <*** of the superior ccmrt of eieveUnd county, N, C„ in book 4, at pa£ 262. J . This sale is made by reasof or the lailure of Lithia Miller Ltn lek (unmarried), to pay off and l-US' charge the indebtedness secured bv said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Land bank of Durham. i A deposit of 10 per cent will, be required from the purchaser aft the sale. This the 25th day of June, j 1929. THE FIRST NATIONAL ( BANK OF DURHAM, Trustee, Durham, N. O. ,— Bynum E. Weathers, Atty. T77** CALL AT [ AREY REFRIGERATING Co.’s AND SEE THE MILLIONTH FRIGID AIRE. There are now more than a Million Frigidaires giving perfect service in the Home and Store. You can now buy a Frigidaire for $195.00 cash, or $25.00 down and $10.45 a month or your old Refrigerator or Box see. We have Bargains to Offer. FRIGIDAIRES - FANS - ELECTRIC Room as part of the down payment. Call and RANGES. ‘595 Ail price* f. e. h. Fttet, Michigan COMPARE the do lt wad price* e« well m the list price in eotuideriag nun* bile rain**. Chme let’adeliTered price* include eetr r*a*oif able rtairee* for da rtudlai Among all the delightful per* formance characteristics of the Outstanding Chevrolet—none is creating more widespread enthusiasm than its thrilling speed and flashing acceleration! The great new six-cylinder valve-in-head engine responds to the accelerator with an eager ness that is literally amazing. Touring speeds are negotiated with such smooth, silent, effort less ease that you almost forget there’s a motor under the hood. And when the throttle is opened wide on the highway—the pace is faster than the most experienced driver .yfommaum' tO maintain! Back of this exceptnn$*jMEf»' formance is a brilliant acta? engineering advancepgenta—* typified by a high-cocapaea* sioni non-detonating qBafa I head •««automatic accelerates J pump.. * hot-spot manifold m * semi-automatic spade ceotvol * * * and a heavier crankshafts statically and dynamically balanced. Come in and drive* tine Jeaei Learn for yourself, atd ■ that no other car can it in the price i *a Six in the price range.of I CRAWFORD CHEVROLET COMPANY SHELBY, — — N. C. ~Q U A L I T Y A T- L O W C O S T