Nobody’s Business GEE McGEE— (Exclusive In The Star in this eeclion.) “If.” If some men had tails and «ome monkeys had no tails, Dar win's theory would be more easily »wallowed. If Jimmie Smith's Ford had run lust 50 feet per mile faster, Jimmie would not have been scraped off the cow-catcher, and mebbo he would have growed up to be a sensible man. If the gun had not been load’d, little Bobbie Brown would have 2 legs Instead of one. If Mr. Fastmail had of been thoughtful enough to lock his pri vate office door, his wife would not have ketchcri him missing ills stenographer and tlie alimony he is now paying could have been spent on her, meaning his stenog rapher. If my grocer* customers hid not of had to meet the first and second and thtrd and fourth and all the other instalments cn the thing* that they could have done without, he would have been able to keep his boy in college and possibly made a lounge-Uzard out of him Instead of a eakr-eatcr as he now Is. If Sallie had come home br lore midnight, she would have missed being in a wreck with two "drunks” just before day that morning, and then her reputation would have been fairly good —i If dresses were any shorter, mou men would leave home. If folk* would attend to their own business and not. keep pok ing their nose into the other fel low’s business, then everybody a j business would be Nobody'., Bum ncs»-' If you don l 111.« this article,, why, don't road it 1 ve be n lint ing medicine and fed like flic last Jassamliie of June. I hate .said ; and hot. wealhet. A tire dealer offered me a ,ei ; of 1 balloons for $55.00, and agreed to allow me $10.00 for my present equipment in a swap Ills prior for the new tires were no ex change is made is $45.00. Puzz!" j iHow much was I actually offer'd for my old tirri? Answer: $0.00 Colton I.rtler. New York, July 23. A, ,i eons, - qurncc of favorable weather in the Interior, call money was easy on the opening, but, that did not mean that it was easy to gr» Since the Hooter entertainmer.t at the White House, lingerie is leaning toward colors, and blacks and "hlRh-yallers" seem to be in flic lead Hedge selling and south ern straddling prevented a squee-e in the shorts, but probable show ers in Oklahoma reduced ilie K K. K activities to a large extent, and no further Impeachment pro ceedings are likely until some better political .jobs open up In the meantime. we advise swim ming pools and cotton DVDs. We think it would be a good idea for the British. European and American governments to create a joint fund of $1,000,000,000,000 000 oo to be used for the purpose of re:ruing trails-Atlantic flyers, and provide a line of ships about 3 miles apart all the way from Dover to Old Orchard One is bo :i every Friday. anderson. a C , Julie 22, 1929 flrar mr. Hoover:— , i rote you a few days ago and asked you to name me on the farm relief bored, but have heard nothing from you, what's the mat ter? is you sick? if theor ■ ain't no chance to get me on the cot ton end of the bored, how about naming me to re perse tit the be-f farmers of the south ansoforth. i will be glad to take the posish rt 25$ per month, provided i am al lowed to peddle beef as i am now doing m connection with my lob of kumner rile or foam i! i can depend on yore help, or will i hat ter wait 4 more years hence on at, '-mith or Owen cl. young? yores truhe. mike Clark, rfd By lire time this article comes nut m the papers, I will hrve re duced the fish supply in tlie At lantic ocean at least 25 per cent I am "booked to spend next wee; at Murrcl's Inlet-by-the-Sea, I have already ordered 4 telephone poles lo use as fishing rods, and am now rigging up a block-and-tackle to foo! with small fry: I expert io bail, with whales. I am tak ing orders for Mastadoneans and Octopus-cats and Wmiper-wam liuses, and if any one desires a few dozen of these briney-deep inhabi tants, just rite or foam mr at mce First come, first served ■ fi.sli for anybody I understand that all the dolphins and sharks if tire Murrells Inlet neighbor hood heard last week that 1 would ;ie there, and they all “vamoosed." and are now in "the Bay of Fun day ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate or Martha Macason, deceased, late of Cleveland coun'y. North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C„ on or before the 26th day ol June, 1930, or this notice will ne pleaded in bur of their geeftvery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment Tins June 26th. 1929. FRANK L. HOYLE, Adniinls t'ator of Martha Macason. Jno. P. Mull, A tty. •'Got I m Anri Look 'lm Up" Solicitor’* Onions In Gil bort-Koach Case. Charlotte.—Orders to "tret ’em I and lock .'em up'" were issued by Solicitor John G Carpenter to the sheriff's office here following un successful efforts to locate . state's witnesses in the case against vV Tom Gilbert and Arthur J. Roach. Gastonia policcment charged witn assault upon Pedro Melton with a deadly weapon with Intent to kill and with being drunk and disor derly Melton, one of the witnesses sought, was operator of a.filling sta tion on (he Gastonia-Charlotte highway on the afternoon of June 7 and in an affidavit presented at a recent habeas corpus hearing heic declared that the two Oastonia of ficers had visited his place, which is on the Mecklenburg side of the Catawba river. and had subse quently cursed and abused him and chased him into the river, where he was fired upon several times. Other witnesses sought are Bob Brown..B. C. Pinion and Mike Hens ley Ttie gastonia officers were’ir dicte.1 last week by the Mecklenburg grand Jury and their case was set for trial Friday morning in Meck lenburg superior court, but because of the inability to locate states witnesses, the case was postponed. Solicitor Carpenter expressed de termination to get these witnqpses to rourt and let them testify as to what happened at Melton's place The alleged assault occurred a few hours before the fatal shooting at Gastonia of Police Chief, O. F. Adrrholt. Roach and Gilbert, who accompanied Chief Acierholt and other officers on the ill-fated visit to the Strikers’ tent colony that night, were also severely .shot dur ing the melee there and have onlv recently been able to leave theii j beds. ^Jhe NEW BUICK with 3 New Series—3 New Wheelba.. > New F, *^es New Shock Absorbers New Bodies by Fisher New Non-Glare Windshield New Valve-in-Head Engine New Steering Shock Eliminator New Controlled Servo Brakes New Low Prices AT BXJICK DEALERS Ponder Makes The Officials Comply iR R Clark m Greensboro News ) I N. M. Ponder, citizen of Ruther ford county, brought action against | the county commissioners, civil and criminal, for failure to have ali claims against the county itemized and sworn to, as the law requires. | There was more than one hearing without a conclusion, but Ponder stuck to his knitting and finally ! the commissioners threw up their hands, so to speak. They plead nolo contendere in the criminal action, an admission of guilt with out putting it that way, and a non | suit was taken in the civil action. ; The commissioners were fined a cent each and the cost. “Both sides seemed to be pleased with the final decision.” says the report, and it is added that the commis sioners have adopted a rule that all claims against the county must be itemized and sworn to. which is what Ponder was out to make them do Tire eounty attorney said he had been ‘reliably informed that at least 50 county officials m the state were doing just like Rutherford'' before the action was brought against the Rutherford commissioners, but they are “hav ing all their claims itemized and sworn to now” Prom which you will see that Mr. Ponder lias rendered a large public service. He not only started his own officials to complying with a requirement that is obviously im portant. but tl\e influence of his action caused a half hundred other officials to mend their ways. Whether Mr. Ponder will get credit in his own county is another mat ter. It is usually very unpopular to take on the court house people when they are banded together for purposes offensive and defensive, as they usually are. One who tries it Is not only due for much un popularity, but he is fortunate if he escapes with no more than counter attacks on liis motives. It is encouraging to find a, citizen occasionally who has the nerve to take action to compel officialdom to protect the interests of the citi zenry, as they promise to do and take oath to perform. If that should become a habit, 'presently officialdom would be taking such care that it would not ignore the laws enacted for its guidance and for the protection of the public funds, and if and when called to law. try to evade by calling the evasion a technicality. May the tribe of Ponder increase, say we. CLOVER HILL NEWS OFCUfflTWEEK (Special to The Star.* July 27.—The farmers are getting ready to Jay by their crops Miss Selma Norman was the din ner guest of Misses Nettie Lee and Mate Ramsey Sunday. Miss Winona Hasting visited Miss Inee Ledford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Ledford visit ed Mrs. Ledford's mother Sundav at Lawndale. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Walker and children and Mr. Enoch Ledford went shopping at Shelby Monday Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hasting visit ed Mr. Hastings mother Sunday afteinoon. Miss Inez Ledford visited Miss Ethel Shujord Sunday afternoon. Mr. Carl Norman visited Mr. Wendell Ledford Sunday. Miss Ruby Turner was the din ner guest of Miss Vertle Self Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ledford visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nor man of Bel wood Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. McNeely visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ledford Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Raseny visit ed their cousin, Mrs. Lizzie Lee of Mooresboro Sunday afternoon. Mrs. L. L. Norman visited her mother, Mrs. Amoa Ledford Sun day afternoon Miss Marie Queen visited Misses Male and Nettie Lee Ramsey Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Amos Ledford returned home Sunday from a two week’s visit with her daughter, Mrs. D. M. Freeman of Shelby. Master 'J. B. Freeman of Shelbv. visited Master Buren and Evere:t Ledford Sunday. Mr. and Tilden Queen of Shelbv were pleasant visitors in the com munity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Walker and little son. Jack, of Shelby, spent last week-end with Mr. Walker's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Walker. American factories turn out more than two-thirds of the world's sup !v of rubber goods. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator >f the estate of Corrie McBee. de 'eased, late of Cleveland county, 'forth Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the •state of said deceased to exhibit ;hem to the undersigned at Shelby, (f. C„ on or before the 10th day of July, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 10th day of July. 1929. FRANK L. HOYLE. Ad ministrator of Corrie Mc Bee. deceased Mooresboro School To Open July 29th The Mooresboro school will open Monday July 25, according to an announcement made this morning by one of the officials of the school. It will be remembered that Prof. J. D. Huggins who was connected with Boiling Springs high school and college for a number of years will be the new principal of the Mooresboro high school this year. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by W. B. McSwain and wife, Mille Mc Swain to the First National bans of Durham, N. C„ trustee, dated the 15th day of April. 1928, and record ed in book 150, page cievcianri county registry, the First National bank of Durham, trustee, will on August 21, 1929 at 12 o’clock M. at the court house door in Cleve land county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described property: Beginning at a stake on the norfn edge of Morton street, and runs thence with a line of lots No. 1 and 2 north 35'j cast (17 feet to an iron stake in Lawton Blanton' line; thence south 59'> east 50 feet to a stake; thence with the line of lot No. 6 north 351 * east 69 feet to a stake; thence south 60 east 50 feet to a stake in the north edge of an alley; thence with the north edge of said alley south 35'. west 138 fee: to a slake in the north edge of Morton street; thence with the north edge of Morton street north 61 west 100 feet to the place of be j ginning, same Being lots nos. i j and 8 and the southwest part ol j lots No. 5 and 8 of the D. D. Wilkin j property a plat of w hich property :• of record in the office of the reg ister of deeds of Cleveland count v North Carolina, in plat book No. , at pago*25, and being that proper!' which was conveyed to W. b. Mr Swain by deed of record in bool 3-U at page 591 in the office of thi register of deeds of Cleveland coun ty, N. C. reference to which dect and plat is hereby made for furtho identification and description. This sale is made on account o default in the payment of the In debtedness secured by the said dece of trust. This the 5th day of Julv, 1929 FIRST NATIONAI, BANK OP DURHAM. N. C.. Trustee. D H. Covington, Atty Durham, N. C. Special Selling --Three Great Groups— DRESSES —including nearly every smart summer style, color and material. — GROUP ONE — The loveliest creations in Wash Silks and Prints, And don’t, forget you may take advantage of our Easy Terms even at this low price. GROUP TWO AND THREE Wash Silk Dresses . . . Georgettes . . . Chiffons . . . are all included in these two groups. Come in this week . . . huy sev eral at these prices. $9-95 & $14-95 Wright-Baker Co, 107 N. La Fayette St. ALL SUMMER HATS X PRICE SHELBY, N. C Selective .Radio Set eVer built NO A-C HUM Model 92 W Power detection »nd the new *45 tubes plus four tuned stages of radio frequency enables Majestic to produce the most powerful and selective radio set ever built. Absolutely no hum and no oscillation at any wave length. ! Automatic sensitivity control gives uniform sensitivity and amplification in both high And low wave lengths. Improved Majestic SupWr Dynamic Speaker .'Ext™ heavy, u. Power-Pack, with positive voL_*_ _ insure# long life ana safety. Jacobein cabinet of American Walnut. Doom of m butt walnut with overlays on doon atul _ terior panel of genuine imported Austr " Lace wood. Escutcheon plate, knobs and pulls finished in genuine silver. Get a FREE Borne Demonstration PENDLETON’S MUSIC STORE

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