12 PAGES TODAY * MONDAY. JULY 15. 102!) Published Monday. Wednesday . and Friday Afternoons By man, per year (inadvance) mo * Carrier, per year (in advance) 13.00 VOL. XXXV, No. 81 SHELBY, N. C. The Markets. Cotton, per pound (__19c Colon Seed, per buf ...... 40! 2 Cloudy Tonight N. C. clOudy twilight and Tues day. Probably ov'a.sional showers; somewhat cooler J tonight in east and central portions. With Judg on the bene ty recorder’ faced one recent weeks, from all over dggpllorart ncm the C :r’s vourt of tfce hea eks. Jntere aver ft he ct orace Kennedy back j 'leveland coun- j this morning heaviest dockets of j nterested spectators county were in attendance, participating in various hearings, and; while the cases tried were, for the most part, of minor importance, all the deliberations were watched with keen interest bv the cfowd completely filling the court room auditorium. Judge Kennedy has been on vacation to Morehead City and other points. Local Firemen To State Meet Members of the Shelby lire de partment in fine fettle and spirits left the city early this morning for Hendersonville where they go to attend the four-day session of the North Carolina firemen convention. The annual firemen's tournament is always an event anticipated with the keenest interest and pleasure and attracts a large attendance. Arrangements have been mads by the officials of the Shelby fire department by which half the fire men are to attend the first two days of the session and then re turn home, so as to allow the other half to enjoy the final two days or .the tournament. Those leaving here this morning to attend the first two days includ ed the following: George Elam, J. Dover, Everett Dellinger, Taul Hawkins, R. G. Mauney, George Johnson, John Stowe, C. H. Esk ridge and Joseph Carroll. Those to Igave Wednesday for the final two days will include: J. L. McDowell, Charles Magness. Dee Elmore. J. C. Caskey and Chief J. R. Robinson. In addition to the Shelby fire men, other Shelby city officials and a part of the public of the city will endeavor to go to Hendersonville for a portion of the four-day meet ing. Time For Filing Property Ends Saturday was the final day for listing property for taxes in Cleve land county and throughout the day the office of Tax Supervisor Newton was thronged with people anxious to comply with the law before the closing hour. The stat utes of the state provide that those failing to list their property in ac cordance with the law shall be fin ed $50 for failure to list the “poll tax and there shall be added 25 p t cent to the property valuation. The tax supervisor says that some interesting facts are revealed by the figures filed with him. For in stance, there appear to be ju r„ about an equal number of automo bile and dogs returned in Cleve land county for taxation, this number being in the neighborhood of 8,000 while strange to relate, there are decidedly more people here owning automobiles than own watches or clocks of any descrip tion. Revival Meeting On At Falhton Church A revival meeting started at Fa'.lston Baptist church Sunday and will run through this week Services each morning at 10:30 and each evening at 8. Rev. G. P. Aber nethy doing preaching and H. B Easom Is conducting music. A revival meeting will begin at Sandy Plains Sunday. July 21. The pastor. Rev. G. P. Abernethy, will conduct the meeting. Former Resident Is Back On Visit Here Dr. Allen McBrayer, a native of Shelby, butt who is now stationed a Chipley, Fla., where he holds the post of assistant state veteri narian of the state of Florida, has arrived in Shelby for a visit to -friends and relatives. Dr. McBrayer has a month’s vacation, a portion of which he has been spending at Little Rock, Ark., and from which point he drove to Shelby. The young man says he likes his Flor ida location and work very much. Lattimore School To Open August 5th The Lattimore school which was scheduled to open July 29th has been changed to open August 5th, according to Committeeman Wilson. This school has an enrollment of 7E0 and starts early because it suspends school work for about six weeks dur ing the cotton harvest to allow the ehlltiren to help in the field. Preacher Pays Brief Visit To King In Prison Report Of Disagreement Among Defense Attorneys Meets Stout Denial. Chester. S. C.. July 13 —Reports received here tonight that some of the defense counsel in the Rate King case would not take part in efforts to obtain a new trial for the condemned man. sentenced to be electrocuted on September 20. were vigorously denied by the local defense counsel. Every member of the staff which appeared in the trial, it was stat ed. will work to help the doomed man obtain a new trial, and if they are successful before the state supreme court the same at torneys will battle again for him in court here. How the report got started could not be learned, and the brakes were quickly applied to the flying rumor which was said to have been heard in several places. King spent a quiet day in the Chester prison He said he was feeling fine. Despite his troubles he is optimistic and cheerful. The prison chaplain. Rev. James Ellison Jones, a Baptist minister, visited him in his cage for the first time today, and read to him the 51st Psalm, wherein David ex pressed his great sorrow to God and showing divine forgiveness for his double sin of violation of the seventh commandment with Bath sheba, wife of Uriah, and sending her husband to the front of the j battle to be killed. The minister had a long talk and ! prayer with the doomed man. He said King was very receptive to the talk, prayer and discripture, ar.u begged him to come to sec him again. New Money About Exhausted Here Shelby banks report that their supply of new currency of the small er size received here last week, has been practically exhausted. All of the new $1 have been paid out and while the banks have a few of the $10 and $20 denomi:~itions, these are just about exhausted. The new size currency was received by the First National Tank of Shelby and the Cleveland Bank & Trust Com pany and there was said to have been a brisk demand from the very start when the public became aware the new money was available. One of the local banks received a total of $12,000 and it was gobbled up in short order. Local bankers say that while the money has been paid to individuals, it certainly has not attained any general circulation and those fortu nate enough to get a supply of the new bills appear to be keeping them for souvenirs. • First Prize Winner* On Coal Guess Split The pile of coal placed in the show window at the Gilmer old store room by the Nat Bowman Coal Co. brought fourth several thousand guessers at the weight. The pile contained 2145 pounds and the two nearest to perfect were Dwight Humphries and*J. L. Put nam, both of whom guessed 2144. They decided to split the first prize which was a ton of egg coal. Oth ers winners were P. H. Jones sec ond. Robert Hord third, Mrs. L. A Gettys fourth, C. R. Doggett fifth and Mozell Brackett sixth. Many Register For Election On Bonds L. Z. Hoffman, registrar for the special school bond election to be held in township No. 6 was engag ed all day Saturday in issuing reg istration certificates at the tem porary offices in the court house and Mr. Hoffman reported at the close of the business day that a number of certificates had been ob tained by interested voters. There,; istration books are to be. open for only one more Saturday CANDIDATE FOIt STATE COMMANPEn A VISITOR Dr. H. A. Newell of Henderson was a Shelby visitor today, calling on members of the American legion. Dr. Henderson is one of the lead ing candidates for commander of the American legion of the state, the convention to be held at Ra leigh. August 25th to 27th, inclus ive — Fliers Set Endurance Record — Loren Mendell and R. B. Reinhart after (lyinj the Angeleno for 240 hours and 44 minutes and srtting a new high mark for refueling tests, landed their plane last Friday afternoon at Culver City. Cal. They flew a total of 19,160 mile*. Picture above shows plane being refueled while In the air, and inset, the two aviators. Cleveland County Citizens Give Sentiments On Levies For Hospital And Workers Refused Use Of Car, Boy Shoots And Wounds Father Perry Philbeck Empties One Barrel Of Shot Gun Into Parent’s Face And Neck. Makes Escape And Is Still Being Sought All Over The County. Said to have become enraged because his father would not permit him to use the family automobile yesterday. Perry Philbeck, 17 years of age, shot and seriously wounded his father, John Philbeck. 40, at their home at the Monroe Poston plantation, about one and one-half miles from Shelby, at 9 o’clock yesterday morning. i sea snot uun, The youth employed a shot gun and the entire load of a barrel took effect in his father's face, neck and shoulder. The injured man was rushed to the Shelby hospital where hospital attaches said this morn ing that he will recover unless complications set in. Young Philbeck agreed to accom pany the county officers to the county jail here and aid start witu them in an automobile, but when at a filling station near the edge of the city, he asked to get out a few minutes and made good his es cape. No trace has been obtained of him since that time, although of ficers have scoured the entire county and are still prosecuting a vigorous search for him. It is be lieved that he will be apprehended within a few hours. Mother Took Hand.* Reports have it that the youth was advised by his mother, ‘ Ask your daddy to let you use the auto mobile and if he won’t do it. then jump on him and beat him up'' but instead of taking this advice the boy secured the shot gun and em ployed that weapon. Several Shelby anti Cleveland county officers went .‘o the scene of the shooting, these including Chi»f of Police Poston, Patrolman Put nam, Sheriff Alien and others and they are prosecuting the search for the youth all over this section. The general opinion is that he is stili in Cleveland county and the offi cers are confident that he will he taken into custory before very long Hudson Hartgrove, W. D. Bab ilngton and Claude Hamrick were visitors in Charlotte Sunday Man Arrested With Four Pints On Him Lonnie Cooper, white man mho claims to hail from Alabama, was arrested at Beam's corner in the heart of the business section of ttu city Saturday, with four pints of liquor on his person. The arrest was made bv Patrolman Putnam and the accused, being unable to give bond, was placed in the coun ty bastile. It is said that Coopei had cut a hole in his vest and had two pints of the contraband con cealed therein and the other twe pints were in his hip pockets. He said he had contemplated dispos ing of his wares to the thirsty here at 2 per throwt I —..... Big Fight Program Planned Here Cheering news to all the fight fans of Shelby and vicinity is con tained in the announcement made here this morning by Arthur Sid*s to the effect that he Is arranging a gala occasion, to be presented iui der the auspices of the American Legion post on Saturday. July 20 o. the following Saturday. July 27. and it is predicted that this will be one of the most largely attended athletic events Shelby has ever seen. The promoter in question has gone to great expense to obtain th? best available talent for tnls af fair. and if Shelby people fail to patronize this event, it will t -t be because second raters are on the card. The men who are to exhibit their wares here, both boxing and j wrestling, are among the top-notch-j -— ers and the fight fans of the city are probably going to appreciate this. Headlining the coining attraction will be the initial apcparance in Shelby of Jack Cunningham, her alded over the country as the "Colored Ark Dempsey." who will take on Sam Brown of Winston Salem in a 10-round bout. The twj negroes are Heavyweights, Cunning ham weighing in at 185 and Brown at 200. Cunningham is a college graduate and has already made a great'name for himself as a fight er, while Brown, who has seived in the United States navy, is known as the "Winston Wildcat." This go promises to be one of the best ex hibiUrns ever seen in Shelby. One of the preliminary bout a wUlj be between Logan "Baby" Carr and Jerome Spangler. These two bovi are Shelby products and are fav orites with all the fans here. They will weigh in at about 135 pounds and will step six rounds. The piece de resistance of the evening will be the wrestling match, two out. of three, between George Romanoff and Joe Turner. Roma noff, said to be a magnificent spec imen of manhood, played the part of Tarzan in "Tarzan of the Apes,” motion picture sensation, whi'c everybody in North Carolina knows Joe Turner and knows what sort of wrestler he is. Present indications are that the Thompson building auditorium will be taxed to its utmost capacity when tlic bell rings to start the events of this ambitious program, j Newspaper Endeavors To Ascertain Taxpayers Wishes On Health Work. Several days ago The Cleve land Star addressed 100 let ters to citizens in widely sepa rated sections of the county making inquiry as to the posi \ tion taken by the recipients on the matter of Cleveland county devoting five cents per $100 tax valuation to the matter of pub lic health in this county. The proposal would not contemplate adding the five cents, but on the o\hcr hand, would take that portion from the pro posed 15 cents per $100 decrease to be made In the county tax. It Is explained that the coun ty tax rate is to be reduced 15 cents per $100 valuation as a result of the increased equali zation fund and the fund to be derived from the gasoline tax and the idea as advanced is that this reduction in Cleve land county be made only 10 cents per $100 instead of 15 cents per $100, the five cents to be used for employing a county health nurse, a full time county health director, and building a county addition to the hos pital here. If the county au thorizes the sum of $3,750 for a health nurse and health di rector, a like sum will be pro vided by the state, and the Duke Endowment fund has made offer to Shelby that if this county will supply $25,000 (Continued on page twelve.) Truck License Case Appealed In S. Carolina High* as Ttepartment There Not Satisfaction With Injunction Of Jurist. Cleveland county people and oth ers in North Carolina have beer, laboring under the impression that the matter of South Carolina re quiring all North Carolina trucks entering that state to buy another state license had been settled, but It now appears that this was In er ror. The state highway commission of South Carolina has given official notice that it plans to appeal from the recent injunction issued by Judge Thomas S. Seasc at Gaffney in which Judge Sease held that South Carolina had no right, to col lect such license fees, and therefor" the case will have to be argued in court The following is a dispatch from Gaffney on the subject: “George W Speer, attorney here for the Ray Contracting company of Charlotte, has been notilied by the attorney general's office at Co lumbia that the state highway commission Is to appeal the truck license law decision of Judge Thomas Sease of Spartanburg, w’hn granted a temporary injunction to the Charlotte concern a few day? ago and allowed that company to operate in South Carolina without buying Palmetto state license* Their trucks are equipped with North Carolina tags. The state wt:i be allowed 30 days In which to file Its case of exceptions to the order handed down by Judge SfR*e Mr. Speer said. Trial of the cas‘ by the supreme court, has caused considerable Interest here.’’ Nail In Foot, Blood Poison, Death Results Little Hilda Edmondson twelve year old daughter of Mr, and Mr;. Prank Edmondson of the Lily Mill village stuck a nail in her foot a few weeks ago and blood poison set in, with the result I hat the child died Friday of last week at the Shelby ho.^>ital where It was a pa tient for a day or so. The accident happened about July 4th and it looked for awhile that the injury would amount to nothing, but in fection caused blood poison and the little girl suffered intensely until death relieved her pain. The funeral was conducted Sat urday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of the parents by Re". T. B Johnson of LaFayette Stre-i Metnodist church and interment was in Sunset cemetery. The ch'lri is survived by its parents, three sis ters, Annie, Ellie and Ora Bell and four brothers, Willie, Walter, Bovd and Donald. She was dearly be loved by all who knew her and wit! be greatly missed in the commun ity. Serving as pall bearers were her school mates. Masonic Meeting Draws Attention Much Interest is being manifest ed all over the Cleveland county district meeting to be held in Cleve land Springs hotel here next Wed nesday night at 8 o'clock at which time two high state officials, the Grand Master and the Grand sec retaary. will be in attendance. J. F’. Roberts, district deputy grand mas ter for this district, has issued an appeal to all. Masons in Cleveland county to mrke every effort to be in attendance. The program has been arranged with unusual care and promises to be interesting and instructive throughout. It is a fore gone conclusion that the attend ance from all sections of the coun ty will be large. Man Arrested Here For Theft Of Cows To Serve Life Term Cleveland Officers Bag South Carolinian Wh6 Violated His Parole. Cherryville Man Operating Truck Taken Into Custody On The Same Charge. Free of parole from the Greenville County, S. C„ chain Kang where he was serving a life sentence for the murder of “ negros, Charlie Martin, white man. was arrested here Fri day by Sheriff I. M. Allen and deputies on a charge of steal ing two cow's in South Carolina and has been sent back to South Carolina, where he will be sent back to the ohaingang for the remainder of his life, his parole being automatically revoked by his arrest here. Taken into custody by the Cleve land county officers at the same time was Arthur Hallman, Cherryville man. and he likewise was takeif back to South ( arolina to stand trial on a charge of having been implicated in the theft of the South Carolina cows. Playing Dates Are Announced By League Head rirvrlftnd County l.raiur Srhrdulr For July And August Is Now Complete. J R Robinson, president of the Cleveland county baseball league, which got away to a most auspici ous start Saturday, has completed the work of drafting the playing schedule for the remainder of the summer months and has given same to The Star for publication. Mr. Robtnson suggests that all the clubs in the league clip the following and preserve same so that they will know from week to week what clubs are playing: Saturday July 20. Lily-Union at Shelby; Cleveland Knob Creek at Shelby: Eastslde Boiling Springs at Boiling Springs; Dover-Lawndale at Lawndale. Saturday July 27. Lily Mill-Cleveland Cloth at Shelby; Eastside-Dover at Shelby; Knob Creek-Union at Union; Lawndale-Boiling Springs at Boil ings Springs. Saturday August 3. Lily Mill-Eastside at Shelby: Cleveland Cloth Mill-Dover at She) by; Knob Creek-Boiling Springs ai Knob Creek; Lawndale-Union at Lawndale. Saturday August 10. Lily Mill-Bolllng Springs at Boiling Springs; Cleveland Cloth Mill-Lawndale at Lawndale; Eaat slde-Unlon at Shelby; Dover-Knob Creek at Shelby. Saturday August 17. Lily Mill-Lawndale at Shelby; Cleveland Cloth-Boiling Springs at Shelby; Eastside-Knob Creek at Knob Creek; Dover-Union at Un ion. Saturday August 24. Lily MUl-Dover at Shelby; Cleve land Cloth-E&stside at Shelby; Knob Creck-Boiilng Springs at Boiling Springs; Lawndale-Unicn at Lawndale. Saturday August 31. Lil^ Mill-Eastside at Shelby; Cleveland Cloth-Dover at Shelby; Knob Creek-Boiling Springs at Creek; Bolling Springs-Unlon at Union. Each Shelby team plays away from Shelby twice In eight weeks. Kings Mountain Is Scene Of 2 Raids Kings Mountain policr officer, I have been unusually active during the past few days in waging war on liquor dealers, with the result that they had several defendants in county court here today charging possession of contraband. Friday afternoon police officers of Kings Mountain made a search at the home of General Hoard in Kings Mountain but lound no H quo.-. Nothing daunted, the offi cers lay in wait and Friday night they arrested General Hoard and Graoy Joy as they were loading two and one-half gallons of whis key into a new Chevrolet coach. The liquor and car were seized and the two defendants Jailed. The officers also searched the Harvey Hanner home wherr th-sy found a trap door in the wall and discovered two pints of whisky and a pint of wine. Albert and Claude Hanner w:ere taken into custody and brought into rourt here today Kings Mountain officers taking part hi the raids were Chief of Police C. S. Hedrick and Police man H. G. Ware and H. C. Hicks Texas goat-raisers are demanding increased protection, and congress would do well to conside' tne claim This tariff is going to need a scapegoat.--Louisville Courier Journal When Sheriff Cliff Bramlett of Greenville county arrived here to lake his prisoner* back to the Pel. metto state he was accompanied txr the owner of the two cows and that worthy, after ascertaining: that tt would cost *30 or *40 to Uke the cows back to South Carolina, sold the animal* to Sheriff Allen. He •said that he got more out of the deal In this way than wOuld have been possible had he atood the ex pense of taking them back by true*. Ran Oat Of Gas. It appeara that Martin and Hall man arrived in Cleveland county early Friday morning, hauling the two cows in a truck, said to be" the property of Hallman. They axe re ported to have run out of gas at ,a point about three and one-half miles from Shelby and placed the cows In the barn of a Mr. Tram mel. after which they came to Sha' by and attempted to dispose of the bovines. One of the men they ap proached in an effort to make the aale became susplci9us and rotlfM the sheriffs office wi^ the mult that Sheriff Allen began to investi gate. He finally located Martin and although that Individual gave several fictitious names, the sheriff found the peroie document from the South Carolina authorities and Martin admitted hia identity. He was placed in the county .tall and a search was started for Martin. He was finally located and etatpsan that he was Innocent* party to the transaction and that the truck ■ he was driving was the property of the town clerk of CherryrlUe. The sheriff ascertained, however, that the license tag had been dis figured. a 4 being changed to a I. and accordingly Hallman was alio placed in Jail. Many Other Warrants. Inquiry made by Oheriff Allen ovfe? the telephone elicitodthe Inforiie tlon that two cows had been Meted in Greenville county and that of ficers there were seeking the lost animals. When informed that Martin was being held here, they ssid that the man in question had been convicted of killing twtT ne groes in South Carolina and had been sentence* serve the * M mainder of his life on the Green ville county chain gang. They satd that he served about three and one-half years of the life sentence and that about four months ago he was paroled by Governor John G. Richards during good behavior. The Greenville officers also vol untewed the information that they had been conducting an exhaustive search for Martin, as they are ' holding about 25 warrants against him .to South Carolina, charging a num ber of offenses. However. It- is not probable that he will be tried on any of the latter charges, as he faces spending the remainder of his life on the Greenville chaingang by having forfeited his parole. Patrolman Makes \y Initial Arrest Justice of the Peace Sylvanus Gardner of Shelby ’had the dis tinction last week of trying the first case brought by North Carolina state highway patrolmen against any mot%£ist, according to Vest available information. Prank Baber. Shelby man who bought a new automobile July 1 and had failed to obtain any license tag therefor, was arrested by Patrolman Moors and taken before the local juatlce for trial. Sentence was imposed that the defendant pay a fine of flO and costa, the 910 to be sus pended if a license tag was obtain ed before the car was moved and this was complied with. The new patrolman have been spending all their time in issuing warnings to auto owners and drivers and it is stated op good au-, thoritv that the Shelby aroost «u J the lint made in the state.