Ftrom Farm To White House May Be Career Of Owen Young Slates’ Latest Diplomat May Candidate For Democrats Di 1932. ProEfnincnt Democratic leaders at Washington are already promoting the P residential candidacy for 1932 of Ov ;cn D. Young, the farm boy who |became the world's greatest comprromiser by solving the repara tions . puzzle in Europe. This- man, to whom the world looker* for guidance in settling tnc trcmejhdous financial problems growiiSg out of the World War, is irtfe regarded by Senator Carter Glass of Virginia, former Gov. Morrison of ,—wurn mu, ■ ■ i jLouis H. Jacques, right, former patrol leader in the customs service at Detroit, Mich., is again a private citizen since he resigned his dry snooping job because he “couldn’t stand for the promiscuous shooting'which already has cost the lives of too many innocent people.” Representative R. II. Clancy of Michigan is congratulating him on his spirit and courage he , showed in his resignation. . t • > < (Int«rn»tlonaI Ktwirtel) Women Taken From High Pedestal By Magistrate Learn' That They Are Liars And Have No Sense Of Law And Order. New York —Woman, lovely wom an, would be shocked to know how she appears to Magistrate Alexan der Brough, who has been peering at her with increasing skepticism dur ing six years he has presided over the New York family court. Those six years Magistrate Brough admitted, have chased him away from seeing eye to eye with the poets. They have, in fact, lined the judge up with H L. Mencken, the well-known bachelor, who has for long hitched up his red suspenders and taken to flight every time he got a whiff of Egyptian Nights per fume. Magistrate Brough learned about women in court, and here are some cf the things he said he learned: They have no sense of law and order. They have no consideration or fairness towards their husbands. Instead of being the pursued, they are the pursuers, often seeking a wedding ring simply to avoid the social stigma (among women) of appearing undesirable. They marry a $25 a week man and holler because they can't live on a $60 scale. Given $15 a week as the maximum for the family budget, they will blow- $10 on a permanent wave. They are so lacking in sentiment (aha Brother Mencken, didn't you tack that one on the creatures a while back?) That they don't even remember their own wedding day. They say, *'I was married three or four years ago,'' and that does them nicely. They are loafers, gossipcrs. braw lers, poor sports and no help. Magistrate Brough paused for breath. Also to qualify. He does not believe that all women are that way. No indeed—only most of the ones who come into court. Outside of court. Magistrate Brough prefers to believe that ladies ride around be hind their knights on white pal freys eternally grateful for being rescued from certain dragons. "Why, a woman was in court yes terday wanting me to increase the payments her husband was making for her support, said the judge. "Our social workers investigated and found he couldn't pay her any more. When I denied her request, she got so angry she slapped and scratched her husband right there in court. "What can you do to her? You can’t send a mother to jail for con tempt and let her children go with out care." Tut! Tut! The magistrate scratch ed his chin. “Another woman the other day," he said, “wanted more money and said she wasn't working. Our in vestigators knew she was. “ ‘Oh, well,' she admitted, ‘I knew I’d get more money if you thought I was dependent on him.' “And when we threatened her with prosecution for perjury, she just laughed and said ‘I don't care.’ "She was a mother, too, with children, who had to be consider ed." Magistrate Brough rubbed his nose. ' They've ail got old clothes to wear in court,” said the disillusion ed judge. “They all dress to look seedy when asking money. Usually they accuse the husband of going around with other women. I figure the absolute minimum for a man to lie on alone is $2 a day. And when he is paying $15 to her out of $30 wages there isn’t much left for other women." But can mere arithmetic allay wifely suspicion? "Any how. usually they try to say ; the husbands wages are much high er than they really are." said Mag- ; istrate Brough. "A woman will take her dress oil j in court any time to show a bruise. And when her husband is trying to tell his side of the story, she will j always interrupt him—no sense of , fairness. "Women have the idea that they run the' town.” said Magistrate Brough. "They feel that the courts | ( must give them everything they j want. They know all about their • rights, but they recognize no re sponsibilities." But the magistrate carefully at- j firmed that he doesn't believe these 1 things of all women Only the ones ! who come into court And some cf I their husbands need a good scratch- , ? ing. ; “AUNT PATST" ATTRIBUTES STRENGTH TO FAITH IN GOD ' Jonesboro.—Remarkable is the ' > record of Patsy Womack, of Lee , county. “Aunt Patsy" was born in slavery days and she was owned by Frank Harrington, of Jonesboro. She is past four score years but is a great deal more active than the majority j of persons that are 20 years young er. She owns a farm near Sanford which contains 11 1-2 acres, six acres being in cultivation. She raises i cotton, corn and vegetables. The | labor on the farm is done by "Aunt Patsy" including the plowing. She is deeply religious. Her child like faith and simplicity in these days of skepticism are indeed re- : . freshing. Darwinism, evolution, etc do not bother her and the least 'or > she has no doubts that she will some j day walk along heaven's golden j streets. >" She has been a member of the ' Baptist church for 42 years, and • she proudly tells you that she .s , "Baptist all over." This intelligent and typical war- | time darkey vehemently shakes her head in disapproval of the modem ways of the young people. She par ticularly dislikes short skirts and thinks everybody who wears them is headed straight for destruction. She has five living children and . is quite proud of the fact that on: of her sons is a preacher. She attrib ites her unusual, j strength of mind and body at her extreme age to faith in God. It is only a question of a very short time before the South will have no more “Aunt Patsy's.” Their : final passing will rob the Southern j people of one of their chief glories. INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY ' New York, June 12th. 1929 The Board of Directors have declared ■ regular quarterly dividend of one and three-quarters per cent (1 ?'*%) on the Cumulative 7% Preferred Stock of this Company, and a regular quarterly' dividend of one and one-half per cent on the Cumulative 6% Pre ferred Stock of this Company, for the current quarter, payable July loth, 1929, to holders of record at the close of business June 25th, 1929 Checks to be mailed. Transfer books mill not close. Owen Shepherd, Vice Put. and Treat. INTERNATIONAL PAPER and POWER COMPANY Boston, Mm , June 12th, 1929 The Board of Directors have deJared a regular quarterly dividend of one and three-quartWSkper cent (1 *4%) on ‘he Cumulative 7% Preferred Stock of this Company, and a regular quarterly dividend of ope and one-half per cent (1/4%). on the Cumulative o% Pre ferred Stock of this Company, for the current quarter, payable July 15th, 1929, to holders of record at the close of businessjune 25th, 1929. Checks to be mailed. Transfer books mill not close. R.G. Ladd, deal Treasure/ MER CHANTS always * SLS MERCHANT YOUR GRAND FATHERS MERCHANTS ..TO.YOUR GRANDFATHERS SUMMER MILLINERY Now Straw?, Silks and Combina tions are offered in this fine group of newest Hats. If you expect to pay more see these anyway, and you’ll be surprised—at 95c *" $4.95 WEARTEX HOSIERY We are featuring a full fashioned pure thread silk hose at a special low price— 95c Other full-fashioned Hose in the newer shades— $1.29 " $1.79 MEN ! Newest shades and modes in Straws arriving daily—Big selec tion to choose from— 98c " $3.98 ACORN VALUES IN SUMMER SUITS These are honest-to-goodness val ues—in pattern and coloring. Just the kin of suits you’ll see the well dressed men wearing, models for all ages in fabrics to suit every taste. $9 950nePant $20.95 and *24'95 2 Pants WASH DRESSES Guaranteed Tub Fast 95e 10 $1.75 THE NEWEST IN HANDBAGS Here at Acorn's you wilt find the newest in appearance and colors in Handbags—Priced— 49c $4.95 SUMMER FOOTWEAR SMART — INEXPENSIVE A distinctly modem shoe for every occasion. Blonde Kid — Patent — Crepe — Oxfords — French Biege. Priced— $2.98 10 $4.98 MEN’S & BOYS’ CAPS All Adjustable 39c 10 $1.89 Men’s Athletic Shirts And Pants Fine cotton shirts and broadcloth pants—all colors, each 49c MEN’S SHIRTS Featuring a special pattern. Full cut and fast color. Guaranteed, all sizes— 98c Others From $1.49 t0 $2.49 I MEN’S OVERALLS Men’s 220-weight denim triple stitched, well made. Priced— 98c t0 $1.29 BOYS’ OVERALLS Boys’ full cut and well made, of heavy denims. All sizes. Price— 69c to 98c ^i Men’s Dress Oxfords $2.98 10 $4.98 Attorn Present# Sumitfer^J piec^Soios AND SILKS ■*>; '< Washable Brints^aWJma^ggJ patterns^ I9c»39cm Tub-Fast SUB Koiles A beautiful seleotiop of hUrMSf modernistic desifrn«~ for sumrnpf frocks— - f i? 89c 10 95c CADICS’ RAYON SLIPS In Newest Colors y 95c “ $2.50 r. Silk Rayon Bloomers In all colors. Remarkable values. 75c ,nd 95c Special SKowin* Of W SUMMER FROCKS Be sure and see our'new line of1 Dresses that have ^ just arrived from headquarters m New York City. They are of the newest ma terials and latest styles. To pea them and examine the workman ship is to “buy,’them. They portray} all that the summer season implies. Priced— ’• > •> $4.9510 $14.95 SUMMER NECKWEAR Selected line in newest figures and stripes— 49c 79c 98c Men’s Weartex Hosiery; Double heel and toe. All colors 25c t0 48c BOYS’ SUITS Just Like Dad’s These superior suits, all with ex tra trousers—They are offered feature prices ana are built _ to stand the hard wear a boy gives them. All Two pants— $4.95t0 $13.95