VOL. XXXV, No. 87 SHELBY, N. C. MON I >AY, JULY V 8 PAGES ' I TODAY - ^ " . .. .■■I.1 ■ ..■jgy _' 22, 1029. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By mail, per year (in advance) * 9 Carrier, per year (in advance) $3.00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, per pound _19c Coton Seed, per bn._40 The Weather. North Carolina. generally fair tonight and Tuesday. Slightly warmer in West portion. His 90th Birthday. Mr. J. Y. Hord will celebrate his 90th birthday on Sunday July 28th at the home of his son, J. I, Hord at Waco. Elder llord is one of the county's Oldest and most esteemed citizens. Local Baptists Attending Rally At Ridgecrest T>r. Zeno Wall To Be Principal Speaker On Wednesday And Thursday Nights. A considerable number of Shelby Baptists left this morning for Ridgecrest where they will this week attend North Carolina week of the Southern Baptist assembly. Numbers of prominent Baptist speakers from over the South are cn the program for this week, in cluding the Rev. Zeno Wall, D.D., pastor of the First Baptist church of Shelby. Dr. Wall is to be the speaker on Wednesday and Thurs day nights of this week. The following is the complete pro gram for the entire week: .North Carolina neek—July 23-27. Under the general direction of Dr. Chas. E. Madclry, Mr. Perry Morgan and Rev James A. Ivey. Address: Monday night—Dr. Chas E. Maddry. Tuesday night—Dr. Roy R. Mc Cullcch. Wednesday and Thursday nights | —Dr. Zeno Wal!. Friday and Saturday nights—Dr. F. P. Gaines. Conferences: Monday afternoon.’ Tuesday and Wednesday—BY.P.U. j Under direction of Mr. James A. j Ivey Thursday. Friday and Saturday ] morning—Sunday school. Under direction of Mr. Perry Mor- ! gan For information write Mr. Pern Morgan, Biblical recorder building, i Raleigh. Ten New Counties Have Home Agents Heme Demonstration Division Has Funds With Which To Ex tend Its Work. Raleigh—With the securing of additional governmental funds by j reason of the Capper-Kctchman ! ret. the home demonstration divi } . ion of State college has been abie to add the new home agents to th? force already at work in the tsato "The counties cooperating w:h us in adding these new agents are Alexander, Brunswick. Dare, Jones, ] Lee, Madison. Moore. Onslow, Pam - | , lico and probably Cherokc'u” says Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon. state \ home agent. "Five of these new! agents have been at work for sev- ! cral months. Mrs. Bessie Moore was placed in Pamlico last winter us j was Miss Alice Carter of Dare county last November. Miss Mane ] Coxe was placed in Alexander 1 county last winter. Jcnes and Ons low counties installed their new home agents on July l of this year. Miss; Alma Clay went to Jones and Miss Sallie Brooks to Onslow." Miss Cornelia Simpson. well known for her efficient work ir Craven county was transferred to Lee county on July 1 and Miss Fachel Everett of Currituck was moved into Craven to succeed Miss Simpson. Home agents will be supplied to Brunswick and Cherokee counties as soon as a suitable person can be found, says Mrs McKimmon. Shelby Man To College Job Fuller B. Hamrick Resignfd A* Bursar A1 Thomasvillr Or phanage. Goes To Meredith. Mr. Fuller B. Hamrick, one of the best known leaders in Baptist, circles in North Carolina, has resign ed his position as treasurer of the Baptists orphanage at Thomasulle, known as the Mills Home, and ac cepted a position as bursar of Meredith college, th* Baptist in stitution for girls, situated at. Ra leigh. Mr. Hamrick will move his family to Raleigh about. August 13 and enter upon his new duties. An nouncement of this change was made in Shelby yesterday, Mr. Ham rick, his wife and children being here on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hamrick, on the western edge of Shelby. Mr. Hamrick was graduated at Wake Forest college after finishing at the Shelby high school. He taught school at Fallston one year, then became connected with thn Mills Home at Thomasville where he has been for the past 17 year;. There he has beccme one of the most influential men in denomina tional work, handling the financial affairs of the institution which has a plant value of over a million dol lars and cares for 895 children. 17 years At Orphanage. Says Archibald Johnson, editor of Charity and Children, the organ of the institution, "Mr. Hamrick's leaving the Mills Home brings pos itive distress to the employees as well as the boys and girls who live here and have learned to love Mr. Hamrick with an ever deepenin'; love. He has for all these years been one of the most loyal and de voted employees we have ever known. He is not only honest and honorable, but one of the most capable and efficient men the in stitution has ever had on its pay roll. To the editor of Charity and Children he was a younger brother —kind, considerate, patient and faithful. His loss in his office is a tragedy indeed." Mr. Hamrick's connection with Meredith is considered an oppo - funitv for greater service as Mere dith, which is headed by Dr. Chas. E. Brewer, is one of the outstand ing colleges for girls in the Soutn and is located in a new plant on the outskirts of Raleigh. Autos Crushed As Roofing Caves In Heavy Rainfall Causes Collapse Of Garage At Kings Mountain Friday. Kings Mountain. July 20.—The roof of the Mauney building in Kings Mountain, now' occupied by the Blakely Motor company, local Ford dealers, collapsed early Friday morning during the heavy rainstorm causing damages amounVig to ap proximately $1,500. A drain pipe used to drain the water from the roof became stopped up causing the water to stand on the roof and it was thought that the weight of the water caused the roof to cave in No one was in the building when it collapsed. The company had three cars di rectly under the heaviest part that fell in, besides several second-hand cars. The bodies of the new cars were practically demolished. The building is owned by W. K. Mauney, of Kings Mountain, and was protected by insurance. He is planning to make repairs at once. Points Law On Smoking *And School Attendance _ Judge \7. F. Harding who con vened a term of superior court heie this morning devoted most of his charge to tire grand jury on the fu ture welfare of the manhood of the state, stressing particularly the law on compulsory school attendance for children under 14 and the law ’gainst selling or giving cigarette to children under 16 years of age It is not my purpose to lecture you on the moral, physical and mental -iangers of children smoking, but it is my duty to remind you of tin lew and whenever you see a boy or girl under 16 smoking a cigarette, somebody has violated the law and it is your duty to report it." Soul Of The State. "The soul of the state is the moral conscience of its men and women and tile state is primarily interested in growing a soul. The state is not particularly interested in large farms, good roads, big .stores—these are purely incidental to sou! grow sg. The state wants to grow strong minded, able bodied, honest, in dustrious men and women, conse quently children under 14 should attend school and the state has en acted a compulsory school law, which it is your duty to enforce," he said in his charge to the grand jury. Judge Harding's charge was an able one. impressing with facts and figures the evils of cigarette smok ing by boys and girls under 16 and the handicap under which a man or woman labors if they have not learned the rudiments of an educa tion in the formative period of life. The court room was packed this morning at the opening of court. All seats were filled and the aisles and windows were crowded to hear Judge Harding’s charge. Court of ficials say it is the largest crowd that lias attended court in a ye,.:' or more. Wythe Royster, well known young business man of Shelby was made foreman of the grand jury. Amur River Zone Seethes With Troops r This map shows part of China and Siberia where only a spark is needed to set off the war fires. Thirty-five thousand Russian troops are along the trans-Siberian railway and 6,000 Soviet cavalrymen are at Chita. Opposing them are 37,000 Chinese regulars of the Na tionalist army. The Amur River, shown above, is reported to be the scene of clashes even now. The seizure of the Chinese Eastern Railway is reported to be the cause of the present crisis. Despite the massing of troops by both nations and the proclamation of martial law in Harbin, hope for a peaceful settlement is still felt at Nanking and Moscow. Germany has agreed to take over the diplomatic relations between, each of the countries. ■ - < < * - (lottraitlonal Iilmtratta Ktwa) Russian Troops Fire First Shot Opening War In China District Ebeltoft, Sage, Is 81 Years Old Today j“The More I Live, The More I I Think And I-ess Certain I Be come Of Anything.” Mr. T. W. Ebeltoft adds another candle to the cake today. He Is 81 and still going strong as ever. When he was 70, back In the strenuous summer of 1916. Dr. Mitchell looked him over and an nounced, "I will give you five years” At 75 the sawbones declined an other prediction. But he now says he believes the bookseller will live to be a hundred, and maybe more Congratulated by The Star to day on the fact that he had gained wisdom sufficient to live with vigor and intellectual vitality 'wav past the average age of man. he was asked what he has learned traveling down the long, long trail. His reply was characteristic: ‘‘The more I learn, and the more I think,” he said, “the less certain I become of anything." As keen minded as ever, as pop ular as ever with the highbrows and intellectuals of the town, young and old alike, he is passing 'nis eighty-first birthday with the very sincere well wishes of everyone who knows him. Gardner To Start Vacation In Week Raleigh, July 21—Governor O. Max Gardner plans to begin a month's vacation in a week. Wheth er or not he spends it in North Car olina depends on whether or not North Carolinnians will leave him alone. "T have not planned my whole holiday,” said the governor today. "I'm going to start it in this state, but if I find that I can't get a rest here I'm going where I can get it. I want a real vacation and I'm go ing to get it, even if I have to go out of the state to get away from dele gations that want to get this boy out of prison, or that man appoint ed to some Job.” The governor has his eye on an island off the Connecticut coast which will, he believes, provide free dom from the said delegations. He will start his vacation at Roaring Gap and later go to Asheville. Shel by his home town, will also see some thing of him during the month. SEVEN ARE KILLER AT OHIO CROSSING Eaton, O.. July 21—Seven per sons were killed here today when their automobile was struck by a Pennsylvania railroad train on the Payton-Richmond road. The accident occurred at the rail road crossing two miles west of here where the railroad passes under the tracks of the Dayton and Western traction line. The railroad crosses the highway at aa angle. Gathers China Forces Gen. Chang Hsueh-Liang, ruler of Manchuria, who has been ordered to return to Muk den to organize the defense of his frontier against Soviet forces as a result of the recent break between the two coun tries after Nanking Govern ment had seized the Chinese Eastern Railway. (Intaraatienal lMuatraiwl N«wi) New Manager Comes To Rose Store Here Mr. J. D. Tharpe. manager o! the Rose's 5, 10 and 25c store at Shelby, has been transferred to the Rose store at South Boston, Va. This transfer to South Boston, which Is one of thp biggest tobacco centers in the South, is in consider ation for the efficient management and ability of Mr. Tharpe and should be considered a promotion. Mr. J. E. Harrison, who will take charge of the Shelby store, is being transferred from Raleigh where he has been assistant manager for some time. He was formerly with the Woolworth company and is an experienced 5, 10 and 25c store man In every detail. Mr. Harrison is In terested in Sunday school and church work and Shelby welcomes Governor Chang Hsfleh Liang of Manchuria reported to his government at Ranking Sunday that Russian troops had fired the first shots in the present crisis, but it did not appear that the Soviet army had attempted any in vasion. Jde said that the Rus sians, equipped with gas and o2 field guns, had fired upon Chinese along the Suifenho river on the eastern boundary of the province. President Chians Kai-Shek railed on the army, of which he i:- com mander-in-chief of China against "red imperialism.'’ “Unless we unite in the fight against red imperial ism,” he told them, “our country and our people will perish " The manifesto adopted Saturday by the state council was marie public yesterday after signature by the presidents of the five Yuan.;. After reiterating that the Soviet union had violated its pledge not to wage war and had forced China to defensive measures with regard to the Chinese eastern railway, the statement invited the world to Judge of the subversiveness of al leged Soviet propaganda. Reports reached Tokyo that Rus sian cavalry had appeared within a half mile of Manchuli on th; western Manchurian frontier and that Japanese residents of that town and of Pogranichnaya were seeking safety elsewhere. The In habitants of Pogranichnaya were said to be In a high state of alarm over repeated appearances of four Russian airplanes. The Russian port of Vladivostok at the mouth of the Amur river was said to have been cut off from rail communication with the Siberian hinterland bv floods. On Saturday both China and Russia in rather formal statements had announced they considered themselves bound by the Kellogg anti-war pact, of which both are signatories, unless the other should open hostilities. Shanghai dis patches, while repeating the re ports of border skirmishes, held that these lacked general confir mation. Gas Explosion Burns Kings Mt. Negroes Kings Mountain—Hord Massey, eight, and George Massey. four, young negro boys of Kings Moun tain, were severely burned about the face Thursday afternoon when a gas tank on am old automobile exploded in their faces. The young negroes were playing around an old car that had not been run for six months. One of the negroes took the lid off the tank and the other struck a match to see If there was any gas in it. There was! The younger boy was painfully injured. though it is thought that both will recover. Crawley Hughes Died In Gotham Former Shelby Boy Connected With Large Banking Institution Dips Today. Craw ley Huge*, son of Mrs. H D. Wilson. N. LaFayette street, Shel by died in New York this niornin ,' at, 6 30 o'clock following an Illness with tuberculosis with which he had been suffering for the post, two months. A telegram to Dr. H. D. Wilson, his step-father brought the sad news from Mrs Wilson who has been at her son s bedside for several weeks. Young Hughes Ls pleasantly re membered In Shelby where he was reared and was graduated from the Shelby High school Later he at tended Wake Forest college where ho was graduated, after which he secured a responsible polstion with ] the Guaranty Trust company, oik ! of the largest banking institutions in New York With this bank he wn» connected for seven years. He mar ried a young lady from Brooklyn and she survives with one son. seven years old Young Hughes was 34 years of age and a nephew of Hatcher Hughes, prominent play wright, and member of the faculty of Columbia university. His mother Mrs H. D. Wilson wps at his bedside when he died this morning in Long Island. New York and will remain over for the funei - al which will take place Friday of this week. Guggenheims To Be Guests Of Gardners Raleigh. July 21—Governor and Mrs. Gardner, returning today from the governors’ conference in New London brought back the news that Harry Guggenheim, famous for philanthropy in his own name, for other riches in his great daddy's and for interest in Charles A Lindbergh and aviation, will be a guest of the Gardner's when North Carolina beats Virginia in their regular Thanksgiving tilt Mr. and Mrs Guggenheim had Governor and Mrs. Gardner as guests during the northern trip. The governors of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, persuaded the Guggenheim* to return the vis it. Governor Harry Flood Byrd, of Virginia, accepted the invitation i and both Guggenheims and both Byrds will eat Thanksgiving dinner at the mansion, like wise the Byrds will see Virginia get the third an nual beating during the Byrd ad ministration. j Governor Gardner was surprised to see such a young nch man in Harry Guggenheim. His excellency fully expected to meet, a rich young man. but Mr. Guggenheim had more youth than his excellency expected The son of the famous Anaconda copper mine king, Daniel F. Gug genheim. is just about the Gardner age, in the middle forties. He im pressed the governor of North Car olina highly. Governor Gardner slept late to day, then picked up the papers to see what has happened about, hisi since he left for New London. In the Martinsville celebration yester day, hooking up Winston-Salem and Roanoke, Governor Byrd told the big audience that the Gardner par ticipation in the New London con ference placed him at the very top of the state executives and that the Gardner speech before the conven tion was as able an address as Gov ernor Byrd has heard. Company K Men Back From Members of Company K headed by Capt. Peyton McSwain returned at noon Sunday from two weeks encampment at Camp Oleen, More head City. All of the 50 men and three officers remained well, except one man, Dewey Howell who was forced to undergo an operation for appendicitis. He is recovering rapidly, however, and will return home shortly. The local soldiers report an en joyable time, though they did not take any first honors at targ't practice or drill as they usually do Trying To Make 14 Bales On Five Acres John Beam is attempting to duplicate the record in cotton pro duction in the South. He has five acres on which he is trying to pro duce 14 bales this year. Every at tention is being given to seed se lection, fertilization, cultivation, etc and Mr. Beam says the outlook to accomplish his task is very good. Recently this yield was made in one Southern state and Mr. Beam says 'what man has done, man can do." f Recalled for War Duty T The Soviet Government i» re Rorfed to have recalled General udenny, Red Army com mander, from his vacation to take charge of troop move ments on the Manchurian bor der. Russia is reported con centrating powerful plane squadrons and thousands of troops along the Amur River since the breaking of diplo matic relations with China be cause of the taking over of the Chinese Eastern railway in Manchuria ,by the Nationalist Govern pi ent. i; • % v (IntwMllonil NawirMtl 7 ' Deaf People Rally From 7 Counties t'sing Sign Language. They Sing And Talk. About 100 In Attendance. Rev Andrew C. Miller, Jr. the synodical deaf evangelist for this state statged a big rally of the deaf of this and adjoining counties at Cleveland Springs hotel on Sunday, July 2lst, 1019. Seven counties were represented. Cleveland. Rutherford, McDowell, Catawba. Caldwell, Meek lenburg and Gaston. Mr. Miller conducted religious ex ercises in the morning and Mr. W. R. Hackney, of Charlotte, made some remarks. Announcement was made of the coming meeting of the deaf in»the state, which will be held in Wilmington some time next month. The evangelists wife and Mrs. Carter from Charlotte recited several hymns in the sign language. About 100 were in atendance at. this rally, 75 of w»iom were deaf adults. At noon the spelndid dinner wrs spread on the grounds and this was a huge affair. It was a pleasant oc casion and the evangelist was much pleased at the interest the deaf are taking in his religious work among those who are handicapped by deaf ness and who are deprived of hear ing the gospel if it were not that they had a minister to preach to them whom they could understand in the deaf language. Mr. Miller is "on the wing ' every week doing re ligious work among the underprivi leged. the deaf, and is to be h^ily commended for his efforts along this line. Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Hoyle and Children, Elaine and John D. Hoyle and A. J. R. Hovle, Mr. and Mrs Will Cornwell and children. Reid, Mary C. and Hugh Cornwell spent last week at Carolina and Wrlghts ville Beaches. King Enters State Prison Official* At Chester Tell Governor Jail Them I* Not Safe. To Go C'olumba. Columbia. July 20—Governor Richard.* signed an order today per mitting Chester county officials to bring Rafe King, sentenced to die for murder of his wife, to the State prison for safekeeping. The order was signed after Ches ter officials had declared that the Chester county Jail was unsafe. The governor included the pro vision that the county responsible for King must pay for his board at the State prison King was accompanied by Sheriff Howee and Deputy Sheriff Robin son, the three leaving in an automo bile. Since being convicted for the murder Kipg has been in the Ches ter jail, but, an effort wm mgde lo place him in the penitentiary immediately after his trial. Absence or Governor Richards from the city prevented admittance of King, as it Is necessary for the governor te sign all prison papers. Governor Richards previously had refused to allow King to be admit ted to the penitentiary, upholding the ten-day clause, which state* that no prisoner can enter the State penitentiary more tahn ten days prior to date of his electrocu tion. I Finds Cotton Flea Doing Much Damage Pest Has Been In Crop Before Dustin* Sulphur Will Con* trol The Pie*. Raleigh. July 30—More grief for cotton growers Is seen In the de predations of the cotton flea or hopper, which has done much dam age in certain sections of North Carolina recently by sucking the newly formed squares and causing them to drop. "This pest has done damage In the state prior to this time,” says C H. Brannon, extension entomolo gists. "and many farmers are fa miliar with It. The flea sucks the young squares and a peculiar branching out of the cotton stalks. In some cases, the flea causes all the squares to drop from a plant.” Mr. Brannon says that dusting sulphur wljl control the fela. Those who poison their ootton for boll weevil may add the sulphur to the calcium arsenate and thus kill both insects at one operation. Used alone the dusting sulphur 1« applied at the rate of 12 to 15 pounds and acre and at least three applications should be made four or five days apart. Since this conforms to the frequency of applying calcium arsenate, Mr. Brannon recommends that eight pounds of dusting sul phtir and 4 pounds of calcium arse nate be dutsed to each acre and thus control the flea and the boll weevil. When calcium arsenate Is used alone, only 4 to 6 pounds is applied. The applications should be made. In both ints&nces, early In the morning or alte In the after noon. Dusting sulphur may be obtained from Insecticide dealers or'Mr. Brannon will be glad to supply In formation as to where it may be secured. 110 MILITANT BEDS NABBED IN RAID ON PARIS OUTSKIRTS Paris, July 21.—Police arrested 110 alleged communist militants In a surprise raid o na secret meeting today. The communist swrere said to be organizing a manifestation for August 1 A11 who assisted were ar rested and many documetn* taken. Shelby Girl Assists In Preparing Liberalist List Charlotte, July 20.—A list of all North Carolinians who are known or thought1 to be Liberals is being prepared, in the interests is being movement for the defense of the strike sympathizers being held in jail at Gastonia, in conection with the fatal wounding of Police Chief Aderholt, of Gastonia. The list is being prepared by Mrs Clarena Michclson, of New York, assisted by Miss Betty Webb, of Shelby. The North Carolina Liberals will be ask ed to publicly express their sym pathy for the defendants in the coming trial. Mrs. Michelson. w'ho is a member of an aristocratic Back Bay family of Boston, will call on several groups of sympathizers in various cities of the state. Raleigh, Greensboro and Winston-Salem will have an opportunity to hear this woman member of the Nation al council of the International La bor Defense within the next week. The organization work of the Na tional Textile Workers Union la go ing on under the direction of Hugo Oehler from Chicago, who has tak en over the management of the Southern district, while Fred Erwin Beal is held in custody. Picked men and women from the Gaston county mills have been trained at the union district head quarters by professional org&niza ers and a class of more than 30 was sent into the mills of the South last week They are scattered over five states as far south as Alabama. It is also reported that the south ern district meeting to be held in Bessemer City, July 28, the day preceding the trial, is assured of a large attendance. Over 300 dele gates, elect by the workers of as many mills, have signified their in tentions to attend the meeting. Af ter the delegate meeting there will be a public meeting and a par&dfc

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