EBB THEATRE — TONIGHT — LaMst Showing Of AL JOLSON in The JAZZ SINGER" Iso Two VITAPHONE ACTS. Ma*linee: Children . 15c Adults . 40c Nigr»t: Children ... 15c Adults ... 50c — SATURDAY — Tim McCoy in His Riding, Roping, Loving Best In “THE DESERT RIDER” Two Comedies and Fables, all for 10-25c. — COMING MONDAY — A Big Special With Milton Sills In “HIS CAPTIVE WOMAN” GEORGE ai.exa«dEK jEVTEtE* DiaB>°n^5 Watches saver*8*® Clara Bow’s WILD PARTY STAGED AT THE Princess Theatre TODAY AND TOMORROW RAZZ! JAZZ! WHOOPEE! CLARA AT BOARDING SCHOOL HER FIRST TALKIE The “IT” Girl With More “IT” Than Ever. Also Two Reel Talking Comedy And Vitaphone Acts. PRINCESS THEATRE Home Of The Best Pictures And The Coolest Place In Town. LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News *sLJLJL-J£======= ' Miss Hoke of Gastonia, who has been spending two weeks with Mrs. Joe Turner returned home Tues day Mr. and Mrs. Grady Lovelace, Mr and Mrs. Ladd Hamrick and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Broward, of Atlan ta, attended a dinner party in Rutherfordton Wednesday evening given by Mrs. Deck Wilson. Mrs. W. B. Nix, Misses Ros&lynd and Lucile Nix were Charlotte visit ors Wednesday. Dr. J. M Davis, J. H Qulnri and Clifford Hamrick visited at Chapel Hill Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shull who have been visiting in the eity for the past three weeks ar.d have be-m shown many social courtesies left this morning for their home in Passaic. New Jersey, Mr and Mrs. Norman Lee return ed Monday from their honeymoon trip. Mr. and Mrs B. D. Hulick attend ed the wedding in Charlotte las' evening of Miss Ernestine Sloop to Mr. Walker. Miss Nancy Suttle of Chapel Hill arrived today accompanied by Miss A! Fountaine of Fountain for a week-end vist. also Bill Pendleton accompanied them home. Master Bill Vaughn Is visiting nis aunt, Miss Bessie Willis at Belwood. Mr. C. C. Blanton. Misses Mt'li cesnt and Caroline Blanton attended the bankers convention at Grovt Park Inn, Asheville. Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Pattie Blanton and Miss Maude Hightower returned todty from Chick Springs where they spent three weeks. Mrs. Brevard Heamessa Is spend ing this week-end with Miss Betty Suttle at her home in Belvedere Park and together they will leave Monday night for Washington City for a few days before they go to New York and sail on the S. S. Aquitania on July 7 for a two months tour abroad. Mrs. L F McBrayer returned Wednesday from a weeks visit to her daughter Mrs. Julius Ragland in Salisbury who underwent a slight operation at Stokes sanitorium last week. Mrs. Chas. Wall of Lexington accompanied Mrs. McBrayer hoo.e. Miss Elizabeth Campbell leaves Tuesday for Greystone camp fir girls near Hendersonville. Roland Hamrick underwent an operation at the city hospital Wed nesday afternoon for appendicitis He is doing as well as could be ex pected. Miss Sara Wall Tiddy of Abb' ville. S. C. is visiting Miss Bertie Gettys. Mrs. J. G. Dudley and daughter Miss Elizabeth dspent Wednesday tn Charlotte with Mrs. Dudleys moth er. Mrs. Susan Eskridge who has been sick for several days. Miss Helen Campbell leaves Sun day for Atlanta where she will Join a party for a month's trip to the northwest. Miss Elaine Tucker is visiting her aunt, Mrs. B. G. Doggett in Dallas, this week. Mrs. Alice Boland and daughter. Miss Gertrude, motored to Fay etteville Wednesday returning yes terday with her mother. Mrs. Georgia Hickson and Betty Sue Laughridge who have been vising at Wrightsville Beach and Fayetre ville. Mesdames Luico M. Hull and K. N. McDiarmid are visiting relatives in Mt. Olive. Mrs. King of Fayetteville Is vls't inj her brother Rev. H. N. McDiar mid and family. Mrs J. F. Jenkins ;s visiting h* daughter, Mrs. Dale Laughinghousc, in Greenville, this state. Misses Alpha Gettys and Louise Lever will return Sunday night from a three weeks stay in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Weathers and children accompanied by Mrs. Flay Hamrick, left Shelby for Ark ansas Thursday morning for a two weeks’ vacation. Mrs. Hamrick is bound for Little Rock to visit her sister, while the Weathers family are going to Rose Bud, to be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Hassell. They are making the trip by motor. Mr. Jake Magness of Little Rock, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Murphy and two children of Batesville, Ark., are visiting Mr Jack Palmer and other relatives in the county. S. O. Baker and VV. E. Koore were visitors in Charlotte yesterdiy. Miss Delia Elizabeth Beam Is vts iting friends in Hickory this week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burgess a dainty daughter this morning at the Shelby hospital. Mother and baby are doing nicely. This is the first grandchild of Gov ernor and Mrs. O. Max Gardner. The young people's missionary society of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. George Hoyle, Mon day at her home on W. Marion street Miss Elizabeth Riviere, hos tess. Mr. Jake Magmess. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy and two children of Little Rock, Ark., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Palmer and Mr an ’ Mrs. Jack Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hendrick and Mrs. C. J. Borders returned Wed nesday from Kannapolis, where they have been visiting Mr. end Mrs Lester Lowing an dother rela tives. Dr. J T McCallie of McCall'e school in Chattanooga, nas a She: by visitor Thursday and guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Newton. Mesdames J. L Lackey and J. F. McKnlght are spending todav in Charlotte. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Richbourg in Flagstaff, Arizona Thursday morning a 9 pound s>r Mrs. Richbourg was formerly Miss Elsie Green. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Garrison ar rived today from Charlotte to spend a few days with their parents. D and Mrs. H. K. Boyer, before going to Burnsville next week where they will be supervisors of the girl s camp at Mt. Mitchell. Mrs. H. E. Richbourg and daugh ter. Miss Sara last week visited Mrs. Richbourg's sister, Mrs. Hatcher, in Waynesboro Ga., who is quite ill. At The Theatres Clara Bow the “It” girl Is the at traction at the Princes today and tomorrow. The piece is rightly en titled "Wild Party” and it is just exactly that. It is the immortal Clara's first talkie, and goes over with a whoop. Filled with Jazz and whoopee, it is entertaining from start to finish. In addition to the regular program a two reel talkie comedy enlivens the interest, and there are other program attractions. A1 Jolson’s “Jazz Singer” is hold ing the centre of the stage again today at the Webb. This piece, re puted to be better, both from the standpoint of plot and presentation, than "The Singing Fool,” filled the house last night. The story re vealed by this screen masterpiece is acutely human and appealing. The father’s ambition for the boy is one thing, but the boy’s dream is anoth er. The conflict makes the picture. Trinity People Have Fine Picnic < Special to The Star t Trinity Sunday school went on a picnic down in South Carolina Saturday. At first they went to Ninety Nine Islands where there is a large power house and a dam. After they had seen the sights at this place they went back to Blacks burg where there was a small park with green grass growing. Here they had a good dnner and lemonade. Then they motored to the Irens Park at Gaffney. S. C. which was thought to be very lovely. Many of the crowd enjoyed this place mors than they did Ninety Nine Islands and Blacksburg. There were about 140 people which were in some thing like 20 cars and a truck. The truck was loaded. Everyone was thought to return home happy. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Winn visited Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Winn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McKinney who have been visiting their ch'i dren are back at home now. They are not either one able to do any thing much but are not in bed. Miss Mildred Harris visited Miss Cline Harris Sunday. Misses Bettie Lee, Nell and Clara Mae Bostic were the Sunday after noon guests of Mary and Ray Bridges. Misses Ethel and Rrba Lovelace and Ruby Green were the dinner guests of Miss Sara Harris Sunday. Miss Ray Bridges visited Miss Clara Mae Bostic Saturday mght. Mrs. Herbert Ward returned to her home in Kentucky last week after visiting her mother quite awhile. Little Miss Katie Sue Bridges daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges, has been visiting her grand parents the past week, came home Sunday. CITIZENS OF SHELBY TAKE NOTICE All privilege license (axes are now due and must he paid right away. All Shelby automobiles and motor ears should now have the new city license plates. A PENALTY OF FIVE PERCENT will he lev ied against citizens who have not paid their privilege license tax by August I, and a penalty of Five Per cent will he added to the $1 purchase price of city auto plates for cars which do not have the license plates by August 1.’ PAY NOW! THE CITY OF SHELBY S. A. MrMFRRY, Mavor. FREI) P. ITLBRETH, Clerk. Everybody Invited TO THE BIG DANCE (BOTH SQUARE AND ROUND DANCING) AT CLEVELAND SPRINGS SWIM MING POOL PAVILION SATURDAY, JUNE, 29tK (Tomor row) at 8 P. M. Music By Hendrick Brothers String Orchestra. Admission: Gentlemen $1.00, Ladies Free. GUESS AT THE WEIGHT OF A PILE OF COAL — SIX VALUABLE PRIZES FREE — Look at the pile of coal in the old Gilmer Store Room between the Piggly-Wiggly and Union Trust Company. Make a guess at the number of pounds the pile contains. No one knows, not even do we know, how many pounds the pile contains. Write your name and guess on a slip and drop it into a sealed box in the store. FIRST PRIZE—ONE TON BLOCK COAL. SECOND PRIZE—ONE TON EGG COAL. THIRD PRIZE—ONE-HALF TON BLOCK COAL. FOURTH PRIZE^ONE-HALF TON EGG COAL. FIFTH PRIZE—500 LBS. BLOCK COAL. SIXTH PRIZE—500 LBS. EGG COAL. Everybody is entitled to guess except Coal dealers, coal truck drivers or others accustomed to handling coal. NAT BOWMAN COAL CO. PHONE—OFFICE 601. PHONE—RESIDENCE 402. GET YOUR POULTRY READY POULTRY CAR WILL BE AT SEABOARD DEPOT, SHELBY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3RD PRICES:— Heavy Hens.21c lb. Leghorn Hens. 19c lb. Heavy Broilers..30c lb. Leghorn Broilers. 25c lb. Cocks . 12c lb. ALVIN HARDIN, County Agent YOU’RE GETTING THRIFTY WHEN YOU KNOW YOUR MONEY BY THE CENT. Save and Grow With Us ' On the strength' of the friendly,/ helpful and personal interest that wti feel for each of our customers, you will be benefited by a BANKING CON NECTION WITH US. I First National . V' Bank' SHELBY, N. C.; RESOURCES OVER FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. The Greatest Name In RADIO —MAJESTIC— Power detection developed to its highest form hv Majestic engineers, enables Majestic to give you the most powerful and selective Radio ever built— without the slightest trace of A. C. Hum, and free from squeals and whistles at all wave lengths. Now for the first time, you can enjoy low wave stations with no “fuzzy,” garbled reception. Anywhere on the dial the reception is clear and strong, free from hum and distortion. Just see it, hear it, and try It for yourself. Majestic has no experimental tubes nor tricky, untried circuits. It is dependable, solid all the way through—lasting enjoyment and last ing service! PHONE US TODAY FOR A HOME DEM ONSTRATION. PENDLETON’S MUSIC STORE PHONE 272. SHELBY, N. C.