Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost Bates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. gvj This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion ' This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 25c for IXXBb lUSCi HUH. IP TOO ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estlmaie. plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J. tf 18c * * FOR RENT: ONE a-ROOM house on S. LaFayette St. S. A. Ellis. tf 13c I HAVE SEVERAL thousand dollars to lend on improved farms in Cleveland county. See or write Marvin Blanton, Led better building, Shel * by. W-F-tf WANTED TO clean your blankets, rugs and quilts. Shel by Steam Laundry. Phone 18. tf-24c CARS WASHED and Greased; a 1 s o storage. Texaco pro ducts. Temple Service Station rear Masonic Building, Phones 774 79(5. tf-lOc SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, speciallizng in rebuild ing wrecked cars, building commer cial bodies, duco painting, top up holstering and glass work. Black smithing. Phone 753-J. South Mor gan Street. tl 15c MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, gnalizes M per cent protein. Excel lent for hog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall. , tf 7c BATTERY SERVICE, AU-J tomobile Glass Replacements, ^ Starter and Generator Re pairing. J. L. GAFFNEY, tf-c ’ WE specialize ON generators, starters, horns, and magnetos. Turner and Williams Garage. tf 10c FOR SALE: 5 ROOM B'JNG A - low. Modern improvements. Jeffer son street. See C. A. Morrison. tf29c FOR SALE—ONE FORD DE iivery truck, in good condition Shelby Steam Laundry Inc. Phone 18. tf-c SPECIAL PRICES on feed oats and dairy feed. D. A. Beam and Sons, phone 130. 6t 12c 1-6 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT on Chestnut Street. Water and lights. $15.00 per month. See J. V Thomasson. 3t 19c FOR RENT — FIVE ROOM house on West, Warren street. See W. A. Broadway or Mrs. H. Clay Cox, tf-ldc PAIR BLACK RIMMED GLASS ES. Owner may have them by call ing at Star Office and paying for this ad. 3t WANTED TO RENT OR BUY good second hand ice box Mrs. Slough Davis, New House. 2t 19c WANTED POSITION AS SALES man; 5 years experience. Call at Star office. 2t 19p FOR RENT, NICE APART ments close in. Interior repainted and refreshed. Private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat. A, P Weathers. 3t lop WANTED TO HIRE. BOY WITH some knowledge of automobiles to learn electrical line as applies to cars. Write P. O. Box 232, Shelby. 2t 19c SEE O. E. FORD Co. FOR CIDER mills, cane mills, galvenized and copper evaporators and rocker fu: naces. 3t 17c ROOMS FOR RENT IN NEW j brick house on Cleveland Sprinc> road east of Club House. Apply at residence. C. A, Dalton. 3t 17c OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR .-sale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-26x SEE O E. FORD CO. FOR FACE and common brick. Lime, cement and Plaster, 3t 17c FOR CANE MILL?, EVAPORA tors and furnaces O. E. Ford Co ran supply your wants. at 17c SEE O E FORD CO. FOR FLUE linings, flue rings, brick, plaster, plaster paris, lime and cement. 3tl7c BE SURE AND KEEP O E. Ford Co, in your mind when you cel ready for that mower and rake. They will save you money. 3t, 17c FOR RENT; TWO FURNISHED connecting rooms for light house keeping Good location, close in. Apply 212 N. Washington or cad 13-R. 2t. 17c ; DON'T WORRY WITH THAT old worn out wagon. O. E Ford Co. has plenty of brand new' ones Ou All atxj, Susie, IF 1 COULD ! THINK. OF A \WORD THAT'S I) better • than / perfect Off To The Country. LISTED POL^S'ES <-3L)S AMD 1 MAVE A FEW BEAMS LEFT ,m -TME OLD OROUCMBA6 AND WE VE DECIDED To Take Mdu All Td twe coontqv , FOR A VACATION ^ Vou ARE A WOMAM OF 9K3 IDEAS GUSSiE . invEnmai W OM. mAT LU BE TWWELL I to QET AM/ AV mOK/i THE LHEAt O* THE -mrry— you 8LES3BO OM CW1UDREW T y+A . AT 9M0I4ES H CA*m ALL SUMWW, 1 '+KXJCO UK* "to U1_ O' THAT NSMJMO^ A *1W* ZtPWVftS O 90M*T«Mn1 AAORE *OMANT»C THAN :1 ANE WRDS6S A cowses aw' AW ’' Social Registerite Starts Cruise Mrs. Leonard Outhwaite, with her feline mascot, sails dor Europe with her husband aboard their 90-foot auxiliary yacht “Kinkajou,” They expect the trip to take them 25 days. The craft is 70 tons or thirty gross tons less than the flagshi*' «**—* by Christopher Columbus. (International Newereel* BISHOP CANNON MAY BE TRIED BY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE Greensboro. July 17.—"Bishop Cannon is subject to judicial proce ducr like every other Methodist min ister and in due time the fact con cerning his trading in stocks will be thoroughly investigated," the North Carolina Christian Advocate chief organ of the Methodist Epis copal church in the State will say tomorrow in an editorial comment ing on a communication from the bishop in which he says he is go ing to ask for a full investigation of charges brought against him as to margin trading in stocks but that the investigation will not be made until the completion of the court proceedings against the bankrupt New York firm through which the bishop did his trading "A bishop is subject to thp judic ial machinery of the general con ference just as a member of an an nual conference is subject to his annual conference,” the editorial continues. "These conferences pass upon a minister’s conduct rather than leave so important a matter to a hostile or a friendly press. The newspapers cannot try a man in I this country We must wait on the I courts. That, applies to Methodist | preachers as well as to American ! citizens." There is thus promised the thor ough investigation of the bishop's case before the general conterence of the church. Bishop Cannon clos es his communication to the church paper with the statement, "In the mean time I simply state to my brethren that I have not violated any civil or moral law," 'Special to The Star.t The total attendance at Sunday school Sunday morning, two hun dred and eight. Mrs. Sam Green and Mrs. F. I. Bailey rendered a very beautiful duet ‘ Oh It Is Won derful." Our pastor. Rev. D, F Put nam preached at, Mt. Sinai and nr is now conducting a meeting in Johnson county. Mr and Mr*. Raymon Richard* and children have bean visiting relatives near Lawndale this past week. Mr and Mrs D. M. Waldrop and children. Luther. Julius. Julian and Ben and Mr Julius Couch spent Sunday at the Asheville play ground Little Miss Peggy Gamble spent Thursday with her aunt, Mrs. Tom Tucker of South Shelby. Mis* Elisabeth Queen entertained a number of her friends with a party Monday night in honor of her cousin. Mias Catherine Gantt of Magnolia. Ark. A number of games were played and a good time was had by all. Mrs. R. E. Moss and children of Greer. S C.. spent part of last week here with her sister-in-law, Mr*. Robert Moss. Mrs Sam Green and son. Sam Jr., of Mooresboro were the week end guests of her sister, Mrs Thurlo Bailey. Mr. Bill Stockton spent last week end In Bridgewater fishing. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Keller and children, Maggie and Hazel, of Spartanburg, S C., visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Buice Sunday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Worth New*on en tertained a great number of young people at their home last Saturday evening. Dancing and progressive conversation were enjoyed after which punch was served. Mrs. Ruby Connor and Misses Louise Blanton and Vera Connor enjoyed a trip to Thomasvillf Thur* UB,V. Those still on the sick list: Mr* Velva Pearson. Mrs. Lana Thomp son and Mrs. Andrew Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. John Southard and children spent Sunday afternoon at Lawndale visiting Mrs. Southard’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. John Whitworth of South Shelby and Mrs. 8. A. Setzer of High Point, visited Mr. and Mrs. C G. White Monday evening Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Lem ons, on July 30, a dainty daughigr, Betty Sue. Mother and daifghter are getting along nicely. Misses Lois and Emily Bmce are spending some time with their grandparents at Clinton. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Roberts and children were the Sunday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E Gantt Mr. Floyd Dover is now enjoying e week's vacation. Part of the week he is spending at his home. We are very proud of our team winning in their first game since the league was organized. The score was in favor of the opposing team until the last half of the ninth in ning. The next game is to be play ed in Lawndale July 30, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gantt and j children. Eugene and Elizabeth, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lee of South Shelby. Miss Faye Pritchard spent the week end with her cousin, Miss Inez Grigg of Lawndale. Miss Thelma Lynn and Estel Con nor were in Gastonia Sunday visit ing Miss Connor’s sister, Mrs. Gus sie Carlisle. Mr. J. D. Farmer had the mis fortune of injuring his back the other w»eek. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Whitener and children attended the Whitener re union, near DyervilVe. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H Whitener and also on their birth day. he being 16 years and she 75. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimble had as their week end guests Mr Kimbles parents. Mr. and Mrs R L. Kimble of Oreer, S C At the Girl's Scout meeting last Thursday night Miss Clara Kiaer was elected Soout. Master. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oamble and daughter. Peggy, spent Sunday with Mrs. Gambles parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Weathers of W«t Shelby Misses Oetlne and Mary -Helen Tate gave a party at their home Saturday evening. A large number attended an da good time was had by all. Mrs. Charles Reinhardt and children of South Shelby spent wed nesday afternoon with Mrs. Ed Kiser. Mr. and Mrs Herman Martin. Misses Eula Blanton. Mary Lou Daniels, Vonnle Wilson and Mr. Russell Xvev motored to the Caro lina Beach, Wilmington, last week end. DIS (FIGURATION) PROVES right here that this case applies in 49 cases out of 50. A young fellow was ask ed what his father’s last words were, and he replied: “There were none; mother was with him to the end.” We are taking this means to give notice that Sinclair gas and Opaline oil are es sential to more enjoyable and more efficient motor ing. You cannot appreciate the difference in these pro ducts unless you use them. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors V * Upper Cleveland Personal Mention < Special to hr Star.) Lawndale, R-l.—Mr. and Mrs. Bandy Whlsnant left for their home In Alabama thla week. Misses Ray Mull. Annie and Thelma Warlick, spent the week end with Winnie. Whlsnant. Mrs. A. V. Whlsnant spent Sun day with Mrs. A A Whlsnant. Mr and Mrs Charlie Mull and children of Cherryville spent Sat urday ni*ht with his father, Mr Zero Mull. Miss Nevle Towery spent Sunday with Miss Daphlne Hunt. Mr: Ouy Waters was a dinner aueet with' Mr. Preston Mull last Sunday. Mr. Clem Hunt, Clayton Dfevan ny, Misses Jessie Petri Whlsnan^ Ruby Duckworth tnd Marie Hun? motored to Chimney Rock last Sun* day. Mr. Ophuc Devenny. Arllne TOw ery. Misses Thelma and Annie War lick, Winnie Whisnant and Annl« Ray Mull motored to PlneVtew lak< Sunday afternoon. Clem and Daphlne Hunt gave a party Saturday night which was en joyed by a large crowd of young friends. Mlsa Leo la Price visited. Miss Nina Self last Sunday. Mlsa Lucile Self visited MU* Janie Turner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dellinger vis ited Mr. end Mrs. Cletua Lane. Mr. Dellinger llvea at Lincoln ton. Try Star Wants Adt. » - r IT’S ICED TEA TIME! And A. & P. Food Stores Are Stocked With the Choic est Blends and Brands of TEA. ORANGE PEKOE OR INDIA CEYLON '-4,b- 17c £!b- 33c Nectar Tea Pk*. __ Pkgr. Grandmother’s Bread, 21 ounce Pullman Loaf__ 10c LEMONS LARGE AND JUICY DOZ. 33c PEANUT BUTTER, 16-Ounce Jar___ 23C N. B. C. CAKES— Chocolate Marshmallow Layers, Cocoanut Gems, Assorted Chocolate Nut Tops— LB. 29c SALAD DRESSING, 8-Ounce Jar___17c FINEST GRANULATED SUGAR 10 LBS. 55c 8 O’CLOCK COFFEE, Pound.... 37c MASON JARS DOZEN PINTS . 80c DOZEN QUARTS 90c rUKE LlUfcK VINEGAR 1-2 Gal jug. 1-GaL Jug 33c' 59c FLOUR 24-Pound Q rf _ BAG.O / C A. & P. PLAIN OR SELF RISING 38-Pound Bag