• Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost ri^the WANTAPS^ I Bates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum 4 j Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. Thla uze type 1 cent per word eacn Insertion f ' This size type 2c per word each insertion. ' This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 25c for first insertion. m ----— IF you ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estimate. Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractor*, Phone 727-J. tf lac m "for RENT: ONE 9-ROOM house on S. LaFayette St. S. A. Ellis. tf 13c I HAVE SEVERAL thousand dollars to lend on improved farms in Cleveland county. See or write Marvin Blanton, Led better building, Shel *byW-F-tf WANTED TO clean your blankets, rugs and quilts. Shel by Steam Laundry. Phone 18. tf-24c i CARS WASHED and Greased; also storage. Texaco pro ducts. Temple Service Station rear Masonic ^Building, Phones 774 796. tf-lOc SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, specialiizng In rebuild ing wrecked cars, building commer cial bodies, duco painting, top up holstering and glass work, Black smlthing. Phone 753-J. South Mor gan Street. tf 15c MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, _anallzee 65 per cent protein. Excel ▼lent for bog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply nt City Hall. tf 7c BATTERY SERVICE; Au tomobile Glass Replacements, Starter and Generator Re pairing. J. L. GAFFNEY, tf-c .__. WE SPECIALIZE ON generators, starters, horns, and magnetos. Turner and Williams Garage. tf 10c * CALL O E. FORD CO FOR i. lime, cement and brick. 3t-22c FOR SALE—ONE FORD DE livery truck. In good condition. Shelby Steam Laundry Inc. Phone 18. tf-c FOR RENT — FIVE ROOM house on West Warren street. See W. A. Broadway or Mrs. H Clay Cox. tf-15c PAIR BLACK RIMMED GLASS ES. Owner may have them by call ing at Star Office and paying for thU ad. 8t 9 FOR RENT — TWO 5-ROOM houses and one 4-room house W. A Pendleton 3t-22c OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR sale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-26x 3-ROOM APARTMENT I N modern apartment .lust completed. Electric refrigeration. electric , .atove, Murphy bed.1-, steam heat 'and circulating hot water. W. A, Pendleton. 3t-e SEND YOU LINEN SUITS TO Beck & Pratt. We clean them right for 75 cents. Phone 666. 3t-c 1 SHETLAND PONY. BUGGY AND harness for sale. J. P. Besom Cliff side, N. C. 2t-24p FOR RENT—NEW FIVE ROOM house with al' modern conveniences in Hillcrest. Phone 561. W. E. Vick ery. tf-26c FOR SALE~ ENG LISH Setter Puppies. Blood lines, Eugene M., Topsy Hawk; Ma jor Kid and Gunner. Paper with them. F. S. Wray. tf-24c j WANTED—TO TRADE CHEAP ’ house and lot for used car. Apply Star office, 3t-26c MR FARMER SEE O E. FORD Co. for your galvenized roofing, it will pay you .It,-22c FOR THE FAMOUS McCORMICK Deering mowers and rakes see O. E Ford Co. 3t-22: FOR SALE-ENGLISH SETTER puppies Major Kid and Gunner breeding. Registered Large healthy and beautifully marked, priced for quick sale—$10 00 and $15 00, D. H. Harris. Shelby. 3t-23c O E. FORD CO. HAS JUST RE ceived a rar of galvcnized roofing and the price is interesting 3t-22c IT S A' SIGHT THE WAY O, E Ford Co. Is selling lime. cement, plaster, plaster pari*, and Keene cement. There must be a reason 3t-22r FOR SALE—ONE FRESH MILCH ro«'. J. C. Rendlc. Kings Mountain R-2 3t-22p DON'T BTJY GALVENIZED roofing until you have seen O. E. Ford Co. 3t-22c A GOOD LOT OF DRY FRAM ing lumber for salt*. S A. Ellis 4t-22c "FOR SALE—ELBERTA SPRAY rd peaches from twelve thousand trees, now ripening Send your trucks to packing house at Bon hams. on paved road 4 miles north of Union, S. C Fine stock and right prices." Peach Growers Associa tion of Union. S. C. 2t-24e LOST—ONE SHIN GUARD AND two bases on South LaFayette street Saturday. Finder please return to Star office and receive reward Cleveland Cloth Mill Ball cluo.2t 24p WANTED — TWO FURNISHED room apartment for light house keeping. Apply at Star Office 2t-24p FOR SALE: 5 ROOM BUNGA low. Modern improvements. Jeffer son street. See C. A. Morrison. tf29c "WANTED - CAST Iron. Will pay 20c per hundred pounds. D. A. Beam Co. 3t-24c i FOR SALE—SEVERAL HUN dred bales selected second-hand bagging A real bargain. Eastside Manufacturing Co. 3t-c24 Choice PEACHES for sale at my Buffalo Mt. farm near Toluca. Tom Webb, Shelby Phone 467-J. 4t-24p FOR SALE-A WELL established profitable business at a great sacrifice. Now earning around $10,000.00 an nually. Bad health of owner is the only rea son for selling. Invest' igate this the greatest opportunity of your life by writing at once. Post Office Box 54, Shelby, N. C. lt-26c WANTED—ANY KIND Or JOB. Address ‘'Job" care Star. Jt 26r> The Literary Digest says the world does not rotate steadily, but wobbles. Anybody who has ever been seasick has noticed this. Southern Lumberman. Blondes blush more than brun ettes, according to a scientific in vestigator. • But that doesn’t neces sarily mean that blondes blush such an awful lot.—Florence iAla.) Her ald. Administrator’s Notice. Having qualified as administrator on June 28, 1929 of the estate of A. R. Hamrick, sr., of Cleveland county, N. C, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to me on R-2. Mooresboro, N. C . prop erly proven on or before the 28th day of June 1930 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery there of. All persons owing the said es tate will please make immediate settlement to the undersigned. Tills July 11th, 1929 J BROAD HAMRICK, Administrator. A, R. HAMRICK. SR., deceased. “GUS AND GUSS1E”- Gu. Vote. “Ye..” _i_ AMO \WE RE NOT EKACTuV PO**OS Off POCKEP6UJS*S-* *TU\S >SHT >— HXACTLV \ BAR HARSOR OR. SOOTH AJ^PTON... It’a The Country Life. _v, Y "THlE ’ain't f HARO TO TAKE- -• THIS HERE FR££H COUNTRY A'R. f THE BViZZlN* O* THE k BEESES AN* THE MOO»N' Iks: ™ eows«*.^<u: I (SUES* TVtlS is BAD, huh? E66S FRESH PROM THE HEM. Milk fresh from the MOO-COW, HOME-MADE BACON, P'TATOES FROM THE BACK _ YARD OET OP THE MIDOLE O' THE N\«MX ? LATE NO> EUEPT tdoav THE SUN WAS UP AHEAD OP ME CAN YOU 'MARINE, ^STRANGE* ANO SHe's ANN’S CONSCIENCE HURTS HER BECUS SHE OiDN’ GET UP BEFORE SUNRiSINGS ~M7ZT\ WILD TO UVC IN AND STEP* TOWN SAY, SHE WOULDN’T qg Tip4 BED THAT EARL.W THERE* • • Palmetto State Tops The Nation In Active Spindles Department Of Commerce Report ! Shows South Now I nuling In Manufacturing. Columbia. July 26.—South Caro lina leads the nation in total active spindle hours for June, according to a report of the department of com merce at Washington. The report shows that South Carolina had a total of 1,842,496,711 spindle hours, and that North Caro lina had 1.754534.867, and Massa chusetts 1,340,317.857. This is true notwithstanding the fact that both North Carolina and Massachusetts had a greater num ber of spindles in place. Massa chusetts has 8,849.330, North Caro ; ltna 6,220,196 and South Carolina 5589 182. The average per spindle in place for South Carolina was 330 hours for North Carolina it was 282 hours and for Massachusetts it was 151 hours. Among the states with high aver age per spindle in place were Ten nessee, which ranked next to South Carolina, and Georgia which was third. That the south leads in textiles is shown in the report. The total spindles in place in the cotton growing states was 18 342,318 and the New England states had 14,833. 768 spindles. Of this number 17, 784.300 spindles were active in che south while only 11, 348, b94 were active in New England. The total active spindle hours was 5.540.161, 816 for cotton growing spates and 2,367,057,004 for New England states. Policy Of England To Call For Peace Lon’don.—First Lord of the Ad miralty Alexander endorsed In the house of commons today a state ment of Sir Austin Chamberlain on February 8, 1928. that "pre parations for war with the United States have never been and never will be a basis of our policy ii^ any case.’’ His statement was made in reply to a question whether it was the La bor government's intention to rule l out entirely the United States as a 1 possible enemy. FOREST CITY PLANS FOR ARMISTICE DAY Forest City, July 24.—At-the next meeting of the local American Le gion Post, which will be held on Thursday evening, August 8 plans will be made for an Armistice day celebration to be held in Forest City. At this meeting committees will be appointed and plans will oe made to make the Armistice day celebration a gala event in Ruth erford county Star Advertising Pays I (Special to The Star.' July 25.—Mr. and Mrs, J, R. Dover, jr.. spent last week-end at Myrtle Beach. Miss Mildred Moss and Mr. Carl Dover were in Charlotte Sunday. Miss Lorene Sisk daughter of Mr. Joys Sisk of Nashville. Tenn.. Is spending some time with Miss Katherine Ruice. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Beheler was saddened by the death of their 17 months old son. Ben. The funeral service* were at the home and burial at Zion. Rev. H. E. Waldrop of Eastside conduct ed the service. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the family. v Miss Lassie Cartee was the din ner guest of Miss Gladys Waddell Sunday. Mrs. Fay Allen of Shelby spent part of last week with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Tom Tate. Miss Maggie Ella Tate had as her dinner guest Sunday. Miss Lora, Lee Lemons Mr. and Mrs. C. G While and children. Orni Lee, Ottie and Dor ris were visitors in York. 8. C. Sun day. Mr and Mrs. Melvor Tate have as their house guest a cousin of Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Will Queen and children visited Mr. Queen's father at South Shelby. Hts father is sick. Mr. and Mrs. Flay Smith and children, F. E., Jr., and Rebecca, spent Sunday with his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Wisham Smith of the Cleveland Cloth Mill Mv. George Dover visited rela tives in Kings Mountain Sunday. Mrs. Fletcher Green has returned from a few days visit with her son In Cliffside. Mi’s. Christine Blanton and Mrs. Loree Waddell are in Red Springs for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Buice and children motored to Spartanburg. S. C. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Outen and children of Kannapolis spent awhile with Mrs. Outen's sister, Mrs. Bruice Connor. Little Bulie Shull, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shu'l gave a birthday party Thursday. After playing a number of games (Traps juice, wafers, and candy were served. He received many presents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goforth and daughter, Lucile. and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ramseur of Kings Moun tain visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins Sunday afternoon and Rob ert and Dorothy returned home with them to spend this week Science Invents Travel Accommodations for Fish M*r* Is the design of ths Fated!' ONIm dr«mi of Frank W. Pi*> vlnee’a aiaaatorial nulitw, dim* ln| MM and flu ms, •• that mm W nan ww fit around and da things without handicap of poor traveling accommodations. At the laft hors you sso a loaning salmon of tfco vary typs this fwhwsy was dsoignad tor. It makes traveling os much sssior for ths gnny tribes. Staircase to Gel Over Dans, Newest Con HOW eon yon expect s poor fish to get upstream to its spawning grounds, or a baby fish to go down stream from its birthplace when it has to dhnb over a man-made dam? ▲a a natter of tact, that ha# haaa ana of the most try In* prob lems of the flah world for a Ions time. Mow man, who bnlH ft* dams, has had a stroke of eon clones and tawatited a stairway, whereby the ptuddlna Sahas can sat to their destination. Invented by Frank W. Pro sines of Camas, Waahlnrton, the near Oshsaay has a eopposttnc bees tn MV* « a norm, around which winds a flams with a gradual rise tram ths low sot to tho uppermost lord. Tho flume has a sloping door, thus 1 naming a maaanro of safety for tho mng and defenso lean fishes, for In tho shallow water they can escape the largo, eamhr erous Ashes coming down at tho suns time. la fad, stary possIMo provision ha* hssn tufa for the comflact ad tho flany travelers. Tho winding flume ie built oo that each tarn oosohangs a lower turn—thus af fording shade and tbare we en largements at Intervals wherein the fish may rest. Bat perhaps the most Interesting feature in cone action with the “fish escalator" reoently patented la the possibility of making the flsh hsay druotuio hollow and so built as to «Bow for tbs housing of tur jbtnos. so that the water power of the "stair" may be converted Into Items Of Interest Around Lattimore (Special to The Star.' Lattimore. July 24—Miss Euphra Ramsey has returned home after several days visit with her cousin. Miss Prances Ramsey of Raleigh. Mrs. Lawton Blanton and chil dren spent last week with Mrs Blanton's sister, Mrs. C. I. Putnam, of Boiling Springs Miss Sara Hamrick is visiting Miss Sara Thomson of Shelby Mrs. M. B. Smith and Miss Pparl Harrill visited Misses Effie and Bessie McEntire of the Union com munity Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Grigs and family of New House visited Mr and Mrs. Z A. Harrill Sundav aft ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Daves of near Ellenboro, spent last week with Mrs. Daves’ parents, Mr and Mrs. C. O. Ramsey. Miss Darcus Harrill is spending a few days with her cousin. Miss Eunice G.-fgg of New House Mrs. J. A. Kanipe of near Hollis, spent a few days of this week with her son. Mr J. T. Kanipe. John Blanton, Jr., and Robert. Hunt, Jr„ are spending a lew days with their cousin, Prank Davis of Charlotte. Mr. Von Magness of Maryland is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. W. Mag aess. We are glad to note that Mrs. T. C. Stockton is improving in the Shelby h06pltal. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Crowder spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mia Ivey Whlsnant of Polkville . We are sorry to know that Miss Maggie Beam is sick. We hope her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. B Prances of Shelby spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd H. Blanton Birthday Dinner. Friends of J. O. Hartman, 83 years of age, who lives near Toluca, are planning to give him a big birthday dinner on the first Sun day in August, which will be Aug. 4 and they urge the general public to attend and bring well flUed baskets so that the occasion may be mane a big success for all concerned. Brother Of Local Woman Is Burned Kirgy Mountain —Frank Loftln, age 24, died at the home of his parent* four miles South of Kings Mountain Sunday evening at 11:30 o'clock. His death was the result of be ing burned while attempting to transfer gasoline from one car to another, using an oil lamp for a light. It ia thought that the fumes from the lamp Ignited the gasoline He was so severely burned that, he died twautjg-three hours later. , runeril services were conducted at the Bethlehem Baptist, church in the county, Monday alter noon at 4 30 by Dr. O. J. Black. Inter mem was in the cemetery at the church. Surviving: are his father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. M.. Luther Loftin^of the county; three broth ers, Lee Loftin, of Oaffney; Jim Loftln. of Blacksburg, and Charlie Loftin, of the county; five sisters, Mrs. Pearl Floyd, of Shelby; Mrs. Mamie. Hullender and Mrc. Lulu Grant, of Kings Mountain, and Misses Maud and Mary Loftin, of the county Star Advertising Pays LOW ROUND TRIP FARES to WASHINGTON, D. C. via SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Friday, August 2nd, 1929. $13.00 — Round Trip Fare — $13.00 From SHELBY, N. C. Tickets will be sold for all trains August'2nd, with final return limit of August 7th. Big League Baseball; Aug. 3, 4, 5. Washington vs Detroit For further information and pullman reservations call on any Seaboard ticket agent, or H. A. Harris, Agt. John T. West DP A. Shelby, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. MORE Issac Shelby Flour It Used In Cleveland County Than Any Other Two Flour* that are Sold In This Section. Dependable Goodness And Wholesomeness Are The Reasons. iiasssjr: Eagle Roller Mill Company

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