BLEEDING UNWISE IN TREA TING BLA CK E YE (nfection >1a\ follow Breaking of the Skin, Warns l)r. Copeland, Telling How Best to Reduce the Swelling and Remove Discoloration. JJy KOYAI S. < Ol’KLAM). M. I). I'niUi) States Senator from New Vnj ie Fort nrr ('iurtnuni/Ni.t ■f'f lit alt h, V »••/ hmt, C it Dtn you ever have a black eye? If :-o, yen know what a In ‘'kidding" your friend pave you. The ti •sue.? of the eyebd.< and ch'-fk are soft and ' •ensitive. They overlie n rnlyr of hard hone. Tin j* the i due of ’ of 'ery the orbit, the cavity within which is .contained the eyeball. The parts in this region an richly miji plied with blond vessels. All the conditions are favorable for trouble. A blow with the fid, running againi-t a door or other hard object, stooping over and striking the corner of a chair—any one of the e Accidents will pinch tile skin and damage lie- d< iieat.o blood vessels. The tissues are caught between the external object and the sharp ridge of bone. - The blood vessel is crushed as it would hi with pinchers. There is no wonder the thin wall is broken When this happens the blood into the soft tissues surrounding it. An Occident of this sort produce the same rr.suIts wo find in the skin anywhere else follow rng a bruise. There is a “black and blue” spot. When this happens in the neighborhood of the OR COPELAND eye we have what is commonly (ailed a ‘ black eye.” Doctors give this condition a big name “ccchymoM* of the lids.'* At! this means is that there is a collection of blood in the connective tissue*—the soft portions of the eyelids. TO* mngui or um* in# aiscotorn • tkm will teat depends on the amount ef blood which has escaped from the itunand weasel, Ordinarily it re quires from on* to two week# fo •hoorptioo to tako place. The Mack and htn* stain may continue longer, perhaps for a month. If yon ret a blow In the region of th* eye Jt i» well to apply cold water almost continuously for an hour or i so. This retards the bleeding and reduce* the quantity oozing Into the nasties Diluted witch hazel may lie used Instead of plain water. Lead water and laudanum la a favorite household remedy for black eye. When all danger of further Mced Inc has passed massage Is helpful. Tou east see that this should not be applied at once, because It would break the dot end bring on renewed bleeding. But after a rouple of days St may be begun. Apply a little coco* hotter or cold cream and gen tly manipulate the discolored part. For cosmetic reasons, or to spore yourself ridicule, you may paint the surface with some form of cosmetic. !A stick of the grease paint used by actors may be employed to smear the surface and hid# th* discolor ation. It ts untwtse to cut the skin or to apply a leach. If the surface Is broken .In this way It ..may r become Infected and cause a;lot of trouble. l~Answers to Efealth Queries | WRS. B. G. Q.—IVhst can yon advise for constipation?,1 I .hare just recovered from gastric ulcers, dvt > s ► A —-Correct your diet by oaf Inn only simple foods riot unduly rich in fats and starches. Add stowed fruits to your dirt, graham and wholf, whole wheat broad. Take n f.diir spoonful of a refined mineral ml daily. Fresh green vegetables nre essential. n. A, M. Q What should a gfrV weigh who Vs rlghtrt n years old and five fort one in* h tail? 2 —What • c.iusM gan on ths stomneh ? A—For her nge and height she should weigh about 114 pounds. 2 — Indigestion and < onstipaUon will cause “gases." When you cor rect your diet this trouble will dis appear. For full information send a self addressed, stamped envelope and repeat your question. K. N Q—What causes me to have j>ains in both my knees? A.—You may lx* troubled with rheumatism duo to some sort of in fection present In your system. Try to locate the cause, such as teeth, purnn, tonsils, nasal sinuses, consti pation or a kidney condition. J C„ Q—What do you advise for acne? A.—Kat stmple food and avoid con stipation. Kend self addressed, stamped envelope for further jiartio ulars and repeat your question. tctovtflfbt, 1029, Nfw*p»i*«r FwUut# S er ▼ !m. 'f* iiimninio i mnrn IHIbblltO LHUUf.U BY B. S. TRUSTEES >l.m Who Was Cornifdod With In -million For 21 Years Is Praised For llis Work. At a recent ill cell Mg of Mir rxr | i ltt l. p committer of ihe 3inlii'.,2 | .Springs junior college, to nri upon ilio ir agnation ol Prof. -I 1» Hug ; hi- . fitting and. deserving rrsolu lions wore unanimously iidoptn commending him lor In:, faithful !. work hi Boiling Springs with which lie was connected for 2) years and lor lulling put his life inh 111" Cairo of Christian education M .J II Quinn is chairman of Ms board of trustees- was pa. rd tin following rfSdhili.ons: The following preamble1, and r< - ofuiion were iinanmnn.-lv .-dop;-d by ilif executive committee n! ihr boanl (if ii;i.* ee ol Boiling Sprue college at a recent meeting, a copy • >I ame, being sent Prof and Mr Huggin.. Whereas. we have ju I is reived willi inexpressible regie! . My resignations of Pro) -I I> Hoggin a.s dean, professor of mat hemal lr and high school principal, and of Mrs Huggins' as professor of lain: in Bolting Springs college.; and. Whereas, upon hearing I he ruin’ot to Hie effect that Prof. Huggin was considering siieh a chair • President Davis immediately com mumcaled with linn relative Iliei to. advising and urging him not i> ■ Consider such a course, at the verv lime when his influence arid serv ice. were so much needed to guar antee the greatest success oi (lie junior college program; and Whereas. both the reply thereto and the personal resignation sent In the chairman of (he board of trustees, indicate that Pro!. Hug gins Is convinced that hr. health will not permit him to continue un der I he responsibilities and anxieties contingent upon the builduti: of a great junior college. although he was; assured that the administra tion and trustees desired that he serve wherever. and according a., Ins strength would permit: Therefore, resolved: first,. That we do herewith rx press, personally and officially, our profoundest regrets that Prof. Hug gins. with Ins very capable wile, feels that Ins strength forbids In. continuance under the added re sponsibilities and anxieties of the expanding program of building a* Boiling Springs a. great junior col lege. which is the child of the high school to which he has given his very life. Second: That we, witli profound reluct,atke mid regret, accede to Ins urgent request for their release front such responsibilities next year. Third That we would lake til's opportunity and means of express ing to him and his capable com panion, personally and officially, our warmest and most permanent appreciations for the loyal and sacrificial service.", they have, ren dered to the cause of ‘Christian education through Hie institution I which lie has led lor more than 2u t years | Tamili 'I lint we do herewith j vouch Vo both of them our best wi.shr and continued pravers for their gii'ving . ikti s in the new field .chosen cl l heir own iniative and again, i the will and advice of belli the administration and the board of trustees, that under the lesser •-tiain and fewei rcspnn.sibili tie he may find rest, relaxation j and recuperation of health tlia* dial! lengthen Hie span of use lulrit. to yet many other year , and , . Tilth That a copy of these res I olutiojis be sent to Prof Huggipa i and his family, a copy be spreao ; Upon the .minutes oi the meeting of j I,he executive committee of the board trustees, now m session, ami a ropy filed w ith I he institut ion. | .'-jig n< ri .) H QUINN. i'!i:un.. beard trustees, c mATHBNEV. i at • board trustee... a P IMVIS president eolle r Sim spiwjng Down. The Sim i' as I icklc m most of i! 1 characteristics ns well, supply your linile It, has been found however, i ilia', tins inconstancy is probably a periodic function, so that :lie* suit will vary from maximum to mini mum in its behavior over a fixed period of years. I'or example Or Charles S'. John of the Count Wilson Obsrrv a tore in California tins dtscoyered that, the iieriod of rotation of the sun has been increasing The sun m oilier words, is slowing down. In 187.6 (lie equatorial speed of the sub’s rotation was 2.23 kilometer; per second. In 19ir> it was 1.96 anti by 1998 the sun had slowed down to 1 89 kilometres per second. It is believed, however, that this de | crease will not be constant, and that beginning in 1929 the sun will gradually pick up speed again un til t! reaches a maximum period of rotation within the next few years. Scotland county farmers are hnv |ing a hard time finding seed with iwhich to plant their stubble lane’s. H I, Seagrove has been secured os county agent of Caswell county. A supporting board oi agriculture lias been organized. MARK, ", ' \KS OKI), I ,S NEVER SEEN’ SIN Kirin, Mont.— Born deep In a | coal mine here. a two-year-old mart which liar; never had an ultra-violet ray, in fact has never even seen the sun, offers a problem lor health investigators. The mare is in vigorous health high-spirited. her coat, glossy and j she stands a head taller than othet j horses in the mine that have been : up’ for periods, according to her] owner, Charles Fletcher. Fletcher plaits to bring the ani mal to the surface soon. Argil - I merits as to whether she will ad just herself to new conditions with a few blinks, or stumble about, dazed and blinded by the light, wall j be settled then. "The Effects of Synthetic I gen and Concentrated Fertilizers on I Cotton and Sweet Potatoes," is the title of experiment station bulletin 2W5 recently published at the Star-* college. of agriculture. Copies will be cut, free to citizens, of the .state making request to the agricultural editor. Try Star Wants Ads. Si-Nok Company Indianapolis, lnd. A void it! £:r;d membranes against tha poisonous attacks of plant pollen with SI-NOK. A noted physician's Hay fever LANDIS SHOE SHOP For The Best Shoe Rebuilding. Rebuilt And New Shoes For Sale. Also Headquarters For Singer Sewing Machines & Parts. West Marion St. 3rd Door From Western Union. Shelby, N. C. WHAT YOU GET Is Even More Important Than What You Paij Motorcar value isn't detei mined hv vou pay for your car . . .it s what you gct t n return for your money that's important. That'* why thousand* of motorists are turning to Oldsmobtlo from all pine group*—both above and below Oldstno-r bile'# price range. Thoae who have owned lower -priced cat a gain, in Oldsmobile, performance, lyx ui v , and riding qualities which far outweigh t he slight additional cost. Those who have been accustomed to more expensive cars find that Oldsmohtle gives them all the tine, car advantages they demand—and at decided savings in both original cost and operating expense. Those who have heen driving cats in Oldsmobilc's price field discover that the same amount of money invested in Olds mobile buys a far more, satisfactory auto mobile—from tbe standpoint of day-m and-day-out dependability as well as in The VIKING —the new <XVdegree V-type Fight at medium price—is built in tne Olds fac tones, bv Oldsmobile craftsmen, and sold through Oldsmobile dealers. At $1595 for all models, f o h. factory, Lansing, Michigan, it is as outstanding in value in its field as the popular Oldsmobile Si*, the fine car of low "11*—=== beauty, comfort, and performance. Oldstnobile is powered by a big 62-horsc power high-compression engine which delivers speed to fulfill every desire, re markably swift acccleration, and power-111 tarry out the heaviest assignment. In addition to fine performance, Old.smnbilc provides the st vie and comfort advantages of Bodies bv Fisher, with spacious inte riors, deep-cushioned scats, and luxurious upholsteries and appointments. Further, Oldsmobilc's standard equipment includes such items as four Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, full-length vertical radi ator shutters, and gasoline apd tempera ture gauges on the dash. Investigate Oldstnobile yourself—remem bering that what sou get is even more important than what you pas'. Drive an Oldstnobile Six and compare it. point by point, with cars of all prices. Judged bv dollsr-for-dollar value, you won't find a more profitable investment than Oldsmo bilc—the fine car of low price. TWO DOOR SEDAN $875 f. o. T factory, Lansing, Michigan, Spiiyg ine anJ bumpei tra. Consider the J^cltvercd Price Consider the delivered price. as well as the Iwt pi ice. u hm comparing automobile value* Oldsmohile delivered prices include only rea sonahle charge* tor de livery and financing {lips MOBILE HAWKINS BROTHERS SHELBY, N. C. STOP HERE FELLOWS BLANTON-WRIGHT CLO. CO. Half Price Sale MEN’S SUITS At % Price 200 suits included fn this group. All sum mer suits and a beautiful assortment of pretty spring patterns to select from. SALE BEGINS FRIDAY JULY 26TH. MEN’S SUITS 25.00 Suits 3* 1 his group of 30 suits are off style some but will make a good everyday suit. Get one of these sure. JOIN THE CROWD HERE. Dress Shirts At y2 Price This group includes a big assortment of pretty shirts. Broken lots, and slightly soiled. Your choice at HALF PRICE. BUY AND SAVE NOW. Men’s Hose 5 Pair 1.00 These hose are our regular 35c per pair, the quantity is limited, so come early for these. SALE BEGINS FRIDAY JULY 26TH. MEN’S SUITS At 1/3 Off The entire remainder of our stock of fine suits offered at this price. Come, get yours now. SALE BEGINS FRIDAY JULY 26TH. MEN’S SUITS 29 m Suits In this group of 35 suit* will be found a real bargain. All sizes included. You should buy 2 of these. A SALE OF ALL SALES

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