Last Of Tom Sawyer’s Gang Has Gone On Great Adventure Hannibal Mo. - Tom Sawyer's nand of adventuirrs a!l have gone on to the great adventure. Those who now would learn ol them must take tlielr tore from th. imprint that Mark I’watn and hl.-( boyhood playmates left in tl|is cog tier of Missouri. The larf of those, who, yiln *'SamT’ Clemens fought the im aginary pirates of the Mississippi, passed with the death of "Gull" Brady. Others ldenitfied with the Twain group were S. H. Hotteyman, Jim McDaniel. B. O. Farthing. Ed Fierce and, of course. Laura Frazier, whom the humorist immortalized n< "Becky Thacker." Young Clemens, Brady recallrd, was a bashful boy. with a fond ness for pretty little girls. "He had to -do his ‘sparkin'*’ bv proxy,” he once said. "Once I heard him say to his school desk mate ‘John, if you will go and tell Laura at recess that 1 like her, and think she’s the prettiest girl In school. I'll give you the next nppb I get,’.” The “Laura” was Laura Frazier. She preceded “Qull” to the grave by a few weeks. And ao has passed the “old Twain gang.” but the years only etch deeper it* marks on Hannibal and the dirty faced, pantalooned leader left the adventure’s im press on literature's shelves for succeeding generations to read— and chuckle over. i wain's mark Is deeply etched in the communities that knew him first, if not beet. Ths .two, room house at Florida, Mo, yrherq_ Clemens was bom. is r. nhrlna. Cm Its walls are commen datory letter* from three presi dent*: Wilson, who “greatly ad mired” the Writer; Harding, who classed lilm as “foremost among men t>t letters." and Coolldge, who railed him “distinctly American." A memorial bust In Florida’s square is inscribed) “He cheered and comforted a .tired World.” Twain** Hannibal home Is a museum, ifa Criminal Court r ” # Clears Docket (Continued From Page One) tng the prohibition law, entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine or $25 and the costs. Three cases against J. Flay Plax lco. charging embezzlement, wete continued. Robert Byers, charged with lar ceny. entered a plea of nolo con tendere and was sentenced to serve 18 months on the road with the stipulation that the property stolen and now In the possession of the court be returned to the Webb theatre. Wednesday's Record. The following ware the cases dis posed of Wednesday after The Star went to press: B. W. Plxley, who was charged With the theft of a large number of chickens, was found guilty by a jury an(J was sentenced to serve 12 months on the roads. Odd Towery, charged with seduc tion, Was tried by a Jury and a ver dict of hot guilty was returned. Fred Bowers, driving while drunk, entered a plea of guilty and it ap pearing to the court that the de fendant bad already served four monthM Judgment was suspended indefinitely. Reuben McKinney, charged with seduction, was called and failed to answer to his name. A capias was issued. John Kerk entered a plea of guilty to receiving and possessing and waa sentenced to serve 60 days on the roads, John Ram entered a plea of guilty to violating the prohibition * law and was sentenced to pay a fine 1 of $135 and the costs. Marvin Orlgg, charged with vio lating the prohibition law, demand ' ed a trial by jury and while the | ease was being heard. Judge Hard > tag directed a verdict of not. guil ty. Floyd Tolbert entered a plea of guilty to a charge of drunkenesa and waa sentenced to pay a fine of $50. Boyd Bostic was charged with driving while drunk. A jury was empaneled but before the hearing of testimony began the defandant entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and the costs. A Well Baby Is A Happy Baby Dr. Thorntons Easy Teether is used to destroy the germs that cause stomach and bowel diseases ot teething babies and older children. Tt acts on tne liver. Kidneys, etc., ridding the blood and system of impurities. Pleasant to take ns loaf sugar. Contains no opiates. Sold by druggists or sent direct for 25c. EASY TEETHER MEDICINE ’ CO., Westminster, S. C, State Spends Million Less On Our Schools (explanation Is That (here Is l,et (ip On Building*, sites, (•equipment. North Carolinians spent $1,000, 000 less for their public schools In i 1927-28 than lliey did in 1920-27, so declares Stair School Facts, the official publication of the state dr- j partnient of public in its current } issue. "A comparison of I lie two years the publication continues "shows! that, in t92fi-27 the total sum of: $36,701,501.30 was spent fnr these | schools, whereas during the school year 1927-28 the sum of $35,655,440 70 was expended for all public srhool purposes below college grade "Tbe explanation of the decrease,” the publication states, "Is the fact that more than two million dollars less were spent for capital outlay purposes—new buildings, sites and equipment. In 1926-27 more than 11 mllllon’dollars were paid out. for this class of expenditures, whereas In 1927-28 slightly more than nine million dollars were put into new buildings and school equipment. "The year 1527-28 marks the low est point that capital outlay ex penditures have reached since 1921 22, when the coat of the new build ings erected and equipped slightly exceeded six million dollars." On the other hand, as the pub lication points out, the amount of money spent for the current opera tion and maintenance of the schoo's Increased one million dollars over the preceding year. It cost $26,580 - 686.40 to operate the elementary and secondary schools during 1927-28 twenty-five and a hart million dol lars did the job. There is a tendency for current expense to Increase from year to year, but the rate of increase this, past year Is the lowest within the past eight years. This million do' lars represents a 4 per cent in crease, whereas ^n 1920-21 the-e was a 40.8 per cent Increase; In year, therefore, is less than half the 1921-22, 15.3 percent ; in 1922-23, 11.1 per cent; In 1923-24, 106 per cent; In 1924-25, 102 per cent; in 1925-36, 8.5 percent; and 1926-27. 12 per cent. The increase the past percentage Increase of any the pre ceding seven years. PERSONALS Misses Verna Elmore and Ar.n Luta are leaving this week for a three weeks visit to Virginia Beach, Washington and Baltimore. Miss Bess Freeman, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Freeman re turned Wednesday from Chapel HU1 where she has been attending summer school. Miss Adelaide Cabaniss will have as week-end guests: Misses Calla Clement of Spartanburg. Emily Camp of Forest City. Rosa Lee Scruggs of Rutherfordton. and Sara Lee Hamrick of Bolling Springs. Mrs. W. L. Hutchins of Hickory Is visiting her sister. Mrs. Carl Webb this week. Rains Breaks Into Proposed Battle _____ * People who had looked forward with the keenest sort of anticipation to the baseball battle scheduled to be staged at the city park yester day afternoon between the barrls- j ters of the city and the icemen's team were badly disappointed wher. old Jupiter Pluvius broke forth ir all his fury and as a result wet grounds prevented the contest from taking plans. No plans had been completed this morning for having the game played at a later date, but it is said this will certainly be done. Hucksters Wagons Appear On Square Attracted to the city by the fact that this is Cleveland Superior court week in Shelby, numbers of huck sters brought wagon loads of fruit and food stuffs to the city this week and clustered about court square. Included in the offerings were wa termelons, cantaloupes, peaches, ap ples and the like, and most'of the wagons appeared to be doing a prof | itable business. QIABTET TO SING AT MEN'S BIBEE < EASS Bran lion-Shepherd quartet made j up of talent front the Shelby mill! and South Shelby section will be with the mens Bible class of Cen tral Methodist church Sunday morning, July 26, The members of the class that were present severe.i weeks ago when this quartet sang their spirituals will be deliRhted to ; know of this arrangements. It is \ hoped that a large crowd will be present this Sunday to hear them j Star Advertising Pays, c Governor Might Send Deposition i Attorney General Rrummitl Says i lixcculivp Will Testify Or Make Oath. Raleigh. July 25.—Governor O. Max Gardner will either have to appear ns n witness In the Gastonia trial or else offer a deposition con taining the testimony desired, in the opinion of Attorney-General Dennis O. Brummitt, who states that he knows of no statute grant ing a governor or any other offieial Immunity after being subpoenaed to testify. Governor Gardner has r.nt yet indicated what course he experts to take. Since the'consolidated statutes gives to state and national officials the alternative of giving a deposi tion in criminal cases, rather than compelling them to appear in per son, it is thought likely that Gov ernor Gardner will make a deposi tion rather than go to Gastonia per sonally to testify In the trial of the score of mill workers and strik ers charged with the murder of Chief of Police Aderholt However, if he should refuse either to at tend the trial and testify or to mak» a deposition, he could be com pelled to attend or be held In con tempt. of court. And since contempt of court. Is not. pardonable, the governor would be unable to par don himself should he be found tn contempt and sentenced by the Judge. However, it Is not believed that the matter will be carried to such a remote eventuality. The mast famous case on record Involving a similar point tn law was when President, Thomas Jeffer son was called as a witness in the trial of Aaron Burr for treason. President Jefferson refused to ap pear as a witness, although he of fered to furnish all his private let ters and records for the benefit of the defense. Chief Justice John Marshall had held that he was not immune from witness duty, but did not order him to appear alter ne had refused to do so. Whether Governor Oardner will be required to produce certain let ters written to hint by strikers will depend entirely upon the decision of the Judga presiding over the trial. In the opinion of the attorney general. If the Judge decides that the letters which the defense wants Governor Gardner to produce at the trial are pertinent to the case, and then orders Governor Gardner to produce them, they will have to, be produced. But if the judge holds that they arc not pertinent, the defense cannot compel their introduction into the testimony. Opinion among the legal profes sion here is that while it looks rather presumptuous on the part of the defense to subpoena the gov ernor of the state as a witness in this trial, when he has no direct knowledge of the circumstances, that nevertheless Governor Gard ner will do everything in- his power to assist the defendants to get a fair and impartial trial and that if necessary he will testify personal ly. despite the time It would take from his duties as governoi Rupert P. Mills, famous athlete of a decade ago, was drowned in Lake Hopnteong, N. J., on Saturday. r**: *•!•! on »ir ** 4. Light frost fell over a section of northern New York Friday night and did some damage" to growing crops. It was the latesat frost re corded in that section in the last fifteen years. Three flyers lost their lives when their plane crashed near Perry burg, Ohio, on Saturday. 'I he men were trapped in the wreckage and were burned to death. The high cost of living wouldn't be such a problem If the luxuries of yesterday had not become the necessities of today. — Nashville Southern Lumberman. After two years of preparation, William C Winstead, calf club member of Person county, began shipping cream from his eight eows last week Lafayette National park, on Mt Desert Island. Me. is in the area once referred to as Acadia, and is to be renamed Acadia National park Camel meat was scried at ban quets by the Emperor HeliogabaJus. The republic of Czechoslovakia requires all communities to main tain public libraries. Java is an island of comparative ly recent volcanic origin. The national flower of China is the peony. V Waited at Church ■Charging (hat he hacked out of their marriage five times, after she had prepared two trousseaus, ?Alma Pinkerton, above, pretty [24-year-old bookkeeper of St. f,ouis, has filed a $300,000 breach of promise suit against Max Manne, wealthy furniture manufacturer. She also alleges he rt-proposed after the suit .was filed. Pleasant Hill News Of Current Week (Special to The Start # Our pastor. Rev. W. G. Camp, will conduct a revival meeting be ginning Sunday morning, July 28, The B y. P. U. is progressing nicely with Mr. George tiookadoo as president. The members have Just completed a study course taught by the pastor with Miss Verdie Walker teaching the juniors. The Junior B. Y. P. U. was enter tained with a'bum’s hike" social at the home of their leader, Mrs. Winifred McSwain Saturday after noon from 5:30 to 8 o'clock. On their hike they carried flowers to several shut-ins. On returning to the home of their leader they were served cake and punch. The W. M. U. met with Mrs. G. B. McSwain Saturday afternoon. A very interesting program was ran dcred. Mr. and Mrs. Quay Bridges vis ited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lookadoo Sunday. Misses tallage. Annie Lee and Willie Walker and Marie Blanton were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. D. o. McSwain. • Miss Euphra Ramsey span* Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Winffred Mc Swain. Mr. and Mrs. George Look ad on and Mr. and Mrs. George McSwain were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McSwain. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dover, Mrs. John Dover. Miss Zulia Allen and Mrs. Hambright of Kings Mountain visited Mr. and Mrs. G L. Hamrick Sunday afternoon. • Mr and Mrs. D. S. McKinney ana family of Ellenboro visited their sis ter, Mrs. W. E. Walker Sunday. The recent births into the com munity were: A daughter, Maiv Helen, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Yates Hamrick: a daughtei to Mr. and Mrs. Bulo Brooks, also a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Aldcn-McSwain. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. McSwain and family and Miss Euphra Ramsey returned Friday after a week's va cation visiting relatives in and neat Raleigh Mr. W E. Walker and children, tallage. Willie and J. Z. spert Wednesday in Asheville. Miss Nora Walker accompanied them home after attending summer school at Ashevillp normal. Mr. and Mrs. P C. Blanton and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shelton McSwain. Messrs. Fay and T L. McSwair. M. Elbe, Bob Padgett and T. C. Brackett are spending this week in Wilmington. Miss Odessa McSwain spent Wed nesday in Gaifrmy. s C, Miss Mildred Cabaniss spent the week-end with Miss Mary Lovelace. White Sox Meet Laurens Tuesday life Shelbv White Sox. local col ored baseball team, announced this morning that arrangements have been made for a game to be played at the city park here ne« Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock between the White Sox and the taurenc Tigers, hailing from Laurens. S. C. It is expected that a big crowd will witness the game as fans here sav that the negroes play jam up base ball. At The Churches SHELBY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH II. N. McDlarmtd, 'Pastor. 9:30 a. m —Workers council. 9:45 a. m.—Sunday school. 11 a. m.—Worship. 7 p. m.—Junior Christian En deavor. 7:15 p. m.—Young People's choir. 8 p. m.—Worship. 8 p. m.— Prayer service. SHEI.BY CIRCUIT (Methodist) Rev. R. L. Forbls, Pastor. El Bethel: preaching first and tliird Sundays at 11 a. m. Sulphur Springs: preaching fourth Sunday morning and second Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Sharon Church: preaching sec ond Sunday morning at 11 and fourth Sunday afternoon at 3. Pine Grove Church: preaching third Sunday afternoon. Salem Church: preaehlng first Sunday afternoon. LaFAYETTE ST. M. E. CHURCH Rev. R1. B. Johnson, Pastor. Sunday school each Sunday at 9:45. Marvin Blanton. Supt. Poaching each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at 7:30. Epworth league each Sunday evening at 6:45. DOVER BAPTIST CHURCH D. F. Putnam, Pastor. Sunday school 9:45—C. G. White, superintendent preaching at 10:45 by Rev. Mr. Johnson. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Zeno Wall, Pastor. Sunday school each Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 8. Mid-week-prayer service each Wednesday at 7:30. All B. Y. P. U.s meet each Sun day evening at 7 o’clock. A cordial welcome awaits all vis itors and strangers. LUTHERAN CHURCH Marion street school building. Sunday school 10 a. m. Communion service 11 a. a. Vesper service 8 p. m. Luther League 7:15 p. m. NEARBY BAPTIST CHURCHB3 Rev. H. E. Waldrop, Pastor. Ross Grove, Thursday before the first Sundays at 7 o’qjjock; first Sundays at 11 o’clock and third Sundays, afternoon at 2:80 o’clock. Sunday school each Sunday morn ing at 10 o’clock. Elizabeth: Saturday night before second Sunday, second and fourth Sunday at 11 o’clock. Sunday school each Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Eastside church: Third Sunday morning and every Sunday night. Sunday school at 10 o’clock each Sunday morning. Buffalo church: Saturday before the fourth Sunday and on fourth Sunday in each month at 2:30 o’clock. Sunday school at 10 o’clock each Sunday. The 100-inch telescope at Mi, Wilson reveals about 1,500,000,000 stars Gobelin tapestry weavers used more than 14,000 color shades and tints. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by J. A Walker and wife Mattie Walker, to the First National bank of Durham, N. C., trustee, dated the 15th of March. 1928, and re corded in book 150 on page 185, Cleveland county registry, the First National bank of Durham, N. C„ trustee will on August 27, 1929, at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door in Cleveland county, will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the ■following described property: Situated in the southwestern square of the town of Shelby, N. C. and known as a part of the R. L. Short lot in the W. A. Wray addi tion to the town of Shelby. N. C., and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, a rew corner In the west edge of Morgan street, Wilson's and Rippy's corner, runing thence N. 2 E. 55 feet to a stake; thence N. 88 W. 163 feet to the east edge of 15 foot alley; thence S. 2 W. rr feet to a stake In edge of said,alley; thence S. 88 E. 163 feet to the beginning, apd being that lot of land conveyed to J. A. Walker by L. A. Jackson by deed recorded in book of deeds 3-S at page 445. in the office of the reg ister of deeds of Cleveland county. North Carolina, This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said deed >f trust. This the 25th day of July, 1929. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM, NORTH CARO LINA, Trustee. D H. Covington, Atty. Durham, N. C. SHELBY, N. C. MASONIC BUILDING Thanks to JULY INVITATION MONTH A Million Women are Having Plenty of Smart Silk Frocks at Emphatic Savings Our fashion experts searched the markets tirelessly for particularly out standing values to be featured in this great event. They succeeded admirably, as you will agree when you see the scores of charming dresses . . . realize their superior qual ity ( t . and marvel at their low prices! y For Women, Misses and Juniors ;5c»tfs Jackets Ruffles | Ensemble: for Sportswear for 'Afternoon Wear, for *most any timet Printed Chiffon and Crepest Plain Colori m Georgette and 4 Flat Crepe . . * Dainty Wash Silk4 Make Your Own Dresses . . . and Have as Many as You Want! Yards and yards ol lovely summer silks are tempting thrifty women to make their own cool summer dresses this | year. Especially attractive and pleasinglv low-priced are! these. . . ' . , j Printed Crepe de Chine and Georgette, #1.19 a yard Beverly Printed Silks, 79c a yard Qress Shields, pair 23c and 49c Sanitary Belts, 19c, 23c and 49c Girdle Supporters, 23c and 49c Sew-on Supporters . 19c Shadow Skirts, 49c and 98c *Pen-Co-Naps,” box of 8,19c Sanitary Aprons, 23c and 49c ' Umbrellas Have Fancy Handles Gloria umbrellas with a satin bolder and a fancy handle $2.98 Bedspreads Crinkled Cotton Colored stripe* on a cream t round make these attractive. $1.49 and $1.98 Jap Pongee Natural Only All silk 12 more me Jap p os gee of first quality. Yard 33c Pointed Heel Pure Silk Hose The flatter ing: . pointed heel is a smart favorite . . . this number ia silk to the top and full - (ash* ioned. Pair Si.49 Printed Dimity Cool! Smart! One of the most delightful •f cotton fabrics. Yard 29c Outstanding Value in > Apron Frocks A Dainty! Fresh! Cool! Made of printed dimity, nor elty prints and sheer printed lawn. Sleeveless and short sleeved styles. Basque effects. Straight-line models. Regular and extra sizes. 79c I Advertise in T^ie Cleveland Star

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