SOCIETY News MISS MAYME ROBERTS—Social Editor—Phone 256. News Items Telephoned Miss Roberts Will Be Appreciated. Presbyterian Circles. Woman's auxiliary of Presbyter ian church will meet Monday aft ernoon at 4 o’clock In a meeting. The executive board will meet at 3:30 o'clock. Afternoon Tea. The outstanding social event of next week will be thf afternoon tea given by Mesdames George Sperling and L. H. Ledford at the home it Mrs. Sperling on the Falls ton road from H:30 to 6:30 o'clock Wednesday Honoring Mrs. Norman Lee, a recent bride. Thomas-Willis Marriage. A wedding of nmrh interest to the mgpyfriends in Cleveland county wte that of Miss Margaret Willis and Mr. Buddie Thomas which took pH** at Galfney. S. C. Sunday aft ernoon June 23 in the presence of only a few friends Tjjo bride was dressed in a blue twpe-with accessories to match. She is the step daughter of Mr'. Ellen Willis of Shelby: while ‘he KCOOHJ Is the son of Mr. H. A ThomaTOf Grover, S. C. Mr*. Wilbur Baber Hosteaa,T0 Bridge Club. The inembers of the Entres Ncus bridge club were delightfully enter tained •Thursday ihorntng at 10:30 o’clock by Mrs Wilbur Baber at herdbome on West Warren street. The tables and living room were decorated with lovely mixed flow ers. The high score prize was won by Mrs. WU1 King, tire low score by Mrs. E. T. Switzer and (he consola tion was cut by Mrs. Grover Beam. Mrs. Baber was assisted bv Mes dames John McClurd, Jap Buttle and Fred Baber in serving a delic ious salad and sweet course. Miss Getty* Gives Party. The Oettys home on South Wash ington street was arranged with mixed summer flowers, last evening when Miss Bertie Gettys delightful ly entertained with bridge and an informal dance, honoring her house guest', Mias Sara Wall Tiddy, of Abbeville, S. C. and Miss Hope I WKisnant, of Charlotte, guest of Miss Dorothy King. Mis* Oettys was gowned In yel low organdy. Miss Tiddy in pink or gandy and Miss Whisnant in flow ered chiffon. At the close of The evening, the hostess was assisted by Misses Bessie Sue Wilson, Mary Reaves Forney and Dorothy King In serving a delicious ice course. There were about thirty guests present. Mr*. Pitt Beam •■jjfelte Entertains. . Mrs. Pitt Beam was a charming hostess yesterday afternoon when she entertained with bridge at her home on N. La Fayette street whlon was beautifully decorated with ‘lovely mixed flowers, honoring Mvs Clark Broward of Atlanta, sister of Mrs. Ladd Hamrick and Mrs. Jam**-. Vivian Whitfield of New York, sis ‘ter of Mrs. Easom, and Mra. Con nelly Eskridge, a recent bride. Each of the hooorees was pre sented with a dainty gift and Mrs. Aaron Quinn won the high score prize. A delightful salad and ire course was served by the hostess, as sisted by her mother, Mrs. Kemp Kendall and Mrs. Grady Lovelac* The guests included Mesdame* Broward, Whitfield, Eskridge, Ladd Hamrick. Grady Lovelace, Robert Doggett. C. B. Buttle, Jr., Tom Esk ridge, Horace Easom, D. W. Roy ster. Aaron Quinn and Miss Eliza beth McBrayer. Mrs. Doggett Honors Bister. Mrs. C R. Doggett charmingly entertained with bridge Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock at her home on N. LaFayette street, honoring her sister, Mrs. Margaret Gardner, of Greenville, S. C. The large liv ing room and parlor were thrown together and decorated with a pro fusion . Of mixed summer flowers. Each of the bridge tables was grac '-.-ed with a bowl of nasturtiums. Mr.; Doggett received, wearing orchid voile and Mrs..Gardner was attired in black chiffon. At the close of the games, the hostess was assisted by Mcsdames Nelson Lattimore, J. W. and Robert Doggett In serving a delicious salad and ice-course. The invited guests were: Mes dames O. M. Gardner. Margaret Gardner. J. C. Smith, S. S. Royster, R. L. Ryburn, W. B. Nix, Paul Webb. C. R. Hoey, F. R. Morgan, John Schenck. B. T. Falls, Zeb Mauney. J. B. Nolan. J. H. Quinn, C. C. Mc Brayer, J. T. Gardner, Mary E. Mc Brayer and H. T. Hudson. Mcsdames Shull And Miss Shull Give Tea. One of the largest and most beautiful teas of the summer was that given on Wednesday afternoon from 4:30 to 6:30 o’clock at the Woman’s club room by Mesdantes Chas. H. and Evans Shull and Miss Lalage Sliuil complimenting Mrs. Frank Shull, of Passaic, N. J.. a re cent bride and visitor in the city The club room and hall ways were artistically arranged throughout with a profusion of lovely summer flowers, in iloor baskets, vases and jardinieres. The long tables anti piano were graced with silver can dlesticks. holding pink tapers, tied with pink tulle. Greeting the guests at Hie front door downstairs were Mrs J. L. Lackey and Miss Agnes McBrayer Reeeivng in lire reception hall up stairs were Mesdamer. SHRDLUN P. L. Hennessa and J. H. Hull. Pro dding at tlie punch bowl which was irranged in the hallway were Misses Montrose Mull, Kathlern Hord, Faye Dellinger and Mrs. Chas. Hoey. Receiving at the entrance to the club room and introducing ths receiving line was Mrs. Georgs Hoyle, which was headed by Mrs. Ohas. Shull, wearing yellow chiffon, the Iionoree, Mrs. Frank Shull stood next wearing her beautiful wedding gown of Ivory satin, at\d shoulder corsage. Mrs. Evans Shull wore black lace over ird satin with dwulder bouquet. Mrs. L. L. Self of Dherryville was gowned In orchid lace and satin. Miss Lallnge Shull wore green taffeta with shoulder bouquet of roses and sweet peas. Mrs. H. K. Boyer was attired In blRcu and white ohtffon. Mrs. Nor man Lee, a bride of a week, was gowned tn blue georgette with shoulder spray of pink roses. Mrs. Ed Post wore apricot georgette and lace bertha with shoulder bouquet of roses and sweet peas. Mrs. Hor ace CJrigg wore pink chiffon, Mrs. Dennis Beam was attired in flesh ehlffon and lace, Miss Frances SVhisnant In tan georgette and lace trimming, Mrs, Chas Lever, a recent bride, wore corral taffeta ana shoulder bouquet. Mrs. Shovine Beam wore pink organdy over blue satin and Mrs. Fred E. Webb, of Forest City, was gowned In pink taffeta with corsage of roses and snapdragons. Entertaining in the reception room were Mrs. R. M. Laughridge, Otto Long and Ransom Casstevens. Serving beautiful plates of gre»n white and pink eream, rakes and salted nuts were Misses Virginia Hunt, Reba Hamrick, Mabel Frances Hold, Ruth Elmore, Dorothy Xing, Sara Rlchburg, and Elizabeth Ri viere. Presiding at the piano and furnishing music during the after noon were Mrs. Rush Thompson. Misses Ethel Elmore and Maying Roberts. Bidding the guests good bye were Mesdames P. M. Wash burn and J. C. Newton. The regis ter was arranged in the reception hall on the first floor and presided over by Mesdames Clarence and John Mull. Tlie guest list includ ed four hundred. Mrs. I.ovclare Gives Bridge Luncheon. A lovely bridge luncheon wav given Wednesday morning at 10:JO o'clock by Mrs. Grady Lovelace at her home on W. Warren street, hon oring Mrs. Clark Broward, of At lanta, sister of Mrs. Ladd Ham rick, Mrs O. Max Gardner, Mrs J V. Whitfield, of New York, sister of Mrs Horace Ea.som and Mrs. Con nelly Eskridge, a recent bride. The home and tables were arranged with quantites of beautiful summer Hov - ers. The honorees were present.d with dainty crepe de chine hand kerchiefs. The hostess was assisted by Mesdames J. H. Guinn, Ladd and Clifford Hamrick in serving a delightful salad and ice course. The [guests invited were: Mesdames Gardner. Broward. Whitfeld, Esk ridge, Pitt Beam. D. W. Royster, Tom Moore, Ladd and Cliffo-d Hamrick, Horace Easom, Panl Webb, Aaron Quinn, C. B Suttlr, Robert Doggett, J. S. Dorian. B. O. Stevenson, A1 Bennett, Deck Wil son, Flay Hoey Jack Dover, John Schenek, Jr., John Lovelace, Mtsres Adelaide Roberts, Chariine and Janie Stamey, Millicent Blanton and Elizabeth McBrayer. General Officers At Double Springs A. L. Calton Heads B. V. P. U. Personal And Church News Happenings. (Special to The Star.' The following were elected ns general officers in the B. Y. P. U. last Sunday, Mr. Olin Greene, assist ant director; Mr. John L. McSwain, senior president; Mrs. A. L. Calton, Intermediate leader; Miss Imogen” Wilson, Junior leader and-Mrs. B. B. Moore sponsor. The officers in the senior B. Y. P. U. have been selected as follows, vice president, Mr. Walter Davis; corresponding secretary, Miss Wil loree Calton; recording secretary. Mattie Lee Gardner; treasurer Mr. Charles Wilson; chorister, Tyree I Greene: pianist. Miss Selma Davis: DOVER ID OHfl NEWSJDF WEEK Win* At Baseball Over Ella. I’er sonals Of Teople About The Two Villages. (Special to The Star * The Ora and Dover baseball team | defeated Ella Mill team last Satur-1 day. the score being 17 and 3. We are very proud of our team and hope they will will many more game" i They play Ltncolntor. Saturday. Mrs Gussie Carlisle and baby cf quiz leader. Mr. Paul Wilson; group captains. Misses Margarettc Stock ton. Ruby Washburn, Bertha Haw kins and Mr. Reburn Washburn. Last Sunday night the intermedi ate B V. P. U. from Lattimore visited our intermediate union. W-> were very glad indeed to have these young people with us. Come back again Mr. Walter Davis and Mr. Re burn Washburn are attending a Tar Heel meeting in Raleigh this week. Mr. and Mrs. vales tsianion ana children from Statesville spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greene. Prof, and Mrs. V. C. Taylor and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs J C. Washburn Sunday. Mr. Raymon Jones was able to re turn home last Friday, from the Shelby hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. George Bridges from States ville spent some time here with re latives and friends recently. Miss Ella Jones was the guest of Miss Vcrnie Brooks Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. T. D. Philbeck and children spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Greene. Miss Lola Davis was operated on last Saturday evening at the hospital for appendictis. She is getting along nicely. Miss Davis had just recently entered the hos pital lor training. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gold and daughter. Ruby, spent Saturday night with Mrs. Mary Gold. Mr. and Mrs. Koven Carpenter and children, Mr. and Mrs. Sam mie Brooks and son and Mr. ar.d Mrs. Milton Hawkins visited Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawkins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grigg and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lum Brooks and son Yates visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Brooks Sunday. Mr. Clarinda Lovelace of Boll ing Springs spent several days re cently with Mrs. W. W. Washburn and Miss Pathtca Hamrick. JfJEJJP Grid Caome in and t hrill to the new magic of tba new Atwater Kent Screen-Grid Radio! Unleash the magnificent new power with your finger-touch and hear those far-off sta tions as clearly as if they were just around the corner. Let us show you what it means tc make the music louder or softer without affecting purity of tone .... What a radio summer ahead—what years of enjoyment— with such a glorious, proved radio as this! See it—hear it—here or in your own home -NOW! Listen—-ioday I $175.oo in cabinet with Atwater Kent Electro-Dynamic Speaker RADIO ELECTRO - DWY of course! I. tubes and rectifying tube. Less tubes, 188. Model F-4 Electro-Dv. nsmir table speaker. $84. SHELBY HARDWARE CO. PHONF. 330. “WE SERVE TO SATISFY.” Gastonia are spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mr3. Bruce Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Henderson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Barney Connor and baby. Frances, enjoyed a mountain trip Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Green and children were called away to the home of Mr. Lester Green ot Bon ing Springs whose son was drown ed at Sunrise lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Southard, Miss Lucilc Southard end Mr. Zollie Canipe motored to Marion Sunday. The Boosters club of Dover and Ora Mills were entertained with a fish fry at Bridgewater last Sat urday. All reported a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. J. H; Morrow and children and Mr. and Mrs. Newel. Morrow visited relatives at Cherrv ville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goforth and daughter, Lucille, of Kings Mountain, spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Noian of Gastonia Is here visiting his brother Mr. Fdd Nolan who remains seri ously ill. Mrs. W. H. Southard and children visited at Lawndale Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Vick Johnson. Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Morrow and Mr, and Mrs. A. Cabaniss motored t) the mountains Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bailey end children visited Mr. Bailey’s moth er at Avondale Sunday afternoon. The regular monthly meeting of W. M. tT. met with Mrs. E. T. Bailey Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Greer, S. C. spent last week here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Blanton and daughter, Jewell, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Morehead of South Shelby. Msses Nel land Mildred Blanton visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gantt cf near Fallston Sunday. We were delighted to have Mr. and Mrs. Lynch with us in services Sunday night. Mr. Lynch preached a very helpful sermon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCraw who were recently married returned Saturday from Asheville where they have been on their honeymoon. Miss Elizabeth Queen spent Sun day with Miss Ornie Le Wheite. Miss Inez Grigg returned to her home Wednesday after spending some time with her cousins Misses Foy and Polly Pritchard. COMMISSIONERS MEET 2ND MONDAY IN JILY The Cleveland county board of equalization will be in session in the office of the county commission ers on the second Monday of July, 1929, as required by law. FALLST1 BATCH OF CURRENT K (Special to The Star.) Fallston, June 28.—Mrs. Claud Stanley and brothers and siste-s surprised their father. Mr. George Cornwall with a birthday dinner at her home here Sunday. All of his children were present except Mrs. Claud Gettys who was unable to attend. Misses Marie Louise Huffman of Morganton. Catherine Mitchell of Aular.der and Nell Baker of Ahos kie are the guests of Miss Roberta Royster this week. Miss Thelma Stroup entertained a few friends with a bridge party at her home here Tuesday evenin'? in honor ot Miss Carrie Long of Anderson, S. C. Miss Long is the guest of Mrs. T. A. Lee. Mrs. H. A. Beam spent Several days this wek wieth her sister Mrs Claud McCraw of Union, S. C. Prof. Roy Rcep of Woodbine, N. J. is spending a few weeks here witn his wife and baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lackey. Fallston Methodist church gave a children’s day exercise Sunday. An interesting program was rendered. tamey and Mrs. Ow*n n. at Marlon ie of her Miss Elizabeth Lee bif * return,,d from ? weeks visit with/ ' 53 jorie Hoyle of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. family visited Mr. and Stamey of Rutherfoi Mrs. Hall Tillman Is, this week at the _ mother, Mrs. C. D. Wac4'stcr wh° 15 seriously ill. ( Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Mdniund and family are spending several weeks with relatives at Orangeburg, s- C Miss Mildred Small ’of Gastonia spent the week-end 1 with Mi-;s I Francis Edwards. Mr. O'Kelly, a ministerial stud ent at Duke University^is spending the summer here wit hi Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Fitzgerald. \ ! Miss Jessie Dixon Is spending i !few days with her parents, Mr. an 1 ; Mrs. Ed Dixon of Shelby, I Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lee made & Urip to Hickory Tuesday afternoon, going over for Miss Carrie Long who spent several days with M> J. H. Thrift of that place. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hoyle and family of Shelby visited Mrs. Hoyle's mother, Mrs. J. B. Stroup here Sunday. There will be no beauty contests in Italy, by order of Mussolini, who thus puts a stop to the only thing at which he can't hope to win — Kay Features. As Advertised in The SATURDAY EVENING POST of June 29thr The Super Service* * * RIVERSIDE TIRE TRADE MARK World circling'mileage World beating quality . simple statement that this tire assures everv owner of com plete immunity from major tire troubles and expense for at least 30,000 MILES is ample proof of its superlative quality. It is purposely a tire of supreme quality. I'he manufacturers use only the finest materials obtainable in it. By every standard of measurement it is in our opinion the Finest Tire Ever Built! In size it is so much larger than ordinary tires we recommend its use only in pairs, never singly. Its tread, extra thick, with extra deep-cut non-skid blocks is a design acknowledged to be one of the most attractive ever produced. It will appeal especial ly to the man w-ho prides himself on owning equipment “as fine as money can buy.” The guarantee behind Super-Qualitv Riversides is absolutely un conditional. It is a LIFETIME guarantee against defects of material and workmanship. In addition, it covers all kinds of wear and all kinds of damage, including rim cut, blow out, stone bruise, rut wear and curb damage—for 30,000 miles. To our knowledge the longest and strongest definite guarantee evet placed on any tire. Only superlative quality can justify such a guarantee. PRICES OF A FEW POPULAR SIZES 30,000 Mile Balloons 29 x 4.40, 6-ply_$10.75 30 x 5.00, 6-ply_14.85 30 x 5.50, 6-plv_18.50 33 x 6.00, 6-plv_20.35 32 x 6.50. 6-ply.21.65 32 x 6.75, 8-ply_27.25 Other sizes to fit all cars at proportionate savings.

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