SOCIETY News MISS MAYME ROBERTS— Social EHitnr—Phonr 256. News Items Telephoned Miss Roberts Will tie Appreriaten Austrll-Irvin Announcement. Of interest will be the followin'? announcement Mr O P. Irvin announces the rr Easement of his daughter, Madge, m Mr, J Lowery Austell of this city The wedding will be solemnised o' • t early date flinner ••arty. Mrs. W H Yeago honored lie guests with a delightful riinhc Wednesday entertaining at )>.■ home on E. Sumter street OoVe> were laid for Mr and Mrs i M Washburn, Mrs. Devlin and daugh- j ter, M4ss hristine Hord of Little > Rock, Ark. Mr ,t. Y llord and Ml j end Mrs. Yeago Mrs. Hney Gives Bridge Luncheon Mrs Flay Hoey entertained tIn South Washington bridge club and a large number of invited guests Tuesday morning at her home o i S DeKalb street with a lovely bridge Uinehron The living room and six bridge tables were beau'i fully decorated with zinnias, ros-s and gladioli The high score prlz was von bv Mrs Frank Hoey arn the low score by Mrs. Madge Webb Rilrv At the close of the games the hostess was assisted by ivv mother Mr C C. Me Braver. Mcs dames Ernest Hoey. Alton Story, n W Royster. Frank Hoev and Mi«s Virginia Hoev In serving a com - i plrie salad course with accessories .lurtsnn Circle Of Elizabeth Mrrt. The Judson circle of the W M t’ of Elizabeth Church, met with Mrs J A Cyrus; on Cleveland Spring: road Monday p m the program was very much enjoyed. The sub ject of the lesson being on prayer Good thoughts were brought out on prayer; also interesting readings by the members. The socta! hour was spent at the Chocolate Shop where refreshments were served The members present were Mrs. Mike L Borders. Mrs. T C. Gardner. Mrs P M Maunpv. Mrs John Mauney. Mrs Sammte Wilson. Mrs. A P Spake. Mi ; Geo Spake. Mrs Charles Wilson. Mrs Lonnie Spake. Mrs Mack Spake. Miss Ella Mae Mauney. Mrs Ella Roberts. Mrs. J. A Cyrus, Mi ts Lillian Mayes Mrs. Fit* U« Honored. Mrs Eitz Lee of Greenwood. R C . the guest of Mrs. C. B Alexander, was delightfully honored yesterdav afternoon by Mrs. Alexander an.I two daughters. Misses Elizabeth and Augusta Alexander, with a pretty bridge party at t,hetr honr' on W. Marion street The rooms and tables were arranged wttn roses, gladioli! and other summer flowers Sharing honors wirh Mrs Lee were Mesdames Ed McCurry and Robert Hord. recent brides, who w—t each presented with lovely gifts The high score prize was won by Mrs B O Stephenson. The host esses were assisted by Mesdames Jimmie Blanton and Earl Larkin in serving a delightful salad course with accessories. Birthday W Party. Mrs. McBride Poston honored he* little daughter. Martha Jene. with a pretty party, yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at her home on Cleve land Springs road In celebration of her fourth birthday anniversary. Mrs Poston was assisted in enter taining the twenty-five little folks by Mesdames Roland Elam and J. S. Mull After playing Rames for an hour or more they were invited t r the dining room which was arrang ed with garden flowers. and the tab’e was centered with the large whits birthday cake, holding four tiny pink candles, where pink ir’ cream and cake were served Little Martha Jene received man' pretty toys and other gifts. Champion-Helms Wedding. A wedding of much Interest ani surprise to Shelby is that of Miss Mary Helms to Mr Oren Champion which took place in Gaffney. S C on July 17. The bride is the very attractive and popular daughter of Mrs, Made Helms of this city She is a graduate of the Shelby high '•choc' of the class of 1927. The groom is the youngest son >1 Mrs. E. P. Champion of near Shel by. He attended Carolina roller'' last year and since then has been in business with Mr. Boyce Maunc' of Shelby. Their many friends wish them much happiness and success for the future. They will make their home In Shelby. Mrs. Story Honors Guest. Mrs. Alton Story delightfully en tertained Thursday morning a* 10:30 o'clock at her home on S. DeKalb street with a lovely bridge party honoring her house guest, Mbw Ruth Beam of Cherryville. I The rooms weye decorated «t' i quantities .of mixed summer flowers The se\en Undue table,s were glar ed with yellow i,res, holding r.V •'iioi.Ins and. lace fern The honoree was presented with a beautiful boudoir pillow Miss Rub.v McBrav er with a gue -I lowel for high sco'v | prise and M s. Vic k Wray a greet, •vase tor low score prize The Hostess was assisted bv Mr Flav Hoey and Miss Mary Whisnar.' in serving a delicious salad course with date loaf and puneh At The Theatres K»n Maynard, western sta- of hr first magnitude, imp of the mosi Stirling figures in the world of ac tion on the screen, is the headliner at iIn Webb today and tomorrow in "The Royal Rider " A good comedy offsets this ac tion picture, and the Fables |iep up the interest The “Pirates of Pana ma." a serial also adds interest. Thr Billie Dove picture of yester day and the day before was highly praised by Miss Dove's partisans, who number practically nil theatre goers Ollier big attractions arc scheduled for early runs New oil well.1, have been discover ed on lands belonging to the ihrl verslty of Texas at Austin A well in Pecos county is turning out 20(1 barrels of oil per day and will add miir.i lo the coffers of the univer sity. Nicholas .1 Sinnott, judge of the court of claims for many years and a former congressman from Oregon died at his home m Washington Saturday. Penny Column "twenty five oITthTr TY crates of Cantaloupes for sale at SI.00 crate. See I’ink Riviere at Major Hopper's Store. It Boy Scout News (By V. C. Mason, Jr,> Reorganization of Troop 8. Bov Scout troop 8 of the Cleve land Cloth mill has been reorgan i?r<1 and Is doing some fine work This troop is meeting for the pres ent at the Jefferson school build ing with V. C. Mason. Jr., as scout master The time of meeting is even Tuesday night at. 7:30. There are sixteen members of tnis troop at the present time They are as fol lows: J C. Matiney, Edward Cars well. Ernest Pettigrew. Roy Sweezy, t.uther Fleming, Colin Wright, Banks Cashion. William Crocker, Floyd Moore, J W. Smith, Moyle Alexander and Curtis Hiatt. All these boys ere working on t.lirir second class scouts when hev go to camp in August. This troop en joyed a fine outing in the matin,”' of a hike last Friday afternoon to troop 2’s cabin Troop Hvf. Eighteen members of troop five are leaving for camp next week This was the same number we hart last rear Those who will make the trip are V C Mason, Jr;, scout master; Elgin Carothers, George Cabaniss. Hal McKinney, John Hoyle, Robert, Toms. S M Blan ton. William Ingram, Jr, Colbert McKV'Rht, .1 R Crow, Edwin Gib son. Tom Cottle, Joe Laughridge, Ed Past, Jr Charles Roberts, Joe McGinnis. Mai Spangler, John Mc Clurd Jr We are giving a scout play Sunday night at R o'clock at Central Methodist church All Boy Scouts in town are urged to eome This play will be given at ramp next week Troop One. Troop one of the Presbyterian church will go to camp next week. This troop is under the efficient scoutmaster. Hugh Arrowood, and tbev are making great progress t i scout work Miscellaneous. All scoutmasters are urged to elect reporters for their troops and have them send in news items to V. C. Mason, Jr Every scout and leader must have a medical exam ination before going to ramp this summer. The accident, to the Zepchn prob ably prevented some New York tabloid from tarrying a signed stoiv by the gorilla Miami New., We are receiving bids on new cruisers,so as to get them done m time to throw them on the next naval conference scrapheap.—Dallas News. The ground in the interior coun try of Alaska sometimes freezes to unknown depths J. B. NOLAN CO. Inc., — REAL ESTATE BROKERS — OFFERS BIG BARGAINS IN THE FOLLOWING TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTY. ()iu> good 10 room residence on Marietta Street, modern in every particular, and is a First class structure, two Oaths. Lot 65x117 feet. This property can be sold at $7,500.00. Will trade for a Rood farm. One modern 5 room bouse on Hillcrest. The house is complete in every respect and will please the most par ticular buyer. Price $2,900.00. We can arrange easy terms on this house. One Rood vacant lot in West Shelby, 43x116 feet deep. Price $800.00, or we will trade for property of equal value. See us about this lot. One modern 6 room brick residence on North Wash ington street, lot 50x185 feet deep. Nice shade and a double garage. This is a fine piece of property. Price $5,500.00. One nice 6 room residence on North Washington street, modern in every respect. Lot 62x174 feet. Good terms can be arranRed on this modern home. Price $4,200.00. On fairly good four room house in West Shelby, in pood condition, and in good neighborhood. We will sell this house for $1,100.00, or we will trade for other property. We are offering for sale 125 feet of the best vacant residential property in Shelby, located on North Wash ington street. We will cut this property in two lots, to suit the buyer. Price $50.00 per front foot. TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE IN RUTHERFORD COUNTY 47 acres in I.ogan store township, Rutherford count.v. nar Spindale. Good five room house and out buildings. This is good land and the location is the best. Price $45.00 per acre. We can arrange easy terms on this farm. 72 acres in Logan's Store Township. Rutherford county, on Highway No. 181. and is known as the F. Ii. Logart land. Good 6 room house and outbuildings. This is a good farm and will suit any one looking for a good farm at a bargain. Price $65.00 per acre. We confidently believe that now is the best time to I uy, and we tool that you will save money by buying your property now. U e handle all kinds of property. If you are inter ested in selling or trading your property see us. J. B. NOLAN CO. Inc., StlELBY, N. (\ PHONE 70. Study Course Well Attended. Party; On Trip To Mountains. B. V. P. l\ On Pirnic. 'Special tr> The Star.' July 2ft.— Tlie farmers in our I community are about done wito | their field work. Crops in this see-i tion are growing fast and there is | bright prospect for "good harvest ing" The study course taught bv Miss Faye Glasco has been well a' j tended the interest has been goof i The examination will be given Frt- ; day night. July 26. Misses Ola and Fay Glasco, had as their guest Tuesday and 1 Wednesday their cousin. Miss Aims I Rell who is spending her vacation! from the Baptist hospital with | horn® folks near Shelby Miss Cecelia Padgett has visiting her school mates in around Shelby this week. Mrs R. W MeCurry and son Dan spent (lie first part of the week in Cherryville with Mr. and Mrs G T Jarrett, Mrs MeCurry s brother Mr. MeCurry and three children motored to Cherryville Wednesday night and accompanied them home Miss Padgett from near Rutherfordton is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A H Padgett and other relatives. beer. and The following enjoyed a trip to the mountains Wednesday: Misses Faye and O'.n Lee Glasco and guest. Miss Alma Bell, Misses Hannah and Nancy McCurry and guest, Miss Bertie Lee Throat Messrs. Alley Jones. Ralph Callahan. Bill Glas co, Fletcher. Albert and Gilbert M - Ginnis They visited Chimney Rock, Asheville. Marion. Bridgewater. Ridgecrest and other points of in terest. Mr Fletcher McGinnis remained over at Ridgecrest for the Sunday school superintendent conference which convenes there this week. Every member of the party report ed a very delightful trip Miss Libbv McCurry spent last Sunday in Cherryville the guest of her friend Miss Annie VanDyke. The junior B Y. P. U. enjoyed a picnic near Mr. O. Z. Morgan's Wednesday evening Interesting games were enjoyed for awhile aft er which the picnic supper brought by all the boys and girls was served. Such a bountiful supper of various good things to cat as was brought Every one present seemed to enjoy themselves very much After the lunch watermelon, fruit, and candy was served There was a few mem bers absent and these were missed very much. A nice box of things was sent to little Olin Humphries who has been sick and could not attend. Those present were as follows Misses Sarah Doggett. Edna Brooks, Ida McMurry. Vernell Padgett. Margaret Mauney, Pearl, Bright and Evelyn Glasco, Mary Lou and Will Ellen McCurry. Messrs. Du faye and Eugene Hamrick. Doris Brooks. Ernest McGinnis. Robert Padgett and Robert Morgan Miss Selma Callahan had as her dinner guests Sunday the follow ing girls: Misses Pearl and Bryte I Glasco. Lena Bridges. Mary Lou I and Willrllen McCurry. Miss Lena Bridges is spending' this week with her sister Mrs, Er nest Navy ol the Dovrr Mill village. Mr and Mrs' Coleman Brooks spent Sunday with Mrs Brooks' parents. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Calla han. Messrs Truman Bridges and Tyree Greene have gone to Ra leigh to work Mr. and Mrs Ralph Hamrick and sons Willard and Hoyt spent the week-end in Charlotte witn Mr and Mrs J B McGinnis. Miss Ethel Humphries entertain ed a number of her friends with a party Saturday night. A number of young people were present All present reported a very enjoyable evening. Home Burns While Owners On Vacation fhivous Parker New Bungalow Burned At Toluca. Birthday Party For Miss Mull. ‘Special to The Star.' Toluca, July 25—Last Saturday evening, July 21, Mrs. Geo. P. Mull gave a birthday party at her home for her little 7 year old niece, Vir ginia Mull, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mull. Among those attending were her little cousins. Marvin and Demar Boyles. Ruth and Glenn Peeler. Maggie and Novella Boyles. Ruth and Eunice Hoyle. Others were Vertie Hicks, Inez Wright, Helen Goodson and Ruth Smith. The marshmallow birthday cake was very pretty, containing seven candles. The little ones enjoyed a very delicious dinner prepared by Mrs. Mull. Mr. Chivous Parker and familv left Monday for a mountain trip and returned Tuesday very much saddened by the destruction of the;r pretty new home and new barn by fire. The fire was of unknown ori gin. The burning occurred Monday night. All the furniture of the house burned except a talking machine. Misses Annie Mae and Mildred Kee of Huntersville spent the past week with their cousins Misses Mary and Joyce Ledford and attended re vival services at Carpenters Grove Mr and Mrs. Clinton Goodson of Hickory spent last Saturday night at the home of their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Costner. Mrs. S A. Sain spent last Sunday afternoon at the home of her daughter Mrs Odus Norman of Bel wood. Mrs. Texie Boyles had as her guest last Sunday her aunt, Mrs. Mintie Boyles from Cherryville. Misses Beatrice and Lyla Barton, daughters of Rev. Mr Barton, of Charlotte, spent some time the past week visiting Misses Ima Carpenter. Mary Ledford and Corene Hoyle and attending revival services at Car penters Grove. Mr. and Mrs. B G Yarbro visit ed at the home of Mr. S. A Sain last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Alice Sain has been with her daughter. Mrs. Maurice War lick of near Casar for the past while. The old stork visited at their home a few days ago leaving a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Wytle Costner of Double Shoals also Mr, and Mrs Clarence Mode and family spent last Saturday night at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs J. I 3ain. Mrs. T. J. Vickers and little son, Jacob, of Shelby, are spending this week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J M. Carpenter and attending revival services at Carpenters Grove. Pageant Next Sunday At Pleasant Ridge On next Sunday evening at 3 o'clock the young people, of Shady Grove church near Cherryville will present in the Pleasant Ridge church a brief playlet consisting mainly of an original pageant rep resenting "The Ten Virgins'’ of Mat thews 25. Immediately after this playlet the pastor will speak, basing his talk upon this wall-known parable of the Ten Virgins. The protracted meeting begins at Pleasant Ridge Sunday with the 11 o'clock service W G. CAMP. SOME GIANT TOMATOES GROWN AT FOREST CITY Forest City. July 24—Mrs. R. W. Carswell, of this city. Is exhibiting two fine tomatoes, grown by her this week. The two tomatoes weigh two and one-half pounds. Th; largest weighs one and one-half pounds, while the smaller or.e weighs one pound Mrs. Carswell grew these toma toes in her garden. They are un doubtedly the largest and finest to matoes grown in Rutherford coun ty. Special Selling --Three Great Groups DRESSES —including nearly every smart summer style, color and material. T — GROUP ONE* The loveliest creations in Wash Silks and Prints. And don’t forget you may take advantage of our Easy Terms even at this low price. GROUP TWO AND THREE Wash Silk Dresses . , . Georgettes . , . Chiffons ... are all included in these two groups. Come in this week . , , buy sev eral at these prices. $9-95 & $14-95 Wright-Baker Co. 107 N. L’aFayette St, ALL’ SUMMER HATS £ PRICE FT** ■p SHEKBY, N. C TOMORROW — LAST DAY OF PARAGO N’S JULY SALE SHOP HERE TOMORROW AND YOU’LL SAVE GIRLS’ RAIN COATS 98c blue, Green. Red. BARGAIN SHOES 49c t0$2.95 Odds and Ends. MEN’S LINEN SUITS 1-2 PRICE (Only a few left.) Large Bath Towels, all colors 19c WOMEN’S RAIN COATS $1.98 Sizes up to 48. BOYS’ WASH SUITS 79c (All Sizes.) — FLORSHEIM — Shoes and Oxfords $7.85 — HAT BOXES — 98c and $1.98 HOUSE DRESSES 69c Our $1.00 Sellers. WOMEN’S SILK DRESSES $5.00 Regular $12.50 Value. — 29c PRINTS — 19c Including Voiles 83c MEN’S SHIRTS (Good Quality) . PARAGON DEPT. STORE