Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost WHatYotf Want Tnifoe WAHTAPS 21 Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimurr Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c. will be charged 25c for tirst insertion, IK you ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estimate. Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J. tl 18c I HAVE SEVERAL thousand dollars to lend on improved farms in Cleveland county. See or write Marvin Blanton, Led better building, Shel by. W-F-tf FOR SALE: 5 ROOM BUNGA low. Modern improvements. Jeffer son street. See C. A. Morrison. tf29c * FOR RENT: THREE ROOM spartment. Close in Griffin P. Smith. tf 5c FOR SALE: 60 H. P. CONTIN ental motor, one Liddell pony spe cial saw mill. Plenty power for bin ning outfit. Practically new. See Chevis Washburn at Cleveland Hardware Co. 5t 9c WANTED: PEELED PINE POLES for creosotlng. For specification and prices write Taylor-Colquitt Co., Spartanburg, S. C. or our local representative H. F. Killian, Gilkey N. C. 12 7p CARS WASHED and Greased; also storage. Texaco pro ducts. Temple Service Station rear Masonic Building, Phones 774 796. tf-lOc $ SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, specialiizng in rebuild ing wrecked cars, building commer cial bodies, duco painting, top up holstering and glass work. Black smithing. Phone 753-J. South Mor gan Street. tf 15c FOR SALE- Sweet ieed, corn, hay, and special prices on feed oats few cane seed and cow peas. Phone 130 D. A. Beam 6t-21c MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, finalizes 55 per cent protein. Excel lent for hog and chicken ieed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall. tf 7c WANTED JOB AS TRUCK driver. Write “Truck” care of The Star. 6t 19p FOR RENT: ONE 8-ROOM house on S. LaFayette St. S. A. Ellis. ti 13c FOR RENT-ONE 5 room house, apply C. S. Young. tf-c 8 LB. BUCKET OF Lard $1.15; Break . fast Bacon 22c; Mas ter Loaf Bread 3 for 25c; Guaranteed flour $3.20. C. H. Rein hardt, South Shelby. 3t-24c FOR RENT: FURNISHED BED room. Every convenience. Close lu. Mrs. June Willis, West Graham street. tf 24c FOR SALE-GOOD milk cow. J. A. Phil beck, Lawndale, N. C. 3t-25p FOR RENT — FIVE ROOM house. bath and pantry, barn and chicken house on West Marion street. Mrs. Julius Elliott. Phone 16-W. tf-24c FREE SALESMANSHIP COURSE Valuable salesmanship training of fered. Helpful to those now em ployed and others who want to learn selling. Employment for quali fied applicants. Send 10c to cover; cost of mailing first lesson. Roberta i Salesman Training Service. P O. Box 1492, Greensboro, N. C. 5t 24r J WANTED TO clean your blankets, rugs and quilts. Shel by Steam Laundry. Phone 18. tf-24c ONE NICE JERSEY COW FOR sale. Val Thomason. 3t 26e FOR SALE: FINE POINTER puppies. See Charles Dover. 3t24o ONE 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR rent. W. A. Broadway or Mrs. H Clay Cox. 604 West Marion St. 3U4 • NICE COOL ROOMS FOR RENT —close in. 305 DeKalb St. 3t 26o FOR SALE: SEVERAL NICE chairs, swing, oil heater, lawn mow er, garden plow, garden tools, two kitchen tables. Mrs. I. C. Griffin. 425 S. Washington street. Call d? fore Saturday. 2t 26c SALESMAN WANTED IN EACH North Carolina town, $15.00 weekly salary and commission paid sales men who qualify. Permanent posi tion. Those selected must come to Greensboro for five days free train ing course. Address P. O. Box P252. Greensboro, N. C. 5t 34c FOR SALE - $1,700 First mortgage 1, 2, 3, years, 6% interest. Our client says sell. How much discount do you want? This is a guilt edge proposition backed by farm lands. See us. J. B. Nolan Co. 2t-26c OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR sale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-26x we have cash buyer for a good Cleveland county farm about 40 to 60 acres. Prefers good road, buildings and reasonably convenient to market. Write us what you have to offer, state lowest cash price. J B. Nolan Co. 3t 2oc FOR SALE: ORANGE CANE, seed $2.50 per bushel. In threo bushel sacks $2.25 per bushel. Swpf ford Bros., Gaffney, S. C. 3t 3fic FOR RENT: FURNISHED rooms, desirably located. Mr*. W. L. Packard, Phone 275. tf 26c FOR RENT: 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for light housekeep ing. Desirable location: good neigh borhood, close in. Phone 459. 2t26p FARM FOR SALE—SEV ENTY three acres. Six miles north of Lincolnton. Ten room house, large barn, smoke house, brick potato house, tenant house. 45 acres clear ed, remainder timber. Fine river bottoms with some graz ing land. $90 per acre. Easy terms. Milton Tidd*, Lincoln ton, N. C. lt-28p FOR SALE—AT A BARGAIN breakfast room furniture, one re frigerator and kitchen cabinet. Marion Street Grocery. 2t-28c WHITE LADY WANTS JOB AS family cook. Apply to County Wel fare Officer. 3t-28c MY WIFE HAS LEFT HOME and children without cause and I hereby forbid anyone to hire or harbor her. Her name is Georgia Black. Sam Black. R-6, Shelby. 2t-28n COME! HAVE A BIG EVENING at the dance at the Cleveland Springs Swimming Pool Pavilon, tomorrow night, at 8 o’clock, music by Hendrick Brothers String Or chestra. It 23c DANCE! EVERYBODY INVTt ed to the square and round dance at Cleveland Springs Swimming Pool Pavilion tomorrow night, eight o'clock It 28c G UARANTEE D flour $3.20. C. H. Reinhart, South Shel* by. l-28c “GUS AND GUSS1E Correctly Identified A SNOOPER-, APPARENTLV essed on ey WRl©RT ROOT JRV TPC SOREHEAD SUITOR WHO OOT THE • Bozo's Rush ~ WELL, I WOPE VOU'Rfc SATISFIED, MOW "THAT ytoO'VE TbRMED TVIE PLACE OUTSIDE INSIDE — / y V 77 --^ll ■WEVE <SOT f A REPORT ThAT “THIS PLACE >S A NEST OP LAW ' ^ VOCATION5 — AT TU£ v ROOT l OF *TM\S - aiCAose gussie ^ M TUB vce AMD D e.y HER,THAT. XQ TURNED <N CHARGE AGAINST L SET I CAN eiVE DESCRIPTION O^-TWE MAN WHO MADfc iHc . SQLJAVs/K. you've Got me... >T IS ... 1 WAS SETTING IN MIS \ HEADQUARTERS PICTURE ? I HOUR. A&O, ' _ .AND. All Trouble* And Cro*»e* And IN flew A • | PeA&tfock! At MD A DSAD I DUCK. >S WHAT I waaHT root on.i V tsie aosiw«, siHice He was M3AM ENOUGH Tb AAAK* nAUSR CHAftOSS AGAINST 1UM MANDAft )NN — 'jF'rbu SHOULD BE <5LAD > VbU POUND HIM OUT WHEN VOLi D'D» A MAN WHO'O DO A LOW IttlCtC. L\<E * "TILAT ON POOR- LVU „ WOT CWA WOULD AAAK-S. A PVNE H0SBAK1D, HE would — ^Kff»L:i.,i.;,s»isw : $5 ■ Lti'hi:: feiiiHiMS "Twc MOMENT 1 SAW W\S MUSTACHE I KNEW 1 COGLDM'T TRUST H'AA AS FAR. AS 1 COULD -THROW AU 6 LE PH AWT »• — ^jdgum st®risiL”i} i 1*», Ktwy rigMt r—rvd iXa completelV 0\StLLUSI0NED • 1 SHOULD HAVE FORSSWM IT SMHEM R\S AAOTHEP "DOUftLE- CROSSED ME / AMD ms patweR- J Visitor To Winston Took Hint Tendered Drifts in a story about Dr. Laug'n tnghouse. secretary of the state board of health. who came intart with local pride. Winston-Salemit*^ are very lull of local patriotism. Dr. Laughinghouse was in that city, making a speech to some woman's organisation. After the speech the doctor took out a Chesterfield ciga rette and prepared to light it. “Hold on,'’ said one of the ladies, taking the cigarette out of his hand and tossing it aside "Do excuse me." said the doctor. “I had no idea that there would any objection to smoking here.” "No indeed," said she. "we do not object to your smoking," and turn ing to a servant ordergd that eigi rettes be brought. When they came they were Camels, of course, Wipstop-Salem's own product. The doctor took a Camel, lit it ard said. "Oh I see.” Then he took off his coat and laid it aside. Then his tie and collar and vest, and began unbuttoning his shirt. This caused surprise at first and as the process continued, alarm, and the lady who had first spoken asked for an explanation. “Why,” said the doctor. "I haven t got on Haynes’ B. V. D. s which are made in this city and I thought, 1 had better change at once.” BOOK LISTING STATE’S RESOURCES PUBLISHED Raleigh.—The publication, ‘North' Carolina Resources and Industries,” which will be an index of the na tural resources and industrial devel opment of the state, is expected to be available for distribution this week. Col. J. W. Harrelson, director of the department of conservation and development, has announced The book, prepared under the di rection of Park Mathewson. de partment statistician, is said to be the most complete compilation of its kind that has yet been prepared on North Carolina. It will contain nearly 300 pages including inven tories of the agricultural, forest, mineral, power, game, fish and other natural wealth of the state. Chap ters will be devoted to transporta tion communication, highways, In dustries and other features of the state. Arrangements have already be--n made for the volume to be used as a reference work in public schoo’s. Due to its sise and expense its dis tribution is to be limited to those who will find particular use for the information which it carries. Only An Albino. From The Twin-City Sentinel. Samuel C. Ntfong. Midway Town ship farmer, living near the Forsyth line. Is reported to have made the umjsual capture of a white possum near his home a few' days ago. He and his wife are said to have been sitting on their front porch when they noticed a movement in some pea vines in the yard. Investigation disclosed a virtually snow-white possum. Remember when father used to swing Indian clubs and raise dumb bells? Well, he has quit swing In- | than clubs.—American Lumberman : 'Chicago.) Bethlehem News Of Personal Mention Personal Mention Of People Coming And Going In That Community. (Special to The Star.) Bethlehem, June 23.—Mr. and Mrs. Homer Harmon find little son spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lail spem Saturday nisht with Mr. and Mr^. R. B. Dixon. Miss Josephine McDaniel spell*. Saturday night with Miss Leona McDaniel. Mr. A. V. Watt croon of Shelbv spent Sunday with Mr. Andrew Watterson. Miss Leona McDaniel spent Sun day with Miss Bonnie McGinnis. I Mrs. J. T. McDaniel and daugh ters pisses Julia and Bessie, Mr and Mrs. Giles McDaniel were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A Randall Sunday. Mr. Clyde. Barber of Jackson training school spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brown of Los Angeles, Cal . Mrs. Margaret Wilson and daughter. Jessie, of Maryville. Tenn.. spent a few dais with their aunt, Mrs. T. H. Bridges last week. Mrs. T. H. Bridges Is spending this week in Shelby with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Randall of Earl spent the week-end with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. O Bridges. Mrs. Florence John.,on of Bariu: spent last Tuesday night with Mrs. T. H. Bridges. The Fidelis class will give an tee cream supper Saturday night at. fhr school house for the benefit of the new church. Mrs. J. P. Blalock is spending this week with her daughter Mrs. Rush Dixon ol Dallas. Masters Lawrence and Fred Book out of Gastonia are visiting their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs J. I’. Blalock Pay To Be At Home. (From The N. Y. Times.) | If you want to do a favor for tha j government, stay at home next year ;on April 1. That Is the day when t’.e I census enumerator will call to ask jyou a lot of questions which, put to gether and compared with the re ports of 95.000 other enumerators, will give a composite picture of th’ 123,000,000 men. women and chil dren residing in the United Stat-s in the year 1930. Of course, if yju are not at home, the enumerator will do the best he can to get the information from some one else in authority on the premises. It will make it easier for him. however, and assure a much more accurate account, if the head of the family is there to give the information in person. Many more men make money out of the stock market than in it.— Virginian-Pilot. Sale Of Valuable Farm Property. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by F. M. Bar tee and wife. Bertha Bartee on the 18th day of November 1926, and re corded in book of mortgages HI. page 223, we will on Monday, 29th day of July, 1929 at 12 o'clock noon at courthouse door in Shelbv. Cleveland county, sell. at public auction for cash to the highest bid der #the following land, to-wit: Being joined on th» N. by John Whelchel and Berry Green, on the E. b.v John Welchel, on the S. by MORE Issac Shelby Flour Is Used In Cleveland County Than Any Other Two Flours that are Sold In This Section. Dependable Goodness And* Wholesomeness Are The Reasons. Eagle Roller Mill Company Hub Crawley and Carl Huskie, and on the W. by Tlnk Cobb; and bj Ing composed of those two tracts of land conveyed to F Marten Bartre-> by V A Humphries by deed reg istered in book "NNN” page 431. and by O. E. Scruggs and wife, by deed registered in book-page of the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. N. C.. and be ing described by metes and bounds as follows: Tract No. 1: Beginning on a birch. Berry Green's corner on the E. side of Ashworth creek, and run ning thence N. 65 1-2 W 56 1-2 poles with Burt Green's line to a stone, his corner; thence N. 1 1-2 E. 94 poles with R. L. Cobb's line to a maple. Cobb and Rupp's cormr; — ,j— m— . thence S. 89 1-2 E. 22 1-3 poles to Ashworth creek, Berry Greens corner; thence up Ashworth creek Berry Oreen's line to the beginning, containing Thirty-Two and Two Thirds (32 2-3> acres, Tract No. 2: Beginning at a post oak stump and runs thence N. 38.00 E. 7.78 chs. to a stone; thence S. 41.00 E. 7.30 chs. to a stone; thence S, 13.45 E. 13.00 chs. to a stone: thence S. 50.15 W. 15.05 chs. to thence 3. 50 50 15 W. 15.05 chs. to a poplar; thence N. 87 24 W. 12.80 chs. to a red <eak; thence N. 77.30 W. 10 90 chs. to a stone; thence N. 55 15 W. 1.45 chs. to a stake in Ashworth creek; thenoe N. 38.30 E 4.50 chs. to a stake; thence N. 22.00 E. 5.50 chs. to a stake;* thance C. 5.25 chs. to a atone; thence N. 4UM E. 9 95 chs. to an iron stake; thence N 46 45 W. 4.80 chs. to the place of beginning, containing V%rtp«7lT4 and 42-100 < 45,42 acres.) This sale is made by reason of the failure of F. M. Bartee and wife Bertha Bartee to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Land Bank of Dur ham. A deposit of 10 per cent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 18th day of June ltgl. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM. Trustee. • Durham. N. C. Bynum E. Weathers. Atty. mm THE GIANT POWER FLEE ^©?i AB€H «f th® Road Steady waves of cars along the country roads • • • in the cities •. • everywhere — traffic and more traffic. Slow down ... creep along ... now, there’s your opening ... step on it... pick up speed ... faster and faster... You're ahead ... leading the pack ... monarch of the road. Its easy motoring with ESSO, the red Giant Power Fuel, in your tank, i ESSO gives flexible power. And ESSO la genuinely anti-knock—made an and kept so. Costa a trifle more per gallon than ordinary gu» line but gives you immeasurably superior results in Instant* smooth power. Colored red tor your identification. For sale only at the silver colored ESSO pumps with the ESSO globes. Esso contains tetra-ethyMead STAND V \ * Y _ o U» « V tJ

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