10 PAGES TODAY *- -1 VOL. XXXV, No. 70 SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESD'Y, Jl'LY I>. 1929. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By mall, per year Un advance) $2.60 Carrier, per year (in advance) $3.00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, per pound ............ lie Coton Seed, per bu. ----40'a Talr Thursday. Today’s North Carolina Weather Beport: Generally fair tonight ami Thursday. Slightly warmer Thurs day In west portion. Senate Race Still Talked; Mention Hoey Bailey May Oppose Simmons. Or ganization Likely To Sup port Hoey. Raleigh—-Friends of Josiah Wil liam Bailey are still confident tint ho will become a candidate for the Democratic nomination for U. S. senator against Senator F. M. Sim mons in June and are encouraging him to do so, despite the fact that if he does enter the race he can not expect any assistance from Gov ernor O. Max Gardner and the state Democratic executive committer. For in addition to the fact that Governor Gardner has served no'.'ce to the effect that he will not support any factional political movement that might reopen the rift in -h? Democratic party, which Is inter preted to mean that he will supo^rt Simmons rather than run the risk of another party split, there are ru mors of another factor. And that is that Governor Gardner and for mer Governor McLean will support Simmons in the 1930 primary, and that later on the Simmons-Mc Lean following will get behind Clyde Hoey for the senatorship in the west to succeed Senator Overman, rather than back former Governor Camer jn Morrison. The more rabid enti-Simmons Democrats, however, believe that almost anyone can defeat Senator Simmons, and are pinning their hopes on Bailey, since he seems to be the only potential candidate actively in the field. And it seen t that Bailey is lending c most atten tive ear to their pleadings that he run and that he is becoming more and more optimistic. "There is no doubt in my mind but that Bailey will be a candidate in the senatorial primary next Jane,” said a close friend of Bailey's today. "I have talked with him sev eral times lately, and from the favorable sentiment he is finding in every portion otf the state he has visited he is convinced that he can win.’ Bailey has lately completed a tour of the eastern section of the state and contemplates another trip through the Piedmont and western sections of the state soon. The Bailey supporters maintain that if he enters the primary he will (Continued on page eight.) Crowell To Talk Before Kiwani&ns No Meeting Next Week. Kiwanlans Jo Eat WNh Veterans At Barbecue. Dr. L. A. Crowell, of Lincolnton, prominent surgeon and physician, will be the chief speaker at the Ki wanis meeting tomorrow, Thursday night. Dr. Tom Brice Mitchell has charge of the program. 31 the same meeting a report will be heard from the clubs delegate, Dr. John Har binson, to the Kiwants Internation al meeting. No meeting 'will be held Thurs day night of next week, Secretary Chas. A. Burrus announces, as the Kiwanians will eat with the visit ing Spanish-Amcrican war veterans at their barbecue Tuesday after noon at 1:30 at Cleveland Springs. The Rotary club will likely follow the same plan, it is said. Many Cash Prizes For Fourth Picnic Of Cleveland Cloth Employes of the Cleveland cloth null here are all set for their big annual picnic. Thursday afternoon and evening at Cleveland Springs. The afternoon program consists of a baseball game between the single men and the married men. foot races, wheelbarrow races, swim ming and diving contests. Cash prizes, totalling quite a sum, will be awarded in all of the contests. At 6:30 there will be a big company dinner followed by a square dance. No Formal Session Held By Aldermen No formal session of the city al dermen was held at the city hall last right, although it was the date for the. first Tuesday night meet ing in each month. Some several important items were booked to come up for consid eration, according to Mayor o. A. McMurry, but one of the members of the board was absent and it was decided iy>t to take up the items un til all were present. From that point on the meeting developed into an Informal chat between the city dad' Earl Section Loses Appeal For Highway In Hearing Tuesday Route Surveyed By Highway Engin eer* I'pheld By Com mission Jury. Tine new highway 18, from She'. by to the South Carolina line, when, and if, constructed will go over "the direct route" and not by the town of Earl or by Patterson Springs unless an appeal to the full North Carolina highway commission re sults in a reversal of a decision handed down by a jury of state commissioners here yesterday. After hearing the appeal from the Earl section along with appeals from other sections of lower Cleve land asking for the highway to be routed in favorable manner for the several sections. Highway Chair man R. A. Doughton and District Commissioners W. A. McGrit, of Wilmington, and J. G. Stikeleathrr, of Asheville, informed the several hundred people packed in the court house that they would uphold the direct route as surveyed and endors ed by District Engineer Noell and his assistants. Notice Of Appeal. In announcing the decision Cha.r raan Doughton stated that if the Earl section and the other sections involved were not satisfied that they still had one recourse before them —an appeal directed and presented to the full highway commission in Raleigh on July 16. Following the announcement of the decision At torney J. Clint Newton, represent ing the Earl section, gave notice for an appeal hearing. Over Routes. Mr. Doughton. Commissioners Mc Grit and Stikeleather, and Com missioner A. M. Kistler, of Morgan ton, for this road district; Chief Locating Engineer Browning, of Ra leigh; ;District Engineer Noell, of Marion, and other engineers, arrived in Shelby early Tuesday morning. After a short stay here they were escorted over the section which will be tapped by the new highway. The trip down started out the present highway 18 veered backed by Sul phur Springs and on to Earl. There the motorcade swung back to Dravo and examined the other route, com ing back to Shelby by Zoar and into the city on South LaFayette street. Hearing Starts. At 2 Tuesday afternoon the com missioners and Mr. Doughton en tered the court house, which was soon filled with interested citizens from lower Cleveland, and the argu ments began. Since the appeal from the route of the engineers was made by the Earl section Chairman Doughton announced that he would hear the Earl side first, giving each speaker not more than 20 minutes for each of the sides. Attorney J. C. Newton in presenting the Earl appeal gave some history of that section of the county and the many years it has been settled and used as a trading center. Thirty-five hundred bales of cotton were ginned there last year, and there is other industry, aloug with numerous schools, churches, and residences erected along the the present route which would be left off the highway by the direct routing. A census. Mr. Newton, showed that 705 people live within a half mile radius of the Earl route while only 234 people live within a half mile radius of the direct rout,-. His contention was that the high way was to be constructed to serve the people of Cleveland county not merely to join Gaffney with Shelby and that more Cleveland citizens would be served by the Earl route. Attorney Chas. A. Burrus follow ed Mr. Newton and argued the cause of the Patterson Springs section. He pointed out that the Grover road and other county roads inter (Contlnued On Page Eight) One-Arm, One-Leg Hurler Here 4th Shelby baseball fans arc in for an unusual baseball exhibi flon here on the morning of Thursday, July 4, when the Cleveland cloth mill team plays the strong Cramerton team. Dlrlt Norment, of Lumberton, the high school boy with only one arm and one leg who made sueh a remarkable pitching rec ord this year, will ftart the game for the cloth mill team. The baseball freak has hurled one no-hit game this year and two one-hit games. He Ls a brother of Mrs. Randolph I.ogan and well known to many Shelby people. Roberts Child Dies Infantile Paralysis Short Illness Fatal To Gastonia Woman, Native Of Cleveland. Gastonia, July 2.—Mrs. Eloise Stamey Cline, wife of D. A. Cline, died about noon today at Broad Oaks sanatorium, Morgan ton, after an illness of about three weeks. Apparently in good health, Mrs. Cline suffered a collapse three weeks ago, her illness coming as a great shock to her family and friends. Mrs. Cline was a native of the Bel wood section of Cleveland coun ty, but had lived in Gastonia a number of years. She was a member of the First Baptist church, and prominent in its activities. The body will be brought here some time today. Funeral arrange ments have not been made, but it is understood that the services will be held here Wednesday, j Mrs. Cline is survived by her husband, by one daughter. Miss Hester Cline, and a number of rela tives in Cleveland county. Mrs. Cline Dies At Morganton Eight Tear Old Son Of Mr. And Mrs. Wheeler Roberts To Be Buried Thursday. Wilson Roberts, the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wheeler Roberts, South Morgan street, died this morning at 12:30 o’clock at the Shelby hospital from infantile para lysis from which it had been suf fering for four weeks. It was thought yesterday that the child was much better and plans we-e being made to take it home when it took a sudden turn for the worse during the night and the end came shortly after midnight. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts extend their deepsst Sympathy. The funeral will be con ducted from the Second Baptist church Thursday afternoon at two o’clock by the pastor. Rev. Rusn Padgett and interment will be in Sunset cemetery. Mr. Walker Falls And Breaks Hip, Age 89 Tire many friends throughout the the county of Mr. J. M. Walker of Route 1 Lattimore, will regret to learn that he fell on the steps of his home Monday afternoon and broke his hip. He was brought to the Shelby Hospital where he is undergoing treatment. Mr. Walker is 89 years of age and the father or Mrs. Charlie Wells and Mrs. Frank L. Hoyle of Shelby. D. W. Royster Named Director Of Railroad By Gov. Gardner Raleigh, July 2.—Mrs. Thomas Walter Bickett, widow of the former governor of North Carolina, was named president of the North Car olina railroad company for a period of one year in an announcement made by Governor O. Max Gard ner. The officers and directors of the road running from Goldsboro to Charlotte, were all named, Gover nor Gardner waiting until later to name the officials of the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad, run ning from Goldsboro to Beaufort. List Of Officials. The full list of officials follows: Mrs. T. W. Bickett, Raleigh, presi dent; D. F. Giles, Marion, secretary treasurer; W. H. S. Burgyn, Wood land, attorney; Charles F. Dalton, Charlotte, expert; Dan Allen, state’s proxy. The directors in addi tion to Mrs. Bickett. include George C. Tudor, Winston-Salem; D. W. Royster, Shelby; Robert W. Lassi ter, Charlotte; Arthur M. Dixon, Gastonia; C. A. Hunt, jr., Lexing ton; Hill M. Hunter, Greensboro, and Walter S. Martin, Canton. The members of the finance com mittee are Thomas H. Webb. Con cord: Charles W. Gold. Greensboro; Carroll B. Spencer, Swain Quarter, and Marvin Horton, Farmville Dr. G. M. Gold Dies; Passing Grieves County Brlovrd Veteran Physician I>ics I n ripectedly At Rutherfordton. Funeral Thursday. Cleveland county was shockri Tuesday to learn of the sudden death of Dr. Griffin Miller Gold, member of the board of county comissioners and an active pi.ie tioner of medicine in the county for 48 years. Dr. Gold died while und-r going a medical examination at the Rutherford hospital. He was in Shelby Monday attending the monthly meeting of the county board of commissioners and n tde no complaint to his friends v ho greeted him. Dr. Gold, however. was a van who never complained of his own compliants. He spent the day with one of his sons here and after lie had gone to his home for the day, he felt bad at night when he had a slight hemorrhage. The next morn ing he decided to go to the Ruth erford hospital for an examination, and. while being examined, his heart failed. Funeral Here Thursday. The funeral of Dr. Gold will be conducted from the First Baptist* church on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock by Dr. Zeno Wall and Rev Rush Padgett. He was a Baptist and a member of the Second Bap tist church here at the time of his death, he having lived in Shelby up until 18 months ago. Dr. Gold was 69 years of age last December. He began the practice of medicine at the age of 21 and re ceived his medical education in At lanta and Baltimore. During the 43 years he practised he was active and esteemed by his host of friends and patients. Being a physician of the early days he was close to the hearts of his people and served not only as physician, but counsellor, comforter and companion. Started 4,000 Lives. During his long practice he serv ed as stork for the delivery of 4.000 new boms in Cleveland and Ruther ford counties, most of his residence being In the Polkvtlie section near the line. In.1927 when Dr. Gold was liv ing (Continued On Pag« Eight! Death Saddens Entire County UNEXPECTED—The passlnr yes terday of Dr. G. M. Gold, veteran physician, county commissioner, and former Shelby alderman, came as a shock to all Shelby and Cleveland county as he was one of the coun ty's most widely known and most beloved cltiiens. I Star Photo.) City Prepares To Entertain Veterans Uit Minute Touches Brin* Put On For Gathering Of Spanish American Reunion. The entertainment committee ap pointed for the North Carolina en campment of Spanish-Ameritan war veterans here Monday and Tuesday of next week informs that all plans are working out smoothiy and that by the end of the week the city will be pretty well prepar ed to take care of the big Influx of visitors, near 1,000 being expected. Since the hotels of the city will not be able to accommodate all the veterans and their families citizens of Shelby will be asked to open their homes to accord them hospi tality. Those who will do so should telephone or get in touch with Capt. J. Frank Roberts. The program of the convention will be published in Friday's 8tar. Over Seven Thousand Children h Rural Schools Of Cleveland Ten Thousand Enrolled. -5,341 In High Schools. Principals And Opening Dates. There arre 10.238 children en rolled in the rural schools of Cleve land county with an average at tendance of 7,160 according to fig ures made public today by Prof. J. H. Grigg, county superintendent of education. In the same announcement Supt Grigg gave the opening dates for the schools this year together with the principals of the high schools. The rural enrollment follows: white colored total High school _847 — 847 Elementary _6.743 2,648 9.931 Total _7,590 2.648 10.238 Average attendance: white colored total High school _701 - 701 Elementary _4,642 1.817 6.4.19 Total ..5.343 1,187 7.160 In 6-Month Schools. Of the 7,590 whites enrolled :n the rural schools 2.892 are in sis month schools and 4,698 are In eight months schools. Two hundred and thirty-one w’’i'c teachers are employed in the rural schools, 35 in high schools and 196 in rural schools, while there are 61 colored teachers in the rural school system of the county. Open July 29. The eight months schools of the county will open on July 29 this year, Supt. Grigg states, with the exception of the following: No J township school will probably open on July 22, Casar on August 6. and Dover mill on September 2. Principals Named. The principals of the various schools are listed as follows: Lattimore — Lawton Blanton: Mooresboro, J. D. Huggins; No. 8. J. L. Dennis; Piedmont. W. O Burns: Casar, H. M. Loy; Bclwood C. A. Ledford; Fallston, W. R. Gary; Park Grace, Mrs. J. K. Nickels; Waco, F. W. Simpson: Grover, B. F. Bird: Dover mill, G. T. Grec > way; Patterson Springs, M. R. Biggers; Earl, J. W. Davis; Boil ing Springs, not named. The last three schools, he adfs, will operate for eight months for the first time this year. The information above was given out at the suoerintendent's office Flying Circus Here For Next Three Days Three Planes Piloted By Experts Will Perform On Aviation Field Here. A flying circus will be held in Shelby at the aviation field at Cleveland Springs Friday, Saturday and Sunday when Miss Mabel Cody and her flying daredevils come with three modern planes. Besides Miss Cody there are two army pl'ots from North Carolina. Ed Newkirk of North Wilkesboro and Rex Rickner of Asheville. The stunt work will be done by Jesse Exum who will make a test Jump of a new parachute. Then one of the pilots will fly an American Eagle plane for a mile or more upside down and the planes will fly in formation and give an interesting exhibition over the city on these three days. Here Tomorrow. One of the Cody planes, It is an nounced, will be at the airport here Thursday, July 4. to aid in the day 3 picnic program of the Cleveland Cloth mill. There will be a parachute drop, a real dare-devil performance at 4 o'clock. Since it is a holiday event and hundreds will be at the airport it is announced that for Thursday only passengers will be taken up for one cent per pound, with a mini mum charge of $1 for children. The flying circus may remain fer tile reunion of veterans Monday and Tuesday. Barbecue July 4th At Sunnyside Lake H. A. Dover who operates the Sunnyside Lake between Kings Mountain and Grover plans a big barbecue on July 4 and many vis itors are expected to enjoy swim ming and boating at this new re creation park. following the regular monthly me ,*t ing of the county board of educa tion Monday. Finding Of Bloody Clothing In Attic Described In King Trial ! Cleveland Man Faces Bigamy Charge Soon Mathis To fio On Trial At Gaffney Next H>fk When Court Bruins. Gaffney, S C July 5—When the summer term of court, convenes July 8. Oscar Mathis young man from Cleveland county. N. C . will probably be brought, before Judge Thomas Sense to explain why he felt, that he was entitled to two wives Early this spring Mathis brought a young North Carolina girl here and married her. Before the honey moon was over the girl’s father swore out a warrant for Mathis and he was separated from his bride and brought here to jail where he stayed several weeks. Shortly after he was arrested he told a reporter that, he thought It would be all right to marry a second time be cause the first girl he married was living with another man. Another Baseball Player To Columbus Clftf Cllnf Uivn To .loin Cousin On Southeastern League Team Cleve Cline, son of Frank Cline, former baseball and football star at Shelby High and Bolling Springs college, left Shelby yesterday for Columbus. Georgia, where he Joins the Columbus team of the South eastern league. Cline will not be altogether home sick, for his cousin. Cline Owens Lee. who Jumped from Shelby's championship school team to the leading hitter of the Columbus club, la playing second base there. Cleve will make his debut in the outfield. Apparently down Georgia way they have secured the Shelby be lief—that any youth with Cline In his name and from Cleveland coun. ty can slam a baseball. One of the Columbus outfielders has been hit ting poorly for some time and Mon. day a telegram came to Shelby for Cleve to report In time to play in the morning game at Columbus on Thursday, July 4. He hBs been play ing this summer with Forest City. Lee yesterday dropped from the leading hitter of the Columbus club to second place, his average now being .333 (Note: More county baseball items and sporting news on inside page.) Couples Of Section Married In Gaffney The following couples from this section of North Carolina were married In Oaffney. South Caro lina. last week, according to The Gaffney Ledger. Everett Orayson McNeely and Alma Ethel Hastings, both of Lawn dale; Louis L. Lovelace and Callio Doster, both of Ellenboro; A. B Cobb. jr., and Bertie Patterson, both of Kings Mountain; Frank Ellis and Verdie Green, both of Shelby; Floyd Grigg and Mary Sandsing, both of Shelby; Marvin Hardin and Nellie Emory, both of Cliffside. Shelby Firemen Given State Fund The Shelby fire department is one of the 125 North Carolina fire de partments which will share in the annual allotment of the Firemen's Relief Fund this year, it is announc cd from Raleigh. The Shelby de partment will receive $307.74 The Kings Mountain fire department will receive $113.62. Cross-Examination Has Suggestion That King’s Suit Might Have Been Planted There. Philadelphia Doctor To Testify This Afternoon About Blood Spots On Clothing. State Will Not Complete Evi dence Before Thursday Night. iBy ERNEST JACKSON.) Court House. Chester. S. C, July 3. (1 p. in.)—The finding of till bloody clothing In the attic of the King home at Sharon, evidence te vhieh the prosecution appears to attach great Importance, was describe rd to the Jury by J. Frank Faulkner, chief of police of York, immedlateij after the convening of court today. Mr. Faulkner said he visited the house at the request of Sheriff Quinn and other officers. In looking in a closet of the home that open ed through the top into the attic he said he saw signs that some one hat! climbed lip there into the attic and he went up to Investigate. Clothes Over Celling. "After looking around with a flashlight I found a bundle of clothes over the ceiling of the piazza," he said The clothes, consisting of a man'., suit and shirt were offered in evid ence Mr. Faulkner said they bore blood stains. "Plant" Suggested He was subjected to a grueling crass examination, during which lie was bombarded with questions as to why he went to the King house and other queries tending to suggest that the clothing had been "plant ed " W. A Fairies, mechanic of Sha ron. testified that he had seen King wear the suit a short time be fore (he death of Mrs. King Pressed on cross examination for the exact time he had last seen the suit, on King, he said It might have been as long as three weeks bef ve Mrs. King's death. Quinn On Stand. Sheriff F. E. Quinn, took the wit ness stand at 11 o’clock and at. 12:30 the cross examination had Just be gun Philadelphia Doctor. He produced specimens of cloth clipped from the bloody suit and from Mrs. King's dress and six chips he said were taken from th* floor of the King house. He said ill these specimens had been sent to Dr. John A. Kolmer of Philadelphia for analysis of the blood stains. Dr. Kolmer is in the courtroom and is expected to testify this afternoon, l ong Trial Seen. Solicitor Hines said at noon today that the state could not complete the presentation of Its evidence be i fore tomorrow night. PHYSICIAN SAYS DEATH WAS NOT BY POISONING Chester, S. C . July 2— A phy sician testified this afternoon that it would have been impossible for a person to have died in the posture that neighbors found the body of Faye Wilson King. Sharon, S. C. French teacher, on the night of January 25. Appearing as a state's witness in the ease in which Rale F. King of Shelby, the woman's husband is charged with her murder. Dr. C. C. Burrus. family physician of the Kings, declared the relaxation of the muscles would have precluded th? possibility of her remaining with her arms stretched upward To make it more dramatic, Ar thur L. Gaston. attorney for the prosecution, lay on his back in front of the jury, demonstrating just how the neighbors had found Mrs. King's body in the outhouse near her home and then had Dr. Burrus point out what muscular contraction would change the posi tion. The physician was on the wit ness stand almost two hours. De fense Attorney B. T. Falls, of Shel by, subjecting him to the most sev ere cross examination that has ‘ali en to the lot of any state witnesses. The fact that Dr. Burrus had in his first autopsy given as his opin ion that Mrs, King died oP poison ing. and after the second autopsy that she had been choked was used by Falls as a lever to attempt to discredit the doctor's testimony. Local Militia Boys Leave For Summer Camp Saturday Company K. Will Slay Two It eoks At Camp Glenn, Morrheart City. The Cleveland county militia unit of the national guard, Company K, will entrain here Saturday after noon for Camp Glenn. Morehead City, for their annual two weeks encampment. Hie local soldiers will leave over the Seaboard at 5:27 ibocnd special cars for the guardsmen going down ly the sea for the.r yearly training, hast year Company K -.pent its an nual encampment at Camp Jack son. Columbia, being switched back to Camp Glenn this yean a change that meets with general approval along the ranks. Company K will carry three com missioned officers—Capt. Peyton McSwain and Lieuts Mik? Austell and H. C. Long——together with 60 noncommissioned officers and intn. "You passed over the marks on her throat and examined only he* stomach the first time,” Falls In. qulred incredulously. "That was all Dr. Saye was in structed to do," replied the witness He contended he had been asked te assist Dr. J. H. Saye in the autopsy "Were you not satisfied she died Irom poisoning?” “I thought it probable.” "And you went away with only a supposition?" Dr. Burr us insisted again he wa* only called In to aid Dr. Saye. Later Falls demanded to know why Dr. Burrus had not examined the liver, kidneys, heart and othei organs in the effort to discover poison to which Dr. Burrus made the reply that he was not an ex pert on autopsies. “Don't you think common hon esty should have made you tell that you were not capable of making an autopsy, then?” Falls thundered. The fact that Dr. Burrus had made an affidavit that Mrs. King died by being choked with a cord or rope and that there were not acara on the back of her neck or directly on the front was used by Falls In some bitter questioning. A subse quent witness. B. L. Robertson, of Clemson college, chemist, testified that after a chemical examinatlsn of the stomach he waa convinced the person whose stomach he exam irved had not died of poisoning. He described in some detail the man ner in which he eliminated various poison. Evidence In King Case Given Tuesday Hoey Scores For Defense Keren) Times Cross Examining Witnesses. Chester, July 2.—Mrs. Margaret Gartman, registered nurse of Ashe ville, was the first witness for the state Tuesday. She said she was visiting h«r mother near Sharon, S. C„ and went to the King home the night Mrs. King's body was found. Nursed In King Rome. The witness told of giving nursing service to King and others at the household A spot of blood was seen on the sill of the kitchen door, the next morning she said. She also noticed that the kitchen floor was damp and wet. The nurse said she also saw a can of “Red Devil" Lye on the back porch. There was about a tea spoonful of lye In the can, she added. The following morning Mrs. Gart man said King sat up in bed and calmly smoked a cigarette. Eyes Not Swollen. That morning she said. Kings eyes were not red and swollen. Al though the night before he had ap peared to be weeping strongly and covered his face with a handker chief. That night she testified. King had said he wished that he could take (Continued on page eight.) Road Maintenance Crew At Polkville First Secondary Road In The County Under New System Is Taken Over. A road maintenance crew word ing under the direction of the state highway commission arrived Mon day and will maintain headquarters at Polkville for the up-keep of tin county road from Shelby via Union Polkville and Casar and back 1rU highway 18 at Belwood. In tbi equipment are a number of rose drags, scraps, trucks and tractor* and they will set to work at once maintenance this road which Rep resentative O. M. MuH of this coun ty had placed unde state highway control a few months a-o

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