10 PAGES TODAY , -... ii S11FLBY, N. C. IRIDAY. JI'lA 'Jt\ injn. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By man,pet year (inadvance) $3.50 _' Carrier, per year On advance) $3.00 LA TE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, per pound . l;,c Coton Seed, per bu. —.40 -a Tartly Cloudy. North Carolina Weather, partly cloudy tonight and Saturday; eon tmued warm. First Boll. The first fully matured cotton boll of the 1929 crop seen in Shelby this year was brought to the office of The Cleveland Star today by J. Z. Falls. The boll was produced on Mr. Falls town farm, located on West Marion street, and if the first boll is any indication, Mr. Falls is going to produce a wonderful crop of cotton this year. Gives Warning Postal Law Is Being Violated Postmaster Says Cleveland Teople Must Obtain Right Kind Of Receptacles. A good many; Cleveland cowin'y people, since July 1, have unwit tingly violated the postal rules and regulations in that they have caus ed to be erected at their homes rur al free delivery mail boxes not in ac cordance with the law, according te a statement made here this morn ing by J. H Quinn, postmaster. The postmaster explains that the post office department no longer coun tenances the use of what is known as the No. 1 box. a small box, an:i that now only the No. 2. or larger box, is sanctioned by law He said in talking to a reporter; Some months ago wide publicity was given to an order of the post master general approving a new design of No. 2 mail box for use on rural and star routes on an after July 1. 1929. but both dealers and patrons seem to have overlooked this order. It prohibits the manu facture, sale, and erection on rurel or star routes after July 1, 1929, of any boxes that do not harmonize with said order. The January, 1929. supplement to the U. S. Official Postal Guide, page 16, reads as follows; ‘The post master general has approved a new' model of the large size (No. 2) mail box for use on rural and star routes, and has directed that or and after July 1, 1929, the manu facture and sale of the present No. I box be discontinued. The now No. 2 box will also subersede, so far as manufacture and sale are con cerned, the old No. 2 box now in use “All approved rural mail boxes now in use on rural and star routes may be continued in use so long ns they remain weather-proof and serviceable. Patrons on new routes, new patrons on existing routes oi extensions thereof, or patrons de siring to provide boxes of sufficient capacity to contain parcel-post mail will be required to furnish boxes of the new No. 2 design after July 1, 1929.” The post office department has published a lengthy list of manu facturers of approved mail boxes with full addresses and prices. Those interested in this list can see it by calling at the Shelby post office It is earnestly hoped that the hard ware dealers within our territory will handle the new design No. 22 boxes for the convenience of our patrons. There are numerous boxes on all of our rural routes that should be replaced at once witn good and approved boxes." Shelby Man Aids With Horse Show Word coming to Shelby from Blowing Rock is to the effect that preparations arc well undervay for I he largest horse show ever held in Blowing Rock, where the horse show has been for many years the big event of the summer seasdn. Don ald J. Boyden. in charge of prepara tions, is being assisted by Ralph Hoey of Shelby, and both predict the longest list of entries on record for the show, scheduled for August 7, The official prize list and entry blank, just issued presents 15 classes, in all of which are offered first, sec ond and third prizes. York Man Named King Executor John S. Rainey, well known farm er and coton buyer of Sharon, S' C. has been appointed administra tor of the estate of the late Faye Wilson King, former French teach er and cotton buyer of Sharon, S a'leged to have been murdered Jan uary 25 at her home in Sharon. The pretty young tpacher s hus band, Rate P. King, who was re cently convicted at Chester of the murder of his wife, is now con fined in the state penitentiary pend ing a hearing of a motion for 8 new trial before the state supreme court, Insurance policies held b', her were made payable to him. Mr. Rainey has qualified as ad ministrator of the dead woman School Patrons Ballot Tuesday On Bond Issue More Than 500 Affirmative Ballots Needed If The Bond Issue Is To Prevail. Everything was in readiness here today for conducting the election in school district No. 33- on next Tuesday in connection with issuing school bonds in the sum of $58,000 and indications were, according to those in touch with the situation, that a large vote will be polled. With 1.000 voters registered, it is believed that 800 or 900 of these will exercise their right of suffrage on the question at issue. | The law provides that the polls shall open at sunrise and close af sunset and that any registered voters, regardless of whether he Is a landowner or freeholder, is eligible to participate. The hours included in the ahv mean that the polls must open about 5:30 o’clock and close about 7 o'clock The count ing of the ballots is not expected to. consume any great length of time and therefore the result of the school election should be known by a little after 8 o'clock Tuesday night. Borrowed Funds. The question at issue has been very generally discussed until a ma jority of the voters in and near Shelby arc quite familiar there with. The school authorities last school session found that they would be unable to continue the public schools here for the full nine months of the term, owing to a scarcity of funds and a number of patriotic local citizens signed an agreement that they would vote fo" a bond issue if the school officials would borrow' a sufficient amount of money to continue' the schools for the full nine months. ' It was stipu'ated at the same time that the deficit under which the sch >ol board labored was to be covered in this same bond issue and the total therefore amounted to the sum of $58,000 This is the question on which the voters will go to the polls Tuesday and confidence is expressed that it will be carried, although those In terested point to the fact that if a person duly registered for the elec tion remains aw'ay from the polls Tuesday, it will be a vote again;: the measure, since the laws says that a majority of those registered I must vote in the affirmative for the issue to prevail Therefore, as ap proximately 1.000 are registered, more than 500 will have to tote in favor of the bond issue before it can carry One Precinct. It is pointed out that the school officials would be very serioifcly em barrassed and handicapped should the bond issue fail to become avail able and it is therefore hoped that all interested will make every effoit to vote some time Tuesday. There is to be only one polling precinct for the election and this will be located in the Cleveland county court house. Mrs. Hulick Notified Of Mother’s Death News was received here this morning cf the death of Mrs. J. M. Matthescn who passed away at her home in Taylorsville at 1 o'clock after a lingering illness of several months. Mrs, Mattheson was 77 years of age and is the mother of Mrs. B D. Hulick. North Morgan street The funeral will be held in Taylorsville tomorrow. York Newspaper Man Visitor To Shelby S. Ernest Jackson, well known newspaper man of York, S. C., spent a portion of yesterday in Shelby w'ith friends. Mr. Jackson wrote The Cleveland Star's accounts of the Rafe King trial at Chester and also handled the story for a number of other newspapers and his work was highly commended by those who read his various stories. He relates a number of intimate details about what went on during the trial, a portion of which never appeared in the newspapers. Gardner Gracious Declares Deputy "The governor war. very nice about it/• said Deputy Sheriff Wiley Peebles in Raleigh yesterday, speaking of serving a subpoena on Governor Gardner for his appear ance at the trial of the Gastonia strikers. "My duty was just to serve the paper, and I served it.” added the deputy, who is the firs' officer to sene a subpoena on a governor of North Carolina in oven 120 ye. The Soviet Not Found Wanting Above is shown a lineup of Russian planes at lh« Central Frunze airfield at Moscow, which i«w over Chinese territory in Northern Man Jtiorta and dropped pamphlets urging the vel misses to support the Soviet. At left is l type of Russian army field radio station in operation during recent manoeuvers upon 1 ** m which the Soviet will probably rely greatly for communication during proposed Manchurian invasion. Soviet troops in gas mask “prac tice” are shown at right, in readiness for use at any time if Russia and China should come to blows over the recent Chinese Eastern Rail way dispute. Governor Is To Make Visit Here Chief Executive Left This Morning For Roaring Gap But Comes Here Later. Governor O Max Gardner is to spend a portion of his vacation, that portion not yet determined or announced, in Shelby according to information obtained here today. The governor left the executive •mansion in Raleigh this morning for an absence of one month and proceeded to Rearing Gap. where he will rest and relax and be free from official duties of any kind He will proceed from there to Gastonia next Monday where he has been subpoened as a witness in the trial of the 15 strikers charged with the slaying of Chief of Police Aderholt and it is expected that as soon as he can give his testimony in Gas tonia he will come to Shelby for a stay with friends and relatives and will then go back to the moun tains for the remainder of his month's vacation. It is very unusual for the gover nor of a State to be summoned as a witness in a trial, but it is said that Governor Gardner's appearance in Gastonia will not set a precedent in this state since Governor Glenr, in 1006 appeared as a witness in the trial of three defendants in Rowan county. It happened that all the defendants in the 1906 case were lynched and therefore the gover nor's testimony on that occasion does not appear to have been of any very great value Governor Gardner ltas been able to make but infrequent trips to his home in Shelby since becoming chief executive of North Carolina rnd he will therefore receive a rous ing welcome home front his many friends and admirers, who will hope that he may spend as much of his month’s vacation as may be pos sible in this city. Two Shelby Youths Sought By Parents Charlotte police headquarters, Ac cording to The Charlotte Observer, have been- requested to be on the lookout for Paul McCoy, 16. and Jack Johnson, 14, both of Shelby, thought to have run away from their homes here with the intention of joining the United States navy Parents of the youths asked the Charlotte police to hold the boys until Shelby could be notified, in the event they were located PARAGON TO CLOSE THREE DATS NEXT WEEK Joe E. Nash, manager of the Paragon department store, an nounces the big establishment will be closed Monday. Tuesday and possibly Wedresdav of next week. The store ha> reached the end of the fiscal year, and a program of inventory will occupy the force dur ing the three days mentioned Criminal Court Docket Here Is Cleared During The Term Special Train To Take Many Southern Railway To Operate Special Train To Asheville On August L R H Graham of Chariotte. di vision passenger of the Southern Railway System, with offices located in Charlotte, while in Shelby yes terday said that hi3 railroad is an ticipating that an enormous crowd of people will go from this section on the mountain excursion to Ashe ville and other points on next Thursday, August 1 Mr Graham says that the railroad has made every possible preparation for tak ing care of r big crowd, operating a special train, equipped with up to-date coaches, including a re freshment car. and everything else needed to make the trip pleasant. The special is to start from Rock Hill, S. C., at 7 a. m., and will reach Blacksburg at 8:35 a. m. It is due in Shelby at 9 20 a. m. and will reach Marion at 12:10 p m.. arriv ing at Asheville at 1.40 p. m. Returning, the train will leave Asheville at 7:15-p. in., and the Shelby delegation will therefore reach home about midnight or i shortly thereafter As a special inducement to as many people as possible to make the trip from here, the railroad is offering the unusually low round trip fare of $2 from Shelby and it is probable that this will influence many to make the trip, Mr. Graham and ether railroad officials point out that this is a fine opportunity to enjoy beautiful scenery, cooling breezes and at tractive sight-seeing trips, all in one da^v Former Golf Pro Goes To Hickory Mr. .and Mrs ,I. G. McCombs have taken charge of the Hickory coun try dub, according to information coming here from that city, Mr. McCombs, *lhe former pro at the Cleveland Springs club to be man ager of the .Hickory club and pro at that course while Mrs. McCombs Is to have charge of the parties at the club house The former Cleveland Springs pro succeeds E. H Eubanks at Hickory Little Doing In Recorder’* Court Tilings are certainly quiet in re corder's court since Superior court opened here." remarked Judge Hor ace Kennedy yesterday. The city judge said one would think that the lawyers would have all they ’ould do in the Superior court, but there was always time for cne or more of them to appear !o the city court. "And then, too, we don't always need lawyers on hand to conduct the recorder's court you know." ad ded Judge Kennedy with a smile, Record Number Of Cases Disposed Of Before Civil Actions Are Taken Up. After having disposed of an un precedented amount of business since iast^ Monday. the criminal court docket in Cleveland county superior court, was practically clear today Next week civil issues will be argued before Judge W. F. Harding who is presiding at the present term. Yesterday was a busy day with the court, numerous cases being disposed of in diverse ways. Mr. and Mrs. J L. Taylor, charg ed with violating the prohibition laws, demanded a triel by jury and they were found guilty. Jack Moore was charged with violating the prohibition law. The defendant was called, failed to an swer and judgment nisi scl fa and capias issued. Similar action was taken in the case of Harry Morgan. Robert Hollar was charged with false pretenses and with larceny and receiving. He failed to answer and capias was issued The case against M P Coley, charged with embezzlemen'. was continued. Continue Murder Case. M. Fortune, Ernest Hicks, Hoyle Allen and Jake Westmoreland, charged with murder. had their cases continued. Two of the de fendants are in custody and two ai large ■» A nolle prossee with leave was entered in the case of Clyde Mat tox. charged with forging and ut tering. Weldon Borders charged with rape, had a nolle prosse with leave entered in his case Capias was issued in the case of Carl Lipscomb and Beverly Jolly, charged with reckless driving Frank Ellis entered a plea of guilty to a charge of issuing a Worthless check and v.as sentenced to serve 60 days on the roads. Nolle prosse was entered in the case of C A. Biggerstaff charged with an assault with a deadly wea pon Nolle prosse was entered in the case of Hunter Rippy,. charged with being drunk and disorderly, Coleman Wray was given a trial by jury on a charge of reckless driving and a verdict of not guilty was directed by the court. In two cases against A K Tabe‘ charged with issuing worthless checks, nolle prosse with leave was entered. Faced Four Counts. Clay Williams, charged in four eases with violating the prohibition law, entered a plea of guilty and hr was srntedeed to serve 12 month.-, on the public works Hatcher Glover, charged wit.n violating the prohibition law, wa. given a trial by jury and a verdict was returned finding the defend ant guilty of purchasing liquor and possessing same as beverage Bessie Brooks, charged with as sault with a deadly weapon. was given a trial by a jury and a ver dict of not guilty was returned Tom Elliott, charged with viola* - (Continued on page ten./ Sentiment For Keeping Agent Increases Here CnuntT < ounril Of Anrimlturr- Kn Work Already Donr In Cleveland. No definite decision has been readied on the question of Cleve land county retaining a county farm agent after Alvin Hardin's resigna tion become effective but. indica tions at present are that another agent will be obtained, this opinion being based upon the fart that the Cleveland County Agricultural Council, at a meeting here this week, unanimously went on record ns favoring the retention of such agent. The agricultural council is com posed of three representatives from each township in the county, but all townships were not represented at the meeting held here However, those representatives in attendance Jfpoke In enthusiastic terms of what agents have accomplished here In the past and expressed the opinion that the work should be continued by all means. There was not a dis senting voice raised In this particu lar. A E Cline of the Cleveland Coun ty Commissioners was present at the meeting and heard with interest what the members of the council had to say on the subject and he expresses the opinion that a county farm agent Is well worth what he costs Cleveland county, since a greater portion of the exiiense of such salary is borne by the State than is paid by Cleveland county Mr. Cline is in receipt of a letter from E. S. Millsaps of Statesville, district agent in charge of this ter ritory. in which Mr. Millsaps says he hope the county will reach some early decision as he has a splendid agent, available for this county Just at this time. It Is considered prob able that the county commissioners will reach decision to continue the farm demonstration workt It is not known at present that there r/ill be any meeting of the county commissioners before the first Monday in August, but the matter will probably be settled In seme definite fashion at that time All Postoffice Workers Here To Get Vacations Postoffice employes here are be ginning to take their annual vaca tions. according to statements made at the Shelby office this morning,1 but the general efficiency of the office Is not being lessened, because capable and trained substitutes are on duty In place of those off at this time. All told, including clerks and carriers, there are '20 people employed at the local office so ne cessarily some little time is requir ed for all of them to enjoy their vacation periods The government permits all employes 15 days with full pay. Capt. Pierce, 40 Yrs. An Engineer Is Here Capt. R L. Pierce who for 40 years has been an engineer on the Southern railroad is spend in' awhile at Cleveland Springs with his wife and two daughters. During all this time he has had only one wreck, then his life was saved from * rear end collision by jumping from his cab He began working for the old Richmond and Danville in 1889 and now lives at Spencer where he is held In highest esteem by his fe' low- workers. Criminal Court Taken From Blacks By White People Says Spurlin Solicitor Asserts Alarming Situation Has Been Created By Increase In Crime Among Young People Of State And Nation. Arous* ed Public Sentiment Is Only Solution. < rirmnal courts used to be a colored court, but today they are a white man’s court with five out of seven offend ers members of the white race,” declared Solicitor Spurgeon Spurlin of Lenoir, a native of Cleveland county who is here prosecuting at the Superior Court. He was addressing the Kiwanis club last night at Cleveland Springs and reviewing the court records for the past two '-ears, during which time he has been solicitor of the 1(}th Judicial District. 1,400 Homes Here Served B y Star Carrier System Each afternoon of publica tion. The Star t.a delivered directly into the home of 1 . 400 people In Shelby and su burb;- This delivery Is made before supper. "Evening hours are reading hours" and house wives do most of the family buying .that's why Star ad vertising pays. Hundreds of homes in Shelby are served through the postoffice boxes, while thousands are served by the 26 rural routes and post offices in the county Fifteen carrier boys serve Shelby and suburbs. One pass es your door Pay him a quar ter for a month's subscription and you get'It for two cents a copy In this manner. During the summer, many of the carrier beys are on va cation and their substitutes may be on the route. If these substitutes, who are no so fa miliar with the routes, fail to deliver your paper. It Is an oversight Phone complaints lo The Star office. No 11. Bond Posted In Auto Collision Miss Lillian RudasiH Reported As Recovering In Hoapllal At Gaffney, S. C. Frank Gardner, of the Gowdeys vdle community, of Cherokee coun ty. S. C . posted a $300 bond with Clerk of Court T M Calowe'.l at Gaffney yesterday on a charge of assault and battery with a deadly weapon in connection with an auto mobile collision on the Union road last Saturday night. Miss Lillian RudasiH, of Shelby, was seriously hurt In the wreck The charge against Garner, who was alleged to have been driving one of the cars, was preferred by C. H Hatched, of Shelby, driver of the other machine involved In the accident. Jack Wilkins, who was In the car with Mr Garner, received a broken ankle in the collision. Mr. Hatched and Mr. Garner escaped with minor cuts and bruises. The accident happened about 12 miles out, on the Union road Miss RudasiH and Mr. Wilkins were reported to be resting as well as could be expected at the City j hospital yesterday. Junior Order Here Is To Initiate Big Class Monday Members of Shelby council No. 436, Junior Order United American Mechanics are mak ing extensive preparations for the big class initiation next Monday night, July 20. Shelby rouncil has more than 500 new members, and the councils in Lincolnton and Rutherford counties have 130 candidates or new members for this class Thus the class of about 630 makes it easily the largest sin gle class ever received in the state. State Councilor D. W. Sorrell, of Durham, will be the speaker on this occasion. He will de liver a ten minute address to the class on the work of the Junior Order. State Vice Coun cilor Chas E Hamilton, of Mon toc, will also be present as well as Congressman Chas A Jonas of Lincolnton. The meeting will be held in the Thompson building on west Warren street just west of the Southern rai'road tracks opening promptly at 8 o'clock. Every member of Shelby council No. 43fi is expected to be present for this important meeting. Members of other councils in Cleveland, Lincoln, and Rutherford counties are invited to attend. It is expected that most of these councils will be represented at this meeting. The degree work will be con ferred by Dilworth council No 12. of Charlotte, which hes one of the best degree teams in this section of the state John A Liles is councilot of the local council and is in charge of local arrangements. Public Sentiment. The growing spirit of recklessness Is alarming, the disregard for law la appalling and the only remedy lies in a quickened public sentiment for law observance, said Solicitor Spur lin who admitted that some offi cers of the law are afraid to arrest the higher-ups who violate the prohibition laws for fear they will lose their Jobs, yet they spend their time chasing the one-gallus quart fellow. "Last year there were 20,000 crim inal convictions in North Carolina, a fact which Is a challenge to the higher class of citizenship One thousand five hundred of these convictions were for larceny. Nine teen men out of 20 in a recent ses sion of the Caldwell county court were whites. Seventy-five per cent of the boys and girls tried in crim inal court last year were under 21 years of age and statistics show that there are more prisoners tn the state penitentiary 17 years of age I than of any other age. Difficult Question. "What can be done?" asked Soli citor Spurlin. "That is a matter of very difficult solution, but aa so ciety is divided into two great d. vlsions. those above and those be low the average of Intelligence, it seems to me that those above should create the public sentiment .necessary for law observance This reckless spirit is not confined to the lower class, but to the upper class as well and If the officers do their duty and the courts function prop erly, It is Imperative that pubho sentiment be quickened along this line," Shelby Office Is Not Alone In It* Quarter Decrease "The Shelby postoffice is not by herself by any manner of means tn showing a decrease for the last, quarter,” said Postmaster J. H Quinn this morning tn talking to a newspaper reporter. Postmaster Quinn says that being aware of the general business con ditions existing over the country, he was not much surprised when the ■Shelby receipts dropped off and he expected to learn that similar con ditions exist elsewhere. He now cit es the Postmasters' Bulletin which says that of the 50 largest postof fices in the United States 32 of these showed decreases for the quarter ending June 30. “So even thoug.: we did fall off, we ere still in good company" said the Shelby postmas ter. Churches To Have Health Program Here Both the Second Baptist church of which Rev. Rush Padgett is pastor and the LaFayette Street Methodist church of which Rev. T B. Johnson is pastor, will have a Joint meeting Sunday evening at 7:45 o’clock at which time Drs. J W. Hardison and Ben Gold will talx on health, a vital subject to the community as a whole and a meet ing to which the public is invited ■ The choir from Ross Grove church will be present and sing the old songs that were the favorite of the late Rev. T. Dixon. First Surgeon Of Shelby A Visitor Dr Benjamen F. Royal, surgeon of Morehead City hospital, wife and children, spent Wednesday night in Shelby, at Hotel Charles. He was on his way to a camp near Asheville, where his boys are In camp. Dr Royal was surgeon in the first hospital in Shelby. He went back to Morehead City hospital from which j place he was surgeon when he j came to Shelby, and has been chief [ surgeon in that hospital lor IT I rears.

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