■a SUMMER PL A Y SCHOOL IDEAL FOR CHILDREN {There the Youngsters, After Year of Study, Can Rebuild Health and Receive Training in Right Living and Management of Their Bodies. H.v ROYAL S. COPELAND. M. D. I nited States Senator from New York. Former Commissioner of Health. Setr York City. TRB annual exodus of boys and girls from the city to the various Summer ramps in the country and at the seashore is well under way. These children will spend long, happy days in sunshine •nd fresh air, and long nights sleeping out under the stars in the invigorating pine woods, or near some wooded shore. They will build anew in health for the day* to come. And it is good news, indeed, to hear of the Rummer play schools to be opened in -New York City, and in other cities, for the Summer months. In New York alone there, are. twenty-one of them. Already 2,000 children are enrolled, and this mean? 2,000 children kept o(T the city streets. They are in sehool work made attractive hy ex perienced teachers, using the most modern and approved methods. In the Winter time the parents of these children will meet in study groups along the line of child training. Can anything be more bene ficial and practical? In our future educational programmes for public good we must consider the matter of per sonal hygiene. We must begin with the very DR COPELAND. young tmia 10 nuna up souna Domes an<i rirar Drams. Dirt i* of great importance for sound health. No one doubts the value of fresh air and cleanliness as factors in skin hygiene, the im portance of building up resistance to respiratory infections, the value or exercise ana piay, tne oenenus of deep and rest and the effects of the right stimulus on the mental state. All of these are important matters which should givem the first few years of a child’s life. In the matter o( diet, nothing fs better tn promoting good health in » child than plenty of milk, fruits and fresh vegetables. New Tork City provides, in the hot Summer months, mflk stations where needy children may have free milk. A child should have milk, or crackers snd milk, in the middle of the morning and of the afternoon, with a short rest follow ^Tha school child spends much of Ms waking day under strict school rates of study that for him are diffi cult tasks. He must undertake home work la Ms studies. In consequence, he is deprived of the freedom In piay and the fresh air that he en joyed la hi# pre-school days. tyndernourished and underweight children need more rest than they do stiwmwa exercise. Over • fatigue mast he guarded against. Such chil dren ought to have plenty of sleep. The oh0(1 should be made to lie down en a bad or cot. In the fresh air If possible, and where It Is quiet. This asp should be taken dally. The chronic fatigue at a school child mny bp due to lack of sleep or faulty food. This over fatigue causes toxic poisons in the system which can be overcome only by complete relaxation. Our young citizens must be trained to healthy living arid must know how to manage their bodies well, in the Kali, the bov or girl will be sound in health, with a happy Sum mer of play and work behind, and able to meet the work of the new school year and the rigors of the Winter months. [ Tiinawcra to HealffijQiiorir* | R S Q—Can extreme nervous ness be cured? A.— Build up the general health and this will benefit the entire ner vous system Consult your doctor for treatment. • • • H. T. Q.—Why do I have diffl cutty In getting my breath at times? I am only fifteen years of age. A.—You may be troubled with asthma or a heart condition. It would tie advisable for you lo con sult a phyatrlan and determine the exact rause of your trouble. Coerrixlu. 039, Nawtptpw r*ttai» SotIcs, lnr.. CLEVELAND STAR EVERY-OTHER-DAY Boiling Springs News Of Personal And Social Events Ton (furs And Needles Club Meet. School To Opr it For Two Months Term. Mrs G. N. Greene and Miss Ger tie Green were joint hostesses at a lovely party at the beautiful home of (hr latter Friday evening at V o'clock. The guests included th : inrmbrrs of the Philsonian Boole club, their husbands and several other united guests. Several room, were thrown ensuite and were dec orated with quantities of lovely summer flowers and potted plants. Nine tables were grrangrd lor play. These were graced With vases r>l rosebuds Guests found their places b.v means of daint\ score cards After several inter esting progressions attractive prizes were awarded to Mrs. M. A Jolley and Mr I) W. Moore as winners of high scores. A! the conclusion of the games the hostesses assisted by Misses Sara Lee Hamrick, Annie Catherine Greene and Winfrey Hamrick, serv ed a salad fotir.se with nuts and mints, Mts. M. A .Jolley was hostess el the Philsonlan Book club at hrr home Tuesday afternoon at 3: to o'clock. The living room was attractively arranged with vases and baskets of lovely summer flowers The regular business meeting was hejd and was presided over by Mrs O. E. Lee, president Two 'nteres* ing papers were rend. "The Modern Bathroom an1 Its Decorations." tv Mrs O E. Lee. "The Sun-room and Its Furnishings," Mrs, C. E Ham rick. It. was decided lor this cl: t to give a womanless wedding at the college auditorium, Saturday night August 4 The characters would be men from the community. After the adjournment of the business meeting the hostess a - sisted by Mrs. O T Ijedfc rd and Mrs Ttosina Grtgg served n sa'cri course with mints. The Tongues and Needles club met at. the home of Mrs Dean White Friday afternocn, The business meeting was held and the regular routine of business fol lowed The hostess entertained the guests with an interesting contest. A love ly sewing basket was given Mrs. M H. Walker as high scare. Delicious refreshments weir serv ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs C. C. Goode Miss Sarah Dendy of Lau rns, S C . is spending several days nere as the guests of Miss Mai v Belle Ker. drirk Miss Ruby Bridges of Greenville S C, is siirnd.iig this week time with Miss Jessie Henderson The public school will open fo a two months' term on Monday July 29. at 0:00 o'clock. All pros pective students are urged to be present on the 1st dav of the ses sion Mrs J Henry Jones and family are spending their vacation m Wngram Miss Julia McSwain of Caffnev. S C . is spending several days of this week here with relatives! Miss Luril'e Hamrick was tak• n to the Shelby hospital Saturday where slip underwent an operation lor appendicitis. She is getting along nicely Mrs Carvus Hamrick who ha hern ill for several weeks entered the Shelby hospital Monday She will have a major operation this week. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Misses Lucille Buchanan and Mnlina Jolley are spending this week in Raleigh with relatives Mrs Erenst. Phillips of Cliffside. visited friends here Monday. Mrs. D. P Hamriek. Mr. and Mrs G R. Hamrick and Misses Einvi and Ruth Hamrick are at Wrights ville Beach for a ten days' stay. Mr and Mrs. Ladd Hamriek spent Monday in Rock Hill, S. C Prof and Mrs. O. P. Hamriek and children are visiting relatives in Tennessee They will be gone for about ten days. Prof, and Mrs. J. D Huggins and family who have been in Chapel Hill, for summer school work re turned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie liee of Cottonton Ala , visited Mrs. T G Lee and Mr. and Mrs J. R. Greer.a last week. Mr. Jasper Hamriek and Mrs O E Lee and Miss Helen Bridges visited Mrs. Margaret Bridges at the hospital in Morganton last week. Her many friends will be glad to know that Tier condition Is some what improved. Mr. M. A Jollev went to Raleigh Thursday on business. Misses Farrow and Mayhi.ll Sud dith of Chcsnee. S. C.. visited Mrs. C, C. Goode last week Mrs. Good0 accompanied them home Sunday and wilt visit there a week. Miss Eleanor Hicks of Chrsnee. visited her Sister. Mrs Dean White last week Miss Winfrey Hamrick of Char Snock Trial Judge fudge Henry Scarlett, of Colum bus. Oliio. will preside at the [rial of Professor James H. Snook, college professor, who is on trial for the murder of 1'heora Hix, college co-ed, whose brutally beaten body was found on a shootfng range near Colum bus recently. (International Nawaraal' lotte. is at home for -a two weeks' stay. Mr. Edwin White ot Raleigh, Is at home on his vacation He will be here about ten days. Mr. and Mrs. James Lovelace of Raleigh are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lovelace. The Philsonian Book club will give an interesting and comical performance at the college audi torium Saturday night August \ This will be a womanless wedding with the characters taken from the community. A hearty laugh and a big treat is in store for all who attend the wedding. Dr. and Mrs. T. G. Hamrick and Miss Annie Hamrick of Shelby, spent Thursday with Mrs. A. R. Hamrick as this was Mrs. Hamricki birthday. Messrs. Halys and Howard Moore spent several days of this week in Raleigh. Rev. J. L. Jenkins is holding a meeting in Oxford this week. The problem that confronts the prohibition bureau is how to get the enforcement agents on the side of law and order.—Springfield Union. f Special to The Start Mr. Page of Kings Mountain su perintendent of the associational Sunday school work was with us in Sunday school last Sunday. He made a most interesting talk on the needs of the Sunday school. Mr and Mrs. Fred Lovelace and children and Mr and Mrs. William Lovelace and children from the Pleasant Ridge community visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lovelace Sun day. Mr Max Gardner, who works in Charlotte spent, the week-end at home Among the visitors for preaching Sunday afternoon were. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Gold. Kings Moun tain. Mr. Ed Campbelle, Gastonia, Mr. J. W Costner, Double Shoals Rev. J, M. Goode. Boiling Springs and Miss Hattie Hawkins, Shelby, and her guest Mrs. Jasper Barnette We are always glad to have visi tors Mrs. Alfred Falls split a few days last week in Charlotte, where she .underwent a physical examina tion, by a specialist. Mrs. Falls has been in ill health for some time. Hope she soon regains her usual health. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Greene and children visited Mr. and Mrs. DUr ham Johnson Sunday afternoon. Last Sunday night Mrs. W H Gardner and Miss Annie Belle Davis, leaders of the sunbeam band very beautifully entertained the children. After they finished their short program they were in vited to another room decorated with summer flowers. Delicious ic^ cream and little cakes were served. Tire children enjoyed it immensely. Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Height of Macon, Ga . spent a few' days here with relatives recently. wir. f. m. wasnDurn and son, Edward, and their guests Mrs. De Volen and Miss Christine Hord of Little Rock, Ark , visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Washburn Wednesday evening. Messrs. Fred Greene, W. W. Wash bum left Thursday morning for Ridgecrest to attend the Baptist as sembly meeting. LARGER BORDER PATROL IS SOUGHT BY CHIEF El Paso, Texas.—Official recom mendation for a larger border pa trol and the lifting of regulations prohibiting federal officers from Our newVictor models will Knock your eye out! They’re beautiful to look at —and even more beautiful when they play. Come in and see them—today! We have all the latest records by Victor, Co lumbia, Brunswick, Okeh and Vocalion. The most complete line of Records to be found in the state. Pendleton’s Music Store _ 2:5 Yt ' »rs SERVICE TO MUSIC LOVERS — firing at suspected rum runners at tempting to cross the border at night may result from the slaying recently of Ivan E. Scotten, border patrol inspector, by rum runners. Declaring it was almost murder to send inspectors on patrol duty, H. C. Horseley. chief of the horde” patrol, indicated in his report of the affair to the department of labor would contain such a request The announcement that a Vir ginian has raised white blackberry rics recalls that blackberries are red when they are green—Christian Science Monitor. The Society of American Magi cians in session in New York prud ently refrained from trespassing on the congressional glory of material izing farm relief.—Louisville Cour ier-Journal. 4 IT IS A COMMUNITY BENEFIT A. V. Wray & 6 Sons’ BIG CLEAN OUT SALE! - IT HAS HELPED HUNDREDS TO SAVE! - Many Have Been Pleased At The Many Bargains Found Here — And By Request OS Mr. Wray and to give those who have not yet shared in these great savings we are going to continue this unequaled price slashing - ALL THROUGH NEXT WEEK - SO GOOD PEOPLE, THINK, WITH THIS SITUATION STARING YOU IN THE FACE, WONT IT PAY YOU TO COME TO THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR WILL BUY THE MOST. THIS ENTIRE STOCK IS ON THE ALTAR OF SACRIFICE AT PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN YOU WOULD EVER EXPECT TO PAY. SO COME RIGHT ON AND SHARE IN A GOOD MAN S LOSS. EVERY DAY YOU WILL FIND PRICES HERE THAT WILL NEVER BE DUPLICATED IN SHEL BY AND CLEVELAND COUNTY AGAIN. COME SURE AND YOU WILL THANK US THAT “U” DID. “B” SURE IT’S WRAY & 6 SONS. LOOK FOR OUR BIG SIGN. A. V. WRAY & 6 SONS AGAIN I INVITE YOU TO C OME AND SAVE — A. L. MANLEY SALES MANAGER IN CHARGE WATCH THE PACKAGES WRAPPED IN THE YELLOW PAPER.

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