Children Read A Million Books More thin 1.200.000 library books were read by the children in the standard elementary schools of the state during 1928-29. according to the records just compiled by the state superintendent of public in struction, from the reports for these schools. In the standard elementary schools of the state alone, there are now more than 270,000 volumes with more than 113,000 of these in the rural schools. And these carefully selected, interesting books have been widely read, for the records from the schools show more than 70.000 rural children reading li brary books and 600,000 volumes loaned during the year. In the standard elementary schools tn the cities of the state there are today more than 165,000 SICK AT HIS ' STOMACH * “I WAS (tittering from stomach trouble, in 19)7,” uts Mr. C. K. Nelson, a a work train, I I) a condition gave up tad t. I could not ditton. Some one told me about Black-Draught. 1 atarted taking it ta small doaee after meals. It helped me, and I went back to work." library book:, being read by 60.0001 children. Tho circulation record ol ; 1.200.000 volumes read by rural and! city children is for the standard I elementary schools only. In many other elementary schools I I throughout the state, libraries arc j being built up, and the children arc eagerly taking advantage of the op portunities offered them for ac quaintance with good books Five years ago, except In some of the cities, very few element a rv schools had even small libraries, and only here and there In the rural schools were books found suitable for the children beiow the high school At. that time In the larger rural schools, there was a total cf less than 8 000 books for the more than 100.000 children enrolled These figures very clearly Indi cate that the schools are bringing up a generation of readers. Alleged Deserter From Army Taken Belmont.—Ben C. Reeves, who Is said to have escaped from United States service at Fort Benington, Ga . September 6. 1026. after eleven months in the Army, was arrested In Kings Mountain Saturday morn ing at 10 o'clock, Belmont officer.?, Caldwell and Leeper. went for him Monday and took him to Fort Bragg, turning him over to the government authorities there. The young man had lived in Bel mont at one time, and had come here Thursday to visit a ulster at the Eagle mill village. He left town Saturday morning at 9 o'clock with another boy on his way West again, when officers here heard of It, and officers at Kings Mountain were on the lookout for him as he passed through. r .. 1 — WANTED — Experienced Toppers and Knitters, Also Loopers. Wanted Experienced Fix ers on S. & W., B-5 Machin es.* Apply in person. Marion Knitting Mills, Inc. ' MARION. N. C. Of-24c 666 Is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious FeTer and Malaria. It Is the most speedy remedy known Eskridge News VOL. 1. JULY 26, 192!). NO. 26. On Wednesday of this week the 2 millionth Model "A" Ford rolled off of the assembly line in Detroit. It took Mr. Ford thir teen months to build the first million of the Model ‘‘A,-1 and It only required six months and twenty days to build the second million. It takes enthusiastic public ap proval to enable Mr. Ford and his dealers to produce and sell one million cars in six months and twenty days. Mr. Ford said that the next million will be built in less than six months. Teacher: •'Which Is farther kway, Africa or the moon?” Small boy: ••'Africa.” "Africa? What makes you think that?" • ■ ‘ Cause we can see the moon and we can't aee Africa " There were 3403 New Ford cars sold In North Carolina during the month of June. Our nearest competitive make sold 1324. Ford liked only 4# cars doubling the number sold by the nearest com petitor. These figures were tak en from the records of the Title Department of the Motor Ve hicle Bureau. A living room is just, a detour on the route from the bedroom to the garage. Minister: 'Let. me hear how far you can count ” Little Bov: “One, two. three, four, five, six. seven, eight, nine, ten. Jack. Queen. King, and Ace.” We recently delivered Mr. George Alexander a New Stand ard Coupe. George knows a fine automobile as well as he knows fine jewelry. Stop in and ask him what he thinks of both. We deliered Mr. H. S. Speck his second Model "A Tudor Se dan the other day. If oner you own a Model "A" you will always want to come back. Knox Hardin: “This is my la vorite month. I wish it would last forever.” George Elam. ‘Yes, I have a note due the first- of the month myself." If you are Interested tn a Used Qar either for yourself or for some of your renters it will pay you to stop tn and see what we have. We have some very good bargains In Used Cars at the present time. ♦ - We delivered the A. Blanton Grocery Company, of Shelby, Marlon, and several other good town, their third Model "AA" Truck. We do not know how many Model "AA" trucks they have but. we do know that- this is the third one bought from us. and they are very enthusiastic over the service they have re ceived from the Ford. We have also delivered the following In the last few days: Mr. J. Bynum Crow, Shelby N. C., Tudor Sedan. Mr. <3. H. Holcombe. Cleveland Cloth Mill, Sport Roadster. Mr. Tom Sweezy. Fallston, N. C., Sport Roadster. Mr. Ransom A. McEntire, No, 5. Shelby. N, C. Sport Coupe. Mrs. A. F. McSwain. Route 1, Lattimore. N. C , Tudor Sedan. Mr. R. Horn. Lattimore. N C. Tudor Sedan. Mr. J B Francis, Shelby, N C., Fordor Sedan. Shelby Cotton Mill. Shelby, N. C„ Model "AA Truck. Do not put off buying your car until Fall as we are expecting a shortage of cars this fall. If you wait till fall to buy your New Ford you will probably have to wait a few- weeks for your car after you decide to buy it as we always have a shortage in the fall "Did you say gpur husband has been deceiving you?” Ves, the brute, he has been walking to the office and spend-, inc the bus fare I gave him every morning.” We will be glad to let you try out one of the New Ford cars at your earliest convenience. Let us know when it will be convenient CHAS. L. ESKRIDGE EXPECT FRATERNAL OFFICIAL Hon. D. W. Sorrell, State council lor of the Junior Order, who will deliver a short address at the in itiation ceremonies of the local Junior Order Monday night. Mr Sorrell is a prominent attorney of Durham, is past, gTand chancellor of the K. of P. for this state, anJ is prominent in civic and social circles oi his city. WEST SHELBY NEWS BLEAKS .1. G. Jones Celebrates Jfith Birth clay. Personals Of 1’eoplr Coming and Going. (Special to The Star' Mr and Mrs. W E. Canipe and children have returned from a visit to relatives near Toluca Misses Onie and Ollir Mae Brid ges spent n few days the past week with Mr and Mrs. J, B Owens of Sunshine. They were accompanied by Miss Pearl Hefner. Mr. and Mrs. L. S Derrick and Mt.vs Marjorie Derrick and Misses Onie and Olhe Mae Bridges spent Sunday in Spartanburg with Mrs Derrick's mother, Mrs. Rtcherson Mrs. C. D. Weast .pent Monday and Tuesday with her sister Mr: A. c. Canipe. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lipscomb anti children spent Sunday with rela tives in Gaffney. , Misses Marjorie Derrick. OUn Mac and Ouie Bridges and Pearl Hefner visited Mrs Myrtle Holland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs V C Peeler and little daughter. Mary Sue of Char lotte, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Whitworth. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sellers and daughter. Miss Susan and Miss Alice Huffman spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Sellers of Cherryville Mrs. M E. Bowling and daughter Miss Dollie visited relatives .n Gaffney and Charlotte the past week. Master Jack Gantt of Behvood spent the past week will! Mr and Mrs. J. T. Ramsey. Mrs. Q A Gantt and sister. Mis. Joana of Kenver. Ky.. visited Miss Verda Ramsey Tuesday. Master Ralph Kale and little Miss Juanita Kale spent'a part of the past week with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sneed near Waco Mr. R. K McKinney and Mrs AUGUST 1ST EXCURSION To ASHEVILLE, N. C. SPECIAL TRAIN Round Trip Tares And Schedule Leave Sched. Rt. Tare Rock Hill 7:00 AM $2.50 York 7:30 AM 2.50 Sharon 7:40 AM 2.50 j Blacksburg 8:25 AM 2.25 Shelby 9:20 AM 2.00 Lattimore 9:45 AM 2.00 Mooresboro 9:55 AM 2.00 ‘Forest City 10:20 AM 1.75 Spindale 10:25 AM 1,75 Rutherf’n 10:45 AM 1.75 Thermal C’ 11:15 AM 1.75 Marion 12:10 PM 1.50 Arrive Asheville 1 :40 P. M. Returning special train leaveS Asheville 7:15 P. M. same date. High class coach accom modations for white and colored. Plenty of room for everybody. Refresh ment car. Spend the day in the “Land of the Sky.” Ask Ticket Agents, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM. Marvin MeSwaln and Miss Anni belle MeSwaln spent Saturday at Blowing Rock Messrs. Palmer McSwam. Ar thur Hicks and Paul Roberts spent Saturday night with Mr. Green Hicks of Hickory. Mr and Mrs. R H Ledbetter spent Friday at Chimney Ro'k, Mr. and Mrs Troy Hicks and children spent a part of the paot week at Charleston Mr Pink Shytle and Miss Shir lev Shytle and Quint Shvtle and Mrs. Boyd Toney and little daugh ter visited a part of the past week at. Charleston. Mr Guy Workman and children spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. J T Ramsey and Miss Mildred Ramsey spent Tues day in Taylorsville where Miss Mil dred will teach school this com ing session, Mr. and Mrs A Chandler and Minnie Wilhelm visited relatives in Charlotte and Fort Mills the past week. Mr W. G. Whitworth and Homer and Messrs Frank Baber and John MeFnrley spent last Thursday at Bridgewater Miss Mildred Ramsey spent the past week-end with her aunt Mrs. S. L. Gantt of Belwood. 1 About 75 relatives of Mr. J G Jones gathered at his home on S Morgan street Sunday to celebrat" his 76th birthday. A bountiful feast was spread and thoroughly enjoyed by all present. They wish ed Mr. Jones many more happy birthdays and a safe voyage to the next, mile post of his days. Mr and Mrs. C. L. Ramsey have moved into their home on Cleve land Springs road recently pur chased from Mr. J G. Dudley, jr. Leaguers And Scouts To Give Play Sunday “Today the World Calls,” Is the name of a pageant of modern mis sions to be given at Central Meth 6dist church, Sunday night, July ”8 at 8 o'clock by the dramatic club of the Epworth league of that church Those taking part in the play are as follows: A Young Chinese, Juan ita Cline; Hindu. Helen Bess: Jap anese, Lois B Scott; Mexican, Mar garet Watson; European Emigrant, Alice Goode King: Negro, Amanda Hams: Southern Mountaineer, Nancy Coble; American Christian ity, Marietta Hoyle. The gospel messengers are: Peace, Marjie Ri viere; Justice, Mary Louise Dorsey; Brotherhood, Edwina Gidney; Un derstanding. Mildred Laughridge; Cooperation. Sara Riviere: Sacri fice. Sara Harris; Service, Esther Tyner. “A Strenuous Afternoon” is the name of the play to be presented by the Boy Scouts of troop 5 of Cen tral Methodist church at the same hour. The characters are as follows: Scoutmaster. V. C. Mason, jr; as sistant scoutmaster. S. M. Blanton; three patrol leaders, John Hovle. Ed Post, jr, and John McClurd, jr.: scouts of Eagle. Buffalo and Wolf Patrols, all bovs in the troop, farm er. Elgin Carothcrs; tough. Tom Cottle: orderly. Charles Roberts; little scouts. Joe McGinnis and William Ingrain The public Is cordially invited to attend this service. Farmers and county agents of the sandhill section met at Carthage re cently to discuss the pure se -d pro gram advocated by Governor O Max Gardner. 1 (Special to The Star.' Next Sunday will be preaching at Camp Creek. Sunday school will be held at 9:30 and preaching at 11 U. n. invited to attend both .serv ices. Mrs. Everett e Whisnant and chil dren spent last Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs Roy Allison of Wilkins villr. Mr. and Mrs. Haney Smith at Kings Mountain are spending this week with Mr and Mrs. Will Bo heler. Mr. Thurman Byars. Misses Exit Humphries, Eloise Hamrick, Wilma and Myrtle Horton were visitors at Mr. Johnnie Greene’s of Boiling Springs, Sunday afternoon. Those visiting at Mr. Rome Davis’ Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Price, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Price. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Humphries of Gaffney, Mr, Thurman Byars, Miss Exie Humphries, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert McCraw. Mr Robert Jolley Misses Aileen Jolley, Neressa Hum phries, and Mr. Herman Humphries, Mr. Tom Barnes has accepted a position at Gaffney Misses Wilma and Myrtle Horton of Cherokee spent last week-end with Miss Eloise Hamrick. Mr. Herman Humphries is spend ing this week with his brother Hom er. at Gaffney. Those calling at Mr. Dee Byars Sunday were. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Pruette of Boiling Springs. Mr. Will Humphries of Cliffside, Mrs. Jul ius Price of Gaffney, Mesdames Rome and Blaine Davis, Misses Aileen Jolley, Neressa Humphries. Ferleen Davis and Messrs Ftnnle and Winfred Dans. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCraw spent last Saturday right at Mr. Andrew McCraw's of Robles. Misses Inez and Bunah Davt, | spent last week-end at Mr Frank \ Bailey's. Mrs Ola Christie and children arc spending this week at Converse. S. C. Mr. and Mrs Bob Ledfoid ami children ate visiting relatives n j Lyman. S. C. Mrs. Wayne Allison and children of Florida, are visiting relatives | here. i Children of Miss Eloise Hamrick’s ! Sunday school class together with ! her motored to Irene Park for a , picnic last Tuesday afternoon. All (reported a fine time. 1 Misses Martha Allison and Min i nie Greene visited Mrs. Dee Byars | Wednesday. Gastonia Voters Favor Structure Gastonia. July 24.—Citizens of Gastonia yesterday approved a bon ' issue of $75,000 for construction of a municipal building as a memorial to World war soldiers and sailors of Gaston county. The bond issue wav carried by a vote of 745 out of a registration of 812. COMMISSIONER S SALE. By virtue of an order of the su perior court, in special proceedin'? entitled "Nora Leister an£ W. i3. Martin, executors, et al. vs. Gazzie Martin, et al.” I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door In Shelby, on Monday, Aug ust 19. 1929, at 12 o'clock or within legal hours, the following real es tate and personal property, to wit: First lot: One house and lot in the town of. Mooresboro on the east j side of Gillespie street, beginning at an iron stake in Dr. E. W. Gibbs’ line and running thence with said line S. 33 W. (va. 1 1-4) 120 feet to an iron stake in street and in the Berry Green old line: thence with said old line N. 54 W. 174 feet to an iron stake in west edge of Gillespie street. W. W. Green's corner: thence along Gillespie’s street N. 34*1-4 E. 120 feet to an iron stake about three feet from west edge of saia street; thence a new line S. 54 E. 174 feet to the beginning, containing 20880 square feet more or less. Magnetic bearings as found July, 1915. Second Lot: Same being that lot deeded W. A. Martin by A. B. C. DePriest and.recorded in book 2-Z, page 82 of the office of the register for Cleveland county. North Caro lina, Beginning at a stake on north edge of Church street at corner of brick building used for storing bug gies and runs thence N. 34 1-4 E. along with west edge of brick wall 191 feet to a stake on south edge of Shelby-RutherfordWi road; thence N. 56 3-4 W. 49 feet with street *o a stake, Martin and Brothers cor ner; thence S 34 1-4 W. 191 feet with Martin's line to a stake on edge of street; thence S. 55 3-4 E. vl feet to the beginning, containing 9359 square feet. Same being lot No. 2 in deed made by S. S. Roy ster and wife and D. B. McBrayer and wife and registered January 31, 1910, in book 2-V. page 193. Also the following personal prop erty : 5 shares of the capital stock of Farmers and Merchants bank of Mooresboro, N. C. 1 share of the capital stock of Mooresboro Cotton Oil mill, One $50 00 Liberty bond of Unit ed States government. Terms of sale: One-third cash day of sale, balance December 1 1929. Deferred payment to bear 6 per cent interest. Title reserved until I full purchase money is paid. This the 18th day of July, 1929. Y. L. McCARDWELT Commissioner. Route Two Shelby Personal Mention ; (Special to The Star t Shelby R-2.—Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hardin and family spent Sunday in South Carolina. Mrs. Jerome Wilson is sick at this writing. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reep and Mrs Lennis Anthony and little son cf Lin coin ton spent awhile Sunday aft ernoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. D Hardin. Mr. and Mrs G. W. Ellis and Eamily and Miss Kate and Milan j Bridges motored to Chimney Rock I Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Kee of Hun- j iersville arrived Thursday to spend their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. David Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin of Forest City spent the afternoon ; Sunday with Mr and Mrs. W W ! Hardin. CUBAN CITY IS BATTLING WITH TYPHOID EPIDEMIC Cardenas, Cuba.—A typhoid fever, epidemic which has caused tlv’ Cuban federal sanitation corps to isolate this city took its first life. Dassio Garcia Saurez, seven-year old son of a prominent family, dint early this morning after a two days' Illness. Of the 73 known cases, eight are reported incurable Six new cases were being investi gated this morning. A cordon of municipal police, ru ral guards and soldiers, stationed along highways leading to the city and at railroad stations, today pre vented anyone from entering the fever-infested city. Each day witnesses long lines uf resident before the public clinie where compulsory vaccination is given. The city water supply, held responsible for the epidemic is be ing chlorinated. FOREST CITY PASTOR IS GIVEN MONTH’S VACATION Forest City. July 24.—Services at the First Methodist church of this city, have been suspended for th? past four weeks, in order that the pastor, Rev. M. F. Moores. mlgh< be able to take a vacation to re-1 cuperate from a recent, illness. „ Mr. Moores has announced that hr is finishing his vacation this j week and will be in the pulpit next! Sunday morning and evening. Rev 1 Mr. Moores states that he is veiyJ gratetul for the rest given him b\ 1 the church and that he hopes the1 members are as anxious as he is tv be back in their places In the church. -; LAKE LURE i INN 50 miles from Shelby. A i delightful week-end trip or evening drive. An Alpine i setting on beautiful j LAKE LURE. PACIFYING Radio Clerk: “I suppose you are interested in the new Electric Radios?” Custotner: “I’d like a demonstration of one that works by gas if it’s any cheaper.” There's nothing cheap a bout the quality of SIN CLAIR GAS and OPALINE OIL. These products have been proven by test to be everything we claim for them. Their purity and pep means greater satisfaction and service to you. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors PONTIAC iix PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS You save in purchase price when you buy a Pontiac Big Six—be cause no other car offering com parable advantages can be bought for less than a thousand dollars. You save also' in operating costs and in depreciation. In other ■words, you save in every May M-ilh the Pontiac Big Six—America’s biggest motor car value! And here is what you enjoy! More Speed More Power More Snap More Style More Safety More C'omfort More Value V45 FIVE - PASSENGER TWO-DOOR SEDAJN BODY BY FISHER A’o Increase in Prices? Even though salea of I ho Pontiac Big Sit hate shattered all earlier Pontiac records —and eten though the talus offered by this car is without parallel todaj-—the Pontiac Big Sit continue* to sell for the prices at tv hie h it vas Introduced. Therm has been no increase in Pontiac prices! Prices, $745 to SMS, ( a. b. Pontiac, Mich., plus delivery charges• Bumpers, spring covere and Lovejoy shock ab ear here regular equip-’ merit at slight extra cost. General Motors Time Payment Plan available et minimum Consider the delivered price as well as the list price when comparing automobile values . . . Oaklend-Pont iar deliv ered price* include only reasonable charges for handling and for ft. nsneing when theTims Payment Plan is uawL 4 A. B. C. MOTOR & TIRE CO. - S. WASHINGTON ST SHELBY, N. I IUlJA asH --U i mNfiKr>u;zu _ Sia pi nrierSiiit^ You bet this sale cf summer suits is timely. You have more than a month to enjoy a summer suit this season as well as all next summer. They're suits you'll really enjoy wearing, too , . , their fine cool fabrics and smart style keep you feeling and looking your best. Tropical Worsteds CM light long Hearing wool incom parably cool and styled right. In light and dark shades. The value of a lifetime pt Kant Krush Suits Ravocools . . fine durable light weight fabrics at a saving you can't overlook. $12.50 $8.50 Shirt Reductions Madrases. Percales,. Bcradclr'lr, year round weigms Wonderful values at 98c to $3.35 SALE OF STRAW HATS MILAMS $1.65 You ran always depend on i soft Milan for smartness and coolness. Get yours for next season now. Easy fitting, cool feel ing straws; smart late season models; just con servative enc^» to in sure tlieir being good style next season. SENNITS 98c to $1.89 These Sennit Straw sailors have good lines and a tool light weight you'll en loy wearing. They're $5 values! MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 139-141 S LaFayette St. Shelby, N. C PHONE No. 167 Store Hours: 8 A. M. to 6 P.M. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Saturday. See Our Ad On Page Four.